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     Interviews with Boston College, UMass Athletic Coaches and Boston College
    Quarterback Doug Flutie on Current/Upcoming Sports Seasons in Boston
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Now that last week is over and the upset is has come about to look at things differently would you have worked the players any differently last week with your prepared in a different way. Are is it just something that was almost destined to happen. Well I think it will be. No I wouldn't change anything. We we had a real good practice week. We were really I think ready to play the football game and went up and played. We ran into a buzz saw it seems like Syracuse played I think good to the level that they haven't not been playing all they played extremely well against Pitt and darn near beat him and against Penn State we knew we would be struggling we didn't think that we would ever get to a point where we just weren't making plays all fancily And that's really basically what happened to us we played like our kids put forth a great effort and and we just got beat and I don't have any magic words of wisdom I just know today that those things can happen let's get settled back down now and and play well this week and then the following week. But I'm not down my kids a stretch imagination and we you know things just didn't work our way that particular Saturday.
Anyone points on the board. But your team has had no problem scoring 21 in the past and this this particular week it seems as though you really struggle to get the 10 points that you did. We did and then a lot of that credit goes to a good Syracuse defense. I mean they they came in with a concept and they're going to hound the quarterback and they were able to just you know when things don't go well it's not one person or one group or we're it's just a total thing. We didn't pass block as well as we've been past blocking. We didn't run routes as well as we've been running routes and didn't see things as well as he has been seeing them and in that Doug Flutie is a great athlete and a great young man and he also is allowed to be so-so at times and this is one of those days he just didn't have a great day. Explain it in athletics you can see it in any sport at any time he didn't have a great day didn't know didn't have a horrible day competing every second and I'm not all that concerned about it really now that it's over I was concerned Saturday afternoon obviously but
now that it's over I just say we had an effort then the team came in and played extremely well. We weren't flat we weren't you know anything was one inning wrong we weren't distracted. We just had them their defense up there and then that environment and that dome and people going nuts and we just didn't respond everything the way I wish we had. So if things should work out the same way next year how would you look at a big game like Syracuse differently would you try to be a little more conservative or what. I think we'd have to come out and throw everything we got out of and really come after him and treat him like we would a Penn State or Alabama or clowns and I felt you know we had a good attitude going into the game I think we just got it. We went into a shell a little bit during the game as a team. We got a little we were afraid of what could happen and afraid of things that you know we didn't just step up and correct things we started questioning ourselves we have to have a lot more confidence and it's true next year we have a the
experience of this year past and it could help us out a lot next year but then again the seniors this year I really feel sorry for you don't get that second opportunity and yet they're still going to a ballgame and everything is going to be great and you know like I said playing Notre Dame is a great throw. So we really try to come right out after him with everything we have thrown the ball over the place in the first half just I really wasn't throwing the ball well and I wasn't making good decisions and I blame myself for a lot of it that happened in the first half and I just I was getting frustrated. I had a couple passes knock down the beginning and I couldn't get into a rhythm that I wasn't throwing the ball well and then this And then that and I just really started getting frustrated by that. Things weren't working so we start reaching for things and we got the running game going on but you can't just depend on running it we needed to throw the ball still and and I came back in the third quarter and we had scored and we scored a one touchdown and came back in third quarter running the ball. There were occasions
where we needed to pass in the passing game just wasn't clicking and there there was a breakdown in protection every now and then and there were mistakes being made all over the place and you just can't win you can't you got to be consistent and you can't make those mistakes we're making some big mistakes but we still have the opportunity to win the ball game. So we really came out with the same attitude as any other game and we did go after him just things didn't seem to click for us and was one of those days where no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't do it right. This year was on the other foot the last couple of big games you've had you going against an opponent that might be under-rating you a little a little bit underestimating you. And here you get Syracuse who was sky high to get a chance to play it having a so-so season things are a little bit disappointing from their point of view and the perfect fellow for their had was to put a little L on the side of your game and that's unfortunately what they did. That's true. The underdog always seems to have an advantage going in those kind of games. They can get pumped up they have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
And for some reason once you want to become a favorite in those type of ball games where you're up in the rankings you trip you prepare for the game the same way you would any other game but for some reason the psychological edge isn't there. Let's go after him and just give it all we got attitude is not as intense. It's just different between reaching for something and having it and protecting it most and it really puts And in a tough situation you know. And Mr. Ness you're an assistant coach at Boston College this year and what we're looking for is we want you to tell us what can you what can we expect from B.C. this year in the way of performance I think. Being inspected. Same thing from last year I think that would be a very frightening thing. We'll still play a full court press fastbreak at every opportunity I think for us to be as good as we were last year I think we
need the people to come off the bench and do a very good job. I think last year a supremely talented very good job particularly in the second half of the season they really came on strong. That's correct you know we lost Gary here and right now that's the part of the piece that we try to put together. I think did Roger McCready think from New York he'll start back with probably six seven and a half a kid high school freshman and rust Doughtery will set out. Because it's awful so they can't you know I think I would think would be very good. Now these individuals going to be strong on the boards because I think with J Murphy in his excellent outside shooting us where you missed
the most is he was he was very maneuverable underneath him get a lot of key rebounds for you in big games that are that is so true. Every day I coach West myself and you know the system you know we really preach rebalance every damn practice because we feel that we can make up for a rebound that will be very good and if we don't make up for way down anyway. Right and that's probably going to that's something is going to be very important in a game which you're not functioning on all cylinders if you have an off night in you're outside shooting isn't falling. If Michael is having a particularly bad night then you can really pick up the slack on the boards if you get the good work inside that is so true. You know if I could I could I think get it caught on tape doesn't get caught. We don't want study every game for Flash. Oh that's right I think that we have here. I think I think that last year.
Plan somewhat out of the six eight point three but the plan for Plan A. But now that he played this year he should be much more just here because the first two years he played for the situation where the big kid comes back. But yes same place but saying that last year from Dr Tom Davis the coach when you came in the big thing here he can make that is your right. But those three guys the three man attack last year say Murphy and cares to hear Michael Adams think they're tough to cover. True and that you know one of those guys off now with a rebound. You're right.
So with the three basic rotation you going to use your other two ball players off the bench. Yeah Right now we'll start out with seven thought out with seven eight players would get up to that might. Play like say in the cemetery pick up that 10 player towards the end of January the way we play when we need 8 ball player type of pace that we want to play preferably want to run for guys you know take it out and make it tight pretty quick and we want to get our guys in you know to get those guys every day when you're ready to put back in. Sure you know playing up tempo type of game and you've got to focus. Adams Murphy and Clark with open you know the ball players would be able to contribute as roles as role players. That's correct those three guys. If you if you have a look at that he goes to that hopefully a player like 30 minutes a game like that from any benefit but right now with the rotation of the other two spots. You know hopefully you know we have
good all of a guy in you know. Did you pick up any. Hoping for another 20 win season I would expect. Well we're hoping for you know things get a quick disappear. Now it'd be it'd be very interesting to see who comes up. Didn't really take for we know what the effort. Right I could be there we know Jay could be there but we need someone else to come through like supremely talented here right now and he made a claim way here you know he thought his crew from over something lasting like 6 3 to 6 from upper body strength. OK well to jump a bit away from D.C. Can you fill us in a bit on the Big East and tell us who we have to watch out for this season. Look for Georgetown. Maybe pick number one. You know they've got their whole you know they thought it was two freshmen last here and you know they get everyone
coming back Patrick Ed. But the addition of one of the best in the nation you will think that they don't fall for that by. The very thing you pick the Villanova Syracuse. And I. Think in a group think any one of us can be good Pinot Noir. You know whatever the younger guys do in the program you know the younger guys come around early that would be good to come around. It is pretty hard to tell at this point. You mentioned that Georgetown had a freshman coming in are there any other freshmen around the big air on the Big East that we should watch for. I didn't get out what you just mentioned the Georgetown had a talented freshman coming in are there any other freshmen coming around the Big East from Syracuse New York 6 6 2 and a half point guard he was the big guy in the shootout I believe that's correct.
He played very well. So he's going to be very good. You know he's going to make them you know he's going to make him very competitive very early. Syracuse three very good players. Does he enjoy that for a legal route. Awesome. Played footy in 76 was right. Oh you know he's going to be good. For Pittsburgh. Yeah I did like a dark horse. They picked. It picked up a point guard out of Buffalo. They got a pretty good year. I think I think Josh picked up a very you know for a good player to pick the classic six point plan. I don't often pick the Robert Quantock a problem. OK Jack. New York. Looks like a pretty good depends on what you know. It depends on how the season goes along you can't tell when a guy's going to do until you actually get him on the court. That's right and see how he reacts to the pressure.
That's right you know it it's a big difference from high school and college a lot of kids you know take a little making out a check right after. But you know the new private with academics and a Bath Body calorie free. Sure. So we're looking at Big East which is going to have a powerhouse in Georgetown and a group of other teams hopefully led by Boston College which are going to be fighting for the other spots right. That's correct. And depending on how the raw players as we said the players coming off the bench in the the intangibles the guys we don't know anything about depending on how they play. We're going to see how the rest of the Big East pans out as the season runs on the right that you said it. That's OK. One other thing we're really interested about is Jay Murphy. Today I was talking a little bit about Murphy being number one draft pick at the end of the season. I know we could both agree and it's too early to talk about something like that but it's not too early to talk about the condition of Murphy's
knee did have arthroscopic surgery right. He just said that we could go away you know top with trainer Randy Randy said you know it really has a successful knee surgery. They went in on it then they found the little clip right there pretty quick did often take out right out back to like the first three or four games. You know like you says to Curly to tell you know I react because I want to come back. That's the part you have to go through you know fully healed and put pressure on. Things like that. We really need him back to be a very good team. Right he definitely make sure our offense click easily. He's a top gun. The teams come in like last year I think. Look they try but they are still right. He would take the pain to come and try to take care of my wife.
KWOK I think you're right he hopes that the trio right if he if Murphy isn't functioning becomes a 2 min off fence and right in the defense can really pick up when you make it tough. That's correct. Well OK Mr Yates I did. Yeah we have to kind of fade out now where you run over you five minutes I'm sure you have to get back home think again tonight get that here we could have a need right now but I really appreciate talking to you. Same here in now we'll get back we'll keep in touch during the season. Thank you. All right have a good one. OK we're back and right now I'm talking with UMass Boston hockey coach John Allen and Joe over the weekend. Your team opened up its season in the Granite State invitational or granite state hockey tournament up in New Hampshire. And you took on a New England college and in the opening game on Saturday afternoon what can you tell us about that game today pretty good.
And we came back the first one. And I think. That's good. Because we want. To see we're doing on college a good team and this year I think we were pretty good to see the point a little bit yesterday when they played against the tournament and got a pretty good team. I'm going to be good.
OK so you lost your opening round game in against you in college and went on to face a division 3 team New Hampshire College in the consolation game yesterday afternoon and you won that game pretty handily. What were the highlights of that game. That's right we just could get a break what seemed to be represented. THANKS AND GOODBYE. We came right pretty close to record. Right. We just were playing good hockey possession the park and everybody just came to court. Did you make any changes from Saturday into Sunday or did you base basically keep things
the same it was just a matter of getting adjusted. I changed I made a couple personal changes and changed one. System and I've paid off any individual people that really stood out in your eyes or was it. I think really really we're just becoming a good team player and also we got a day Friday game and showed some good. Play. Just looks like it's going to shit. Jane of course things don't get easier because you got at the Clark center rink this Wednesday night and then Saturday night you're taking on Salem State
where you're looking. Right right right. Actually really not to mention two teams and. The division right. I think it's going to stay. OK of course both of those. Let's see the game with AIC is a home game on Wednesday night at 7:30. And like they have all the local area hockey fans come around and catch the action as your first home appearance of the season. OK well we'd like to thank you for being with us a little bit this evening Joan will look forward to talking to
you next week about your two big division two wins this week. Thanks very much. OK. Thanks a lot Joe. OK.
From the Source
Interviews with Boston College, UMass Athletic Coaches and Boston College Quarterback Doug Flutie on Current/Upcoming Sports Seasons in Boston (Massachusetts).
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WUMB (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Guests Boston College football head coach Jack Bicknell, and quarterback Doug Flutie briefly discuss the team's recent 21-10 loss to Syracuse University, and the failings they think led to it. Stan Nance, assistance basketball coach at Boston College calls in to discuss the team's forthcoming season and Big East players/teams to watch. UMass Boston hockey coach Joe Mallen calls in to discuss his team's season openers at the Granite State Hockey Tournament: a loss to New England College on Saturday, followed the next day by a win against New Hampshire College.
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"From the Source is a talk show featuring in depth conversations on local public affairs, as well as having listeners call-in to ask questions."
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Guest: Flutie, Doug
Guest: Bicknell, Jack
Guest: Nance, Stan
Guest: Mallen, Joe
Host: Steve
Producing Organization: WUMB
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: FTS-1983-11-14 (WUMB)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:40:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “From the Source; Interviews with Boston College, UMass Athletic Coaches and Boston College Quarterback Doug Flutie on Current/Upcoming Sports Seasons in Boston (Massachusetts). ,” 1983-11-14, WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “From the Source; Interviews with Boston College, UMass Athletic Coaches and Boston College Quarterback Doug Flutie on Current/Upcoming Sports Seasons in Boston (Massachusetts). .” 1983-11-14. WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: From the Source; Interviews with Boston College, UMass Athletic Coaches and Boston College Quarterback Doug Flutie on Current/Upcoming Sports Seasons in Boston (Massachusetts). . Boston, MA: WUMB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from