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Welcome to Crimson & Gold Connection, keeping you connected to the people and current events at Pittsburgh State University. Hello and thanks for joining us for Crimson & Gold Connection, I'm Kelsey Renfrow. Today's guest is Kathleen Flannery. Kathleen is the Executive Director of University Development and she's here to talk to us today about the Pittsburgh State University Faculty Staff campaign. Thanks for joining us Kathleen, can you tell us a little bit about the Faculty Staff campaign? Every year since 1986 our faculty and staff have been asked to participate in the Faculty Staff campaign to give back to the university in a financial way. They give back their time and energy and their skills and their love and passion for PSU students every day, but in this way they're able to financially make a contribution to support the things that are most close to their hearts, their particular programs, facilities, scholarships, and other program enhancements that benefit the students at PSU.
So who came up with this idea in 1986 and how did it get started? The PSU Foundation was initiated in 1985 and soon after that effort was launched the idea to start the Faculty Staff campaign was in place and it has been in place ever since and it's usually shepherded by chairs from the faculty and staff and it goes through the development office here at the university. Can you explain how the chairs are chosen? Yes, the faculty and staff are volunteers, it's very easy to find people who are willing to volunteer for Pitt State because their passion shows through. We have a variety of volunteers that come from the support staff as well as the faculty on campus and so there have been a variety of people who have been selected over the years and they help to motivate their colleagues and shepherd the process. And who are the chairs this year?
The chairs this year are Susan Downing from the Health, Human Performance and Recreation Department as well as Dr. Lynn Murray who's an Associate Professor in the Management and Marketing Department. They have lent us their images as well as their support in the written materials that were sent to the faculty and staff but also at our kickoff campaign that we held last Wednesday. How do you go about choosing when the Faculty Staff campaign is going to happen each year? Is it the same time frame every year or does it vary? Well the Faculty Staff campaign has been held in October for many, many years and even though we stress the importance of giving during that particular month any gifts that are made before June 30th of 2015 will count in the total giving for faculty and staff during the campaign. Why are these campaigns so important to Pittsburgh State University? Well it makes a very big difference to our outside constituent support because if those who are here every day, those that provide continuity every day with our students on
our campus feel very strongly about supporting the university then it's a whole lot easier to get foundations, corporations and outside groups to support us as well. Do you find that the faculty and staff at Pittsburgh State University are willing to participate? In comparison to many of our peer institutions we do have a variety of faculty and staff who do participate. We would like that number to go over 50% and that's what we're shooting for this year. What happens to donations that aren't designated for a specific part of Pittsburgh State University or a specific department? Donors usually restrict their gifts to a program or a scholarship or an endeavor that is very important to them but those who choose the unrestricted route we use that funding in order to support where the need is greatest at the institution. Besides the financial contributions what are some other goals of these campaigns every year? Well, we're certainly excited about the large gifts that come to the university but really
this is all about participation. Even if you can only afford a dollar each perial period it is very important for participation and those are the numbers that are looked at by outside constituent groups. What are the different ways of reaching out to the faculty and staff? Will we make individual visits to the faculty and staff at the beginning of the campaign to let them know how important their participation is? We send the emails out all across campus and we send direct mail pieces out to them as well so that we try to make sure we answer all of their questions and show them how easy it is to participate. They can either make a gift through a credit card, through a check, through online giving or they can call our office in the university development office or they can make payroll deduction which is a very easy way to make an ongoing pledge. Can you explain the theme of this year's faculty staff campaign?
Well we were trying to have a theme that would get everyone involved and we came up with something that was a stewardship-related theme this year that is thanks a lot, obviously a play on the words thanks a lot and we're going to make a gift to the donors of a latte in the Jasmine's coffee bar at the student center. What advice would you have for a member of the faculty or staff at Pittsburgh State University that is maybe on the fence about making a financial contribution to Pittsburgh State University? Well as I mentioned before it really is important for us to get our participation as high as we can. It really makes a difference and if you can do a dollar payroll deduction every paycheck that really would be very appreciative and it is quite easy. Is there anything you would like to say to the faculty and staff that do support Pittsburgh State University?
We want to thank all of our donors particularly the faculty and staff at this time of year that support our students and our university. We also want to thank our retired faculty and staff because they continue to give back to the university even after they have retired and some are not even within the Pittsburgh community any longer but still continue to participate in the faculty staff campaign and we really appreciate that. And lastly can you explain the Heritage Society? Also another way for them to participate is through the Heritage Society anyone who makes a planned gift meaning that they make provisions for the university in their estate or through their will is part of the Heritage Society and we recognize those folks as well and are very appreciative of them. Our guest today has been Kathleen Flannery, Executive Director of University Development and she was here today to let us know about the faculty staff campaign at Pittsburgh State University. I'm Kelsey Renfrow. Join us for Crimson and Gold Connection Wednesdays at 8.50 and Fridays at 350.
Crimson and Gold Connection
Kathleen Flannery
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4-States Public Radio (Pittsburg, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Interview with Kathleen Flannery, the director of Univeristy Development
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Keeping you connected to the people and current events at Pittsburg State University
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Host: Johnson, Trent
Interviewee: Flannery, Kathleen
Interviewer: Renfro, Kelsey
Producing Organization: KRPS
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-1e186fb66a2 (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
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Chicago: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Kathleen Flannery,” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Kathleen Flannery.” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Crimson and Gold Connection; Kathleen Flannery. Boston, MA: 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from