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Good evening welcome to black perspectives. A half hour feature focusing on black issues information and lifestyles in the communities of Boston in the style Sure. I'm your host Charles Desmond. On tonight's edition of black perspectives we'll be introducing the first of a four part series on black officials in the media. The series will focus on the obstacles struggles and successes which black officials experience while attaining influential and respectable positions in the media community. The media as our listening audience knows is a powerful establishment Assyria in our society as indicative by the impact which it has on influencing minds affecting decisions and creating valued opinions among individuals within our pluralistic society. In the past and in the present the black community has often betrayed on television radio and newspapers with its weaknesses over exposed and its assets overlooked. However with the ascent of black officials to pivotal positions in the media community and the emergence of black newspapers and journals the diversity and complex aspects of the black community can be presented to the people within our community in a
true form and without factual analytical distortions. My guest with us tonight to discuss this issue are two pioneers in the field of journalism and minority issues in general. Without the contribution of my two guests and others the investment of blacks at entry level positions would indeed be more difficult than they presently are in the press. Dexter you're a the highest ranking black official with the Boston Globe and member of New England's Premier newspaper and highly respected business establishment come up to Massachusetts namely that being the globe Dexter you're a senior is currently serving in the capacity as director of community relations for the Boston Globe. A member of the prestigious Boston Globe foundation and is also a member of the prestigious Boston Globe foundation. Also joining us is looks over being a man with a longstanding commitment to the media sector. Currently a staff writer with The Christian Science Monitor in that position which he served in for over a decade
missed over these past experience in the media sector includes managing editor editor of The St. Louis Sentinel city editor of the Oklahoma Eagle and he was also taught in journalism at Northeastern University. Gentleman thank you very much for joining me tonight and I'm looking forward to this discussion. Thank you. Thank you Charles. One of the comments I would just respond to pioneers may not be speak for me but I think we would like to address it pioneers those folks who really did a lot of these things that which motivated when we talk about the particular core of the African-American you know the journey guy the very essence of what the black press was about. People possibly wouldn't recall when I leave heritage and was I had been a cartoon strip and I don't like classics and political satire in the area but I think I hope that the message which you take it and so many of us in
the 30s and the 40s we relegate it to what this council leadership and one of the things I think we find ourselves here in 1986 is where's the black press. Do we need the black press and why just about black press is but one basic things are trying to help keep us and from how they get introduced how to survive and how to go forward and that really is what the press might any kind of press. How relevant how powerful how influential what kind of a role we should play but that's where I start out with you and from others. Will that say that but Dexter says about the black press is true but I'm a little concerned because the black press is not as powerful as it once was. You never think that a city like. Boston that had once had the Guardian and there's always been noted for its outspoken blacks a sort of quieted down now.
Boston does have about three black newspapers but. Only one really has clout. That's the Bay State Banner. But it's a shame that only one black newspaper exists in all of New England and probably more should be done. You say that about that but I guess is lack of money that keeps us from having more really black newspapers but they are really needed if black newspapers were around. The issues would not be skirted over so quickly as there are now that probably in this area would not be a vote for Mandela because that would have been more black power in the Boston government the Boston government would have responded more to Black needs a black roof demands or requirements. But it hasn't. Not too much has happened after bigger promise. Redevelopment of the
rocks bare it all. But nothing really new is happened yet except for the building of the Roxbury Community College which was promised almost 10 years ago. Let me respond to that by saying that when you say that the ability for more newspapers black newspapers to exist is a function of resources and I think historically of the types of publications that you had mentioned Dexter that the black community at the turn of the century and before was materially much less powerful economically than it is right now yet there were a proliferation of newspapers and position papers and mimeographed sheets and whatnot mimeographed sheets but prints you know one into later publications that were getting the word out to people they weren't the establishment press in the sense of fancy publications that can compete with some of the newspapers that we have up to at the country. But they were significant in relevant
publications that sort of captured the attentions of the people in the community now. Do you think that is. I mean I mean can you equate that with just simply a matter of that you don't have the money to compete. Or is it a lack of will to get out there and to deal with these issues. Well. If you're around separate Yes. There are places let's just go back a few years when a top black athlete out of South Carolina Virginia Mississippi. All right top scholar who was a doctor med could not go to the University of South Carolina University you know come out and he had to come know quote. Football. Now you know when you see now University of Alabama University of Tennessee three quarters of the players out there happen to be black. Now. What do we do we want to be part of an integrated society. A separate society and I'm inclined to
believe that that question hasn't been thoroughly analyzed as answerable but I'm saying that that's a fact. We certainly you know I can tell you I just don't want to be the highest ranking black of the Boston Globe. I want to be publisher of The Boston Globe. I want nothing less. And whatever it takes to make that wheeling in daily training kinship Byron I want to be cheap. I want to see us not twenty one black congressman 435 Congressman I want to see blacks be able to beat Tip O'Neill. And I think if we're saying that then that's got to be looked at into that context whether we talk about separatists or not I think the separatist movement is having some pluses to it from the standpoint that it's making the man a government of people not an easy about to reflect that you haven't done anything for the community. You certainly don't see me on any construction.
You don't see me in government when I watch the president and his party and I see and I don't see anybody who looks like a little like you or me and that kind you mean I don't have nothing to contribute to the government. That's what this whole issue is about. And some may call it radical and may well be separate from that and but ultimately my goal is that I want to be cheap. So I think I can benefit those and better contribute to the whole society. Well I think that that's true I think that's what most blacks would rather do. But at the present tax they are that they're achieving such a position. So at the same time they have to have a voice for themselves somebody that speaks for the black people. This is why. The necessity yet of a black press of some sort. Now the big problem is that if you want to read what blacks are doing you can't find it out unless you do
read a black newspaper more often that is beyond the big protests of the big leaders of the big day. But when you get beyond that blacks hardly exist if you look at the Globe today you don't see too much about blacks in that paper unless you turn to the sports pages and you don't see anything on the society pages every once in a while you might see something. But the good of the globe the Herald every once in a while does something on the side of the other. Earlier this week there seemed to been a black society featured rather that they did think elf of the Herald society pages. I think that was a TOS spade. If you want to get a picture. Of America being able to cultured society you cannot get it. If you read strictly the regular daily paper paper even the paper that I work for though we are
trying and I think that the globe astride the globe does quite a bit more than papers and Mrs. Clover has more people working. And all of that and the global paper the local papers will sponsor. Over the past week it is of a minority job fair. 400 people from the orators showed up. Most of them black. I'd say about 350 black and about. 50 Asians and Hispanics there were more than 900 newspapers but only one newspaper was Black other that was of the paper that was a community paper it came out. It comes out only once a month. So there weren't that many jobs to be offered on that paper. So what do you do. Well. I think we should understand.
CHARLES Yes. Why isn't black newspaper more relevant more popular and acceptable and has to do with the system and money. What makes the globe crumble. What makes question Satch mother rumble takes money and some paper so formally that the globe has mentioned it somewhere in the vicinity of 60 to 40 35 65 but it has to do with when I say 65 or 70 as really we have a chart. That dictates what size days global having to be a hundred eight pages and the folks who advertise there and I think it's important we say what's relevant to black people. Somebody makes this decision at the you know metropolitan paper. What am I going to put in for the day. I put Jordan Marsh I put Stop and Shop. I put bleach me I put Vice I put government nationally I put the Red Sox and Mets
now say in that. All the things who and people we're talking about are concerned about it right. And we made him put my name on him. And this morning the results of megabucks because black people play megabucks black people play numbers. Black people play horses and some are to make a decision what is it that in the law that attracts readers that's what we're about. We like the comics we like we want it page. We like the stock pages and we get all kind of things so money makes a decision but some people make noise and makes the difference about what gets in and they take you know like I don't have too much love concern. But not too many blacks appear on the blow back society page you know I don't think that's what it's about. I do want equal time I want to be represented that we get married and we have weddings and
whatever plays but I don't have that immediate concern. And maybe the Genesis doesn't protested a lot while if you have more black brides. And that's a freebie you don't have to pay. Right. But I don't much want to see if I want to get an education and you know that's dictated by public people look at what you know people make the decision what is willing to accept. Let me take a break right here and tell our listening audience that this is black perspectives and WNBA FM ninety one point nine and you're listening Dow. Please stay tuned to resume our discussion on black officials in the media after this brief intermission. When I was choosing a career job as a reporter at my local newspaper wasn't an option. Those doors were closed to blacks. Things have changed but not enough. There are still too few racial minorities pursuing journalism careers are being given a chance to. This is Karl Rove. If you have talent as a writer cartoonist graphic artist or photographer maybe you
belong in this important industry for information on how you can pursue a career in the news business. Call this toll free number 1 800 2 5 5 6 0 6 0 0. You have your name and address and information will be sent you free from the Society of Professional Journalists. Pursue a career in the news business because journalism needs minorities and minorities need journalism. That number again 1 800 2 5 5 6 0 6 0 0 0 ask for operator 1 to 8 back from a brief intermission on ninety one point nine FM this is child's Desmond you host the blackest prospectus. Tonight we're continuing our discussion on black officials in the media. My guest are two pioneers who have done outstanding work in the media. Their decks with The Boston Globe and Louis Overby from the Christian Science Monitor. Just before our break we were talking about the question of how newspapers influence our own perspectives of who
we are which is the point that Lewis Lewis was making was that if you don't see blacks in the. Society section whatever it might be the indication would be that blacks don't have society or that they're not doing anything that would be worthy of being reported in a newspaper. My point in mentioning that is that doesn't that therefore then give rise to the question of Why then shouldn't we have more black newspapers in Boston or in black communities that in fact can report on these things and that can put some light on the richness in the diversity of the events that are going on in black society. Well newspapers metropolitan papers powerful people reflect what society is. They mirror what society they represent it. They see they print what society is reflecting you know. Bill we are the Patriots.
We own the Boston Red Sox. We own the Boston Celtics. Do we all the Boston Globe. Do we on the question of Science Monitor academia and this greater community out in the air you know 35 presidents we end up with one or another woman paper mirrors what our society is and I don't think it's any difference. Well I think it mirrors it to a degree but the papers really mirror is the dominant element in our society and it naturally would mirror their interests. Now what you say is true that there are no black businesses that buy the black businesses that advertise at the Globe of the globe relied on black businesses that would be closed out yesterday. And even the Bay State Banner would be pretty well close all malls if it depended on black businesses alone for its advertising.
And that's a part of it. Yet there's a voice if you have a stronger voice and you have buying power you would be a subject for ad but you'd be a target for advertising. I live in a neighborhood I live about a Pather so I get the throwaways all of the sales that now the painted Square at some of the stores even at Hyde Park. And all I get those so that the people still are looking for me the bar at the Globe has advertised at some time that if I did a house at the top looking for a job I could look at the Globe but I also could look at the batter and I'm more likely to look at the batter. So the band keeps pretty good lad a lot of jobs that are better than. The just the intro love a dog skill jobs. Let me get a piece of it for you know audience that that yes and
yes that hopeless and minority blacks Hispanics Asians have a role an impact played out in front of little or any medium. I'd like to get some dollars from an avid gadget Jordan Marsh. Filing Sears and Roebucks. All of our customers are not white. And if there's a difference when they're losing their profits. But no I didn't make a difference. They have an impact on how to do it and that becomes part of the paper and I think we've got to encourage our people that they're playing Coke versus Pepsi. If you talk about my position paper Ford better Chevy Yeah that's right in between the folks who look at these things that you make a difference that's impact. We just got to be able to communicate to let people know what kind of significant because sometimes it has to do with whether or not you think your side just means
you know people need to check some doors down about a paper that's not being relevant to my issue and my concern and my priority. But let me ask the question then. And then with the absence of say the black press are if you have the black press when it's not speaking out on these issues in the way that you're referring to right now then how in point of fact do people get that information so that they know what actions they should be taking or what things that they can be doing that very well may be in their own interest and that can make things happen. Maybe I think that the black press has to reexamine and look at some things and 1086 what it is you know because I think when you look at the keyboard that you know black and white. Well he may look at the Christian Science Monitor in the grove it has an order to read the Christian Science Monitor the globe has black ink on white paper so it's relevant to the part. Maybe. Black newspapers 1986 has to re-examine this community what I think are
the issues most relevant and a connection that I should have with advertising with a function to be able to put me out in the street. I think that may have to be re-examined. That's all I'm saying. You know are you going to tell me not to send my kids to college. I'm a Santa black college white college but where I send them what am I trying to send them for behavior so he can contribute make some parts of society and survive and do its thing and I think maybe the vehicle the press black press white press profession what's relevant when you come into your lobby and this main door as a bulletin board and everybody's trying to get on it. Somebody has to make a decision where you put some of you look at a larger bulletin board. People find out that you've been superseded by another message and you can't reach your message. I looked at the mass media you know it it's dictated by how much you have the president but Charlie how much this is going to be. And B I got so much money. You may have 10000 nudes in two pounds.
Physical resources that becomes the bottom line and somebody determines what is going to be that that's what the papers are about. Well I think that that's true. Really I think that what it's part of the blacks can't wait for somebody else to do something for them. Now I was involved in doing some of the planning for this minority jobs conference. And there's a certain amount of skepticism among some of the blacks that well there were going to be jobs here and I don't have a number that told that they should check it out to check it out but they were told of that because the the woman in charge at Margaret's was very but she worked very hard we she had me to do extra work to make sure that students who were in college juniors and seniors that they came out that we double
checked people who had said in the applications we would we tried to talk to people that we know to have to come out. That sub didn't cut it away but there were jobs because more than 90 papers show that that was the biggest number of newspapers that ever show up for one of these. From what I've told throughout the nation. This but the papers were more interested. There were some very good students who came out there it's a very good adults who are already in the field who would like inmates who came out they had a lot to offer and I think quite a few jobs will be cultivated from this particular conference LeWitt one of the sayings this company attempted to do and I think to some degree of success it up Danny you know the perception is you know I go in and I show my fellow card and the first thing you say what do I write.
I don't write anything. One of the things that competent tempted to do was showing people an organization like the Global 2000 people jobs from custody and to publish it electronics lawyers across the boy. We need to get that exposure because most people get the perception that I can write like not so great there is no job there at the Christian Science Monitor. There are more jobs than just talking which will work. There are blacks who have been there for many many years I happen to know if I mean that the public doesn't know. Right that's that was to some degree in success as guide young black kids protect not have to be exposed that a job whether we talk about the global or universal Matt. There are jobs here for somebody and you do you. Correct resources background you have a shot at it. That's where we got to get the message out. To piggyback on you the I agree with that I try to tell people. People usually look at the glamour of a job and the glamour job as being a star
reporter and get not meeting famous people and all of that. But the dog lovers get it back try to write a story that the other two won't chop at the bit to say what was said put it out. Cover speech by a book. Dr. Wharton speaks as if he speaks for all the also now are you going to can condense that to about four or five hundred words or something. And so it's not as good labyrinths as it seems but they don't see that there's somebody in advertising who could go out and make more money or that the reporter. Because he makes it all the bases of production the more he sells the more he bangs and there are a lot of jobs in that way and there are a lot of other skills that are involved in producing a newspaper person that secretarial skills can transfer them to high technology in the knowledge of high technology. From anything to
making programs to be repair people for and make good money at that. So we tack at Tad's we have to think about what we're doing. We don't have to be super this and super that it's a lot of people lot of black people have to realize they have talents that can be used and they won't require it the extra special that they don't do or the jobs of the job they don't like or they don't think they're making enough money that they have to venture out. Charlie Yes you give a booking to work. What we need and press the black press staff and press its people that's a commitment that has some people. And more often than not it is knowing that kind of commitment is committed to the community the black community white community. He works for an
establishment press and that reflective. We have young reporters. Who for a variety of reasons have no commitment or have no background and really don't know who they are how to write you know. And to address ourselves to some sensitivity in some problem we need that kind of urban Cal report or you know global searching for not just minority report as we try to get people from the farmland on our team we try to get poor whites some relevancy out here to be reflected. But you've got to have some commitment to what you want to do you know. Well I I had the Bay State Banner which I subscribe to. It's needed and I'm told it's a black community cannot afford not to have that. It's informative and it's necessary. All right. I think that that says right now that black
performer have to have a commitment to excellence first they have to be say that whatever they're doing they're going to do a good job and then there has to be a commitment to the community to be a part of it is that the young blacks feel and sometimes justifiably so that they're going to be assigned to what they consider the ghetto is reporting that that will it will be impossible to rise to be what Dexter said he'd like to be one day he'd like to be published. Not just that's the assistant to the publisher Dexter this or that local community or something. He wants to be a person who makes those decisions. Sometimes there's a feeling that if you're writing about blacks or you get into that too much you will never get a chance to do it. That will get the front page or you'll never get a chance to do something that will attract a lot of attention.
Let me say that we are going to continue this discussion in our next week's show I'd like to talk a listening audience that tonight you've been listening to black perspectives and I want you to continue that point when we begin our show next week. I'd like to thank our guests tonight who are Dexter you're a who's the director of community relations for the Boston Globe and who happens to be the highest ranking minority official with this well known many establishment and also a member of the prestigious Boston Globe foundation. My other guest this evening has been Louis Overby who has a quite extensive experience over the years in the field of journalism. He's a staff writer with The Christian Science Monitor at this time but has served as past managing editor for The St. Louis Sentinel and was city editor for the Oklahoma eagle. Next week we'll delve further into this intriguing issue. Let me thank Gary Pierre Louis who has as. He always has done an excellent job of producing the show and also to thank Tanya Warren who has provided the technical assistance. Thank you all very much and we'll talk with you next week.
Black Perspectives
Blacks in the Media. Part 1
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WUMB (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Part 1 of a 4-part series on black leaders in the media profession. Guests Dexter Eure, Sr., director of community relations at the Boston Globe; and Luix Overbea, staff writer at the Christian Science Monitor, discuss the waning influence of Boston's black press and the need for more black media outlets; the need for better representation of the black community in mainstream newspaper coverage, efforts by the Boston Globe and Christian Science Monitor to diversify their coverage, and the need to educate the black community about the availability of non-journalism jobs at large mainstream newspapers.
Series Description
Black Perspectives is a public affairs talk show featuring in depth conversations about issues of interest to the African American community.
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Copyright Holder: WUMB-FM
Guest: Eure, Dexter, Sr.
Guest: Overbea, Luix V.
Host: Desmond, Charles
Producer: Pierre Louis, Gary
Producing Organization: WUMB
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: BP05-1986 (WUMB)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Black Perspectives; Blacks in the Media. Part 1,” 1986-11-12, WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 3, 2024,
MLA: “Black Perspectives; Blacks in the Media. Part 1.” 1986-11-12. WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Black Perspectives; Blacks in the Media. Part 1. Boston, MA: WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from