Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 22; Freedom is skill - creative bargaining
- Transcript
The Wisconsin College of the air presents the last of three and the human enterprise selected from lectures recorded during the first semester in the classroom of Professor Max Otto. Last week Professor Otto began a discussion of the idea of creative bargaining developing the background of his theory. In todays lecture Professor Otto begins with a discussion of freedom and returns to the idea of creative bargaining by recording here is Professor Otto this morning. You want to talk about a different time. BT to which some very long time. We're talking about the moon All right right away and. One after another. And I hope I get through very quickly with them so that you can discuss the in the first round was the one we were talking about the other day freedom on the Slayer. One or two words more bonnet. I put back on the board. I wish to love you for
that. Aside from other things that might possibly take you must get on that it is not going I want to make that point that I didn't like as clearly as I wanted to last time and freedom has two aspects to it. We usually talk about one aspect and we do not sufficiently talk about the other aspect. We certainly don't take it home. One aspect is freedom from and freedom from is very important and in our national history. And that's what I was brought up on. Freedom from was a most important aspect of free and order freedom from that. Bunch of. Hoodlums on the other side of the Atlantic. Great Britain I talk about that before. Freedom from it up on our own. That's a very important freedom I don't know just that example of it. But freedom is very important.
You're young. And you may not or yes you do. I keep thinking you're young and you don't do this and you don't realize that. And I bet you realize some things more than I do. Much more I was going to say however you're young and you don't realize how important freedom from wrong may be. Freedom from. An incurable disease. For example watching used to being guaranteed a metaphysical freedom you are metaphysically free. Ladies and gentlemen. If you can't be free from the measly little curable disease. There are other freedoms like that. I should think there must be places in the world and in the United States of America to rule and maybe right on this campus. Which makes freedom Bromwich make freedom from.
Very important. There are places where you cannot express your opinion. And where all the time you are you're hemmed in by. Fear. Of being reported to somebody. Think of what that must be. And think of what a reading it would be to get. Out from under that into the sunlight of freedom. Freedom from wrong but that's only the beginning. I think when you really look at it and how I'd like to work with you in this even though I cannot. You can go on working out very often this freedom FROM turns right into freedom for. You take your I don't know Bruno or take Socrates or can take pride aside and take Nehru when he was in prison.
Any of those people the freedom for our freedom. Rahman turns right around. Freedom for what you want to do outside or you can follow that you can follow that shot on a broom I mentioned him some eyes will say this much more botting he was a he was in very great danger from a certain great organization in his time. He he was a kind of a man who just couldn't live even in universe that had limits. He was always pushing his elbows out through what they want to live in an infinite universe and that time people lived in a little universe. Earth center and those those fears around with a star stuck in the moon and the planets revolve planets revolving between one and he want he broke all that try to break through all that and they kept talking to him about. Watch yourself watch yourself.
And he was making one adjustment after another. But by and by he realized he was going to get a free ride on this pressure upon him. He would have to give up this deep central yearning affairs to get a new interpretation of life and new interpretation of God and a new interpretation of the universe and when he found that out. He didn't want that freedom at all. Freedom from for him was freedom for all. And he couldn't have the freedom for the freedom Fromm was love. And you take any of the men who've done things for us and women have done things for us. I wish I had human enterprise. My copping here because there's a wonderful statement in there and I want to talk to you about that.
That often happens the articular story machinery got started. The head of the spark who were taught to guide it and so I started in on that Narconon a wonderful hormonal partner and I think of it this is Simcoe but sat with her name and she was talking about Greenwich Village and that whole district around that and she said what's the use of talking to these people about beauty in the abstract when they have to live in squalor and poverty in a concrete City Watch years of freedom for the Arabs. If you can't have freedom for the concrete well that's just what I want to talk about and take this on the
one on one you know exist. I don't have to go into that kind of wind I know all that came from wasn't such a step from freedom or kept me from the piano. Also made it possible for me to have the freedom for the piano but I think that was more in that than that I think this particular individual even if you had put in all of this did not have the capacity to have freedom for if you had read him from those conditions which would have royal a grand piano in the form and sucking down of that school blood work every week. There would not be freedom for.
And all I'm going to quit this for the sex is really there as here and here with years of freedom for which all other freedom. Why the foundation are the are the source is not easily acquired. And you know it. How could it be. How could it be if it takes time and application and and everything you have in you to become green as a player on a piano. How much more trouble and application and attention and dedication must it take to become free of the material of life. And yet people seem to think. It's easy. I had to learn to play the piano easy to learn to play the great game. The great art of life.
Or. Do you think you can talk about that in a minute. Then I want to get back to creative fun. Just for a few minutes that's the second time. I don't want to do make a suggestion or two about it. And then you keep on thinking about that. Had two criticisms of it. I suppose there are more in those papers but I have to get Brad I tell you again. We've got quite a number of them back on why this day I think. And then I'm going to read them all the quarter final examination comes along and. And if you don't get them back on Brightest Day and want them back with comments on them then you'll leave your address and you'll get them back. Related. These two comments I have read. One of them is that. This young woman said she very much. Whether this ideal. Of creative it's really applicable.
Practical practical. You know. I'm not accusing her but there are other people in the. Lab. I've met them all. The word practical is there more than. With something else on it. Lay down. If they think they can hold practical again. Do they think they. Will let you off. This young woman in the not that but it does impress her that creative bargain by getting is not practical. Why not. Well because no one can make her marry him. Because. No one can actually take them when they should be you know you can't even see the point that you can't even view with the position of her from view. Not this week at all his feeling of the other person field can't do that.
Therefore at its very base. Create a creative barring is room. Of a practical device it's a nice idea. Though I looked up my quotation that I wanted to give you all semester and this is my friend. It's. Your live Conrad remarking makes about lowered him. I want to read that to you. As agreeing to begin with. With a young woman. And say to her and to say to you if she is right. I'm going to take that as final. Then a lot of other things that you do. You'll have to stop doing or be unintelligent about. As a matter of fact. You might as well fold yourself. And get your. Coffee and have a word.
Or two away. Talking about a lot of them. It is when we try to grapple with another man and I'm with lead. That we perceive how and comprehend the ball. Wavering. And. He. Are the visa carry with us a sight of the stars. And the warmth of the sun. It is as if long when there were a hard and. Absolute condition of existence the envelope will fly from blood on which our eye of our big melt before the outstretched hand. And there remains only the capricious. On comes the Lobel and the moose and bear. That no I can follow. No ham damn grass. That's one beautiful he said and deeply and
profoundly. That's right that's right. But if you're going to take that as final if you say I can get to this other person therefore I'm going to put him up. I say everybody else buys everything off I say. Better get yourself Derek. You can't live you can't talk to anybody. You can't read a book you can't read a newspaper. You can go anywhere or how many were doing anything at all. We are at last on no knowable to one another in the White House and I've suggested you know we ought to take the healing character of this truth home to us and that's all. That's all.
So no the other cannot feel. Fully. What you are and you cannot be a bully when he is there. But unless we are deaf dumb and blind in all this talking between one another is a fake. We can communicate to one another better and better if we tried and we can come to an understanding of what the other man is after and he can come to understand what we are after. And I am perfect and that is me we can perfect it. And this does not distort creative gardening. If something else does that's another bit of this. Then I am sad that it is not practical either for another reason and that is that
we all assume we must get over that assumption and we don't seem to be able to get over that assumption. We must assume we all assume that each person is out for himself and for nobody else. And if that's the case as we assume it to be right along every day every hour of the day. If that's the case then hollow can you do anything with this created by me it's just the death of Forney again. Very nice of you. Very nice to attempt that. But unless you can remove that presupposition that your feud with them about why answer that is simply this for sure. If you start out by believing that nothing can be done then nothing can be done. That's all you're saying and.
So I want to go over there. This is. A discussion of creating a bar I created. Why would I want to go to two or three things and then. Really threw it out. There the second paragraph in this article about. It says that I ask this question but doesn't always work. An answer of course not. It may not work at all. Unless there is a genuine desire to make it work. It is drier than if too often like you you have to like any other art lying that beyond. You can't quite agree on. What it is I live by saying no I can't. Why it's a tribe. I know I can't. You can't do this you can't do that. I you know I don't know why Dr.. I know I can look like the way it started out it's all over. And so with this. And what I proved about Mr. finds
you the other day. As being very I knew about him live but there's about this there is no see he cared and no team no Cannot is war and to it before it will raise the question it will not work at all unless there is a genuine desire to make it work and it is not foolproof. It may not even work after that. Now your whole sect. The way I've been brought up and especially the way you brought yourself up. Which of course then you'll blame on your parents and your aunts your uncles you know cagers the present United States everybody else factors out if you brought yourself up against it and haven't any ability along that I'll live and you
can. And here is the thing in this paragraph where you which I don't know all whether one ought to say or not to live in harmony. It's even worse than that. Maybe your shouldn't cry out on certain occasions. Maybe there are times when you shouldn't cry or you're a doll Bruno than cry at when it reached a certain point. Socrates didn't cry when it reached a certain point. Spinoza didn't drive when I reached a certain point we had a whole list of men who didn't quite reach a certain point to live in harmony with someone else with others regardless of what has to be surrendered to do so is not the highest ideal of life. Sure I want to say that.
I said to Morris come on you don't know the horror of horrors one of the a was all unquestionably one of the ablest man and philosophy America. I wish you good. I would hear him I wish you could see him write I wish you could see him we were having words like I'm miles through either way. I said to him one time. I haven't yet reached the point in the development of a virtual life where I will fight if I'm far enough out so far and then I'll begin to bite and scratch and pay it and do everything I can. And he said I honor you for that one. Is that the thing we feel sure isn't from Gandhi.
Oh no ma'am. Anyway that's what I'm saying now there is a time first place and when all those work. Because you don't want to work in the second place you may not have the ability to make it work in the third place. Maybe there are times when you're. Going to say. Rule Iraq. This is where I stand. Not worth living if I can't do this. Lighted up. OK. We go on them. Worth an initial step in creative bargaining if the make people there want to stand for a good deal of being fed in these days. I'm aggressive I'm anything other than faggot ism to discourage an examination of the purpose of and the projects that divide us and and. This man says. That isn't what we're talking about grid dividing doesn't mean getting together to get together.
Said that there were that many first of all the mic pres the good player not breaking their will can do anything perfect. Some people are maybe a player and you can watch your downpour to get at the real life and. Of the situation by making sure. What the time tending for therefrom are not needed and one of these papers said to me that it is not and. With nothing done what Council Summit all about what powers there at the beginning of the procedure is that were disciplined seething with Reagan and all of the cure your way. Where I'm going to live you know with a brain I mean the things in your way and that of one of our environment.
I'm perfectly willing to pay for. Whatever. I personally may have to contribute to life. It is seeing from my bridge particular angle obviously. That maybe if my. My. Idol of the cave. Little cave were each of us is. To let people know this is the way it looks to me and to try to get it focused clear that's the best I can do and the best you can do and I hope you can do it better. But you can't do anything to begin with. Better than that. Betray that. And you betray. Your view I'm saying and you betrayed some very important matter of the Glee important socially important Michael Laudrup and every
other. That's the beginning and the next one must take to heart which are antagonistic to his own. And I like this the way that's poured here so long said you and you can take it down. He must suck will mend his own partiality with the partiality posed to him. We must comprehend. Look at the snuff developed a little. Just two or three sentences develop. He must comprehend the take and with his brains his mind he must comprehend it will it be as seeing from the other side. Because it have a validity as seen from the other side. He must feel the impact. Of its appeal.
You must wish you good fortune. And then this concluding sentence he must manage to Steve's a conflict. I'm the opposite. In the arena of his own person. Yeah I wrote that myself and I'm no and proud of it. You know as you get into this business of thinking as you work and you'll become you come to realize that you are the agent. The things you say you take pride in them because you happen to be the avenue through which all the influences that have worked upon you come to expression. And when you are proud as I am proud of this and it
is impartial as it is present. He must manage just days of the conflict of the opposition in the arena of his own person. Why. Because then he is in they tell us. He has two sides. Take care. How much more complicated than when he began two sides and if he is lucky enough to reach that stage then it says here on the next page a thing will happen. At this juncture that brings the bargaining activity to its highest. Consummation. And what is that. It's a way of release will suddenly take shape out of the very heart of the conflict.
And word of I come from you answer that question. A way of release will suddenly take shape out of the heart of the conflict a kind of a new kind of feeling and you thought in your aspiration. A new item of behavior something you need not hear to for experienced or contemplated by who. Why him. Firing on him. No want to ever have that will put it or its appearance itself so to speak as the path to pain. Then it goes on to say you can't borrow a list you can't buy. There's no shop where you can go and solve different sized UI gears that you may use when you have a good time for that.
You can't borrow them from money body else and you can steal them from anybody else. They do not exist. They come into being. And I cannot for them. Yesterday I happened to hear or Encore McGarry on the market and he made a connection between democracy and creative bargain and he did it so well I hope you will. Those of your interest in the world around him make him tell you how those two great ideals. Yeah that a boy with a great ideal and then Mark has a great idea whores to great ideals are interrelated. Is it time for question to mass good work at work and law. Mark you were wondering if you created
gardening part or part of boiling water. That's right. They created gardeners on if that's what they want to do on opposite sides of the bargaining table. They have to use created by going on themselves in order to what clearly formulate what they are having. That's right that's right. And the more you think about this creative bargaining business the richer more far reaching that right Mr. Mayor it becomes until Why invite it serious and all question and when it gets that then you better do some creative wiring with green a bargain.
OK I think your question already was I say in a freshman form on the left. Please somebody I'm. With this this man on the left or that would be anybody. They're. Almost the circles you're always want to count on one point twenty. One question is always bothered you God created boring. Yeah yeah it's me. There are live situations that do not sense our offer. There are a lot of situations that do not prevent the non limited number of alternatives. And I've lost weight which is an actor or artist. That way they're there all right or position just and have the suggest itself
where there are situations where even after you've come to these two positions. A third alternative doesn't inevitably present itself right now then your next step is going to be knock out now when you see what sort of mechanism or what sort of mechanism or would you use to get this third alternative. And are we certain that there is that it will work that there will be a third alternative. And I have grave doubts. So as a drum. But there will be always an alternative. What Chancellor. Yes all right. OK certain. There is no mechanism except that these
creative gardeners collective bargain. Certainly it would be true of people who go beyond that into greedy bargaining. Won't like the bargaining process breakdown. They won't stop. That's very important to keep going keep going keep going keep talking because there's no mechanism to produce this. And if they keep going then presently somebody will say listen. Did I hear you correctly just then what you said just then. So again he says it whining to say that from the beginning. I did know you wouldn't know you didn't. This is what you're saying the. White guy who was a great bargain or two in this respect but when you get to that place the dam is broken. Nah you're all Nara now you're going places and then
this new way of behaving this new thing to do. Come on. That's a mechanism is not. All right and sometimes two weeks two weeks well past. I want to give another. Thing about that mechanism in and actual case of serious buyers me and that is. Who let the two sides express themselves. A psycho therapist told me the other day. Encouraged them to rest them solve. Unfavorably by one another let them become profane let them call get all the stuff all of them. All right he'd go a. Long. Life aircraft and I'll say I did. Welfare included. No I didn't read the bargainers answer. I wouldn't have known it. I would have their eyes the bottom but they have answered it.
Someone in the middle is anxious to ask a question. And then we'll quit. Yes for today but not. In one. Week. You are think of we want to say something. About the young man who said that we go on both sides are out for the creative gardening work. All right. What you saying here is an even if that so if each side is looking out
for yourself. It's better to have no bargaining settlement and compromise get horny Karen than not to do that. You get more out of that way than otherwise. But that's my reply to that is I think that's true for you go. I think I thought that but that's not created Marg. That's compromise. And it's good that's part of the go go far and. Would. Create a book. To read the. Paper that said that. Not so you didn't say that. But if you. Need a paper that said what I said and said did not say read it. Marty was not possible. And just said it doesn't exist. Once it was here he claimed.
The problem. Was he the other person. You. And I. Might be going. Good said again because I want to say that to the glass. From the box it simply said this paper which the instructor read and miss read simply said that if. Creative marks. Were applied. In that it it would be race. The assumption that each side looks for its own interest and its own interest alone. That's true but this authority on the paper. He ought to know what he said in the paper and still will say that the instructor as has happened once or twice he's long lifetime before was wrong on the mind. You heard another in a selected number of lectures from the course philosophy on the human
enterprise recorded during the first semester in the classroom of Professor max out on Thursday Professor Otto will talk about great books. This is the Wisconsin College of the air.
- Collection
- Wisconsin College of the Air
- Episode Number
- 22
- Contributing Organization
- Wisconsin Public Radio (Madison, Wisconsin)
- cpb-aacip/30-41mgrfvs
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- Description
- Description
- No description available
- Created Date
- 1952-01-21
- Topics
- Philosophy
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- Content provided from the media collection of Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, a service of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. All rights reserved by the particular owner of content provided. For more information, please contact 1-800-422-9707
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:37:57
- Credits
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Wisconsin Public Radio
Identifier: WPR1.13.41.T19 MA1 (Wisconsin Public Radio)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:52:00?
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- Citations
- Chicago: “Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 22; Freedom is skill - creative bargaining,” 1952-01-21, Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 15, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-30-41mgrfvs.
- MLA: “Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 22; Freedom is skill - creative bargaining.” 1952-01-21. Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 15, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-30-41mgrfvs>.
- APA: Wisconsin College of the Air; Introduction to the human enterprise; 22; Freedom is skill - creative bargaining. Boston, MA: Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-30-41mgrfvs