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We're going to win a war and save lives. Just kill them. But we are going to be fertile right. We forgive it is referred to black pr we keep saying I need to go on occasions in the street because a negro is just as nice as to get a way of saying nigger you know I mean it was so we don't need big storms but this can be terrible form because a black one at that point I gag I think it's very important to something we've forgotten and certainly being black as I am that this new awareness and it is new. I mean you know the last few years but disgrace 30 you know on the stand just doesn't understand us replace our premier for this was what you know what's in these behind. Why. The colors. Again. Want to play the way that we're not going to various You have all the leaders of black against their slaves in the south side and I've got some of the documents dealing with here and they're called what you're listening to a group of young Milwaukee some of them are white some black.
They come from different religious economic and geographic backgrounds with one exception they were all students at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. At our request they met one evening in a conference room at UW a.m. to talk frankly about their own prejudice and to discover whether they were part of a new generation of prejudice. There are blacks. Who are black. I want her to know. Then there are whites who are not whites. What I'm saying is there are blacks who are call Uncle Toms who relate in values to more of the white orientation or value structure than they do to the black Well you know there are just whites who who some people of character as having black hearts like a father grotty who is white who is white and yet I you know I would say that is really really black his heart is really black.
Now I know your point you know that there are some there are some blacks who are not going to act if you're black you're black and hockey comes down the street the slammer The policeman is going to shoot it. He doesn't care when you have a Ph.D. and you do know what they call a black man Ph.D. don't you. They call him a nigger. And this is a basic unit there is no such thing as that black man. OK you may have a philosophy of middle class in which it was you know synonym for white society. I disagree you know people say. If you're black and saying black people that work in the office with me are going to run when they walk up the street they may be very middle class New Yorkers when they're walking the street there are nothing but a nigger. So there is no such thing. I may personally refer to someone as an uncle. But when some other person of another race you know says this means No I don't think you know that we really have any at all any position in saying so. So how would your father Graham be triology.
He was a nice white man a nice white man going to fine with you but he's mine in peace while this me can always leave he can go someplace else and people will never know if you know he keeps his mouth shut. Take off your collar and soap work and you open about civil rights you can move into some suburban areas somewhere and teach a black man cannot do this. A black man is always black. A black man may move out to white fish bait but there's a lag man Acland way and any white man who can sink a ball we sleep this is what you can always take about. It who is going to know except yourself and most likely it's not going to upset you too much if you leave. And some also from you are being given given the problem three's differentiation. Do you feel that. There is any possibility. A society in which whites and blacks could co-exist or do you feel that. Are you a separatist in that you would hear prefer black steed or a black black community in on itself and
your with when. The tornado tore one degree in other words economic political and so on completely separate from him like anything particular service corps of a survivalist that I can survive in white society much wonder. It's not going to be possible even if I wanted to. There are going to be things that are going to happen. Conditions are going to get much worse and I see that you're familiar with it. You're getting separate campus in Detroit last week when the you know Mississippi Alabama Louisiana and South Carolina. These were states white people going to go to. I don't think this is a in a philosophical or whether it's one to broaden I think it's going to be a necessary fact that black people do move into areas such as this for their own protection. There's nothing reason why people don't move up and get as many people could pool what I mean to isolate yourself to to be a quasi part of a. Structure how do you worry how do you win this type of movement as opposed to reign
in extermination because of this type of feeling because among white people I mean there it seems to me to be real conflict. It's one deciding that one wishes to do this and I think Mr. may share that one sort of possibility is stronger with this type of feeling. It seems to me the reaction from the white community the fact that you know if the black separatist movement becomes stronger and well organized and so on that the reaction will be one of extermination by our structures that are it's never a Jewish separation policy. Well there you go. Yes I thought we had two issues are nice but we really have to pull back. Fear is not there to relive around basically Jewish families. But it's often if they will sell this and this is a way of like herself and others. They were generous last name calling rant. However this is not true of the entire Jewish community versus their signature community which there is you very much training to get around in AZ and want to help you can you know move into an
area and your recliner. You know Jack they don't really are do you want to see remission with with black discrimination because you it's not visual. You can museum or what you can buy to reassure them to be trying to do the same thing well it's still it's still it's a Jew can't assimilate if you want to do that but they're not saying it was their culture. The black person wants to preserve this culture and the Jews for hundreds of years have been trying to preserve their part are saying that by themselves some kind of self-imposed get is the only difference is that you can only really sell your balls off and in just a little matter of survival. If you were to try to go out individually you'd have been wiped out from in one area or another. You've been broken down assimilated which is the worst thing to happen the person and you assimilation. You know what's the worst thing a civilization by a white man's definition is. Here's what we have. Then you take their believe. After dropping all versus them because you have to sing it saying it will will leave you at the bottom of the last shovel few
things. And anyway if good the Jewish Jews enough form a gentle swords they could not have survived. Right now with any dignity or self-worth this is very true but in the case of America do you find it find it differently today. You find that the basically the reform has made a lot greater strides towards towards assimilation if you will or worse. This differentiates great amount and number of Jews compared to the more orthodox conservative that have continued to isolate themselves or build themselves in jail type situations or is tempted to New York of course. Ex an example of this but you have you have orthodox conservative communities in most major cities and these communities have made obvious and strong attempts to ghettoize.
You know anything that anyone in here. You know I was thinking of having my days with me because I wasn't a prejudiced person and then I think I was talking about the Jewish thing there and one of the agencies I used to work in their food and center and custom classes street there's them. Grocery store. It's owned by Jewish people and plants. Yeah that you know they got to be friendly with me and I you know I mean it bothers a little thought I was real nice for coming down to the Negro community and helping out you know and we got to talking you know I didn't like them too much you know and then they start talking to start opening up to me and saying things like you know these people these people you know and those people you know. I don't see why I don't you know give up work you know they're lazy you know they can have a lot if they got up and you know wasn't someone so lazy and instance not much money went you know. These people cause here they were down here exploiting these people chiding them out ranges prices because they were in their midst
or maybe they couldn't afford to take the bus down to the national weight on 3rd Street so they had to buy milk and eggs for maybe 10 cents or something more over the price of you have to pay in a chain store you know. And here we are sitting there to you know it so I started to have very negative feelings to him as Jewish people. If not is one thing well one thing is I wasn't prejudice and here is mainly religious like here I am a dog. It's like say over 50 or so have different attitudes than the young people and say nothing when our generation enters and can't say and even like one person or one group of people that's the thing that I was saying before about you know you don't ever do group private you can classified which is what people do they meet one person is black or Puerto Rican or Jewish who they don't like and therefore all people of this group are prayer and if you can't do this and you also can say because someone of one generation is like this that someone's in another generation is because they are and this was about what I grew 9am l'Anglais Wilber because people go into
generations not in groups you know like there are people all ages around you. So when you join this group you're going by yourself so you have to kind of fit yourself in you're an outsider. This is the thing we've got to get around. God commands everybody now what do you think that's the way he grows everything here now in a day. They're 50 years old or middle aged people 30 I don't know how old but that there is much there's much in the movement as as you are and they feel the same way you do because I don't think they do and they're trying to get more mourning in themselves and their position by voting and if we wait wait for black people to vote themselves out of their party lost their bitterness was going to be gone but where you are in themselves you're exaggerating the fact that these people feel differently. So why can't you accept the fact that a Jewish you know younger daughter you know and whatever you know even some that are order might feel differently on a lot.
I am that I am accepting what you're saying you know I am in place against you as a person or as a Jewish person. But these people because they were Jewish and because they weren't but Symantec musicians because they were trying they were saying Here I am I know where to look the way and here I am I'm accomplishing nothing and money I'm your nice home you know but only with Mike and they live in nice homes because they get money out of our community you know and here they are speaking or speaking as Jewish people not as individuals they were speaking to me as Jewish people. So I started disliking his Jewish people. You know how your response reassured me that they were because they were saying I'm Jewish I'm a minority. You know what I got myself out of my plight. Why don't these black are going to manage to get this not to make a noise person that's a wasp. He's going to say the same thing to answer. I worked hard for my living and I was all the way up to where I lived and everybody else that says that but you usually don't find so much phonier isn't in their group. They're usually much more straightforward though you know they'll say I don't like black people but I do. I once knew a tremendous amount of Jewish kids and I don't know anyone through the civil rights movement once
upon a time but it was basically black and Jewish and where the money came from the Jewish people. And after a while by 1965 the split really came about because you know that we were living together. What is them eating together sleeping together in real brotherhood you know this all this trivia. And when really came down to it we were led down the wrong path and you find a terrible amount of hostility of young black militants who were in the civil rights movement once upon a time against Jewish people now for what happened to us that we were just you know that their Jewish people used to control snicker I assume that you mean that Jewish owned snake body and soul might as well say that. And the NWC peak is owned by the Jewish people and also in position still is one Jewish that still stick with me my life back in the news that we have existed but he is no longer Jewish as I knew some point but this is one of the ghetto black kids you know they're going to ask a black if we think about do you want to go.
And I'm the only one to you I think. We are in the blank. The only ones he knows are the ones that all the stories that are jumping on Damon they are and I mean the man how you look at this with a gun the prices are ridiculous and many cases and you say well why don't they go to a different store and buy She says I mean oversimplifying saying that you don't have a bus critic or someplace else. Why should we have to go five blocks away from my house past three stores just to go to a store the spear. And to me anytime I see Doris got this this iron grating all the steel walls around the corner store because I know they're hypocritical they're not there are they're not a part of their community. They come there in the open up a man who mourn recalls that moment made a world of time to call and get anything out that is there's so many little businesses and you walk into this it's like Kreps down through the streets respond you know on black people. Very nice very good food you know. Well that is all the soft tone to the song and you know seeing
all these black people you know this you get to get themselves will get nothing from me he said and it's a man I was not and then somebody said to me since you know Mr. Michael who skew something anything that you know has been given. Listen I'm not saying that he hasn't seen the Polish people I always do that and I'm saying you know here I understand you know you think you want to get themselves to give us some great you know you can if you like you know right now saying at the bank and they're standing around the announcer remember OK. Yeah. But what I'm saying is you know it's why not. Because if they want to you know because they have black people working in their place people are coming and they're going to stand there. But who's going to be the one. So well better I think we were talking at once whether or sample the idea of going our own place. This is a basic idea that you know we will all need places that
we will you know that will help our own community where one can walk down the street and not be afraid of being beaten by a policeman. And let me tell you I don't know that I doubt that. I don't know where you were but if you were black and you walk in on third street there is a good possibility tonight that you will get stuff and get searched. There is a very very good possibility if you're white you're proud to begin taking downtown to walk down Third Street because there's some long with your. Man. And the idea is that in a black community where there are black policeman there are you know everything is basically black and one is not a great one can you know walk and feel very secure and basic happiness and without you know harmed anyone or having to resort to hating or just living one's own wife is one of these interesting point. Coming from a white man was If anyone to read anything by Paul Goodman hears a philosophy about communities need to be reorganized so that.
The people in the community especially policemen and authorities. Are people that live in that community. You know another instead of a you stop and say you know their person's name. And they don't feel so detached you know it's kind of hard to get some I want to hear what a club that you know well this is kind of I did some I would head with a club who you know. And who say lives a block away from me or cross the street from me or you go to church with their parents. But these cops come from who knows where you're from what you want. We did your meeting and you know they leave at night or whenever they they're off the ship and I go back. 40 miles away wherever they live and they come back the next day. Anything any hostilities they might have built up a home they take out on the people in there on their beat. And. This is a thing we have to get away from Alyssa's the idea that the goodman here that
the people in the communities should be the enforcing bodies because not only are they more attached they know people in the community know all the problems of the community. They are more empathetic they're more interested because it's for their own good. And this is the problem here have now and this is this is a part of the status quo that really with the changes. I don't either. I disagree. Remember what she was saying to a client that I think many people especially white people have all the wrong approach to problems to say they are but their solution to riots was painless and with millions of dollars on on weapons to kill people faster and more things like this is more a. Not preventative from cause sort of thing to this provision. Yes this preventative from just put a block in front of it and just like any time they want to.
Have something like a Bill Parker they just you know around the May or May or level make a decision illegal enemy to around the house if you don't want to move. They just condemn your house and tear down that. So now they've got a new approach they say. They say we're going to ask the people what they think is good. This works by having a group of people meet and they compare to them that what they're going to do with this where they do it in one of the winning ways of to do is convince people that this is what should be done. So it's not they don't go and say. We have a problem. We need a park in the city. Were do you think will be most places though they go in and they say we like to build a park somewhere around this area and they give you leeway of a glass. And then they say oh well would you like your house pointed out. So I mean it's it's not that people don't have their say in what they're doing it's not that their
approach isn't as good when their motivation isn't good. It's not giving people the dignity and choice that they should have and this really. Why don't we think the heat to blow up a park. Bench that one thing that really lets me if they come into the black community and they say tell me to let me within you. They don't ask me what they want right now. You're right I don't know before you is don't confuse attitude change with citizen participation so that is what we're trying to say is that you have to disprove such a submission is a vision you just changing attitudes through. And would you call it. You just get a bunch of people availing you convinced them will like this model cities thing that it was rammed through the fact the matter is that before these meetings these three or four meetings took place in the core area of the the suggestions were already printed in a booklet before the first meeting of citizen participation which they had to go through
because it was a federal requirement of citizen participation. The book with the the proposal was already bombed out printed and binding before the person at these meetings took place. And. These meetings took place and they were absolutely meaningless. This was not a citizen participation but under the federal and other federal stipulation court the citizen participation took place you lack meeting with the city's was good I mean but the point is that's irrelevant because we are the white power structure. Why did Mark wants the money from our cities and whether it's going to be just as ineffective as poverty program other federal programs. Irrelevant to this you know this line of thought I feel it's the right thing to do. It's the white right there bro thing to do so we're going to do it. Come just give hell or high water so let's just do a deal struck it was trying to kill the Jews. What effect do these type of things happen and now this really drives me when I hear these
things go on and see them going on and I just you know to hell with those people who think they're critical they're not going to do anything for me. So I'm going to do something and we have to get together with the rest of people I can count on and try and push something. In what way you mean this this is a Robert this is a problem is it goes back to the same Any time you want some. Unfortunately black people are stuck with the same goals that way have you all your money to be comfortable with. We don't have the same means. Will we have to make a choice. We're going to change our goals or we're going to have to use different means to get you know what we want. So to me when I find these type of things gone are we just can shove the run over and it's a trip I get will drove that bus makes me very hostile and a few other things and so. I end up with an attitude that the way a person can be trusted. I don't have time to stop and say your name or your name
is lamb of the century and to see why people because I know there's no black man Major etc. and he's not making the decisions and actually urging making higher Dictionnaire you said earlier that he felt that white could no longer. Quote help. The black. Alright fine but then you're saying if the you know in yourself. Well I actually don't saying that that Black has to help himself and if I as a white. Guy because I'm white. No matter what my feelings are just you know I help because because because of the fact and what I can I help because this would mean this would mean you know the fact that I would be living in the blackness. Beautiful Continental exactly I think you can help if you're on the premise that you know you're going to be disliked and distract distrust if you can that it will. You know lots of money and you know we're going to you know take and hate you for it.
I'm very serious however have many takers and givers. You know me you know some people would give you their counsel. But what I am saying in this war people do what I was saying or is that you can help me by helping yourself that's only help me because I don't personally I don't think you're going to do anything for me and I really don't want you to do anything for me. You can do something with me possibly. But as long as this is the Hell with. By staying away from me you're helping me because all I can see now is everything you do this for you and it hurts me the only way you can help me is by. Staying out the way. What do you think it might bring her to come to the park all day and what do you think of the black mammy. Very. Better call you never say no than when even going near it. But if your car and said that the black community like the mouse's project here is what you know you can get and give you all the information that he will to himself and showed it to
you and said you can think where you want it and you can have the accepted or rejected but you feel that this was a worthwhile thing and you know leave it completely in your hands were you pleased with yourself. No no I don't think you really believe this because I don't think one position right now many of us recall Maplestone saw Point disagree but I disagree with that. I think there's two lines in the black community people born to black people can you know make decisions such as we certainly have black engineers we have black architects we have black social planners. It's just that most of these people are hung up downtown someplace but if you the resources are in the black community these people live in the black. You know I love most of them don't. But a prime example is what snecking awareness Snick couldn't get an accountant in a counter expensive to get this black man living out of a place comparable to Whitefish Bay came in to offer his services. People would not know that he was doing it he worked all year for nothing and you know I
think eight or nine times a year with the books and there are people who who will do the same. And just to describe your point a little bit there I think we are in a position to do things like this there are very very many black brilliant black people out there we need wise would have been comparable blaster to Plato and Aristotle BNA been a black mold. Certainly comparable to start to move and there are these people you know that you know we sometimes forget that you know exist. I can't think of a man's name now only protect from was from New York from home or something. But you know there are these people you have people who are working in social agencies who are even the office I was and the people you stream liberate. So because just. As it hasn't been billed which a soup bowl is that these programs put on the white guilt will only affect black people and I can see a program like model city being dumped in the black community and it is
this should be a program which is going to affect proportionally of the proportion of people should be taken in account numbers. If it should be 30 say 30 percent of black community the least 3 percent the city will have none. And if this program would be most beneficial 100 percent in the black community. Delicious on a recent the same split as it is now here mostly and they just don't feel it is will blow that's where I'm standing I mean I have this like is a welfare rights movement where they're trying to get the people that are receiving welfare to have a say in what is how much money they should get you know their rights and I also think in projects that are made for people in poverty areas that these people should have a say in where things are built not what programs do and share how the money spent in every poverty area these people have the great to you know it's they live there they know what the problems are like when they build these urban renewal places and they have one
alligator and there aren't any rescues or anything except in your own apartments now. And they wonder why. You know these children you know. And they just didn't worry about the book is lovely they look beautiful in the plaster samples they have but they don't think that their people are going to be living here to and this is the people in the communities have had a say 1 1 0 1 0. When you talk very nice What do you do for relieve the problem. But I myself haven't done that which I mean I marched you know three times and I'm going into social work and I heard that I know that social work is a big conversation and everything but I think that you know I can help change social work and to change you know the rest of things like welfare rights within I think is a really good idea and I think that people should have a say oh you know I think that if enough individuals say something about it without talking about Manson divisions don't have binaries fails you right behind you I. I'm trying to get like with the welfare rights movement you know I'm trying to get something daring and for example our club
is trying to raise car shipped to help people and not based on academic reasons or anything give it to an agency where they they would know that people you don't talk your parents my parents are to believe the same things I just have to do wrong talk to neighbors. Yes. And you know I didn't think anything of you know like there I found out how many of us are living. I know there's at least one nigger living in our flat I have no this home. Now I'm not saying this is great or venerated you know but if anyone comes up to me and says well how can a good living in your blog cause it you know. Well why shouldn't you given that he has the right and you know I talk to people and I associate with people and their what their philosophy is I don't have to agree with them and if I don't agree with them I try to discuss it with them and change their views. You know I have to say that you have to accept my views but just ask them why you accept views that you have
and try to make them think about it because I think the most important thing is to get people to think about their views and you know if you really value a something I feel that you can keep the views that you know I have that this is probably very and they're unrealistic but to me it just seems that if you really value a things that you can't possibly you know be prejudiced against people because I mean like and I'm going to get some people to and I mean I am for this. I know that people are encouraged to get. And you know I did I know that when I break I can't stand someone that uses their prejudice to their advantage and says I don't get the job because of that I'm Jewish and card that bothers me and I don't care what you know. Whenever they use the word I'm two feet tall and I can get it with that offends me and I know this and so when I. And with someone that doesn't like that I know to
react in a way so that you know I won't show it because I think at least you're consciously aware of it that something and then you can do something about alleviating your prejudice. Yeah she said something to the whole that you know folks need eat and sleep are the two I think there's something we all depend on like I mean I do I live that way from here that I may still be pending. Way for financial support in eastern Ukraine. But you know I think the proof parental there I think is a rare instance around America. Your purse agree that your peers are green with you you know I mean this is very rare and I think a parental control really controlled by the principal influences being imposed on us I think has has left some markers with it whether it's obvious to us and then I think it's good my parents are beggars. I mean I don't know because you know that some were anything but I still have to depend on them for something so you know I have to evaluate my commitment you
know what they're going to see only in the infamous in the morning so you can be with a lot of them. I am willing if you have that much commitment. Where will it really go down to the end really and they'd say we don't want a CVN has because like we don't we don't want to have a thing to do with you wouldn't a connection isn't dire and this hurts because we happen to meet and happen to need to know because often my parents are divorced and I was living with my real father and it got down to that and I said good lawyers agree with you Mike that I had lived with my mother now and she agrees completely but when I went to college I wanted to go where I was from and my mother didn't live there so I went and lived with my father and he is a bigot. He doesn't agree with anything in fact the nigger tried maybe next door to him he would just about die. I.e. if he's in Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love. But I must go out again I'm going to Beijing it will and I know my kids you know what do you
do you know the size that you know you're a little hamlet You know I'm a little you know my kids realize this you know the things that they use I'm going through you know so but I'm still with your family and so in the world are you Doris and right here. My father says I will get my shoes. It will never be a pirate so say you know what happens you know if you go down to the league really where you have to have to evaluate I don't even recall you let's take a hypothetical instance sex is a riot. OK. And say here here the black people here you've been for years and for a period of commune you said you have a commitment towards them you know and you give up anything to help for ecology when your parents are involved in this you know and say you care is going to shut down because they're white they're bigots. What do you do. You would have to decide here. Yeah I'm not saying you have to sign we don't do well for instance when they had the Israeli War list here I don't consider myself a very religious tyranny. But last year when they had that all the side knew now I was very Jewish and I really wanted to do something because I
identified and I you know was kind of shocked too because I just didn't consider myself to identify with it. I mean I barely set foot in a synagogue when I do you know it's very rare occasion. And you know but I thought this is my people and I were Denisov and would depend if you know who you were Jenna fine with if you really were identifying with the black community then you would just automatically feel so strongly to them that you know your desk agent your parents since they're so different from you might have been served Savard and the dedication of the black community and you were just without you know really realizing that you're done this go with that because it's what I've done happened to me I thought that I was completely a non-Jew. But when I came down to it I was still Jewish and I was going to go fight for Israel to reduce the use of rhythm sound. You're going to release a true war. Now I don't I don't know if I realized I was right I don't think that I I think that I would like people should be entitled to whatever they want. You know not saying they are
free hand to do as they please but they should be entitled to what I am entitle to. And if it came down the thing that would bother me and this would bother me during the riots and I don't know is that I mean if I went down to the core. I know how I feel. Does anyone else like that because I didn't write this for a very good shot missed like right so that that's the thing about me I can go into the white community and tell these people you know I think that you're wrong that Negroes and other minority groups are just as good as you are and you should accept them and this is good. And this is what I should do. But when it comes to the right I don't think I should be there because I'm I'm causing trouble and you know I'm only asking for trouble with being there. And you bring your friends and very very curious position. But you're saying that you know that you are living
The Inner Core
City within a city
A new generation of prejudice?
Producing Organization
Wisconsin Public Radio
Contributing Organization
Wisconsin Public Radio (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Episode Description
A small group of black, white and Jewish students from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee talk about their prejudices.
Episode Description
1968 CWAC week, Friday broadcast, found in Radio Guide.
Broadcast Date
Milwaukee; Urban Community; Interviews
Content provided from the media collection of Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, a service of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. All rights reserved by the particular owner of content provided. For more information, please contact 1-800-422-9707
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Producer: Johnson, Ralph
Producing Organization: Wisconsin Public Radio
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Wisconsin Public Radio
Identifier: ic_newgenprejudice (Filename)
Format: audio/wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:60:03
Wisconsin Public Radio
Identifier: WPR1.59.1968.5.4_MA1 (WPR)
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:60:03
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Chicago: “The Inner Core; City within a city; A new generation of prejudice?,” 1968-05-03, Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “The Inner Core; City within a city; A new generation of prejudice?.” 1968-05-03. Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: The Inner Core; City within a city; A new generation of prejudice?. Boston, MA: Wisconsin Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from