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The scene according to the wonder of the coast must be credible. Michael Board. Going to Mexico in 21. Never give up the Atlantic coast from you spend your life in the Caribbean in search of the Northwest Passage stopped at the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans join somewhere in Canada as we know it today. Look as a bus because they yawn and step on Goma's came up and into the James River and test claiming Virginia to Rhode Island perspective. Not finding the Northwest Passage they found it so I may go look in 15 26 81 years prior to the founding of Jamestown in the same general area after 1893 and John Fisk's the discovery of America Vol. 2. This is storable No it was erased from United States history books on the Pacific coast. The full QUIEN 15:13 navigate up to the Seattle area to those islands that bear his name. Historians today debate these early explorations by the Spanish later in 16 0 2 and 16 0 3
on the best latest first chart of the Oregon coast and noted his written description the ship's log in the first pilot scheme to Oregon's Cape Blanco. The search for the Northwest Passage continued in the 1774 when one betters explored the Washington coast and named Mount Olympus. My list the city in Alaska was named in honor of Spain's rain minister on the bus on the following year and one Fransisco that i will they go either to fix the location for the Columbia River. They gave the river several names and said Now they said and in addressing you it out their ass in Ceylon and 1791 and Id two more navigators came up with Donnelly handle my last and I had done a wild guess on the ships and he gonna get a meter and disc will be out of them they said they had just stablished a training center at no cost on him and poor island and
begin anthropological work with the Klingon Indians. But the founding of the United States of America the first six presidents from George Washington the John Quincy Adams to Spain began losing its foothold in the northwest with the Treaty of Ghent for the story was established in 1814 and four years later with the Treaty of joint occupation and the treaty. Spain lost the northwest. Newly independent Mexico could not and would not press or claim to this inheritance. 89000 Oregon was beginning to emerge as an American territory and finally admitted as a state in 1859. However contributions by Mexicans and other Hispanics continued to be made organ history during the 1900s for example the first cattle horses and mules were introduced in Oregon by the Hudson Bay Company and the Lamb of cattle company brought and bought from Mexico and California and 1837. Peaches were first brought to Oregon and eight hundred twenty nine from the one found among the island's.
Sheep were brought to southeastern Oregon in the 1870s by the box. Gold mining in 1848 1855 was introduced by Mexicans in Jackson County all the way across Idaho's canal Creek Mexicans and gazed and trapping and trading in Oregon Idaho and Utah from the 1820s to the 1850s. You are. You're in the news. Spanish and subsequent Mexican influenced the day can be measured by the scores of names in the Spanish language that Mark Oregon's met face. Already gone the name is claimed by some to be a Spanish origin from one meaning a dry slice of apple and by others from what I know and the spice found in the state there are many other Spanish names across Oregon lake and better than it was about cattle. A cowboy in
Harnett County. The list goes on Cape gone set us the on Lake set a lot of the. Basin Creek mountains fund Angul Canyon. Gotta live Grandy classy though beaut classy daughter got a name for plus a lot but I will an early settler in Grant County from 1890 to 1940 a city in Lane County is named for dong a spot of the border from San Diego California confusion among postal authorities with Portland cause the name to be changed to no type in 1938 and the late 1870s. A colony of Portuguese and Mexicans established their aggression. Beginning with the Lewis and Clark expedition to the northwest commissioned by Thomas Jefferson the president and
18 0 for the white colonization begin to the Oregon territory with that adventure begin the official white version of history that has raced and distorted the Native American Asian and Hispanic presence in Oregon. Not until the Mexican Revolution of 1910 denotes once again appear in local history. The Mexican Revolution provoke some 1 million Mexican refugees across the new United States border into the southwest. Some refugees from the revolution and its aftermath found their way to Oregon and the Northwest many more Mexicans begin an annual trek to Oregon in search of seasonal employment and agriculture. Dispossessed from their land stratified and segmented in white society. Mexico's became reserve labor pool of migrant seasonal workers. The peak period for this migrant labor force came during the best saddle program meaning arms from the 1940s to 962. A century before. And in the early 1930s Mexicans laid thousands of miles of railroad track and ties
particularly for the Southern Pacific Railroad. It was Mexican labor predominantly that built the line between climate falls and Eugene according to Andre on balance were less sure why for the construction superintendent. But I say Labor created the need for the first labor camps in Oregon. The distinctive dress of the trickle era in the 1940s brought attention to Mexicans in California for example the police and Navy personnel unleashed unprecedented violence against Mexicans. Signs and established ones once again surface throughout the southwest and the northwest. No Mexicans or dogs allowed. In amity. Oregon recently such a sign was erected at the trails in Tamworth. Public pressure however caused the removal in a matter of months. Chickens are the largest of the Spanish speaking Spanish surname groups that comprise the Hispanic community. This panic label is new. The United States Census Bureau has figured centrally in labeling for this ethnic group made up of persons of Mexican
Puerto Rican Cuban other Caribbean Central American South American parental age. The confusion at the bureau has led to such labels as Latin American American a Spanish surname Mexican-American. Other. And now. Hispanic. In fact in 1940 the Census Bureau finally determined the race for this diverse group as Caucasian. The largest ethnic group among Hispanics in Oregon are those of Mexican ancestry followed by Puerto Ricans Cubans and other Latinos from Central and South America. The actual population of Hispanics is greater than 66000 probably closer to 100000 in one thousand seventy for example the United States Census Bureau admitted to an undercount of 14 percent for persons of Mexican parenthetic 13 percent for Puerto Ricans and eye 7 percent and account for Cubans. Additionally undocumented persons mostly Mexican with some from Central America and the
seasonal migrant laborers are seldom if ever counted by the census enumerators. You're the you're the you're the only one. The news of the 1960s brought the first Cuban refugee story mostly concentrated in the Portland metropolitan area. A Cuban organization he sailed one existed from 1965 to 1979. Late in 1978 to 1980 a second exodus from Cuba added to a population in Oregon Hispanics found predominantly in seven Oregon counties. Norma Marion Washington Jackson lane Clackamas and now here Hispanics however are found in every county in Oregon.
In spite of the history and population figures Hispanics remain Oregon's best kept secret if you will. Oregonians in general seldom collect Hispanics to daily Oregon life except for a remote connection to food and agriculture. Hispanics are thought to be farm workers. Yet this is no longer the case. In August 1970 some 42000 workers in Oregon were required for the pull bean harvest according to Oregon labor trends. By 1977 only 2300 were needed. And in 1981 only 200 workers attended the pull bean crop. Oregon has had a drop of 82 percent in annual average farm employment from 1970. Many more Hispanics are found in blue and white collar occupations and as farm owners according to Briscoe Hugo's vice president of impact in Portland Hispanics are everywhere in the occupational ladder mostly in construction trucking and freight business administration management
and sales in higher education for example. The vice president for student services at Portland State University is or CTA Zuniga Forbes Dr. Tom Gonzales is president of Lynn Benton community college. Dr. faith locus was the associate dean for curriculum and instruction of Jamaica community college in Salem. There are some college professors such as Dr. Viola and Diego a microbiologist at Oregon State University. She was named outstanding young woman in America in one thousand seventy nine. The legal counsel to the president at Oregon State University as well that the group the other is a graduate of Willamette Law School and former chairperson of the governor's commission of Hispanic affairs said that ACR originally from Highlands in Texas came to Oregon in 1967 beginning as a classroom teacher at Hillsboro high school. He now heads migrant education services for the state. The only educational program for migrant children bilingual education in the state has never again more than a football with a few scattered pilot programs in the public
schools consistently. The State Board of Education and some teacher groups mainly AFC have opposed its implementations in the mid 1960s. Some of it is the founder of Albany compost in one thousand seventy five of a million dollar company. That field work in trucking in Oregon since 1947. Today this company is headed by his offspring. That ability is as President Ross and one out of us. There's also the growing business of Mexican food. This ethnic food is a fast this fast food growing business in the United States. There are many food items whose origin is Mexico and South America. Take potatoes for example or turkey peanuts trickle out the coffee chillis to name a few. Oregon also reflects the Hispanic presence daily in the English language. How many times do you hear these Spanish words in English. Linda lariat barbecue Matti wanna rodeo Missa
or blossom. One of tomato most get the least up or fiesta. And names such as Anthony Goodwin Vicki Carr Linda Ronstadt and Catherine Bond do not bring Chicanos to mine yet they are MS Bach is they Z in Dukes of Hazzard Hispanic golfers in Oregon Georgia Chicanos of Oregon Golfers Association have an annual tournament the holiday open as do the baseball players not the chattels of Salem or the 1982 champion sponsored by Francisco it does business the lot of a combination bookstore T-shirt record and tape enterprise.
There are many local musical groups and bands call each others and one time was banned for example as well as folklore groups such as LA Mistah who need dancers. These cultural groups bring from various community organizations the Latin American Club of Woodburn is probably the oldest social civic organization in Oregon. First organized under the name of the day professed does me kindness in 1062. For the past 20 odd years this group has sponsored the Fiesta he gonna end with. Similarly other social civic cultural and political groups formed during the decade of the 1980s. I mean listen volunteers in Vanguard action in Washington County the center of liberal and Cornelius the council said he kind of independence. Most Hispanics however remember those organizations born as a result of the war on poverty efforts namely the vally migrant league and later Oregon rule opportunities. All these programs together with the general Chicano civil rights push in the 1970s began the fight for adequate and decent labor camp housing
huge labor camps at North Point and there became a target for reform. Not only was housing substandard and sanitation deplorable but farm worker families were virtual hostages growers were not permitted to school personnel. Health authorities the volunteers brought a registrar's Legal Aid attorneys or BML outreach workers and violence and the rest were commonplace at the camps. Farm labor organizing slowly but surely broke the growers resistance and expanded activities in the forming a union of farm workers and extension of sets of Chavez's organization and his drive on consumer boycotts of lettuce grapes and related products.
Sonny Montez was recruited from the struggles to mount Angel college later to be named as a child as they created the first Chicano studies program in the state modeled after the plan the Santa brought about a from California. The child was born on December the 12th 1973 in 1981 However the lost accreditation status and became the fifth college to fail in the quest for in the pen institution of higher education. In the area of health for example we get clinical burn dates the late 60s under the valley migrant league from this main clinic various offsprings took place such as he would see a clinic in Cornelius established in one thousand seventy six. The clinic is named for a six year old migrant child from Texas but he had developed a leg infection and saw several doctors the doctors and staff are unable to explain in Spanish to prescribe care and medication. The family was unable to understand English but he had deteriorated rapidly and was taken to St.
Vincent's Hospital for my just to care for infection have progressed so severely the blood poison had developed and she died. In the 1970s a focus also was on organizing youth on college campuses in Oregon. Groups such that you kind of always you know youth club in Hillsboro Oregon youth organization and some of the party of four of them were formed shortly thereafter. The early 1970s or the beginning of philanthropy the Catholic Diocese of
Portland through the Campaign for Human Development assisted various organizations among them. The Methodist Church to a social concerns Commission funded a daycare center for migrants in the Albany Corvallis carry the 35 largest foundations in Oregon how they were barely expanded 1 percent of their total dollars of minority programs in the 1970s. Spanish radio television in his papers made their debut in the decade of the 70s. But if you've got no electoral history or participation can be explained in this fashion. The first arrivals in this century in the early 1900s to the 1930s crossed into the United States temporarily during the Mexican Revolution. But these grandparents waited on the United States side for the revolution and they waited and waited and dreamed of returning to Mexico. Some returned but most but not. The revolution and its turbulent aftermath seemed to go on forever. Meanwhile the first generation of U.S. born children came to be. These parents reached
adulthood in the 40s and the 50s the age of migrant farm labor. They too dreamed of going back no not to Mexico but the Texas California and other points in the southwest. These parents also had offspring. The current generation of adults these young people were the catalyst for the kind of movement of recent times. To summarize the grandparents dream of going back to Mexico. They did not trust the whole society for social justice. Later the parents traveled the Pacific Northwest in search of crops to harvest. They took postponed asserting their civil rights. They were going home to the soft western seasons. The children however slowly but surely settled out of the migrant stream. They called Oregon home and begin the task of getting their legal house in order. They begin demanding their share of the economic and political pine.
In the 1970s the scene of the Cuban American was appointed to the state Senate the state created a check on Affairs Commission and lake on two of Independence was the first to gyno elected to a city council in the state. Has been followed by others such as these my VSTO and money angel also an independent professor not a penis and not of the ability as a woodburning 1982 saw election to the respect of city council and he said it was elected to district court protein important because of the Hispanic political
action committee and the Oregon Hispanic voter registration and turnout are increasing or the median age for Hispanics is twenty three years of age. That is half of all Hispanics are 23 years of age and younger age for you fullness is central to the issue of eligibility to register to vote. They're mostly ineligible but many older Hispanics are also eligible and if they are not citizens but resident aliens Hispanics particularly those of Mexican ancestry take on the average 25 years from first arrival to seek U.S. citizenship the longest tenure for any immigrant group. Nationally comprise seven million persons of voting age to register for the vote but only 2.7 million have done so. Worse yet registered to vote only 1.9 million actually vote and they vote heavily partisan in favor of Democrats prompting some to stereotype this population as being born
Catholic Democrat. The stereotype is are as in virtually every denomination including the Catholic faith. The difference among those baptized in the Catholicism and those practicing Catholics is right. Then no doubt many Hispanics or all Catholics such as those in a big area organized without grass and support the first Mexican Catholic Church with Spanish language services. Then he got a community from the 1950s raised funds with which to buy an old theater an adjoining garage to locate their church. In 1980 the archdiocese finally supported its remodeling of some of the bought us with an official blessing.
Also during the 1950s six period Mr. But I will begin ministering to migrant families in Woodburn in St. Paul. Today. Many services are offered in Spanish. Hispanics are once again the target of restrictive immigration legislation. Historically the Mexican population in the United States has been made the scapegoat for the economic woes of the nation. After every major armed conflict an economic crisis the United States Congress passes legislation to deport Mexicans and other unwanted immigrants. Since the Vietnam era Immigration and Naturalization Services personnel the Border Patrol have stepped up their deportation dragnets immigration project in Woodburn has maintained a service for undocumented persons. This underclass of residents are accused of taking our jobs of eroding the social fabric of the society and swallowing the welfare rolls. Jobs they do take the jobs usually underpaid seasonal and hazardous the
locals do not and will not accept. Undocumented persons partake of welfare. In fact they pay all taxes including Social Security and income tax which they seldom if ever collect with their payments. The undocumented person self-support the majority of welfare recipients. The white population. Hispanics in general begin paying into the federal system of taxes at an earlier age than any other ethnic group in America and collect less in terms of benefits than their white counterparts. Nevertheless the victims for the Immigration Service continue to be the Hispanics which for example are less a problem than Canadians. Historically Canada with one fourth the population of Mexico has exported twice the number of immigrants to the United States and Mexico. 4 million to 2 million. Can you sort of when the world doesn't want
to go through these organ times in your heart but Hispanics have become a hearty people in the Hispanic heritage in Oregon continues. Yeah. Good luck on this presentation has been made possible in part by a grant from the Oregon Committee for the Americas. And affiliate the National Endowment for the matter. The opinions expressed in this narration are the sole responsibility we can arrest for this project. Dr course our fingertips. And. Here you can hear. Them in the more than their own review of them.
You can look at. The. Community. My son has an order going strong no matter your cost. I don't have to see the one obvious thing
gravely by the looks of metals explode as you know this because imbecilic I'm pissed at him he called a meeting and has been doing all values could be done this is by no less now that I don't put a cost on a low Seattle Atlantic place by your life and it got even by Seal the lowest step and so I can see an odd Lanty course here only I've planned but if you go and it's not the kind of that can work on a somewhat annoyed because the A.U. on your stove on Goma's you got on you but on the way of the Chesapeake Helio James among the port a spy you know there's a Virginia Rhode Island. Lincoln but only by sea with an OS to pitiful not on a sunny getaway loop and need the brain to say. Hey you want the news on this because it formed out of Jamestown NSM is my idea. Dispose of meat what you'll see until knowing that there is a little the discovery of America and what a loss for John Fisk's is the not the story about the leader of the study and the styles when he was. In the US if you go one the fuk one and need to know they lost a lot of the
Seattle skill India you know maybe he studied this a lot and it has a crush on this but it's by no less only in the last out of the and me at a loss for this a lot and booking it as a place for a medal not a gong organ audio they bought a lot the unfunny FLOTUS you've gotten off the Cape Blanco. See all the noise the continual and needs of the one Paris explode all across to the Washington in number on Mount Olympus. Several of the last Sunday. My list last week up in Alaska for a number of sorrow feed I'll go and order the minister Llama the night Hispania Antonia list us on as he said he won Francisco the war they require.
A plan but only locally that the Columbia River games really had all those numbers I guess that we'll be left inside now they said that Ensign Allen has to say you know they are since young inmates at this you know and they you know a doss must know a lot as you go. Down as a 100 on my last being a guy at the end of our lesson is back with me he kind of at they meet the school we have to. There was no bottom I set the head establish your own center the commercial and sound and either Vancouver I don't want to go on the scene you're. Going to find us on those stars when it was America lost another say Spacey and this is a George Washington John Quincy Adams Espana empress or better their suit was you honest I was hearing a noise going into the toilet again for the story. First though let's see the I mean what's in it what do I know this place going to the toilet Espana up out of the Illinois MBM but of the army he calls a little by east wind up in the empty NO BULL need to see or to climb out is that NCAA noise.
But I mean if you've ever seen a spinal on an Oregon put him on a cattle company and they see it on the last one fed a man that has fallen into the sea that's the only one in Oregon and the Jackson creek and I don't hold on to a single one in Oregon
Idaho Utah. There's a little simple brain thing. Lower spine your ear and say you're lonely he got online friends yeah he put on the lettuce in Espanol demonic on like god of the org or anyone else that was given to the audit one whenever there were now the months on a second special look at the CIA analyst l ike and the other number as it is by no Illinois. I'll be back I like you better get on and Harney County CA gobbles gone so rusty on the bungle. Our lakes are one of the got our base and got out Creek Creek Canyon Gandhi Blassie the beauty plus a lot of Gulch number day in Grant County. There's a.
Line in lane county voted on the spot of the Port Authority other son Diego California. Better go to a local on Portland car suddenly and no tie in pressing me he can also stop because aggression. Doesn't the clinics put us on an oyster Lewis and Clark on the president to Jefferson I mean look simple squabble like qualities I see on the blank was. Going to impress all of us you know if you see elderly study the way your scout I will be the star so I'll only study I see at the course East finals and only going to be a noise I thought I would assume they mean. Yes don't the not us. Or that I was hit by this in and they study a local level assuming he can operate a local market. Only you on that
awful Hills Michigan of us you're not awesome now from that little star also Nielson A source tells a lot of will soon we gonna encounter I don't know what I want you know as. Much as Miles and he can also impress I don't so yes. And while I want to then play with them put out in the comp. Better to do this with the other player laid out the ex can leave us an email as backhoes and I still see I'm not there many gun laws in the gunnels form I don't know when to throw How in the gun to what I list in that it will do it with this perpetual been opening program either what I said was there's a meaninglessness play into a meaningless healing process and by those who think that he ought to be and in mean the simplest thing to me callous cost free on me losing me yes but it's concealment about a Southern Pacific for elemental there what I mean he kind I could cross through there for a couple in the Klamath Falls he gine say when and the evidence will usher Lesbos other support them going to the coast looks young blood vessels could at
all and this is the most compass by the hotel he got most annoyed on. This day the only close by the book was in the middle as he does what enters your militancy and I mean he can't think of what I can probably see a mighty nose this I thought only less as he was going to lose me guns and he also is one of us must hear them for those who already know as to the sea in the north meet them he can also bet us and amity Oregon I suppose but if he were focused on Israel's integrity. In the Play along the coast also has a policy on an almost misses. Chicken a sum of money the middle schools and the sponsors allowed a spineless United States Census Bureau I feel what else and what I meant in the enormous I just a little boy ethnical combust supportive SS him this me but but again U.S. Senator McConnells these two Americans. In the United States in
Sobero Iowa numbers Latin American Americans a Spanish surname Mexican-American either Hispanic got into the Census Bureau the last up but it's a little pull us all said Blanco. A little Muslim and also in the most Hispanics in Oregon so knows us and then he got a little lost the other little boys the centerpiece with America. On the spinal is My Land of this and they say it's me this done this but then to put him toward Census Bureau deal I want to support him for but I mean I suppose in the budget but I thought again you even see at the polls in the butt of government that's when I seen the comment was meant to make the gunnels you know the center America you know star has me that that was a CUMPLE title spoilers and the what is the sense of.
Yeah yeah yeah. You're. Going to send on this one as you got to know what it once was and done the same as you and you so one would see this isn't a single or a MUST out of the in me that I want to stop with the spinal saying Clinton was in a lot of Marion Washington Jackson lane Clackamas e-mail here about it will saying went on and on and on and on. For the both of us on a good record about all that I want to go on how does it come from. And I was
told that Miller was in the set then Muzza quote and by those means that are how it is in the style and in Oregon but I left because they hold the Bible but I mean the US handles it they see it there so I meant that those meet this young person see title in and meaningless and such and they you know what I meant to those interested on how this piece got on for a while in order to. Enter I want a compass that will see the launch and they lost prophecy and thought as a militia and thus at the end of. The spinal thing went on him there was a prophecy on a locus on ECOMOG when he was in a lawsuit. So when you look at the CPAC into the impact important the spinal thing went on board voting blown in less guy let him play was mass and close to carry on. OK those legacy on this new study what is so badly though it is him bent us. To put him through the vice president by the Student Services important State University s Forbes A lot of my long silence as the president of the Linn Benton community
college. The thought face look has failed the kind of sociopathic curriculum instruction and to make it a community college in Salem. I prefer the style Comodo here like the lawmaker below his time in Oregon State University. They have went on but I will have the stock out in America and I mean Louis handles it and then way. The president in Oregon State University as well that the with the others only allow the Willamette University in town be in front of us our local missions all of us on the Spanish by law on our. Side of cod you know into the highlands in Texas we know already going and Miller synthesis and they see it. Impossible my statistical data and Hillsborough. Point of us little question but I mean Anderson it's dull but it's not meaningless in the list. Oh gosh rumbling when one of the new guys on out a muscular point that appear in this book as a square less. Consistent them into let us call out of the list. He lost when he won as in my Estell special minty a 50 000 plus those I look at him being with his immunity and
disassemble. The muscle what is in front of the Albany compost and meaningless implicit and they seem cool when a company you call me young as all of us and he wants you. Is what I was going to come for you took it all in Oregon this enemy knows what and they see it that. Way in the US to complain your lingo is weak but all of it is leprosy denting you're also one of us. Inexistent or supercenter the commie then he gonna call me that my guy is a must but politely must drop you think a set of calm when he goes you and a styles and I can t other political mysteriously or he can then He can all of us who America bop us put him and the whole lot in Muskoka white This is a lot they got fair tedious but I don't bet on this book was to me never meant they look on me they are the only spy also there for the audio and English story when one does business status at this by loudest they Espanyol any linguists. Linda got I'll let them write about God mighty wanna Rodale Misao Plus I get the lid on my most people. V style fiesta.
And the numbers go away and think when we get a car. Linda Ronstadt a Catherine Bach not planet you can also lament and get away with the song. Catherine Bach is Daisy Dukes of Hazzard knows about 50 of these panels Oregon salmon Chicanos of Oregon Golfers Association. Get in in support of me online as helping open enrollment the love as well as does last Charles and not the song as compelling as a meaningless insults and they lost the song but was it all for Francisco Laura. Daniel it was so they're not Bensalem item being which a little was a callous bully child is one promise but to him the group was a folklore Camillo by lot Islami stuff the independence that she got to say let me out of the Flamenco Healdsburg let's a little school girl is within the organization is going to Dallas the club Latino-American of the liberal problem and there's a
group social Saeco must anti-war and or they want to meddle in the saddle in meaningless impulses and I lost the number of comic paper fiestas me kind of thing would bring Wellman to what the little socialist was the Elysee Politico so that he sat on the mantle of the military and percent. He volunteers in Bangor to action the Washington County Center to go burn your troops will send me kind of the independence of the organs as soon as I can teleport us I'm going to see the valley migrant league this place or going to all opportunities it's going to mean for chicken littles have bent us to me hurt us and us BVM does it accomplish enormous extent in North Point. There are only a blank or there are four of us on the list got it on in for the oddest hiney but I suppose I am fed to meet us. I will post my thoughts already here schools
compass compass he will be out on loan but assume the lot on channels for a month on this as I chose. War. Along with the Mounties will call it home but I will also sub chops on the time I sort of post you can also the list really saying that blunder some thought about a colleague. Also the CMB the militia into thinking that this battle was a bestseller meant that but I mean the US can touch and so you only see on your own dancing. And I do this a little
you know quickly. We've hit a ceiling Cornelius. Is that going to go for number. This a sign was ripping it up to see other US. Let me at the new name for a freedom cause may cause may cause nobody and I said the same thing that it is by noting that CNN and genuine English skilless alone you know say in people like about almost a thousand men some of them at a fancy pitiful sang the same fake. That's at the end of the list for you out of any set is to get this in a hole and put in order. One of my own community kind of student union it always you that you're going to use club in Hillsboro. Mexican-American youth organization and that's when you're probably the only one going to prison he kind of impressed so intercept and us that this is the Portland Police are
complaining about Alyssa Boyle MY know as he still about us all going to Sonus and they would burn. Him at least I guess wonderful Cialis this time its own center there one of the better for me as me that this in Corvallis the Albany think they single mother in this film that's Eunice in Oregon. But comment was that this was the latest improved Imus but I mean odious. Lot I'll yield the leash only purely because in a spaniel and he settles with a bill and if the laws mean mostly implicit then yes they study looked at Eilat you got most unimpressed with his design you'll see just pick on but then there's the monitor those when he was in Miller's into the bank there I think that one the other will show me he gonna lose
out on whatever momentum. Our last solace but I get that I mean a lot of will see him but I close out. I mean he called Sonya on the other side I make love I was shown nothing of interest on top and I see I don't look for metal so I know not the Americanos. Yes and then he gonna. Let the north end of us you don't get that and I said by those of a million but a last name was a militant squatting I think when they meet on this let me understand been so new and so on you know on that assassin Norma he can see nothing as a California it was pointless and sourced by this time going to be on equal skin is on the percentage of us on the other windows. Last time you.
Ever saw. Last Sunday I went to the social media and got to climb out on the assumption that I just. Got a little c it was a Usenet post by this I was going to that I hope I don't put them on that also that it was a real spy this or India in pursuit of my solicitor. The height on the set of me than campus had only a minority want to cast seven upon it. So Class us with double in order to handle so that it shows that. A millions of us attend us also to see a legal one off one umbrella and I was taught that. What I don't get when I commissioned us until she got us break on through the independents will be met you can elect well-concealed in us without any other stuff. Time to us he will say you know pork roast Alcoa's my Obviously one money Angel Socor Scotty Martina's time in Independence John Pacheco and they going to excel in a Busters alcoholic home at the end of the day goes the Woodburn in Portland for
the moment they say process and he settles not only that he's spineless and it's only me that is the oracle l he's the but I walked out into the spinal stop how many of the response has been to test. I knew was allowed to see all of these panels and it was a lot o menace. Yes the whole into the files that are their stock Datsun but I said he still there with my early on not whether he's dressed or muslin is about the focus only he listened which was Castle's think it was most of them perform not see nor do I see them to spoil a guy list.
These panels especially the laws make the gunnels domain by the sea the NEA Gimple Muslims are going to get out a little before they meet on this night and I lament this almost got to be done. This said to me on is the by without a better solo single me onus on the list. He saw a lot to me on is the air you'll set a he stood looking at us get us to spits on us only come into the room from Laramie on brought down a rope on him but I thought of that but deal with a mock at the bottom or be on the list of people that the spinal is not in the market us. Tell us they don't people call mortals loss on us in court like these panels on members there by the US then I mean as soon as I hear succinctly in the lock up early. I don't know if it is handles Okies telescoped only course he looks back to Guntersville affair is significant to the spinal some got follicles fearless Kamila him to the day to get his or that he's had on scene a point
they may he guns and he can impress so in Miller as he went out I got a lot of fungus gone wild. But I don't get what you got out here but I look at the substrate bless you. But. Me. Me knows I'm switching to love I've seen up all your lists for sleep in the suit against us and one thing that brought us the last I knew was when they say said bite it mister but I will and the sauce had a bit of this and would burn the same pulp or India. Michael said he was a missile and he spun you. He's biased but I have this on look at that as they is but who the cunt is there meet us young
he studied up until a policy only he got in a stylus when he was big but I could buy a couple of economic causes by yse this because the guy got a Mumbai Greece's economic it Congress off a bus I lay is but other part of that I mean he got us there's a lot better than Vietnam. They let me go see on their border patrol Amiga I know mental So they laid eyeless bets on us. Seen the elementals as the Hindu seen populous on up you saw that the modernist All-Star host the Emperor said laugh even at a loss or see that the cream in it was out of muzzle up when the law said Mrs. and it's got political. Most are dumb and that was on that assholes well-meant their mud puddles Belling also seek them but I'll get him to look I'll muss up than he was got broken little he receive instead of pieces aplenty but on how to seem populace by $1 he still seem to be in the inquest of a little CIA because he knew a lot of broken out I plan on going in the know it all how to seem populous
Elliston will say you were that up by that said resource. I love my idea that a seep into isn't going to stop only go like and to not to many gonna. These panels and I'll guess on a bilateral system locally fairly Bustos I-Thou this mask over his kit will get a political ethnic going to place it's almost a minister suck on that system of press even minerals and beneficial skill not to many conchs seen him but I don't believe spinal is my victim up but I love me that's young. And there was a spinal singer said when he was his one must polemical was going to live. He started coming to kind of that one would not want to put up all assume there may he go a month out of my still Dobler the persona set me down to the last person he was. OK May he called me on this. Those meet you on the impulse annoyed on something of a horse was better of Hispanos song but on how is
it essential these panels and what I want to continue on. The bus and the song for each other or simply part of the problem born of the war the organ Committee for the Humanities the Nuffield yell the National Endowment for the Humanities I love Commission put us onto these panels that go in my log or just up in unison ist analyse on when he got a spot I would use the money for you to sort of you look. A lot Of course I'm going to get. Me.
Hispanic Presence In Oregon
Producing Organization
Southern Oregon Public Television
Contributing Organization
Southern Oregon PBS (Medford, Oregon)
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Program Description
This program charts the presence and influence of Hispanic people in Oregon as well as touching on the often unjustly marginalized history of Hispanic people in the broader US. The program details the early Spanish explorers and settlers, the life of Mexican immigrants fleeing the Mexican Revolution in the early 1900s, racial prejudice, the struggle for civil rights and equal representation in government, education and healthcare and citizenship and voting issues. The program is dual language, the first portion is in English and the second portion repeats it in Spanish.
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
Media type
Moving Image
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Narrator: Gutierez, Jose Angel
Photographer: Gutierez, Luz Bazan
Producing Organization: Southern Oregon Public Television
Writer: Gutierez, Jose Angel
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Southern Oregon Public Television (KSYS/KFTS)
Identifier: HISPRES (KSYS)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:27:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Hispanic Presence In Oregon,” Southern Oregon PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Hispanic Presence In Oregon.” Southern Oregon PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Hispanic Presence In Oregon. Boston, MA: Southern Oregon PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from