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The following program is made by an NPC to serve all of our diverse community and is made possible by the generous support of our members. Thank you. Please resolve the bitset. Don't go away because we have a totally awesome adventure coming your way. If you have really wanted to learn how to do something be a little bit afraid. Well come along with me as I overcome my fears and learn how to go horseback riding horseback riding. He's afraid of what. I think he's saying you can't make it through the night and sailing yelling Don't get me at all with some very special needs kids. So far I'm up for it for a half hour of fun and excitement as we tell you so be it good shouted. How many big. Video. How can I get
a logo. All back around. The circle. That Bob the Vitex meeting the challenge. Good morning. This is what's so good about. Jews. OK. Come on. Let's go away and do what. Throw the ball around the body do die. All we can do anything you want. How about something new like horseback riding or sailing. Maybe even giving you such a dream or you really want to go horseback riding act. You're afraid of horses. I think I am a little donkey and still you don't get me started.
You always say you're going to do all these amazing things but you never really get around to it. They fit my height little brother. You lead the same boring life. That's not fair. But if we can find all kinds of fun things to do. Be a mind. I'm trying to watch a little television here. DO IT FOR TO DO YOU WOULD YOU COULD YOU DO. You know what ifs right. I don't know how to ride a horse and I am a little afraid of the dark and sailing. Well I've always wanted to learn but I've never really taken the time. You know what the kids let's do it let's take this challenge. I'm tired of sitting around just watching TV. I'm going to go out and learn as much as I can about horseback riding camping and sailing. What do you save it kids want to go with me. Let's go. It's just. Wow. Where am I. Well from. The forest
therapeutic writing program in Carroll's. File Bob the Vitesse and my name's Bob Charlie you know I've got to take some orphans up the hill so we can get this program started. Come help us. Hey sounds like what are we going to do that home will start off by getting our horses in the pasture field. Right I'm up here to the arena. Even the freedom to move that. Far from. The saddles and bridles and we're going to have free passes for the riders Let's go. So who do we have here this is Tiger. And he's a chestnut gelding and he's quiet. He has good manners good boy. And who is this. He says liberty and he's a Shetland pony. He's been working with the therapeutic program since it started in 1978 and he's just never had a day off. Bob tell me about some of the children that make up the therapeutic riding program what kind of kids do you have here. Well our riders are people with physical or mental disabilities and we teach horsemanship to them in a safe and controlled environment. I imagine that they really enjoy their chance to be up on a horse. You're going to see
some very happy people. Hey I'm here with Jennifer. What's the most fun about horseback riding. Running on running with him running that sounds like fun you like the wind blown in your face is I feel good. Do you ever feed the horses What do they like to eat. Today here at the. Plant. Grass cleanup. Oh. Come on you know what to tell us and you know that we're ready to feed liberty. How many times a day would a horse eat. Now how many times a day or so either how many times we'd feed him or totally different. I dare say that liberty would eat all the grain we would not eat we don't want him to get terribly fact and so we measure the speed out for him twice a day. Excuse me I'm just wondering can you recommend the food here. I would say that's a yes. This is what they eat. Would it be safe enough for me to eat. Oh yes yes I'm in here. It's oats and corn and
barley. This is to make it sweet. A lot of the things that are in this grain will be in your breakfast cereal. Let's see. That's cool. Karen. What are we doing now. I press them for claims finally arrive I notice here that we have two different kinds of brushes. Aaron what kind of a brush is this making it now sauce so you get the dirt out and when you were kind of approaches this this is a curry rabbit and circles. What happens here. He likes you missed a spot. Yes kid. I was high on the vid tech and you are. Amy de Turk Amy how are you. Fine thanks for being with us today. Today. We're back right. Josh do you know who you're going to ride today. Yeah hi. You're going to write Tiger what do you like about Tiger. He's right.
Yeah. How about you out of your life you know pile the horse does it make you smile. Does it make you want to laugh. Does it make you want to have a good time. Boy I can't wait. By the way I'd like to compliment you on you all for writing that. It's an excellent quality. Wow that's pretty high up. Now how do you get on top of a horse all manning a horse not that difficult. We're going to show you one more from the left side left foot goes off in the firm grip hold of the saddle to pull yourself up. Sit gently in the saddle. Put your right foot in the stirrup and we're ready to ride. Please take your time any Tell me about your horse. This is a dude dude you know. Wow he's a beautiful horse. Do you like horseback rider. What's the best thing about horseback riding you think. Oh Mary Yeah. Romeo would be good for me it would be good
and have a really good to have. I'm with Mary shall Mary as the head instructor here of the therapeutic riding program. Mary tell me about some of the changes you've seen in the kids after they've been riding for a while. We have turned kids who look like sacks of potatoes up there on a horse and they just sit there and they look like a princess. It's a wonderful thing to behold. We've had young riders who come to us who could not sit alone by themselves. We put them on a horse with a person who back rides behind them to help them with support. After six to 12 week period these riders can now sit all by themselves. It's really a great thing to watch. What. The fuck. You think I could learn how to run a war. Well I don't know what are some of the things that young writers need to remember when learning how to ride a horse.
The first thing they need to do is to sit quietly upon the horse legs underneath of them heels down lower than their toes hands quiet in gentle look where the horse is going which most of the times means you look in the green horse's ears. Did you think I could learn how to ride too. This is Aaron's mom Karen. How long is Erin been part of the program and been writing for 10 years. It makes her happy. She smiles a lot when she rides. And this is Amy's mom and manager. It has been wonderful. Culture is like ice cream cones not like a piano. Like I said it's the social thing for her she's with other young people and it's a sport that most people don't participate in these kids really have been given an opportunity. Many don't have. It. Hey Jennifer do you think I could learn how to ride a horse. Please say yes. I believe we can teach just about anybody. Why do we wear a helmet. Does it get out of that. Protect my head if I hit the ground. Yeah.
Right. Ready to fight. Man it's all your. Kids running there's a lot of fun. I'm not even scared anymore. Hey Josh did you have a good time. Yeah. Now did you have a good time. Yes. It's great to see her 60 with her brothers and they go to a baseball game they had a home run and they're thrilled. And for her to set up on the course and be able to ride it into something that none of us can do to go through. Larry what's your favorite part about this program. I say the kids minus the kids miles on a horse and the volunteers. When you combine ponies. And children you get instant love. But when you combine those ponies with children with disabilities in addition to that love you get therapy and that's what
this program. But I'll take the challenge and we'll be right back. You say. You're Briana do you know your ABC. Want to Build your. Own i j k l m n o p q r s t. And now I know. Briana what you doing when I'm having a mystery what hell. Sure every day I think of a new way to be kind to people and then I write it down on a flower. And then I put it up on the China street. Like yesterday I helped that tie his shoes and today I helped
Bamma carry the groceries and. The big question is teaching me how this. While the war calling things you do so pretty you're the tree if you call these kids can you think of more ways to be kind to the people around you. We know. I. Hate where I live. Spencer Where's the book morals got where the basic Hi I'm Bob Vitex. I'm David Gardner. I work for the ball where it counts. I'm especially got to see any of this involved and all of it. If you think I could tag along so I can say let's go the first thing you do is grab the damn ego Brad if you think we brought too much stuff. Oh you can never bring too much star Dave and I'm sure a lot of people out there didn't realize that the scouts have a special program for children
with special needs. Currently we're serving over 500 with one so. Physical challenges and the children get the opportunity to do the same things that I would you just almost got to do many of the kids that we have here today this is their first experience in the woods. So we're going to start with fishing and learning how to use Access and working around a campfire. Tampa now building turns. Wow that's a lot of activities it sounds like fun. We're going to go fishing but before we go. Jamal is helping me make my fishing line. First we're going to take a fishing line and I want to make two arm lines one two and we're going to catch our Bob. Did somebody say. And we attach our little weight by making us swear not and then we take the loop from the hook line and we attach that. Remember when you put on the hook always be careful. Good SHARP Now we're ready to find a stack. And then we have. Got mine.
Hey dot what kind of bait to use peanut butter peanut butter. What about earthworms. What about peanut butter and earthworms. Once Go Fish. Oh yeah there's a different perspective on life. I don't think your line as long as you. Learn about them. Become more open become one with. One kind of nature and here you think you'd be aware that both are eating their peanut butter. It's really less about on dishing and catching the fish it's more about building nations. Maybe we'll get lucky in PR if you want. This is Brandon bothering Chris. Brad gets a feeling of the moment and then opportunity to get together with the kids is really what's great. It's been a great experience.
Had you known before you got involved in Scouting that you could use peanut butter for being Pina brothers need more firewood. You know I think well that's a chore Why would kids be excited but really this is kids doing it for themselves so they know if they want a campfire There's gotta be fireworks. I got some more killing. When do we start a fire. Actually going away to get a little bit darker before is that I care far. Cool with me is Aaron Vera who's an Eagle Scout and program specialist What are we going to be doing here in the backyard. We're going to be teaching people the proper way to cut wood with an axe and a sword right here we set up a safe area. First thing you do you check to make sure that should clear up before you cut the cake. No one should be inside the rope. Do I really have to sleep in the tent tonight. Absolutely.
I'm kind of torn. Should I be afraid of the dark. No I thought I heard something. Might be going to allow. School. I've noticed this thread has quite a sense of humor. Good thing too out snakes once you get started it's hard to stop. Are you joking. This is what the API. All you do. Wow didn't we have a really great day today. Yeah fishing hiking. We built a fire. Who can show me here the best way to roast a marshmallow. I don't think that's done enough. What is the best part of toast in the morning. No that or not. Nice area there in my head. OK in my head here and why I kind of like this care. What do you like about him.
Yes Jews. Were you ever afraid of the dark and how did you get over it. Really and then you were OK. Hey maybe I'll give it a try. Maybe in my heart to say. Well I guess it's time for us to go to sleep we have a big day tomorrow. Yeah good night buddy. I am afraid of the dark but tonight I'm going to sleep in this tent so I can let you know I get kids. Ok guys it's time to wake up Bob. Let's go. Oh.
My God. What do you say guys you want to go and have some fun. All right. I get some satisfaction working with the job I love I'm going to give back what was given to me. That's my main goal. One of the best things about Scouting is that children were on the trip and gives every kid an opportunity to develop leadership skills learning skills for children with disability that need to belong is even more profound. The uniform in Scouting makes all the children I like now and they have a real longing for the kids we have here different tasks that they're having. And just to see them smile I get the feeling that I'm going to go home happy and is glad if you'd gone with the boys. Wow. We're here at City Point State Park. I'm here with Captain
Don back here. He's the president of crab Chesapeake region accessible boating. Maybe now even I can learn how to sail. But tell me a little bit about crab. We start crab in 1991 right here this beautiful facility here Tiny Point State Park. Our mission is to get people with disabilities and their families out of the water. Carmen do you want to say all right what do you want about a guy like that. We take 85 year old ladies Retarded Citizens. Blind students deaf spinal bifida cerebral palsy M.S. we take anyone who shows up sailing. With me is Jenny Vaughan from the Central special school. We arrive around 11:00 o'clock and let everybody come to school. And make sure we get the life jackets on. Amanda I'm PA Can I ask you a question. What is called a life preserver. But you know me out of it put it on you know just keep us safe on a boat. Yeah make sure it's clicked in and secure. She's ready to go sailing.
Safety first. The main reason we bring this to the failing is so that they can get used to the experience so that they can go out with their families. Sometimes they're a little. Scared to get on the boat. Kind of. A one thing. There for. The both the folks fighting and even the kids who are the most worried or concerned about it. They just. Sit back. And really enjoy. What. Captain do I permission to board your ship. You certainly do. Thank you so Don tell me about this boat this boat was built especially for you with mobility and these special seats. Never I can be on either side like intact seat Rita. And there's a position for the crew as well as the script. Secure them. Want to make sure that they're comfortable and enjoy it.
What makes the boat move. That's right. When. It's quiet. There's no motor running. I hear the wind in the water and the breeze insisted very calming situation the little boy that was in the first. When things get out there even the kids who are the most worried or concerned out they
just relax. The best thing about sailing is you can just relax. And have a. Good time. Captain Don what exactly is this. Because of telling my children what does it do. It's connected to the rudder which steers the boat so the tiller is kind of the steering wheel of the ship. Now. Don one of the kids you know it puts a twinkle in there I'll tell you that. But we don't just take a ride we let them pull the strings we let them steer. I need a student to drive a boat. You got your hand on the tiller. That means we're sailing when. You push the stick this way what happens. She was worried about the house. OK now watch me put it this once you integrate. Forth this way No wiggle wiggle like a fish.
Caught you are now the captain of this ship. Coming by. To. Check it out. I'll be steering the boat. When you give the tiller as they make this 2000 pound boat. Do what they want. There's power in. Their eyes open up and all. I can do it. Do you think I could could actually steer the ship absolutely my guess. So I put my hand on the tiller and if I push it away. We turn to the left. Now we're going to the right. The big sail over my head what's that called. That's the main sail. That's the biggest sail on the boat and barge most of the power you have a smaller sail up front what's that called. It's called The job of the house the focal point the direction the wind. How fast is this Boko. I suppose people are doing something NOT NOT NOT NOT.
What's not it's a nautical mile nautical miles a little longer. Than mine. So when you measure speed on water it's in knots when you measure speed on land it's an MPH. Wind faster than you are. I know the thing. About the. Headset on Sunday best selling here at Sunday Point State Park and their low bid kids you know the one that plays the sale. They've got the wind blowing and they don't like to compete against me. Number two oh my goodness look out. There. One cell. Phone again. As I look out over those days the winds are blowing. Having somebody will family with one somebody try to figure out what I'm talking about. Next stop the one where it. Will get them next time. Don is this a great day for sailing. Can't get better than. Look at that's perfect. And if you guys have a good talk you.
Bought it. We can't get a lot of things out right sailing some of them learn about sailing they actually learn what to do with all of them. If you're getting on a boat and just getting used to what it takes to get down and man some of the kids it's just pure pleasure the way it is for that. I want to be. A helper and well. Wishes to hurt me a little more forceful told her feelings I got her. I love to see that smile. That's part one going. That's my friend. I'm exhausted but didn't we have a most easy time. Oh all the kids it's time to sleep.
You know real dad. Look at this. He spent the whole day watching too. Too bad. That I. Like the kids. Let let me let me jump in. Let me jump in. The preceding program was made by an employee to serve on a very diverse
community. And was made possible by the generous support of our members. Thank you.
Bob The Vid Tech
Meeting The Challenge!
Producing Organization
Maryland Public Television
Contributing Organization
Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Bob the Vid Tech meets a group of very special Vid Kids -- children with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities -- and tags along with them as they learn, among other things, how to sail and ride horses. In Westminster, MD, he visits the Carroll County 4-H Therapeutic Riding Program to find out how Bob Shirley and Mary Shunk use horses to help children exercise muscles and improve self-esteem. Even Bob the Vid Tech eventually musters the courage to climb aboard a trusty steed. And at Sandy Point State Park near Annapolis, Bob meets Don Backe of CRAB -- Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating -- as he teaches a group of disabled children -- many of whom are wheelchair- bound -- how to steer a 2,000 pound sailboat. VID KID: MEETING THE CHALLENGE! offers a sensitive, yet upbeat introduction to the world of disability, and allows young viewers to tag along with this very special group of Vid Kids as they teach Bob all about what they like to do to have fun.
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Distributor: Maryland Public Television
Producing Organization: Maryland Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: DB3-0025 - 50186 (Maryland Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:27:51
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Chicago: “Bob The Vid Tech; Meeting The Challenge!,” 2000-06-28, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025,
MLA: “Bob The Vid Tech; Meeting The Challenge!.” 2000-06-28. Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <>.
APA: Bob The Vid Tech; Meeting The Challenge!. Boston, MA: Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from