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Position by either party it is not a Republican or a Democrat issue. He asked about the leadership in the leadership. Obviously Mr. Holder the majority leader is not in favor of the bill in its present form and new There are several of the others. But that would take to bring them around to because the governor 41 0 is declaring a 51 and I realize that I mean to get the 51 votes you have to do something in the bill to bring them over reduction they got no I think we're going to get I think he won votes pretty much the way the bill is constituted right now the Senate bill. Yes with some amendments which will be filing. All right we have about a minute left. How is the general public benefited by this the general public has benefited by the fact will have an organized scheme to resolve differences between employers and employees and I feel by bringing those people closer to sharing in the decisions and in government is dedicated public servants and I mean that the public is going to get better public service out of their state institutions. You actually think this will eventually mean more money or will it really mean no more money than the state has appropriated as a graduating basis before.
I've not seen it but I understand that there's been a comparison between 9. Will states and states do have bills and in the last 10 years it's been just about the same so far as the escalation of state costs are concerned. I don't think you'll have any significant effect on that. They know your money other benefits friend benefits insurance benefits that is where I think public employers have not reached the legitimate requests of state employees and many of the so-called non-economic pension rights. You know that type of thing although we exclude some of that in this Bill Safire's apers is not a negotiable item under this bill. And you think the public employees then would have more of an input on government. I certainly feel that way forward. For what purpose. For the purpose of being able to better deliver public services and I think good be fought to make more accountable our public management of public service. How long is it going to take to debate this thing you start Wednesday could take two days or two weeks. I understand that there's going to be hundreds of amendments put on I think the only way that this bill
with some amendments can could be defeated would be if they try to talk him to death and I fully expect them to try to do that because they have the people that don't want 531. Gentlemen take your research much. Representative Bryce Oakley thank you for being with us. I'm Jim Flansburgh. Good night.
One Hundred Days #6 Reel 2
Contributing Organization
Iowa Public Television (Johnston, Iowa)
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Episode Description
IPBN legislative summary, Show Reel #6 (Reel 2 of 2), Rec. Engr. J.S., VCR 8, Transfer date: 3/31/86, UCA-30
Asset type
Politics and Government
IPTV, pending rights and format restrictions, may be able to make a standard DVD copy of IPTV programs (excluding raw footage) for a fee. Requests for DVDs should be sent to Dawn Breining
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Iowa Public Television
Identifier: 41-F-6B (Old Tape Number)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “One Hundred Days #6 Reel 2,” Iowa Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 8, 2024,
MLA: “One Hundred Days #6 Reel 2.” Iowa Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 8, 2024. <>.
APA: One Hundred Days #6 Reel 2. Boston, MA: Iowa Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from