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The National Geographic Bee is made possible by JP Morgan Chase a leading global financial services from serving millions of consumers in the United States. And many of the world's most prominent corporations institutions and governments. Even to her. Her. Eyes. Were.
From the National Geographic Society's Grosvenor Auditorium. Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome Mr. Alex Trebek. Regulated. Gentlemen. And welcome to our 17th Annual National Geography Bee. As I was about to come through that doorway one of the staff members pointed out to me that when we held our very first contest here not one of these 10 boys had yet been born. I don't know why that struck me as odd. I didn't realize we had been around quite so long and this year there's an added element of excitement because these 10 boys along with the
other players who made it up on stage last year have a chance to become part of the three player U.S. team that will travel to Budapest Hungary this July to compete in the seventh international geography bee against representatives from 21 other countries. How good are these boys. Well let me tell you. Five of them have made it to Washington representing their states prior to today. Four of them have won their state geography bees. Not once not twice but three times. Two of these boys are home schooled. And we know how well home schoolers have done in the past. Three of them have won this national competition. So no matter who makes it onto the U.S. team I think we're going to be very well-represented. So let me introduce these talented youngsters to you. First of all our youngest at 11 years of age from Moline representing Illinois Bonnie Jane. Next we have a three time champion. He was here
last year and in 2003 Nathan Cornelius from Minnesota. Another three timer. Karen Tucker representing Rhode Island. A. State winner in 2001 and 2002. Ben d'etre from Kansas. From Oregon another three time state champion Samuel Brandt. Now we go to the bottom row 14 year old from Princeton. Tell us Rajai. Another 14 year old from Coral Gables Jessie Weinberg. Max Sugarmann is 13 and he's from a squaw in Washington. Next. The fourth member of his family to compete here in Washington. Matthew tempy from Missouri. And finally a welcome back to 13 year old Jamie Deng who represented his state Michigan last year.
Now players let me take a moment to explain the rules to you the final competition as always will be in two parts in the first part. A contestant will be eliminated after two incorrect answers. Each time a question is answered incorrectly one of the panel lights in front of you will be turned off when both lights have been turned off. You will be eliminated from further competition when we are down to two finalists. We will play our championship around and the boys will start with a clean slate. You will have 12 seconds as always to come up with a correct response. You must start to give your answer before the 12 second time limit is over. Each of you may interrupt the questions in this final round. On two occasions to have me repeat a question or spell a word for you the decisions of the judges will be final. All right if you are ready let us begin. Take a look at your monitor's players and you will see three city choices Montreal Toronto and Vancouver. Each of you will receive a different question and
you have to tell me which of these cities fits the clue. Bonnie we'll start with you. First of all which one is home to Canada's tallest building the CN Tower. Toronto. Correct. Nathan which one was the seat of the Canadian government from 1844 to 1849. Montreal right. Karen. Which one is located on a large lake. Toronto yes. Ben which one was founded as Grandville a sawmill settlement in the 1870s. Vancouver right. Samuel Which one was the site of the Summer Olympic Games in 1976. Montreal Yes. Tell. Us. Which one is a provincial capital Toronto. Correct. Jesse. Which one is named for a mountain in the center of an island.
On Montreal right motorway the royal mountain max which one lies just north of the Fraser River Delta Vancouver. Yes. Matthew which one has a population that is more than 50 percent Roman Catholic. Montreal correct Jamie. Which one is farthest south. Toronto you are right. Well done gentlemen. That concludes our first series of questions. These students ladies and gentlemen as you can well appreciate. I have worked very hard to make it here today. There are competing for a lot of money $50000 in scholarships $10000 to our third place winner $15000 to the second place
finisher and of course $25000 to our national champion. All 10 of you started out a few months ago as one of five million students and now you are one of ten with a chance to be one of three and represent the United States at that international competition in Budapest. So look on the plus side if you will. I'm sure the audience would like to know more about all of you and so. Let's enlighten them. We'll start with you Bonnie. Jane. You are as I indicated a few moments ago the youngest competitor in this year's final. You're 11 years old. What grade are you in. I'm in seventh grade. Seventh grade. The math doesn't compute for me. You're a little too young. What happened. I think you got in first grade one year. Yeah. In kindergarten. Too easy. Now. Usually. Students who are juniors and seniors in high school
take the 80s. You've already taken the 80s. Yes I have. OK. I don't know if I should but I'm going to ask you what was your score. I received 15:30 composite with the 790 on the math and a 7:40 on the verbal. I'm not sure I like you anymore Bonnie. You your musically inclined as well I understand what instrument do you play. I play violin. I'm the first chair of the school orchestra. Nice to have you with us. Nathan Cornelius is 13 years old he's from Cottonwood in southwestern Minnesota a three time national Geographic Bee state champion. He loves photography. Now do you get a chance to take a lot of pictures. What do you like photographing. Well in Washington I like to take pictures of the memorials and stuff. I'd like to visit all the U.S. national parks and take pictures of like scenery and flowers and mountains and that kind of thing.
You have visited a number of national parks right. Well only seven so far and how many more do you have to go. Forty eight. Oh. Kate have you joined the modern era. The digital age. Or do you take photographs with film camera film camera. Yeah. I understand you're a coin collector. Yeah. What kind of coins. All lots of kinds. I have a lot of foreign coins. Why of all the state quarters that have come out yet. My Grampa gave me some silver dollars from 8900 once. Are you familiar with the name Saint Gaudens. Yeah he was. Yeah. He was some kind of sculptor Yes he designed some of our most famous gold coins. All right keep up your collection. Oh and by the way. Yes. I don't want to be. But Bonnie got a 15:30. He said. I got a 15:20 on this. Say to yourself. 11 years old and 13 years old and already the psych games have
begun. Let's go to Karen Tucker from Rhode Island. You took part in the math counts contest a while ago. How did you do. You're part of a team when you're competing in that aren't you. Yes you have a team score and then you have an individual score. Different competitions now like Nathan you enjoy visiting our national parks. He's been to seven of them. What about you. Nine. And I. Can't get away from it. Competition is everywhere. What's the best place you visited since we're talking about geography. Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. Definitely. Yeah. Why. I like caving there. We got to go on down to the lower caves there down upon the headlands and with SLED. But that was always fun while you were down there. Did you ever wonder what it would be like if. You were to stray away from the group and get lost. No. Positive attitude. OK. Ben D-3 Welcome back young man. This is Ben's third time at the national level of our
beat. Tell me about your dogs. Well I have two dogs. I have a German short haired pointer he's four and a half years old and I have a St. Bernard he's like one and a half years old I think. Does he outweigh you. No not quite. He's just as he weigh 150 pounds. What's the best place you visited New York City. Why it's there so much to do like I like. My favorite part was going on top of the Empire State Building. Seeing every thing around. You. You were also in New York for something that I didn't even know they held there the Halloween parade. Yeah. What's that like. Oh everybody. There's a whole lot of people with costumes on praying and then there's also some people have these big puppets and things and have fun and sounds like a fun time isn't it. Yeah. New York is a fun city. OK. Samuel Brandt next to you. From Eugene Oregon. Samual competed. Harder
than the others in order to make it to the finals today. He was in a tiebreaker which had how many questions yesterday 17 17. What was the deciding question Do you remember. You know it is always awkward. The ball abox street separates the Sulu Sea from what I see the length during that 17 question tiebreaker. Did you panic at any time did you get bored. How did you feel. That's a long time. That's more questions than there were in the regular competition. I didn't get too nervous. I was just I wasn't thinking about oh no it's going to happen from these I was just straight for him. What's your favorite kind of food. I like all kinds of ethnic food Indian pretty good. Now you know there are like a variety of it. Yeah but you know there are a few players of Indian descent here and these 10 finalists. Did you talk about food backstage.
No we talked about India a lot. You talked about India a lot. I understand that one of the Indian boys and I don't want to mention which one. Came up with a clue. And he told the other Indian boys don't tell them what the correct answer is. Is that right. Did that happen. Yeah. It happened. Just Rajai is from Princeton He's 14 years old. He was born in India but came to the United States his decision. He was one month old ladies and gentlemen. How did you get interested in geography. Well. I've always been interested in like looking at maps and things like that. And I really became interested after I took this course in Model United Nations. And you know I was going to Johns Hopkins University and I learned about all kinds of different countries and things like that. You are musically inclined like some of our other players you play. I play the violin and the piano and the piano.
Mostly modern stuff for classical music I guess. All right. Good for you. Jessi Weinberg 14 from Coral Gables a neighborhood of Miami. But. His favorite NFL football team is the New York Jets. How did that happen. My parents are both from New York. I guess my dad is a big jets fan so I guess that's how it came about. Yes. You like some of the others play a musical instrument. Which one. I play the flute and the piano but I don't currently take lessons with him. No but you're very good at the flute. I understand you've got and superior grades and some competition. Yes. Yeah. And you also like Indian food. Yeah I do like Indian food and spicy foods. I like huh. Now I understand that you really enjoy visiting London. Why. Well I didn't I would like to go there. Why. I like some military history and Britain has been I guess over a long period of time. Of the world's foremost military power. So I I'd really like to go to the British Museum and the Cabinet War
Museum and Winston Churchill. I guess my idol so I guess I'd like to you would like to see his headquarters. During World War II underground. Yeah yeah it's fascinating stuff. Max Sugarmann. Now I'm sure you know that your state Washington has produced. For. National Geography Bee champion. You're aware of that right. Have you met any of the previous winners on. It. Kyle. And. Alex tell me about Otter's you have a thing about these animals. Yeah. I don't know. I like that I love them because they're such interesting animals and. They're really smart because they can use tools. And there are a lot of them in Washington State right. Yeah. Now you've got a bar mitzvah coming up very soon and I understand. If I have been informed correctly that you plan to wear a T-shirt with an otter on it.
For your bar mitzvah. No I'm wearing actually under my pushchair and wearing an otter T-shirt and I wear it on your socks. Of course those Otter socks are so popular these days. Matthew tempy is from St. Louis Missouri. The fourth child in his family to get to the national level of competition. Who. Are the other members of your family who have preceded you. Eappen George and Milica. How did they do. Well even didn't make it to the national the final round. But George won second place and the kid got fifth place. Are there other. Campese following you. Two more. Now. You know can you keep your good company. OK. You are of Indian descent also. And yet the places you would most like to visit are not at all like India. India is very hot and the places you want to visit are the North Pole
Antarctica and Mount Everest cold windy places. Why. I guess it interests me a lot and I like Mt. Everest the most because I I'd rather quote George Mallory on it because it's there and it's really cool. It's a lot it's quite extreme to him. There are a lot of other places that are there and not quite as extreme as Mt. Everest. All right. Good having you here Jamie doing. You also represent a state that has produced four champions have you met any of the previous winners. Not at all. Not at all. OK. But you were here last year. You're a veteran your experience. I understand you're an avid skier. Yeah I love seeing what's the best place you've been skiing. It's near Montreal. Near Montreal. Rambla. They have some long runs there. That's it. Now you were born in Australia. Yeah. And.
Says here the best place you have ever visited is. Where. Munich for the October 1st. Yeah. Well it's the coolest place ever. Yeah. Didn't drink any beer there did you. No. My dad did but. Well. Revelation's secrets are not safe. Ladies and gentlemen the 10 finalists. All right. Moving on for our second series gentlemen I will need you to look at a short video and you will need your cards and markers for this one. May we see the video now please. In June of 2004 conservationist Mike Fay began a one hundred thousand mile journey called the Africa make a fly over. It was an aerial survey of Africa's wild places one stop along his route included Chhobi National Park home to one of the world's largest populations of elephants. Jobey national park lies in which country east of Namibia. You have 12 seconds. Jobey national park lies in which country east of Namibia.
All right put your cards up and I will ask you to tell me what you have written down. Bonny Botswana Nathan Botswana or in Botswana then Botswana Samual Botswana. Tahj us Botswana Jessee Botswana Max fauna Matthew Botswana Jaymie Botswana Botswana put the cards down in our next series each of you will receive a question about a news story that appeared on the National Geographic News website featuring research conservation and exploration projects. When it's your turn. Please look at the photograph on your monitor while I read your question Bonnie. Look at the photograph. Ecologists have been studying the mysterious Fossa little known animal that resembles a puma at a nature reserve near the city of Mahat
jungle. Mahayana is a major port in which African island country. Not ask. Right. Nathan you look at the picture. Researchers have found that the vulnerable dugong or sea cow is thriving in the waters of shark Bay despite the presence of predatory tiger sharks Shark Bay an inlet of the Indian Ocean is located off the western coast of which country. Australia right. Karen. Take a look. In late 2003 a team of explorers hauled kayaks through the southern part of the Altiplano region. One of the driest places on earth. The team paddled through several salt lakes in the potato seed department of which country. Bolivia. Yes Ben. Take a look. Researchers studying chimpanzees in new about Laytonville National Park have discovered that chimps use a variety of tools to extract termites from their
nests. This park is located near the borders of Cameroon and Central African Republic in which country. The Congo. Yes. Samuel. Take a look. Scientists recently uncovered the ninety five hundred year old remains of what could be the oldest known pet cat. The discovery was made in which island country 60 miles west of Syria. Cyprus. Yes. Tahj us dozens of well-preserved income mummies were recently recovered on the outskirts of a capital city located on the real Remarque. These mummies were discovered in which country. Peru Peru is right. Jesse. Researchers are using critter cam a camera worn by wild animals to find ways that lions can co-exist with livestock on ranches on the lake. Keep the plateau in which country east of Uganda.
Tanzania. No sorry it is in Kenya Kenya. One miss for you. Max. Paleontologists discovered a fossil of a small dinosaur that they believed died while sleeping about 130 million years ago. This fossil was found in the present day Liaoning Province in which Asian country. China. Yes Matthew. Archaeologists working at bloodbaths cave uncovered seventy five thousand year old shells that they believe may be the oldest jewelry ever discovered. This cave is located near Mossel Bay in the Western Cape province of which country. Lebanon. Nope sorry. Correct response is South Africa. That's a miss for you Jamie. Take a look.
Archaeologists uncovered a large milestone panel carved with images and hieroglyphics at a site in the past then the apartment in which Central American country. Of. Guatemala. You are right. All right. That concludes this round and we have two players with one MS only. So let's go on to our fourth series of questions and you will need your cards and markers once again. May we have the item on stage please. Intricately carved and painted puppets used in an ancient Southeast Asian form of shadow play may be seen in religious ceremonies on an island in the lesser sunders that is predominantly Hindu. Name this island. Where Denne passer is the provincial capital. We're dealing with Southeast Asia an island in the lesser sunders that is predominantly Hindu. And the island
has been Pusser as its provincial capital. Put. Your cards up. And tell me what you have written Bani Bali. Nathan Bali Karon Bali then Bali and Bali Yes and on the bottom Tige us Bali Jessie Bali Max Bali. Matthew Bali Jaymie. Bali you are all correct and we would like to thank the Smithsonian Institution's Arthur Sackler Gallery for providing the company to us and nattily pitcher for handling it so adeptly. All right you're going to need your cards and markers once again to answer the next question which requires you to watch a short video on your monitors. May we see the video now please. Scientists recently performed a C.T. scan of King to on commune's mummy. To learn more about the ancient Egyptian pharaoh who died in 13:23 B.C. when he was about 18 years old King Tut was entombed in the valley of the Kings near which ancient
city that was once the capital of the Egyptian empire. King Tut entombed in the valley of the Kings near which ancient city that was once the capital of the Egyptian empire. Cards up. And as I look across the top row I see that four of you have written themes and Ben your response was not themes but Memphis we come down to the bottom row. Tell us you wrote down. Memphis Jesse Thebes Max Memphis. Matthew Western Thebes and Jamie has written down Thebes as well the correct response is not Memphis. It is Phoebes. Our next series of questions is based on photographs of cultural attire from all around the world. When it's your turn. Please look at the photograph. Bonnie
we start with you once again. This woman displays a costume like those commonly worn in the annual carnival celebration and a Caribbean port city that lies on the Gulf of Paria name this capital city. Port of Spain right. Nathan. This couple is dressed to participate in a traditional Karelian festival in a city that is the northernmost capital city on the European mainland. Name this city which was once under the control of Russia. Helsinki. Yes. Curren this woman wears the distinctive neck rings of the Pudong Cothren people many of whom live on the Shonn plateau east of the second largest city in Myanmar. Name this city. Mandalay. Yes. Then this hooly tribesmen wears face paint of clay and
berries for a ceremony in the Southern Highlands region northwest of the capital city on the Gulf of Papua. Name this city for me. Port Moresby. You are right. Samuel. This Kuna Indian woman is sewing a Mollah a colorful Central American fabric in an island group off the northeast coast of Panama. Named this Autonomy's island group which shares its name with a nearby Gulf. Island. No sorry it's the San Blas islands the sun block one miss for you tell us this actor is dressed for an opera performance in the Junsu province in a city that is China's largest industrial center.
Name this city. Shanghai correct. This Berber girl wearing a traditional head scarf lives in a rugged mountainous region that stretches fifteen hundred miles across Morocco Algeria and Tunisia. Name this mountain system the Atlas Mountains right Max. These men wearing beards and hats according to religious custom are visiting a pilgrimage site west of a body of salt water on the border between Israel and Jordan. Name this body of water. The Dead Sea. Right. Matthew. These Buddhist monks are close to celebrate the annual T.G. ritual northwest of a Himalayan city that lies near the confluence of the Bugatti and Vishnu Motti Rivers name the city. Daka know the correct response is Katmandu capital. And Paul. Let's go to Jamie now. These are Kashan children are performing
a folk dance in traditional attire since ancient times. These are cash and people in habited which mountain system that passes through Russia Georgia Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Caucasus. You are right and that does it for this round of questioning. And unfortunately Matthew Thambi we have to say goodbye to you but you'll receive a check for five hundred dollars and of course our congratulations to you and your family for having done so well in getting to this stage in the competition. Congratulations. All right players in this series you'll receive a question about an endangered cultural heritage site in southwestern Asia. The questions involve a map and will require two answers. You will have to give a number from the map and the name of that location. You must answer both parts correctly in order to receive credit. Listen carefully to all of the
clues in your question Bonnie. Take a look at the map. A 700 year old Citadelle and other historic monuments are at risk from looting and frequent earthquakes in the largest city on the Harry rude river in Afghanistan. Give the number and name of this city. Here at 17 you're right. Nathan Luger's looking for artifacts have damaged sites in the ancient Babylonian city of LaRosa located near and Azariah along a major river. Give the number of this site and name the river. Number 10 the Euphrates. Yes. Karen. A deteriorating archaeological site that includes one of the largest collections of mud brick buildings lies in an oasis of a desert that covers much of Turkmenistan. Give the number of this site and name the desert. 19. The car on your right.
Then. Rapid population growth threatens the medieval citadel and other monuments in Syria's second largest city located near the Turkish border. Give the number and name of this city. Six Aleppo right. Samual. Air pollution has taken its toll on the inscriptions carved in the temple of Augustus in Turkey's second largest city. Give the number and name of this city eight. And Kyra yes teach us. Construction of a dam threatens ancient sites in the farz province located partly in a mountain range that extends roughly from northern Iran to the Strait of Hormuz. If the number of this site. And name the mountain range. 14 The Elbridge mountain. 14 is the right number but it is the Zagros Mountains.
Sorry Jessee Urban Development is endangering statues funerary masks and other artifacts from a 9000 year old site in a city in Jordan that was once known as Philadelphia. Give the number and present day name of that city. For Amman right Max. Steps are being taken to preserve Israel's White City an area of 1930s Kubik architecture in the city that is the hub of Israel's largest metropolitan area. Give the number and name of this city to Tel Aviv. Yes. And Jamie. The minarets of Ghazni at risk from the elements and political instability lie within view of a major mountain system that stretches 500 miles in eastern Afghanistan. Give the number of this site and name the mountain system. 16 years. No sorry. It is 15. The
Hindu Kush Hindu Kush That's one miss for you only but two Misses for Tadros rahi. Just Congratulations on getting this far. In. Our next series is called odd man out. I will give you a list of five items and you must give me two parts of the response in order to receive credit. You must tell me which is the odd man out and why the other four are related. For example if I said Santiago Managua Borneo Cairo and Bucharest you would say Borneo because the others are cities. Bonnie are you ready. All right. Here is your selection. Varna is mere But to me. So I've asked Apoel Constanta to me because it's not the black sea.
No is near. Bob to me is on the black sea but Izmir is located on the Aegean. One for you. Nathan. Take a look. The Apennines the Balkan mountains the Brooks Range the Carpathian Mountains the Pyrenees the Brooks Range because it's not in Europe. You are right. KIRRIN. Auckland Christchurch Manukau Whanganui Wellington. My cat because his night in New Zealand. No. Monaco is in New Zealand. They're all in New Zealand but Christchurch is on the South Island before others are on the north island. Ben Joop wa wa they wanna go Veracruz Tabasco. All.
Sorts. Of direct responses to one the others are all states in Mexico Tujuan of course a city and a river. Samuel over to you now. Belong. You. Brighton Hastings the hub of. Liverpool Liverpool because it's not an English channel. You're right it's on the Murray River. Jessie the Simpson Desert the Gibson Desert the desert Tanami Desert the Great Victoria desert. The Namib Desert because it's not a desert in Australia. Yes. Max. Small. Chichen Itza. DiCarlo. Corporon. Tenochtitlan. To no none because it is not a main one. It's an Aztec ruins. Correct. Jamie Aden. Algiers Beirut.
Tripoli. Benghazi. Benghazi. Because it's not a city. No. Aden Benghazi is a city. All of those cities are on the Mediterranean Sea. Aden is on the Gulf of Aden. So that means to Mrs. for you Jamie and to Mrs. Forbin. Congratulations again on getting this far. Goodbye and good luck. While. We're down to six players in the remaining final round. Questions will require Oreille answers only. Once again we start with you Bonnie. In 1975 the mountain kingdom of skim voted to become a state in which country. India. Yes Nathan. The western most part of the Jura Mountains is located in which country France. Caudron. Known for its
leather goods and carpets. Marrakesh is in the central part of which African country Morocco right. Samual banana plantation surround the port city of Puerto Limone located on the Caribbean Sea in which country goes Strega. Yes Jesse. Tripolitania Sirene Aika and Fettes on our historic regions in which present day African country. Libya yes. Max barriers at Woolwich protect what capital city against storm surges from the North Sea. Amsterdam. No sorry. Well which is in England to protect London London. That's your second miss. Sorry Max we say goodbye to you. Well done young man. Bonnie one of China's most densely populated provinces and major agricultural regions
has its provincial capital at Chengdu. Name this south central province. Sichuan. Yes Nathan. The 18 mile long Tasman glacier the longest glacier in New Zealand flows down the eastern slopes of New Zealand's highest mountain named that mountain me. Mount Cook. Correct. Garonne. Peanuts are the principal export of the African country that is almost completely surrounded by Senegal. Name the country. Gambia Yes. Samual. Honiara is the capital of an island country in the South Pacific. Name the country. All nouns. Yes Jesse an arm of the Mediterranean Sea located between the southeast coast of Italy and Western Greece is connected to the Adriatic Sea by the Strait of Trento. Name this sea the Adriatic Sea. No it is the Ionian. We gave you Adriatic in the clue. Sorry you jumped in a little too quickly. Tough luck Jessie. We have to say goodbye to you.
Top row Bonnie cursed or blessed site of one of the largest tank battles of World War II is located on the border of Russia and which other country. Finland. Now. Ukraine Ukraine Nathan. A coup in 1980 prompted a former Portuguese colony to sever its ties with Guinea-Bissau. Name this present day island country. Cape Verde Islands. Yes. Coran. Lake Constans is bordered by Germany Austria. And what other country. Switzerland right. Samual. The Chordia Danos fireplace is located in the departments of Potosi and or Rudel in which country Bolivia you are right.
And we're down to our final three we say goodbye to our youngest competitor Bonnie Jane I hope we see you again young man. Nathan Arnhem Land which includes a tract of Aboriginal owned land in northern Australia lies west of what Goethe. The Joseph Bonaparte Gulf. No it's called the Gulf of Carpentaria the Gulf of Carpentaria one miss for you. Car. Which Canadian provincial capital city is located in a region of marine West Coast climate. Victoria. Yes. Samual what river in Central America forms part of the boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. No it is the San Juan River.
Sorry Samual But the good news is you're going to wind up with ten thousand dollars of fencing. Way to go. Ladies and gentlemen it has taken us one hundred and five questions. To get down to our two finalists. Nathan and curren. While we reset the stage for our championship round and our finalists take a moment or two to relax. We'd like all of you to enjoy a short video exploring what some people think geography means to them. This could be interesting to teach fifth grade. A lot of times they don't realize that they're learning geography. We incorporate it mostly in social studies and science. They know a lot more about geography than they think they do. They. To me. The study.
Of plants animals and human life. On. The natural primate. Background for water. Like Lakes ocean mountains any place or re-engine of water. I. Map. State. History locations and how people interact with us. Like all Billiam one and tell me and. It's like. One of I'll keep an eye out for. Something. Human and physical phenomena. Like. The study of nature and. I don't call it any way out. Geography was bad but had science from social. Geography means to me that we should treat the earth better. So put posed again. Geography is a whole world of exciting. I am a geographer. I've always been attracted to knowing why things are where they are and to me that's what geography is all about.
My favorite thing about geography is. The. Landform center. I found. That. People having fun too. I like mountains. Like the Appalachian because they have beautiful view and wide. Open ranges in rain forests because there's so much that you can find and there's so many animals on landform and I like looking. I like. I. Have. I like. Going to a different state. There are two things. That I get to see. My favorite thing about geography. About. The Earth. And how it was called. How the mountains are formed. And how we can. Make. In. A better place to live. My favorite thing about Jogi is realizing that you have a very complex world. Pathans people and places and
environments and if you study it you can take it apart understand how it works. You can put it all back together. This. Country's United States because that's where I live. My favorite place in the world is for the homeless because they're from their own Wrekin. I really liked Boston because of the harbor the Appalachian Mountains. Because my grandparents lived there and I've climbed the Appalachian Trail and it's just so beautiful and you can see over all of West Virginia and Maryland. I've. Been to London. And London have. A. Very steady city. Like a given clock. Which is like a big monument for. People. Like. Tim Crane. Where I was born. And it was really. Good to go back home. I would like to visit. Joe because you know. I think it's
interesting how they're born. From the height. But there. Are. Things. To know. Because my grandmother works and. I see her a lot. I know. My dad's from Ireland. That's right. I want to get it in. Because it's my. Great. I was. Like. I wanted help. Because I just want to. See how people live in different cultures. They do not like your hobbies in Germany. It's really nice. It's splash on the scene. Welcome back. Ladies and gentlemen we are now going to begin the championship round in which both current and Nathan are starting off with a clean slate. This is a best of three affair. And if we need to of course we will go to tiebreakers. If you're ready to write down your first response get your pen out and your card. And here it
is. Recently in fact in April of 2005 a volcanic eruption caused villagers to flee to the capital city of Morony in which island country off the eastern coast of Africa. Your. Cards. Each of you has written down Comoros. Each of you is right at one point. For Curren one point for Nathan. Here's your next clue you dropped your pen. Well why don't you borrow mine. Next question. The oldest city on the Korean Peninsula is the seat of a communist government. Name this city. Put your cards up. Each of you has written down
Pyongyang. You are both correct. We each have two points. Here is your third question. The city of Granada is located in what present day Spanish autonomous region that was conquered by the Moors in 711 A.D.. The city of Granada. In what present day Spanish autonomous region. Are cards up each of you has written down Andalus see you. Each of you is correct. So we now go to the tiebreakers which means that whoever comes up with the correct response when his opponent misses will be the 2005 National Geography Bee champion. First question. The development of dictionaries in official languages like Casa Swapna and NDB.
Is taking place in which country. Cards up. Each of you correct. Once again with South Africa. Next question. Ready. Name the channel formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that flows into the Persian Gulf. Direct response. Put your cards up. A. Shot. There's your next one. A city that is Switzerland's center for chemicals and pharmaceuticals is near the junction of France Germany and Switzerland. Name That City.
Cards. Up. Basil is right. Next question. Lake GATTUNG an artificial lake that constitutes part of the Panama Canal system was created by damming which river. Put your cards up. They have written. Different. Responses. If one of them is right he will be the new champion. The correct response. Late get tune part of the Panama canal system was created by damming. The chod Grace River. Kornelia. Congratulations young man. You. Are the 2005 National Geography Bee champion. My God. You are superb.
Second place finish. Way to go. Proud of you. Ladies and gentlemen I would now like to introduce the chairman of the board of the National Geographic Society Mr. Gilbert Grosvenor and the executive vice president and director of corporate marketing and communications for JP Morgan Chase Mr. Frederick Hill to present a $10000 cheque to our third place winner Samuel Brandt of Oregon. Thank you. And now Mr. Hill would you be kind enough to present a cheque for fifteen thousand dollars to the young man from Rhode Island who has come up here three times three
times the state champion current car. The third time is obviously a charm it certainly was for Nathan Cornelius of Minnesota three time national geographic The state champion and for 2005. The National Geography Bee US Champion gratulation to get. $25000 check. Every. Day. And his son Nathan will receive a lifetime membership to the National Geographic Society.
And now I would invite all the other competitors to join our winners on stage plays as we thank you for joining us today ladies and gentlemen. We'll see you all next year. So long. In. Case. You were. To. Look.
For. Her. For information on ordering a VHS cassette of the 2005 National Geographic Bee. Call 1 800 8 7 3 6 1 5 4. Or to order online with a credit card. Visit and select shop NPT. The National Geographic Bee is made possible by JP Morgan Chase a leading global financial services farm serving millions of consumers in the United States. And many of the world's most prominent corporations institutions and governments
National Geographic Bee (2005)
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Program Description
The 2005 National Geographic Bee, hosted by Alex Trebek.
Created Date
Asset type
Game Show
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: 19357 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:56:46
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Chicago: “National Geographic Bee (2005),” 2013-06-17, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “National Geographic Bee (2005).” 2013-06-17. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: National Geographic Bee (2005). Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from