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it's b that four point shortly after her revenue from the fec that said tex going by gideon and they would want to be written by the refinery from the thoughtful property and tamimi about academy uniform that task force in our air which i would remember now roughly fifteen seventeen other and that therefore time and working really do the earthy what could be down to basically the bottom line from what we want to save the jobs of the refinery out here in our rail and keep refining going out with her main concern of the faithful and went right to work we may get some of them a trip back to wait and
then first of that had an eating bacteria in them when his office in the building that capsule believe about what you then save the other a refinery in their seats and their more or less about what we were going to be an elevated track you can find out it's been diverted you know what would no doubt that is the biggest and the buyer job in this area and they've lived five hundred and twenty five approximately immediate jobs and we figured probably five hundred connect with that that's about about until three am about twelve to fifteen thousand people that's a lot of bell but adversely affect the great if it would happen
at length of their bacteria that have been renovated and it was very vivid even direct relationship to the job that the price hikes think that they were all have a brain a community of eighty million dollars iran as untouchable they thought that you figured they were all turned over seven times in the community are waiting may in time seven is about what that means it is time that which is quite a bit no doubt that it had a great effect on i was well we feel pretty secure an opening in
the back reminding know now for probably forty fifty year the narrator and refining out there with iraq in the community that you know we're gonna be there now i always have the feeling that it contains good morning mimi and down the road without a real and that doesn't make a thing before we get with it we know what we don't know about that mentality controversial family didn't agree with the statement that so we can have insisted on some kind of time reigns for the oil supply them in mexico been involved in the brain if i may we ask him for a time period that to earth are they guaranteed meal they give three years which is what we have what we had for three years but they come back and had
a three year that nothing that as tactical it's just that you want a were given day but we're going to be around a long time and i think that's really true three years with to satisfy the people in our radio make as vehement know that at columbia john mr gascon i'm doing good janet morgan and it did create some little bit of a problem in our community that we would have a vivid i thinking in three year guaranteed than anybody weighed in pretty well overall we were really happy with the outcome we would have a little bit of that for reform the overall we were really happy with the way the man that therefore get a good
job under the weight of them and we met at the beginning there we would finally biden at the end but that fourth when really on board on one direction along with the representative from the earth they recommended from the federal and our band and all onboard and one a court in indiana really work independently figure that probably had something to do with the outcome of the year oh play in yemen either way we're happy with the outcome and the bottom line in the finest of raphael before the fbi it's
been leaks by the players be fb
it's been the
the power it's
b it's been the push by fbi has been fb it's
better to pay the players both it's
b there's been fbi
there's been the pope fb
the it's bad the pay to
play the pope it's bad the pope the pope it's
b it's b it's bad
as big if
so fb i think it's b it's big because but
to pay it's been
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Getty El Dorado Refinery
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PBS Kansas (Wichita, Kansas)
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Raw B-Roll Footage of Getty El Dorado Refinery including an interview.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-8aa655d30d4 (Filename)
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Chicago: “Getty El Dorado Refinery,” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 7, 2024,
MLA: “Getty El Dorado Refinery.” PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 7, 2024. <>.
APA: Getty El Dorado Refinery. Boston, MA: PBS Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from