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Good morning this is Rosana rich. Your local herbalist for a healthier main boil boil toil and trouble. Oh where are those which is brewing in those cauldrons. Probably the same thing I like to brew in midsummer but I usually don't make my St. John's Wort boil in a cauldron. That's right those large cauldrons thought to be filled with human blood were probably just St. Johnswort oil. Hi para km per for autumn. You see when fresh St. John's Wart is tinctured in oil the oil turns a beautiful shade of red clear and bright. I love making St. John's Wort oil. It is such a sacred plant and I make the oil honoring that sacredness. Here's how I make my St. John's Wort oil. Just as the yellow flower that crowns the plant opens I harvest it. I gather about 70 percent flowers and 30 percent leaves. Then I let the fresh plant
wilt for one day the next day I chop up the plant and fill a jar completely with St John's Wart because extra virgin olive oil is the best extractor of all the oils and it is a medicinal oil. I fill the jar with olive oil making sure to cover the plant material. Then I let it sit in the sun. Every day I shake the jar and put my healing prayers into the brew. I repeat this every day for three weeks. At the end of three weeks I strain the oil discard the plant and add one day wilted St. John's Wart again covering the new plant with the already tinctured St. John's Wart oil. I repeat the same procedure for the next three weeks after the next three weeks. I repeat the entire process again. This 9 week process is how to make a triple Oly 8 and at the end of 9
weeks I have a rich red St. Johnswort oil. A medicinal oil that has been made with the sun's warming energy and the tincture of time. Why do I go through such trouble. Because they're something reverent about this process and the witch in me loves it. St. John's Wart has an affinity to nerve endings. It can be used wherever there is irritation of the nerves. My favorite use is with the lower back or sciatic pain. A soothing rub with St. John's Wort oil followed by warm moist compresses eases the discomfort of sciatica. The oil can be used externally with tri germinal neuralgia or shingles. A set of made from the oil is equally effective on burns cuts ulcers and anywhere that inflammation needs coming. St John's Wort has been valued since antiquity for its healing power
and is named after Saint John the Baptist folklore tells us to watch for the blooming of the plant. Around June 24th known as Saint John the Baptist day if you hold the leaves of St. John's Wart up to the light you can see tiny translucent dots that appear to be perforations. In fact they are the plants oiled ducks there for its name. Purr for autumn and old eclectic reference called Kings dispenser Tory states that high parish has undoubted power over the nervous system particularly the spinal cord in the latter eighteen hundreds. St. John's wort was used to relieve the excruciating pain of lacerations and puncture wounds. St. John's Wart has been used internally for melancholy and mild depression because it is unnerving an herb that has an effect on the nervous system. St. John's Wart
is a wonderful remedy for relaxing nervous tension easing anxiety and lifting spirits. St. Johnswort tranquilizing effect is useful for pianists and emotional imbalances that may accompany men applause. It also has an antibacterial and antiviral action that has been effective in tuberculosis and influenza. St. John's Wart expectorant Action AIDS in clearing phlegm from chest infections and soothing coughs. St. John's warts internal use has been shrouded in controversy. I recently learned from a veterinarian that there is a certain breed of sheep and cattle. Not all sheep and cattle who develop photosensitivity for eating large amounts of St. John's Wart. Those cases have been generalized to humans. Though there have been few human cases cited.
Consequently the FDA has raided St. John's Wart for external use only. Currently high Peris in a standardised extract of one of the constituents of St. John's Wart is being researched for its beneficial effects in the treatment of HIV AIDS and cancer cases. A photosensitivity have been cited in individuals taking this highly concentrated substance St. John's Wart is an herb worth studying. If you are interested in a list of books providing safe and accurate information about St. John's Wart write to me. Rosana rich care of W E R U the hen house. Blue Hill falls 0 4 6 1 5.
Herbal Update
St.John's Wort
Contributing Organization
WERU Community Radio (East Orland, Maine)
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Episode Description
This episode focuses on the health benefits of St. Johns Wort. Topics include a recipe for St. Johns Wort oil, the potential medicinal uses of St. Johns Wort, and a description of the plant.
Series Description
Herbal Update is an educational show providing information about the health and nutrition benefits of a specific herb each episode.
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Host: Rich, Rosanna
AAPB Contributor Holdings
WERU-FM (WERU Community Radio)
Identifier: HUD012 (WERU Prog List)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:06:07
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Chicago: “Herbal Update; St.John's Wort,” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Herbal Update; St.John's Wort.” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Herbal Update; St.John's Wort. Boston, MA: WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from