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Word. Why. Oh do you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you oh no oh oh I love you good you
know. It's in water with your host but left it eight years ago. My program guests tonight Judge weskit Jr. of pivotal North Island. I. Was a part of the major story of the entire year. Now the press. Covered this story. Every main newspaper or papers throughout Boston all over New England. Judge West that was the subject. Of one of the most. Publicized. Individuals losses of an individual during hunting season in the history of Maine hunting in the fall of the year. Until this very night. Eight years later. Judge Westbrook has never stood. Before a group.
To tell his side of the story. He's my program guess. Judge oh i a good evening buddy. Good to see you. Good to see you also. Well let's set the stage here. Give you some idea just in case you don't remember eight years ago. Newspapers covered this story. He was called a fraud. He was called names in newspapers that was. Almost bought a donkey in the unprintable. But let me set the stage of what happened. And give us some idea or of why you're here tonight. Eight years later. Here is a story. He's never a puir afforded to Maine people until now. And we think in the next hour you'll have an opportunity to call in and ask questions yourself. But this is one of a six fight series that I wrote. That was. Copyrighted by the Bangor publishing company of the Bangor Daily News. One part of
one smudge of the story. George W. Westwood Jr. a powerfully built deal from Swansea mass apparently never heard the chainsaw as hunting companions ran for two hours while waiting for him to emerge from the maid Woods last November 15. The song whined to attract weskit until it ran out of gas. And the hunter also apparently never heard the barrage of Levon rifle shots fired by another group of hunters that morning at 9:30. Not more than two miles from where a Spidey had left the two pickup trucks. Sometime that Monday night around 7:00 a member of West quits handing party Mrs. William S. The Wallace of Greenville junction Maine drove one of the two trucks back to Greenville. To notify the families of West gets tired in his stating Georgia got turned around somewhere. He'll be out shortly. At 4 a.m. Tuesday. Another
member of the Wescott party Hank Walker of fag Haven mass telephone Mrs. Wallace and advise her to notify the wardens weskit had not come out of the woods and a heavy wet snow that night had left eight inches on the ground. Later that Tuesday morning two women widens acting on orders from the department headquarters and Greenville joined a search party of some 18 volunteers and made a swings through the country. Presumed to have found West good in its grips. Not a sign. West kids boot mikes have been filled with new snow. The searchers were looking for a man accustomed to had work. Weskit was more than a builder an owner of the branding iron restaurant in swans eat a small lounge adjoining a modestly appointed dining room. Weskit by trade had been a sheet metal worker for the last 22 years as a
member of local 5 0 when in New Bedford Mass. And in his life time has been a commercial lobster fisherman and a bull rake of volunteers were given a hasty profile of Wes because as he was last seen at 8:00 a.m. November 15. Now the story goes on the days passed and the tongues wagged. The more coffee in the pot and the longer it stayed hot the louder and longer grew the list of rumors and lies. Some asserted that Westwood was hiding. In one room I had West had running off with $25000 in cash after having Bragg back home or secret it in somewhere in the Maine woods. One other story had investigators check on the airline passenger list to determine whether or not Westwood was toning up his tan in the Bahamas accompanied by a friend. Other rumor circulated that
weskit was playing games with the authorities to bring attention to a Swanson Swansea Restaurant and Lounge which he'd sold two months earlier and was on the lam from mounting indebtedness. Westwards friends were in further infuriated by a suggestion that he was on the run because of marital problems when in fact he had been legally divorced in 1968. Judge West kid's mother then an 82 year old woman with a face only Norman Rockwell could paint. I. Took pride in daily press services held by her church associates and members of the Baptist faith. West gets two grown daughters and son live in Rhode Island and a second son then resided in Fort Lauderdale. The days and nights turned into one week. Two weeks and finally. Three. Judge each weskit Jr. had to be presumed dead. The
sharply dropping temperatures the frozen ground the knot these days come and I've moved said Lake. Thanksgiving Day and fewer and fewer hunters remain part of the woods scene. Especially the thickly wooded ridge country surrounding a whole network of ponds in the country where weskit was last seen. The absence of hunters lessen the chances of finding West gets presume a frozen body but neath the gathering snow or in the shelter of a cave or a blow down where we might have taken refuge from the cold and the misery accompanying the long window and the shot in daylight hours. When that is season closed Nov. 27. Unofficially all hope of finding weskit vanished. The forests were silent void of Hunter traffic and the thunderous ring of rifle shots which so regularly rumbled over the hill and dale through the deer hunting season had ended. The conclusion seemed
inescapable. Judge Jade West because Junior had been a victim of the 1982 deer hunting season. He must be dead. Routinely at the child's Adian hospital in Greenville. All of the details that must be taken care of in the event of an accidental death have been completed. Understandably since West could have not been seen in 21 days after entering the woods of township 8 range 10 his fate was sealed. But Westwood was indeed very much alive. In minute detail Wes could recount a During an exclusive interview his ideal the trials and tribulations of staying alive for 21 days while helicopters fixed wing aircraft 100 to 150 ground searches and sent tracking dogs failed in their efforts to find him. At a site. 10 minutes
driving time from Greenville and within a line of sight of the beacon of the town the airport. JAJ weskit was found. As he walked out of the woods. By a gentleman by the name of Rowland Peterson. Who worked for a telephone company. From there we pick up the story. Jog starting on that night when you went into the woods. Tell us in your old words what happened. Well when I call you have been born is on my way out the road it ended and I missed the end of the road. And by the time I realize it that's probably what it happened because I'd done it before. I decided I'd go do watch what should bring me to one part of the road somewhere. And as I was going west I came to of one stream which I had known but not my particular spot because of the new road. Thinking that I was somewhere else which I
actually outsmarted myself I went a opposite direction. When I finally realized I was going the wrong way because by then it was late you have to know. I turned around and headed back to West again. I ended up behind rump on talking about 3:15 in the afternoon. I can member stand on the edge of the power that wind howling in the snow and. Saying to myself well I need a boat not a rifle. And I knew there was no way I was going to get around it. That night so I started to get ready to put up for the night get a fire going and so forth. Well it turned out I couldn't get a fire go on. I had frostbite in my hands my feet were frozen. I didn't know they were bad as they were at the time. So I just did muscle tensions all night to keep the cold away from me and I finally did lay down to get a lot of knowing I don't have sleep. The next morning when I got up and tried to stand up is when I realized how bad I was. My feet
were gone. I got a walking stick and tried to get around the pond and it was no way I could find any. Place where I could walk without fall down and water and so forth. So I headed up from Ridge get up on higher ground. Because I have told a story about coming to this clear call about 10 o'clock 10:30 in the morning here in a plane. I got out a clearcut waved my hat. Plane floor me. Expecting to come back and tip his wings to recognize that he had seen me or something. I waited and waited and never did come back. So I continued to get to the top of the ridge. By then it was late in the afternoon. And as I looked out towards Wilton pond I saw the outline of which I know was a camp but didn't know who it was at the time. Well I thought about it and I looked one way and cleared my eyes and looked back and saw the outline of the camp and I said you all said of one hand. I wonder Nan had been doing a bush.
And the way I was hurting. I said I'm going to the camp. The heck with that road. And that's what I did but it took me another two and a half days to get there. So I walk along a ridge because I spend more time for one down. And soon and I had done some time skiing. I got to the point where I laugh at myself and kind of a what they call a control for like pick my spot in between the trees so I could fall and dig my rifle out and get myself back up on my feet and. Try to stumble along but you know whether 18 inches of snow and frozen feet. It's pretty tough it's like having your feet handcuffed to one another. Eventually I get I spent more nights out of course and mentally got to where I figured this camp was and I came down off the ridge. The reason for that was I figured if I get down to low ground or on a pond it was anything like what I just left of the never get there.
And I came right down to it. It turned out to be Ida Harris askant. And I broke into the camp and got wood and so forth and. I spent the night there. That was a Thursday morning. I spent. Til Sunday. Sunday morning it was quite warm. It was a thermometer out on the porch. I could see it was warm and I said well I'm going to try to get out get to the road. Well I didn't make it. I was spending more time fall down a slide around and. It rained and I got soaking wet and I decided I better get back to the camp. Which I did. Well I finally left again to get I get to the scam and rode. Well there's no way to get to that scan a road without going across. What was ice. But it was very thin. And I sat there and thought about it long enough to make up my mind that I'd made a couple mistakes and I was about to make the third one that I'd won through the ice that'd been the end of it. So I
spent the night there covered myself up with a blanket that I'd taken from the house camp. Got a good fireball on. And dozed off and woke up and want to come with snow. Yeah and I went back to the camp but I was out of firewood. I went down by the edge of the pond looking for the ward trying to find more firewood and when I looked across it was another camp like when believe my eyes. So I went back to the camp got squared away and spent the night there and the next morning I left for the other camp which turned out to be a Dagon's camp. Well it took me just about a half an hour or so to walk to it probably. If I had a good feed I could have made it in five minutes maybe less. I broke into that camp. Now and had a good supply of food had plenty of wood a wood shed. And I spent some time in there there was a sunfish chained to a tree. I had taken a hacksaw from Horace's camp with me cut the chain got the boat ready and it started to rain.
Well I didn't do that. Then it grew for three days. The fourth day I decided well we'll put the boat was on a Sunday I believe. And head for the other end of the lake. And when I went to put the boat in a water while lying which was probably four foot long and out of my hand because I still didn't have a real good feeling. This is a selfish selfish right. And I want to after the boat cause I got soaking wet so I pulled the boat up tied it up went back into camp spent another night day and night. The next morning which was December 6th which I believe was the Monday morning. I finally got another piece a line and tied it and got it down a shore line a little way we could get a broadside. Get into that little cockpit paddled. Down the pond. Took me just about two and a half hours to get to the end of the pond. And I saw several camps and one with a duck. That's the one I tied up to. Get up on my hands and knees because I didn't dare stand up on a dock I felt I was going to fall overboard. So I
crawled on my hands and knees. Up to the warm pot. There I sat down and took a rest walk the rest of the way out to the road. I saw tire tracks in the road and I knew that it was a travel road so I headed for town. But I don't walk too far and I hear this noise coming and turned around could see it was a telephone truck. And sure enough it was followed by an emerald Peterson. Had been in the dock Blanchard kept a fixed a phone and was on his way back out stopped and took me down to the hospital. In 21 days later 21 days later. Let's go back over this just a little bit. Didn't you take a blanket out and write a help signal. I took a blanket out when I was at the Harris camp. Spread it out in the snow. We did it down with some stones and stuff. I had taken some white tape that I found in a camp started to spell the word out help. I. Ran out of tape so I get some people plates and sliced them up made strips out of the white
paper plates and finished it would help. I had some blaze orange ribbon and I put on a spruce tree that was there put my hat on the top of the spruce tree put a mirror in a spruce tree so that the sun was reflecting off it. And hoping someone would come overhead because I did hear planes every once in a while but never did see him. Now you can see the beacon. At the airport. Yes. And while a search was on. Didn't any of the aircraft go over directly over your head at any time. They claimed he did but I never did hear one. Nothing ever came over my head and I'd taken off from the airport and hear him buzzing around different places but never did see him come over that leak. And nothing came over the cabins of the cabin that you were not while I was in it and I never heard him before I got to the cabin. Other than that one plane that I saw when I got up on the wrong bridge.
Well we have graphic pictures of your feet that had never been shown at any time. What was the feeling of your feet at that time. There was no feeling really. It's just that everything was locked in my ankle would bend. It was just like walking out stumps. One thing happened. Is when I got into the Harris camp of course I couldn't get my boots off. I couldn't even. There was so much ice in my pants I had to put a mini over the stove after I got a 5 on. The throw him out and often chop with my knife to try to get the ice off so I could get my boots. At that time I cut him off. And when I took my stockings off of course all the skin came with it. That's when I realized how bad my feet really were. When I left to get to the scam and rolled I had to tie my boots on which was the second time I had done that. Well somewhere
along the line lost my right. I went back to try to find it never did find it. And that's why my right foot turned out to be worse to my left. When I did get back to Harris camp I followed her awareness. That the tops were all rotted and ripped and. Cracked. So what I did was I cut him down to the heavy pot which was just below the knee. And luckily enough They're a size 11 which was my size. So I used those but you all know I could get my feet into my boots and into these nubile so speaker was a put plastic bags little garbage bags over my feet so they slid in. Other than I could get my feet at him. You lost 40 pounds in 21 days. That was because the kangaroo Woods and what food which was a can of luncheon meat you know has kept it been there for so long. That it's thawed and frozen and thawed out. The labels were off everyone and I opened up including a luncheon meat which had a little striped doll with a seam is a black
stripe. Everything else was all rusted broth. So I didn't eat it because I figured out yet. Food poisoning I get sick from it. So I had much coffee it was three or four cookies. I think I had eight cups of cocoa with what cocoa was there. And that was it until I got to the Higgins Camp. So for the two weeks that I was in at camp. I didn't have any food at all. Judge at any time during this odyssey. What was your feeling. The Jew. You must have some terribly low moments. Well. My biggest thought was on getting out of there. My second thought was that. I wanted to contact my family my friends. Whoever I knew I was all right. Even though I was hurting I knew I was alright but I had no way of
contacting anyone and it was of an awful feeling that you can't let them and say hey I'm alright don't worry about me or here I am come and get me. As I mentioned before about going upstairs and finding that fishing job. That the Rajah kept in Romona mum would rubber caps on it. I took the ENJOY off and I felt the PVC fittings I taped them and made a mouthpiece and I drew out on a porch and floor the heck out of that thing like you would a coon on or a bugle. You could hear that saying echo off those ridges go on down at my Moore's flaunts nobody ever heard it. And the one person I still want if he ever did hear it was Hank Walker because of using coupons that I always had one in a truck. Would you know darn well it was me. Never response. When you ran into the. Telephone company truck. With Rowland. To resist. What did he say when he saw you. Well first.
I got to the side of the truck and opened the door was unlocked. And he kind of because I had three weeks growth a beard I had of yellow rain slicker run over my jacket with a hood on. Did you have this yellow rain slicker on outdoors when you walk in vac raffle any time anything that they could distinguish you on the ground. No I found it in the I have a scanner OK go ahead or not has kept the Higgins Camp and I put it on my jacket when I left the house. Hagan's camp. But. I had a flashlight around my neck. On a cord. And of course I had those boots on. And I had stockings on my hand for gloves because my gloves won the pot. And. He kind of sat back in a corner of the truck and. He says Holy Jesus he says you know I'm not the guy I think you are. You the fellow by name a Westcott from Massachusetts a been lost. I thought yeah that's me. He's a lot of people are going to believe this one.
Because I got in the truck and he took me right in the town I want to stop so I could make a phone call and he would do that he's I'll take care of all your phone calls. Took me right to Charles Dane. When I got the child Jeanne they were relieved that I was was gone I had to take my wallet out. Really. Late show my wallet my license and so forth. I said you know what. All right the long ride. Back to Fall River. When did they amputate the toes. Well. My son and of very close friend of mine came up and brought me back. I believe it was on a Thursday. I get in a hospital December 6 which was Monday Tuesday doc Fitna got me all ready for the trip back. Call Austral talk to the doctors because I was on medication intravenous and so forth they were afraid of infection. And the hospital was
all set up to receive me. And when we got there. The. News media had been informed and all waiting out front so. They drove around the back and they took me in a back elevator and took me right up to my room. And. The doctors came in and first they put me and whirlpools and did the bride meant so forth. Then the doctors went off on the holiday over New Years. So I had to wait until I think it was the fourth of January it was after the holidays till the doctors came back. And I remember the stock the coalman which was one of the orthopedic doctors. Came in and he took a pair of tweezers because the older they had charcoal in the my bed behind a curtain trying to kill Liotta because of the rotten. Deterioration. He took a pair of tweezers and picked up the black flap. There was nothing there just bone.
And kind of a round. Which was rotten flesh. And he says these tolls have got to come off. Part of this what's got to come off. And he says it's not tomorrow but tonight. But I didn't get in at night it was the following morning and they took me down and did the amputations. As I said they. They took all Atos on the left foot and they came back about an inch and a half beyond the toe area plus the toes on my right. That was the worst one. When you saw all these letters. Written by Lou's paper readers. Of the shame to say. Not only main papers but other state papers and so calling you a fraud calling you a thief calling you every name in the book. Did that hurt. At the time it did at the time it was a little bit of animosity. I can't say that it
didn't bother me. But I had to put my thoughts on to get myself. Back on my feet. I was 40 pounds lighter. I knew I was going down for the amputations. And it was just given my thoughts on to what was happening with me and not worrying about people that. I can't say they're literate so I just say that they were people that. Didn't know. The facts the circumstances they had no idea what I was going through. And it was because of a lot of negative publicity. I blame probably the first mistake that happened. With the warden services when I got a false medical report from a doctor stating that I was in very poor condition. I was a heavy smoker. I had smoked the three years. That I was excessively overweight Well I was probably 5
pounds 7 I am right now. If you look at me I'm not a great big blob. I was in good shape because I'd been working construction I had the restaurant but I wasn't working at the restaurant I was working at a power plant. I don't know. Why you know what happened other than they put it in a computer. And naturally you fried the computer. False readings are going to get whatever came out as. They did of reading. Later that summer you made a visit back to me you called on John Myers who was in charge of the Warden Department. You expressed your unhappiness. With the general feeling about some of the letters that have been written and so forth and seemingly I think what you had in the back of your head was I want to clear my name. And didn't John Myers suggest a polygraph test.
Well actually what happened I have bought. Is if you remember marshal Bertha bought a new beau. And he had called you when told you were coming up with a New York family. He's Grand Lake. We want to stop in Augusta to get the registration. And when we went in he popped through the front door and EOS typical Emmanuel was there because Glenn said next time you come to Maine I want to talk to you. So he was asking for me if Glen was there so that plane could come out and talk to me. Well John Marsh was there and heard it and he says would you want to see Glenn about usually going to from the mine in a truck that would like to talk to him. He says Who's that is it George Bush got. Now Marshall was right there and. John Turner all walked right out come out of the truck. Introduced himself and said I've been waiting a long time to talk to you. Can you commute. Well I went in and as I walked by the desk Will Marshall was I told Marshall and I was bored in the office which he had already. John Marshall already gone through the door. I said when you get through you come and. Join us.
Well the door wasn't close tight the door was probably three quarters closed. When Marshall pushed the door Johnson Lee doesn't have to come in here be right out. I said no he can come in is nuts and it. Is going to be talked about said that nobody can hear anybody could hear it. So Marshall is sitting and he's a witness to it. John Marsh said to me he says would you object to taking a polygraph. I told him right there and then I said after what I've been through you still don't believe my story. I want to kick you right square. You said well you don't have to take it. And that's when my head came to. Say well. Probably if I tell you I didn't take it won't take it that you want to put in a paper that I refuse to take when I'm hiding something. I should know I'll take your polygraph whenever you want. Well we want to know Bob that day and I said I can't do it today. We're going east Grand The next morning and they came up the right notes and picked me up by float plane. Going down to
Sebago not Augusta picked up John Marsh. Flew from there over to Sebago. They had a four wheel drive waiting. We got in that Donna scrambled down to the state police barracks and Tenet Johnson did the polygraph. And you've got the results of that. You know absolutely negative and every question. They thought that somewhere along the lines of I was deceiving them or I was hiding something and. It was no such thing. It was not a premeditated the I had no idea this thing was going to happen to me. But. You know I think I said the ones I'm glad it happened to me for one reason I survived that some other poor soul probably want to have. You want to talk to this man. Read the telephone number and call and ask a questions if you'd like. You face them forthrightly believe me. Do they still talk about it to you when the name George Westwood comes up every once in a
while. Just a couple months ago I went out one night and I was sitting at the. You know wound you know I was going to have some dinner Chinese restaurant. Two fellows were talking next to me and. It had a few but one thing led to a lot of funny one fellow looked at me and he said Don't I know you. I said oh maybe you do. He says Where do you come from. I said well used to limits Wandy. Suadi I said Yeah I had the restaurant up the road. So as I said that is your George West got there that it was lost in Maine. And he came around or stood on the other side of me and he said to me sis. Tell me something tell me the true stories I hear that you a court in somebody's bedroom you jumped out the window with no clothes on. Well my good. Girl I said I said What is your name. He says MSU I believe. I said What do you do forever he says I'm a business man a contractor you know the guy well and I asked him what he did and I told them both to fool the businessmen I thought were pretty smart intelligent.
Well John what's your question. Hello. I concur with you. I think it was an outlandish shame that this man had to be submitted to a Mr. March I think it's a shame that a man in Mr. March's position would doubt such integrity of a man like Mr. Westcott. And I apologize myself of the state of Maine. This was a long time ago but I concur with you most beloved as the great outdoors and I believe in Wescott went through what he did and there was no. What the explanation of the tolls What did Mr. Marsh had to say about that. Thank you very much. Well up until tonight those pictures and never been shown. Where are you calling from. Yes yes yes sir Mr. Levitt. I guess I would like to concur with the previous caller and maybe tell Mr.. Mr. West that possibly is a neat Maine native that he is owed an apology and maybe the rest of us would have taken a look at the search a little bit more seriously had we been known
to have been in better health. But my only thing to him would be is I remember a previous incident in northern Maine where it's almost similar where a feller named Raymond Leger up in the van Buren. Yes I remember that long. We were all told this gentleman was very ill etc. etc. and the search was a very very nominal search meaning very little effort was made to locate this man. And I can only say that I think we can do better. I think it's outdoors people we owe it to ourselves to look into this matter and beyond an apology I think we need to learn from our mistakes and organize ourselves a little bit more seriously. Thank you. Our question. Yeah it's still going to be a hunt after the. Kind that killed the suspect the hunting. Hundred percent. Are you on. That's great I'm glad to hear that. I always add a little thought my mind. I had never stayed out I've been all toll roads and came out on the railroad tracks one night 11 o'clock at night.
But I always had my mind as to whether. I could handle staying in overnight. Now I know. I'm glad to hear that I'm glad you got over with safe to say. Thank you. Hello where are you calling from. Yes hi hi. From south south for them. I think it's terrible that they put that man through after what he went through. I grew up down east on Graham Brown a lovely place. Oh yes it was beautiful and. My family was all woodsmen and all hunters. And I think it's terrible. Do you remember the comment that was made during that period. Do you remember reading some of the mail. I've had in 82 I had a heart attack. I was in medical and so I didn't get to see the past well but I had heard about it but I think it's terrible that the newsman put him through. Well thank you very much man. You know welcome and it's nice to see you know I always enjoy your show. Thank you very much.
You're welcome. Hello. Where are you calling from. I'm calling from Portland Maine. Yes I lived in Bangor. Yes but thanks a lot the putting Mr. Westcott on I remember reading the story in the paper in your article and it's an amazing story. And it only adds to the enjoyment of your program to have this kind of diversity and certainly the capabilities of this to Lescott in the coolness that he went through is a fine example for all of us who enjoy hunting and fishing. Thank you very kindly. I've enjoyed this and have always enjoyed your show. Thank you very much. I know where you convolve called Mr. WEST. Yes. What gear was he wearing or what equipment did he have with him that he attributes this survival to in the in the early days there. Excellent question. Well the father's clothing. Had several layers such as a T-shirt at a turtleneck and insulated
underwear and a flannel shirt I had a jacket. I had Johnson pants with insulated underwear underneath. The one thing that I feel that did my feed in which I never had the problem before was a new Perth. Red Ball built. Into a brand new I put on that morning for the first time. Welcome to find out they had been changed over the factory been changed over and moved into Korea. They were no longer made in his country. And when I put them on a morning because of the new snow I wanted boots would some knobs on it. I couldn't put my normal free pair of live socks on. So I went down to two so that the boots they still didn't fit just right. And I said I was the real problem that my feet got so bad that it's cold so early. All right your question where are you calling from. I'm calling from the Banga house from the bank. Yes I know you could many close.
No really I was family from Arista county I have a terrible cold left excuse me we do. I my husband the main guy and we sat and watched this program and their husband's name. What was my husband Wendell Austin senior. Oh yeah. Norm wow ok. And we watched his whole procedure from the time Mr. West did it last and he sat in a chair and he said I would not have given up until this man was found and we never for one minute thought that was her. Never. Thank you ma'am. Already. I'll even and Joe thank you. Hello where are you calling from. But I'm calling them in her main man his name and I just like to say I haven't seen your program for three weeks and I'd like to know when Gary Levine is coming on but I don't want to you know I'm up with that really like to hear him but I just like the city just west that I never study your story from the minute I followed you in the last eight and nine years.
And I would like to say that we have a mutual friend who is no longer with us but Manchester from Rhode Island and I met you at his funeral and talked with you a little bit and I just like to say that I'm glad you're alive. Great hope you're going to hunt again and. Wonderful as a good friend. Yes we did it was a great guy. I'm right up here in either camp and I knew it was done well you know I'm in honey with John roses and you know you've been to the Hamptons. We're here now and we spoke with you recently. All right old friend we got a call from wells. I know I've run out of people that you know with just. You know how to. Yes I don't think I think people are like that. He does not. Go out I don't think I'll be able to hunt again. Thank you thank you. We've all been and I would get some of those people who wrote those
letters but everybody is your friend. And I judge where you're calling from. Oh yes the cities I'm fine. But this is Glenn Perkins in Greenville. Oh Glenn you know what. I just want to say hi to George and and let him know that. Still thinking of him. Well it's funny I wanted Ted is on there we were talking about you this afternoon Judge in Iraq I bet you were. We're talking about time a for the hon. And. I still have those duties that you gave me and I were when it gets cold does it work. They sure do. Good I'm glad they do. I was awful glad that I got. Out of fact I think they got a couple people down the by a fence. But I just wanted. To say hi to you and just one comment is that throughout life six parents as we all learned from from our experiences and the.
Main word service is still probably one of the primary best in the nation. And there are results of searches there's no question there was a mistakes made on everybody's part and we've learned from those mistakes. Good water right. He literally have been very very successful and all of our searches from them and we continue to train and improve ourselves in our efforts. Search is. Like you Glenn. Thank you Glenn nice thoughtful nice talking to you. Got a cob Kittery What do you have to on your mind. I was I was to call on reference a gentleman circumstances did he have any medical training as myself I have emergency medical training. Did he do anything for his injuries that he occurred while they were happening you know protect him extra clothing wrapping him up in stead of reheating and did he ever think about the staying in the one camp. So you know maybe he could be found at a certain
time period after a while. Was there any traffic in there like snowmobile like that you know these camps of four and a half miles from the road. There on the south side of Wilson pond. The only two camps there isolated. I did take a crib sheet in the Harris camp and I found some first aid or human. Which I put on my feet and I ripped up the crib sheet used for dressings. The only thing that I had of the night was some Ashburn's. And every day. First thing I want when I get up and have a drink of water and I take a couple aspirants. And Dr. Perkins not Doctor Perkins doctor don't don't promote the doctor signal that the Fed said there was probably one of the best things I did because it kept my blood down to keep circulation go which. I was doing something that I really didn't realize I was doing but it did make me feel better. Where you're coming from.
Hello. Hi my name's Kim Richards from North very good. First of all I'd like to say I'm very sorry what happened to Mr. Westcott it's a terrible thing that happened. I would like to know his advice that if I have a son someday what type of advice would you give me to give him to be safer out in the woods. And the second thing I'd like to do is but could you please say hi to an elderly friend that I has his name Daniel's week and then you just he watches your show every Thursday I'm a home health nurse and I always take care of him and he just loves to watch you so if you could please say hi to Daniel weeks for me. I do that van weeks lesson. Glad you watch the show and I. And. You're a great old timer and I know certainly you're enjoying hearing Judge tonight. This man's a real man and I'm sure in a home where you if we provide a little entertainment a little pleasure will you make me very very happy. All right back to the question Judge. I think probably the best advice for the young fellows to have someone teach you more take a
caution to safety. Right. Gun handling so forth. And next thing I would advice is you get one of those fanny packs and you put some extra socks and extra gloves compas and some big lighters don't worry about those who want to prove jobs is not worth a damn. That's what I have to get a fire started. And I'm a part of that is you have to have the striker wants to strike a gets wet in bad weather. You don't I mean you like. Bic lighters you can get on with it. There's probably 2000 light someone like zippo. Well you know if you forget to fill it then yeah. All right so you got a problem with that. All right you have a question. Hello Lou. Yes and there's been been good. Yes you know I can't line up with this. He found two camps and he could find room to make fires and he couldn't make a signal or put out any indication. To mind give me a break then went through survival
training in the service. This is the first thing you do if you're in trouble and he found two games to drive you know in fine clothing and he couldn't find help. Give me a break. All I can say to you. That's all right go ahead. I've got. Good. He's listening. Well the thing of it is is there was snow on the ground so it's kind of tough to find dry wood and I don't have that much of it and I have a camp. And when I got to the Hagens camp I had the boat I wasn't worried about anything else. And as the warden said I should have burnt the camp down. Well if I did the camp down I'd probably still be there because they didn't come in to get me. All right where are you calling from. Hello. I am calling from Robbins. Yes man and I think that they should think of George as a hero not a bad guy.
Who. Just didn't want to be known as a hero. The judge told a true story. Took a polygraph test something he didn't have to do came up negative. One of the top probably got people and we had at the time and the Maine State Police. I don't know what else he could have done and I happened been the only allowed at this bedside at the hospital and I know what he went through. Thank you. Yes. Hello where are you calling from. Oh fax Nova Scotia. Yeah south of facts so there's a way we can now in the main every year and I just watch your show like your man was the third caller before me he was Guy Nader now and they're running we get them like that up here but we have a you know we have a lot of people locked up in the same kind of would you got down there. That's right and they they just stop you when the reality check if you got picked up but they don't have a chance to check everybody. And like people don't want not parity don't tell anybody where they don't even have a clue where you're going. I can walk. Five minutes from my house in the stadium and you know and I don't dare
show up here we try to get the young people to go north north west I'm tell somebody that gives them a little bit of a chance anyway. Good. Ok enjoy your show. Thank you very much I get it. My favorite question. Yes I have some information I think you'll find very interesting and I got it I do remember reading about this story in the paper and they followed it very closely because I was an avid hunter. There was five of us hunted in northern Maine. For about 20 years. We hunted in a meadow on keg area we had very good luck hunting and because we had good luck hunting. Somebody thought that we were breaking the game alive and 1980 we were followed by two game ideas and one of the game lines that followed us and destroyed us. Was the game Leyden who destroyed this man he called that search if I. Read in the Boston paper what I read was true I'm not going to mention the name because it's unimportant.
But let me tell you something he is an arrogant man. He destroyed my group we have never hunted in the state of Maine since 1980. We were there was five of us hunted and we averaged about three D area but we hunted hide. We were out. On a stand as we never loaded we never did anything wrong. But one night coming out he was waiting for us and he simply destroyed us. The next morning was our last day to hunt. He invaded us on a highway in a rest at us but driving there was three of us were all over 55 years old. And he claimed that we were driving India while he rode up on one. And when he realized that nobody was driving Did he apologize. He and his buddy. Then left us and shot a DDA on the way out of the same road that we were going out. We have never been back to hunt in the state of Maine sent and I am going to say this to you and I'm going to say you know I'm on this thing that happened to Mr. Wescott. This
gentleman and I'm really stretching that point should apologize to him because he had this man convicted. He had Mr. West convicted tried and executed and he said in the paper that nobody could survive as long as this man did. He also said nobody would have the like hunting deer and bear that my group did. Well my group have never been back to the state of Maine since I was going to complain and I said To hell with it until I saw this thing tonight. But Mr. Westcott was a victim of a very arrogant game live in the state in northern and northern Maine. That's why it happened. That's all he got to say thank you very much this guy this man is vindicated. I knew that he was the thing that they said he wasn't the only guy that was making the dirty noises was the same guy they goofed us up on your bed. Hello where are you calling from. Yes. Oh I but yes I don't doubt that Heaven may well we've got Jimmy a little slow on the door about that but then I'd just like to say
it's good to have George back in May. And I wonder if you could answer to a question I know I could always 20 20 but what was the biggest mistake. Think you think to me if he had it to do over again what would he do differently. Well I think the big one was that I didn't check that road out. She when we parked our vehicles were only mildly for transfer me end of it. That was the end of the road no more. Usually I check a road out when I did check it out that morning. I think that was the first mistake. The second one is when I came to one stream. I also wanted myself cross the stream and get going. I would have eventually come to the road. And I went back the other way. Those were the two mistakes I made. As I said earlier. When I was trying to get to Scammon Ridge Road I saw the water and little bit of ice. I figured I was going to be the third one if I tried and I didn't chose to take it. QUESTION Yes but this is Travis Wall it's how you do it. Oh
yeah. Not bad my mother's a good gallop. Travis and I just like to point out. I think that the warden from the sticks went beyond going by a computer that had wrong information and failing to listen to the people that knew George and planning a search. Isn't it true that there was a warden who was to check the cat the camps around Wilson and including the ones that George stayed in. And this warden failed to. Secondly who was the warden. I don't know if anyone knows but who was the warden that flew overhead George and failed to report seeing him. Well I know. That he was asked that camp. But that's bygones be bygones and I don't think
anything would be said by mentioning them right here on television tonight. But there were some mistakes made there's no question about it. Good it's good to hear you say hello to Ashton bill. OK thank you for taking. Command. Yeah but. Yeah but I was good and I was just wondering. If you can I would write. Did he leave in the camper. I left my rifle in the camp. And my son's game wardens when I went back to camp picked it up. And my sons went to the game warden. Station and got the rifle back. Ok ok thanks. You bet. Hello where are you calling from. Yeah. Yeah I'm calling from Belmont Maine building on my GI Jane Marcy to make a shot. My situation is. He was written. Side of the airport. I want. Some
some people and I have a Greenville area must of known where those camps were. Why is it that no one ever went to those camps. Somebody go to a camp one day go to a camp another day that's the first thing I would have done go to the camps and different every hour. Why wasn't it done I think that somebody failed right there in the Greenville area by not making trips to those camps. Well it's very possible. Thank you thank you. Well I can. I can add to that you know any way you can get to those camps you see the command through the woods as I did which was about 4 1/2 miles of road. The only other way is to come across the pond by boat. Nobody chose to put a boat in water and check them. Like good question. But yes this Jeffrey Allen's going yesterday. I just want to tell you I guided for well 15 years now I got to the summit there that's right. And out of the bat basket idea that he. And I got in that country over there and I'll tell you what some hard country and I think he did real well this and lived in a
very few people in there where he was. And very few people hunt that deep in the woods and you know I think he did real good to survive hypothermia we all know what that is and I think he did really well to keep his head above itself. And and I think he done a real tremendous job of getting self out of there and you know as far as all that other stuff I believe in fully. Thank you thank you very much. I know your question and my name is Jeff Sullivan from our village on the. Hill and appreciation from the unit can go in the woods like that and get lost and be able to get himself out. He didn't survive. Thank you. People don't need to criticize him I mean he did a real good job going through everything that he did. Thank you and I want to know if I'm. If you have a thought about you know I had a panic feeling that I must Yeah because of what he went through says you know panic once in the 21 days it was it can be very appreciated thank you.
You bet. Hello. We've got time for one more Greenville. But yeah it's a joy how you doing this is John Brown up in the cabbage patch little John the old cabbage at it yeah you do enjoy doing that they'd have to be a boy a body and a voice. Good to see. I like I'm right yeah I know that I know you're not a cook I'm Joe. Oh it's good to see you Joy Joy and hurry back to Greenville with Yeah I just up there yesterday I didn't see you would you on. Well well it was a quick trip. Well Del but we still got the third floor on the Long Branch farm yeah. Oh that was awful. That's another story. Yeah. See you later John and I John. Hello where you calling from. Yes calling from me. Goram Yes I'm a great fan of yours but you know I've already appreciated your writings and. Everything in the Bangor press. I'd like to ask Mr. West get a fee had toco maps with him. You know. No I didn't have him when we had him in camp but I know them with me.
I don't they get them and the day they went out they got caught in that quick Saddam remember that Saddam. Yeah there was a vicious stop on that night eight inches of snow. All right we've got time for just one more and we're going to go to say good night. Where are you calling from. Hello. Yes yes a terrible name. Garibaldi. I do like this man's honest opinion of the Maine Fish and Game Department and also the news media made and the others doing the state may get your if you get 15 seconds. Well at this time I'd like to say anything. My animosity is kind of worn off. I love the state and I love the people in it. There's just a few bad ones I guess. Judge I want to thank you for coming. Appreciate it. But our friend you're a great man and I show you a little bit most arduous rigorous conditions one could have been in next months. We'll talk baseball the depos manager frocked.
Stan Barra will be here and we'll talk a little bit of baseball baseball and get the old Hot Stove League gone until we meet again next round. I'm Brad levered Wishing you a good evening. Yes.
Woods & Waters
George Westcott
Contributing Organization
Maine Public Broadcasting Network (Lewiston, Maine)
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"Woods & Waters is a talk show featuring in-depth conversations about fishing, hunting, and other outdoor activities."
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Maine Public Broadcasting
Identifier: Accession #: 1541.0413 (NHF)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:59:00
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Chicago: “Woods & Waters; George Westcott,” 1990-06-17, Maine Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Woods & Waters; George Westcott.” 1990-06-17. Maine Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Woods & Waters; George Westcott. Boston, MA: Maine Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from