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in a what your sedgwick county emergency medical service tries to punish the most professional pre hospital care possible as one of the best equipped train and progressive services in the country we desire to be knowledgeable about the immense system your service consists of nine low intensive care ambulances located strategically throughout sedgwick county during nineteen eighty five the average response times for emergency calls was only five and a half minutes the human system has many activities let's take a closer look and when does that in
the play when a no surprise right on and i think you raise a fix hello the political figure anything like this before can you describe the painting there were some extent on the show the mind senate floor cardiac monitor take a look at your harper is also still a regular
things that even though polls all began cpr or charge about with was beyond the point emergency calls for him as like this one about fifty times each day some of the most frequent reasons for new mass response our medical emergencies motor vehicle accidents cardiac problems falls difficulty breathing ines as exceptionally well trained paramedics capable of providing advanced life support enabling him to deal with a variety of emergency situations training is accomplished do a combination of both classroom and in hospital instruction provided by local physicians the immense training staff provides instruction to area emergency service personnel such as
fire police and volunteer ambulance department instruction is also available to the public discourse or for your service is comprised of user fees and tax support to the efficiency of the computerized accounts department gm's obtained forty one point nine percent of their annual budget through use of the collections this type of combined funding keeps taxes low while maintaining state of the art service the cost of the immense for each citizen in sedgwick county is only five dollars and twenty four cents per year that's less than two cents per day one of the most recent programme additions to yemen says the convalescent and intensive care transport service the service provides nonemergency transport to and from healthcare facilities or home he amass also provides medical standby support for large civic events such as the wichita river festival like getting grand parade and others the continuing support of the sedgwick county board of commissioners area hospitals local physicians civic leaders and most importantly you your gm assistant has response ability
it's big a a several preparedness was born shortly after world war to the dawn of the nuclear age originally it was called civil defense because its singular purpose was to repair this country or
atomic attack and recovery from devastation after the event overtime civil defense took on preparedness for all kinds of disasters nuclear attack tornados blizzards floods hazardous material incidents any natural or manmade disaster civil offense then became known as civil preparedness to more accurately reflect its comprehensive mission originally administered by the city of wichita responsibility for a county wide stable preparedness department was transferred to the board of sedgwick county commissioners in nineteen seventy working out of headquarters located in the basement of the courthouse sedgwick county civil preparedness is the nerve center for all aspects of emergency readiness for developing and maintaining emergency plans and our response capability in any kind of disaster about six hundred civil preparedness volunteers contribute an average of eighty thousand hours each year
supporting local government emergency forces handed response training for all kinds of emergencies one group is traded have a rescue work and firefighting another is trained in light rescue and assist in tornado spotted another unit consists of volunteer firefighters to help both covering an area cities fire departments a group of specially trained divers comprise the underwater search and rescue team which aids in such fast says recovering drowning victims many amateur radio operators in the area belonged to a unit which is this and someone in tornados and providing radio communications or any emergency in addition civil preparedness supports and helps train volunteers of the wichita police reserves and sedgwick county sheriff's reserves as well as other volunteers and small communities around the sedgwick county who work in law enforcement emergency medical services and
volunteer fire departments civil preparedness volunteer units operate forty six heavy vehicles most of which are surplus military vehicles now they all stayed and repaired and adapting special purpose vehicles and during the course of any day hazardous materials are used and transported throughout sedgwick county when something goes wrong in a hazardous materials was a threat to the environment your office of civil preparedness goes into action civil preparedness campbell's planning a wedding and ordination for the sedgwick county hazardous material response to retain about sixty specially trained county and city firefighters he amass personnel and civil preparedness that respond to any kind of hazardous material incident with special equipment to control the situation despite the growth in scope of responsibilities your civil preparedness
continues to train response units and radiology and maintains up to the moment plans for nuclear attack and prices relocation wherein sedgwick county residents will be relocated to work the parties to the west and to the northwest all the population centric county out of the county and into areas to the west and northwest august third a dog city on the west and two days on the northwest people would record in the various towns and this area and would be offered shelter in schools churches public buildings as well as private home during emergencies local officials gather and civil preparedness emergency operation center in a minute to minute decisions is a relay personnel in the field for radio control room in the operating center you're a civil preparedness contracts maintains and periodically test the outdoor warning system sirens which are used to warn us nuclear attack fortunately they've never been used
for that purpose but are used when tornadoes are approaching a populated area we have sixty eight sirens in and around wichita and one important about lying communities and dealing it to sirens and sedgwick the sirens are tested every monday at noon from april first through october thirtieth for part of civil preparedness job is to educate the public to prepare a bed for disasters in doing this staff members conduct classes and make presentations to schools civic clubs and other organizations on nuclear attack and lizards and many other possible emergencies your civil preparedness also coordinate planning for emergencies with hospitals nursing home an industry and community volunteer organizations including the
american red cross and the salvation army to ensure the community is prepared or any emergency or disaster that might occur civil preparedness conducts mass or exercise it's during these exercises all emergency department along with volunteers are subjected to some of the problems they would actually face in the event of a real disaster wearing many hats and conducting many activities throughout the county your office of civil preparedness has but a single purpose to save lives and protect property for all of the sedgwick county and it does this for about fifty one cents annually per capita in an emergency you can reach your sedgwick county civil preparedness by dialing nine one one for more information about civil preparedness call to six eight seven five four six sedgwick county civil preparedness staff will gladly speak to business professional
civic schools and church groups on a variety of topics programs may be arranged through the sedgwick county speaker's bureau to request to speak or contact the public affairs office at two sixty eight seven four enter fb the year was nineteen forty seven the weather was hot and dry and in an effort to suppress the big fires ever becoming an increasing problem
seven county commissioners invest in a huge fire truck from that humble beginning this edward county fire department has evolved to meet the needs of an expanding population and economy general johnny weida to number one encompasses six hundred and thirty square miles and protect property and lives of most unincorporated areas of the county as well as nine second and third class city residents and businesses in the fire district are assessed an annual and bomb techs about eleven point three meals for fire protection for about fifty dollars and eighty cents on a sixty thousand dollars over the past several decades a large residential developments and merchandise in an industrial district that sprung up about seventy five to number one and it was will our union fire department has grown and adapt to changing needs until it is now the fourth largest compensated fire department and the state of kansas which is a county fire department hasn't just grown larger is going better know trying to save the county firefighters are now as well equipment spielman to present urban fires have always been suppressing agricultural and won't fire was the problem was created my space in front of the big wave located around the county
to provide optimum covered in response to certain county fire department does more than by buyers we want to prevent fires year round public fire education is a key ingredient in city county fire departments fire prevention bureau that county citizens are learning how to reduce the possibility of firing homes and workplaces as well as learning how to prepare for and we had to fire situations emphasis is placed on educating children and the elderly because the young and the older the most frequent victims of fire and burn injuries in recent years is fire prevention activities produced measurable results to reduce our losses and greater safety find the gene activity involves measures directed toward avoiding fires in the first place in addition to fire prevention education committee in the areas of fire prevention inspection code enforcement and investigation of fires to determine cause an origin are all aimed at preventing fire losses that result from fire when an inspector discovers a hazard to make recommendations to reduce or eliminate to the greatest extent
possible that a routine inspection reveals a fire code violation return inspection is made to ensure compliance each year approximately twenty three hundred violations are found in the mood before a fire have a chance to start personnel trained in landrieu offer the best opportunity to see the fire protection standards or met prior to construction on site inspections ensure that the fire protection provided when the plant is not overlooked in construction despite our fire prevention efforts fires do occur and when they do the fire prevention bureau goes into action to determine the exact cause extensive and detailed information obtained from the investigation is used to develop more effective fire codes standards inspection and suppression procedures and similar actions designed to prevent a controlled fire investigations also help determine whether fires are the result of arson if garzon is because of a fire are investigators had the responsibility for arrest and prosecution of criminal our fire prevention bureau also issues various types of permits and provides information to the media and the public among other responsibilities is that accord
mating employee training session lawyers report to the nine one one emergency dispatcher the operations bureau goes into action firefighter from the nearest city county fire station are soon on the scene to suppress the blaze fernand actually battling fires said lee county firefighters are planning and training to more efficiently performance during that the station's firefighters are costly familiarize themselves with all this week that there are fire hydrants are located retirees occupancy fell many hours are also spent maintain the apparatus and women and extending their knowledge of the use of it only physically fit firefighter the depended on to effectively deal with the many fire situations everywhere be firefighters that dissipates in a mandatory physical fitness session so that every firefighter responding to alarm isn't i'm physical condition this isn't the
optimum performance and to reduce the number of on the job injuries and sick leave our shoes this way you know that when i said we got a firefighter was on the scene of a fire you can be confident that he is one of the most competent visibly able firefighters to be found anywhere because you're a mini emergency situations with the choir response but are not violated any firefighters are trying to a high level of expertise and trolling motor vehicle accidents hazardous material incident emergency care about the land and drownings and water rescue at the county firefighters are also first responders to medical emergencies like heart attacks choking paulson strokes every city county firefighters and a certified emergency medical technician in can handle all kinds of emergency situations medical on saturday from ten am til two pm instead we got a fire station operates as an official reached location for administering blood pressure jets on a walkin basis if you would like to take advantage of this service called seven for four or four seven want any weekday between eight o'clock and five
pm to learn where your nearest county fire station is located no functioning government is more significant than the preservation of life and property and dangers are ever present count is devoted to providing you with the best possible protection in service we hold a class a rating of the insurance services office a canvas and we stand ready to meet the needs of the day and the challenges of tomorrow in an emergency you can quickly get to save the county fire department to your door by dialing nine one one and their questions about using the county fire department is a simple matter of seven for for all four seven one during the day business hours until freedom from lawyers disagree county fire station would be happy to show you an answer your questions in person you have like one of our staff to speak to a civic religious education or professional who believes this can be made by contacting us edward county's because you're a public affairs office to sixty seven for two not
he's a heroin checks the address on the map to find the voter's precinct and looks at the polling place list for the correct polling place she's very careful to be sure that she is sending rebekah the correct place if she can be absolutely certain she'll that ruby used the phone to call the election office to find out where she should go about sally looks up the name address of linda the next voter she notices of the addresses different from the one linda gave her sally asked her if she has moved recently or ever lived at the address shown in the registration book linda says no she has not moved for years and there must be a mistake sally fills out a correction sheet giving an explanation of the problem she does not make any corrections in the registration book then she gives linda of voter id and let her vote mike he comes in to vote she was married and moved twenty days
ago after checking the board worker handbook heroin has the voter fill out an affidavit and sign it before allowing her to vote she also tells mikey that she must re register to be eligible to vote in the next election jenkins in the vote she moved more than thirty days ago judi as our border to step to one side permitting the other voters in the line to vote she allows junior bought a paper ballot following the instructions listed on the outside of the challenge ballots on the law pauline guns into the weather has meant she's unable to read the ballot and chooses to have her husband read the ballot for in the voting booth this isn't acceptable procedure and are supervising judge allows the couple's names are entered on the assistance page of the pole books also joe another voter is unable to enter the voting place after referring to the board worker handbook to find out how to proceed to members election board that the paper ballot to her and stay with her until she completes her ballot they
enter her name an address in the poll books and cast her vote in the voting machine then they enter their names on the assistance page of the pole book the paper ballot has marked void and part of the challenge its checks to be sure that no electioneering is done within a radius of two hundred fifty feet of the entrance to the voting place electioneering includes people giving candidates literature to voters as well as yard signs some poll agents come to observe the election proceedings feeling like they are crowding her and the other board members are supervising judge checks the handbook to see what is the closest distance they can be to the table she then checks all their authorization papers and reminds them that they must remain at least three feet from both the voting machines and the table being used by the election board it's seven pm and time to close the polls when a bored worker stands at the end of the line of voters and informs anyone who comes in light that the polls are closed everyone who was in line at seven o'clock is allowed to
vote the last voter id just come out of the voting booth and everyone begins the procedures necessary to close the polling place judy and clarence close the voting machine according to the instructions so that each step is done correctly representatives from tv stations you have a letter of authorization maybe given a machine sheet before election workers signed notice that the machine sheets are numbered and color coded sally is carefully check which she'd each representative is entitled to she knows the sheets numbered one and two must always be signed and return to the election office in the gray on below heroin reads the number of republic calendar found at the end of line a on the machine sheet and all the results to sally to complete each tally sheet meanwhile judy and clarence of check the right enroll the black line with the election date is not showing therefore they will need to canvas the role are supervising judge made sure that everyone signed the machine sheets the sheets are then put into the proper on the lope
and both holbrooke's in the payroll sheets are also signed by everyone on the election board sally uses the checklist and the board worker handbook to make sure everything is done before she leaves the voting place she then takes the supply box back to the election office in the courthouse eight pm home at last the day was long and tiring but each of our board members feels good about being able to play a vital part in this election and the democratic system it's b the
pope since the founding of sedgwick county in a few seconds and it's been the responsibility of the sheriff's department to safeguard people within the county's one thousand a square mile or from dirt trails to pave roads from riding horses to motorized pro and from a population of eleven hundred to one of nearly three hundred eighty two thousand the mission remains the same protection of life and property today's modern sheriff's department far surpasses its predecessor of the early years the application of modern technology is evident in the type
who lives by deputies there's your sheriff's department has established a close working relationship with other law enforcement agencies as well as other organizations that provide emergency services to county resident deputies of yesteryear was selected for sorrows and strength and after being sworn into office were given a badge and simply turned loose on the problem today's deputies however must be rigorous standards and undergo intensive training prior to assuming a position in the bar in january of nineteen eighty five the sedgwick county sheriff's department united with the wichita police
department in establishing a combined law enforcement training center devotees can now be assured of receiving the most up to date training available to law enforcement agencies the process of writing does not seize upon graduation from the academy but continues throughout the deputies career regardless of rank or a sign or a standard of excellence is the ultimate goal that eats dick and continually strives to achieve the department is composed of two burrows operations and technical services operations is charged with the responsibility of protection of life and property investigation of crime maintenance records vice and narcotics training of commissioned personnel along with care and control of physical evidence and personal property
technical services is accountable for the attention of not only counting prisoners but cities and federal and transistors well the inmates are divided into two separate classes those awaiting trial and those were serving time approximately thirty five percent of the average daily population of two hundred seventy five inmates are completing their jail sentence the correction unit provides service to inmates which include medical education or religious legal and work release program approximately twelve hundred criminal warrants are served each year by the judicial or app and a crew of eight deputies serves about one hundred forty three thousand four hundred civil papers during the same time period the department has modernized its approach to a continuing crime rate increase by adopting a proactive to eliminate crime before it occurs rather than continuing with an outdated reacting
responding only after a crime has occurred the traffic section in forces private loans investigates the atlantic reduces crime infested areas and promotes traffic safety crime prevention reaches out to county residents with programs such as neighborhood watch business what crime on and you've lost to wage a war against crime they are unsure of like i would like to extend my appreciation to all the residents is that the county who have become involved in our crime prevention program for continuous battle against crime you know the sheriff's department fully utilize is all the staff the equipment to preserve the peace and to protect property we still need your help as a citizen you can make a tremendous impact on crime just by being observant reporting any suspicious or unusual activity by working with us as a team we can get the job done
the pittsburgh it's
been your sedgwick county department agent was established in nineteen eighty as an extension of the older americans act its purpose to serve all older citizens of the county and advocate to preserve their independence and improve their quality of life an ongoing effort to achieve these two primary objectives that apartment staff with advice of an advisory council appointed by the county commissioners reforms a myriad of duties among them planning managing and evaluating programs and services and advocating for local state and federal legislation that addresses the concerns of older citizens in nineteen eighty two voters approved a county wide levy of up to one male to fund aging programs through careful planning and implementation the county has never elected a full meal fully funding the nineteen eighty seven budget for the department on aging for example require the county to levy point six nine one males with direction from the advisory council the department also
administered federal and state funds close monitoring by the department councilman county commissioner sure is that every tax dollar spent use the best possible return and programs and services in addition the department with advice from each county council and a tri county counsel designate senate ministers funds were central plains area agency on aging which provides services for older citizens and butler and harvey said we got it the area agency is one of eleven in kansas and one over six hundred in a nationwide network of agencies on aging working toward a common goal of improving the quality of life for every older citizens according to the most recent figures there are more than fifty thousand persons in sedgwick kathy age sixty and over their needs are many and varied some heavily social recreational and educational needs while others require essential nutritional health and
economic assistance satisfying all these needs is the challenge that apartment on aging strives to mate through its information and assistance program the department link seniors with the agency or program that provides a needed service with one call to staff in augusta eldorado newton or wichita seniors can obtain up to date information about congregant or home delivered meals provided by the red cross good neighbor nutrition program or meals on wheels sponsored by senior services or provided under contract by community home health care agencies get information about homemaker chore service or minor home repair or about counseling and support groups companions and friendly visitors they are linked with agencies that provide assistance with confusing tax an eligibility forms and even more confusing legal my there's questions about medicare veterans benefits commodities food stamps or utility
assistance are answered or referred to the people who can provide the correct answers seniors are given information on agencies providing transportation to doctor's appointments and with those who can help them find meaningful employment information about free or low cost educational opportunities volunteering free subscription to the popular activating newspaper or about silver page discounts it also provided a list of available information and assistance goes on and on staff members tried to answer all questions provide information and make appropriate referrals so older folks don't have to work through a maze of agencies to get needed information of greater concern either frail homebound and those in serious economic or social meet the department's case workers and client services staff work directly with these individuals to determine their health
housing social and economic needs and make sure those needs are met cooperating closely will all wary of health and human services agency's a comprehensive in home care plan has developed for each individual this coordinated effort eliminates duplication of service and wasted precious funds but more importantly assure is that those most needing care receive it quickly and from skilled trained professionals coordinating in home services often means that older individuals who would otherwise be institutionalized can remain in their own homes in dignity and enjoying their independence the home visits my staff also eliminate the social isolation that can plague the homebound and rob them of their sense of importance and worth case workers also cooperate with other social service agencies to expose incidents of elder abuse neglect and
exploitation and take steps to secure the safety of these vulnerable elderly and protect them from any further mistreatment small limited incomes and high housing cost create a major problem for many older adults solving these problems falls to two full time housing specialists research plan and develop projects to properly how's our older citizens the consumer housing information program for seniors chips provides information to help seniors maintain their own homes or consider available options or get assistance in obtaining safe suitable and affordable housing the sedgwick county housing authority operating within the department on aging works with older citizens the disabled and low income families to provide government subsidized housing throughout sedgwick county outside the city of wichita the department's advocacy efforts take many forms from working with local groups to obtain services to serving
on boards and committees to make recommendations to the state and federal officials who can implement plans were helping the aging to assisting the silver haired legislature get needed laws enacted in a broader sense every staff member every day is working as an advocate for older citizens of our county sponsoring public forums conducting work shocked and addressing groups about concerns of our aging population is still another function of the department and an important one for the more all citizens know about their older neighbors the better they understand all the positive aspects of aging as well as the problems whether helping to establish a senior center contracting for healthcare arranging for housing planning a senior expo helping with senior olympics protecting the frail old ranging the fog you were sedgwick county department of aging is here working to provide what every author citizen has earned and
deserves dignity independence quality of life if you would like to know our sedgwick county department of aging can help you call to six eight seventy two for between eight am and five pm monday through friday and if you'd like to have one of our professional staff members speak to your civic educational religious or social group please contact the sedgwick county speaker's bureau through the public affairs office to six eight seven for two ninth that to six eight seven four to nothing the
peace bell click on african safari was analogous to do all this and more in a single day on the pacific and he's doing mechanical gardens there's all these things so our listeners to experience the wonders of the natural world however this was not just a place to see exotic animals in the serene beautiful
setting the zoo has functions which are not so obvious early conservation maintains an incidence twenty animal species which are threatened or endangered with extinction on the wire or half of these species have reproduced here this year children's farms were designated as best collection of minor breeds in america are the modern breeds conservancy one reason us to buy stock which are in danger of becoming extinct successful readings of these rare animals at an exciting to mention to our conservation program visitors to like insane baby chimpanzees variety wireless outsiders and isles and possible swine of the state of endangered species benefit most from the knowledge and oscar resulting from conservation efforts and cities in nineteen eighty five a family of critically endangered golden mom's parents are young raised secretaries who was successfully re introduced to preserve in brazil does it also functions as a research facility studies animal behavior and
reproductive biology support than enhance our conservation efforts and research in exotic veterinary medicine animal nutrition are necessary for the maintenance of an extensive healthy animal collection of full time that married provides about ongoing care for all of the animals at the zoo education has always been an important function state of kansas classify such an issue as an education institutions in the same education department's recognized as one of the nation's most progressive each year more than thirty thousand participants are involved in formal education programs such programs include summer classes for youngsters are two classes for senior citizens and graduate level courses for schoolteachers is a nature trail which features kansas plants and animals on average rail system is the latest addition to those is diverse educational programs it's a recreation is the most obvious of the city's functions as user friendly recreation centers and they are from places to visit more people visit the city police and botanical garden each year visit any other attraction in the
state of kansas in fact the same as one million visitors the suit is not difficult world every day of the year from ten am until six am ten am until five pm and when the price of this is just reality so we waited for make plans now treat yourself to a safari or the african veldt or trek across the apples out for the adventure awaits you and it will be an experience you won't soon forget fb the
ste the point rising from the plane in north central said we counting just off i want to revive is the kansas coliseum to more action in one week than some people experience in a lifetime it's been exciting and and it's the home court of the wichita wing sovereignty major indoor soccer late don't get the idea that the colosseum is all fun and games sometimes it's strictly business when it's winter outdoors explain in the coliseum and when it's past the century mark outside festivities are still going on inside sitting on three hundred twenty acres and seemingly larger than life a kansas coliseum is actually a complex of or major parts rick brown arena is
possibly the best known part of the coliseum providing seating for over twelve thousand people this side of the wichita wings games concerts circuses rodeos and much much more what many people don't realize that rick brown a rain it contains one two hundred person meeting room two large areas and parking for fifty five hundred vehicles renowned for its outstanding facilities of million number one has played host to such diverse activities as the markets car shows firefighting glasses and of course weinstock an agricultural displays each winter the lawn and garden show is healthier feeling both green and black residents and white with thoughts of spring in the coming growing season of million number two houses an old space for as many as five hundred horses and even more cattle or smaller livestock this pavilion bill to be used in conjunction with the arena building a first
rate facility designed for horses and livestock show no sooner than one event and then another begins behind the scenes the coliseum county employees work long and hard to make sure that when you went in the coliseum of debt whether it's us soccer game or a livestock show you'll find all facilities gleam or the caribbean for those people taking part in coliseum events those waiting for events and for people who just want to camp out there's women park with two lights on at fifty five acres ninety six quality champions cases for recreational vehicles and tents women are is complete lack of cups water sanitary down rest rooms and showers picnic tables grills as the largest facility of its kind in the state of kansas the coliseum and we attracted over six hundred seventy two i've thousand people
from all over kansas and surrounding states the kansas coliseum operates under an annual budget of approximately one point five million dollars majority of which funded from revenues generated through ticket and concession sales to patrons the goal of the coliseum management is to offset operational expenses with revenues generated by users of the facilities on that score the coliseum is enviable among public facilities in the united states in nineteen eighty four for example the facility generated a ninety four thousand dollar profit not to mention the possible economic impact it had on hotel restaurants and other businesses in the sedgwick county area whether it's for pleasure or business people of sedgwick county can rest assured that the staff and facilities at kansas coliseum are among the best in the country
pj is and in yeah it's
b or said wood county has a rich and diverse history what about historical landmarks is the first national black historical museum located in six illinois water the museum's housing he'll calvary baptist church which was built in nineteen seventeen and was listed on a national historic register in nineteen eighty eight sadly county acquired the film calvary baptist church in nineteen seventy five following the church's historic designation the county has provided the necessary funding to assure the museum's preserved in its natural the original condition our mission to preserve the beauty and cultural significance of the museum in to share with the cobbler the contributions made by the african american community or however our responsibility to maintain the historical value little galilee baptist church
has met the challenge week working partnership between st louis county the prisoners the city of wichita and historical review board our challenges the need for more beds county detention facility is located to the south of the old calvary baptist church in essence the detention facility needs more space and therefore an expansion is necessary in order to expand the detention facility at its present location sedgwick county the city of wichita and historical review board discussed two options option one or expanded facilities to the north and west around the museum on paper this option could be accomplished but tempered against the emotions and passions expressed by members of the first national my side of this issue
sedgwick county understand those feelings in the world of reality no one wants a jail as a neighbor option to move the museum to a location that is still within reach one neighborhood really bought into is the best solution for the present and future growth of the museum the present location of the old calvary baptist church is the only reminder of what a church charity african american historic neighborhood with homes businesses families and schools but unfortunately time does not stand still the immediate sitting around the museum is crowded with layers upon layers of concrete to the south is a business that houses individuals that poses some threat to society the beauty of the old calvary baptist church remained intact the pyramid shaped glass
skylights do maintenance into the exterior walls are the original red brick what's country and the colossal reported that encompasses the central three days of the main facade and his approach the building is historic putin is as splendid today as it was when it was constructed over seventy five years ago but the cultural environment has been as urbanization and commercialization healed and the museum tweets it is within the historic neighborhood will place the landmark in a more visible occasion filmmaker usage more sensible to the public to the south of the museum are a couple of historic neighbor one is the art valley lodge built in which is located next door the other historic building is located a short distance to the
southeast the new location will increase marketability for the museum degrees probably provide better security for future growth this
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Sedgwick County News segments
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PBS Kansas (Wichita, Kansas)
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Sedgwick County news featuring emergency services.
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Director: Hernandez, Mael
Producer: Wayne, Jeannie
Producing Organization: KPTS
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-022ab136e9e (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape
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Chicago: “Sedgwick County News segments,” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Sedgwick County News segments.” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Sedgwick County News segments. Boston, MA: PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from