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Hasty a Seattle program title over Washington aerial celebration. Janice this is a stereo mix. This is the left jail and this is the right jail. Over Washington is made possible by a grant from the first bank. Sponsorship of this and other programs. Another way Seacrest is helping people all over Washington. Washington has been a place of fearsome fun discovery for the past 200 years luring the adventurous birds by sea. And bent over landscapes fearless and yet.
In all that time. You have had the chance to explore and capture Washington's beauty from the most of the real approachable. You. See.
Some. Of the remnants of the continent. Did the Libyan witness of the incredible hour and relentlessness of the scene or in a way it's so. Good. For you. Or.
That. You. Are. There. For.
You're. On. When I walk among these mountains I realize how little has changed since the
last ice age. I thank God that our forefathers had the wisdom to preserve this vast wilderness and hope that we will be as vigilant in our responsibility to maintain its natural beauty. Who. You. Are. Or. Where they.
Are I. Don't. I mean. I. Read. In. An.
Hour. I.
Leave the roaring engine rooms look at the passing scenery. They've got a name for everything. It's an Jedi's knowing that I could be in a small boat exploring. Passing through. There's so many things to. Anchor. For. An. Hour.
You. In. An. Hour. Or. As soon as. You.
Can do. On. Your. Own.
As far. As. The Serenity innumerable pleasing landscapes and the abundant
fertility the unassisted nature puts forth required only to be enriched by the industry of mad villagers mansions cottages and other buildings to render it the most lovely country that could be imagined. To. Do.
We felt like we were the gatekeepers to Puget Sound. We helped guide all sizes of ships and their cabins and going. To.
An. Can come. In. The park scenery in Greece it was almost impossible to realize
that we were in savage and wild country and nature not art that perfected the landscape. In. 49 days. For me it is one of the
grandest in all the country. In. An. Open.
Not a day goes by that the Puget Sound does not somehow touch my life. In the. Line. In. One. In.
The hope that Seattle will remain one of the best kept secrets in the country I'll shout that the rains are torrential. The mud. Slugs carnivorous. It's only in a whisper. I'll say. It's. On its own
in its own
house on its own is. On its. Own is
in its own house. Been.
In. The water around the shores most posing
as if they were courting they're coming down from the mountains to offer themselves to be. 9. 9. 9. 9.
9. On their way from the Cascades to the south. The rivers have the fertile soil upon which are now the many pastoral farms of the schedule. In.
The. Air in this. Town. In.
I. Look out upon
these jagged spires that march north to Canada south toward Rainier a grand procession of peaks forming the spine that separates west from east west from dry green. Go. On. In. An.
Hour. Here.
Are. Go.
To. Start that endless rolling smooth world. A thousand. Miles away. Into the sky. Almost. Hard. Road. Is there is. No. Other show on. For.
An hour or. So. And so our show is an hour. No. No. No. It is no
more. No more. Water does not linger in this region by nature's design. Instead. We have to capture store and direct the water. To make the desert bloom. On. On. On.
As. I. Know. There. Are. In.
Your. Own. Time. In. Your own. Bluff's resembles. Castles. And temples. As if Nature tired of waiting for the advance of civilization erected.
In it. For him or just him for an.
Attack. On Iran. Or Iraq. Or Iran. Or
in our. Or. As. There was a time in the past. A spokesman. Telling us. The. Structure. Is. Never. With. So many beautiful buildings. Standing so. Far.
In. Or. It's.
For. Columbia. Once a great serpent of rising waters has been named by a succession of dams. It's energy converted into electricity. It's churning Rapids transformed into a. Highway. On
its own. In.
An. Hour. As. In. An. Hour.
Or an. Hour. In the. Road zone. You. Were just now realizing that the volcanic activity of the Cascades is the norm not the exception. Mount St. Helens reminds us of our small things of the awesome hour of nature. And the
explosive potential of being an Caskie brain I guess. But. I guess. In the. Case. I. Mean. I. I. I.
Don't care.
For. Us. As far.
As you know there. Are in there. Are. The rocks and shores and mountains and rivers that are called Washington time boarders come and go. People come and go.
People giving their own names to bits but the land and its beauty remain forever. Over Washington. It's made possible by a grant from Pfieffer.
Sievers described as sponsored this and played a part in Washington's first 100 year
Over Washington: An Aerial Celebration
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
KCTS 9 (Seattle, Washington)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/283-67jq2p18).
Program Description
Aerial views of Washington state set to instrumental music and quotes about Washington.
Asset type
Copyright 1989, KCTS Television
Media type
Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Rubin, Ron
Narrator: Dai, Jim
Narrator: Swanberg, Marcia
Producer: Gentes, Jeff
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: ARC432 (tape label)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Over Washington: An Aerial Celebration,” KCTS 9, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 21, 2024,
MLA: “Over Washington: An Aerial Celebration.” KCTS 9, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 21, 2024. <>.
APA: Over Washington: An Aerial Celebration. Boston, MA: KCTS 9, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from