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The earth. With what. Little. With. Her. Where. There's. Why. The world. The.
Ortho. A.
The old. The old. Thang. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank. You. The
food. Banks. Thank. The banks. Why.
Luck of the. Long holds a lot of love. Mm mm. Mm. Mm. Mm.
Oh right this is WFMU and you starring as New Jersey
wrapping up the last big shot review for this year that's guest deejay show and we may do a couple more. In January we may know and then we're going to put into mothballs for a few months so I can take a rest. Question mark has been here and he's packing up and is going to give your last few closing notes. Because this was Charles Ives last cut. From his three places in New England the second movement that was just playing by itself I was and Nixon was Charles honest master mix. Before that you heard the panther. Man singing. We heard more so as. You heard some of my composition using records
and you heard my own record record without a cover. You heard an excerpt from Godard by John Zorn. You heard Bernard Herrmann and a lot more stuff. And thanks for listening tonight. Okay thanks for coming stay tuned for Steve takes that Star Watch coming up in about 24 seconds. And Dad and Van Dam and with the election coming up with like you said. They are listening to Debbie FM band the restart. He came back.
And then we can continue to point to the 22nd of November. Yes officially right now around 12 of the morning. I look around. What makes it interesting is they very often refer to the time in the program. They're now a little bit over one hour to read it. Nothing.
Unless. The air. Yeah. Right.
You can tell the edge by. Some.
Someone they like. Then they usually see. Some man made the news. Except for the few. That don't. Care. People get bored by being unable to find to the same. And the differences are superficial. In this Stones it a bit like people. Except they sing and say. And don't come. Bless. Us. And that includes. Oh.
Wow wow. That will help you do that. Alexander go go
go. Yeah. I think. Thank.
The Be. Ignored. Up. Thanks. To.
You. Absent.
By I. Am. Willing. To. Hmm.
0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. Thank. You. With. With. With.
With. With. With. With. With. With. Sure.
What. He's. Doing. Through. This is one. Issue. Wow.
What. Truth. Is it. OK this is WFMU FM is in East Orange New
Jersey it's our guest deejay show the big shot review and the last one at least until January I guess does question mark Lay who is known for mixing records live and on other records and even on his own record. I didn't have a cover and he's here to tell us what we've been listening to some of it anyway. So we just heard so much gospel time on Oprah. For that we heard Tanko a Japanese singer who just recorded this record in New York produced by Fred Firth and should be coming out soon on recommended Drucker's Switzerland. And you heard a lot of mixes that I did in the past I played some mixes from 1984 86
and those were tapes that you heard David Moss on his record full house. I guess I have a couple or little stories about the rocks. You heard John Zorn and John Zorn mixed with John Cage cartridge music 960. You heard more of sounds of what sounds. You heard Davy WILLIAMS CRIMINAL person yes you heard it set. Near Anderson typewriter spellbound.
May close and actually the first cut of this was taken from a record called a Swiss compilation on organic records and one of my own pieces called Pandora's box. Next to her of it. It'll.
It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll.
It'll. It'll. It'll. It'll. Again.
Work work.
0 0 0.
0 0.
Guest DJ Christian Marclay
The Big Shot Review
Contributing Organization
WFMU (Jersey City, New Jersey)
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Episode Description
Christian Marclay is the guest DJ on "The Big Shot Review." The episode begins in progress with Marclay playing some musical selections by others and himself. At the end of the episode, there are a few announcements from the Sky Watch Network. The second part of this asset appears to be the first part of "The Big Shot Review" with Marclay.
Created Date
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Recorded Music
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Guest: Marclay, Christian
Host: Weisberg, Rob
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: RW.000195 (WFMU)
Format: Audio cassette
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Guest DJ Christian Marclay; The Big Shot Review,” 1986-12-20, WFMU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Guest DJ Christian Marclay; The Big Shot Review.” 1986-12-20. WFMU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Guest DJ Christian Marclay; The Big Shot Review. Boston, MA: WFMU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from