Bob The Vid Tech; The Mystery Of The Missing Pizza

- Transcript
This program is made by MP t to serve all of our diverse communities and is made possible by the generous support of our members. Thank you. Read kids the phrase attack your kids. Believe me. Wow I must really be hungry. Is anybody else ready to eat. That many. Young kids. Let's go get watch Who Wants to make a pizza with all the
dead dead meat. Absolutely. I'll go to the grocery store and get all the ingredients and meet you back at NPT. Got it. There it is my grocery store. Door.
It's totally empty. No cereal. No milk. Forgetting to eat fruits no veggies. Where is the me no food at all. Where is the dog. I can't believe my ears. WHERE DID MY GOD. How do you. Wake. Up. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. The mystery of the missing
pizza. The bomb the detective special. Is made possible by. The Maryland agricultural education foundation. Promoting the understanding and appreciation of the importance of agriculture to our daily life. I always tell big kids I'm so hungry for pizza. It's my favorite. All of the food seems to have vanished. How can I make pizza for all of my friends if I can't find anything in grevious. This is one mystery this big tech is going to solve. I'm going to need some help. Will you help me. Oh great let's go back to the station and get the big kids there to help. Bob the venturi calling three kids. Tell you these kids come in with kids all over everything you
know all the food is missing from the grocery store it's completely empty. It's like they just stopped leaking food. Food just isn't made out of grocery stores. It's not. No where can I go to find out what happened I need my pizza guy did I have I have a great place or we can start. Thanks big kids. Come on let's go. While whoa where am I in a cornfield. With natural light I don't even know if I'm in the right place. Excuse me I'm looking for a place where it comes from. Can you help me. Your lucky day we grow several types of food here in Larry land far. Hi I'm Bob to detect friendly more Nice to meet you but don't be tell me about my own farm.
What do you groan how we've been farming here since 1963. Then we grow small fruits and vegetables strawberries blueberries peaches apples pears and our farm is about two hundred eighty six acres two hundred eighty six acres will how big is an acre and acres about the size of a football field. And the swarm is as big it's two hundred eighty six football fields and we come in and visit absolutely come with me with take a look around. This is a situation I want to make some pizza for some friends of mine but I can't seem to find any means what we have here. Here we have a tomato that's why you know we need some a pizza right in the fall. So tell me about tomatoes foods or vegetables. Mayo is actually a fruit because it bears the seed of the plant right inside the tomatoes. How do you plant them one of the grow. Maize or playing with seeding a greenhouse large enough to bring them to you. And if you love them.
Can you plant a tomato at any time of the year. No you have to wait till the weather's war. OK and how long does it take. Sixty seventy five days from plant to harvest. Food. Well now we've got one of the ingredients for a pizza. See I see that tractor I. Want to take on I did. Find some other stuff. I'm ridin on a tractor before man. Up up up. Yeah. Tractor kick the tires for good luck. Ok send me what's. Ahead. So when you plant your fruits and vegetables. Or you're playing lots of different person but whole different time to be here what berries grow larger brawl. Well actually you were planted to push through the spring and then every year to continue to grow and grow just like it does around your house. And what about peaches. Peaches are truly you a plant also in the spring to get a cold growing through the report first quarter. So when you planted your friends of decibels you just pour some water on to make Well I don't know
any pretty thing for plants to grow a ball player in the. Sunlight for energy and water to drink the way cool thanks sunlight it through a process called photosynthesis a furnace sunlight in their DNA that the girl wants and that's the secret. Well it's all. Good. You know we see a really cool way. I was wondering if we could stop. And perhaps do a little swimming. For years apart from her gaze. Let's hope the players get their water from. GRACE. Oh it's all born of the working form. All part of the book are. Not a. Beautiful day. I wonder where Bob is. We got to go pick some fruits and vegetables. Hey his horns I like my hair. He did a good plant those seeds. Come on Bob. I'll give you a ride to go pick some fruits and vegetables mush.
Faster. You want to go faster than hug a bomb here way down one at a little bit. Thank goodness. High above the vintage 0 9 land are you looking for something I am you know I've been walking around the farm all day learning about fruits and vegetables all forms of the same thing. Each farm goes different paths. Do you know what the biggest cross in the world isn't. Asparagus bananas. So. Now Sugar Sugar Sugar grows on trees. Now there's a good rose in the field as a cane. That's harvesting with a machete. It's a tropical crops a growing more malaria is one of the fruits and vegetables that farmers grow Oh they grow all kinds of different crops to corner wheat soy beans and barley and then all your fruits and vegetables the potatoes tomatoes broccoli broccoli cabbage routes all those wonderful delicious especially including And with
some of those ingredients being a PITA. Well not all of them but the three groups are grains with a flour for the crust dairy with the cheese and tomatoes for themselves. That's how people work really hard on farms to grow all the stuff to bring it to market. Sure there's family farms and there's Big Company farms and there's lots of people that work on all these different crops. I'll let you get back to work a homework and I'm supposed to meet Fendi over by the big red on each way should I head to the east to the east. Yes to the east. My. We have seen so many cool things here today. I just have one question. Once the fruits and vegetables are ready for harvest what do you do it about. I know that about I only take the right inside the red bar here and fell into the custom is that of the 398 next plate.
When we go in absolutely over half brother basket it'll show up if it even matches my chair simply to put him. In the. Pot you done shopping yet. I just love these peppers then because I can't believe how much hard work goes into a farm. We sure learned a lot today and you know moment that tech. I know she'll be back at the bison peaches. Thanks for all your help. You're very welcome thanks for coming to see it. If you kids come in here and kids we're here I learn so much and we found tons of fruits and vegetables but that still doesn't explain why the shelves are empty and the grocery store. And I'm still so
hungry for pizza. Where else can I go. Well he just does some research and found another place that can help you. OK here we go. Wow look at this beautiful arm it's the most space I've ever seen. Ohio Bob that's a round. Yeah you're welcome maple farm. Looks really beautiful here I guess the animals just feed themselves and there's no work to be done today. How is everything. Can I get you anything else that would be nice but it doesn't work like that. Everybody is busy all the time. What do you think I could come in and visit that be great. Well we ascended to show you around. Thanks Judy I look forward to it. Wow it sure is a big form how big is it Judy. About a thousand acres. And how long has it been in your family. Actually since 1839 farm it's changed a lot since those days and quite a bit. And we used to use forces to do the work and now we have a big truck.
Hi I'm Bob the vid tech. Hi nice to meet you. You must be standing. Yes I am Judy told me because I didn't have to show bureau before today I would be glad to and she told me to be sure to put you to work. All right come on let's go let's get cracking. This will take too long. Well. Lo What is this stuff. I keep almost stepping on wherever I go. Who bought it. How come they're not how do you train you know. There are a lot of nutrients in there that we use for fertilizer for plants that we can grow the food they eat. So what kind of food do they eat. They even make sure hay and grain. Leaves a little salt. And other good healthy food needs better milk. Good seeing Laurie you are a drink serving dude is true. They'll be here all week don't forget to Tip your waiters and waitresses only take care of the calves from the moment they are born just like you would a newborn baby.
The idea is to give them their mothers cholesterol milk in this bottle as soon as we can. Colostomy milk no what is that. That's a mother's first milk. It came some healthy and it has the nutrients and proteins that they need proteins and nutrients know what are those really anything that helps us to live food and water and proteins that help build muscles and gives us the energy to grow. Now she looks like a pretty young calf. How old is she. She's about 10 days old. And that's essentially drinking about two gallons a day two gallons a day but that's a lot of milk. Hey. Look at that calf over there. She's got a really cool pair of earrings I got to get mama didn't take a pair of those things. Actually Bob knows I can't tag Caltex water Carol today. Well they're very important to us here at the farm it tells us who the cath is. Who the mother and father are and their birthday. We. Have.
Day to hand Happy birthday to Abby birthday dear. Nice. Birthday to come out. I have an idea let's take some chocolate syrup added to the cost and the way the elves will make chocolate milk. Great idea. That won't work. These are calves they don't make not yet. I can say is I'm going to tell you there are a lot they are really. Come on let's get. This is a cruel place what's it called for this is a barnyard area. Now why is it important that you have horns for cows so that we can keep them shelter in that way they can stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter and that's what keeps some help here. So it's kind of like their whole yes. Hold. On to the sleep in a bed. Yeah it's called the freestyle free stall so they don't have to pay like a hotel. That's right they can go in any time they want and just lay down.
Oh boy it's hard work on a form. It's time for me to go to my cowbell. Night. Night. Cindy I was wondering what other food did you get from cows besides Miller. Well there's ice cream there's sour cream there yogurt meat and cheese cheese. Did you say cheese. That's one of the ingredients I need to make my pizza can I get some cheese here. Well when you make cheese you start with milk I could show you how to milk. The milk. Now do you really think I could do it. Well say. The government loves my bucket that's what I'm supposed to do on the market for the know all the buckets for the milk. Right. OK where do I start right here family. OK. OK I've got my bucket I got my no man's had I've got my glove so I'm ready to go. What do I do.
You're going to wrap your fingers around the top of her feet and now wrap the rest here fingers and squeeze down as you go. Hey Cindy this is going to take a long time to milk this cow. Just the only way we can get milk. Well this is the way we used to do it but we have a much faster way to do it now. You want to go say let's go. The first thing we do is bring the cans to the holding area where they wait to go into the milking parlor. Then we clean their writers so we can put the milking machines on. Now that they're finished they're going Hungary's and then head back to the barn to eat and relax. Enough to travel through these states. And cities. To. Giant tank. There sure is a lot of milk in there. Where does it all go. Well not every Today is a big. Truck comes and takes a ride. To the moon all over Maryland and Virginia. Distribute. What does that mean. Well that means to take it from one place to another and that's how the mill gets to the store that ends up in my refrigerator so I can pour it on my cereal in
the morning right. That's you know that is so cool but I think we've got a lot of work today kind of I think it's time for me to go take care thanks for hosting us on oh my. We still have a lot more animals something the woodstove. So where are we now. Well now we're at the turkey bar and this is where we raise. The baby turkeys. Yeah this is where they come when they're just a day old. And what about this wood on the floor here this is furry soft for this is their bedding it's wood shavings and this is how we keep them clean and comfortable. It's important that we raise them to be strong and healthy because then they'll make better neat when they grow up. Some of those little gars were so cute. Now are the bigger turkeys somewhere else. Yes crew and also you. Cindy though she wore a lot of chicken. OH NO ONE those are Turkey. Well how do you tell the difference between Russia going to Turkey. Well they are both birds they both have feathers of it in Turkey goes gobble gobble and a
chicken goes cluck. Another difference you can see is a little skin under their chin. On a turkey that's called a waddle. We raise them to be food. People come here to take them home for their dinner. All. Through. Dinner. Cindy there is so much to do it makes a long form from raising the animals to finding out how much food actually come from here like milk ice cream cheese cheese. That's the one of you greedy it's a need for my pizza. I've got to get out of here but I want to thank you for being such a lovely host it was great. Well Bob it was my pleasure. I had no idea how much went on it in animal form. And there seems to be so much hard work to do. I wonder how these people learned these jobs in the first place. I know Jim did you want to get know farming when they grow up. They belong to a club. You want the feel good call. That really let me show you. Oh here we go again.
I'm at the Maryland State Fair Come on let's go. To a mob. Wow look at all these. Numbers. For him with love and I got to give him a cold a. Hole of Sid you know get to rest in what you believe was a state. Said I'm telling you we can win one of these races. Well these kids are great with animals because they are members of a 48 hour high above the. Restaurant. Chris we have a big whopper. What's the for each claw.
Oh they learn about animals they learn about agriculture. Agriculture. What's that. Like a culture where you. Come. From without that. Culture you would eat. And what do they do in the forage what they learn. From. Carrying other animals which is responsibility. They learn communication skills which is how to talk to others about your own. So why is it important if kids learn how to take care of animals. Because if they have a plan they need to know that it has to help. Clean place to live. That house to have. A marker. Every day. Could I join like right now. Short hand what do we do. You need to learn the 4H pledge before each pledge Come on kids. Take the four ageplay. OK we're ready ready. I'm planning my hand to clear things. I pledge my head to. We were thinking. My heart. Traitors loyal my heart to greater loyalty.
My. Larger. Nerve in. My hands. A larger service. And my. Living and might know better living. For my. Love. For my club my community my community my country my country and my world and my world. Is that it. Has. On here an official for each member. For I did kids. Let's get to work. My ass off to this attack. And who say yes. John we must act. Well howdy Pilgrim. Wow how much does he weigh in one. Do you live on a farm. When I was. 12. And how many animals do you have. To know what about the kids at home who can only steer but maybe only a dog or a fish can they care for their animals too and we.
Should all will tear away. By reminding. Us to get out. Of Here. Right. On water. Even when it's raining or snowing. I. Know there's no break you need to take care of the end. But. Now what are you doing now. What is this process. We don't. Even leave behind. What we do. Become have. A. Right. To Look Forward. John Wayne is a show STEER Well now what does that mean does he go out and sing and play guitar in a show and I don't think. The training. Would apply. And we'll play it. What we do is we take his word. I will put the letter up. And then what happens during the show. Only take a minute. And wheeling about. Oh rain falls. Out. I will walk away to circle. Two more times
and is there somebody who watches this. Child. And. Looks that way. So this will be a lot to think about when you bring a steer do we show. You how do you feel about the show are you ready to go. I. Like your size. All right well good luck and we'll see you after the show. Did a great job. And. Mom the kids who were really proud of you today was of course. What he did when I. Ran during. My but. Really beat who were you able to control it. Why do you.
Think I'm until. Well it was really exciting and you got second place you work so hard all year. Second place is really good. Good job. High above the Vitex highway where where you tell me you're going to be showing later one of your animals What animal are we going to say I'm going to shine my mark. There are many different types of. Nine different trees. There. Are. Your. Turf is green. And then there's. The. Right. For dairy. My good name Daisy. And right now she's wearing a blanket a very nice and clean. Slate. For the South. This is her market plus the she will be judged on how much meat and muscle she has. Muscle is natural and you really can change that too much. So you just have to pick. One of the ghosts. It's. Pretty heavy muscle. Weight isn't the first one to receive those.
I wonder who's going to win this competition. I got a good seat in here I'm telling you we're in the wrong the arena. If. That's what. You have to. Break. It then. You're. Right and there is anything like an. Amazing. Amazing gentleman. The grandstanding and. Bit the bit that. The guy Gary. Johnson. Said. Was. Oh man Wasn't that amazing. Wouldn't it be cool if I could raise a steer or a cow or a pig like those great for eight kids. Where would we be without them. Hey wait a minute. Where did all the food in the grocery store go. I still need my pizza. Where you know a minute what are you guys eating.
Where did you get all the ingredients to make it. The grocery store they just down the street. Hurry up we're going to miss the city. We're going to go with me soon. No wind chill reach for me please. That could be my colds and flu. Oh you prefer putting a ball on my pizza. With the big kids. That was an incredible adventure and I want to thank you for helping me to solve the mystery of the missing pizza. You know really tell us a lot of work to bring all the food we eat from the farm to the grocery store to our refrigerator ultimately to our dinner table to speak at a dinner table. I think there's pizza with my name on it. See you next time. Bye bye. And save some pizza to me. The mystery of the missing pizza is made possible by.
The Maryland agricultural education foundation. Promoting the understanding and appreciation of the importance of agriculture or daily life.
- Series
- Bob The Vid Tech
- Producing Organization
- Maryland Public Television
- Contributing Organization
- Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/394-7634v244
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/394-7634v244).
- Description
- Description
- After a long day at the playground, Bob and his ?Vid Kid? friends sure are hungry. How about some pizza? Bob heads out to the supermarket. He opens the doors and?..whoah! The supermarket is entirely empty! There?s no food at all? What is going on here??? Join Bob as he embarks on an all new adventure to explore where our food REALLY comes from ? FARMS! Edit Master/ No CC
- Created Date
- 2008-08-01
- Date
- 2008-08-01
- Asset type
- Program
- Genres
- Children’s
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:29:16
- Credits
Copyright Holder: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: MPT56500 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:28:46
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Bob The Vid Tech; The Mystery Of The Missing Pizza,” 2008-08-01, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025,
- MLA: “Bob The Vid Tech; The Mystery Of The Missing Pizza.” 2008-08-01. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <>.
- APA: Bob The Vid Tech; The Mystery Of The Missing Pizza. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from