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We learn today of the death of pianist and composer Don Vagley over the weekend, the composer of the theme music that opens our program every day. This is his original tune from 1971. Actually, Don Vagley wrote two themes for all things considered. The song we use today is a newer arrangement of the second ATC theme Vagley composed back in 1976. Here he is in 2002. And the second theme they wanted a radio signal sound in the intro. That was the one prerequisite. Don Vagley wrote themes for several public radio and television shows, and he had many musical lives. He led a big band in the Great Lakes area during the 1940s and was a professor of music in Madison, Wisconsin. He was also the music director at one of the first public radio stations, WHA.
The composer son Tom Vagley says his father passed away from complications following a fall two weeks ago. He also says his father continued to play right up till the end, especially jazz. He was always happy sitting down on the piano and playing that standard American songbook rep. Don Vagley was 89 years old. He survived by two sons, two daughters, six grandchildren, and hundreds of musical compositions. And you're listening to all things considered from NPR News.
Don Voegeli obituary
Contributing Organization
Donald Voegeli (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Audio from the Donald Voegeli Collection
Clip Description
Don Voegeli obituary on All Things Considered, Melissa Block and Michele Norris, 11/23/2009
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Performer: Block, Melissa
Performer: Norris, Michele
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Donald Voegeli
Identifier: DV_1_54 (Donald Voegeli Collection)
Format: audio/aiff
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:01:46
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Chicago: “Don Voegeli obituary,” 2009-11-23, Donald Voegeli, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Don Voegeli obituary.” 2009-11-23. Donald Voegeli, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Don Voegeli obituary. Boston, MA: Donald Voegeli, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from