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Or no. Major funding for production of Port Baltimore is provided in part by a consolidated Rail Corporation. Baltimore propellor club charitable trust incorporated
Baltimore Gas and Electric serving central Maryland for one hundred seventy six years CSX intermodal Wilhelm's and lines. Your line of choice I dish will support provided by the belt's Corporation First National Bank of Maryland H and S bakery incorporated international longshoreman's Association AFLCIO Legg Mason wood Walker incorporated. Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company fund and P. Flanagan and sons incorporated. You're. You're.
You're. As far as the ports concerned romance is fine. Beautiful a beautiful shot of a ship coming up the bay is a wonderful image. But. We must realize how important port it is to the economics of the state of Europe. And how important trade it is to the economics of the world. We have some of the largest steamship companies in the world calling the Port of Baltimore. They're coming
from all over the world you know our biggest market is in northern Europe. Our fastest growing market is in South America. Evergreen is a is a corporation from Taiwan so the world is our marketplace. I think they want for one America. We import export people world. The port is a conduit. To the well-being of our community and perhaps that of the whole world. We are the impetus and they are the catalyst to international
trade and the Port of Baltimore was settled. For just that reason. We started with tobacco and cotton. And we're now in a high tech. And sophisticated machine. We serve the world. I've. Learned I learned a lot. Basically a tugboat is a steel frame around
a power plant portable power. The lines are. For our connection or umbilical to the ship. What makes us part of the field so to speak. When they're docking. They can withstand Thirty three hundred or thousand backing for power. One part of the law. It's amazing. If you park when you're doing something wrong. One. Peep of the Whistle Stop. Three is a general purpose. I understand what you're saying I don't want to hear. It's not it's a day to day business. It's a job for us. It's work. And that's what we do. You are. The docking it is the god that's commissioned. With putting this ship
alongside the pier safely. Told that pretty much rests on his shoulders. Which is his skill as the. Perception of relative motion. I mean this ship moving relative to the peer that's not the. You know you have some of the ships are two hundred fifty thousand tons. It doesn't take. A lot of velocity with 250000 tons to. Talk to things up. When you're around a guy like John Evans day in and day out you sort of you've taken for granted guys like that or oh there's a wealth of knowledge and a wealth of experience which there's nothing that can replace it. I think he's probably as good a pilot is there is in existence today anywhere in the world. That may be a broad statement that is probably true. People say start first out of plaster I don't buy.
IT FOR ME BACK I don't need. Not want to hand up an easy honor roll me. I smell like that. You know want to ships underway in open water. Make and hand. Very nice. It stares like an automobile you just trying to wheel the ship time. And cross border where you know where you don't have that kind of speed or fan ever going to speed the ship doesn't react that way. Made me tugs to change in the direction of the ship. Because of that I was a master when they get close to the lab or had a nervous. When it was the biggest problem. Especially when the car ship as I was saying earlier gets a big. Square wall you know so to speak. And if the wind is stronger can
get for erasing. Just up so that image you. Want to read it or. In the case of Ron Fields we handle the export of deals with anybody else in the country. We're number two in total in court. That's where. The majority of the vehicles come into our facility or brought in by river walk for their various plants that have stakes in this location. Most of the time when you tell someone what you do for a living they like oh no you don't know you
Dolly. And you'd be like oh it's only about 10 females maybe like driving a new car. Hi Joy Joy. Joy what are the words. Even when it's cold out here we are in a snowstorm go on. But you know Mattel is no different. We don't know discrimination down here we get along with each of our own. Just my problem is that you might as well say down here. I mean it's fun working along with the guys even though some of us when we could do that if somebody's got. It oh no the Port of Baltimore is fine it's great. I'm glad because if you look at it we didn't have it. I mean you know I like it on the average on the average about 200 feels can be loaded per hour. The average vessel. Can't handle as many as three to
4000 automobiles depending on the size of that vehicle. A lot of the vehicles that are being shipped to Europe are being sent through ports for instance in Bremen and West Germany and Belgium as well as a lot of France into the far east they're going into Yokohama and they're going into Taiwan. So Korea in the Middle East are going to Kuwait Bahrain Saudi Arabia to the various number of ports that these vessels call. With the innovation of the handheld data collectors on many computers the port now is going to scanning vehicles just like you would scan in your grocery store. We are connected pretty much to the world. Via computer. The town over.
Just trying to do is try to pick up an M-4 load off a ship. To us as to his container number restructures ID and then a computer or let me know if its OK to go and life there or go through lanes one or three. You can see that it's very quick because they say I job is to keep the lines. Festering get them in the past they can get out and your partner will be in and out. We have people downstairs in customer service that will take care of the problem. And I have. A load I want to. Turn our place. I feel that we have to go forward. Technology is coming and going and it's here. And not us working up here really what we call computer people of the world Baulch trying new tricks.
We're starting schools now to teach you guys how to run a computer and what the basic. Wage a way to learn but I have a college. Now with the aisleway and the college just you know get the guys to understand computers. You got a chance to come in and go lay number five. Have a nice day. We create the. Yard to receive the box when advice goes on the ship. We check or you know have a plan. We're definitely going to be stowed on a ship a bigger container number. And I get a number. We verify that that's the right container born on the ship. They say you'll notice that. There's different places in the world we want to make sure we send the right box or right place. It's a pretty pretty tight family will know what to hide.
Originally it was just man that lived in these kind of communities closed it appears that worked the ship's money and most stuff in those days where we were never ethnic was involved at that location if you were to use a tie in neighborhoods and tell you if you were Irish it was Irish beer if you were black and there was a black here they were neighborhood people who worked when there was a ship. That many storms here and I know we frequent You know a lot of times you know a lot of neighborhood guys and it would say like get the ship cat right. You know as soon as we get off and we shoot up you know know that. I'm free I will be evergreen I could never leave you.
Port Baltimore
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Clip Description
This clip appears to be part of a larger program, "Port Baltimore". Topics addressed in this clip include the importance and role of Baltimore's port in the world economy (especially as it relates to the automobile trade); some history concerning Baltimore's port; and a description of tugboats and other ships found in Baltimore's port. Interviews with unnamed individuals are present. Additional information is provided here: PORT BALTIMORE An MPT Production @ 1993 Dub of one-inch master 1MG 2292 #1145
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Co-Producer: University System of Maryland
Co-Producer: Maryland Public Television
Co-Producer: University System of Maryland
Copyright Holder: University System of Maryland
Director: Whiteford, William A.
Producer: Cohen, Susan Hadary
Producer: Whiteford, William A.
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 43233 (MPT)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Dub
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Port Baltimore,” 1993-06-17, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Port Baltimore.” 1993-06-17. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Port Baltimore. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from