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H And now, direct from New York and the French Culinary Institute, ladies and gentlemen, it's the second. We've shot for it.
Desert Circus with Jacques Torres is made possible by the Grand Marnier Foundation and Michelle Roode-Cherman. The Grand Marnier Foundation is proud to support the arts and public television and by M&Ms mini-baking bits. The same M&Ms chocolate candies only in a mini-size that's made for baking and decorating. M&Ms mini-baking bits can be used for red's favorite recipes. And by Doug, we're talking serious chocolate. And he's the pastry chef who can make music changes.
Jacques Torres. Thank you. Thank you. Do you all know cheesecake? Do you all know what is it? You love it. Okay. So that's what we're going to do this evening. We're going to do what we call, refrigerate that stuff for French. Refrigerate cheesecake. It is a cheesecake. So I'm going to use cream cheese and sugar and all those ingredients. And I'm going to put a little bit of gelatin and refrigerate it. And I'm going to show you how to put that together. So the first things we need, of course, is time to time I do that and I see with sleeping, you know? And I have eggs here and I threw them too.
Okay, cream cheese. So don't worry when that go away, it's stop usually at the second row. So for the other one, you know, should be safe. I have 250 grams of cream cheese, 100 grams of sugar, and 50 grams of milk. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's pretty dry, huh? I'll find the first pill. I'm better now. And the zest of one lemon. Okay, so now I have to combine all that and make it pretty creamy. And that can be a bit for two or three minutes until everything is light and everything is well combined. You don't want any lumps on that.
You can do that by hand, but, you know, the French from the south of France are pretty lazy, so if we have an electric mixer, that worked better. Okay, that's done now. I have here some hot water. You put, like, two cup of water, half cup of sugar. And when everything boils, we add raspberry enough. Let's say enough to be in the syrup, but not out of the syrup. Okay, just like that. Okay, so the raspberry state cover with the syrup. We bring that back to the boil. And if you cook it too much, what's going to happen is all those raspberry going to go apart. So you want them to stay together.
So just when the syrup starts to boil again, stop the heat, push them half the heat, and add a little bit of stole raspberry. Okay, I'm going to cover it with a cake. And let's them with a cake cardboard. And let's that infuse. And the favor is going to be a lot more strong in a little while, especially for the syrup. So that's how the raspberry will look when everything is cold. So the next step now is to melt the gelatin and add the gelatin to this base, to the cheese base. So again, a little bit of raspberry. So the raspberry flavor and also helped to melt the gelatin. And the gelatin was already blooming cold water.
I just press it off the cold water. And now melt it with the raspberry flavor alcohol. Okay, when it's hot, I mix that with the cheese base. And all I have to do is combine everything. And I have here in the refrigerator to 300 grams of cream, especially with whipped. So I'm going to whip it a little bit more to soft pick. Okay, that's soft pick. More will be too dense and no as light. So when it's soft pick, I combine everything together. That's how to do good, huh?
And when you combine that, be very careful. Just fold it. Okay? And the most difficult is done now. I have everything ready to assemble the cake. Now, I have here. That's tado, shortbread tado. So I just put that on the bottom. Doesn't fit. It's supposed to fit. It fit. You know, I do the same with my jeans when you're going to put it.
Doesn't fit. A little bit of raspberry jam here on top of the shortbread dough. I mean, you know what? When you reach that stage, you can already eat it if you make it. But now we're going to complete it. Doesn't fit anymore. Okay. Now, I'm going to add a little bit of my mixture here on top of the raspberry. I think I have a young chef in front of me here. She's very attentive of what I'm doing here. Okay, now another spoon.
I'm going to just push the cheese here on the side. And I have a slice of pound cake. And you can make pound cake or you can buy it. If you buy it and it's on the left, just cut it and assemble it into your cake. So that's the pound cake. Just press the pound cake until the cream cheese arrived on the side. Okay. Now, I have here a small little and I'm going to put some syrup on top of the pound cake. Okay. Just to look pretty good, huh? Okay. Put enough syrup for the cake to not be dry. Okay.
Now, I have the fresh raspberry I'm using the syrup. I'm going to put them on top of the cake. Just like that. Spread them a little bit. And if you know where you have more of them, just make a mark on the mold. So then when you cut it, it's yours. You know something? That's what I do. More? And I'm going to decorate, I'm going to put that in a refrigerator. And I already have one cold and I have to decorate it. So I'm going to ask a friend of mine if you can come and help me Gary. Can you come and give me some help here? Gary is my boss at the school, so I tell him, you know, when you come on the show, hand the boss, you have to do what I do.
I love that. Okay. Now, I'm going to refrigerate that. So that's the twin broader. Okay. Now, I'm going to put it directly into the platter and that's where you're going to help me. Okay. So usually that's when we break the cake, you know, when it's done. And I'm going to use a knife deep in hot water and I'm going to pass the knife now on the side of the cake. Okay. A little bit of raspberry jam and Gary going to help me to arrange those.
Well, my fresh raspberry. Okay. Here. So we're going to arrange them on top. First, I'm going to spread that as well as I can. Try to make a mess on the side. Oops. Wait. We have to test it after we have to know if it has good. Okay. And now we're going to take those fresh raspberry. Okay. You can start with that and leave a little space below. Put a little space between them and I'm going to cut some strawberry. Good job.
Your job for me? Yes, but it's no well-paying, but you know. And I'm going to put some of that, don't put them upside down. So we do something pretty simple as decoration. Okay. And again, put it like that. And that's what we call our refrigerator cheesecake. And now we're going to test it. One piece for the beautiful young girl here. Okay. Great. And I mean, you can, you know, don't be too shy. I don't think a friend over there would know cheesecake. Okay.
We see that like you can see, okay. That's happened already and we accept it. Okay. It's cream, but it's a good guy. You see it. Okay. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. First, I need some crunch ground cracker. So can you help me with that? Okay. Ready? So you can see it on it. You can work on it. First step, done.
Second step, it's to make that cream cheese a little bit softer. So what I'm going to do is put it on a stand mixer and turn the stand mixer on until the cream cheese softened. And I discovered cheesecake 10 years ago and I really like it. But I find out the cheesecake has a lot of variation. Okay. Now, I'm going to do a three layer cheesecake. Okay. No swirl, but three distinct layer. And I'm going to show you how I do that. So I'm melting some chocolate. It's important to use a chocolate you like. Now, chocolate is melting and I'm going to do the crust. So I have the ground cracker. You know, that was... But that was nice.
You can send it back. Okay. You almost died. Okay, next one. Ready? Thank you. Hey, good job. Okay. So you helped me if I make a mistake here. I have here some nets. The only variation I do to the crust is I had a little bit of walnuts. Now, I have to put something from friends in here. So you can do that with a knife, but believe me, that's a lot faster. Try to put everything in the bowl. Okay.
Sugar. A little bit of flour. And butter. And just tick your eye and see, you know, that's the fun part of it. Okay. So combine everything together. Now, I have a pen line with parchment paper on the bottom. So for the crust, you just press the ground cracker down the mold. Give that. And that's ready. Now, the cream cheese is pretty soft. I'm going to add the sugar. One and a half cup of sugar. Never friend of mine, PSP chef on the back, who doesn't have the recipe.
So that's why, you know, I tried to take some notes over there. Four eggs. Every time I talk about recipe, we always tell you, I know that one. I know that one, you know? So today, I'm telling him, I'm doing to do the Real American cheesecake. So you look at me, say, don't know that one. But I need to learn it. So the only thing I have to add now is the vanilla. Okay. Okay, the cheesecake is basically ready. I'm going to take that out of the mixer. Okay, so I'm going to show you now. Because I want to do three layers, I'm going to divide that into three.
And I'm going to freeze that. Okay, so the first one is the vanilla. And I put it into the freezer. The second one is the raspberry. Okay, so I just take another turn here, put it into the bowl. It doesn't have to be too exact. I add some fresh raspberry jam. And that's fresh, I make it. So you see, we get the nice color here. So I'm going to pour that into another mold.
I don't know if you get what I'm doing here, but layers exactly. Now that's not pink, chocolate, that's raspberry. Okay, so number two, ready? Put that in the freezer. And the third one, that's your favorite, I know that. That's the chocolate one. I'm just going to combine that here into the mixing bowl. Ooh, the chocolate is hot. And I'm going to put a chocolate on top of the crust. Put that over the crust. And I'm going to also freeze this past.
First raspberry, dip it in hot water, and mold it. And then the other one, the vanilla. So it's not ready to eat yet, I don't bake it. And to add a little bit more fun, that's why we call this cheesecake desert circus cheesecake. I'm going to cut that in four. You know those French, they always have to add some complication to everything.
Okay, and then I'm going to alternate the color. Okay, doesn't fit anymore, yes. Okay, so I put it in the oven, and I already have one ready. So I understand the very classical cheesecake has sour cream and sugar on top, and just bake, or go back to the oven for about ten minutes, just to set the sour cream to dry it a bit, the sour cream. I don't want to put any on this one, but I'm going to show you how it looks like when we cut it. And sometimes cheesecake doesn't end mold.
So you know what you do when they get stuck to the mold? I have a very good trick for that. You saw them in the mold. So I'm going to cut it in half, and I hope you look at inside. Okay. Okay, so you want to comment as that with me? Yes, come with us too. So now the big question, is French people can make cheesecake with what a thing then come on there?
Yeah, we can, okay. To order companion products for dessert circus with Jacques Torres, call 1-800-582-1800. The 304-page cookbook dessert circus at home includes more than 100 color photographs of the legable desserts that are easy to make. You can also order a 2-hour VHS cassette of Jacques's favorite chocolate creations with complete step-by-step instructions for working with chocolate. The video is available for 1995, the book for $28 plus shipping and handling. The number is 1-800-582-1800, credit cards are accepted. Dessert circus with Jacques Torres is made possible by the Grand Marche Foundation and Michelle Rood Sheriff.
The Grand Marche Foundation is proud to support the arts and public television, and by M&Ms many baking bits. The same M&Ms chocolate candies only in a mini-size that's made for baking and decorating. M&Ms many baking bits can be used for red's favorite recipes. Dump, we're talking serious chocolate. We're talking serious chocolate. M&Ms.
Thank you.
Dessert Circus With Jacques Torres - MPT Copy CC'D
Say Cheesecake
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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No-bake cheesecake with shortbread cookie crust and macerated raspberries. Next, layers of chocolate, vanilla and raspberry cheesecake are alternated to create a multi-colored multi-flavored masterpiece.
Food and Cooking
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Moving Image
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: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 11414 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:27:15
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Chicago: “Dessert Circus With Jacques Torres - MPT Copy CC'D; Say Cheesecake; 224,” Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Dessert Circus With Jacques Torres - MPT Copy CC'D; Say Cheesecake; 224.” Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Dessert Circus With Jacques Torres - MPT Copy CC'D; Say Cheesecake; 224. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from