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Why. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa whoa. I know I'm doing a trial. Welcome to my house. What fun we're going
to have making all kinds of incredible cakes pies and bread right here in my own kitchen. Mary Bergan the head pastry chef for Wolfgang Puck's Bongo restaurant demonstrates a basic vanilla chiffon cake with a twist. It's rolled around a truck to see how it's done Baking with Julia. This program has been funded by Land O'Lakes makers of the butter. People have baked since 1921 funding for this program has been provided by Starbucks coffee. This program is also brought to you by Farberware manufacturers of millennium cookware.
New and Improved for the new trust. Farberware Farberware millennium. Reengineered for today's cook. And King Arthur Flour offering tools ingredients and flour for all your baking needs by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and bi annual financial support from viewers like you. This is a shift wrong came in the form of a jelly roll dilutions from Wal-Mart. Mary Burke is going to prepare it from scratch today. I'm going to start off with four egg yolks. This is going to be the cake going. Very simple cake batter and then we have half a cup of vegetable oil. Can you safflower oil or vegetable oil. Linda Sure Frank.
You never really want to write because you want to have shortening in a liquid state at all times and then it keeps that same texture. And when you make it the same day or when you put it in the refrigerator overnight. Now we also have two tablespoons of vanilla extract a lot of you know what it is because it really needs a little bit of some kind of flavor you know. All right so if you would like to go ahead and whisk that together and just leave which is just right. Chestnut. The dry ingredients here. We have a cup of all purpose flour to work to measured and then we also have a cup of granulated sugar. Why are you shifting in the hole. Because I want to keep it nice and light won't be right. You know we also have a teaspoon of baking powder. From breaking. All right. This is a half teaspoon so I'll do this twice.
And then we also have a. Chance to spawn of baking soda. Why do we need to shoulder. Well it helps to activate it and help arrives in the new crystalline shoulder. I like soda. Not diet soda so I get this all sifted out and I'm also going to add a quarter teaspoon of salt and since I always use Kosher salt in baking I'm going to add it right to my pile of assisted ingredients. Kosher sole I find that it melts into cake batters a little better and you don't have that real iodized salt used. Now we have our drying gradients when any of your whiskey. All right. Oh not just fragile if you want to keep it nice in the night. Life when cool people. That's right. Always invite somebody over before you make it OK. There you are. And now I'm going to take these nicely whipped egg
whites and fold a little bit of this into the batter just to lighten it up in a little bit. Yes you always do them when they're having your the matter that the more chance you have of deflating your egg whites. So this lightens it up. Well I led a letter for you. Thank you very much. Make sure you know where you don't want to leave half a cup of batter behind you. Now we'll pull this all together. That's always so important to her and her fortune. But you don't want to her want to turn the ball you want to always go in the same direction. You start changing directions going back and forth. You'll deflate the egg Mike how long have nearly the volume that you need to fill in the pan on the great respect sure helps. Yes it does. Well you know when you
make anything the right tools really make the difference. You only truly mean every bit of it. Yeah you know I don't want to leave any white streaks. OK now. We need that hand over there we have a nice jelly that's been sprayed with vegetable spray. Put a layer of parchment paper on that and sprayed it again and then I tapped a little loose a little ball I wasn't in there but it looks lovely Is it going in there. Well it's true that the standard should fall on a cake recipe will do so many things in the. It's very versatile you can do all kinds of things which is not affected in Las Vegas you can imagine I have requests for wedding cakes all the time and I really like to use a chiffon cake and I give people the option of a chocolate chiffon or yellow or lemon chiffon and so far the lemon chiffon is pretty much the favorite when it comes to a little kick in our new work that goes with this
TV series with a little there is there. Now when you getting what you want to work quickly what you want to make sure it's nice and even I like to use long strokes as opposed to trying to fit it into the corners. I would just give it a little tap. But we won't really air bubbles get in an oven 350 degrees and 12 minutes. No we're going to do your trick. Yes. Yeah to some extent to some I suppose writing in bad moods but I think I invented this. OK what we're going to do is put six ounces or one in two thirds of a cup of toasted walnuts lightly toasted into a food processor. You'll get a. Small. You want to turn it on and off. And then to that we're going to add some walnut oil.
Now you can add safflower oil if you live in a part of the country that you can't find long at will and then I would suggest adding a little walnut extract to that process that you might use. This rule should win your child and will void filling the oil and you know you won't want the oil you know. And then over there we have five ounces of melted bittersweet chocolate and I have used melted milk chocolate in this and it comes out of the womb. So I'm going to take the top off to add this until it is. And I will just process that a little bit more. Tell us nicely combine. And. Correct or just leave that on the side wall. We
make a sugar syrup of a third of a cup of granulated sugar and a quarter cup of water. Will bring that to a boil and then we're going to whisk. Your egg yolks which we have already. And so says a very small quantity it will come to a while but boy now that our sugar syrup has come to a boil will mean we're going to start to cook the books. We have three in here and you may be wondering why I have made such a big ball of wondering OK and I'll explain it to you have been a big ball because this is the bowl is going on the machine. So you might as well save ourselves a bowl to clean wouldn't you say you know let me know you're going to stress out while I'm storing the boil in sugar syrup. That's important that the chili syrup is boiling when the sky looks good look very slowly very little less than on a dealers just wish there was a touch
just to touch it. Just take it put it right on the machine. And we're going to beat that at a high speed until it's doubled in volume. And you want to do this quickly. If you wanted to call while we're. Here. T. T am. This is already here.
Oh. Thanks. I think we're there. Yes. Now just take a short cut down the time on that call it was wonderful. That's really holding in there already for the chocolate long minutes ago when you know I think well use that glass bowl over there so you can get a better clue. You're sure of it. John Larson that is.
I will add our pace to that. Yeah. And then you don't have to worry about this chocolate Maung that mixture sitting too long because the oil and you brought out all the natural oil of the long that keeps it from going to Wyoming. Let me play you a song. Just mix this together and then we'll fall then the cup of cream that we've already wept. And I'm going to fall there's you had that I gather. And you know my thoughts are the real name. Could you make this somewhere over here. Oh sure you could make this a day with the whipped cream.
And just frigid. And then just give it a nice start before you said anything to you just fine. You will have occasion or due to heavy. Well sure you wish it was you could know you can make that ahead. And actually this is a recipe into itself to make you. Hear good sure of this. I was of the herd of being lovely and now we have our fill in for of knowledge if on wrong or not. And I'm also going to use Carmel eyes walnuts as a decoration for the tot and I'll show you how I did that right good. What we have lists hand is half a cup of granulated sugar and we're just putting it right over a medium to medium high flames. Do you want to keep it moving all the time because you don't want to burn in one spot. This one's normal you know how very queer you know there's no water even though
I don't use water but if you feel more comfortable if you need that extra time then it doesn't make any difference all you have to do is evaporate the water boil it. This is certainly quicker and the reason I use a fork instead of a wooden spoon is because I want to be able to break up the sugar crystals. You know if you just want to check it every once in awhile hold it up to the light and see the color of your Carmel. You want to have it nice and golden. You have your look you can do you know. OK. Beautiful. Where there. OK so I have the walnuts on a piece of waxed paper. I'm going to do two at a time. So all I need to do is just put that in there. It just happened a few times. Rather like dipping truffle.
And this is really easy. Do you want to work quickly because it will end up getting extremely dark after a while. And I'll tell you a great hand for cleaning out a pot that has Carmona what you do is whatever Carmel's left over just a little that and it will start to harden and then take some hot tap water and then just put it back on the fire and let it boil. Then what it does is that it loosens up all the Carmel and then you just pour it out. Well I'm sure very easy. OK and now while these are cool and so were able to handle them we're going to roll up our mousse and upon layer then we'll eat it then we'll eat it really for me. It's very tender. Isn't it nice and soft and it's still really moist. You know we'll be able to roll it easily if the owner will croak.
Right you know but an easy remedy to that is make a little sugar syrup all rushed on. Well that's a good idea you know reconstitute it so the easiest way I find to turn out a sheet pan like this is to just sprinkle a little bit of granulated sugar on top because you can feel it's a little bit on the tacky side a little wet and you don't want to stick to anything. And this kind of helps set to not stick but if the break should credible general is held together though. I'll tell you my big secret if you want your son to help a little but I just take another piece of parchment paper that over there and then. Invert a pan and then another sheet pan doesn't have to be exactly the same size just a little bit thicker spine. Well that's very clever. Now that we're going to do is we're going to roll it up. You know what we're going to need a little help rolling it up. And I used the original piece of parchment paper.
I'm just going to loosen that here Roland for other from the short a little I want the symbol for more. Otherwise you'll have a big you know this from your fuel free schools are working better to lower. That's a cute little thing you don't want to let you know. And then sense this does have the oil on it. I mean where I'm going to use it. Just one but I'll flip it over again. Hand again. Why do we need so let's all show you that I could have just taken it off of there and put it right on the table. And then when I'm all rolled out I need to pick it up and put it into the refrigerator. This makes it a lot easier. And you know how much you know. It's trial and error the first time I did this I didn't do it.
Ok now I'm going to cut off the very edge of it because that's the that's the part that will keep you from getting a really nice mall. It's important to do this. And then of course you need to know what you cake is going to taste like. So look at this texture. Now that's a chiffon play. Do you want to see all of the holes that you want to see some air pockets in there you want to see. That is nicely resin. Look totally shut when you go. That's the important part for me. What do you do with it and or so just eat him or communicate with me. Oh sure you could toast the green and sprinkle them around the sides of a plate for generations will be very nice. Now very clear as you know you don't have any edges. I didn't in your way. And you really haven't cut off too much you know either. And now I'm using this paper
as my guide to roll it up which is why I left that paper on first class. Now we take our well not most. That has been chilled for a few hours in that little shell over the Hood River. Lucky. Holes in it and you also have the what they call in most parts about to us. And now we're going to start it by holding that over ever so slightly and then using this to just help ourselves along. And lift it up. And then we have our nice roll. Now you want to keep this pretty tight. And what I do at this point is just take a fork and then just touch the paper and underneath it and then we're going to
refrigerate this for a few hours. It's always remember it was a slug and I don't have to pick it up. All I have to do. Just want it was right. OK. Put it in the refrigerator and I will decorate it and k. You're going to go you know. All I can call Steven in the refrigerator for two hours. Now we can unwrap it and say how nice not only do you have and can you be afraid. Oh you could leave it in overnight if you freeze if you could and then I would suggest thawing it out immediately instead of at room temperature meaning someone to decorate it right on here because we're going to put it on this beautiful white platter. I'm just going to trim the edges. And again you always need to have your tasting. And he's right. And then I will take little strips of parchment paper is going to lay
those straight across. And you can do any kind of pattern for this too. You don't have to have perfectly made strips you can have strips at an angle. And I'm going to take some cocoa powder that are you know look let's keep it on cocoa. That's a bunch you do special cocoa there are you allowed to use a good quality Kongo because the better the quality the darker the darker it is. They're also going to take a little confectioner sugar and just a little teeny bit of that like it's snowing in what should be a good Christmas dessert wouldn't you silently woman and I want to carefully take off these pieces of parchment of lace look. And if you make that's where the chocolate chiffon. I mean we can do just
powdered sugar and then it really stands out nice and striped for all the little boys will know I'm here now which is close to nine months. So they're used to you really. And now you have this wonderful spatula. So I am going to attempt to pick this up. Doris we were came from this one. Now it's a place that there and since it is cold and right out of the refrigerator is very easy to mow you know just decorate this was on the other hand strikes. And the wintertime would be great to have some crew members some cranberries around the plight. Now I think we should try it on a cruise or hire someone to give us a nice big slice. It's almost like one. Let's a nice big slice a little very you are nearly nine. Oh sure we did. I think we should
be friends. You know I am left alone with your shameful feeling that you know you love me. Good combination I would say. I'm glad to see you just as you would have never thought of the should funky little jelly roll in this lovely world and I want very very well will hit the wall not to want to fly with you. Listen. Mary thank you very much. Well you've given us a very good Lesson. Thank you. My pleasure. Complete recipes for all the breads cakes cookies and pies in this series and more are available in the Baking with Julia cook book over 500 pages detailed instruction and 100 color photos to order.
Call 1 800 9 1 8 3 6 0 0 funding for this program has been provided by Starbucks coffee. This program is also brought to you by Farberware manufacturers of millennium cookware. New and Improved from the menu truss. Farberware Farberware millennium. Reengineered for todays cook. This program is also funded by Land O'Lakes makers of butter. People have baked wings since 1921 and King Arthur Flour offering tools ingredients and flour for all your baking needs by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and bi annual financial support from viewers like you.
This was PBS detailed recipes for everything baked in this program are available with a printed transcript of this episode of Baking with Julia to order your copy call 1 800 mine want 830 600. The prices for 95 plus handling this transcript includes baking tips and step by step instructions. Please request the program number on your screen and have your credit card ready when you call for the Baking with Julia transcript and recipes.
Baking With Julia
Episode Number
Mary Bergin
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Mary Bergin of Las Vegas, Nevada, head pastry chef for Wolfgang Puck' s Spago Restaurant, demonstrates how to make a vanilla chiffon cake with a twist -- a full vanilla flavor and a thin, flexible shape, ideal for rolling with chocolate-laced walnut mousse.
Broadcast Date
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Food and Cooking
Mary Bergin
Media type
Moving Image
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Presenter: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: Baking with Julia (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:26:46
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Chicago: “Baking With Julia; #309; Mary Bergin,” 1997-07-25, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Baking With Julia; #309; Mary Bergin.” 1997-07-25. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Baking With Julia; #309; Mary Bergin. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from