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As the end. Of the university. Students. Faculty members. Distinguished Gus. Brothers. And sisters. I'm very happy. To know. That we do not have in this crowd. Our children. Understand. Because my experience with them.
Is that they don't like me very much. I became friendly in a country which I visited. Shortly after I was released from prison. She was a young lady of dirt. And of course several days in which were to gather. She then asked me point out why. Don't you know what the children in my school say about you. I said I don't. She said They say when you were young. You were. But that you are now all done.
And. I then sat with the young lady while I'm very happy that at least they know. That I was not always so eager. She says no they're not talking about the past. They are saying you are a girl now. And I don't want to be reminded of that today. And I'm happy that at least I don't see any children under. 18. Ladies and gentlemen with humble gratitude. I try say they are not all that doctoral degree day. My sense of it she is multiply.
A million fold. By the fact that this august occasion affords us the opportunity. To celebrate the freedom which the people of South Africa. Have lost. One. I accept. This or not. Fully aware. That it is not for an individual. There are Akali. That you give us belongs in fact to that collective of a wonderful people. Called South Africa. It is a recognition
of the achievements that they have made in bringing about freedom. I want to know. In a way is listed in our delegate translation in reconciling. Their nation and then starting with a difficult task. Of reconstruction and development. But. Precisely because you all have been part of this effort. Over the years. For you to honor us. Is at the same time. Rightfully on your side. For what has been not tainted in South Africa today. Is that not many of that people pull out at the world.
It's a victory for humanity. As a whole. We all wanted to value this achievement because it has been long and hard and coming out that the words. Of Martin Luther King Jr.. Freedom. Has always been an expansive thing. South Africa is today free of the shackles of our party. Because of countless individual would to sacrifice passionate self-denial.
And persistent effort. Paid a price. This hundred or doctoral degree is up to. All but not too. Oliver Tambo. Craig Sarni. Hacked up the US. Steve they called Robert Sabo crash and burn them all. However. This new found dead long awaited freedom would be hollow. If it did not contain fundamental. Socio economic changes. The old order. Can not be allowed to live on.
In the form of mass unemployment disparities in income and opportunity lack of housing. And adequate health care and poor education. Despite the goodwill which unites our nation and the profound changes in attitude which are taking place there are still some areas of life in which that discriminatory habits are slow to die on. The African National Congress. And the rest of the Democratic Movement of our country. Have Won and our bands of political power. Great effort and persistent determination is needed to transform South Africa to turn our
country. Into area non-racial non-sexist society based on social justice and equity. In my speech elsewhere yesterday. I hinted at the problems we face in bringing about total democracy in our country. Why are you winning this victory in the election. We have not. I tried to seize gained political power. And I referred to something which can easily be a notice here today. The majority. Of my delegation.
Is still in White House. In spite of the fact that. Africa. Cannot. Indians Hornswoggle to the overwhelming majority of the population. Now the whites in my delegation as many of them in various countries fears of our country. They are mad that the women of their highest integrity. And they are as dedicated in their decision to say they use South Africa. As I am. They are Portillo's. Prepared to suffer and die for their country. But.
In a country where the overwhelming majority of our people are blacks and where the whites have conflict with a tiny minority. It is totally unacceptable that they should dominate the government and for the. And got to read organize. The institutions of government. To reflect. The population composition of the country. Is not in any way racial. It is to show. That our white institutions our political institutions are fully representative. Of our. Community. And that is a task. Which cannot be achieved overnight.
We are in a hurry to and. That we can undertake and complete that task. But. It is going to be a challenge to us. Because we want. The masses of our people to show that they have taken over. On the 23rd of July. This year I had lunch. With the veterans of the struggle. Drawn from all over our country. From all political parties without exception. Some of them. Are in the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s. Some. Cannot see I guess. I cannot walk.
1500 of them from all over the country. Came and I fight for them in order that they should see the changes that they have brought about. That day. They are in power. Whatever problems they face. The importance. Of education needs no argument. The. Four members of Howard University. Which played so important a role. In uplifting their sons and daughters of former slaves its former graduates. Have made a distinguished contribution to our national life in the fields of medicine politics
business and the arts. Helping to operate the way for black people to play their rightful role. In the life of the United States. Among graduates of this university are also to be followed. Yawm South African. As the president has or. Indicators are also already indicating South Africans who are at area are certain are for us. To transform our society. In our reconstruction and development program. We have said to ourselves the target of providing answers for every child to 10 years of free and equal school education. Or Oh it will take us
many years to achieve this objective. We are starting bright catering next year for our country's six year old children for those who missed out on school. You do our part to policy. There will be a programme of our daughter basic education a commitment to lifelong learning. Which is crucial for improving producta productivity in industry that informs our approach. We are very serious about education because we know. Of the wealth of talent in our people. Thailand which has never been allowed to make the contribution of which it is covered. We are determined to provide that the opportunities that have been denied.
To us. Is educational therefore. Forms part of our campaign. Not for our children and society as a whole. Into a healthy and vigorous citizen. It is for this reason that our moms the first programs that were put in place of free medical care for children under 6 and pregnant mother. As well as a feeding scheme. In primary school we are determined that this should be combined with the introduction of primary care fish and surveillance to effectively reduce botulism and child diseases and intensive immunization program and sustainable environmental program
access to all these endeavor is beyond the reach of government on its own. It requires a partnership amongst also some structure. It demands that each and every part of our society should not try to that out of teaching and learning which Hiwatt University exemplified. And Dave it cries out for technical and other assistance from the international community. South Africa. Because that's the will and the determination to succeed in making this technology. We know we can count on your support. It is with gratitude that we remember the way in which Howard University embraced and supported liberation struggle in South Africa our cause became your call.
And so sadly it remained for us to work together to improve the quality of life of the black people. And I thought not this community in South Africa in Africa in the United States and other parts of the world. Mr. President. I therefore accept this or not or probably. Are way of the contribution I want. University has no academic excellence in this country. I am humbled. By the realization that you are not a bean in this way your are placing me on Monga emanates a great deal of power. If I achieved prominence in politics government business
and the arts. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And play on behalf of all South Africa. Your confidence in us will find fulfillment as we do our utmost to make South Africa. And the world a better place for all of us. Black and white men and women. Your God. Oh. Why not. Like granting me this university degree. I am able to say. I am captain of my soul. I must cut off my feet. I thank you. Please join us.
Reaching out. No. No. No. No. No. No no.
They. All say. No. Well. No. No. No. They go. All day and. Say a. Day
a show. Come to me wanting you to come to me. Somebody asked me why. And along the lines there the Secret Service comes by with President Mandela. It's a live broadcast from W H m m Howard University with President Dr. Joyce and President Nelson Mandela just going past the crowd here. You just managed to reach across and be able to touch his hand. That is the kind of aura the President Mandela presents. People just want to be able to touch him to say I was there I saw more witness that day that he came to Howard University and was presented honorary Doctor of Laws and special
occasion here on the main campus and we missed the famous black magic anthem. Lift Every Voice and Sing. President Mandela makes his departure followed very shortly by the Reverend Jesse Jackson the head of the Rainbow Coalition was passing out this morning speaking with Ron Walters. This is one that is the best and a moral and intellectual and the national pinnacle of healing by how the how was so much backlash so much discredit and the red. But to see the premier leaders of this day and the future are renting in the house but it's just a joy to see this. I mean the way it is it's kind of the moment how would the resurrection moment. Thank you very much Reverend Jesse Jackson. He keeps bringing up North Carolina but we are
now witnessing the departure of President Nelson Mandela here from the main campus on the campus of Howard University. It has been indeed a very touching ceremony. As you can see we have abandoned our normal neutrality and have decided to join in with this tremendous show of support not only for President Mandela himself but for everything that he represents in particular this symbol of the Union Howard University a pretty eminent African institution of education with the pre-eminent African individual the preeminent political movement on the planet today happening. We see his first post-inauguration honorary degree appropriately enough from Howard University as we now follow the benediction. Thank you for what our hearts have felt. Oh God. When our history is recorded and future generations may it be
said on this day. Howard University paused to give honor to one who truly deserved to be honored. President President Nelson Mandela. And when our children ask us in time to come the meaning of this event. Maybe tell them on that day that Howard University honor the man who from a prison cell and again told believed didn't hold and thus became not only the president of the Republic of South Africa but a symbol of freedom and hope for all humankind. Oh God we ask that you continue to protect and to strengthen Dr Mandela. That he will not vote for in his pursuit of peace and prosperity for South Africa. May Dr. Mandela's presence here today remind us all that the arc of the moral universe is long but it does bend toward justice. May some drops of Dr Mandela's commitment
perseverance faithfulness and moral integrity fall fresh upon us may create in us wellsprings of hope and inspire us to seek after justice and mercy that we may all stand together that we might make of this world what it never has been but yet must be less now. God the works of our hands. Amen. Please remain standing by the recession and the retiring of the colors. Welcome back to the main campus of Howard University where the ceremony is just closing out. One final quick comment from Dr. Ron Walters appropriate to cooperate and the crowd cooperate. Right now I've
done some reading. Well this broadcast is over for the time being so from the main campus of the quadrangle we say farewell to this Howard University live presentation from a special convocation honoring President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. I'm on a. Roll. This
Howard University Special Convocation Honoring President Nelson Mandela (2 of 2)
Contributing Organization
WHUT (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Program Description
Taping of a live broadcast of Howard University's Special Convocation, honoring South African President Nelson Mandela. Part 2 of 2.
Created Date
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
Copyright 1994 Howard University Public TV
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Moving Image
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Host: Nnamdi, Kojo
Host: Walters, Ron
Speaker: Nelson Mandela
AAPB Contributor Holdings
WHUT-TV (Howard University Television)
Identifier: B-4288/2 (WHUT)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Howard University Special Convocation Honoring President Nelson Mandela (2 of 2) ,” 1994-10-07, WHUT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025,
MLA: “ Howard University Special Convocation Honoring President Nelson Mandela (2 of 2) .” 1994-10-07. WHUT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Howard University Special Convocation Honoring President Nelson Mandela (2 of 2) . Boston, MA: WHUT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from