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The Wisconsin College of the air presents philosophy and the human enterprise selected from lectures recorded in the classroom of Professor Max Otto one of Professor Otto's contributions to Social Philosophy is his idea of creative bargaining in this lecture he develops the background of this theory. Here is Professor Otto would talk to you today about the thing he loves the subject that might be called Hong Kong was created boring. And the situation is much worse than it was last time. Time was waiting to buy you much work. Remember I told you the other day that one can get all the recipes I mean all the ingredients for a recipe together and then not turning out very well the day they have ingredients for the recipe are all messed up. Many too rarely have a mind. I'm pretty sure we can't even get
them to sort of say nothing of that. A former colleague of mine used to say about a colleague of both of us that he was always wrestling with a big idea and was always being strong. Your sense of humor again isn't that funny it isn't. You are funny anyway. You're very funny. While this is a big idea created by and it's going to put me on the ropes but it puts you on the ropes. I'm not. Going to read you a lot today that's one of the reasons why I feel as I do.
Some people some of them who talk to people rather enjoy reading and they do it very easily. Some of us don't. It's always embarrassing to me to be reading as though all the people I'm reading to couldn't read they can read too why should I be doing. And I think of them looking at me while I'm reading that makes it very interesting. Creative bargaining is the name for a method of resolving conflicts. Reja this paragraph to begin with. It is a constructive method breaks up an impasse by discovering a new means of putting leap toward it on pressing energies to productive use. The conflict may be of any sort or scold you look really doing eyes walking into a very serious human
situation namely conflicts. Nice as creative Barny as a constructive method for resolving those conflicts. And he says those conflicts may be of any sort or of any scope saw on the ranges taking in some depth. It may be opposition to him feelings. He leads deeply imbedded convictions or a head on collision of looking ideologies or programs. It may be confined to contradictory outreaching ism one human being or more than one. It May Concern Franz lovers. I've been the wife parent and child or involved organized groups large institutions and tire nations. Why don't these say something more. Whatever the nature of the
discord the most promising way to deal with it is a way of creative writing. Now if you were to talk about that you had to try to make it clear I hope that you would think that you had something to do. Will is a gentleman to talk to you a moment last about him last time who is and saw impressed with this idea. That's Mr. Michael John the one to quote I want to quote a little bit from him and want to quote it from the place where is it. As far as I know the word phrase creative bargain means first the courier's done the current in that chapter that chapter five that you've been reading that occurs in this book called philosophy in American education with you which has five authors America all up cages of philosophy in America. And Mr. Mikel
John is quoted in not on page 160 lost in American education page one hundred sixty. To make the way of the philosopher as clear as possible. Said Mr. McComb I should like to contrast that with three other ways which are commonly followed in dealing with controversies and which by themselves seem to me to lead to failure and con fusion. These are the way of the car fare the way of voting and the way of compromise in the way of compromise is what he means by the way of compromise he means also created by these three. They differ from each other but they are alike in one essential respect. And that damn Hmong Mr Michael Dunn doesn't say that and he wouldn't use that
word. Least I've I've known him for a long time. He rather intimate late and I never heard him use it. I don't suppose you'd use it there but the man who he knows sometimes does. No no e-mail. You don't mean that that was funny. I'll never forget. Oh I'll never forget her. Anybody ever talk to me about what I saw and say well they were different and there's not any other way from other classes but the one thing about them they had a spontaneous explosive sense of humor. They differ much from each other but they are alike in one essential respect. They attempt to rule over a difficulty to settle a controversy without understanding it. Mr. Mekel John. Mr. Mekel
I said that and the like. They read the futility which is the proper fruit of their procedure. On I am the last in American education. They don't 60 and that's that's by the way from a very interesting little book called philosophy published in 1926 just before Mr Mickel John came to the University of Wisconsin to establish that experiment of halves which had so much influence on this campus. All the experimental college. Now this subject we're taking up this morning presents peculiar difficulties. First place it has to count on your being interested in the problem it deals with.
Of course that's always true to some extent. But it's true more or less time than usual. I've often thought it would be up a wonderful device if we could have fixed in the door one of those mechanisms those mysterious invisible mechanisms which open the door when you approach it unlike us. BEISNER what a mechanism which would like you and if you're interested and keep you out of your work and not only interested in what was supposed to be what was supposed to take place there but what actually would take place that they would be kind of awkward I know all because sometimes the professor would be kept up to much. And then what would happen.
But I think it would be a fine device and I think it would have a profound effect on education and education would not get much further than we get it guess not. Some of you I know are interested. Now the rest I think should be interested. Why should you be unless What right have I to say you sure you should be interested. I think I have a right to set for this reason I think you should be interested because you're needed and when you are needed you ought to be interested and you need it. Therefore for both those reasons you should be interested. But if you don't happen to be there you don't have to be. And I don't have to do the best we can as we always do when we talk to one another with such interest as you had. There are other deprivations we have to put up with this morning in discussing this great topic.
One of them is that the man who should be discussing creative bargaining with yours. Is not the one who is going to discuss it but Nathan the fine singer who is that walking impersonal nation of created by foreign that there are too many people born that way. That is not too many people get to a position such as he has reached. There are simple people who are that way but not many people. Certainly not many people in the academic world are that way he is a walking impersonal creative bar just operates that way. I've known him a long time form with him a lot in the appeals committee. Student appeals committee. Then the no subtle ways you can tell ha I'm sure he must have had something to do with the shaping of this whole position
in my own life. He didn't have to learn the art he just is that way spontaneously. It's one of his personal gifts conflicts and controversies that just simply shape themselves in problems you created by arguing. And now he has a wealth of experience to draw off on and our meeting here in discussing this whole business Theoretically he is struggling with it practically. I'll bet you were anything at this very moment that as the chairman of the ways Stabilization Board in Washington and if you don't think that's practical for I have some time. But we'll have to get along without him. And then there's another man I wish were here and I for a spree. Former member of the department of philosophy until his death a loss from which the department to cover for a long time and in a sense of course will never return. He got the phrase
founders founded on the idea. So I understand from me but he gave to both such depth of meaning and such scope that it became an entirely mute concept and I was always learning from him. He applied to be in this to politics to education to the Fine Arts places where I couldn't possibly follow him I mean who would want to follow him but couldn't. And if he had lived the contribution he might have made. And the contribution I might have made because of conferences that we were going to have before I ever talked to you about this would have been a calculable published a lot on this subject. And then a member of the class who wants to read what he said was to go to the problem of digging into it because he didn't have the easy for the facility to express himself.
Some people have can find or we'll help you refine so we have we have in addition to this being a a perfectly terrific problem we have these other handicaps and yet we have to get along as best we can as we always do. All I want to do this morning know it is all I want to do online I still be able is just dip into some of the little You're so you'll get at least a notion of what this is all about. And if we don't solve it in any way Well we'll we'll have to let it go at that. One of the first things only what I read on lately but one of the first ways in which this idea of creative bargaining operated was in diplomacy never occurred to me never occurred to me until I read a little book called Albert
Gallatin and the Oregon problem by Frederick Mark. Well when Frederick Mark writes anything. I hop to it. Frederick Mark is a Wisconsin man and was here for a long time. Thought to talk to you for a couple of hours about Frederick Murray but he wrote this book Albert Gallatin them and the Oregon problem and he said among other things these things which I want to quote to show you that he's talking about the creative part but no acting. This is a remark by Gallup and all one thousand nine hundred eighteen hundred twenty six twenty seven thirty somewhere on there but no acting as advocates diplomatists are essentially ministers of peace whose constant and primary duty is mutual aid to devise conciliatory means for the adjustment of conflicting pretension
for the continuance of friendly relations not preventing war. Or for the restoration of peace. Wired And I've got a huge move that. I've never thought of. I thought employment US diplomats were up war and I just thought of. A front for a nation makes them. Quite unimportant. And here is this bill letter and he talks about John Quincy Adams the knife known as philosophy and. Handed. Personality. John Quincy Adams They need negotiation between Great Britain and the United States. And the international philosophy and our brain personality of Albert Gallo and these two men working together and and supplementing you joke
it was that Mr. Murch it was a fortunate country that had two such minds belonging to it. And acting on it on its behalf. Because that made it possible to do the thing and I would try the show created by the marketing comes to stand for a position and the same time to deal with the other position that stand against. There's another. Early document. And I haven't begun to get the. Whole. Flavor of that Don. That's right was by Mary. PARKER Look. I'm Mary Parker. Paula. I was introduced to her writing. Only very lately I've been here with you every now and then of not reading the book you should have read. Or hear a book that I sort of read long ago. This is from an article
in one thousand eight hundred twenty seven letter from a woman call the fly caller control in dynamic and ministration and reprinted in a book called Dynamic administration in one thousand nine hundred forty collection over. You want to read the whole thing to it. I hope would means a lot to you couldn't possibly mean to you what it means to me because I'm hearing that. All the time. Meaning that I couldn't heard them years ago. Function no relating. If they can pin you in the process of self creating coherent that's something. I'd love to throw that creative Byron York City. Already again wanting to know relating is the
continuing process. Of self creating coherent much better than created by. If you really get its meaning anyway sheet that is most of my philosophy is kind of paint in that sentence. Well when a woman like that. Says. That. I want to understand what you mean by You can take that sentence I believe as. A test for any part of a business organization or business management. If you have the right kind of functional relating you will have a process which will create a unity which will lead in turn to further unity as a result. Creating regression began to gather with you begin to see what you driving at. And understanding of this is of the utmost importance in settling labor dispute. If you
want to sell a month which will mean progress redefined for our business keep talking all it represented the business which will try to include the vitals of both sides. Which will give us more than the values of the two sides that are together there. There her idea of beginning to emerge again. We want a settlement. If we want to settle it with will mean progress made if that drive is not we will try to influence of either the both sides. Which will give us more of them in fact go away which will give us more than a bite of the side that added together which will give us and a margin that. Our outlook is narrow. Not like that very much to go wrong. Our outlook is narrowed our chances of success are largely diminished. When our thinking is kind of framed within the limits of an either or situation. Then I like our next
segment I'm going to keep that keep it by me keep it in my mind. Refresh myself with it over and over again. We should never allow ourselves to be bullied by an either or. Most though is to. Present us with an either or. And a thought over. We should not have or are they ever. We should never. Allow ourselves to be bullied by either all. They put up what no your wife and because there is no such thing as an actor we don't all want to learn how to make any human association most effective more. Truthful the receptacle inform the interactive behavior which involves a developing situation
is fundamental for the business of ministration that while great economic. Burden and why do you feel. On the field. Take a breath. If you feel. As sandbagging as I do. You need a little reviving. But this is not this is really something you think. I've really I'm very penetrating idea and I wish. That instead of having been introduced to it by a student of Horace breathed up a year or two ago. I'd been introduced to it twenty years ago. 1927. While in 1924. And I'm trying to give you the best setting I suppose I ought to be. Frank and. Forthright. About this thing. In 1924.
Things that I deal with in the chapter in that. Call right by agreement and if we had. Time we knew that. It would be nice to try to find out whether that. Chapter. Right by agreement which. Is the beginning of creative gardening really is really getting a good bargain. I mean the theory that the flock are created on is are there that want to leave you to look into it if you want to and I'm just going to read you a couple of quotations from there and go to that. Were these two facts before us namely the primacy of desire that's what we talked about last time I mean the impossibility of satisfying all of them. We are in a position to state the goal of a more like the writer of that book. The goal of the moral life is the richest possible agreement.
Satisfied. Desire. By want. And that's monitor stuff will. Fix. Quantum. What a progressive approximation. Changing and growing with time we've been conditioned to look for real or a ration of personal potentiality and become leaders possible for defecation in the appealing interest of life. That the same thing are you. Malalai. I'll leave it with you. And those of you how to be interested in this whole business and look it up it's on page one. When they died they'd 94 95 96 120 you and you can look it up. 124 but there was an even earlier. Earlier. Expression of this movement shall we call it to give it a great big name.
The number of young man in the early 1920s who established a magazine y monthly magazine and I know well you've never heard of it. It was called the American Review and they published it the three years. And in that time they succeeded in proving for the publisher who was carried away by the idea of the young that they succeeded in losing for that one. GREENE forty five and forty eight dollars. He was I think he was carried away by the idea of this these men which was to get the eye of the American. While American idealism mixed brass. And on the part of some of them young men who were in that game created barring expressed before that time and. I think it was carried away by that but. Year after year he began to pour thousands of dollars into the ring.
Your son finally said something that made him stop. The magazine died. But there was one young man. There are four with con men and one young man and that. Was one of the first. Mediator in labor dispute with him live. Dr. William Lyon. One of the favored and able students of Narconon. And if you watch him operate you still operating you'll find that he is trying to do these things to meet this thing that we've been talking about. Just recently. A book with published. By stars also called industries. I'm a finished business. I want to read you a few things from that too. And I give a great deal of. Who know her. I live a great deal
of sours out all. I. Could be on the phone. And could just wait. Around. In this room and she would the very magnitude of the move that remarkable woman her overflowing sense of humor or a deep convection or Laurel to do industry in this country. An American idea of the same time I think that Kathy was one. Well this is the book that you just finished on her retirement. From. What was and from what that grade my grade in industry where they make the rebirth and things McCormick that I didn't hear him but I'm sure of that. MCCORMICK fears that the duct tape that the forward by the follower McCormack. There's her dedication.
To that small but growing group of employers who know that fair treatment is an interval part of their major objective cooperation instead of conflict in industrial relations. I talk I beginning to feel that I talk like an advocate of industry. Which I'm not. I read that when I was a young woman living in a hollow house I asked Jane items whether I should go to work in a large corporation and Sharon said I would if I were you. Well America's productive genius I think the strongest forces of the future will be labor and management. If those forces are intelligent enough to work together. For the satisfaction of human goals and need America can make a contribution far beyond the mere production and distribution. So I think that any young person genuinely interested in people and
qualified to deal with them would do well to make a career with either management or labor. So he took his advice and became a member of the Industrial Relations Division of the murder of the International Harvester Company that's when I want to talk you Bob. I believe she said that any economic system to be really successful must be dynamic must concern itself not alone with changing methods of production and raising standards of living of the masses. But with satisfying the deeper needs of the human beings who are part of it. If my book helps a little toward that end it will serve a purpose and I mothered much else I'd like to read to you. But I'd like to they're reading it as a tough job and I'm going to give it up. There again if you want to read that and share it and you can borrow it. I've even landed to it. I really.
Do love a nice doc in an area in which I'd love to go if I could but can't. Just think all the hydro power station design. Who would ever expect to get any creative gardening in that area. Hydro power stations write an article in the architectural forum August 1945. Where this this this an idea. Problem sprouts on all sides I just want to read you one thing it says and if architects engineers and site plan work as co-equals from the first choices made at each stage can be discussed more intelligently. If you're applying there or will later appear as construction proceeds and the final form will be far more satisfactory than would be the case if it's specialist work independently.
Architecture are generally I suppose. You've been in Washington. Some of you have I'm sure that we all of you know all the many times you remember that Jefferson Memorial you remember Jefferson you know where you stand on there and what you see is from our own feet. He he followed them home and then warmed me up there and said I can't believe that the person who planned the setting for that was the same person that the person who designed this died too because he didn't get any any vision of the statue and that's what these people are talking about. And that when I'm talking about two and there is another one
there's another little dark and Maurice document anyway. Times magazine almost almost every other week you see something in the New York Times magazine that have a bearing on this. But here is that there is one on one or something. April 958 where this remarkable picture of four senators all remarkable man. Even the senators and the United States Senate. One wonderful man Republican Akan I heard him speak not so long ago and the integrity of the man was like a heel or wrong. I couldn't believe that some of the United States and a hell of integrity. I didn't make that out. Paul Douglas one of the finest pictures of Paul the Messiah I've seen
another man of been there and taken you know the two men I don't know also might have had I. Believe where all this said Is this the heading of this is a senator's vote a searching of the soul. I want to read you this paragraph very interesting to all of us should be. There were two hundred and twenty six roll call votes in the Senate last year as the clerk called our names and those of us on the Senate floor had to answer either I or no. Many times we wished we had never did meet roll call had never arisen many times we felt that the truest answer was neither I. Nor no. But maybe. Still we could not stop all by repeating the truth that there might was much to be said on both
sides in the Senate when our names are called. Time for objectivity and news. We must answer with a categorical or no and then Mr.. Douglas writing this article goes on to say this is very happy that earlier in the alphabet there's a man whose honesty he never questions. And that's this man I was talking about. It can't be the first man call is a.. And while that whether he says I or no makes Mr Douglas and Douglas feel that's probably the right way to go. But still I don't know. I read that article and you'll find he's struggling with their same thing.
Things aren't odd or no there is no such law. You have to find your way to a better answer than that. And here's another doctor industrial arts and the American tradition. This is a speech by a man I haven't spoken about Doctor but it's been on my mind and in my on my heart and in my mind a good deal as we've gone on. B.H. boda Ohio State not now but was for a long time lived they didn't want to go long on life take university. And earlier as a young man on this campus I want to read you something from him too. He's making an address to a meeting of Engineers. This stands for more reading room. Take another breath.
They know the bread before it but time must be almost time is not 0 twenty two credit payments are one of five minutes to go. One I'm. Going to say wonderful but I would be all right for me to say one of them not for you. You should groan and I feel still more one is talking about the classical theory of life in America. What you call humanism is talking also about that subject you discussed before are we were are we are materialistic we were materialistic though it claimed to be something else. He says that this classical ideal but not too well adapted to America the American way of life in this new world. Everyone was supposed to work including father.
There was so much to be done and the rewards of success were so very large it was natural therefore that the American people began to see possibilities and beauty in a life of practical activity to which our European forebears had remained largely insensitive. That's the item that you didn't pick up from Mr. Meyers discussion. He didn't either. We glorify the practical life not merely because of its material rewards but because it develops such qualities as Initiative self-reliance resourcefulness self-respect and cooperation. Another lie on Page Six in the case of the industrial arts. It is assumed that a rich and abundant life may be achieved not by turning to other worldliness or the ideals of up. And I was decrying tradition but by realising the potentialities which are inherent in the everyday
activities of the common man. This calls for is a wholesale form of organization which will provide opportunities for continuous growth. In the practice of the industrial arts as over against a type of organization which will make robots of our young people such opportunity for growth is meant by reference to the spiritual potentialities which reside in the practical activities of the everyday life in order to keep open the door to such opportunity. It is not necessary to have a social organization which can make readjustments as they are acquired which is to say that industrial arts is committed to a democratic philosophy and to social organization. You read that speech I think as an engineer. You know I'ma be an engineer. Maybe you won't be interested so much in it. And if you aren't an engineer maybe you want to understand it.
But if you read it with understanding you'll find that that's a document for our times and that's an example roast ration of this thing you are talking about of getting the values the spiritual humanistic values and the industrial and practical that is related to bread and now we haven't time to forward from the thing we're really talking about which is this article uncreative boring and I must stop with just in three sentences calling your attention to what SAS says. First that created Barton demands the standing by your position whatever that position happens to be to make it as sharp and clear as you possibly can. You never have any doubts about where Nathan fine singer stands and he's thaw or his conviction and that's
right. That's part of this growing tendency among us to get together regardless of what we stand for is as being yours. Seems to me as anything we were doing at the present time. To. Make as sharp and clear as you possibly can on what you believe and that's the beginning. Also make as clearly of a self as you possibly can what the other man is standing for. And then if you do both of those things this article says if you supplement your own partiality with the partiality which is opposed to you and make both of them your own then you are in a tight place and you want to stay there.
If you have intelligence and conviction and ingenuity. The thing will happen to you then. That brings this creative bargain idea to its consummation. That is. A new way of behavior it will hurt you. Which had not occurred to either. Side. Before. On what extent both sides can agree to go ahead into the future. Much more to be said of course. I. Warned you what what was going to happen this morning and for once. Told you were going to have a. Tough time. For once. I think I made good. OK you heard another in a selected number of lectures on the course philosophy and the human enterprise recorded in the classroom of Professor Max Otto.
Wisconsin College of the Air
Introduction to the human enterprise
Episode Number
Creative bargaining
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Wisconsin Public Radio (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Duration: 00:53:00
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Chicago: “Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 20; Creative bargaining,” 1952-01-11, Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 20; Creative bargaining.” 1952-01-11. Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 20; Creative bargaining. Boston, MA: Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from