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Little bit of that a little bit of an on is very history with high tech stuff. We've we've gotten in the GOP and they're already set so this high tech hunt is called geocaches the ground rules for this unusual passion are on a Web site called geocaches dot com. It's where the hiders hide and where the seekers seek containers called cashers. A few years ago regulations to receive signals from global positioning satellites were relaxed. Eighty five fifty seven seven. And when someone in Oregon had a small container and posted the exact latitude and longitude online the game was on. Everyone trying to get home and my kids will figure out that I bring cash and twigs in my hair and most trash and trails and stuff. This geocaching event in Marion County southeast away park coincided with Earth Day
so people clean up as they catch up with the latest cashers getting direction off this way. There's a trail head over here so most cashers were kind enough to. Keep them somewhere off trails so you're not just bushwhack and straight to the woods. Today we're taking a couple of geocaching rookies along for the ride. Kyla McLean and Amy Bailey the top right hand corner number is the distance it says distance to next. That's how far away you are and as we get closer you should see that reducing the cache is a little smaller than a shoe box. Just think where you might hide something this size. Within minutes Kyla's spots it. All right. Now it's just a matter open that will see what you found. Inside. Small toys or trinkets for trading. And there is always a place for the Finder to sign in. Good way to get exercise. When I started I put all my classes out long held trail head. I had lost 40 pounds in the process got gotten better
at it. How does a GP GPA snorts. That's where a person that hide hides the cash. They post the information in the coordinates on. The. Geocaching dot com Web site and then I lose those and yes I think. Yeah you can download it directly off the Web site onto a computer. And then have with Jack exactly like downloading digital music. Many of the hide's take geocaching families to historic sites around the state. I have a fourth grader and for staying at Indiana history so we focus a lot but this is me. This is Indiana history. My daughter studying American history in eighth grade. We do a lot of you know this is where this happened this is really big in history of a city and you know they'll get excited because all we learned about that and to be in the place it happened is really cool. So we're getting close. No time for our other rookie to nab her first find. I found one.
As of today there are a quarter of a million caches hidden across the U.S. and the world five thousand across Indiana. Now it's your turn to find your first. And share it with the rest of us. Billboard magazine calls him a 12 string giant. And mojo says he's a pioneering acoustic guitar hero. The New York Times describes his music as having a deep love for the sonority of the acoustic guitar. So who is he him. One of these to kind of be him right. No it's this guy. Meet Sonny McGrath. I first did in a bookstore of all places where he was teaching guitar lessons playing for anybody who would listen and telling stories from back in the day. They used to give me guitarist first verses from those you
know I was a big artist. You know they just get in trouble. Frankly I found it a little hard to believe but if I doubted any of it all I had to do was go to Google put in as you see your 88 you find out a whole lot. It turns out Sonny was a famous musician with three albums from the 60s and 70s and a loyal following in places like Greenwich Village and Newport Rhode Island the place where in 1963 he was noticed and signed. But the good times didn't last about fourth and fifth album were schedule. They didn't happen and what it is they wrote an Indianapolis newspaper I was steamrollered by a heavy metal. Find it there comes the day job. What was that for you. Well whatever the temporary agency said. So for 30 years Sony was out of the spotlight. He kept busy teaching others to play guitar.
OK you're in tune as well as other instruments. And along with the occasional church appearance. That was about it. Mean as far as music was concerned. And then one day a bring somebody in another movie for a work. So did you know that your name is all over the Internet to me. I made the trek to the library to do the Internet and one day there was this. E-mail from New York. Are you still alive. Would you like to be on an album. Soon. McGrath plays the broadest category with the American primitive guitar. Sonny is really one of the earliest players. Guitar players were just trying to figure out how do you play this stuff because it was really complex. It sounded incredibly difficult. Some of it really was incredibly difficult. Lots of fast syncopations. Sounds like a lot is happening in the old ones. For what he does nobody else can do it.
I mean I've had guitar players come in here and I go. You know how does he do. Something. Like. That. Trese appeared on this compilation disc and is available on iTunes and in record stores as far as this kind of music goes that's a bona fide hit because of its success. Sony is now an Anderson recorded a new album his first in over 30 years. The new pieces he's done are fantastic. So it just shows that the same the same sound in the graph is there. Well I remember when I first started going to the well-read book club
they had a book that was called the Wellbred which. And so in an interesting twist in which life imitates art the well-read which book club came to be. It meets once a month in a restaurant to discuss books that don't often appear on your typical reading must. There is an umbrella group called Northwest Indiana paper Association at one of our yearly meetings. I said you know what I think we should have a book club at our yearly meetings we only have two roles and the first one is if you say we should. It means I will. So I decided I was going to organize this book club. Many people aren't familiar with real witches. They are followers of the Wiccan faith which is a form of paganism a new religious movement that gained momentum in the 50s. It's very earth based. You know we feel the energies from all things. We have rules that we follow and we can pretty much do as we will as long as we don't cause any harm that includes to ourselves to others to nature or to the environment.
We try to do things to help one another. The fact that reading and books have become a touchstone for the club's members should not surprise you. Many pagans found their faith through books and I found this book by Scott Cunningham called The Truth about witchcraft today and I said oh my God Greg this is this is what I do. This is me. I said I have to buy this book. So I bought it and a few others and I just started reading and reading. And I said this this is what if that so well with everything that I had believed all my life I can read the book club. Pagans can continue to discover thoughts and philosophies that enhance lives. We started in January of 2003. This is our fourth year and I haven't missed the book club yet. We discussed the book to hear other people's opinions about the book and then the book gets you to other subjects about different things and you end up really learning a lot of things just in these conversations. I try to choose at least two or three of the pagan classics. So we've gone through the White Goddess triumph of the moon drawing down the moon a lot of the pagan
history. My favorite one was called circle round and because I have a child and a lot of my friends that are in the same group I'm with we have kids and it's about raising kids. Like the pagan environment. And it's different things to do for our different holidays it gives you different crafts and stories and songs and stuff. We also try to read some books that aren't immediately associated with paganism or stuff that might be about healing or herbs or any numerous other things that we can somehow tie in with what we believe. But beyond the books is the benefit of interaction with other people who share a belief system that is often misunderstood and in a minority. It's always nice to get a variety of people who have different practices to come together and. Share their thoughts and opinions on things because one of the things about Paganism is that we're all different. As humans we tend to kind of have tunnel vision sometimes and look at things just from our point of view. So it opens your mind and that's always a
good thing. Friendship is a bridge through time that allows loving memories of the past a chance to connect with our present and future. This story is about two lifelong best friends a horse named Fleisch and a man named George fly. And George grew up together working on the family farm in Posey County Indiana when the harness came off and the saddle went on. The fun began for both as they enjoyed riding through the countryside into town. George had named his clever young filly for the way she could fly like the wind at a full out run. But life for fly and George was about to change drastically.
The civil war began in 1861 and George joined company B First Cavalry of the twenty eighth regiment of Indiana volunteers. He was allowed to bring fly with him as his mount. Fly and George knew they could rely on each other and they grew ever closer as they learn the ways of war fly even seemed to have a strong sense of duty on her own. I love the parade ground. She loved going on doing the drill and practice with the other horses and George got sick and could not come so she was left tied up by herself and she did not like that one little bit and so she broke free ran to the parade ground got with a group of horses that she usually thrilled with DOD information and did all the drills and walked information back to the stable. Soon that sense of duty and strength of character would be tested for both horse and rider
throughout Missouri Arkansas and Mississippi in terrible battles and one very narrow escape from a Confederate ambush. They took off through the woods knowing that there was a river nearby and thought if they could swim the river they could get the river between them and the Confederates. There was a river but unfortunately it came out at the top of the high bluff. George was not one of the swimmers. You know it's just like you've seen in so many movies you know the leap from the cliff and so he got a hold of flies tail and she told him across the river. Luckily George was never wounded but fly was wounded three times. Although she recovered fully. She bore the scars of war for the rest of her life. After three long years of military service fly and George safely made the long journey home to Posey County back on the farm they grew up on fly raised a colt and George raised a family. Fly became a local celebrity as people came to see the horse that helped save the Union.
George even took care to veterans reunions and when the brass bands played Fly would prance as if she were on the parade ground once more. As I grew older she developed painful arthritis in her legs. George made a special sling for her suspended from a tree branch so fly could stand more comfortably with her weight lifted from her aching legs. She lived a long happy life but after 38 years in Georgia's loving care fly breathes her last fly's remains including her lifesaving tale and Georgia's Civil War saddle may be visited at the working men's Institute in New Harmony. The story of fly in George lives on in our collective memory. Thanks in part to Bridget Savidge. And in part two. Each of us who remember friendship is a bridge through time. As a land locked state. Indiana may not be well known for its ties to the Navy but a walk around
Indianapolis proves that its veterans are well remembered. The soldiers and sailors monument the world war memorial and the USS Indianapolis memorial pay tribute to naval heroes located in the largest city in the U.S. not on navigable waters. Indian It was also the birthplace of a man who lived and died at sea. But he would never be as famous as his last order. You may fire when ready Gridley. Captain Charles Vernon Gridley you receive his first order straight out of the U.S. Naval Academy at a time when even mediocre students were in high demand. It was 1864 at the height of the Civil War when Gridley was assigned to the USS tonight a sloop of war and the Admiral David G. Gets fleet to fight in the battle of Mobile Bay. Feargus famous statement. Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead. Accurately describe the various quarters and the bravery of the man who guided the vessels. Gridley's careful watch over the ship's bow save the Oneida from treacherous Confederate lines. His commanding officer said of his performance.
The conduct of acting ensign CV Gridley is beyond all praise a career military man Gridley traveled the world and was fully promoted through peacetime. He would not see action again until the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. The US held major interest in the sugar trade with Spanish controlled Cuba growing threat of Cuban revolution and the conclusion of the USS Maine by a legit Spanish mines led to the declaration of the war by the US in April 1898. The war commenced in the Philippines at the Battle of Manila Bay with one fateful line delivered by Commodore George Dewey to his captain. You may fire when ready Gridley. And with that order the USS Olympia fired upon and eventually destroyed the Spanish fleet according to Dewey and the Olympias crew. Gridley's performance in battle was nothing short of heroic especially since he was terminally ill with dysentery and liver cancer at the time. Only a few days later gradely succumbed to the infection and died in transport. His crew was deeply saddened by his death. He was the captain who loved his fellow men. Do we fight for Gridley's honor asking that he be listed as killed in action. Though he died almost a week after battle. He went on to become
one of the most famous navy men in U.S. history. Coming home to fanfare and a hero's welcome. Yet it was Charles Gridley's quick action that set into motion events that would give us control over the Philippines Guam and Puerto Rico established Cuban independence made Teddy Roosevelt famous and costs the lives of 3000 Americans. The Limpia the third oldest U.S. ship still in existence has docked in Philadelphia at the Independent Seaport Museum. And just this February the missile destroyer Gridley was christened in Maine. The fourth American ship to be named after a native Hoosier Charles Vernon Gridley. To me color like your relationship is irretrievably broken and you need to give this brute the heave ho. Are you prepared to do that. Okay great talk to you later Mom. Say hi to Dad for me. Next caller you're on with Dr. thrill where are you from Klondike Klondike
bar the cheese town the town your love life. Boeken cookin her look in her will look no further than se my friend because you're right on top of one of the best places in America for meeting singles in West Lafayette. Man I don't think so. If one were to study the subject one would find the West Lafayette probably started getting a little more action. One True fact. The citizens voted in 1888 to change the town's name to West Lafayette from Chauncy. Now it's the eighth best place to date in the United States. Kind of shocking. That's crazy. There's not really a lot to do. Well it's amazing actually. Not really. Are you kidding. The downtown scene recalls images of Underground Atlanta streets come alive to the sounds of a different drummer both outside and inside your head. There are beautiful woodland trails capped by breathtaking vistas.
The highest point that I can think of was Chauncy Hill. But really there's no view. West Lafayette has nearly as many monuments as Washington D.C. each. An emotional tribute to the visionaries that came before. And the relentless march towards freedom West Lafayette may not have fancy beaches like Hemstead and sand when you've got visqueen on. The beach front property is still choice. Well I would say I you can see girls going down in cold water. I came to help out. So you love milkers. Seek and ye shall find. For the average West Lafayette the end is under 30 years of age and so single you can't go anywhere without tripping over one. Or you can. See it's that easy. Now keep in mind that women swoon over a take charge kind of man. Ten dollars please. I think I forgot my wallet. Mad cow.
Just take the. Sensitivity is in stock again this happens or you guys won't help me push on this plow. Never ever miss an opportunity to impress. I like the air. You know I like beautiful flower and you know the scientific name for it it's called the ring of vulgare. I'm not crazy because I'm older but it's the most like beautiful flower ever. And before you know it she's yours. So much. And you deserve it. Think she has you know. Not not and if at first you don't succeed. There were other corncobs in the bin for an it's surged to the top of the dating Mecca list. West Lafayette has attributes that only it can claim. Where else do you find the breakfast club the bars open early for all coliseums to come wherever him we've just been costumes and we all go out to bars and just drink it and basically get drunk for the games and have a good
time. We like school spirit even Jesus as in Jesus Christ. As Notre Dame. And I ask you. Can West Hollywood claim the balcony toss. People would just try things to try and throw as many things. I can't see it working just like up there with his various issues. Vacuum cleaner. Yeah chairs computer chairs. Just size of the person behind a balcony toss everything. There's a keg there out there once but I didn't say she obviously. And topping it off the eatery where love and marriage rocked the triple-X family restaurant it's been around for a long time as I was here when my parents were here and maybe you're here because mom and dad did the triple-X for here in the dating Capitol. Every date can become a lasting memory. Well we are going somewhere we got a speeding ticket. So those of you who despair of permanent single lightest fear not for young couples hearts soon turns to thoughts of commitment. What are we gonna have to go have a drink or something and we can't get to know each other before we
start talking about wedding cake OK. I to love it so much. Well we we definitely promote it. We try to spread it so live it up for your days of singlehood are soon to be at an end. Oh and if you're wondering what happened to your wallet. Well here in the dating capital of America it's nice to know that there's someone for everyone.
Across Indiana
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WFYI (Indianapolis, Indiana)
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Series Description
Take a weekly journey across the cultural landscape of the Hoosier state. Host Michael Atwood and a team of award-winning producers explore the places, people and traditions that make Indiana a unique place to live and work. The program profiles interesting Hoosiers, from humble farmers to computer entrepreneurs and folk artists. Across Indiana blends heart, soul, humor and journalistic insight into a unique television program made by, and about, the people of Indiana.
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: WFYI Indianapolis
Copyright Holder: WFYI Indianapolis
Producing Organization: WFYI
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Identifier: ACIND-1612-S001 (unknown)
Format: DVCPRO
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:06:00?
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Chicago: “Across Indiana,” 2006-05-03, WFYI, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Across Indiana.” 2006-05-03. WFYI, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Across Indiana. Boston, MA: WFYI, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from