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set on the special hour long and in my opinion you can't let the value that edition of the view from the hill a variety of views on student participation in university underlies the campus or at a recent years governance the issue aside last week when the university senate composed of for the higher education is under attack faculty members and a lot of student representatives adopted a regulation not necessarily because our educational institutions are anymore i was requiring a minimum of twenty percent and representation on all university policy making responsible for the development of these conflicting values committee but the argument preceding that vote not only in the meeting but for a period of weeks or months suggest the variety of views within the university community and what the university is for whom it's for what higher education is about how its procedures are decided by who those questions are the subject of this report last march after the university senate failed repeatedly to assemble enough of its members for a vote the university council adopted regulations requiring that twenty percent of the membership of university policymaking committee is being students in september to you chancellor of orange jobbers spoke confidently and optimistically of a new plan in his
opening convocation regret beginning of the semester we haven't gotten into an innovative procedure the plane faculty members and students working together on every policy making committee will provide a mechanism for joint effort at every level of the universe the organization this is not going to just accept it and not at one point or another didn't point in that waterloo and mutually beneficial sense in which it was it will not intermingle result of that is the only organ is huge for compensation rhetoric but i am confident and optimistic about things like students and faculty alike and i'm optimistic about that
six weeks later on october twenty second because gordon dean of the k u school of fine arts introduced the motion and the university senate to repeal the twenty percent good representation gordon's motion passed to twelve the one at fort gordon was quoted as saying that we knew more about what should go into the making of a scholar than the undergraduate and dean court and said i urge the faculty doctors all their academic birthright for a massive package called student involvement student body president though he replied students and some faculty members in a walkout from that summit meeting after the student representation regulation was repealed a week later an overflow crowd of more than a thousand students who would rip auditorium in the kansas union and overwhelmingly endorsed student body president hubert plan for fifty percent representation when someone suggested that of course students actually help number of faculty members a rallying cry became to begin to do an important tool fifty one forty nine or by
a special session of the university senate was set for november to reconsider the student representation issue the day before students rallied in britain stronghold and her student senator george a lot to say i'm a white man the representation on irrational illogical ground on the protection ground underground that patient you can make you acuity you're welcome they choose a lot my opinion have been very much the whole lot you use you can join joe and watch a lot and he meant it in the drawer where it would stand out there like the void because if anybody did and that is
that they get an option in a machinery or what if someone says you're a market that's the height i want you to say boots they have it here i approve it the balcony in the university theater and murphy hall was open for spectators at the next summit meeting didn't could watch the senate considered again they didn't representation the meeting lasted some to have our swept parliamentary maneuvering it comes to further delay a final decision filibustering mostly prepared speeches some of those pages gave a solid detailed insight into the importance of the issue and the sometimes heated differences in opinion as the session opened a new version of the regulations you'll hear it referred to as proposed regulation three point four point two and sub sections was presented by gareth super professor of english and chairman of a committee an organization and administration of the university
which wrote the regulations there was a motion to approve the regulation question for her to make you mine the charge that the committee was posed at full stating explicitly look intentional going to resign two weeks ago had been taking care of the clinicians executives and the justification was that you know the proposal you can find the patient the natural medication and that created big legal difficulty and a
number of members of the senate and community and the main entry well maybe and once you have a semblance to a point or point to point subsection one attempt to find the students who are making the minimum requirement six regular and ruled that the university and two point three one section rather concrete exemplification of a committee considered the policymaking and exempts specifically from the korean about the patients and personnel matters on what might be called a local option you're pointing out
it's not necessarily excluding three point four point to point to backup horn section rights restored and elections to ensure because the page and as an improviser will jog such elections impossible to hold all of the good of the whole the whole expedition the final three point four point two point four there's a clear recognition by the committee of the variety of committee structures into different parts of the university's provides a firm guidelines to western civilization well our policymaking committee will be made that will be made in a fundamentalist level after students have been invited to submit a demo for information on like that and if you find the committee received six different career which all three of which are corporations
bill figures suggest that were not included in this bill oh yeah the committee reading the percentage totally committed to not incorporate that the country and obtain luck my own words what is a gentleman's agreement language such as normal and different opinion should be taken care of it was a sense of the committee that was not constitute no resolution for approval and the committee rejected that basically as i understood it
on the assumption that the constituency on a violent confrontation also there was a danger potential national science emory university who qualify thank you thank you finally one point one of all have a provision for a compliant filing the secretary of the senate every segment of the university would have to file an affidavit saying we have indeed numbers on immigration
i'm trying mm hmm ryan plan committee investigation for information
tom cole what happened specifically to comply as the comments on to the compliance one provision the judiciary with a carrot and there any part of the universe you were student interest was a threat thank you gareth so they're explaining the proposed regulation three point four point two written by his committee an organization and administration at the university williams over the end of the poor to propose a substitute regulation restricting student participation in the decision making process silver said one big problem in that it would have also been attributed to
you in the about the meeting on the second day and if i may also think of all that i had like two movements and make certain common and we're talking about here people that's going to be implemented
consequently i think that we should recognize about that we're going into thinking well beyond a graduation requirement that point we're going to lead to an entire new article in the senate join in the unity government to ensure their participation a following pretty good shall we all are on a committee meeting should be opened a member of the committee may attend a meeting of the only reasonable they spent on patients but truly a committee that buick and not restricted than a
patient needing but they usually a couple or apparent way of communicating with the number of people and your money is not true in every case that a lot of work to get on a committee james varney and they're not guaranteed a poll and the flow of information from the committee who'd been committee meeting opened the meeting with our governor talking about university no requirement a medieval order to order and i can hear the god of my you do it the
way we were doing it and in my interpretation of that is that they actually tried to live the door and saying no we don't want to come into a meeting that would be in violation of the regulations remember the committee what if i could probably normally there with the nra get to find a way of working that so that when the university committee <unk> rule and regulation of the universe that we can't guarantee that every single that committee without regulation mike didn't like with iran are
under the senate bill would have to be done from the provisions of a kilo where management it would be we know that remember him and we will i think it is quite clear that any group that reviewed negotiate with didn't think that they would be in violation of the regulations you hear it with integrity and if not i will appreciate any amendment that would make it clear that the moment with those
you know i know maybe only they're doing well elena kagan
oh my god he's been in power fifty one of the voting power and over the committee is part of a far better than the bottom of the un that they have a routine at the thought of being one
braman unlikely have a controlling majority of committee were to vote for example a graduation requirement you can get a three hour record then and a revolver which obviously had come aboard my app then they could not in court but they could go at the vatican were affirming that the overnight it had been to give everyone completing free hour a piece of paper that would be a leader in which a lot more probably that bronco that probably what is required or degree but not quite agree
about what we know the art we've been interviewing people they can only get on the court litigation at university and we will find out in a violent part of no official think of the people who have a quick guide the weight of a cave agree with the flow power we ought to when he was sober resigning as subdued resolution there was debate and one speaker was john wright the human development and family like the part when right before he said i'm german and it goes against the subject of motion proposal by professors over and i want to become a member of the un a comedian getting a discussion about religion
fine with me report in which you've heard from professors or their motion contains a great deal of language that i would support for our resolution contains a proposal to broaden the degree to which students are presented to expand beyond matters concerning curriculum graduation degree requirements thank you really really well encourages litigation it it suggests what people talk to do it suggests what is good and right and proper and so it's not there are on the market suggesting what is good and right and proper thank
you i'm going to be here i would like to remind this body that the judiciary is like any other court has a limited range of process it on broadway and would be very easy to tie up judiciary for many months years to come if we are to define what we may not been participation through case law painstakingly one who's at the time put together a visionary man himself about the proposed and that we now have a proper and legal opportunity to make such specifications as awkward and three point four point two before we have an opportunity to make the kind of diversification that will discourage litigation discourage people from doing bringing action before the judiciary and less vital such
action has really substantive proposal three point four point to as awkward is it already a careful what the compromise of a number of different viewpoints and as a positive consideration and john wright speaking against the substitute proposal williams over there was some parliamentary maneuvering along the way some faculty members wanted to suspend the rules of the body to permit them at all about it secret voting at a later date on the student representation question they tried three different times and lost each time there was more discussion and songbirds alternate proposal professor robert gets is chairman of the department of mechanical engineering i have a picture of i'm like a
defining issue as i see it just doesn't make a big issue very important issue for this modern day does not the division well in academic and that the white man mm hmm i do not believe the men on her condition grew up and
mixed into it and then it was the end of mandatory because without that mental agility letters and we continued like condition you're welcome nominee i mean that
and then as ben there and i'm thinking too that in the uk the magician to live mm hmm
i really do for example in real life think about it we talk a
lot right right he expected without them the next
that's right i'm jacki lyden i am
but really mm hmm
we should work together recognize both the cooperation that will then we should get out of remember how i recommend that we reject abortion or any of the city i'm jacki lyden thank you
and then john ryder rose to answer doctor gets remarks herrmann maybe if baker who say whatever you have to say we're going to robert ruler or the main question differently provided a lawyer played by one
question this is what he said in previous years one is is an assumption that borders on an insult to the student members of the university community lawyer to defend themselves but i am offended by a joyride without you is what seemed to me an unfolding degree of incompetence and irresponsibility on the part of his students really has gotten out of minority know better
and i don't believe that they are doing it can and will continue to demonstrate the highest degree of responsibility and concern for this institution and the quality and high standards of their education if only we would let them help us do that over he is obviously had no experience with students on committees everyone who has done so an outspoken of that experience in haiti this body or the bible is that has repeated again and again for our ears the expressway and how dedicated responsible concerned students whose attendance record whose willingness to work and i might add and knowledge out an
honest government the procedure exceeds that of the back right to the chairman of the new english department george were talked about his department's experiences with student participation when he spoke in favor of three point four point two george were three point four point two weeks ago with the military that for a family in a benign that the legal access to the hit making machinery for a segment of our community with a backdrop that the lack of jobs the argument about the role that the original documentary point for point of politically incorrect but back to the play
the line and the members have only their apathy to blame for the necessary crew of the ferry point four point to one shop in my brain and a number of large building department which i have no say in the recession we're going to create an anti democratic i'm worthy of that the nineteen eighty nine and probably not at righting the wrong and i'm not surprised that are fortunate
that equally important than an orbit i come from a large department in the universe and that the effect of a larger universe where you had or you and we are now in full compliance going to review three point four point two years to find the periphery of art there with no single student participation in our policymaking has been totally responsible and constructive in the way remember
and ej unfortunately are important to the organization representative on the parking and everything along with the war and in the traditional sense of the word i don't know to recognise and a representative of one of the war and i for one wouldn't drink only one part of a true currently active
on a professional i'm very sorry i mean politically rather quote guerrilla group o'leary all too well we are deliberately oh my heart two weeks ago about the responsibility of the faculty of the academic well i agree wholeheartedly oh really the word
our one dollar and all that the army medical minimum they work for academic conclusion major responsibility rests with the faculty where it alone but this will be her an ombudsman important period of probably about it really i cannot adequately describe for you here and now i'm a graduate student more on the spill since the founding of the invocation at involvement department bears four years ago i could only wish for you for of the conflicts
more than one and a lot of that we don't see all the while we talk as we have been about determination of general apology and not in the mission of individual cases graduation requirement and a conflict of interest you know in that mind in the new report as george moore they substitute proposal williams over they all the shorthand that wasn't others of the
proposal this one from assistant professor of history henry mckinney mckinney had been fighting for the four he was the one of the late john rights remarks earlier and his presentation with some objections from other members for nearly half an hour his proposal was similar to the defeated motion of williams' overt emotion was killed when the senate voted not to consider it an amendment to three point four point two was introduced to make the definition of a student born lester the university cataloged it passed another amendment was accepted by doctors other who introduced three point four point to as a friendly amendment eliminating qualified and interested from the restrictions on student representatives is another agreed that there was nothing would set faculty members have to be qualified or interested so the restriction on students would drop one more major amendment the one the students in the balcony had come to hear and yet to be presented in senator george martin spoke up
i'm like really we have and that we allow you to be more about three point four point two was delayed so that student body president bill hubert could propose an amendment that they twenty percent representation by students be changed to fifty percent there was a motion against considering the amendment that failed and hubert was allowed to continue the motion to amend three point four point two to include fifty percent student representation of going to park and neil i have with me two thousand
four hundred signatures in support of them in not attempting in any way to represent those two thousand one of fifty eight people but for those of us who are you a community the signatures for that real evident proposition that word margaret twenty five hundred students and faculty we come to this university of entering freshmen or its first your faculty members were promised membership in what is called a university community the promise of the community within that it will continue to be america's long one elite group or person intent on having the exclusive right of defining the membership of the community nineteen seventies things objects to being manipulated personal security and again by all sorts of different groups that look at the election results on tuesday
probably remind despite claims of progress and by continuing to eliminate as far as any one seems to know the action does by oct twenty seven was unprecedented throughout all higher education no university has said yes you can participate and then no you can't get your mom and you even begin to understand what that does to students or to anyone or are any disability by work by intolerance and by hypocrisy would prevent this country can you even attempt to relate to that some people don't believe that you can but i think that you can not you can relate as people
because you know and in the process one night this week reagan's election returns anymore i was reading through a copy of the college catalog nineteen sixty eight sixty nine and stayed there remains another and more profound requirement for freedom remember him a man is lacking in britain in proportion of his band my commitments which he has not really chosen warrior which uses means to mentor raven consciously adopting and beyond
when one year ago on a stretch of my imagination and i conclude that this theory has been implemented at the university of kansas anyway that education deeply and fundamentally ends as well as means his remote as well as immediate and rather than from human possibilities then it on page twenty three of the same catalogue and find five pages virginia's requirements speech requirements foreign language requirements that medicaid requirements less science requirements western civilization requirements and distribution points with a complete description of the typical principal courses majors and britain's participation can implant institutionally
to many of us in good conscience say that the promises including this article from the college catalog have been killed or that any attention was paid to the notion of really want to replace them how are you and the community and the college board which make that merely to move to him which are already imposed beyond those less concerned with fifty percent good representation are simply saying that the university is to make promises about freedom and a community of dollars and you write in the new film there's no intention of letting up but we can do
in radical not appropriate i'm not ashamed when the overwhelming balance lies with that i don't that the two thousand words sixty eight people who signed that petition not allow his body to ignore them it has been an american the goal is not to create a token twenty percent to satisfy some students will cry university day the goal is for the university to live up to its promises no problem we pay for it
as in body presidents who either discussion of that that the present proposal brought these comments from professor of geography robert manley and the operation i would like very much to support the reader and i think again the mission or three rather compelling reason not like to share the region with at this time i will be very appropriate then everything to me the effective representation for you and me sen coburn meeting a week ago
when the state was made by putting responsibility for his education in part in our hands have been receiving their education that law except it seemed to me that the mood at that time to fifty percent representation of peyton and that the perfect representation of factly that the important point to a position where each group will be very much in trying to develop an intransigent that the man on the other hand i think it would not be effective for just occasionally there's a big but at that time would lead to a kind of unfortunate and then that i would be denied something would
find not particularly viable but i think would be extremely valuable which is that would not have a right if they could and i think at that point as we get further ability to effectively participate in the decision making up our own education at that they think there's a fear that it sends a bargain with me in the last couple three weeks but if indeed they had any effect representations of a fifty percent rivaling that this would constitute i kind of a base from which they couldn't significantly higher education i would argue the problem with the fifty percent representation of spring event in three they would be so compelled by a decision there by many that he affected minorities our objective would not be raising if my theories in a very pragmatic that is mainly that what we are
proposing here is about twenty percent representation we are proposing a mandatory minimum of things to make that fifty percent representation should at the medical university where i am from the standpoint of the goal of the victim in this type of representation of legal and effective and i well i just think that those who objected to the representation on our committees are making recognition of reality the motion so weigl thank you robert the root system senator karen balcombe repeated remarks she made at the probe of the present rally the day before when she called for a vote if i was about to say about it first of all cava here
i'm happy that the high marks for a lot of members in a teaching at the university of kansas and i have the same respect for my boston incentives when bill was something that he felt some of the things that i want to sing that a great deal of the students in that balcony well thank you and i've heard comments are twenty percent representation of her comments or fifty percent representation at the common understanding is that representation and that change is needed there's a quote i like to say that besides that the serenity to accept the things i cannot change the courage to change things can be changed and wisdom to know the difference the discussion
should stop therefore i can a question a question amending the regulation required fifty percent instead of twenty percent and representation they do the argument of the current foreign affairs university there were proposals and counter proposals and that that meant some tempers but the hour was late and the time had come for what everyone expected the new regulation three point four point to providing for twenty percent student representation of all university policy making committees was approved by the university senate the hour was late and sometimes grind the wheels of democracy seem to move more quickly when it gets close to separate her here's our happen when senate president brags only called for the vote recommendations get
herbert hoover hill set last week the university of kansas was host to a national seminar on student protests and the law the seminar the second of its kind was subtitled the kansas seen sponsored by the institute of continuing legal education at the university of michigan and cooperation with occasional school of law and continuing education the summit are dru observers from across the nation and participants from the universities of michigan texas iowa kentucky colorado illinois and california as well as representatives from other related organization the seminar was recorded for a future broadcast on k e n u and tonight thomas hour long edition of the view from the hill we'll hear three preview from student protest at all the first an introduction to the conference from the chancellor of the
university of kansas dr lawrence charmer for the foreigner to be president had their interview where we're several requests for public higher education the court the government fell challenged by a great number of the winner of the third us about a very round of the conflict and the fundamental values of the people themselves are in general the generation gap may appear provide a
temporary information it caught fire on the highly regarded qualities oh my but i do want to emphasize that we cannot possibly violating pollution problems will solve the underlying value to survive and not be replaced by one in your
hair and the other thing you would be the underlying underlying value apparently if you're a really where we should be waiting and uniquely vulnerable even now they're complaining they relate to how we bring you our relationship to others who are we're bowing the acquisition of the primaries one potential return probably prefer collaborating on the achievement of the individual on the achievement says it
should be obvious to bring things like the right on a glimpse at conflicting values that underlie the internal threats that are you know some example young business executive who uses energy hardware million dollar industry are likely to be admired and the iranian regime corporate lawyers royal mail where an oil rig they have no inherent conflict
anybody who are highly profitable and immediately how are people living all right really jupiter
but a generation gap are also probably true that there are more people over forty and they are more people under thirty innovative or further in our articulation of the social problems that remain in the country carol bye bye
the prequel new understanding of the fight and ever and ever and we deserve to be devoured by art of a challenge they please remember frequently or all time and not be separated from the larger crisis i remember it dr lawrence chalmers
chancellor of the university of kansas opening the seminar on student protest and the law with remarks on the conflicting values systems which operates when students face the world the seminar was subdivided into three major headache is the campus during crisis presented discussions of what interested agencies can do the wall and call disturbances and to prevent further disorders the campus after crisis presented discussions of illegal operations which are part of the prosecution of individuals thought to be responsible for disorders both criminal and civil prosecution and disciplinary action by the university and the aftermath of crisis presented discussions of responses to disorders on the part of parents to legislators administrators and others reopening presentation came under the campus during crisis and presented by abuse and the management of the crisis rights and responsibilities the view of the governing board was discussed by overseas jackson of kansas city lawyer and
member of the kansas border region the administration's view came from robert g someone call vice president for student affairs at the university of kentucky difficulties role and disgraced by robert altman professor of law at the university of michigan students view came from a quite a law student at iowa university and the view that one will hear tonight was that the elites presented by colonel willie until all but superintendent of the kansas highway patrol colonel all that being some personal attention in lawrence last july when after meeting with student a non student groups university officials and city and county law enforcement officials he walked alone on the tense korean street area north of the q u campus talking easily with hughes who were five nights have been part of a community's most serious week of crisis colonel alben talk about the rights and
responsibilities of the police and management crisis and this is what he said her we were or the law against doing a number on
an already gotten out of a younger generation and secondly a new novel by npr news dallas and it made my point on the plea along with the one thing to me even more than we know and probably most important one we are going long working for a settlement rather than confrontation my opinion
about the university of the indian never gotten under control without youtube i'm only on the males are only be happy on her to be required to billie and then we're going to have to call me oh terrible what happened though a political ally alvaro
palma or are there plans to be made well we're going to call i don't know not really
and so forth for years i believe that internationally for the recovery to bring your people or the violin or in the mandalay org and a lot of uninsured
zero what's the point no you haven't and where
they live very early i know we're leaving
you know through trees all right there you are
when you have i know we don't know one when you're wrong but were not the only their very well go home and a lot of talk about morally or at
all or they care about and you mr carey yeah and a lot of the iranian
arms and ammunition thirty one of alarming are idling along with every pole i'm not worried all right your mother
right here paul all right all right
well and you are important well and then we were at the thing about that we all went through our
job why are angry and even that now for that are very regret how i talk out only available in that reaction when president will and it's reality human being
paul barrett ok hi ari right about those are out there and i mean you have a long
mr gorka yeah the way coming into the very narrow and we expect either one of the windy iowa we are concerned and they are they are all at the top of the pot with all of them i'm renee montagne as bell
we don't know superintendent of the kansas highway patrol with the policeman's the issue of management of the crisis on this view from the hill or hearing three views of student protest in the law previewing the upcoming programs years on the stage james jimmy boyle is doodles attorney at the university of texas at austin and one of the very first lawyers to hold such a position on any campus as a student at denison university he was president of the student government and chairman of the student faculty committee he was recalled her version of for all reform attorney with the same legal aid society of
alexandria louisiana last week a k u james boyle spoke of a new development the office of student attorney ok yeah the power
of the year in their direction and many more innovation they have the act for years
right hey kate we have very little popular support and advisory committee
i do and then they came in a group of my life or a whole new beginning and then they get the larger agreement i remember and pretty five
la the day thank you and
i am playing that means again and lately the report
we're here and we have a real problem and i
and here is and fifty dollars and they're still won't wear a private attorney wouldn't think they were making forty thousand dollars in security every year and we're now the crime and even figuring out ways to not only were prevented
well what about the idea and we are where do you do that right right right right thank you great
job and he at the very top are going to make a new law and now we are in and we're in the top three in and three other areas which are probably the worst feeling thank you and we have
today thirty five both actually thank you and
your reaction right now i didn't believe you at a university an hour
we have you're right and the riot tell
me about the case a new day oh absolutely anyway it kept alive
right here yeah you have it bye bye for her the position right
right and i and having me i have thank you renee
i know i don't know it is all right yeah right
today at well done everything and the planet
they're alive i know thank you no problem now right now thank you right right
my life thank you five people you're
welcome yeah and you're right lately oh yeah
you live yeah iron grip we
do today thank you speaking spanish i wanted that
played live the original we have to marry how is that all right
mr ar and i have i have thank you
aaron all right and that is i have
read it b ha jin he boils through his attorney at the university of texas at austin talking about a new development the office of student attorney he said it was tweaking to you in a seminar on student protest in the law the kansas team sponsored by the institute of continuing legal education at the university of michigan or the university of kansas school of law and continuing education that seminar soon becomes a series on key and you on student protest and the law says gary shares the view from the hill
The View from the Hill
Student Participation in University Decisions
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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KU Student Senate and Faculty hold meeting over student participation in university governance.
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Chicago: “The View from the Hill; Student Participation in University Decisions,” 1970, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “The View from the Hill; Student Participation in University Decisions.” 1970. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: The View from the Hill; Student Participation in University Decisions. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from