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so seth who
move and seth our parents kids and books the joys of reading together is made possible in part by a grant from half price books records magazines incorporated featuring thousands of gift books for children of all ages with ten dallas fort worth locations you see the grim of the movement
you see in a book that sometimes it looks like this is just natural everyday stuff that's going on and it is in all that natural to everyday stuff that's happening in the interaction to his parents and kids there's very high quality teaching on houses some of past lives of travelers what do they you learn more from catherine the aisles in this city this is show people what's to integrating looks like and and then kind of examine that a little bit more closely to see how does it work and what what are parents doing with their children and where children dying industry which brings with her parents that make this such a path the beach brings
back memories of my grandma many stories and he was from russia says her specialty is special and i hope that rachel will have to happen for a long time she could have lived for her children and cassie doesn't know her great grandpa on that lowest day something we talk about when we read the book and so we all feel like that's the season you're trying to find a bleep me he said taking down a jar and putting on his lucky trey graham mary ellen asked law it's whether leasing the process of being read too far exceeds what it appears to be number one the child has this on interrupted very very ethereal time with a human being that they care about
that they again can snuggling into literally hear their heartbeat and their voice hear the words experience a book and and that's because of the attitude of the adult there with realize that reading is something that opens up an entire universe show description and i remember really feeling transport it from my apartment in your chili to this faraway place that was being described in this book in a journey was special but it was special summit was heightened by the fact they're sharing it with
with with my father or my mother recent apple event and here and it's never too early to start reading teacher now even in france when they're read to will be engaged in the story of a grieving activity your columns you think they can do lots of things you can do lots of thanks to know the turning page they know what's causing injury the books now obviously are sharing which are saying an intense and what they're looking and so i think that's gotten most amazing thing but his aides you open a book and reagan handstand hearing from the book in his low temperatures in trying to associate know at one point this is that the worst of the picture from boston it is watch for debris and
watch a very young age which are fighting those basically all say that is spot under the bed which is even because it appeared ask a question to answer that question too is box one was a goal gold watch as kids get over to moore and as they experience certain books over and over as the children actually began taking over parts of the interaction until they get to the point where they can actually read the book and all by themselves yeah i think they see a carrot seed the process that was at first sight is that the parents had to almost to buy for herself become something gets
internalized so the child thats one of the reasons why repeated readings are doing the same thing over and over again it's very important to children because really it's not the same thing over and over again you may think it is but the kids experience something different every time the red hook i mean maybe the golfer one thing that happens is this really obvious to everyone is that when you read children's want to try to make your voice very explicit information was a chicken liver at another
thing that's very powerful in terms of a really good example is to ask what children questions and stormy continents europe the story as you're going along with it quite a combat sea began to chase that beat it's been very important when we ready for me to remember that we don't have to take it at a prescribed cates we don't have to read these pages isn't it time to go on a kennedy because when earth count with evan on and to stop and check out the puppets or check out the pictures or even talk about particular word or something is real important is to remember leader structure at the office i think the political math one thing that's
important point about the conversation either industry bickering is that it's okay in fact it's really great for children to start the talk don't think of it as an interruption what it shows is that the child's actively involved the book and that active involvement and talk about the book is really what makes we're really think they're going to do once they start flying year they're run after the biggest if parents stop an appropriate points build the suspense for children and gets them thinking about what is going to happen next and kids are always predicting what's going to happen and they stay more engaged and and i think
writing everyday life i know in my family like i say my grandparents were storytellers as well as wonderful readers and i remember always when they finished a story we would lean into the grandmother grandfather and say is that true story the grandmother would look back and say the guards seized ago but that may not have happened when you think about it all stories are true they're all true they all have an element of the heart whether they happened and that almost doesn't make any difference so when stories are presented especially where young children they deal with the universe and elements of life that are within their imagination that this is the part of the nature of bringing to life so they would go to school and a
fuel or read more ads target would help me and a new mayor and the group in schools dove of last minute it in the novel is that there's certain you know not one of you know learn more and i see that now i'm going to spoil it you need to read please probably at the heart of song old folks are just good stories really a great source of comfort to me on those days when i would come home and he simply too tired to know what to do on and i read and it's it's fine it's imaginative it's joyful and that place
well we're in a lot of indian roxanne and books about heritage because i find it in deer stand to something stable and a bass and we do go to the er palau some things like that so it's kind of fortified in if you're part of it because i think it's important and everybody have a base in whatever it is right right right they will
fall soft messages in the blue accent and that happiness and i think they may is that they're fun and ally and happy and that they really dead writing books really set the stage for unveiling the first day i'm learning how letters because in rhyming or heart and putting them back together and that's the kind of thing that kids need to learn very pleasant what kind of but it's especially useful for younger children and i mean
kids anywhere from infants up through two or three years old although even a little reluctant to is what we call concept who discovers any of those kinds of books have very few words not just good kids kind of looking at and noticing different things in their environment help to build a foundation of vocabulary and concepts three voices there's a kind of book that we talk about as predictable pretty repetitive language phrases that keep reappearing reappearing stewart those are the differences that that you've written one threat of river twice then the child editor know being in the house
and where's the complimentary app oh ok now have quit reading with angie honor is her excitement you know and going through the work and scarcely going to win if i read where it was in the end to have her come back in you know put a wordy am i to go over like the alphabet to name the animals that you know to know they are she got some of it all information about ten years ago it isn't nearly so to a large degree that information built for preschool kids are just seconds aren't the only ones there is no more to discuss everyone who isn't maybe is
rivers weren't i'll vote for us and that really has become true is to see connections between the world of the book and the world that the child lives in every day we can't do that when it's low key the upstart lives really are better deal with my disability and then bring out reality justin real world s watts while also those of great value and jaw because i can see a spam on transparent to her an everyday life just reading children's book publishers are publishing more books
about different cultures and social groups than any other time in history and what i would do is encourage parents to look at these courses bring books common reading to children not only about people who are like you that people aren't like you what's that a jury will understand their role the place where they were where they are in the world you know understand the contributions that people liked and made them understand the contributions that their family members have made them understand that additional people have made to society and that they are people of the world or i don't you know i read a blue enough
money for sometimes many times i feel if i read to go lot more he had been ah it more than enjoying it in love good thing and will not necessarily just me being successful when they're you know in all in in any sense but just so many things our our week we can know really our find christmas trees are latino book citizen and music too some big occasion was you know how to who's shooting through competition in any cells and then you can i think you can do it so things to the lead in your life another message that's triggering that i think is really important is our parents who are native speakers languages other than english send that
message he says one of the greatest gifts you can give your child is to read books in spanish or japanese or korean or whatever the native languages is that the couch we know from research the children's thinking was actually enhanced if they speak more than one language so i was encouraged to read to their children in whatever language they feel comfortable and if they want to read some books in english and others have another language that's great i plan our last night takes their life coach of atlanta when matt mountain live on that so i drive down trying to reinforce it now with my grandchildren and abby travis at least manage that these are somehow and outliers the toll in a region that we know on a spanish region on children and have found that that are also there so i
said what sometimes have difficulty with this issue guess if you feel like you're not really sure there are lots of resources that are many libraries have children's librarian going to bookstores their children's bookstores are also there are books and listener put out by either publishing companies or libraries to talk about the best in children's books there are two things really that make a good children's book one is the story or the information they're in the words in the second thing is the illustrations and in the best of children's books the illustrations work in conjunction
with the story with the words that appear in the book to create a whole new thing it's neither the words were the pictures that it's this it's this experience has created in bringing those two things together why why why why he just has blue skies during storybook time or they don't just use books at bedtime or something like that but if they're available which are available to them all through the day then and what you often see is that children begin to incorporate books into the different kinds of things they do during the day well so her desk at an assistant us our instruments hour and they'll go in there with their guitars and their books and they'll sit down and you know more incidents that are connecting school it's pretty it's me
talk about creating environments for children to talk as we talk about having new books available for children and one of things keep in mind is that most cost money and they're not cheap and there are families in this country and in other countries who can't necessarily affordable loans i think i like talking with the community leaders or people in the library or churches but many times they're actually bought current senate bill either holocaust parents can use because when i would hope that parents would take away from all this is if they are reading to their children to keep
don't quit john mccain supporters who rush right out of the game doing there because it is such a valuable and important and wonderful part of family life for an empty shoes in a shortage treat real dimensions and sometimes we put the ministry and you know and they're very little i think they just enjoy this close one on one time and as they get older they start to get very interested in the story and when they get older yet they somehow imply that story than to their own lives and if you're lucky when they grow up they'll
share the same tradition with their own database and you can smile knowingly know that the tradition goes on a bill mary ellen inside a way from the crowd at mouse chat i'm going to show you what the financial me and his father before he and he sat quietly he sprung for honey out of the country mary owens steps it's just
to find that but he saw it must also chasing these through the pages and then he smiled and hugged her from that day on mary ellen never again complained about everything she found it to be every bit as exciting as a wild chase michigan countryside and as sweet as the high speed train because because because
because parents kids and books the joys of reading together was made possible in part by a grant from half price books records magazines incorporated featuring thousands of good books for children all ages with ten dallas fort worth locations to order of parents kids and books video cassette with a guide of tips and recommended books called two and four seven for oh nine to a date or send a check or fourteen and if i was five dollars for shipping and handling decay er at the three thousand arie i've boulevard in dallas texas seventy five two or one for a free copy of the guide only somoza stabbed a self addressed envelope it's been
Parents, Kids & Books: The Joys of Reading Together
Marketing Master
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KERA (Dallas, Texas)
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Program Description
Documentary showing the benefits of reading to your children. Families are shown reading to their children from various children's books.
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childhood Literacy; Parenting
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Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Garcia, Yolette
Interviewee: Teale, William Dr.
Interviewee: Polacco, Patricia
Producer: Boardman, Andrea
Producing Organization: KERA
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-fad01ef178e (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Parents, Kids & Books: The Joys of Reading Together; Marketing Master,” 1993-09-07, KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Parents, Kids & Books: The Joys of Reading Together; Marketing Master.” 1993-09-07. KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Parents, Kids & Books: The Joys of Reading Together; Marketing Master. Boston, MA: KERA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from