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Hi, I'm Bobby Valentine, manager of the Texas Rangers, wishing Channel 13 a happy Silver anniversary. That's 25 years. Congratulations. Hello, I'm Senator Lloyd Benson, and I'd like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary. Hi, I'm Ira Flato. All of us here at Newton's Apple would like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th
birthday. Hello, I'm Marty Stauffer. Host of of Wild America. And I'd like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary. You might not know this, but my brother Marshall lives in Dallas. And right now he's working on something
pretty special. A half-hour program we plan to call Wild Texas. From the big thicket to big bend, you're going to like it when you see it. Hello, Mitch Miller here. Happy anniversary, Channel 13. Congratulations on 25 years of great TV. Hello, I'm Mark Russell and I'd like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary.
Hello, I'm Jim Lara. All of us here on the McNeil Lara News Hour would like to congratulate Channel 13, my own home station, on 25 years of quality programming. Hello, I'm Judy Woodruff. All of us here on the McNeil Lara News Hour would like to
congratulate Channel 13 on 25 years of quality programming. Hi, I'm Roger Staubach. Happy anniversary, Channel 13. Congratulations on 25 years of great TV. Hi, I'm Rita Peterson with the Dallas Morning News. Happy anniversary, Channel 13. Just think
about it. K-E-R-A is 25 years old. That's 4 years older than Brook Shields. Happy anniversary, K-E-R-A. Hi, I'm Hugh Ainsworth, the Dallas Times Herald. I want to wish a happy 25th to all my friends and all those people at Channel 13 for a wonderful job.
Hi, I'm Jerry Sheffield with Sun Exploration and Production Company. We at Sun would like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary. Hi, I'm Ed Bark. I cover television for the Dallas Morning News and I've seen a lot of good programming on Channel 13, so I'd like to wish them a very happy 25th anniversary.
Happy anniversary, Channel 13, with a wonderful job. Hello, I'm Jane Brown, Executive Director of the Fort Worth Ballet, and I'd like to wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary. Hello, I'm Jerry Coffee with Fort Worth Star Telegram, and I'd like to congratulate Channel 13
on its 25th anniversary. I hope there are many more years of outstanding programming. Hi, I'm Art Chapman with the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Happy anniversary, Channel 13, and congratulations on 25 years of outstanding television. This is Mike Price at the Star Telegram in Fort Worth, wishing Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary.
Hello, I'm Fred Rogers, bringing congratulations from everyone in our neighborhood to all of you at Channel 13 for your 25th anniversary. Many happy returns. Hello, I'm Lewis Rookeiser, and all of us here at Wall Street Week wish Channel 13 a happy
and bullish 25th anniversary. Hello, I'm Garrison Keeler, your friend from the old radio show Prairie Home Companion, and I've come all the way down to Dallas from Lake Wolfgang to wish Channel 13 a very happy 25th anniversary. Congratulations, Channel 13. Hi, I'm Pam Quinn of the Dallas County Community Colleges, and on behalf of the over 10,000
students that take a college credit course on Channel 13 each year. I want to say thank you and happy anniversary, Channel 13. Hi, I'm Ken Harrington. I like the wish Channel 13 a happy 25th anniversary. I'm Dr. Kenneth Cooper, President and Founder of the Aerobic Center here in Dallas, and I've
been a fan of Channel 13 for a long time, and I want to wish them a very special 25th anniversary. Hello, I'm Jim Wright. For 25 years, Channel 13 has been an important part of our lives in North Texas. It has been offering to the people of our area an intellectually enriching choice in quality television. I know that I speak for many thousands of loyal subscribers. When I say thank you, Channel 13, for 25 years of enjoyment and intellectual enrichment,
happy birthday, and many, many happy returns. Hi, I'm Karen Dunard of the evening talk show on 90.1, and I'd like to wish Channel 13 a very happy 25th anniversary. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz. I'd like to take the time to congratulate
our sister station, Channel 13, on 25 years of great TV. Hi, I'm Marina Peterson with the Dallas Morning News. Happy anniversary, Channel 13. Just think about it. KERA is 25 years old. That's four years older than Brook Shields. Happy anniversary, KERA. Hello, I'm Mr. McFeely from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood taking time out from my deliveries to
wish Channel 13 a happy anniversary. Speedy delivery to you. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz.
Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz. Hi, I'm Ed Budenero, host of KERA 90.1's All Night Jazz.
25th Anniversary Promos
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KERA (Dallas, Texas)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-2eed27c0b83).
Promo Description
Promos celebrating Kera's 25th anniversary including PBS celebrities, local journalists, sports celebrities, and others. Celebrities included are: Bobby Valentine, Texas Rangers Manager, Lloyd Bentsen, U.S. Senator, Ira Flatow, Newton's Apple, Marty Stouffer, Wild America, Mitch Miller, Mark Russell.Political humorist,Jim Lehrer, Judy Woodruff, Roger Staubach, Rena Peterson, Dallas Morning News, Hugh Aynesworth, Dallas Times Herald, Jerry Sheffield, Ed Bark, Dallas Morning News, Members of the Fort Worth Ballet, Jane Brown, Jerry Coffey, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Art Chapman, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Mike Price, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fred Rogers, Garrison Keillor, Pam Quinn, DCCC, Ken Hurrington, Kenneth Cooper, Aerobics Center, Rep. Jim Wright, Majority Leader, US House of Represetatives, Karen Denard, 90.1, Ed Budanouro, 90.1, "Mr. McFeely".
Created Date
Asset type
Public Affairs
Film and Television
Promos by various PBS celbrities and others celebrating Kera's 25th anniversary; Promotion
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KERA
Speaker: Bentsen, Lloyd
Speaker: Rogers, Fred
Speaker: Russell, Mark
Speaker: Keillor, Garrison
Speaker: Lehrer, Jim
Speaker: Wright, Jim
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-dbaebfd3688 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quadruplex
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “25th Anniversary Promos,” 1985, KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “25th Anniversary Promos.” 1985. KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: 25th Anniversary Promos. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from