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Good morning this is Rosana rich. Your local herbalist for a healthier main. If you sew it cats won't know it. If you set it cats will get it. That's a bit of old folk wisdom about the subject of today's herbal update. Cat mint or catnip catnip is probably one of the more famous species of the more than two hundred and fifty members of this genus. Ask any cat. I learned a lot about cats and catnip from a neighborhood cat named hitchhiker. He was named hitchhiker because of the thumbs on his front paws. Hitchhiker love catnip and broke all the usual rules around cats and catnip from the very first with hitchhiker knew there was a jar of cat mint in the house just for him. He knew where it was kept and as soon as he came in the door he darted for the cupboard. He displayed the entire catnip response sniffing licking chewing with the head shaking and rubbing
cheeks. He would roll in it and eat it and always look for more. It seems that some cats don't respond to the plant until it is bruised and that skunky mint scent is released. But what cat could resist. We're human for that matter. Rolling in the fresh velvety blue gray leaves catnip looks like a typical mint. A characteristic square stem with opposing leaves climbing up to three to five foot stock. Heart shaped leaves with a rounded teeth that can grow as wide as two to three inches. The purple spotted white flowers form tight terminal spikes and bloom from June till late August. This hardy perennial easily adapts to any habitat enjoying both sunny dry gardens or deeply shaded rich loam. Catnip develops a strong fragrance when grown in sandy soil and full sun.
The flowering tops are the most desirable part of the plant for medicinal purposes but the leaves can also be gathered and used either fresh or dry. It is best to dry the leaves quickly on a well ventilated screen to guard against mold formation. Fresh catnip infusions have been used for stomach aches colic and sleeplessness. It's mild sedative and nerving properties make it ideal for restless children fighting sleep catnip is an invaluable herb for infectious respiratory conditions. It effectively brings down fevers and acts as a decongestant taken frequently. At the first signs of a cold or flu it sues income's the respiratory and nervous systems sinusitis and excess Kaberle are reduced when the steam of hot catnip infusion is inhaled. The strong volatile oils act as an antiseptic and disinfectant for asthma and croup.
It is a wonderful mild remedy for both children and babies. Easing the spasms of colic and the stomach pains from one too many cookies herbalists have recommended the use of catnip during childhood diseases such as measles and chicken pox. Catnip is a relaxing effect on the digestive system is suitable for adults too. It's anti-spasmodic properties ease flatulence dyspepsia stomach upsets and spastic colon diarrhea can also become by cat nips astringent properties stress related gastrointestinal problems respond well to catnip teas or tinctures historically in the United States. Catnip infusion enemas were administered for inflammatory bowel conditions balun faction's constipation and diarrhea. Can its relaxing properties can also be felt in the uterus. P a mess in
painful periods are eased in soothed by the volatile oils contained in catnip catnip can also be used on a regular basis to help regulate periods when they are delayed or suppressed. The combination of concentrated Tannen's which give catnip its astringent properties and its volatile oils that make catnip effective for skin proper problems tendon spede tissue repair and aid in healing Burns abrasions hemorrhoids and insect bites. And don't forget one of the most common uses for catnip. The tension headache while you're sipping a cup of catnip tea for that headache. Try soaking your feet in a catnip lavender and rose petal bath catnip has healed many generations and brought great joy to the best of species. Ask any cat if you would like a bibliography of today's or beloved. Write
to me or rich care of the hen house Blue Hill falls over 4 6 1 5.
Herbal Update
Contributing Organization
WERU Community Radio (East Orland, Maine)
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Episode Description
This episode focuses on the health benefits of catnip. Topics include cats responses to catnip, a physical description of the plant, techniques for harvesting catnip, and potential medicinal uses of the flowers and leaves.
Series Description
Herbal Update is an educational show providing information about the health and nutrition benefits of a specific herb each episode.
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Host: Rich, Rosanna
AAPB Contributor Holdings
WERU-FM (WERU Community Radio)
Identifier: HUD019 (WERU Prog List)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:05:24
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Chicago: “Herbal Update; Catnip,” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “Herbal Update; Catnip.” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Herbal Update; Catnip. Boston, MA: WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from