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The pair Ackroyd and the hit that they want to put in perhaps the best thing I can say is that it's truly grown fruit for production. You want to harvest good root. Pruning is a very important thing to do and five minute radio talk won't do it you need to get a good book and talking to people who know how to prune fruit tree there are a lot of mistakes made in pruning trees but I can give you a few here that will make you realise I hope that it's not an impossible hill to learn. You think of growing a tree of a fruit tree and having three they view it as a baby. Perhaps let play for four years of it like it's a fruit out of it you may get fruit but that's not your reason for growing it you're growing. You can think of it the scaffold for the production and what you're concentrating on producing a knife. That of faith correctly wrongly located so that your tree has a good plan framework for the rest of its life out of all different people get into pyramid
modified leaders and open things and you can really have whichever one you sent for the preview in your garden is not a real right or wrong on the fate of all of them can be made to create a nice 33 that will bear fruit successfully but whatever the matter of locating front is located around the correctly and up and down that you don't get a whole bunch of branches popping out at one point in the tree and great big open faces met and the cream of all that life can get into the creek. Your the next. Fave in the preview that might last for two or three years is encouraging the development of thought you want to get it out of the juvenile with the baby growing green Bryant who is a mature they were producing fruit that can be difficult from very pruned a lot and grown well
fertilized. Well tend to think of anything to say and grow very fast and put on lots of life and not produce any fruit buds and you can sort of slow the growth by putting back the lateral expansion growth shortening it back I would put to do that in the late summer I don't think it's terribly important probably in the late summer you're more likely to encourage the setting of God by shortening it back a little bit. If you cut to much you'll have the reverse effect if you cut a tree hard it responds by growing back a lot of new growth. The little bit of light pruning to help encourage the creation of the moon that benefit pre-mature thought of for the rest of its life. Your goal is to keep a balance between growth and vegetative growth and this is where you have to be for the growth of your treat. If you go to very vigorously and not produce a lot of fruit you don't want to prune it too much because your the thing carded to grow more if it grows very slowly and getting rather congested and producing upon a small fruit. Then you want to prune it more to
encourage it to do more growing open it up a little bit more. One thing with you common for people who you think is trying to regenerate can rejuvenate old overgrown by an old old apple tree then it out and in the prime with available the best thing I can do it slowly and carefully take it to an old apple tree and thought cracking great chunks out of it either by dying or by going into thought of primate recovery mode where it generates masses of rock. We called up the front of the tree and your left for the rest of your life trying to finish the road all over the prairie and you want to do it very carefully. What the kind of people with the pruning that you're doing with all I've got time for now is the long and fascinating that it got you all out there in the group. That you will listen again next week and I'll think about winning.
Hit the Dirt
Pruning Fruit Trees
Contributing Organization
WERU Community Radio (East Orland, Maine)
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Series Description
Hit the Dirt is an educational show providing information about a specific aspect of gardening each episode.
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WERU-FM (WERU Community Radio)
Identifier: HTD171 (WERU Prog List)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 05:04:00
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Chicago: “Hit the Dirt; Pruning Fruit Trees,” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Hit the Dirt; Pruning Fruit Trees.” WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Hit the Dirt; Pruning Fruit Trees. Boston, MA: WERU Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from