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The following program is brought to you in part by a special grant from the friends of channel 21 incorporated. Well stand me when the real problems are finally far. Right by me.
My exercise guys aren't here in the tree of life lost in the bracken of their marriage survive it or try to fight fight fight fight fight fight fight every fight every night like right behind me here right. Day and night in my life like a fight fight like graphite twilight midnight right right there right in my eye right car right there tight power right. I don't want to get right down right up right fine RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT. Wine Right right right right. But no elephants. Well yes I know she was and that's the truth. Rueful was a sadness but her friends stood aloof from miles around she coolness streams and trees. Anyone seen my elephant please.
Then the sound of music and laughter was had. So she went to the board in case they'd had wed. Trying to do is to try to use
cash French ones proved true. Yeah. I just. Want. My best. If you push through the plaster scraped away the paint into the forest dog from
candelabra faint and clattered back the holly leaves the noisy various escape to the freckled trees of the sunbeam filigreed pushed aside the talking to aides and shaking knock kneed rhododendron branches with their head plan ready. Lying by someone. You know you're going to get in from the garden.
Sticking. Ivanhoe jousting adjusting his lungs and he stayed with the prince religion village for two to a time where damsels in prison. By the way I have been helping my fellow kind of. Just. Scattering the juice and the. Fire truck off.
Stay strong. Suddenly the girl of yes shouting proved to him as anyone. The night I was in fleet and scattered the now runs rolled to the knees. What great city by the way to see you my boy. But you're very bad about. Well today okay but me but baby baby. People die. People can do strike with their feet. Baby mushrooms growing in her waking and sleeping and casting lots to introduce the sacrifice disseminating blown by the storm or a thoughtless much time breaking a yawn in a desert waste of gold buried sand and to the moon not to know with English weights and strength to his hand is huge I am big feet pentameter to wide Syntec to playschool Colossus lay astride strode
amongst the stanzas and crushed with gentle child's The cool to poetic justice whose MY since he kicked aside. Know you not coincide too much too much. Couplets cried and coughed up rhymes upon the bench moons in June and skies my eyes rather than stumbled in the stench of ribbons rotting piled up high. He flexed his fault finders and with alliterative and Perrin punch limped lyrics with all his critical acclaim crying. I'm guilty of that has got me hooked up. Round his X Greenlee grin but there wasn't a poetic insight. He took on Milton and Wordsworth Shakespeare in peace. Blundered little butter and bacon and Yeats forced their surrender crying in saunas coffin. Their scriptures with R.I.P. on it. A synthetic power Texas he proves on little. Better. Than on. What and why they wrote it on his side on string that cool. Yeah and you didn't complain that the way towards the church all.
They also formed a toothed grin with doctrine problems. With the smile. Smile and smile the combed hymnal teeth salted and pure that our true sticks seem. Warm slabs of ice screeching that candle guys prayed a thoughtless that. She climbed down spirals chime in with chapels where dorm dusted stones echoed with moans of the ghosts of friars festooned in briars carving coffins from piles of the good news. There you see him now Brady and sipped another donuts in the vicar's tea. Hi louis. Let's look at the scampi Angel smiles and long lost signs was switched on home here with
praise on hollers Praise the Lord Mayor John Wright is known only had a bright screen Praise the Lord. What a happy note all these munching heaven slices at the because t's not bothered to ask. There are no replies. She closed the door. The dog chapels Aakash Greystone Chan's and hellos Chime in the storm channel status spirals of teeth mortared and grins smiles stacked high engrained with us. Goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye. From the dock a pinstriped stopped and greased and table from. That. Night. And saying yes.
The best. Time of the week. Was imminent. The. Thing. Is. The wings are all the birds. That you see. Interesting thought to model it with and by the way that. They. All feel a home. Which brings me to the haunting thing. Excuse me please don't go so fast. If you see my elephant please. That's a question I was. Glad you. And since you last. Week. Was nowhere as it was. True. Then was. That.
Even the price of cheese will you see my elephant please. Yeah just not you pleasing Elin's Jade and you think that. She'll make one shot. Oh how sorry. I. Bought. The lady Sammy don't want and don't want and that was anti him again. And he left of that and other speeches replacing thought began to prepare. Can a tree.
Trunk. Right. Now. What year is the girl I'm looking for a person. I have a warrant for your arrest. Don't stick it in the boat. You know what you already know this is hundred large.
Re is the move man. Sorry. That's. All I have done that explains. I. Know what you want and I'll tell you again. She's as guilty as guilty. I mean why the bank. So come on James don't comment though. Statement but make up your own minds concerning out there. Come on don't fear on my part. You are so good. Case is not been heard before. What ways. Oh what the. No less than the great prosecutor taught. This thing is guilty. Execute them. See. You should. Should your model of the truth look good. This is what. Likely is the accused accused. Why I ask you are mad do you step on a junction on one roll.
Ram nother guy I don't live up yonder that there will be a screech in their tails but yes. Yes. Yes it's me. They say. That on your management team. No he didn't charge of an elephant but please your Lordships if that's true I am guilty then so are you. Perhaps most are out of line. At least looking for mine. Yes there's so much.
Pressure. But I was torn lashing the lane where the little guy shouted with fares dragged by the wind and drenched with the tears. I lost my elephant a little voice cried and the honeymoon dies from side to side for a glimpse of her friend. She hoped to a spy. But where on earth can an elephant hide. Has anyone seen my elephant please. Have you seen my elephant plea. You are a puddle of tears sadly wells on her nose with thoughts like Smudge is occasionally a rose. And his doctor fuddy duddy with his fuddy duddy fad beating around the bush is wrong the Bushies beating round. Dear Dr fuddy duddy. Tell me if you can how to find my elephant. What's the best plan. Talking of what. What do we mean. Need to talk to when you eat what we mean by what we mean by doing. What do we mean by we. What do we mean by by. Oh yes by night by by what. What mean. What do
I do. What do. You. Want. It's all the sycophants recreates era consultants. Or is it lubricants toxic and stimulants such a pensive of its own roots What if you want to make your mind up then to waste my time. The youth of today do nothing but. The consulate the consul who went with her young client sadness casually spend. When I die I want to show up she said. But you'll feel much better once you all dead. And with that she practiced her smiles and impurity ever concerned with the Social Security that the scientist fact we've proven the proof. Probably nothing but may just be the outcome of this is a public key event to meet up with both fists and. Feet. But what do you. Know any day by then just I wish you good day.
Away from all she ran and ran in the cradle of earth she slipped escaping fellow man. Go on doing coke rolls of the morning Crow goosebump bubbles in the sky like grow white wherry moon yours sleep streaky day doors. Knock you down the speckled dawn chorus chants chipping in the caverns where waterfalls and plants shimmer in the snuggle a buzz of snoring elephants. It's like God. Catching. 40 feet. For the dawn.
Losing daisies to see de sign. Green see the clouds spread show in the blue can appeared in slides by super fountains grew up. And the coals of rainbows songbirds land. With some thread spinning softly whose green warm who's gambling gambling that only. Rain was. Yet. To trace cracking when he swings about blacking rounding out the slide. Show that he could he be taking Early Show Girl. Gosh it must be Dave. Sure enough in a corner of nothing chewing thoughtfully the tuft of his tail elephant friend had lists nothing. And for an elephant remarkably pair she skipped over to meet him and as you
can see they hold hands together free tumbling in really. OK. And with that the heavens fell. Now seeking snow split some green beneath the column. And as you're blue the clouds from the steeple sky and one by one. The nooses run you. A branch dump a trial scarring snakes where the hopes and wishes plan to try to verify the picture cried and the frame flakes in approving pose why we used to have the ring called the sun moon and Stripes the stripes were veins Custer stream and now it's oh yes Sunday night is the scalpels that's the style. Cross it and call my naked number
nicknamed by the digits. My ex the call unseen you can. Sum up the chances of recalled life. Slowly behind the crest of. The bowl of dog the whole of dawn. Of one steady day one half open the window breathe deeply I leave the store room. Glimpses of glasses worn. Quietly softly the lazy breeze with the blues and greens of ocean veils pickled gently the grain. Drip. Drip. Drip. I'm the only girl wonder consuls the following. Reply. And from then on the cracks consume the king you know. Cried the million didn't freeze and die still dying. Just a possible for
people to run. The muck to town. It's called. Bastion and for green fish in caves of the Middle star no. Clark and. If she knew. How to tease strained to round her neck and dancing eyes shocked like Jan. Lost in ripples of stinking wisdom should my nostrils finding free shining like the smile which kindly Drew to know what's right. Towers have told that tale so more so than elephants she journeyed from form to form radiant in a downpour of summer dress. To match. Smile Helen gray drab the yellowing was plain flanked by
lines of linen blinds crusting slowly over max and the sea blind with a startled we wintered in the car and a life private names were published for all to see. From a yawning so humbling to wonder for oh god please sign here and collect. Where. From beyond the flame flame of black all around and always from the player dies. She turned lying beneath what she said. She said alone. So I flew the balloon on my belt and amicably awoke. Those bodies are cursed and crying. Those burial places black
appears the frightened catacombs past quarter monks dead caves but deserts and dust lie near those caves and found this fair. I howled my chaos of course but that's the cliff no devils no days decay. I carried enlightens creation's crown far from the crevices climbed the darkness can be green and late so direct the dawn he care where Dick's yours will declare their guilt and the loss of gardens of fool's paradise for flute songs drenched both gems and gods which you were cannot deduct but I gave that evil photo that which fades with her foaming heart but when hell was groups through my whole home as those who rode her. No Eyes are limpid ladies did explore the hunger or did exist ran through Lions lie raging messengers blossom on the mountains they
measured but my mind was like a pebbles mound parachuted high court ministries in name was right. You. Have.
Always wanted to work in radio anyway. The preceding program was brought to you in part by a special grant from the friends of channel
21 incorporated.
Tryout TV
In quest of an elephant
Contributing Organization
PBS Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Series Description
"Tryout TV is a series that provides broadcast time to individual works produced through the facilities of the University of Wisconsin Extension Telecommunications Center, WHA-TV Madison. "
Content provided from the media collection of Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, a service of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. All rights reserved by the particular owner of content provided. For more information, please contact 1-800-422-9707
Media type
Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Wisconsin Public Television (WHA-TV)
Identifier: WPT1.43.T15 MA (Wisconsin Public Television)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Tryout TV; In quest of an elephant,” PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “Tryout TV; In quest of an elephant.” PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Tryout TV; In quest of an elephant. Boston, MA: PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from