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today's k pr presence was originally broadcast on july thirtieth two thousand seventeen about autism a big dose of summon it can't dress themselves to have to beat sounds all time now from kansas state university k pr presents an hour with dr temple grandin i'm kay mcintyre and today on k pr presents scientist and animal behaviour expert temple grandin lectures throughout the country on her own experiences on the autism scale and how best to educate young people with learning disabilities in just a minute we'll hear dr grandin's recent landon lecture a key state but first temple grandin summarize some of her thoughts on life with autism for npr as essay series this i believe this essay comes to us through pr x the public radio exchange temple grandin sees problems that other people don't then she devises
solutions for grandin our invitation to summarize personal belief in three minutes presented a specific problem how to explain to the rest of us the way her mind deals with the very concept of belief here she is with her solution for this i believe because i have autism i live by concrete rules instead of abstract beliefs and because i have autism i think in pictures and sounds i don't have the ability to process abstract thought the way that you do here's how my brain works it's like the search engine google for images if you say the word love to me i'll surf the internet inside my brain then a series of images pops into my head what i'll say b for example is a picture of a mother horse with a full war think of herbie the love bug scenes from the movie love story or the beales song love love all you need is love when i was a child my parents
taught me the difference between good and bad behavior by showing me specific examples my mother told me that you don't hit other kids because you would not like it if they hit you that makes sense but if my mother told me to be nice to someone it was too vague for me to comprehend but if she said that being nice meant delivering daffodils to the next door neighbor that i could understand i don't all library of experiences that i could refer to when i was in a new situation that way when i confronted something unfamiliar i could draw on the information in my homemade library and come up with an appropriate way to behave in a new and strange situation when i was in my twenties i thought a lot about the meaning of life at the time i was getting started in my career designing more humane facilities for animals at ranches and slaughterhouses many people would think that to even work at a slaughterhouse would be inhumane but they forget that every
human and animal eventually dies in my mind i had a picture of a way to make that dying as peaceful as possible i believe that doing practical things can make the world a better place one other features of being autistic is that i'm good at synthesizing lots of information and creating systems out of it when i was creating my first corral back in the nineteen seventies i went to fifty different feedlots and ranches in arizona and texas and helped them work cattle in my mind i catalogued the parts of each facility that worked effectively and assembled them into an ideal new system i get great satisfaction when a rancher tells me that my corral design helps cattle move through it quietly and easily when cattle stay calm it means they are not scared and that makes me feel i've accomplished something important some people might think if i could snap my
fingers i'd choose to be normal but i wouldn't want to give up my ability to see in beautiful precise pictures i believe in them temple grandin with her essay for this i believe we are inviting everyone to distill their personal beliefs into less than five hundred words for our project you find out more and see all the essays in the series at npr dot org or call toll free for information at eighty eight five seven seven nine nine seven seven for this i believe i'm jay allison m for kansas public radio i'm kay mcintyre and this is k pr prisons today on k pr presents dr temple grandin who spoke november twenty ninth two thousand sixty one hundred seventy fifth landon lecture on public affairs at kansas state university
but lots of things to talk about to die and i don't want i just ask you though on innovative use of color on the autism spectrum einstein had no language delay story steve jobs was a weird moment we brought snakes to school journalism elementary school classmate just to lighten things up now by the time i was four i learned how to talk about it with a lot of different kinds of the mines are i said name an animal behavior and had it that they got a woman in our behavior that was a jane goodall in fact starting out cattle industry was seventeen serving a woman in a man's world it was i'm fine now shown the movie really accurately something like jane goodall into days educational system she had to hear secretary of victory she got a burger up the hd without her bachelor's and he had difficulty remembering
faces i'm somebody is that kind of difference like the solitude of the woods what thomas edison high school dropout labeled by his teachers that was thomas anderson now i do a lot of work in the meat industry that i developed these apartment called the us senate tracker steiner says no more double rail or stronger system isn't all the lights so i worked in these large clients and who do you think works on a lot of things really clever tyson is hiring right now billboards are my white and they can't find skilled mechanics cardinals hiring big banners on their fence up in milwaukee because the tiny port the guys at a kind a different they're all retiring now and i'm concerned about where they're going getting addicted to video games because a school they've taken out the skilled trades and hands on style the bank of st louis the
political i would say that my hands on classes like woodshop and selling making things you know when i grew up i still kept making thanks steven spielberg not a good student boulais teased in school dyslexic where i can say i was bullied in school the only places i was not only was the shared interests things like electronics horseback riding rejected the top film score well what about elon musk the rocket guy he was as severe but living very severe billing it appeared to have and in this book and his mother wrote that he was different in a nerdy sort of why it sounds familiar it's a debate about autism is a big loss in summoning can't dress themselves to have to be counsel time now that's where the lucky people on it and inspect get go they get to go work for google and other silicon valley
companies that another keg it's a day old gets in the videogame problem it's all is not having such a good outcome and as st jacques all right let's look at some other common denominator is that success in unique mines grew up in an educated family no that's true for the four people at his show also true for many early exposure to books and reading mother used to read to us early exposure to career robin interests i got introduced to be no one else did you know i went to my aunt's rates well if you take out all things at the schools i can turn into careers the kids are getting exposed to enough stuff also learning how to work at an early age when i was thirteen my mother got me a selling job when i was fifteen hours played in a horse stalls every day and run on a horse farm learning how to work also not to over specialized and i had a
great science teacher this is where mentors really time has been around well jane goodall that serious on introduction and will pay the youngest when she was five she went to the next door neighbor's chicken house try to figure out how chickens lay eggs high school student loved animal books and she had a mentor she was originally hired by dr ricky's a secretary and then a letter start observing and chimpanzees and things changed thomas edison childhood experiments are not the baggage cart or train i'm almost died drowned in grain elevator but exposed that were relevant thanks he got that school but he's home schooled by a mom in a house full of books thomas edison line at work at a really early age fourteen years the telegraph operator even earlier he was so unearthed by learning work
skills and seeing too many kids to get a label gets labeled autistic adhd in autism at a cheese mix of all time and i'm not learning how to work certainly the learning how to shop things that i learned when i was seven well thomas edison asked watson lots and lots of questions now that's an artistic train it memorized every street and as tam steven spielberg that include those days the fashion young man he was saved by his little super eight movie can early introduction then an internship at universal studios are always emphasized these dunes the importance of internships to get into jobs and then elon musk was really hits like this right guide to the galaxy and forcibly a local bookstore let him just come in and read books you know he didn't buy dennis older educated banks he also learned skilled trades in his dad's workshop at a really early age he also been extensive international travel i've traveled all around the
world and so i brought them are held by many banks he was introduced to programming at age eleven fortunately he's just all the nouns we got an old fashioned kind of computer wheeler the program without fancy video games on it he almost won in a video game addiction that he didn't have that happen to it and tried in london rent a shop just like a video arcade was too young to do that oh he was doing for the manual labor in his twenties and he talked his way into an internship at the bank to nova scotia and start paypal one thing i figured out very early on you get out early on certain people don't need or he was so persistent calling up his vice president at the end was one that the internship as a used car wash felton is rockets now i think maybe some kind of battle of hubris because most raucous just blow up and i think he was pushing the system too hard at that time read about some most of the one armed the fuel tanks i
don't think the carwash they'll sell the debt he was pushing some other stuff now about these creative geniuses he's not dumb you had a conventional educational path i'm really concerned about so many smart a he tried different kinds of kids get screened out also they did not all were special ops i was at science meeting this summer talking with other plant scientist as i gave my different kinds of minds talk of anatolia students and they don't always advanced degrees that you know creativity they got into hyper specialized kids don't learn differently kids to get a diagnosis the various reasons you can be uneven skills good at one thing bad something else i can people always get visual thinkers helping design work everything i think about it the picture but i couldn't do elsewhere this algebra requirement is screening out a lot of good kids i talked to a president of the college just recently and she's got smart students who can't get
a business degree because they didn't pass health i'm howard i get to school because the nineteen sixty seven outer was not the national norm is finite math majors sees probability and statistics which touring i got through the statistics with tutoring i got to the finite man why not let them take something else the reason iowans already know just as i just saw this assault is doing all three understand you did you know a tiny area the circle and ive design i draw like an american women with saunders you better know how to find the areas of a snorkel if you're designing nomadic appointments that simple they can't find the area to stage just a simple practical math also i talked with a third grade teacher to once it all in trouble for teaching her kids borrowing his attraction well if i was unable to write down the paper lion gale the door because i got working memory issues i was
draining out the kids cargill and tyson have an eye or in the future to deploy its billing and this morning i met a salesman for frito lay my column that i've been an improv at their plates falling apart because of people it infects someone playing video games in the basement of the minds the pattern thinker this is the mathematician mind this is your soul icon valley programming person they think any parents they don't know bank infectious this is your mathematicians your engineers programming people and they cannot finance in trouble with me but kids don't learn programming by osmosis it's got to be introduced by also at the wider do tasks other people even a global your lab that they've been presented under which was arrested on you had to assign projects and then you've got to verbalize they know everything about their favorite subject and it really good a specialized
retail you that kids in your classes that are different made a dyslexic adhd mildly autistic i need one hundred work then you start in middle school things like church jobs is that the legal age i wanna wanna retail for every doctor larger working skills i don't want a transition phase a wannabe not work before they graduate my school now i'm a visual a soviet tank so i called over images of it were i see excerpts the many odd and seek out all non see a tea kettle we as a kid it was old and sing a british tea kettle with a cozy on it and then i'm seeing a truck stop the giant coffee pot for a sign tanaka and tea to coffee it it's associated with him a book the autistic brain i may give the evidence based studies different kinds of minds actually do exist there is scientific evidence both visual thinking and a more pattern mathematical thinking two different types of banking elon musk was a visual thinker
know he was nailed to take lots of different information and put it together kind of do the same thing i read a lot he will say to me what you know about the fukushima nuclear power plant which was a gigantic visual thinking mistake that's why write about it's not a very good idea when you have next to the sea but is super important emergency cooling pump in nylon waterproof by cement that's what they get what i've learned about the mathematician is the mathematician doesn't see the water going in there you see this is where we need the different kinds of minds doing stuff what thomas edison said i'm not a mathematician but i can only tiresome and petitions but they can hire me because what i've observed working on things like big car your plants is who does different things that quirky guy it's a visual thinker things up that really creative piece of equipment
all were specialization what doctors normally they so over specialized there and not getting replaced by an artificial intelligence program it was last year you now with older folks like us get together we like to write about health problems and nine i talked to a lady that don actually just had an allergy victory with general the top let the specialist was doing high lions saints really drive biopsies i think there's an arabic elyse and a bone specialist of failed to test a patient but a lot of the few symptoms that untreated wanting to see is maybe a needle while a simple first i kind of like this anger isaac asimov that read this allows and a college degree is the first step down a ruinous highway you don't wanna waste is you go on a doctoral research and you end up being at the wrong going into
ramos about everything in the world except for one subdivision oh sliver of nothing well yes or intelligence can do super specialized tasks building replace the super specialized doctors they will not replace his receptionist right now is an expert system that could read x rays better than doctors can read them well andrea watches them is thinking it's solid epidemiology ways even approximate you're pro science see the hypothesis first or you form a hypothesis to specific examples of epidemiology you get a case of food poisoning in another case of food poisoning in an event figure out what are the common factors between these different cases of food poisoning that bottom oct nineteen the kind of thinking you need to use a whole lot more for a lot of policy stuff the big concern i had the day it's
like an abstract of occasions you've got people making policy that never drilled them into the field find out what's actually going on when you do draw down thanking you and all were general audience and a very grandiose finds that just like an end up working very well so what happened to a child like me i had no speech until a store all symptoms of severe autism i probably would have gotten really going to early intervention that is something that's being done right that's the bright spots well what i'm seeing now video game addiction and don't call me and also be i'm seeing smart kids did the video games and playing video games and social security when they need to be working in the maintenance shop at the cargill plant that's where they need to they know what they're going to find
they're working in animated shorts a lot more fun than video games the most honest of my every day i was out on a construction job is to things we use like talk about job travel trailer til all kinds of cool stuff that's typical light job trailer talk but it would be in a lot of trouble if i had had a hands on activities i spent hours as a child making bird flight the flight i might try to most of them and a liberal wing tips on him just like modern jets have got and it took a lot of experimentation to get my bird kind of stuff while i'm seeing kids today but they're not willing to make a mistake on something i'd try again try again different ways to make the clients i spent hours making and building it's also teenagers are not i'm getting work experience okay let's start out medals for you walked onstage hours i had one woman say to me we have an educational program for that
we're talking about the set up the next door neighbors because a lot of cops doing job to somebody else on the schedule yes cash economy yes i have a special little rule system on and i kind of like society's rules into four categories really bad things like robbing banks and stuff like that we don't do it then you have that courtesy rules kitty bee talkback table manners you to consider for any device for emails went to ramallah phones or have a meal without any device got to learn how to talk in the fifties we were not allowed to bring toys are coloring books the cable tv was limited to one hour a day i learned from kirstie rules that illegal but not their own manual honestly destruction in a straight a member asking gm all a contractor how i got permission to blog topple street cincinnati the country track you don't it's yes to do it ten o'clock in the morning when the traffic's like when a place around and asked the director trac says
that's okay and then you have the sense of the system and not touch those dogs because they really bite whether things you don't their suvs read nonsensical morning to discuss what they are but they're going to get and tons and tons of rubble still do ok race dan schorr had a large visual thinking circuit bigger than a control probably in the top twenty five percent visual thinking circuits now here is where i'm in trouble i let dry out trial area is i'm missing some stuff on the outward part i've got no working memory so i knew maffei don't do them right on the paper the borrowing is the price i get to a million new engineering to go to work every sunday on these guys out again to turn around the starbucks coffee machine it's funny the pilot's checklist tear downs that wants to use the brain's cleaning stumps him a pilot's checklist know one rank in the meat
industry if there's no academic barrier of entry you need a deal to read usaid and by andrew old fashioned six greatness that you'll need to know how to do and i know like courtney smart mean it's people i go big complicated things and it was saved by the welding class in high school they're making right now cattle industry by how awesome it is at age three dyslexic horrible students at my welding he makes a thang any cell that i can't tell you what it adds i've been very very successful metal staircase in business i was saved by the fact it holds for what's required and sixty seven and i entered college on probation mother taught the idea of franklin pierce college was two years old had me on probation at this point i decided i was going to sign yeah i learned some important thing is to be on time see a lot of smart kids with various labels the day they can get up in the morning and get to class that's not an issue for me once i decide to study i got because i did not lose my
homework i got it done i was in an educated family with lots of lard support our ability was nurtured was very good and harden that became the basis of my design business mother taught me reading your chicken chain boston work for me mother taught me reading the politics of a war a warning phonics worse the one kid that doesn't work for all others where the whole word that worked that are my favorite books or not shot with a child what about famous encounters and black beauty early exposure to clear interest i cannot emphasize that enough i was installed to dairy cattle was fourteen fifteen i was riding horses and fourteen fifteen sixteen i learned carbon very i'm active in experimental psychology class and i insisted an optical illusions that helped me in so much work with cattle but i notice the cattle were afraid of shadows over unocal on offense for reflection and i did have to subjects i
did well in high school biology and right over to banks' i was going into work experience selling job at thirteen or starkly sixteen twenty sixteen that eighteen the day for that bag right time wonderful single throwing contests and it was a few others shared interest signing painting start making signs and so numb and my first sign for a beauty shop and i could make a side of beauty shop what so now really dating myself and it worked now was not over specialized all of biology when i was in college we were very lucky and my little small college had only been going for two years they hired a retired animal behavior scientists to teach animal behavior so i was introduced to bear in college dr tom evans i took an english literature class that was required that i was going to hate turnout lobby because the teacher was so good explain what the author
of men no strike and then things like the odyssey and the iliad and i had practical building skills and carpenter my science teacher got me motivated and then if you watch the hbo movie i really did make an optical illusion room than some animated i had to figure it out and out my hands range of build gates i learned driving all the projects in the movie which wrote yes i was and we're trying to get people that have the design their cattle the saudis assure my drawings we'll hear ye gonna show off your portfolio it's just that simple for i was a young kid i thought i was mentally retarded and i grew up in i built the design is feasible but the senate tracker strainer or double railroad tires imported meat plants i design can only facilities at the
cargill plants all over the us and in canada how to get a job i shall bill filling destroying and nailed him destroying are also male my very professional looking gross few war bartik a second while <unk> fielding open that up drawing for without like this is pre internet heroes the late eighties and i'm on the brochure had plastic pages in there with a few pictures i had a couple of articles about the meatpacking plant magazine lists of references while your pajamas duncan and they called me and i got my first job with the border illegally that's the kennel in north america are handled in a clip that i designed and is doing pretty good for cubicles is it if i thought the student down last night on the spectrum must be a veterinarian i said you can do it just proved your arm you can
do it now when a story about everything but just pull the right system but that's only half the equation the equation is a management get equipment and they got the actually measure right so i was hired by the usda in nineteen ninety six to do a survey and only aside a plant is huge knife i decide they can't get on the first shot because it was broken that's managed that i was hired by mcdonald's in nineteen ninety nine to start working on assessing a while for packing plants such a lot of real simple way to school where the traffic rules are plants really simple not confident bureaucratic nonsense they had been a fight numbers shot dead ninety five selma for shah hundred percent bed before it can come up below one percent falling anywhere in saudi three percent going into stunning area and hearts i like the riders led to get that down to twenty five percent were previously it was five hundred percent they had to make their
numbers i didn't want to look like they had to make their outcome based numbers that they're not really happy about that is seventy five mikhail suppliers only agree and build something expensive everybody else we think that nasa flooring with lighting training and maine has not that's the other half of the equation engineering problems and i saw more change and i'd seen a model entire career there are other different kinds of minds build a big cargo plane were big any other kind of big industrial plant that will tankers the ones like me where in the drafting apartment you better give us respect they plan to lay out all the conveyor sign for the fleet fabrication all complicated stuff is not my breath and apartment you know please don't listen service quarter with the cable trace really don't appreciate that not given enough credit the mill writes the quirky dies in the shah and then all a new mechanical equipment now what degree they
engineered that we carry what words refrigeration women touch that stuff i'm not that's not that's for the mathematical mind calculate ruth dresses i am yup don't put a young engineer at a college in charge of working with contractors he will get ripped off ah back as a job for the crusty old guy in the shop within the twenty years are not everywhere else the boston or kayaking or get seen at what you need the whole thing yes i sent guard help the hiring right now visual thinkers what's driving off the video games much more fun and apply it rescues right now i'm out on some interesting projects and while the project's yet to figure out things that were bigger how much rum they need to lay down in the droughts or cut our space on metal ounces have to be changed so you want to live your life in the morning and give up on his care what the woods count already really
questionable get up because obviously you know actually finding out that the really interesting race but and i didn't try not so how about astronomy that science how bout they on an atom smasher a supercollider and things like that that science are upsets it's worried that the high prices he's from epidemiology assignments you start off with one case of food poisoning peter began no one alerted my visual thinking was different and did you lie inside so i get asked how the different kinds of minds learn to work together first thing we have to recognize is that the different kinds of my success i had to get a whole lot better and larissa talk to verbal thinkers i called steve jobs was an artist an artist that may be easy to use interface the engineers at it inside of homework either the engineer designing interfaces a complicated
nobody can use it you need to have the different kinds of minds we've got to make sure our educators are not screaming out some of these unique student says will ellsworth i'm really concerns made you see i think the mathematical thinkers think you needed to think not a visual thinker you know i'm finding a lot of visual thinkers do geometry just fine please don't scream out with i guess we need to have all different kinds of minds and i found that all years of work were discussing projects that kind of thing affects how i think because in construction i had to sell it how design it supervises destruction and start it up and make it work we got to get that job done and it's so smart isn't the best playing video games would not get the job done so i just wanta finish up and say winter and construction you're gonna get the job done thank you very much it's been you're listening to dr temple grandin professor of animal
science at colorado state university and widely renowned lecture on autism and learning behavior professor brandon travels around the world speaking about her own experiences growing up with autism and was the subject of a two thousand ten film starring claire danes she has written numerous books including thinking in pictures animals make us human and the way i see it grandin spoke a kansas state university on november twenty ninth two thousand sixteen as part of the landon lecture series on public affairs coming up grandin takes questions from the audience at mccain auditorium from the university of kansas we are kansas public radio ninety one five lawrence and eighty nine nine patterson you can find us on the web like a pr that's ok
you got edu support for katie are present on campus public radio comes from picayune visitor's guide the official guide to all things jay hard copies of the kite are available for the public advocate you unions and bookstores awards and a visitor center and at many other locations in and around campus npr listeners know the importance of investing to make a wise investment for your company investing katie our listeners as your customers it coming back at our business officer interested in partnering with that for marketing find out more at sponsorship that hints of public radio dot org if you're just joining us today on cape pierre presents dr temple grandin professor of animal science at colorado state university and widely renowned lecture on autism and learning behavior professor brannon travels
around the world speaking about her own experiences growing up with autism she spoke at kansas state university on november twenty ninth two thousand sixteen as part of the landon lecture series on public affairs and now grandin takes questions from the audience at mccain auditorium yeah my name's daniel influence through how did you do with the kids the ball if you are you're in school would enable it was really hard and the places i was not believed it when i was a shared interest so get involved in things like the robotics are music buying and on it as one hours to electronics the kids are interested in math we're not doing the bully and not necessarily made worse by blank well we had a fabulous cool doing giant stilts made up to what forks and i played a giant still won the worst police while we're doing giant still didn't believe me so get involved with shaggy haired interests
i'm that so that's an audio great career think you know that's the best line and that was a good time to just turn off of causality get text a dime when you're doing a favor buying tax to buy police said you don't get it but get shared interests that's eighteen my friends were horseback riding like phonics and mama rock club and i'm a hit with these dunes one i made a rocket that look like our civil liberties dr grandin i wanna thank you very much for your present taste and i'm having a little trouble getting that image of the rock it looking like a principal out of my mind right now but would you give some advice to the educators in this room we have many many students but we have faculty staff instructors give us some advice on how we can be sure not to screen out students with unique skills that we can all of our
senators drop they'll climb up ms bee no no once the city's statistics or geometry or or something else of a lot of visual thinkers can do geometry just fine i know what's going on was pre algebra stuff because the americans and fighting now i can't find an area area historical as this is ridiculous also lola and strikes but kids and also got exposed to answer we take out all the theater and by and of music and cooking and selling and woodworking and welding in auto mechanics of a huge wage right now diesel mechanics kids are getting exposed last things are options students get interested in things they get exposed in the morning i gave the top doesn't itemize of jeremy lamb and a half the
scientists there how did you get interested in high energy physics high school physics teacher mike edison cattle goes back to high school so many stones it starts there to protect all things explores the kids interesting careers and i think night a synchronous transmission he talked about early intervention and what happens if one learns to adapt wrongdoing not diagnosed until retirement how does one and adapt raw the main one into normal society to go ahead and function properly well that's so abstracted can't answer at it now and i'm talking about early intervention and about the kids that i'm talking to kinds of autism you've got little kids that are not talking with me real severe looking at a straight you got to do a lot of intensive one on one teaching get the kid talking they got the kid gets diagnosed at a vietnam veteran i know friends mixed up all the time with adhd
then you've got some people later are ok want to ask you what he done for professional life the most unsatisfying job i could find one out of four hundred tested now under retired the job was mayor work ok you da da and you and that's doing better than a lot of activity for thirty six years when you cast that sharp end and not delivering the mail is an important thing to be doing you any good center like how to fit into a society i mean i think the best thing to do find a hobby a shared interest that's where your friends are gonna bury work is what makes my life worthwhile and he left no time to give up teaching know last night on board and i spent three hours on teaching students right here to stay the basic diet cat behavior and teachout uses scale learn how to do a drawing i am does it do something really
worthwhile find a hobby or something you like to do when i get a beekeeping reading ok wonders get really involved with beekeeping you join a beekeeping cause i get really good at keeping write about magazines that affect you for your encouragement ok well i'm a writer i i am an eleven year old man i'm curious how do you get them to work on delays in our first what i learned something about this lesson you took a deliverable following for usa today that's my basic reading test well yeah because i'm trying to get some idea of where the level it's absolutely highlight ten years all the blog the church he needs a church dropped them like jumping and i share and i found that one had was selling albums my first job at thirteen i was proud
of the fact i got paid for doing and i'm when i was running the worst foreign it had i was planned effect that was taking care of the horses and then also how to take care of the horses know i was good at doing and so it's that is something that your eleven year old to do for a job he's very high anxiety that's the problem well ok how much exercise he gets not a lot are we need about this exercise and woody have a breakfast with the librettist he's very particular set with breakfast granola bar that's why seeing in the industry this morning and this became real serious about this and all are from reckless legendary heavy almost non functional exercise them approaching in the morning and then i'd been on antidepressants is my early thirties to stop the anxiety i recommend you get like thinking in pictures book it's the sale outside
and there's a chapter in there on how i dealt with anxiety and there's a place where you might be a little prozac he's on and i'll tell you at all three of the best designers meetings do in awarding destruction twenty years ago the visual thinkers on nowhere authentic monsters abuses on the project is on exercise riders i am fe on that day and it passed laws are not want to honor depressants low doses you use the united press and finds it must've every mold also served and get education and insomnia set that up as exercise and he does not want to raise kids are getting into when i was fifteen i was afraid of my hands my eyes i'm gonna my hands french would be in our cell where
volunteers had a choice i could ogle when people say i'm not going without much ice is going out there when something's ok ok at the church are we don't attend church while playing then you find something else they walked on to the neighbors he's days to get out and do something outside bomb exploded outside the hall outside the home doing something on his schedule for somebody else preferably something every day like walking dogs somebody else's thought about your own he's got a bigger six o'clock in the morning and take <unk> something is to start learning now what kind of interest as yet no a lot like what computers for hours to get a star wars story i was one innovative teacher that did that her school are to begin that it is gold star wars club started elementary school i'm joshua kolko from concordia kansas i was
somebody who was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome a lease before they took it off the dsm five i was a found myself a significantly more skilled the statistics must were classmates and the visual appeal why you get a good job with statistics of the liar you do my statistics that well they'll still you can do now and freelance i was thinking about recently i've been taking on more about my career choices and take him on my head with a modest lately i knew in college identifying aware of right now i'm an and the senior in the school senior in high school ok let's say taming the case day i'd do internships in the summertime we recommend every student yellow my college or here to look at the websites of all the different apartments and find interesting is interesting professor in entomology and all volunteer to work and his life because that's a backboard that gets you in all kinds of things and not know what
it is to be a professor of animal science comes first and autism his second artisans a very very important part of our way in but i get an awful lot of stuff out the cattle industry before in my autism stuff i know my people in the cattle industry yeah you want an entomologist first animal achieve statistics comes first need to find some are you gonna see it as your web site and i would go around on all the different apartments and don't read their papers online and then you know what we look his office he'll say about asperger's you show a portfolio some years to test things like that i have your heart if i'm released made from so that the kansas and i have a fourth grades than with high fencing topped with the easiest way of portraying it so i'm wondering he's a visual thing with verbal dances arts skills to manage a lot of different kinds of hard part on a sign
the learned to be an artistic he has very little interest in our location audition are ok what interested in videogames he likes mario kart but we don't let him play video games why one hour a day so will the fifty fifty that we can't use that at their behavior if he does well at school if he doesn't have bad behaviors that the reward that there was it like to do besides played mario where he wants to be a racecar driver laura leslie let's get busted the race car interest rates once the mathematics with race cars but for some physics and some scientists have a race car or not was an easy interstate it on anyone but to tap into that fixation whatever if i feel like he loves jeff gordon he lets nascar star like nascar stock cars ok then when it uses a particular type of racecar and valuable art a lot of mathematics and physics and science just on how race cars
apple now they're different from regular course and you know in the slot on the outside of the nonstop on the inside michael smith how you know you say get rid of the algebra but we can't how do i get a visual thinker through they're similar in that they're going to find out that's the problem thing that saved me was a finite man and i'm like a silicon valley people got a montessori scripts that some things are going to change on this because i'm i'm saying too many kids to be taught as a good house are flunking out and they're having a really really awful how come i'm not suggesting getting rid of all my life but i think something's really wrong here and the pattern thinkers have taken over our lives it doesn't do are things that we build a cargo plane you know meet algebra but you do need the old fashioned sixth great mass i would start thinking about what this kid doing cross the barrier country industry ok
you need to reach us at a level of really believe that and indeed all facets as frank mathison courses and welding and shop it doesn't show any of those kind of interest now i mean he loves to read he simply loves talese a very eloquent reader ab the comprehension is try to get him to put it out on top branches without breaking down there's levels of comprehension on you know there's i'm ok let's say you write about the samsung phone ya'll a firm hold the carpet southwest airlines ok that's something that's very straightforward okay pick up a picture of the bergdahl last week he'll read and tell me your novel the carpet interview unless it had to do with superman will see me as different levels but then there's another level why do these phones because they wanted the apple and they rushed him into production
that stay behind your level of cooperation how is he just on things like table manners but he's addressing showering although scientists you need some reminders that he does a pretty good job he's i think they eventually i i think that he would be able to live on its own i think we were only enforce right yes yes you know that that guy what he wonders make sure you keep improving having will go the next question on the left miami's out more from hudson kansas intimate dinner this year and junior high school college high school high school ok and one the main things that they now think about was my question is alyssa that the tree lot about animals which did you want to know where all the more about the behavior an outing supposed to travel in high school and what i'm a woman looking into a lot of us
didn't get interested in prayers and students get interest in things they get exposed too and that's one of the reasons why doing internships assault or like this university and an online university it like fifty different internships on different stuff in the cattle industry you know like a range of the yard packing plant the pharmaceutical industry there's all kinds of different things and he had just tried for years on and find out something that you might like to you it emphasizes the harry student you generalize what you said something moment that we set a base to use new york the no as a kid what they are is a field where you put your portfolio of online is good enough in different wage jobs that's how i start all my business is start out sighing painting sign painting then gradually won over and the design paralysis tom you start that out of business one job at a time
they put up online on the rubber so the line you want something where they look at a web page and it's a thirty second while then you start died doing commissions an envelop the business so i hope your heart is on your phone because you never know where you can show up to somebody and get a job and are into pure stuff you can do not world health and safety rules you started out doing some of that stuff of thank you thank you i dared actually brandon my name is lana and i'm in my final year of an applied behavior analysis program and i was wondering what is it that early intervention is like myself can do whatever were working with these children diagnosed with autism and relate with a furry little ones to twenty four year olds i work with all ages well i had a lot of ad age i stopped when i was very young the one thing you need to slow down and a nazi at war it's there's a lot of tar pressing problems and and i might be huge
will look up and she broke up and then to go cause our show down slow down the other thing is they're like a slow computer give them trying to respond to the journey the other thing to look at is the sensory issues sometimes you gotta go and entered the front door open for others against me quietly in the back door because you're going to drive them in the sensory overload so more than just a few attempts biggie one more question my name is seth mcphail i'm from salina kansas how did you deal with it was doomed are on the suit in college soft line high school okay how did you deal with how did you deal with being kind of set up from your piece it was difficult and the places where i was not separate was to show your interest this one emphasizes so
much horseback riding ahead france rockets i had friends electronics i have friends in us briefly friends of the billing media giant stilts for a few weeks and what do you like to do well i really like to build with legos want to get involved with other other on building pains and card readers laugh i mean that would be really good i'm also a big fan of fifa any better make sure to comment for fans showing up at showing it steers the best thing you can be doing those kinds of things out there is obviously a cargill inspire aircraft is doing because i'm trying to figure out how to get their mechanics isolate you can't take middle school kids in department does not allow so what they're doing is the ring videos in bulk to bringing in the lead chanting what's called a programmable logic and for that down works all the automated equipment analytic kids' program that tlc a real deal see real
cargill plant when the robots so that like lego blocks they get to use a real deal see controller ok that's carrier introduced to something in the work will be done safely completely safely i'm get involved with getting violent more specialized friends at all day i don't have a lot more questions that that's the hell as the end of a few days of dr grandin thank you you've just heard dr temple grandin professor of animal science at colorado state university and widely renowned a lecture on autism and learning behavior drawing from her own experience on the autism spectrum professor grandin has written numerous books including it thinking in pictures the way i see it and the autistic brain she was
also the subject of a two thousand ten movie starring claire danes grandin spoke at kansas state university on november twenty nine two thousand sixteen as part of the landon lecture series on public affairs they stick a state for audio of this event and came out the entire k pr presents is a production of kansas public radio at the university of kansas set morning edition is everywhere boarding from bunkers streets alleys jungles and deserts but most importantly where everything off to start your day with a trip around the world and wake up with morning edition from npr news and listen everyday weekdays from five nine am on kansas public radio station
An hour with Dr. Temple Grandin - Encore
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Program Description
Animal Behaviorist Dr. Temple Grandin talks about her own experiences with autism, and how American schools could better educate students with learning disabilities. Dr. Grandin spoke at Kansas State University as part of the Landon Lecture Series on Public Affairs.
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175th Landon Lectures Series on Public Affairs - Encore
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Chicago: “An hour with Dr. Temple Grandin - Encore,” 2018-08-12, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “An hour with Dr. Temple Grandin - Encore.” 2018-08-12. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: An hour with Dr. Temple Grandin - Encore. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from