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Oh. This program has been made possible by the members of mt t. Thank you for your generous support. OK Bill got the strings. Yeah I departed from the Big Three since my family. Left. Us. OK I'm going to sound very. Well you. Know what. Lol. Thank you. Wow what happened. To scroll. Up to the. End it looks. Like. A. Low low low low blow job. Leave the brain. Just do whatever you can to keep it possible I'll be there as soon as we finish getting mama's Ewing out of the drain. I'll read you know there are why give me a second will you.
When you. We're. Told. A little dark down here. What. Are you. All right. What. Do you think. Are the set your. Goals. You were offered. Are you a. Comedy big. Deal. Get a
logo. All that. Water water everywhere. I think I'll hear Bob but. I'm only receiving Can you remember is the big water. Well I'm not sure. I just soaked it in a few thousand gallons of waste water and it's. Rolling back here to the bank. I don't think so. Maybe all it needs to do is draw you out they when you are out. Gosh you know what.
I'm a whole lot closer to the big now than I am. Maybe this water downstream. Promised me as soon as you get the can 100 percent right on this. Josh where are your little button water reclamation plans to detect when I am still hot water reclamation land those are big words what are their names. Stop Me telling us to take a walk in the plant and I can describe what we got. All right let's do it. We're going to need this was the last time you had contact with waste water. Oh I know that it was about five minutes ago. Thank. God for that shii. I'm really not sure. You don't remember when the last time you saw gallons of rectitude. Yeah every time if you brush your teeth with a shower. Or do the dishes or use the toilet a little privacy please believe.
You're creating noise for your making clean water dirty. Would you want to drink water this someone if you're taking a bath and I don't want to. Say Our job is to clean up that water that you make dirty so the next person. These fish know the value of clean water have bottomed and wore down. I don't understand how to waste water from the entire town to get to this. Plant serve 120000 pay honks each house has a three inch pipe that goes down underground and connects with a lot of other pipes and ends up here on a 54 inch pipe. We had about 18 million gallons of water a day. Where does the water come in. It comes into this building that you see in the background. The first thing we have to do is remove large objects and my clog up pipelines within the plant. What kind of stuff do you take out other than toilet paper. You say surprise. We find blocks of wood large rocks. Sometimes we get pieces apply some and we don't know how they end up in the sewer system but we tend to get them coming into the plant because this is the
lowest part of the county we have to pump it from that building up about 30 feet to get it to go through the rest of the plant. Gravity. Bar backer lives that building it comes over here to the grid a school. That smells like this room. Oh. This is where we remove heavy objects nickels and dimes toys toys toys army men come here things that get in the way of the rest of the freaking process. Nickel dime choice I mean and I want to work at a water reglued. It's unclear how long does it take for the water to go through the great space. Believe it or not we only have seven minutes seven minutes seem like a long time. It's really not but it's long enough for that heavy material to settle into the part of. The hospital. If we hadn't gotten mom of this feeling out of the joint it would have ended up horse racing. Exactly. Why is it important that the kids learn about wastewater treatment they really need to know what happens the water goes down the drain. Certain things like race that would cause the price to clog up and. They were in reach here and would actually go out on the ground.
Oh no you need a large boulders always go dry when I was a young boy. Her current race slipping away. It's one of the hardest things we have to deal with. Whoa whoa. So this is the binary Clara. That's right Bob Griese which is a very light bulb goes to the top of the clear fire where as the particles edges skin cells paper fibers settle to the bottom. So in two hours the light particles go up by the collector and the heavier particles settle out a slug like mama Vitex stick in soon. I wouldn't say that about you. Reason to do this is not something that you want to drink. What exactly is the primary influence. This is what it looks like your tank after it settled for about two hours and if you look on the lot and that's a slogan we were talking on the top there maybe a little bit of grease floating but not a lot because recollect there's been a real big bang. Sorry mama but Bob I just want you to remember this is what I want to look like coming into this tank and this is what it looks like as it
leaves the table. It's about 20 percent cleaner when it leaves the next step it'll really were clean up so I don't surprise you. This is what it looks like as it goes through the next process. But it looks dirtier. Let's go over and I'll show you what welcomes a little biological nutrient whole process. This looks like chocolate milk will buy you one want to drink this either. I'm confused Bill why does it look dirtier. We use very small microorganisms. Millions of living creatures they eat human waste particles. Food particles it looks dirty I admit but what they do they take up the pollution and they use a polluted one the only way. You might in D.C. and I know this looks like one large tank but it's divided up into different compartments. And in this tank we're keeping one type of microorganism happy and in this tank on the other side we're keeping another type of organism. Happier are more food that they leave the more pollution they'll move. So the microorganisms makes the water look dirtier.
But in fact they're actually cleaning the water and that's exactly right. That way some microorganisms would clean up my world. Where do you get these microorganisms fall short of them come naturally from the human body. What we're really doing is taking what nature does in days. We have to switch that down into power. What would the world be like if there weren't any wastewater treatment plants there would be more honest. A. Lot of this is are caused by untreated waste water. So many years ago before there were always water treatment plants we had really bad cholesterol. That's right Bob drank a there's a limited amount of clean water in the world and we need to take care of it. Still the water looks really clean. Well you're right. We're getting close to the very end of the process we go through sand filters we go through bleach to kill bacteria that may have escaped. We take out. With another chemical so that doesn't kill the fish in the river and then we bubble in some oxygen to make water that we put into the river. That much better for the fish you know Village or takes a lot of hard work to make this water clean. Yes it does. Bob thanks a lot of keep up the good work. But come on you can tell me
how clean is the water the heart of this plan. My job is fairly very claim the fact that in this time of swimming in the water this late in the plant this is the one that comes out of the plant. That's right. Well they look pretty happy. This is where the claim water from the plant to started back into the river. DAVID It's this looks like a good place to take water samples. Wow thanks for the Gore I really enjoyed it. Bob have a good trip down river. I will. Briana what do you know. Well I'm working on a new business. And guess what. What. Did my head. Oh.
I. Didn't tell you which way to the bay that way. But we're going to have a well and today I want to help. This seems like an awfully big wetland. Well but it's about 10 acres. We have volunteers from the National Aquarium in Baltimore in the Park Service and a lot of local citizens and students from people litter all the Chechens upon the speed the bottle. Caps and other things that are needed for night time. Gosh they can't look at all this trash. It's helpful. It's even
floating on the water. We're going to plant some trees today. We're going to pick up some trash. I'm going to test the water quality. We've got a lot to do. Let's get cracking. We're stopping there because this is a good place for us to plant trees shrubs that will make it more attractive to wildlife. Hi I'm Bob to this. Hi I'm just here to wire wetlands. They're extremely important because one of the things they do is filter water making it more pure is it passes through. These are deciduous Hollies that are loaded with berries. What we're going to need you guys to do is to team up and dig a hole for each of the plants that we're going to put in. Are you ready to take. One call. And. A little tiny rootless on the plants tend to filter out the pollutants that are passing through and chemically changes it so that it's inert or no longer harmful or we have one plant just half a pound older plants do
this. Yes they do. Well then why don't we have more plants around or water. Well because people don't like wetlands very much they don't like the mosquitoes and flies this year so they want to drain the marshes and build Merinos are at their homes on them. When you say the word pollutants What do you mean exactly. We're talking about chemical compounds and fact if you put fertilizer on your lawn and you're fired at the wrong time and the. Heavy rains have washed away or the plants have a chance to use it grew longer. It comes down stream and we have a die off. You mean the fish get sick right there she actually gets sick. Wow what is this this is a probe that measure water quality in the bay. What do all these tubes sticking out do. These are little probes and each of them measure something different this measure the pH of the water. We can measure how much light's going through the water. This measure is how salty and we can measure the depth. When the tides change we can see how high and how
low. So what do we do next now we're going to put this in the water all right. What exactly does the data come from the probes up through the cable to a computer so that we can learn what a pilot is. How far down this is going to go about three feet under the water and as the tide comes in and out it will move up and down with the tides. Good job Albert. Step back just for a minute. Yes. Jim what else do plans to to keep the water clean. The trail that we're on is on a diet and it has a very steep slope. Their root systems hold the soil in place and keep that soil from running into the marsh during heavy rain so why would that be important. Well most settlements while the water which make it very difficult for sunlight to pass through the water from the plants that are submerged also it means that fish would be in cloudy muddy water and unable to get the oxygen that they need. So now we're going to do a target of her bidding a little bit what's that target any means how cloudy the water is important because plants grow along the bottom of the water.
And if the sunlight can't get down and the plants can't grow it is polluting water cloudy polluted water can be very very cloudy. That's kind of cool what's that. We call this a second us to discuss what does it do. You put it in the water to see how the water is and as you enjoy it you can see there are some black marks along the road so that is everything but we're going to lower it and 3 who no longer see the black or the white. Sorry not anymore. There is one black mark. Black marks. And I was right about here so we have the White House seat if you want to have see what does that mean. We've had a lot of rain recently which helped to increase some of the turbidity you can see it's very murky down there in the water right. So it's not very good. Jim my pet fish fish came home sick the other day. What do you think of the costs could be that some of that bay water his biggest winner and dirty and the whole mood and he may have got something in there that's really you know do you think we can make them better.
I think if you were what are you Mr. Clean fresh water that he might feel a lot better. Hey you. Got a. Great. Point. Jenny what are we doing now no. Well we're going to do two different types of water testing. Her monitor. We're going to test the temperature responses from six to eight hundred three Celsius that's pretty warm for this time of year. This is something a little bit fancier It's called the refractometer way for tall matter. What's that hold it measures how much there is in the water. Why is that important. Well the bay is an estuary that means it's a mixture of fresh water and salt water fresh water comes from the rainfall the salt water comes from the ocean and they're all mixed together. And on this account. And does that affect the fish and the plants that lived in that water. Most certainly depending on tides or how much rain we've had recently the salinity is going to vary. Say House of War. That's from the time the low voltage wells. That's perfect for brackish water was which is what we should have here in the back gosh to a bit of the salinity temperature the last time I had this really test is when I went to the doctor I said of what we are
taking advantage of all the data set and were saying what we can do to help make it healthy. A cherry What are you doing here. Well I'm recording how many items killer collecting on the beach. Every piece of the seal on the back. Why would you do that. What's important for us to know. How much debris there is and the Tysabri that get washed. This is a kid's juice container. We see lots of them in the bag soda bottles are the number one thing that we find straws food wrappers that always Chapstick. Reflectors from bikes. I found a bucket head and what looks to be a medicine bottle cap. Well this is a sharps container and unfortunately sometimes when we're cleaning the chain we find things like hypodermic needles to me but then it's container and this enables you to dispose of it safely. Exactly. I keep pulling trash out. But there's even more to the water.
Oh what can vid kids do to help clean up the water. Well they can do a lot of fog right at home by making sure they dispose of trash properly. Why is that because any trash that gets into the street gets washed down into the storm drain comes down the river and ends up on the shores of this war plan trash trash and more pretty heavy. Well Jim we've cleaned up as we never have come back. Not exactly is a continuing cycle. Each time there's rainfall in the watershed more bottles and trash flow down the river and come into the wetlands and so we have to come back and clean it up. I don't think you're going to have the cleanups island next to us much pleasure but you know I've got to get loaded because I got to figure out what basically has six top names that I. Like. Me Bob are you there. I'm right here Mom where are you. I mean the wetlands how sit doing he's not
doing too well hoof Well this war will be bombed. I think he's having bad dreams. James has tried putting him in some fresh water. That's a great idea I think in a park in my little home over the river without a battle. Let me know how it turns out. Good luck out there are counting on you the kids before we go let's get another war. No. You. Mean kids we're on a bit Smith Island in the middle of the night. Maybe somebody on the island. Help us figure out what did you want to send me and I'll. Put on the bit and I'll just say foundations This is a why should his be concerned about keeping lakes and
rivers and streams healthy I mean the point of water is there are two reasons one is fun to watch for so the bank is our playground. We don't want to play in a trashy playground you can go catch a bad boy you catch a turtle might catch a crab you Mike to see a bird it's a great place to go out to have a great time but also for food we eat stuff out of there so we need good water out there for fun and for stuff like going and they stay. Young. Kids. But a little bit. Here's where they kick and clean the craft. Market. Let's go inside your home tell me how hard is it. Make a mark. Everybody has a wimp like my grandmother would give my time to sell to see how long it takes them how would they not love that lot of that. So how do you start what do you do. First you take up a cell and all the guilt and all the honor thank you that won't get your credit. I got. A little credit hotline. Hold on please. Hello. Great
little garden. Tell me if they're good crabs. Like I say I'm done. Nothing for you going to give the baby dirty. Dog mama didn't take beef and I don't live anywhere near the water. Why should we be concerned. Oh Bob you may not live on the water. You have a. Watershed. Watershed. What's that about all of this is important is this. Bob what about that. Bob. Is this what is shared. By all of this is the watershed watershed is all of the land that drains down into a stream or creek or river or the bay. Think about a drop of water comes out of the sky hits that land and where that all of the land that goes across is a watershed when you take something as big as the day that's a lot of land I mean that's sixty four thousand square miles. All of that land all of those yard
playground farms back in the streets. If there's any dirt up there any traffic coming. Out of her bay if you're in an area that drains down into it you live in the watershed moment to tell you the same stuff on top of the roses to help growers kill the dogs that end up in the bay. Eggs. You've got to go talk to mom and the cat. And tell her she should put as little as she says they need because that's not going to. Run down stream again. So you want to make sure that you don't put on any more hat too because. That. Runs off. Don how can I learn more. Get out on the ballet get out on it and seal it in feel and I could taste it. Even fish it and grab it and play it. Get out or. Is there a boat handy so I can go out on the water we've got a boat right out here. I would say All right Bob Stovall just take me down next. Ready to go is your thing Chris where exactly are we going.
Whoa cutting through smiling to the other side. Want to reach the boat and use the same net which is a well put that on two poles to try to get some cool animal. Food. Bank. Yes mama. Yes mama. Mama did say she just want to make sure that I brought my my flotation devices. She's a smart woman. Also there are a lot of creatures in the back. There are literally thousands of animals that live in the Bush ranch. Boisterous all kinds of fish crabs birds even little itty bitty things I suppose that we hardly can see to all of these critters. Water is very important things that. All of them need clean water lives. Well let's see what kind of critters we found jellyfish The cool thing is you can actually pick it up. I don't think the kids at home should try this. I ain't afraid of no jellyfish. What is this. Their tentacles and they have small dart like things called the mattresses that actually fire toxins in your skin.
Well maybe it's not such a good idea at a time. Did you know a very little one is a jellyfish sting. Well a jellyfish stings to protect itself all the stinging parts are down here in the palm of my hand is not being stung because it has very tightly knit pools cool. What is this this is the hardest fish that lives in the lower part of the bay they can actually swim between the tentacles of the jellyfish and not get stung or hurt. What's the coolest thing you've ever found in the same was a lizard fish some prehistoric times like big bunny eyes while David kids. This looks like the right place to take one last. Water sample. There Willy are a lot of creatures living in the water that's right Bob the bay is an amazing place. That's why it's very important that we take care of you know we really should be good guests when we visit their home. Don't we can be kids do specifically to help keep the bay clean oh I lost a lot here's three things to worry here one is a pick up all the trash on the land to make sure just doesn't run off the land out of the water. To this any time they see their
dirt and is so well they can but dress it on that target in the grass to make sure that Thursday's up there in that playground of that yard and doesn't come down here does it say smothered or grasses are crabs or fish three as they can talk to their moms and dads and ask in the drive less when they go to say a soccer game they can get a lot of people pile in one car. And so they've got less cars on the road because believe it or not what goes up from the car comes down in rain and that rain goes right into the bay so you have car exhaust is actually a big problem. Shot at big kids it's getting late. Sure wish I had lost the vid is no. Now we have the money some other way to get home. He told my mother that ever what do you do here. I'm warming a warming. Does that mean you go water skiing. No water among is a commercial fisherman. Some warming hits rock fish. Some kids claim some good soldiers but I think you all. What do you catch a kit scribes. Yeah I'm taking a bomb to the attack I love her she grabs my pa boy you're here I'll put you to work all wrong. Short of a vid kid wanted to be awarded a full
first they need to find someone who works and then they need to get a job with it forward forward. Neutral reverse result. Probably everybody learns like I did from what I am not aware of right over. Watch out on the water bombs and talk about a quarter of its day. How does it start. I'll start I did like a story. Like I'm dynamite Ratchanok what is a crab shanty. I think it was like a woman's office grabber asked make sure he has plenty of grand kids to grab. We're going to board a boat and go out for the day. Every one of them. These are crap either you get your tribe out of they get in they crawl in through here. These are called funnels and their trial and where does the date go in the fall. And we open the lid and we put the bait fish and saw it here. How long does a cramp stay in the water by 24 hours. I'll say this call is a bushel Bryants. Ever that's a pretty cool hat. I have one here. How do I make it an official Waterman time.
Oh you take a hand throw it in the dirt. Right. Stumbling sometimes. When you think. You might have stepped on it a few more. Thanks a lot for showing me around the problem. I ask one favor. Let me give me a lift back to love. All right. I made it back is anyone here. Oh no. See. Oh I hope he's feeling much. Better and worse outside. His. Height. Great Brianna. I took all sorts of water samples. Maybe this will help us figure out what makes it sit. There wait. He. Musta been those five triple decker poached pecan ice cream cones I had for lunch that would have given him one up on me. Said that well-bred kids it looks like we're just about out of time. I hope you learned as much as I did about how important it is to keep our water clean even if it is feeling
better. We all need to do our part to protect our most precious natural resource. I want to thank everybody who helped me on my journey downstream and I'll see you next time right here at the big kid glove. You know let's talk about water has really got at least the first take. See you next time. This program has been made possible by the members of a.. Thank you for your generous support.
Bob The Vid Tech
"Water, Water Everywhere"
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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When Bob the Vid Tech shrinks himself down to rescue Momma's earring from the kitchen sink, his brother Biff accidentally washes him down the drain... And so begins Bob's "fantastic voyage" as he traces water from his own home, through a water reclamation facility, past a wetland, and finally out to the bay. Along the way, Bob meets Bill Holland and Dan Ward and learns how sewage is removed from wastewater; he pitches in to help volunteers clean-up a wetland in Baltimore City; then Bob catches a ride to Smith Island in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay with waterman Everett Landon. Featuring comic-actor Bob Heck in multiple roles, and Parris Lane as Brianna the Vid Tech Apprentice, WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE is designed to introduce Vid Kids to the many things we can all do to keep our water clean.
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Distributor: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: DB3-0198 - 50183 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:29:00
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Chicago: “Bob The Vid Tech; "Water, Water Everywhere",” 2002-10-22, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025,
MLA: “Bob The Vid Tech; "Water, Water Everywhere".” 2002-10-22. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <>.
APA: Bob The Vid Tech; "Water, Water Everywhere". Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from