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Oh. Welcome back to the Volvo Ocean Race Around The World I'm Gary Johnson in Boston on board Ericsson 3 you know with me the great Magnus Olson Magnus nice to be aboard your boat. Thank you very much and I don't think I'm that great but I go to put you to to be to skipper on this boat and I'm very happy. You know you're 60 years young. Is it getting harder or easier as time goes on one of these boats. Ah it's getting harder for sure but I think that is such a great crew so yeah don't they way I am and they work around it in a good way so I really think I'm doing an OK job I'm bored. You had a great move in the race in Rio de Janeiro heading west while the rest of the fleet went south and it moved. You must add a lot of faith your navigator to make that move. I think he did a fantastic job he's always on top of everything and he's a very competitive person so he's always looking to find a rabbit in his hat and sometimes he does just how fast do these boats go.
How tough it is so to say but no it's not so bad. 37 knots. Are they taking a tiring and very tiring you get so much spray you get so much water after a while you freak out so much. I'm with Torben Grayle skipper of Ericsson for so far winning the race. Torben first question is with all your Olympic campaigns racing around the world and the Americas Cup. Which do you like the best. A tricky question as they're all very different from each other so it's very difficult to hear them but it's a great thing to be able to do all the three events if I had to choose I would stick with my Olympic medal. Well just as a reminder here Torben sailed in six Olympic Games with two gold medals a silver medal and two bronze medals so keeping that in mind what would it mean for you to win the Volvo Ocean Race. It would be a huge huge achievement we have been working very hard to try to get there in a good position right now.
But still a long way to go so you have to keep working hard and collecting the points to be taken so it's not an easy race this one that good fam but it is in so close there's been no time to race. Every time you do a little mistake it out as I've had to capitalize on is it's been a tough race. Well Torben you should be quite proud what you've done to promote sailing throughout the world in Brazil and congratulations and keep up the good work. Thank you. It's always the plight of the North Atlantic awaits the seven boats competing in the Volvo Ocean Race are about to wave goodbye to the USA and sprint across the Atlantic to go away on the west coast of Ireland. Can anyone stop Erikson relentless march to glory since storming to victory on the opening leg in Cape Town. Men have dominated the race now with just four legs left. Time is running out for the two men who can snatch victory from the Brazilian Olympian backing on Telefonica blue second 12 points behind Eriksson four.
He knows he must be first across the Atlantic if there to stand any chance of being crowned winners in some Petersburg at the end of June. But the last time backing ventured into these waters in the Volvo Ocean Race disaster struck his crew were forced to abandon the sinking. What does this Atlantic crossing hold in store for a man desperate to win three points behind Telefonica blue in third is another man who hasn't given up hope of catching Eriksson for Ken read on Puma's ILM Ostrow is yet to win a leg over the Eriksson for take another step towards securing victory lap last
lap. The race is brought to you in part by Brown advisory information is available at Brown and visor read Dog copy cat tail National Capitol Hill of St. John properties and Tesco technologies. More information is available online. Additional funding provided by the National sailing Hall of Fame information is available online and by great good Lisa and Scott Baio. And preparations for what's expected to be a no holds barred Atlantic crossing are continuing. The two and a half thousand mile dash to go away will be a journey littered
with obstacles. You think it's going to get several here. Green Gate is right there and so it's before you get to the ice. I think Syria is in the date stupid. Well you tell me there are there is. These are actually measured by aircraft so it's known if there is one iceberg here in this box between 43 and 44 North fifty and forty nine west and with that iceberg is melting and so is lots of growers in this area here and then there's other icebergs up to the north of that along the Labrador Current which is what is the cold current that's bringing them down to the south here. So perhaps its abundance of caution but probably better than hitting one with the possibility of encountering structural damage on the way to island the question of whether Erikson three should race equipped with the SPED is uppermost in the skipper's mind but now when you see these forecasts is that very stupid that
we don't bring to the board and with some foresight I have been right. Right let us talk to the bright lights. Let me go smoke a little satellite heelys where you go I think I think. Brill thanks I guess it's the area of water close to the stop line which is concerning the leaders. Erickson for got that well exclusions on the House there's a couple shallows style wagon bank out here after a spank out in this area here in the Gulf of Maine and that's a big feeding ground for the for the well so yeah you've got to get around that nice cool water there like that lots of nutrients in the water and if you're gambling man how long is it going to take us as I say about nine days. Yeah right last moment I doubt that I would do that while the Atlantic will present a whole host of challenges. The skipper a navigator green dragon will be consulting 200000 people before making their key
decisions in a groundbreaking experiment. The Volvo Ocean Race virtual game is inviting all of its online players to advise the Irish Chinese entry on the quickest way of getting to its home port of go away. One of the most exciting things about this race has been the the advent of the virtual gaming over 200000 people competing virtually And I guess the natural progression is to try and link to the virtual gun. With the real guy and now the game is going to get a real taste of what it's like to be making the decisions. Actually on the whole the 70 were the you'll hear more and more come out of the coal face every 12 hours we're going to say you know I going to send some text explaining what's going on on the boat what the conditions are like what sort of tactical strategic dynamics we have what decisions were in the process of making you know outline some choices to the gaming community. You then have one hour to vote on it could be one of three or four or five or six options and then what's going to happen is whatever they decide whatever the majority decision is going to be e-mailed
to the whole fleet not just to the Green Dragon so that there's no chance of us having the advantage of the other teams don't have. Yeah I think it's fantastic if you just see how many people are playing and and how did they bring breakfast taken up since I think we've been bring this board why closer to the big part of the public and I think that's just going to be the future. I'm hoping that. Help us to sort of focus some of our decision making and that time almost to a new and interesting of a challenge but we're going to have to phrase some of the questions that we would be asking ourselves anyway. Now as we asked the gaming community about these these decisions we might say time I think I'll just add a little bit more to the structure to some of the decisions we make anyway. We're not constrained to take the decision because clearly that would be a very difficult position to put us in the team and I suspect we will take the decision and the vast majority of the times because of course they're looking at similar weather and wind farms tonight that we have aboard the what is going to happen is if we whether
we take a decision on all working off to account for what happens next. So of course if we don't do what we gamers want it proves to be wrong what we've done like a son. This is going to fit in a kangaroo court for us. Race day Boston with preparations complete our seven crews are heading for the dark side and will soon be saying their goodbyes before surging into the North Atlantic crossing the North Atlantic has always proved one of the toughest most challenging legs of the Volvo Ocean Race. People often talk about the Southern Ocean and Cape Horn but now there's the North Atlantic. Try anything that's really special this time in the spring. The 2005 2006 edition of the race was no exception. On leg seven three years ago Dutch crewman Hans Horovitz drowned after being washed overboard from ABN Amro to thirteen hundred miles from Land's End.
Here you stand in June and June the G to do with up to 14 months to 2014 with the longest she been there gives you is truly you know when you get to do it. Do you believe this that it was the instigator despite recovering Hons said Shell says young crew were unable to resuscitate him. But just two days later rescued Bauer backings crew from the stricken Spanish boat mother stuck her keel compromised and storm strength winds approaching. Yeah let me hear you guess any topic with it we went through a hell of a lot as a tame him in that leg raising hands and then and then going on to after we got the guys up movie star and get them safely back to sure. It's pretty dramatic to you on all hands and with losing your boat but the boat survived and it's a tool. Another file or so we had to let it go. I think I was probably the most emotionally attached to the book because he claimed he was
the play Captain and I think he was the last to get into the raft with the finding that out lots of people are asking me about about a movie star last time you sang. That's a fame when it happened that's it's a thing of the past and you know we really have made about what we have right now we haven't had any issues with the kill what we had in the last race. So yeah that's just the thing. I think from the passing of thinking that we often talk about you know whatever no neighbor whatever. It's important we remember what happened then. His memory and that it doesn't happen again in recognition of his work in developing young talent and his memory. It was very much a teacher as well to a new young sailors and he was actually having the role of being the
campaign in the campaign with the idea we had a trophy in his memory. Awarded to the owner of that has never competed in the memory and it represents what he have put together in the last there and I really remember the time has come to say goodbye. For the two aeons on Green Dragon their unique experiment is on the way down our first poll already this morning we asked the online gaming community how we stack the fight for the leg. And thankfully they're green with asset sale price tag they try and think and it's going to be interesting and something new and we'll see I
guess this is a huge amount of support in all lanes and I mean art in itself you know this is this is a large part of what this project is about this this is the next leg and selling it to go away. The last transatlantic leg in the hall I didn't turn out as with planned it on movie star last song so I've been asked to get there on the sign but I leave the song. So that'll be the first go because it can disguise side bad side for your long life and how if you're a thousand miles advance from hell was just that carried on the metal you know you're paying a little bit. Cuba is preparing to cross the Atlantic without two of the most experienced sailors. Sidney and Jerry are off this leg. It's not a shocker from the first leg on we've had a crew rotation. We got a really deep bench by. So it's really no different than in any other like
Cubbie will remain in New England as his wife battles an illness. It's always tough not to go with the boy you don't want to you know just it's there's some things in life that you have to take care of and my wife has come before sailing with another casualty of a team reshuffle his Telefonica blues helmsmen Simon Fisher. But we had actually put him in another going better but I've got to have a good right to not buy them off and give him a bit of support and then nothing once I disappear over the horizon I'll be looking for the holiday looking for the guy for Delta Lloyds get again for a full a crewmate of hands Horovitz on the last raise. The journey to Europe will be a poignant one and I will sing a song gets a bit hairy and stuff I think about him you know and it's made me different Siler and it's probably made me better so you know take care of myself a bit more now about all this. June July
and you are plenty. Let
me ask you you know we went to an election at the first markets Telefonica blue who really followed closely by Telefonica blank Elana loaf creating chaos at the stop the arrival of the tank a move away from land air and since three attacking in front of the 11th of
July 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. I'm going to land it like that or they would come up with the run a push up on the way the prostration for Judy Bermudez and his crew on Delta Lloyd. Then in the hours and having to sail alongside leaving them trailing the rest of the fleet. Man. Eventually seven boats led by Telefonica believes the crowded
harbor. Next stop the departure from the USA brings a drop in temperatures as the fleet begins its charge towards the scoring. Newfoundland American 3 keeping warm is a major priority and a straight line outs to go up there that have to go up is going on forever. It was laid out to me then and I said tell us what I want to get going. They were practicing for the next prize giving Where are you and I'm all right hello hello. Life
really is a sham and keep this momentum coming no save you close race in first place next and the kosher rice and somebody is just a way much tighter for the body directly behind the bride. That a plane was. I think we just that we stayed together quite quickly and my word wins me a nice change a couple noise. No sir not a bite. Concentrate on it is on downs of being the home invasions the council so far was probably five degrees of wind chills probably zero so it's going to be very cold tonight is probably going to get cold grey The next day it's not long before the anticipated day bring in the water starts to create problems with something for the love of God. But I like it. Oh my God they're not looking all right for a
little slalom like again all I'm saying. We hope you both will come along where you feel the weight problem with their tails and they don't they are about to die. Someone come off drugs smack it off with a wage that of let go of life. I've got a pretty close the lid just pulls off a lot but there is no dosh but the lobster pots are hindering some more than others fly off the dock and for that matter are far far better fun to
go home and never shoot a fourth untrue from the elevator. They're pretty much the order of the comet. Take Ford out of the set with him because they made that way on the bike for doubt that he's for. They don't want to feel that members want to park the truck. I would rather go to the bank. But if you get this no no no we couldn't. This hasn't offered a scholarship fund. We can just we can just go without enough amounts of the stuff. Dressing as green dragon fights on
Telefonica blue and Puma's il Maastricht continue to race side by side approaching the scoring games goal with the mom from t'other so that's why they saw the fewest to get outside now others probably don't want to know what it means visibilities just a matter of getting analysts to the Sometime I mean all the fishermen are on the water. Justice can be heard as it was. Younger son yeah. Sixty dollars to go to school and get a neck and neck. People tend to have OK crazy as darkness falls those on Telefonica blue are a web humor is beginning to draw ever closer. Part of what you would have become of the border. Don't go one at a time to put all the money on the banks of one of those that go for those that have a proper day or I don't know what they're going to work. Puma's efforts to catch Telefonica
blue in vain can read men cross the scoring gate just three boat lengths behind the car. Despite being third at the legs seven scoring gave Eriksen souls overall lead remains a healthy one. Eleven and a half points. The gap between found backing on Telefonica blue and can read on Puma's ILM Australia is three and a half points. Can Telefonica blue hold on to their lead and be first to go away maintaining the pressure on Eriksson for lying second that the scoring gate will Puma's claim this first leg when all Welsh Alben Grayle on Eriksson for real in those ahead of them and take another huge step towards securing overall victory. Even with 10 stop overs around the globe nine months is a long time to spend at say
who has what it takes to cross the finish line in St. Petersburg Russia. First I'm Gary Johnson in Boston. Thanks for being with us for the Volvo Ocean Race. I will see you next week. But by the by. Information is available as Romney advisor tells National Capital John property at Tesco technology. More information is available online. Additional funding provided by the National sailing Hall of Fame information is available online. Great Lisa Scott Baio.
Volvo Ocean Race
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Sunset & Vine Productions
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This episode covers part of the 2008-2009 Volvo Ocean Race, and shows contestants sailing from Boston, USA, to Galway, Ireland. Topics addressed include preparations for sailing and the difficulties of sailing in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Series Description
"The Volvo Ocean Race is the world's longest professional sporting event and leading offshore sailing competition." (
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Boat Racing
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Associate Producer: Marriott, Sarah
Associate Producer: Mattinson, Fran
Editor: Donovan, John
Editor: Pugh, Kathy
Editor: Price, Luke
Executive Producer: English, Michael
Executive Producer: Leach, John
Executive Producer: Brolly, Sarsfield
Guest: Olsson, Magnus
Guest: Grael, Torben
Host: Jobson, Gary
Interviewee: Olsson, Magnus
Interviewee: Bekking, Bouwe
Interviewee: Moore, Ian
Interviewee: Swain, Jonathan
Interviewee: Fisher, Simon
Narrator: Taylor, Andy
Presenter: Maryland Public Television
Producer: Batavick, Frank
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Sunset & Vine Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 29348 (MPT)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:26:46

Identifier: cpb-aacip-394-70zpcjsn_20200729.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:22
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Volvo Ocean Race; 32,” 2009-05-28, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “Volvo Ocean Race; 32.” 2009-05-28. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Volvo Ocean Race; 32. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from