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[ambient speech] [ambient speech] [ambient noise] [ambient speech] [Interviewee 1] She just-- it was something that was born in her, she's good with people, she gets along with everybody, she's not the type of person that be depressed a half a year or walk around every day with her head down. She just takes one day at a time, on little step. [Interviewee 2] April, even if I could say she wasn't my daughter, I would say April is a very sweet and kind person. She's a generous and caring person. She's very serious when she gets ready to do her business or she's
always helping people. She's just wonderful, she's a wonderful person. [Interviewee 3] How many coaches will have an athlete who will run a mile, will run the half mile, will run a two mile, and a two mile relay in one meet? It's that one, two, almost three miles almost a race, in a track meet to do that, to do that for the team, and that just shows the quality of the individual she is. It will sacrifice her race overall maybe eliminate her from winning, but in the process she helps the team win the overall team title. And that's the kind of individual she is. And that's very rare. [Interviewee 4] One is (inaudible) to have contributed to the national effort to try to increase minorities in the advertising business or they came up with the idea of let's grow our own, let's try to provide support to minority students who are growing up in Wichita, going to school in Wichita,
and who could be educated here and perhaps stay here and work in the industry. So it basically was, I think, is a real credit to their creativity and their commitment to this whole issue in terms of making a decision to really do it at home instead of taking even similar resources and putting it into some kind of a national effort to do this very same thing. [Interviewee 5] Now our entire modus operandi for this is somewhat selfishly motivated. We want ethnic minorities employed at Sullivan, Higdon and Sink, so our offer of a job on graduation is simply to prime that pump. If that person wants to stay here with us and if he or she is doing the job that our clients need to be done, we would hope that they would build an entire career with SHS. [Interviewee 6] People in this industry become the eyes and the ears for the public and whether it's in advertising, whether it's in news, or whether it's in public relations, it's very important that these agencies and these organizations have a diversity of views because reality
is diverse and it is important for us to be looking at everything we do and the things that we do, particularly related to communication, from those variety of perspectives and points of view.
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KMUW (Wichita, Kansas)
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Raw Footage Description
Ambient sounds and misc. interviews about a woman named April, who is a runner, and increasing the number of minorities working in advertising agencies.
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Producing Organization: KMUW
Publisher: KMUW
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-27595eca6d8 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interviews,” KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “Interviews.” KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Interviews. Boston, MA: KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from