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The coffee crusted chicken with half a latte barbecue sauce because BBQ chicken doesn't have to be burger. Cinnamon Chipotle a brown chicken. This one may contain a lot of ingredients but it's really simple to make end's fats COD game hens with Basil marinate that tassel has such a great depression smell. When Bird meets grill everyone eats well I'm Stephen right then and from the beautiful to bog off resort in southern Arizona it's time to grill primal grill is made possible by. Weber. Weber grills. You know America's backyard since 1952. I work on the books for kids cooks gardeners and the people they love. More information is available at workman.
Reynolds Wrap up helping in the kitchen. The companion group supporting public television and creating innovative products for outdoor living. Permission is available companion. A. When I was growing up barbecue meant chicken marinated in sweet barbecue sauce
grilled Birch black on the outside still draw in the center and perfumed with essence of lighter fluid. Well if that sounds familiar listen up I'm going to show you how to grill chicken that does America's favorite for justice. This coffee crusted chicken dish is my version of good old fashioned barbecue chicken. The rub is made with ground coffee. The barbecue sauce contains a shot of espresso and it's a grilled chicken dish that's really designed to wake you up. Here's an idea to make you sit up and take notice. Barbecued chicken with coffee rub Mocha mop and cafe latte barbecue sauce. And it starts with to have chickens now using poultry shears cut off any excess pieces of skin or bone. Next make their up. It starts with ground coffee and
granulated sugar sweet Africa salt and cracked or freshly ground black pepper mix the ingredients for the rub with your finger so you can break up and he loves that may be in the sugar sprinkle the chicken with the rub on both sides. The sawing it into the meat. You can certainly cook the chicken right away but it will have even more flavor if you let it marinate in the refrigerator for four to six hours. To judge from the amount of paltry American barbecues chicken is one of our favorite foods to grill and to judge from the amount of
chicken or cooked chicken served at American barbecues it's one of the dishes we need the most help with. To achieve that authentic smoke flavor it's best to cook the chicken on a charcoal grill. The best way to light charcoal is in a chimney starter natural charcoal in the top and either a piece of crumpled newspaper or a power if and fire starter in the bottom. Advantage of the chimney. It funnels the heat upwards so the coals light uniformly. Now we want to set up the grill for classic indirect grilling break some of the cold ones and some of the fold out on the other just to. Push the coals so the grill is open in the center. You place a drip pan. Between the mound of coals and this is as much to help you set up the fire for proper indirect grilling as
it is to catch the drippings from the chicken. OK place the grill grate on top take the chicken and arrange it on the grate away from the heat over the drip pan. And finally you generate the smoke flavor a handful take three or oak chips on one mound of charcoal I've soak the chips in coffee to keep up with our coffee thing soaking the chips enables them to smolder rather than catch fire. Now we talk about the method I'm using here a minute. I call this smoke roasting. I actually prefer smoke roasting the chicken at a moderate temperature at 350 degrees to the traditional low and slow BBQ. True BBQ gives you very moist succulent chicken but you know what the skin comes out leathery. And for me the best part of the chicken is crackling crisp skin.
Simply cover the grill. And is this right. No. You want the vent holes in the center so the smoke is drawn evenly over the bird and adjust this top vent so you achieve a temperature of about three hundred fifty degrees. Want to chicken the size cooking time will be about an hour and a quarter. The beauty of coffee. It's very aromatic. It's a little bit bitter. It's a little bit sweet. It plays to a lot of different a lot of different sensations on your taste buds and with a rich meat like chicken. It's absolutely fantastic. Mobb sauces are something of an anomaly in the world of barbecue sauce. They don't takes particularly good in themselves but they're critical in adding an extra layer of flavor and moisture.
This one in keeping with our coffee theme starts with coffee or cocoa salt and beer. And what do you notice about this mop sauce. It contains not one ounce of sugar. It simply whisk these ingredients until next week. And we'll apply this to the barbecue chicken. So it's been about 45 minutes and you can start mopping the chicken. I use a barbecue mop. So if you don't have one you can use a simple basting brush. The idea of a mop sauce again it adds an extra layer flavor and it helps keep the bird moist during cooking.
So cover the grill about another half an hour and will mop it every 15 minutes. The cooking time for the chicken halves about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. So what about that barbecue sauce. Well I only mention at the end because many seconds have been doomed by putting the sauce on too early. This is a cafe latte barbecue sauce. The recipe is on the website and I brush it on the last two minutes of cooking. Then turn the chicken and place it directly over the fire to sizzle the sauce into the skin. See if you put the sauce on too early the sugar will burn before the chicken is completely cooked.
A little barbecue sauce and a bonus recipe barbecued beans you'll find the recipe on the website. This sure isn't like the BBQ chicken I grew up with. Brining is another technique used to combat another challenge of cooking chicken which is its tendency to dry out the grill and a brine is simply a marinated made with salt and sugar water and by the mystical process of osmosis when you place
a piece of chicken or a whole chicken in the brine the meat absorbs the bride. It's a common problem chicken that comes off the grill dry. There's a simple solution cure it and a brine of brine is nothing more than a salt water based marinade. This one may contain a lot of ingredients but it's really simple to make. So first the whole spices cinnamon and cloves. What you know. And fennel seed and star anise which has a smoky literacy flavor. Roast the whole spices in a dry skillet over medium heat until they start to release some of their I remember oils next. Coriander. Hot pepper flakes. Dried. Topped lightly from parsley. Cocoa powder. They leave just don't forget to stir your
roasted spices so they don't burn granulated sugar brown sugar or sea salt. Have a contrast of sweet and salty in this brine and then Chipotle a Chiles which are smoked jalapeno chilies for both heat and smoke and the juices from the pope like those are called adobo garlic and a little liquid smoke. And last of all the roasted spices and the aromatic oils are incredible. OK place these ingredients in a large container. Oh and add any water at room temperature. You see I'll just use it to dissolve those spices. And now on the list this mixture
until the sugar and salt is to salt and that's all there is to make it. This is a six pound roasting chicken. Let me show you a cool way to truss it. First of all tuck the wingtips under the wings and then come in with a bamboo skewer through and under the bone in one drumstick then twist it around come through and under the bone of the other drumstick. Then twist the skewer and poke it through the bottom of the bird. By the way I learned this technique from my son Jake who is a chef in New York
and why do you trust a chicken well just looks more pleasing pleasing than a bird that's sort of flopping all over the place. Place the chicken in the brine make sure the brine is cold to keep the bird submerged. You can place a zip top bag filled with water on top. OK place the brine chicken in the refrigerator and marinate it for 24 hours. I told you this would be simple but. The beauty of the brine is that it makes the bird moist. This brine also contains a tremendous amount of flavor. Thanks to the fresher the chilies cinnamon sticks. If you've ever found a grilled chicken to be bland This is for you. This chicken has been brine for 24 hours. Just take it out of the
brine and put it over here to drain. How does brining work. Well you remember your high school chemistry. It's a process called osmosis the Brine has a greater mineral density than the liquid in the chicken. It wants to achieve equilibrium so the brine actually flows into the chicken making chicken both moist and incredibly flavorful. Now there are lots of grills and smokers you could use to cook the chicken. We're using a pellet smoker and pellet smokers have gotten a lot of attention recently. How do they work. Well they use these pellets of compressed hardwood sawdust and you place the pellets in the hopper then turn on the smoker. And at a lower temperature the smoker smokes only. You can also increase the temperature to a higher temperature to roast. So it's kind of a smoker roaster. So put the chicken in the smoker.
And I'm going to smoke roast it at three hundred twenty five degrees for about two hours. Chicken presents a very unique set of problems for the grill master. Why. First of all it must be cooked completely all the way through. OK you cannot serve rare or medium rare chicken in this day and age without taking your life in your hands. Second of all chicken is loaded with fat especially American chickens. So if you use the wrong method let's say if you try and direct grill fatty piece of chicken with the skin on your grill will soon soon turn into a flaming conflagration. The chicken looks perfect but will check as we always do
with an instant read meat thermometer. Looking for one hundred and seventy degrees at the thought. Excellent. Now we can take out the bird. You may be surprised that I roasted the chicken at such a high temperature 350 degrees. Well the reason is simple if you want crackling crispy skin you have to cook it at a higher temperature. So let's see how we did here. This is so juicy and the spice flavor is incredible. So the next time you want to grill moist chicken Don't forget to brine it. Well the first time I had chicken under a brick was in
Florence and Tuscany in Italy. There are actually two regions in Italy that claim its parentage Rome and Tuscany. Both are very serious eating places I mean they both claimed to have invented it. It's a pretty important dish. Travel the world's barbecue trail and you'll find poultry under a brick on several continents. There are many advantages the brick seems to compact the flesh keeping it moist and giving you crackling Chris skin. Besides the process looks really tough and you can never underestimate the importance of looking at the grill. This is a game hand and the first step is to remove the back. By making lengthwise cuts with poultry shears. What I'm doing here is called spatchcock Inc and it enables you to cook a whole bird using direct grilling. So open the game up like a book. Insert the tip of the knife through the
breast bone and then simply run your fingers along the sternum and pop out the bone. Next make a cut in the skin between the legs. And tuck the ends of the drumsticks through the slit. Finally tuck the wingtips under the wings. And that is all there is to spatchcock in the game and you can see you'll be able to direct grill this like a chicken breast. There's another advantage to spatchcock ing and that is because you take a big round bird and you flatten it out. You maximize the amount of surface area exposed to both marinade and the seasonings and also the fire. So it's a great way to
enhance the flavor of chicken or game. Now the marinate is a sort of pastel made without the nuts and cheese. It starts with fresh basil whole garlic. Salt and freshly ground black and Granny's ingredients together. Then add the liquid ingredients extra virgin olive oil freshly squeezed lemon juice. And enough water to thin the mixture to horrible. It's just. And poor. The marinate over the game hens. That Basil has such a great fresh smell left the game hands up to make sure the marinate coats both sides then put
the game hands in the refrigerator and marinate for at least four hours or as long as overnight. Now the brick and when I said brick I really mean it. The ideal brick is one of these shallow paving brick and you wrap it in aluminum foil. Shiny side out. You can also use a metal grow press. So I'm working on a gas grill which I have preheated to medium high. Don't forget to give the. Grill a quick brush with your wire brush and oil the grate with either a folded paper towel or a cotton oiling dipped in vegetable oil. No need to use extra virgin olive oil. OK now the cool part. Cooking time about eight to 12 minutes by the way even though this is an oil based
marinade check it out there are really no flare ups and I'm going to leave the grill lid open. First of all I want to monitor the cooking. Second of all this process looks so cool. I want to make sure everybody sees it. The beauty of the stone is that it presses and Compaq's the meat which gives it a very gives the meat and the skin a very crusty consistency. Another advantage is because you're cooking the chicken covered. It prevents it from drying out. And if you like you can give each pen a quarter turn to lay on a process of grill marks. You know what a fanatic I am about my grill marks. Tell you it's called this polo Dawnay Mexicans caught up yet it up. I call it a fantastic way to grow poultry. So how do you know when it's time to turn the bird cook the hens until golden brown
on one side and then you can turn each one over. Don't be afraid to get in there with your hands. OK well the same hands look done. How do I know. Give them the poke test they feel firm to the touch. Of course another way to check is with our trusty instant read meat thermometer inserted into the deepest part of the thought it should read about one hundred and seventy degrees. These birds are crusty and beautiful. Game hens under a brick because some questions and barbecue deserve a weighty response. But if you love chicken and you love basil this is Paradise. So now you know the secret to growing poultry without undercooking it or burning it. Z x
time. Order the tenth anniversary edition Barbecue Bible with new materials. Step by step and answers to frequently. Ask really questions. Call 1 800 873 61 54 for order by credit card at primal group dot org. A primal girl DVD funny one with episodes from the series plus extras is also available. For more information at recipes from this program you can visit our website at primal grilled autoworker. Primal grill was made possible by. Weber. Weber grills. In America's backyard since 1952. And by working on books for parents kids
cooks gardeners and the people they love. More information is available at workman dot com. And by Reynolds Wrap. Helping grillers outside and in the kitchen. Since 1947. Reynolds Wrap. And by the companion group supporting public television and creating innovative products for outdoor living. More information is available that's a companion dash group dot com. Can drilling make an ordinary crook extraordinary. Well I sure like to think so. But you have to know what you're doing and a lot of people confuse drilling with burning OK grilled food is great. Burke food is not so great. But we try to do in the prime of grill is teach you how to grill food
not burn it. Yeah.
Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen
Episode Number
Bird Meets Grill
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Episode Description
When I was growing up,"barbecue" meant chicken marinated in sweet barbecue sauce, burnt charcoal-black on the outside, still raw inside, and reeking of lighter fluid. Sound familiar? This show will teach you the right way to grill America's favorite bird: on a charcoal grill, in a smoker, and on a gas grill. Coffee-Crusted Chicken, Chipoltle Cinnamon-brined Chicken (grilled to a golden brown, mouth-watering perfection), and Spatchcocked Game Hens (cooked in a sweet basil marinade, grilled under a brick, and garnished with cherry tomatoes and lemon wedges) are featured in this episode.
Series Description
Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen is a television show that provides viewers with grilling demonstrations and other information.
Asset type
Food and Cooking
Bird Meets Grill
Copyright 2008 Barbacoa, Inc.
Media type
Moving Image
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Associate Producer: Caramella, Lou
Director: Cohen, Matt
Editor: Elphick, Dave
Editor: Domsic, Brian
Executive Producer: Schupak, Steven J.
Host: Raichlen, Steven
Producer: Cohen, Matt
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
Publisher: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: PGRS000104W (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:26:46

Identifier: cpb-aacip-394-92t4bjtk_20200729.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:22
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen; 104; Bird Meets Grill,” 2009-03-06, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen; 104; Bird Meets Grill.” 2009-03-06. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen; 104; Bird Meets Grill. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from