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That. In. The summer Maryland students vying for top spots in school geography music cross-postings the competition was tough around the oral and written business 100 of these winners made their way to the State University for an even tougher competition here on stage at the Sanyal Myer's auditorium. Our state's top ten contestants wait for the final face off. And now the host of a Maryland Geography Bee Mac McGarry thank you very much. Gentlemen. Thank you.
It's a pleasure to be here again. And welcome to the fifth annual Maryland geography bee. The 10 students you see here have earned the right to be seated on this stage. There are some of Maryland's finest. Let's give them a big round of applause. All right. Congratulations. As I always say today's winner will make that long. I mean that's a long trip to Washington D.C. We'll give them a bus token and a sandwich made 20 feet up and 26 to compete for the National Geography Bee Championship. We can be very proud of our students because in two of the four national bees held so far our Maryland champions up ranked in the top 10 in the country and this year's 10 finalists are poised and ready to take their turn. Let's meet those finalists. We'll introduce contestant number one here is Jim Cosby from Immaculate Conception School. Jim is 14 years old in the eighth grade. And Jim is an Elkton Maryland Cecil County. We're going to
ask each one of you contestants today this very heavy question if you could visit one place in the world where would you visit and why. I've probably I'll never have her around here. I always want to feel free. It is beautiful I can testify to it and the air is naturally air conditioned. I wish I were going along with you. Jim congratulations on being here. Next contestant is David Smith. David is 14 years old in the eighth grade at St. Jane Francis School in Riviera Beach. That's an Anne Arundel County. What about that same question for you David. Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world. Probably Washington D.C.. It wouldn't cost you very much to go up there the day. Certainly you've been there a few times. Any particular place you'd like to see that you haven't seen in Washington or Lincoln Memorial. Well it's it's a thrilling site indeed. Well welcome. David congratulations to you and this
young man we all met last year. Welcome again to Alexander Unidas. Alexander is now 11 years old older and wiser in the sixth grade at Bellaire middle school. Bel Air is in Harford County. Have you had time to ponder that question Alexandra. Where would you go in the world would you could go anywhere. I go to Peru Peru. Why would you do that. Well I'd like to see the Olkin rulings. Well you certainly wouldn't see them there. Thank you Alexander and the two years in a row we've been working together. Here's contestant number four. Here is Keith Bernie. Keith is 12 years old in the seventh grade at St. John's School in Hollywood Maryland at St. Mary's County. Now wherefrom you're already in a great place Hollywood where would you go from there if you could go anywhere. Well I think I'll go to France to see the tower of one of the Tower of London the Eiffel Tower. For me the Eiffel Tower. Yes. All right very good. Keith I envy you that trip. And our next contest it is Kevin fair to eat.
Kevin is 14 years old an eighth grader at Kenmore middle school that's in Greenbelt Maryland that is in Prince George's County. And what about your answer to that question Kevin if you could go anywhere where would it be. I would go to Russia to see how they're doing after the fall of communism. Would you like to try to help them privatize their economy there. Yes that good capitalist thought very very good. Kevin And now let's get to the front row here is Joel Iames. Joel is 14 years old. Eighth grader at Tilden Middle School in Bethesda Montgomery County. And your answer to the wonderful question about where in the world you would go. I probably want to go to the lalaki National Observatory because I'd like to see if the Keck telescope in Hawaii. Yeah. All right very good Joel. And welcome Myre only young lady it seems this situation applied last year to give a very special welcome to Sarah Wood. Sarah is 13 years old in the 8th grade at Eastern Middle School in Chevy Chase Montgomery County. Now what about you. Where would your travels take you.
I think I'd like to go to Nepal because how beautiful the country is. Oh I'm sure that would be the case and we hope you have a chance to do that someday sir. Here is go from Mackinder. Gotham is 14 years old. Eighth grade. Robert Frost Middle School in Rockville Maryland Montgomery County. And I suspect you have been a world traveler already Gotham and if. Where would you go if you could now pick another place. Yes and I would go to the South Pole mainly because I thought it would sound unique and also because they're doing some fascinating scientific work down there. Right. Then you would go there in the summertime which would be our winter memories. I hope so. Thank you. Go home. And our next contestant is Jeff Brady. Jeff is 13 years old seventh grader at Monaca Middle School in Frederick Maryland and where would your travels take you Jeff. Alaska well really. You'd like the colder weather up there is just the emptiness you like emptiness. Thing is I love wildlife there.
Well I'm sure that would be a thrilling trip for you. Thank you Jeff. And our final contestant today is Laura Shinn. Lawrence is 13 years old in the seventh grade at Hoover Middle School in Potomac Montgomery County. What about you Lawrence where would a world tour take you. I would go to Australia because I like open space animals you know. Sure you would see something different. Well there you are ladies and gentlemen our contestants are ready to go. Now let's welcome our distinguished judges all professors of geography who are right there in the front row where they belong. From the University of Maryland Baltimore County coordinator of the Maryland Geographic Alliance Dr. Siri Bennett Dr. Bennett. From the University of Maryland College Park Dr. Charles Christian thank you. Dr. Christian. And from Towson State University Dr. Marshall Stevenson.
Thank you Dr. Steventon for being with us and our scorekeeper for this final competition will be Dr. James out of malice social studies specialist from Anna Randall County Public School. Thank you all very much for the important role you're about to play in today's begin. Let's get started by reading the rules. You contestants each of you will have 15 seconds to answer a question. When your time is up. Following each question you hear a buzz. May we have the judges test the buzzer for us please. Oh yes I can hear this final competition is in two parts a final round of the state championship round in the final round a contested is eliminated after two incorrect answers each time a question is answered incorrectly one of the panel lights will go out. You see those in front of you those panel lines when both lights are out the student is eliminated from competition. When we get down to just two students we'll begin the state championship round. If you want me to repeat a question or to spell a word
in the question you must ask me immediately will stop the timer until I finish repeating the question or spelling the word. Then you'll have the rest of your 15 seconds in which to answer. Good luck to each of our finalists and now we'll begin our first series of questions. Everyone please pick up your notebooks. Turn to tab A and in that ritual I remember so well from last year. Break big green seal or break the green seal. Give each a chance to do that. There you will find a bar graph that shows the use of fresh water on each of the permanently inhabited Cochrans. The numbers along the left side of the graph represent the percent of total fresh water withdrawals. The labels across the bottom of the graph indicate the location of the withdrawal as the key indicates yellow represents domestic use. Blue represents
industrial use and orange represents agricultural use. Each of you will be asked a different question based on the information provided on the graph will each have 15 seconds to answer the question. All right. Jim Cosby the first question goes to you. Name the only continent that draws more fresh water for industry than for agriculture. Your answer. So again Europe Europe is correct. Europe is the only continent that withdraws more fresh water for industry than for agriculture. All right David Smith the next question for you which coddler withdraws the highest per cent of its fresh water for agriculture. Africa Africa is correct it draws the highest percent of its fresh water for agriculture. And Alexander your
question which two continents withdraw less than 40 percent of their fresh water for agriculture. Europe and Australia. Absolutely right. Indeed each withdraws less than 40 percent of fresh water for agriculture. All right Keith burny your question. Which continent ranks closest to Africa and Asia in the amount of fresh water withdrawn for domestic use in North America. That's right. It is right next to Africa. All right Kevin your question roughly which percent of South Americans fresh water is withdrawn for industrial use of 25 percent. That will be acceptable anywhere between 20 and 30 the
exact answer is 23 percent but that is a good answer. And our next question is for Joel times Joel on which candidate is the percent of fresh water withdrawn for domestic use. Almost twice as much as that for agricultural use. Australia Australia is indeed the continent which requires which fulfills all those deals. That's right. Next what am I trying to say he's got the right answer here is Sarah Ward. Which two continents withdraw more than 40 percent of their fresh water for industrial use. Europe and North America. That indeed is right. Europe and North America draw more than 40 percent of their fresh water for industrial use. Go from your question after Australia. Which continent withdraws the highest percent of fresh water for domestic use. South America that is right. So everyone OK so far. Indeed as well. Here is Jeff
for his question on which continent is the percent of fresh water withdrawn for industrial use almost as high as the percent withdrawn for agricultural use North America. That also is right. Very good. Jeff and now Lawrence name with two continents that have a similar pattern of fresh water use it Africa and Asia. That's right or North America and South America. That's right. So how about a round of applause. Each one had. Everything. Now please close your notebooks as we prepare for the next round of questions. We'll take a moment to meet the winner of last year's Maryland Geography Bee Patrick Jacob. Pick up your notes.
Great. The. See. You in the orange sea. Yes. That is correct. Colorful. Absolutely right. Congratulations once again to our two finalists here the series Patrick Jacobs and you guys over the Yukon River. You. Actually. Do I. Think. Americans don't score well on geography. If you were running the country how would you help fix that. Well I'd stress like geography more in school and the schools I came from was really good. And they taught me everything I need to know. But obviously the other systems are good and they don't stress as much to get the kids excited about anything especially geography takes some different kinds of methods. I use a lot of audio visual aids. There is some textbook work but a lot of it is hands on activities. I use anything that I can do to con these people into learning I'll
use peer pressure. I'll use any kind of pressure I use thumbscrews if I have to. I'm also very difficult and I expect everybody to be able to do the same thing. There are no favorites in here. They work a lot together so that if someone's having a rough situation or a rough time there are other kids there to help them because they are sharp and they are brilliant kids. Ladies and gentlemen here we go. I know what we do is for five minutes every day we go through and take the wind caught in the back and practice that for a few weeks and we play this little game in which team standings are set up and leagues are set up and playoffs. We have playoffs and the team that wins a playoff is invited to a pizza party at the end of the year. We have three leagues three playoffs one pizza party. Why would you go to include all the applause you have from knowing your boss told.
Just don't. Overdo carnival fodder or carnival cornball. Own little of. Fluff. Who's always been wrong and stone doesn't think thought he might have moved. Move on his own growth. Patrick First of all. Starting. He's never really have to be reliable. Do you enjoy own rules or. Cardinal Rules. Travel or cards are fools. Learn Social Studies talk sports all. Waffle. House how a lot of our calls and consciousness. They would rather be in Patrick's shoes right now but unfortunately they're not. So I think that they feel proud that their classmate is a Maryland state champion. I think they would love them to win. Back. Good luck
Patrick. OK. All right. Welcome back will now begin the second series. Will you please pick up your writing box. Inside you will find paper and a pen in this series. All of you will respond to the same question by writing the answer on the paper provided you will have 15 seconds to write your answer. When the buzzer sounds. Put down your pen. When I call on you please hold up your answer and read it aloud. You will not be penalized for inaccurate spelling or pronunciation. Here's the good news as long as the judges can determine that you know the correct answer. Each one of you is ready. All right here we go. In August 1992 the United States Britain and France established a so-called no fly zone that prohibited planes from flying south of the 30 second parallel of a country in the Middle East. Name this country.
All right the time is up and once again the question in August of 92. The U.S. Britain and France established a so-called no fly zone that prohibited planes from flying south of the 30 second parallel of a country in the Middle East. Name this country. Your answer Jim was what. Iraq. That's correct. And David Smith Iraq right Alexandra. Iraq right. Keith Berney Iraq right Kevin. Iraq. That's right. Iraq right. Sarah Iraq. Right. Go from Iraq. You got it. Jeff. Correct. Right. And Laura it's. Iraq every one winter is. A reminder too that all of our finalists will receive. I got something very special for him this very handsome pen set on which is inscribed top 10 finalist Maryland
Geography Bee April 1993 and will now begin the third round of questioning this series of questions will require oral answers on each of you will answer a different question. You'll have 15 seconds to give me your answer. All right we'll begin up there with James. And here is your question. Oral answers only in U.S. history. Harriet Tubman was a prominent figure in the activity of the so-called underground railroad the most heavily traveled routes of this system moved in which cardinal direction north north is right of course south to north north is indeed the correct answer. Next here is David Smith. The kayak was first used for hunting and fishing by ancestors of people who live in lands bordering which of the earth's four oceans. New Yorker. Arctic is right. And here is Alexander. Jane Goodall and Diane Fossey are known for their studies of primate behavior in the eastern
grassland and mountain regions of which continent Africa. That's right. Keith Bernier in the recent presidential election which U.S. state had the most Electoral College votes California. That's right. And here is Kevin. In August 1992 the Conference on Disarmament drafted a treaty that would ban chemical weapons worldwide. This conference is part of what larger international organization Rapley the cross. Yes. In August 1992 the Conference on Disarmament drafted a treaty that would ban chemical weapons worldwide. This conference is part of what larger international organization United Nations United Nations is right. Now Joell a kind of fencing material invented in the Beratung hundreds helped bring an end to the open ranges of the Great Plains. Name this kind of fencing material. What. You wanted was wood. Yes. I'm sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer is barbed wire is what we needed
specifically so one light out there. Now here is Sarah Wood would the time in most of Mexico is the same as that in which standard U.S. time zone. No. I can't hear you. We have no time. No I'm sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer is Central Time. So a light out there. Now here's Gotham the Bolshoi Theater home of a world famous ballet company is in which Russian city Moscow Moscow is correct. Jeff Torrini Gates T R R II which marked the entrances to Shinto shrines are commonly found in which country Japan is right. And here is Lawrence. The music of steel bands which is played on specially tuned empty oil drums is most commonly associated with which island region
into question. Yes the music of steel bands which is played on specially tuned empty oil drums is most commonly associated with which island region Paula. I'm sorry Polynesia is incorrect. We needed the West Indies or we would have accepted Caribbean Greater and Lesser Antilles. So there again is the end of that right. Good going. We have a couple of lights out. But everyone is still in the competition and now the fourth series of questions begins the following questions are about engineering marvels. Each of you will look at a different photo and you'll each be asked a question pertaining to your photo. Please pick up your notebooks now. But do not open them yet. When it is your turn to receive a question you will be told to turn to tab B and break the Red Sea you will then look at the photograph while I read your question. Does everyone understand these instructions. Don't
open them yet just wait for my instructions on that. First question goes to. Jim please turn to tab B in your notebook. Break the Red Sea. Is it done you have it all right each day for two years. Workers poured three thousand cubic yards of concrete to build a good tune loks shown here drained of water. The tune and Miraflores Locks mark the Gateway's of which shipping canal Panama Canal is right. It's right Jim. Our next is David Spade turn to Tabby David in your notebook and break that Red Sea. Set the world's longest artificial sea barrier was built to keep North Sea storm surges from flooding the Southwestern Delta region of a European country. Name this European country Norway. No I'm sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer
is The Netherlands. So a light out there next next here is Alexander turned to Tambi Alexander and break the Red Sea. All right. Centuries ago workers hauled materials to the top of this huge rock to build an elaborate palace complex for a Sinhalese King efforts to restore the ruins are underway in which island country in South Asia. Could you please repeat that. Yes centuries ago workers hauled materials to the top of this huge rock to build an elaborate palace complex for a Sinhalese King efforts to restore the ruins are underway in which island country in South Asia. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is right. Very good. Alexander Keith burny turned to Tambi and break the Red Sea you all said. Yes. Now he's ready the seal is broken. Mohon Joe Daro is one of the oldest known examples of town planning. The city was one of several urban centers
that grew up in the floodplain of which river in what is now Pakistan. The Indus River Indus is right. Indeed. KEITH That's good. And here is Kevin FEIGHERY trying to Tarby and break the red seal. Kevin you've done it all right. This bank the tallest skyscraper outside the United States was built to withstand high winds and earthquake activity. This building is in which colony in Asia Hong Kong. That's right. Very good Kevin. Now Joel has to turn this around turn to tab a break. Seal. I hear the breaking of a seal. I'll set the job. OK ready. This gigantic spillway is part of a James Bay power project the largest hydro electric complex in North America. This project uses the abundant water supply of which Canadian province of Quebec. Well that is right. Very good. And now Sarah you have a turn in this round turn to
tab B in your notebook and break the scene. Set a forerunner of the modern suspension bridge this walkway of braided grass spans a gorge in the Peruvian Andes such bridges were originally constructed by members of which pre-Colombian civilization the Inca acre is right. Very good. Sarah Gotham please turn to tab B and break the seal. Are you ready. This oil drilling platform which is large enough to have its own hotel and hello port is designed to withstand gale force winds and high waves. The platform is anchored northeast of the Shetland Islands between the Norwegian Sea and which others see the North Sea North Sea is right loudly and clearly I got a very good Jefferey turn to tab B and break the seal. Are you ready. JEFF Okay this bulldozer helped move the ancient temples of Abu symbol to higher ground during the 1960s. The move saved
the monuments from being submerged beneath the reservoir created by which dam. As one. Yes do we need more than just that. We need a little bit more specific. Or do you accept that you'd accept that. All right. As one high dam they're going for but the judges accept your answer very good. Here is Laurence turned to tappy Lawrence and break the seal or set the Trans-Alaska Pipeline which was designed to protect the permafrost and withstand earthquake activity can carry some 2 million barrels of oil each day. The pipeline zigzags between Pruett obey and which port on Prince William Sound. No no I'm sorry the correct answer is that. These There's the end of the round and we have to say goodbye to Lawrence. Thank you very
much Lawrence for that. Very good. It takes a real wind to come this far. We're all very proud of you. Good luck and thanks to you for being with us. You've accomplished a great deal. And now we're going to move along for the fifth series. You'll need to pick up your boxes again. All of you will respond to the same question by writing your answer on the paper provided you'll have 15 seconds to write your answer. When the buzzer sounds. Put down your pen. When I call on you please hold up your answer and read it aloud. All right. Are you ready to go. Here's the question. Name the two permanently populated continents where most of the people live in rural area. All.
Are the time is up. Put down your pens please and when I call on you hold up your answer. Read it aloud. James your answer. I have Australia America and I'm sorry that's incorrect. I guess I can give the correct answer here at our Ocana. It's OK for me to give the correct answer. I guess it is ok. Africa and Asia. What we're we going for so that's incorrect James. David your answer. Asia and Africa. You are correct right Alexander. Africa and South America. I'm sorry that's incorrect. Africa. And Australia. I'm sorry that also is incorrect Kevin. Africa and Asia. That is correct Joe. Africa and Asia and. Africa and Asia is indeed correct and Seram Africa and Australia. I'm sorry that's incorrect. Gotham Africa and Australia. I'm sorry that is incorrect. And Jeff. Africa and Asia. That is correct. Very good. And when we have to say goodbye to Sarah.
You've been a terrific contestant Sarah. Would certainly feel good about all that you have accomplished for your parents your teachers and all your school mates are very proud of you and thank you for being with us today. And now the six series of questions will everyone please open your notebooks to tab B and break the blue sea. All right. Go on like this. Once again it's tab C. Yes tab C and break the blues see them is each one of you ready. All right. What you see in front of you is a map of Africa. Questions in this round are about African countries that earn much of their foreign income from a particular product. Each question will require to remember this now two answers each of you will be given information about a chief export of a numbered country the number and the
name of the exporting country. You must give me that must answer both parts correctly to receive credit. 15 seconds to answer your question remember I need both parts the number and the name. All right. And now we go first with James a country in West Africa that was once known for its ivory trade is now the world's leading exporter of kraków. What is the number and the name of this country. I'm sorry the time is up. Now James what's your answer there. Why Oracle. I'm sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer is number 12 the Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast. James thank you. And here is the next question for David Smith.
The country once known as Southern Rhodesia is Africa's leading exporter of tobacco. What is the number and name of this country. Twenty two. Bob that's right. Number 22 Zimbabwe is correct. ALEXANDER before the outbreak of a civil war. Africa's oldest independent republic earned as much as 70 percent of its export income from iron ore. What is the number and name of this country. Could you please repeat the yes before the outbreak of a civil war. Africa's oldest independent republic earned as much as 70 percent of its export income from iron ore. What's the number and name of this country. 15. I'm sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer is number 11. Liberia
here is Keith Bernie. Most of the world's gum arabic a resource used in the manufacture of can be perfumes and medicines comes from the African country that has the largest land area. What is the number and name of this country. A. Sudan. That's right eight. Sudan is right Kevin a country known for its many unique species of plants and animals is also one of the world's chief sources of natural vanilla and graphite. What is the number and name of this country. 16s I err. I'm sorry. That's incorrect the correct answer is number 24. Madagascar. All right Joel you're in this competition copper reserves in a landlocked country in southern Africa around the country as much as 85 percent of its export income. What is the number and name of this country. Prunty Tanzania. Let's say it again now 20 Tanzania.
Now I'm sorry that there will have to be incorrect number 20 is right for 20 years Zambia to Bajaur. So that's Joel's turn here has got them diamonds mined near the Orange River make this newly independent country one of the world's leading suppliers of gem quality stone. What is the number and name of this country. Number 23 South Africa. I'm sorry that's incorrect number 21. Namibia is the answer there Jeff. Located in West Africa. The continent's most populous country is almost entirely dependent on its oil exports. What is the number and name of this country 30 Nigeria. That is right. That's the end of the route and we have to say goodbye to Jane. Alexander. And Joe. You've fought a good fight. You've proven you're among the best in Maryland.
Keep up the good work and thank you very much. Joel James and Alexander for being with us today and Gotham was was that you too. I didn't realize what Thank you. Go. I'm very very good. Very very good work. We're now ready to begin the seventh series of questions. These are great kids. These remaining final round questions will require oral answers only each of you will answer a different question. Like 15 seconds to give me your answer. And our first question goes to David Smith All right David. In January 1993. Which European country peacefully split into two independent republics France or Yugoslavia. Now I'm sorry the correct answer is Czechoslovakia which split into the Czech and Slovak republics. Here is Keith Byrne Keith.
Wyoming is currently the leading U.S. producer of which fossil fuel coal coal that's right bitumen is cold but coal is accepted. Kevin FEIGHERY the Niger River empties into a gulf that is part of what larger body of water the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic is right. Jeff Jordan Israel Egypt and Saudi Arabia all border a gulf that is an extension of which sea. The Arabian Sea I'm sorry the correct answer is the Red Sea. That's the end of the run we have to say goodbye to David. Thank you very much David. You're very good work your very hard work on this program every one indeed is proud of you. Parents teachers and of course your schoolmates. Well that brings us down to the big three here. Keith Kevin and Freddy each Keith Kevin from Turkey and Jeff Brady each has one Leidholdt.
Now let's see we'll begin up there with Keith in 1963. Volcanic eruptions created the island of Surtsey you are TFC wipe off the coast of a country on the Mid Atlantic Ridge named this country Iceland. Iceland is right right now. Kevin fair Garrison reservoir has been renamed in honor of Sacajawea a Native American woman who served as a guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition. The reservoir is on which tributary of the Mississippi River. The Colorado I'm sorry the correct answer is the Missouri River. Here we have Jeff. China is second only to what other country in the production of corn. States. That is right. There's the end of the run and if I'm not mistaken third place winner is
going to be Kevin. Isn't that correct. And we will have the championship round between Keith and Jeff was awful. So you guys have rotated right into the round. KEITH And Jeff congratulations to keep Florida who is the third place winner and congratulations to Keith to Kevin parody. I'm sorry. And we will see him back here on stage following the state championship round. Well congratulations Bernie and Jeff Brady you'll be going on to our championship round and one of you will soon be headed to Washington D.C. get this on an all expenses paid trip have that along with your escort. On May 25th 26 the national geography bee. There you will compete for 10000 15000 or $25000 scholarship. And the right listen to this. Here's something new. The right to represent the United States at the first international geography Olympiad in London in July. Right now we're going to take a short break to prepare for the
state championship round. While the stage is being reset will be key Lou. What was the winner of the 1989 Maryland State geography bee and who finished third in the first National Geography Bee in 1989. What country are many homes heated with hot water that is pumped directly from the Greenland Iceland. That's correct. I thought I won I was glad it was over because I was very nervous at the time. I wasn't really expecting to win anything but I was very happy. And my parents were pretty happy for me that I actually did that well in that fashion and I study hard for the state and the National. But I didn't know what to expect. And so I was pretty satisfied with what the results were. I put the last four years I've been a participant in the citizen the last year I placed first in the state and went on to the national competition and I was in the
top third in a national competition. And this year I plan to go again to the national and probably ranked in the top 10. I don't know whether it's a science and technology center. That means that. Most of the students here come from all parts of upper. Prince Georges County and they take a test in the eighth grade and if they pass it they get to participate in the science and technology program and it's a very vigorous program. Each student gets to take academic courses specializing in science math and engineering. I've had kids for two years he was in the AP class last year and he took organic this year. He's an interested. He's a quiet student. He follows what we say is usually always prepared. Occasionally he'll ask a question but you can tell by the head motions and the emotions and that that he is following what's being said. My classes here on the computer side I like programming a lot because it
takes a lot of problem solving ability with that I like to do things like that. I plan to go to university of Maryland in College Park. I want to maintain engineering. I'm still looking at either computer science aerospace engineering or electrical engineering and I have all my brothers and sister went there and there are in the Honors Program and I'm also I was admitted to the honors program about a month ago. I also got a partial scholarship at Maryland but the presidential scholarship and I pay for part of my tuition and books. So with the money I want from the geography bee I would probably pay for more than four years of college and now that I think I I'd like to wish to two finalist greatest of luck and a final round of the geography bee. And good luck in a national competition.
And congratulations once again to our two finalists. They are Jeff Radie. Jeff is 13 years old seventh grader at MACKESY Middle School in Frederick. And Keith burny 12 years old seventh grader at St. John's School in Hollywood Maryland St. Mary's County. Very good going. And then you'll be competing in this round with a clean slate. Happy to hear that the championship round consists of five questions. I'll ask both of you the same question at the same time and you'll have 15 seconds to write your answer. Then I will ask each of you in turn to hold up your answer and read it aloud. Whoever correctly answers the most questions in this set of five will be the state champion. There is a tie up to the set of five questions we'll all go crazy. We have a tiebreaker procedure to continue with. Are you all set. Jeff and Keith you have your pens and everything all set to go. All right here's number one for both Native Americans make up the largest ethnic group in two South American countries.
Name one of these countries. Aren't the time isn't. Jeff please hold up your answer. Peru is indeed a correct answer and keep Peru Peru is right the other answer is Bolivia. So that's one one. Here's the next question. The tip of the Cape York Peninsula which is at Latitude 11 degrees south and longitude one hundred forty two degrees east is the northernmost extension of the mainland of which continent 15. All right the time is up and Jeff please hold up your answer. Australia is correct and
keep south for South America I'm sorry that's incorrect so the score now is to 1 in favor of Jeff. And here is the third question. Only one continent has regions of Mediterranean climate in the northern and southern hemisphere is named this continent. All right time is on Jeff your answer to that one. Africa is correct. And keep well Africa. So what is your answer for Africa. All right that's very good. So the score is three to two after three questions having been asked. Here is number four now that we haven't established winter yet. Number four
name the only continent through which the international date line. Time. Is. Up Jeff. No I'm sorry that's incorrect. And keep Antarctica Antarctica is correct. So the score is 3 3. After four questions. Listen carefully. North Korea China and which other country are working to make their common border area a free trade zone. All.
Right the time is up and Jeff your answer to that. Russia. Russia is correct. How about you keep Vietnam. Vietnam I'm sorry is incorrect so that means we have established the champion. Congratulations to Jeff Brady. And. Jeffrey. And are also congratulations of course to Keith and Bernie very good going to. Be. 480. Lacasse Middle School in Frederick Maryland. We'd like to invite our third place winner Kevin for your ticket. Good Kevin to join us with Kevin will be Dr. Ronald Wilson. Why are you ready. Dr. Ronald Reagan. Who is state coordinator of the Maryland geography bee. Dr. Robeson is to be commended for the many many long hours that he puts into making this event happen.
Thank you Dr. Dobson for making this happen for all of us. And where are you from rock'n'roll. Right. Now. Ms. Pat Robbins editor of National Geographic world magazine. Thank you. Congratulations to Jeff Brady and to all 10 finalists. Your knowledge of geography is truly awesome. You've proven that there's no limit to what you can learn when you set your mind to it. And you've shown us that geography is not only fascinating but fun. Now I'd like to present our third place winner Kevin FEIGHERY with this cheque for $50 and a copy of the National Geographic's new atlas of the world. Congratulations. And to our second place winner Keith Bernie we have a cheque for
$75 and a copy of the National Geographic atmosphere the world. Right. And now to the 1993 winner of the Maryland National Geography Bee Jeff writing. A check for $100 and a copy of the National Geographic Atlas. An all expenses paid trip to our nation's capital Washington D.C.. The National Park. Makes money. It's. Also. Also to the winner a subscription to National Geographic World magazine compliments of Maryland Public TV. Congratulations good luck and thanks again to all the students who competed today and thanks to all of you for coming. The. Past two years the winner of the Maryland Geography Bee has been awarded a very special
gift from the pride of Baltimore to keeping with that tradition. Be welcome Miss Linda Jordan of pride of Baltimore and corporate. Marilyns goodwill ambassador the pride of Baltimore too is pleased to offer the winner of the Maryland geography bee along with the two runners up a chance to sail on board. The pride is honorary crew members her or her Chesapeake Bay tour this spring. We've had the privilege of hosting the geography bee winners for the past two years. Last year's winner Patrick Jake McDonogh school joined the vessel for a voyage in the upper Chesapeake Bay two years ago. Dan DUDAS a middle school joined the pride in St. Petersburg Russia as she completed a 35 mile 35000 mile two year World Tour this year. Geography Bee participants will help navigate and sail pride to some of the nine Chesapeake Bay ports which she will visit before
departing for her tour of the Great Lakes and South America later this year. This has been some day. What a day this has been. I'm very pleased and many of us are amazed at the tone of the knowledge these young people possess. Congratulations again to all of our one hundred files and our very best wishes to our Maryland geography champion Jeff Brady as he travels to Washington to compete in the national geography bee. We'll be rooting for you Jeff. Good luck and thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much. Jeff Brady the Maryland State Geography Bee champion Jeff I'll give you the lineup again is 13 years old seventh grader at MACKESY Middle School in Frederick. How did you get ready for this Jeff. They asked a lot of questions from my father here and they look at my geography quiz books.
So what was the answer you gave when I asked the question if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go. Alaska and why. Because it's just barren land. The fact of the outdoors and all the I'm sure you have a chance to get in the outdoors. Now do you do a lot of outdoor work or traveling. Well we go to Europe right about once every year. We get this earlier this year. Very good. And Raymond and Miriam Radie are his parents. Must be doing all right to be able to take a trip to Europe every year. What is your business. I don't know two pharmacies and about local suppliers but I use that to get away from the business because they can't find us. Miriam do you work with your son on the jug of freebies. No. He amazes all of us with his answers when we can't figure out where he gets them. You have other children. We have three older boys. How do they treat you Jeff. Are they all right to you.
You're the youngest guy thing. They're a lot older than me so they can have two very very good so you're going to get the all expenses paid trip to Washington. I hope you have a great time there. Now Jeff are you ready for the big national competition. Yes spent a lot of time getting ready for it. How would you do that. How would you get ready. Same old geography Chris books and. Atlases. I knew it was all right. I want a big atlas from the geographic today. Well thanks very much Jeff and congratulations to you will be rooting for you and the national B and Miriam and Ray. Thank you. To Jeff Brady the Maryland State geography bee champion the 1993 national geography bee will be broadcast in primetime on PBS Wednesday May 26. Be sure to follow your state champion as he travels to Washington D.C. for the national competition. If you enjoyed watching the state contest and would like to get your school involved have your school principal write to national geography
bee. National Geographic Society. Washington D.C. 2 0 0 3 6. If. 1. Were.
In. Is
1993 Maryland Geography Bee
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Program Description
This program shows the 1993 Maryland State Geography Bee, which involved ten students competing to be the student who will represent Maryland in the National Geographic Bee ( The 1993 Maryland State Geography Bee occurred at the Samuel Myers Auditorium at Bowie State University. This program also included two segments: the first segment highlights the winner of the 1992 Maryland State Geography Bee (Patrick Jacobs), while the second segment highlights the winner of the 1989 Maryland State Geography Bee, Kieu Luu (who was also the third-place winner of the 1989 National Geographic Bee).
Copyright Date
Asset type
Game Show
Copyright 1993 Maryland Public Television
Media type
Moving Image
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Announcer: Golden, Jim
Announcer: Councilman, John
Associate Producer: Grady, Bonnie
Director: Phillips, Dwight M.
Editor: Mixter, Bob
Editor: Dukes, Bill
Executive Producer: Rush, Adele
Guest: Burney, Keith T.
Guest: Faherty, Kevin
Guest: Raedy, Jeff
Host: McGarry, Mac
Interviewee: Luu, Kieu
Interviewee: Jacobs, Patrick
Interviewee: Scocos, Ted
Producer: Phillips, Marilyn M.
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
Speaker: Robbins, Pat
Speaker: Jordan, Linda
Writer: Grady, Bonnie
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 19350 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “1993 Maryland Geography Bee,” 1993-00-00, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 12, 2024,
MLA: “1993 Maryland Geography Bee.” 1993-00-00. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 12, 2024. <>.
APA: 1993 Maryland Geography Bee. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from