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eighties it's b with are you it's been it's
been disbelief with the police these it is five hundred tons of it a day will be buried just outside the
city council our neighbor against neighbor and i don't like to think that people are divided by war ii determined by lifting their heads mean i think that in the waterways it's created a union between the people that love the land laurie cotterill is a leader of the fight against the landfill she lives less than a mile and a half from the site and this is the area where they want to dance what will that mean for your community get humming if there will be no tax base there'd be no future for the children and whether they want to get or not they want the cancer like a
growth once you get one and they're gonna keep their and thereby products or poisoning caro is tired of dealing with other people's garbage in april the state health department granted label always system a permit to build a landfill in this field in southeast dallas county to the south in another county but with insight is another landfill to the north with him four miles of cotterill's house are two more landfill i think dave chosen this area because we have more rural area out here we've always been looked down so it's sort of like cindy down there there's nothing down there anyway warmer happens to be a well earned a geologic setting for landfills david hildreth is the regional landfill manager for late always systems they can a landfill site in projects you look first to the geology to make sure that they are every clay's are
available for the best environmental protection also look to affect its few residences as possible so world settings are quite typical and you look for transportation system that gets the solid waste to the side a price that is still affordable by its customers and by the consumer we want to be good neighbors to those people want to be accepted in the community you know i never wear long period that good neighbors and good neighbors don't ruin their friends environments their neighbors and garments laidlaw is longer period leahy law is in cotterill's only target in her effort to protect her areas well water system she has asked state and county officials to close one of the three landfills near her community this one is run by browning ferris industries washed out of here last summer after heavy rain cotton road checking the nearby landfill
thank you can hang it in two containers of oil how to roll worries that chemically tainted water will seep from this and other landfills despite new technology at supposed to keep that from happening by ground water groundwater is gone and there is a small town south of cotterill's home waste management runs the skyline landfill heavy equipment crashed refrigerators and stoves as if they were tin cans what is that you know you're saying there's no accountability no there's no way of knowing what that is local authorities tell cotterill and her neighbors at the federal environmental protection agency and other government regulatory agencies will protect them if the bang bang
and enforced you know you can start at a dance that you got a problem with them military they don't have authority are you getting for the texas department of health late last year local and national environmental groups meeting with city officials to fight laden always systems application or on land will permit is behavioral but wilner did give up it let private groups fight the landfill and testify at state health department hearings last year and this brain could the city though have fought the down when you have had more clout than a group of citizens many many ideas you could have that it would have to hire engineers people to test the waters coming to compete individually will cost in the thousands of dollars which we don't re up well where is an old farming town mean the senior citizens it has a few stores and
gas stations but no major industry that town can't afford a new police car it's police officers are driving cars with more than a hundred thousand miles on them and to keep breaking down we'll have them any near the lake street or clean water landis tour lands to people that have been in the city for over twenty thirty years that are paying taxes are not getting all the city services that rebellious high and outside but careful thought that we could not really quickly if we had found asked and we met with him about it within the way it and they figure greg allen npr the city council voted no no ma'am no ma'am we did not try to stop it to try to get them good for the citizens of fact i think the new hampshire we will be blind for their remaining years les paul has agreed to give the city money to build a water line to the dump it would serve people whose well water the landfill might contaminate the agreement means a savings for well more of two hundred thousand dollars we don't feel that there was any intent
or more brian involved in the thing we do it simply as a vehicle towards bringing i needed service to that area the community in and some form of public acceptance to us as a company these days community relations is just another business expense down the highway and fairest the skyline landfill sponsors a little league baseball team their scouts waste management also has donated part of its landfill for park space and would donate ten thousand dollars for playground equipment libya by landfill is down the road from a juvenile home run by dallas county the f i donate five thousand dollars a year to the home and so far county officials have not taken seriously complaints from nearby residents regarding the landfill
and welner the train tracks divided town physically at the landfill has created a bitter own emotional and political division the landfill and videotape this confrontation in september during a city celebration organizers asked landfill protesters to take the registration fee and go away tension over the dams built into city elections quite broke out during the election four of six council members were replaced by anti landfill candidate the new council fired the city manager upset over that the city secretary quit my greatest fear is that it's an accomplishment that would last two years old i am they said this is going to this is going to be the salvation when i had never say no doubt be the salvation for any party will the landfill than
help or hurt on her and ricky jay you want if there's an old tribe of indians that used to believe that you don't make any decisions and two you thought about how it's going to affect the people seven generations we should still use their midsummer day to day practices in running our government that the decisions we make to bang how they can affect seven years seven generations is it these christians in north
dallas muslims in the southern part of the city in grand prairie joined people of other faiths this week in a common desire to praise their pride and continued toward building bridges in the community all across the metroplex congregations exchanged members many of them sharing the same partners from a year ago when the exchanges first took place as part of project crossroads billy graham perry raised their voices and christian hymns and as
a grand juries trio would united methodist church at their best to follow the buddhist worship service a few miles away the future of course that was the heart of the crossroads project in the first place to allow individuals of different faiths and ethnic groups the opportunity to meet one another learn about each other and build understanding unlike to make a
connection and we were had the added benefit of learning a lot about the solomon about this particular congregation feel that it's been beneficial always been wonderful it's been and realities sometimes standing up when he slid and allison and all the different kinds of people that live here climate wars of the last year stefanie ertel and her husband rent in several events with their newfound muslim friends from the dallas masculine el islam she no longer feels islam is so mysterious having learned many similarities between the fates god intended a difference is not intentional that the resulting in not intentional the numbers that they got created maybe a little the sunday after her visit to the friday july at the masthead stephanie portal serves as an assisting minister at
the ascension lutheran church and richardson and the congregation friends from the mass including ilan yuck yuck argue listen to words that sounded amazingly familiar the data is really a celebration of three and whether that gets expressed in christian terminology and form shore and miles long forms and theology it is faith today that we celebrate the lutherans and the muslims say they have built a lasting relationship over the past year sharing a meal after the sunday service they made plans for the coming year later they talk and their words ventured beyond words coming year ago about skin color to other issues of humanity human beings b he's calm they don't have that feeling of humanity and love their mother father says the robbers get to the job and so that's why
crosswords come about because we need each other as human beings at things like you're saying we are raising a generation that they don't have a sense of who they are and they don't have a systemic and the iola grays family church or whenever everything's every man from south america in its seven years old now they've also connectedness and they can find themselves and move beyond that to reach out to other people either and that world works of admiration any larger than we are they're missing drug lords and one of the main you know he was an atlanta finally conclusions about racism so everything that takes place at a stereo oh moment different reasons that people cannot always call result that's
quasi the african american community as mort i did a problem because we see things like that we see things in terms of black and what is he the black what's what and not two ways about non union have better reasons to dislike that was musical history says that's not necessarily the case we have to keep working understanding and seeing ourselves in spite of ourselves as brothers and sisters summit we don't actually we wish they were in the family but they are and as soon as we can begin to see one another not just as white brothers and sisters our african american brothers and sisters or those kinds of as soon as you put an adjective on brothers and sisters you miss the bigger picture participants feel this year's congregational exchange was a success even though you were people took part in the last year of the ad churches that participated the first time fifty five are
continuing forty of them with the same partners most pledging to keep their developing relationships alive let us sing together continuing partnerships and associations they go beyond the one senior service are the true measure of the sincerity in the effort to break barriers and build bridges almost a year ago the predominantly white first united methodist church in downtown dallas hired sean patterson an african american woman as an associate pastor after hal brady initiated the move after serving on a dallas together committee people working together on a continuing basis is going to be the key you know a lot of things start and they'll start just as fresh or what really helps is the long haul how do we deal with one another over the long haul and the church should they and can be a primary source of good in that connection we can talk a good game about how we feel what we want to happen but until you actually put the person they are and the person that is to work with the
people and can see what can happen that a big difference to me we put action without words ho is it ling family violence happens every day but few outside the family ever see it as a secret kind that hide behind walls and closed doors
children are upset is that there is a place where kids can go to escape a violent and it's a sacred place a shelter where children can still say they draw pictures there and talk about how they feel inside kids have their own secrets that some things are too much time low thank you and so this is it he
says throughout the piece he is it's stone i'm pat garrett and now i get to go to heaven just get real scare rainbows well a serial you know you're not still we came here and you willingly or maybe your father beat you i used to hit have been hoping to fly
near maniacal european will be ok stuffers a new rule girl ste message in the middle
you're hearing i was very private moments later when the roman empire when the ottoman turks that increase in police was no more these two small objects are states has tanks has a woman the body of a line in the wings of an eagle and it's an ecological animal and james thurber with a very close that animal later on in history at king sort of the prototype of a gargoyle the dc line on security you wonder why these things and my reason they didn't survive as they may have gotten badly they were damaged like you could still straighten out because gold is very soft it's very now you can do
almost anything to go on and it's huge here because now we're talking about the seventeenth and eighteenth century here we have a necklace that has made someone called it a great deal of enamel certainly with the european custom wedding picture of the women here this is another man was that a bride with a warning that you could say getting there has been a decline in the amount of gold is there certainly is a decline in here it almost is looking much more like folk art in the early early things that we looked at were very mad at this this friday exhibition because everything here belongs to the doubts means we have an extremely good recall on the election it encompasses not only
called the primary as well as a fabulous texas there are a number of things in the pre colombian gold we really don't know what the reviews are and this is certainly one that may have had something to do with the jaguar the memoir which was at least it should be very careful and you have to have a lot of respect for it also certainly showed strength and veracity which had something to do with this so we're now in the african writer of the exhibit this exhibit and it comes to us from giovanni a new owners museum in geneva this is a very small part of the collection people ask how will the golden his new exhibition is that it's not very old it's only nineteenth and twentieth century we're talking about the fact that people here depend into meltdown of all this is something you could do with bodily noted that
he once they start over these wonderful here is here you make it probably that they are experiencing their side of the camel of your device absolutely right we cherish our area so that weight is going on here is the way it rated red leather fall apart ahead in the hearings we can't try he's very impressive it starts with his enormous
and they are literally covered with golden i will tell you in this case this is not solved all and this is a characteristic of a live action girl go for it is today how is move
is the closing night of the usa film festival this spring feature the nineteen sixty two classic the manchurian candidate and accepting a festival award for his work director john frankenheimer praised the writer of the book from which movie was my great scenes between joe for a country to come up with something so what we did was we took most of the book the prize because he's been fed has
been doing your country is richard kind and seventy five year old author of the manchurian candidate france's honor and twenty one other novels has made dallas has called for the last ten years con and became a novelist of the age of forty two abandoning a twenty year career in the movie industry publicist warm romantic of the great women of misunderstood and and oh what romantic it means is the opposite a realistic and the film at that has become a cause it's just done well it's actually what is the great romantic i think it comes with probably about
thirty five when you just can't believe that or i mean a lot of those the ppp people to big stores if you took that away from him i couldn't pump gas for a living so both of your novels that i hadn't cared about the non novels which is just another form of were fleeing re re release of what a novel is is a year of very very extended and an articulated opinion of an illusion the manchurian candidate condon second book came out at the height of the cold war as an angry savagely funny indictment of the mccarthy era of american politics are they writing about all over this country and what are they saying they're saying are there any communists in the defense department of course now they're saying how
many communists are there in the defense department so just stop talking like an expert on the sudden and get out there and say what you're supposed to say would it be easier for you if we settled on just one year more moody you are simple easy for me to remember that the manchurian candidate has a dark and psychologically disturbing vision of an america undermined by soviet agents posing as patriots it culminates in a political assassination carried out by brainwashed or euro controlled by his mother a
year after the movie was released john f kennedy was assassinated in dallas and condon responded with a novel major candidates in the nineteen seventy nine movie version jeff bridges stars as nick at the brother of the recently assassinated president the discovery of a conspiracy a seemingly innocent world dark as night follows a bizarre trailed american style corruption and murder only to find that it leads to this rich and powerful father his father put him in the white house why it is as we can generate the most cash call it as a business proposition what you're telling us but she decided to start the population began to think we're living in a democracy started bleeding lunch with the garden which khrushchev the whole razzle dazzle went to his head yet in spite of the fact that everybody out there in this country live in the same dog eat dog way grabbing any angle to make a book
if you were to reform at the trafalgar particular had one interview mcpartland what the hell that's the system you wanted nick and that's the system you've got a whole secret as your father says he's not to get caught nothing that we say is pure turns out to be pure and in your work on and on nothing in life is pure what about love rob is a subjective thing isn't that i mean if i love a lady and if i don't understand that the reason i love her is that i'd like her to narrow that on me then i'm a romantic what would you say is essential quality of good satire only a little or said it was based on now
it's all i think it's based on outrage and i also think seduction enters into it because you have to or you can know the reader better with humor and left our better than you can with sermonizing in the black comedy prince's honor condon cast a subversive guy on sex and romance in the nineteen eighty five movie version jack nicholson and kathleen turner played to mafia contract killers in law i love you too and it's a real scientific real
way using according to a doctor everyone's always trying to get what they thought they needed from their mothers what they didn't get it i can remember my mother that's pretty amazing because there's something in you that knows anyways the magazine said so you find someone give you what you think you wanted when you were babies thank you which interior work is stripping away the protections that allow us to live minute to like everybody else who's
human would do you shouldn't miss it when i look at something i see it that you know anybody alive would that doesn't have that same feeling it i just have to start ticketing kill him and and make them believable that ca ca concept and scattered over a number of catholic characters but it really comes up like that not just to the opinions and i think you know the man who were doesn't have any contact with the let's say the professional well obligating patients of that that i have is much more credible possibly more real where's that outrage i
waited for the moment you know sure all i got what you're you have a metro and to dr rebecca of sunny brook farm ii i wrote the things that that brought by having one on that i had a very strong you're going on the abuse of power and i'm getting twenty four books in every one of them is about the abuse of power so i think the best way to work think about the only thing is that the novelist things a result of being in the deity position and that he wheeled fully hast a kilo of the fireman and say you're a very lucky that tv guide and make a buck yeah exactly exactly see but you can't you can't go into the supermarket without that stuff
in is ho add in march more than nine thousand
four hundred workers represented by the amalgamated transit union walked up their jobs the union initially demanded a five hundred million dollar wage and benefit package over the next three years greyhound officials however maintained at the striking workers mostly drivers we're asking for much more than the company could afford to play citing a two point eight million dollar loss in nineteen eighty seven and only a seven hundred thirty thousand dollars profit in nineteen eighty nine and gross revenues of one billion dollars since the strike began there've been more than thirty cases of violence directed against the company including shootings bomb threats and arson a thirty million dollar lawsuit was filed by greyhound against the union alleging that the union organized the violence negotiations between the two sides have come to a stop and there seems to
be no end to the strike in sight it is oh american assembly elections are organized by dow says cultural ambassador rain actually invited about twenty people active in the business community the media and education and the artists they came to talk about the nba and to discuss whether and in what ways the art should be supported
were acquiescing to what should be very clearly an odd as aliyah said i mean there's no question we gotta get about what those opinion makers as a community to simply not even enter into the discussion i mean as senators and why it's a shame the berlin wall came down it's only going to pay somebody else we can think because the artist and you know there's instances is not the test that somebody to fight most of the electorate at the rise towns that isis is to run their banks and get what republicans are not the symphony or the theater now it worse not fly or the level of it and an easy target i wonder if the nea with all about scaling communications and all of the wonderful communicate as you're supporting can't be doing more thorough and ambitious job of public relations for its own politicians are well
aware of the opportunities to picket programs that may strike a public or exxon for example when they had their slow up on alaska have a tremolo effect sunday up there on the beach and believes the next day an end and making all the right statements over the brass bleep reduce the amount of negative press later state i think in the case of very strong and michael farr case is a seller thing existed for the nea a lot of people got up and defended what among performers virtually impossible work as being well within the framework of freedom of our three of expression and in fact it may be but for the average so somebody it's not in the case of dallas when we bring people in the balance that we're trying to relocate here which is a very costly process so i know for a faster process we take and that we show them are our museum of art we show them the warm arson we take more for children the gamble and so the national
endowment for the arts i think you can agree that it supports the volatile martin this community services committee very very well i don't know your support of the arts we supposedly have this somewhat are your sense of the culture i mean you really don't necessarily think you have to worry about the battle of the forest or into a necessary today it's not even nine the nineteen eighties and it's been even more night in the nineteen nineties i am of a difficult process because people are disappointed
advocating give money to a political office of a political candidate has defended his support for the arts we have to do that we had to you know the analysts identify with patients one thing i see as basic do this in the face of an educational time and that is you need to make your case or possible you need to hold the initiative so that you're on our stance rather than defense and in this instance you got badly on your back and you're fighting from that position which is not great advantages that means some kind of oversight or policing machinery by a credible group that has not panicked by the latest writing voice but at the same time recognizes when you spend public box there has to be some kind of accountability and if you just say send money and shut up gold so the
dallas police department local chamber of commerce have initiated a program known as products at or community investing in today's youth hi i'm randall blythe for the dallas mavericks member union that's attainable cliff to become involved in this program that program as targeted beating teams off the streets during the summer months provide them a safe place and was to socialize if you'd like more information on how to be part of this effort called the local chamber and nine for three four five six seven or the dallas police department six of an old seven four six four joe it's big the dallas police department he okla chamber of commerce of an issue the program known as products at or community investing in today's youth
hi i'm rhonda blackman the dallas mavericks member he knew the person to a little clip to become involved in this program this program is targeting teens off the streets during the summer months provide them a safe places and ways to socialize if you'd like more information on how to be part of a separate call the oakland chamber and nine for three four five six seven or the dallas police department six seven of seven four six four armando black with dallas mavericks reading the parasitic a visible cliff to become a part of a joint effort between yoga chamber commerce and the dallas police department their program was products at work to be investing in today's youth as a far reaching program targeted helping keep kids off the streets during the summer months this program offers plan social events every weekend in the summer employment opportunities in the deal could use an information campaign addressing youth
issues social integration of this it would weaken part of the schools recreation centers and other private locations without with the public by security these events latino have an atmosphere which did not have to verify aids or drive by shootings if you're a parent of an awkward teenager working at yourself and like more permission about this program called the oakwood chamber at nine for three four five six seven all the softness patrol division at six seven oh seven four six four remember was an effective way of ensuring that your teen enjoys a clean for the recreation activities during their summer vacation van moore who did it i'm rhonda blackman the dallas mavericks burning the
parents into the visible cliff to become a part of a joint effort between the oak the chamber of commerce and the dallas police department the program those products it or community investing in today's youth as a far reaching program targeted helping keeping a result the streets during the summer months this program offers plan social events every weekend during summer employment opportunities in the know could use an information campaign addressing youth issues the social integration of this include weekend part of the schools recreation centers and other private locations the dallas police department by security these events but it'll have an atmosphere in which did not have to fear fights were drive by shootings if you are part of an awkward teenager or to yourself i'm like more information about this program called the oakwood chambered nine for three four five six seven or the south with a chilling vision of six seven oh seven four six four remember is an effective way of insuring your team too is a cycling forms of recreation activities during their summer vacation ms bee there we go
south korean capital i'm on the black with dallas mavericks reading the parasitic a visible cliff to become a part of a joint effort between yoga chamber commerce and the dallas police department the program was products at work in investing in today's youth as far reaching program part of helping keep teenager's up the streets during the summer months this program offers plan social events every weekend in the summer employment opportunities in the deal could use an information campaign addressing youth issues social integration of this it would weaken part of the schools recreation centers and other private
locations without split apart over by security these events latino have an atmosphere with a do not have to fear fights or drive by shootings if you are part of an awkward teenager ortiz yourself like your permission about this program called the oakwood chamber and nine for three four five six seven or the south of patrol division at six seven oh seven four six four remember was an effective way of ensuring the church enjoy stay clean for the recreation activities during their summer vacation ms barnes b nice boots with
to pay for it fb it's been disbelief he's who
is who ling family violence happens every day but few outside the family ever see it as a secret kind that hide behind walls and closed doors children aren't sad but there's a place where kids can go to escape a violent and it's a secret place a shelter where children can still say they draw pictures there and talk about how they feel inside kids have their own secrets it's too much and so
this is this he means it is it's really scary i have air and all i get to go to heaven just get real scare
rainbows well a serial killer became hearing you right here maybe are fond of each hill i used to hit have been hoping to tie your thing will pay an new va
News Addition
Updub edit mast 10
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KERA (Dallas, Texas)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-382c2594500).
Program Description
A collection of stories to be used in the News Addition News Magazine program: Segments include the following: The October1989, protest in Wilmer Texas over garbage disposal; KERA's Project Crossroads segment about differnt religious faiths in the Dallas/Fort Worth area coming together to achieve mutal understanding story by KERA producer, Rob Tranchin about family violence and safety at a shelter a Dallas Museum of Art story about museum pieces made of gold closing night of the USA Film Festivel screening the "Machurian Candidate" the NEA story by rabout the American Assembly Luncheon organized by Dallas Cultural Ambassador, Ray Nasher Project "C.I.T.Y. PSA with Rolando Blackman The "Music Bed" used for the open of "News Addition" and some footage from the KERA story "Seeking Shelter: Family Violence".
Series Description
News Magazine Talk Show.
Asset type
Politics and Government
News and Political News
Media type
Moving Image
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Interviewee: Cullum, Lee
Interviewee: Collmer, Jan
Interviewee: West, Jeff
Interviewee: West, Jeff
Interviewee: Priest, Bill
Producer: Soliz, Rosalind
Producer: Tranchin, Rob
Producing Organization: KERA
Speaker: Blackman, Rolando
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b5ae8292eb9 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “News Addition; Updub edit mast 10,” KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “News Addition; Updub edit mast 10.” KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: News Addition; Updub edit mast 10. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from