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Thank you for joining us for In The Jungle, where you stay connected to the current students at Pittsburgh State University. Now here's your host, Howard Smith. Welcome to In The Jungle, where we meet the grill as a Pittsburgh State University. I'm your host, Howard Smith, and today we are joined by Molly Menopy. Hi, Molly. Hello. Hey, Molly, we're so happy to have you on the program today, you know, it's beautiful outside, things are warming up, and campus looks good, doesn't it? Yes, very pretty. We're pretty. I'm from. I still can this. Tell me a little bit about Stowe. It sounds like a great place. It's a small town right outside of like a room park, kind of close to Lewisburg. The Mustangs. Mm-hmm. Stowe Elementary Mustangs. I, uh, I once worked still well, so this is, this is great to meet another Stowe Mustang here. Mm-hmm. Hey, what are you majoring in? Um, marketing. Okay. Why? Well, my mom and my dad both are kind of involved in marketing, so I kind of grew up in that environment and just kind of like knowing that. And then I decided to come to Pitt State and thought marketing would be a good fit.
Are there different kind of fields in marketing or are there different types of marketing? Well, I'm taking a social media marketing class right now and I'm really enjoying it. And I think like the digital marketing would be kind of an interesting field for me to take on. What would you do as a marketing agent? Kind of just like promote any company that I'm working with and just promote their brand and get the word out, who they are, communicate with the customers. And social media is a big thing today. Yes. So digital marketing is becoming a lot more popular, so that's kind of why I was. If you were going to market to your age group, what would you suggest? What platform should I use? Mostly for us, probably like Instagram. Okay. Yeah, just because a lot of our demographic is on Instagram and then like older generations are more like towards Facebook and then younger, probably Twitter. That's what I heard the other day. And you just confirmed it. I was going to ask you. I heard that Facebook was for old people. Not necessarily. Okay.
But that's probably their more desirable piece of it right now. So what do you like about being at Pitt State? Mostly just like the tradition and how small it is and like the one-on-one with teacher and faculty members, they really care about their students. And I really value that just because it has made me excel throughout my college career. So that atmosphere, that personalization, definitely. That is fantastic. Are there any instructors that you had a particular influence on you? My boss, David Hogard, and my like soon to be boss, Dr. Murray, those two are in the KELSE department. And they've really like helped me become who I am with business and encouraged me to get my master's after graduation here at Pitt and just been good advisors throughout my college career. So now you mentioned that you're boss. Now where is it that you work? I work in the KELSE Advising Center. Okay. So what's that? What is the advising center? So basically when incoming students, like if they declare they're a business major, we
will advise them. So freshmen and sophomores, we advise all of them until they get accepted into the KELSE College of Business and then they get a new advisor, which is like in their field. So management or marketing, that kind of thing. So we advise them for like enrollment every semester and what classes to take and making sure they're on a track for graduation, that kind of thing. Wow. So you actually advise us, what are you doing the office? So I'm a peer advisor. So I basically advise the students as well. Huh. That sounds like a great program. So they basically you're listening to you about kind of what you've gone through. Yeah, basically. So what, now what year are you? I'm a senior. You're a senior, okay. So you're going to graduate in May? Yes, this May. Oh, really? Got a job? No, I'm going to do my master's. Oh, that's cool. Great. Yes, yeah. So I'll be here for a whole nother year. So do you know what, where you want to go yet, when you graduate or do you have? I really want to work with like the food industry as like either a marketer or something like
that. My mom, she works for Pepsi as a marketer and so I think like that kind of product would be fun to work in marketing with. So are you regionally mound or are you willing to move? I really definitely want to move this summer. I'm taking a couple trips to Europe, so kind of traveling a little bit and then kind of figuring out where I want to go. What are you going to do in Europe? Mostly just have some fun. Really? Travel with my sister, yeah. Checking it out. Have you been there before? I've been to Italy and France, but other than that, that's all. You speak another language? A little bit of Spanish, really. Yeah. Well, that's cool. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I haven't done it in a while since freshman year of college, but. Well rusty then. Yeah. Okay. Hey, your vice president of Anactus, is that correct? Yes. Tell me what, tell us a little bit about what Anactus is, some of things you do and. So Anactus is basically, it's like an entrepreneurial organization and it brings in students and each university has their own separate Anactus group.
And so within the Anactus group, we have these projects. And so like our project right now, we're working on is the gap and we just had an event actually here. It's the grill achievement program. So we didn't etiquette dinner for the students that work with the communities in schools. Yeah. So we basically each project has to meet a certain amount of sustainability goals and it's just ways of how we reach out to the community and then like globally. So we had a project last year that we went to Haiti and built a hydroponic system for an orphanage there. And the kids in the orphanage got to eat that produce and then as well as sell anything that was over, had more of. So yeah, it's a good way of just getting involved and then also just like having it impact on other people's lives. How many students are in Anactus, do you know? This year we have about 30 to 40.
That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, if I were talking to a prospective student about Pitt State, what would you suggest I say to them about why they should check us out? Basically it's all the people are amazing here and they really care about you and the flat rate tuition is very affordable. I think for me personally, I've just really appreciated all of the faculty actually caring about you and going to a D1 school or some big school, you don't usually get that. And it's more important than you think because like in high school you get that and then you go to college and you, a lot of times you don't, but here it's, it's amazing. Hey, that proves why you belong at Pittsburgh State University. Molly, thank you for joining us in the jungle. Yeah, thank you. I'm your host Howard Smith. Have a great day. Join us for in the jungle, Wednesday afternoons at 350 and Friday mornings at 850 here on KRPS.
In the Jungle
Molly Menefee
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4-States Public Radio (Pittsburg, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Interview with Molly Menefee, current business marketing major at Pittsburg State University
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Meet the Gorillas of Pittsburg State University
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Chicago: “In the Jungle; Molly Menefee,” 2019-04-24, 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 8, 2024,
MLA: “In the Jungle; Molly Menefee.” 2019-04-24. 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 8, 2024. <>.
APA: In the Jungle; Molly Menefee. Boston, MA: 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from