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Just a nation Haven Bay episode number 31 to be played at fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. Never know where you live apart from where you want to your point that you like my life. My favorite writer read the radio that day every day over. The pirate radio station run by Spike Marlin it was so high powered You can't help listening to it and neither can Christie. Toto the new owner even they know. Let's really end the kind of tone or high brow splint pickers we are yeah I am
amazed Gerbs get your butt to do that or why Washoe want Carolyn Kuhl first day. Yeah I recall on the right New Haven Bay intelligentsia not so much I. Know it to me and said that I. AM If you don't shut up. White bread museum bait Yes go on. Watch your language. I forgot. Listen yeah doing Scrabble belly scrag get me my diet cola and you listening on the radio you can make me sick. Yeah I'm going back to the polka records. It they told me when I bought the station that I would be the only market in town guaranteed media monopoly they said.
Can't miss a fortune is waiting in Haven. So what happens. I'm getting creamed right in the Arbitron spy some off shore mad man and his parrot. Dad was right. I should've taken that job in Oklahoma City. Good afternoon Miss Don't you know you want to do say me. Sit down Johnny. Let's come on failed con fab you know. Let's dialogue through put in to relate. Let's talk for a moment. Sure. Is anything wrong. I'm afraid so Johnny. How many phone calls did you use to get on the morning show. Oh about 30 or so. How many did you get this morning. Two three actually. But one was a wrong number.
All because of this pirate radio. They're everywhere with their obnoxious music. They drown us out on the radio. Their own people see even their cordless screwdrivers. And you know what's worse has just got something to do with money. Of course what's worse is people like listening to them more than us. They're even stealing our advertisers away from us. And you know what that means I'm fired. No I'm changing formats. We got to sell more hip more with it more upbeat. More dynamic changing formats that never seems to work around here Ms Dodo. Well I don't care all the trade journal say the hottest new format on the radio is the all Elvis station. So we're going to play nothing but Elvis Presley from now online. I guess that's a good idea Ms toto. But all the Elvis records just don't buy that young hippie guy who used to work the night shift the
kid I fired stole all the Elvis records. Where is he now. He's a state lawyer in Juneau day. Well we'll have to make due then we'll try something totally off the wall. We'll give haven Bay the all Elvis imitators for man it is that a good idea. People love people who imitate Elvis Presley. It's an industry. Let's look at these playlists. Look at this. There's hundreds of Elvis imitators. Look at the stuff of mine I tell you who Leo Mendoza the Mexican Elvis Garfield pops Elvis the world's oldest Silva's. Smitty Smith. The eldest of the panhandle there is it to my shelf are Ukrainian alphas. I can't you know there's no doubt about it Johnny will give these pirates a run for their money here. You listen to all these records and
tomorrow morning we'll debut the New Haven Bay radio the Elvis imitation station. If you say so. Now you. Know. The old. News that. We. Have. Very. Very. Recently the only way. To really. Know it is. That. It's gonna be a long one all day. That was. Never the one. That. Broke out. That these are really you. Know. But. This is just nation Haven Bay episode number 32 to be played at
$16000. For. A very simple way. Far from a one horse point that I would like my wife where I met Roger Raven radio that behavior they call her. Chalks Airlines may be getting off the ground but Chuck still makes his headquarters behind the Ground Round at Smucker's grocery store which is where we find yuppie lawyer turned land speculators adik nouveau twisting Chuck's arm so to speak. Jack. You gotta keep up with that. Diversify your portfolio. I mean you have a store in the airline but what is that
beach front property doing for your income. I'll buy it for two hundred twenty five thousand dollars on my New Haven Bay deep sixed Development Corporation bonds. Gee I don't know Dick my property has been in the family for generations. I just don't know if I want to sell it. When he finished reading the fine print. She knows I'm going to build. I should say we. Deep Six development are going to build will. Be bought by people like me from Juneau. They will all have food processors like I have. And where do you think they'll be getting all that raw healthy food process at Smucker's grocery store. Not only will you convert that oil soaked beach front property to 200000 in our new development corporation bonds but you'll be helping your business. I'm still not sure. Let me read the fine print. Check.
All those condos are going to be sold to people from Juneau. Like me. They'll all be flying over here and on what airline will a fly airline. You'll be pumping up your own business and at the same time you'll be deep sixing one hundred seventy five thousand in bonds for the Development Corporation as well. I just don't know. If I can read the fine print. Back when all those juvenile big city types like me come in with their demands for extra food and big your stock in the store you're gonna need capital capital for expansion capital to meet their needs. And that's what I'm offering you. Liquid capital. The deep sixed development bonds will be more liquid than that worthless beachfront property. Just think of what you could do with an extra hundred fifty thousand.
May well. I am going to need the money to expand the airlines. OK I'll buy. Sign right here. The land for one hundred twenty five thousand and deep six development bonds. You won't be sorry. Think of it as bringing more folks like me to Haven Bay GA when you put it that way. Maybe I better think it over. It's been great doing business with you Jack. I'll just take both copies of the contract and get them notarized. See you soon. But he never signed without reading the fine print. But these Haven bee champs are so greedy for a piece of the action they'll find anything. Well working to get rich quick. Well he'll get his hundred thousand dollars in deep sixed development. And I'll get total control of the offshore oil rights.
Thanks to the grant. Finally I'm able to get that Persian rug for the bathroom of the new house. I can feel my lifestyle zooming. Wonder if there's any good sushi bars in Haven Bay. Sushi does this mean Chuck's getting a raw deal. Why this is just a nation Haven Bay episode number 33 to be played at sixteen thousand
five hundred dollars. Why. Never know where you live apart from wait one more point that you like. My wife my older daughter and read the radio that the day they told her. I was going. On then. You. Don't. Know. Stay. Right. There. Get. In there. On ending quest for tourists behaving they boosters will go to almost
any lengths. It remains to be seen however if they'll take the advice of today's guest speaker. Then without further hoo for all I'd like to introduce our guest speaker for today. The Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt. SON OF A MAN Otep the magnificent and ruler of the Nile he named time on come on the King comes to us from the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis. And I must say I'm glad he found the time. He's been gracious enough to accept our invitation to comment on his own communities very successful tourism program a program that I might point out continues to bear fruit to this day. Let's have a boom in Bush to welcome for King Tut. I am however here. Thank you very much. On behalf of myself and my lovely wife and sister Little Egypt. First I want to apologize for not having most laws with me which is usually the
way I do a presentation like this. But we came here. Oh you say rather on short notice. I like to start off the shootin match with just a couple of things I've noticed since I've been here. Walking over here from the bingo motel I was a notice and what a nice little town you all got here. When I came right smack dab on a big steaming pile of bare skin. Now one thing I know and that's that bare skin don't attract tourists. We've been telling you why. Look Erik Schei not mine you know you can talk. Thank you kindly email. But that's really what you might call a superficial thing. The main difference between you and us is you no namby pamby these tourist are thousands of years of experience in Egypt. Now I'm talking all the way back to the old kingdom here. Bruce molly coddling tourist don't play in the long run riot also they figure they're in charge now back in Egypt. We got a policy tourist keep in line. Always stick them on a big slab a
rock and cut out their heart. Right now I do not know that sounds drastic but it can be done in a way that's most tasteful and progressive but still gets a point across as it were just once a year or so. That's all you need folks learn quick. It's got a few nice side benefits too like it keeps wittering down for instance and sacrificing one now and then keeps the tourist Gods happy. Sorta like investing money you know put one in the bank and get it back with interest. Course another thing about sacrifice and tourists. Seems there ain't nothing a tourist would rather come and watch than some other tourist get. Chalk it up to some promise of some can but Peet visit in season always centers right around the ritual sacrifice of the tourist. Yeah in closing I'd say take up to sacrifice in business and I guarantee you'll have more tourist and even buy than slaves on a pyramid working.
I also have some ideas on how you could exploit the tourist sacrifice with some of your modern technical type stuff. TV great spectator sport. Do commercial endorsements for cutlery manufacture something like that. Or you can get just as creative as you will. So with that I guess I'll open up to any questions. I mean. I like to know what you think about these modern times we're living and today. Well I'd say kind of primitive. You know how I know. I mean it. Take your dad for one thing you stick him in a box and toss him in the ground with no food no slaves no nothing. Now that's a hell of a way to treat the day it seems like you've got some prejudiced against him. One other thing pops into my mind. Y'all don't build things to last very long around here do you like only slap something together. Even a shack or whatever. We figured on the last a
few hundred years at least. I hate to interrupt but I know some of you have to get back to work. So before you leave let's have a big hand for King Tut. You know visiting Haven Bay in the near future you might want to hide that camera. Bag. You need a ride. Or two. Just a nation haven being up so number 34 to be plated
$17000. All the way leading the party right away what a hard point that you'd like to buy don't buy black water. Re the radio behavior a whole herd. As we join and the Egypt they await their appointment with Fonda swelling in Fonda's house of swell most in an attempt to learn more about the whereabouts of that well-known Crystal. You really think it's fun the person's going to have any information about the whereabouts of the star of Memphis. Wow that sounds like she's into crystals so we might as well try. Here she comes. You'll have to excuse this place and so hard to get
centered in the trailer court. How may our intentions merge. Mr. Rahman we understand you are a person of great spiritual powers even if you have yet to raise money on cable to you. We think you come from a people much like ours who believe in reincarnation pyramid power. Oh I've been told from where I was once a wellness counsellor to the court of Cleopatra. I was the life partner of Anwar pertain Meah the court a robotics instructor. You mean your MIL is a poet Tamia. Yes she is one who sometimes speaks through me. If you were to speak do you know could we ask her questions. You could if certain spiritual and financial conditions were aligned. Once again a set is back any. Oh now we must keep a positive energy flow if we want it to work. I can bill you later.
First we must gaze into this crystal and repeat that ancient Egyptian chant. Pyramid falloff will stay away from waffles. No that's for my weight loss workshop not same now stays centered think ancient. Yeah. Yes I feel her presence. This is Ms. Tamia. What is this place. I feel a box of beads metal around me. My golden casket it is cold sheep. It's a trailer Misbah Tamia trailer a building that stands for Haven Bay. The way the pyramids stand for Egypt I see but why have you summoned me. We see this God you seek is not a mineral but on the ocean and I look like a
rock about it's a revolution. Why do you think the star here dripping lice. We suspect the crystal is in Haven. Oh wow. Really hits here. I mean yeah I think we can go now. No wait one moment. Misbah Tamia. Yes. What's this golden amulet I'm holding. It is swinging swinging and you are getting sleepy. Your gong. Wow that was quick. Dear people I could drop off right away now. Miss Welling Can you hear me. Yeah so listen and obey. If you find the crystal called the star turn. Tomorrow when I say what word should I use sugar. Something easy to remember how bad this is. Oh holy cow what's that.
Looks like she's got another visit areas who are on Who are you. I'm the powerful king of the city and what do you hear that darling. What do you know when you hit me ties funny you must've caught her control by surprise and hypnotized him too. Wow. I mean well honey had some hot magic but I didn't know he was still around. Well let's see this girl's a fool. She don't deserve a poisonous Oh go like her dinner had. Let's get rid of it. Showing who he is he gives me to read. Do you hear me. Already here. Listen then obey when I count to three. I want you out on this swelling. I want you to go to the other side of the galaxy and there will come a black hole.
You got me here and will obey. Yeah let him have it Hanny one who threw me. Now I'm a swelling. You awaken fresh of the Daisy. Wow. I'm sorry I must've dropped it off. Gee I'm really embarrassed. I've never done that feel bad girl. You can happen to anyone. We must be going now Miss Welling. Thank you for your good. Oh you don't have to leave yet. I've got would be see I'm sure. Wow that was weird. Oh hell at least I found out about the star of Memphis and the magic.
It's somewhere here in Haven Bay. This is his destination haven a. Episode number 35 to be played at seventeen thousand five hundred dollars half. But I don't care what
you like watching the radio that they hate they hate her. Some people think that the pirate radio station K r r r broadcast nothing but music. But it's not true. We join the crew of the wood rot as they rehearse the next installment of their daily soap opera pirate lives. Watching. My name came Sal. Or I'm married right now. I need to. Get it. Right. You know carrying.
Her. And that she wanted me. In that morning would. Come with. Her. You know Russia. Don't visit her in her. Heart for this. Oh Derek you shouldn't have come this captain cutthroat friends you don't you. Don't you. Do know wouldn't go to the sharks. Oh I don't want to from you anymore. Oh no you want to do it. Why do you feel the one thing we can do. He was trying to forget me and I must be tied to something. Close to the. People. All along the underside of this ship to clean the barnacles off Captain cut throat is a stern taskmaster but I found that I'm
sure I deserve such treatment. How can you say you are an oak creature without hint or blemish. Oh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh oh. Pillow. What is the meaning of this improves him. You know I'm always a beauty at this. I literally thought my snuff pot shakes beautifullest folly awards and plans to attack the autumn Abo when it refers. Who is this person. Dirk dead on. Your daring stroke. I know you have refused to ransom your poor and it's never a good heart. That's right. Busy with all the things after we finished with my mood ring tasks it will be time for a bit of folks hunting this afternoon followed by a trip to the Taurus prison to galoot over my own to write rude
slow better or will work work. But Mary good heart is the orphan of your own sister. Little as nil if my only sister who through no actually marries the only relative I have in the womb. Then you will see the ha. Well the pirates really keelhaul her in about 20 minutes now oh is that right. Just think when I'm having my Valot the rest by pinks for foxhunting. Mary good heart. We start the long trip to cross the. It makes one think about the differences and stations in life don't know Lord daring stroke not even you can be such a heartless monster as your Sony rule I certainly heard enough at it but enough of this battle pillar show this man that I can see it for myself daring
stroke but you won't be thought a foul thing from Iowa. I was already know of the mind. I mean do you really. That man put up a fight. Yes. How many rescues of memory have we had this week. Well sir the first one this week but it's only Monday. Last month was nearly a record 14. She's a pretty little thing with a dreadful propensity for purple. Are you going to ransom her Mullard. Of course not. Pila Do you realize how much a lavish West your lifestyle requests paying ransom would mean I couldn't gamble with my huge wooden stakes a pill fire took. How could I hold up my end of the Nuba hid among peers. If that happened so you won't save her said oh go powder my
pillow. Aha now I can reveal myself. I am not really a pill are your faithful clock right. I am law and slogans only son. Yes the child the slogan for you popped off to debtors prison through your evil machinations. Yes I am Percival Petula had to humble castle. And such go home of the Slover Good him. It's so hard to fight these and God spoke. We shall see. With the aid of these fencing for us I have just grabbed off the wall of just who has the better Salzman who. Just played in. Let me tell you. What time I was trying to remember that one clarified it with your mouth. Don't you know where they are now look when you will. John. Gordon. Airings.
I don't know what. You would've moved. To number. Blue Blue did. But I'm not really the butler door code thing. I'm actually curse of the slow burn son of the man the Slate's wicked Lord pounded into a prison marked want to marry rough. Look. You. Don't think. I'd get a lot of good. Let's take those then. No those gold pieces ought to rescue my father from the cold day. He lies slowly coughing himself to death while the rats room Romford over the fodder. Wonder why. We.
Were. Going to. Write him are. We. Writing next. When this is destiny he shouldn't
even be a episode number thirty six to be played at $18000. One. Never know where the market runway one more point. Never you like my wife my older daughter a rabid radio that even a homer. A chart of lesser scientific heart is one of the few people in Haven Bay not looking for that popular crystal the star of Memphis. Instead she's looking for the source of the oil slick washing up on the beach and in an attempt to find out more about it tries to track down her fellow scientist and former employee Dr. Benjamin good.
Ben Ben good. Not here. Guess he won't mind if I wait. Look at all these Elvis posters. While we're now you seem to have wandered into my house and I will be. Oh Ben you're finally bans. I'm not been this but you're looking for me I sure wish I was. Then what on earth you're your clothes they hurt my eyes I saw it. You're right these are too loud for daytime Wes. Excuse me I'll change into some a little more appropriate for. Dinner DNA. I'd love to thank you. Thought you'd ask. Then why are you talking that way. Can't you forget this band man named Elvis Elvis Presley. Some folks call me the king. Your band good and you are a scientist you know Darren I'm Elvis. And I'm the well-meaning son of a shiftless family of crackers living off the government in Florida. Or maybe a charter boat captain. Is this girls girls
girls. Say you ain't Stella Stevens are you my name is Kate sharp ice name. What's your favorite color. This is stupid red. Believe I've got some red I'll be back in to shake sugar Don't go away. A return visit from a. Good lord been seems to be completely off his rocker. That divorce must really wig him. Either that or he knows something about this oil slick and doesn't want to tell me. Well I guess it won't hurt to get a free dinner. There is something really sexy about that curl in this case. Business will do it so you have got it. WATT This is girl happy right. And I'm a nightclub entertainer and you must be Shelley Fabray or Mary Ann Mobley. I told you my name is. What's the use. And don't you think you should button up the shirt a bit more. Radar can't take me
afraid. Come here before dinner I want. Oh yeah. Well I thought this was a girl at the S. Fort Lauderdale. Well somebody will come along soon and tell me you know what would you like for dinner baby. If you don't stop with the 50s ape man mentality I'll give you a real reason to curl that lip. You just hungry. Oh. Mr Presley. Anything. But humanitarian. We'll start with some champagne. Rush order will have the most expensive thing on the menu. Crab 42 nestled
between two crabs and covered with creamy sounds like just the ticket to the place. Yes Mr. President. We'll get that ready for you just as soon as we know right. I can't help myself. You'll have to excuse her Kate. I'm really just too much for some women now well tell me what you want I'll buy it for you. The only thing I'm interested in at the moment is back in the morning. I'm talking about the oil here in Haven. OK we'll start drilling and will you listen to me. You can do anything you want to do but often choose anything that I want to do. Well then move a little closer. Now what I meant was a. Party
what. What is it. That. That woman just walked in with. Oh her the overdressed. Or should I say underdressed one with the gold and the jewels and too much expensive. Ah shadow well. I haven't actually met her but I heard that she and her brother are visiting here from Egypt. That's it. God. That's a lunatic groan. Yeah I think that's what she calls herself. And I know where I am and I know who I am. You mean you remember that you're been good in Haven Bayh Even Bayh are you crazy. This is Thousand Oaks California don't you understand. I asked. I'm a vagabond singer who falls in love with Joan Freeman the daughter of Leif Erikson who runs the. Faltering carnival owned by Barbara Stanwyck. You are stark raving mad. I'm getting out of here. Oil slick or no oil slick they don't pay me enough money to deal with nut cases. And then I want to sing for a rival carnival and the sheriff was moving in for a full closure. So I came back and I got to ride around if only then
Elvis would listen to the radio. He'd realize that the movie he's in is called Destination Haven Bay Nivea and hard knocks and it's a wonderful world and. Why this is just a nation even big episode number 37 to be played at eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. Why. Let her know where you live apart from where you want to. More point never
you like my wife my older daughter a rabid radio that they didn't even pay over. There are two kinds of people who enjoy an evening walk on the beach. Those with romance in their souls and those who own the beach every so often however someone belongs to both of those groups. And. One. A real neat new flow. What are you doing here. You startled me Kate. Just walking along the beach and in Bahrain the sunsets are where the sun would set. If I could see it. And what are you doing here at the moment I'm wondering why you're standing up to your ankles and crude oil won't help those Italian loafers any harm. Oh. My gosh you're right. Oh well there they're almost out of
style anyway. I guess I was just dreaming about oil. I mean I I guess I was just dreaming and didn't see the oil. Every time I clean up this town some foul mess happens again. This time I've got a lot on my plate between fungus leaks and oil sludge. Sounds appetising. Not literally. Kate sharp. Do that again. Do not turn turn your head away. Gene. You've got the hugest profile. Your nose is so. Neat. I want to tickle it. Can I chuck you under the chair. Not a literally I want to see my fuzzy caterpillar imitation. Look. Mr. Caterpillar starts here on your sleeve and walk the walk. He's up your coat. Just touches your hair. Just stay real deal. So Mr. caterpillar can take a little rest in your beautiful silky
hair keep your hand off me. That's not my hand. That's Mr. caterpillar. But he'll go away sobbing his little fuzzy heart out. If you want him to. Well as a strong conservationist I'd hate to have a sad little creatures sobbing down my sleeve. You see how happy he is. Just turn around and Mr. caterpillars owner will give you a reward. Now. Well well well back home we call this hanky panky. Look out. But it's all right Mr. Todd. Dick was showing me his Lepidoptera collection. I like your front let you put this whole thing. I have had it for years. One of my favorites. I like the way the rubies and the pearls are set. Kind of reminds me of women dancing in perfect circles. Must be a June Taylor design. Look. Kate. I've got to get going. I
want to make your goal a stroll. That's OK Dick I'll see you later. Watch out for that. It's too light. Well I'm sure those trousers are almost out of style too. I'm glad he's gone. You're too good for him. You know he's not nearly as sharp as you are kid. Now in my country when a man finds a woman attractive. He likes to be subtle about it. First he gives her a little smile like this. And sees if she smiles back. Then if he wishes to continue to make sure she has no love. You aren't married are you. No my work is far too important for me to have any lasting relationships. Me too but your marriage a little Egypt. Well well sort of. Well I mean yes I am but. Well I think of remorse my sister. But to continue. When a man likes a woman and my land he sends her a small anonymous gift.
Then he watches her. So that's where the six dozen roses in the gold face came from. That's not small. For me it is. You should have seen the presents I sent the Queen of Sheba. Maybe Airlines alone would have you know. I usually make it a rule not to spend too much time on a married man. Does it help to know that in my country. Pharaoh may have as many wives as he chooses. I have to tell you it's strains my credulity that you claim to really be King Tut and common from thousands of years ago and I in turn must tell you that I can scarcely believe I've come across a woman that combines such beauty such intelligence. Pastor I don't care who you are. Just keep talking to me like that. King Tut sounds like one of the first of the big time spenders. It's a wonder he had anything left for his tomb and so chivalrous. What they call in Egypt a real northern gentleman.
This is destination Haven Bay episode number 38 to be played at $19000. Remember we know my way with the part I probably want to hold a point that you like about my plan all the water re the radio that they gave me a home for.
He's dedicated to his job. He likes people and doesn't mind long hours keeping them happy. But when it's this late at night or should I say this early in the morning and he's got things on his mind. Barney watt thinks it's time to shut down the bear pit. Well OK pal. Close in time. Flying home a lot of eyelash call Bari last call was half an hour before you got here. It's closing time now. Or maybe a bar you can go peacefully or have as a morale to throw you out as well. Just to push you into OK then I'll call Marshall Arne have her throw me out. Oh ok ok then. Well yes.
So our poor Samar all of our ports you know whole towns gone off the deep end. So that's what it is all gone nuts and good things these hours prayerfully. I'm more like I was president he is just trying to run an airline by itself. That pirate radio station coming out of taps every time I drop people walking around claiming to be ancient Egyptians telling us we are a sacrifice of course that's not such a bad idea in itself. We would get you to do the sacrifice and I of America. What do you say to that a thing has been to hers. Just for you but you said some girl and then always talk about Bear control puttin innocent animals in changes. Imagine accusing you of Defra Katyn in public places. Never happened. I know it girl. Everyone knows the bear poops in the woods anyway.
You're where you're talking there's a frontier look through XD. You can't talk you're a bear. Excuse me but you know I can do and don't change of subject. I can't believe it. I'm sitting here trying to carry on a conversation with a bear. I must be losing my memory. Maybe it isn't a town going nuts maybe it's me that's it must be some weird psychodelic mo. But backstrap stirred up in at mine a is maybe it's affecting us all. Yeah I bet we get yer got poisoning. I'm going to call the Health Department. There's a new pretty good this time of night. You hide your break my chain of thought you'd look to hook up one lick. All right I don't have to. You are. You're talking a talking bear. Or am I really not all of to you. Now wait just a consarn
minute bear we've been living together twenty two years and human never talked once in all that time and all the sudden you expect me to believe you can talk. Well if that's so how come you never talked before to know if there has been. It's got to be me. I need help. First thing tomorrow make an appointment with that new hypnotist that fondo what's her name. She's going to dish you were there. That does it. I'm not waiting. I'm going to find that just right now. I need help. You will answer for. Now here's the really interesting question. Were we really hearing asthma real talk or were we hearing Barney hearing as Mirelle to talk this and other questions concerning radio and the nature of
reality may be answered in future episodes of destination Haven Bay. Why this is destination Haven Bay episode number 30 going to be played at nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. Whoa. Whoa whoa no way. Where tomorrow when we want to one more moment like why don't my
boy over there. Right here. Right right right. Go get a night you know. Current radio isn't exactly a public radio station powerful enough to come through your toaster at breakfast as public in a sense I suppose. Come to think of it maybe Spike should have a show called Morning perdition. Well anyway for station k are our business in as well. Booming. Thieves iPhone fun. Let's spend some desks and shake your buns are Shavar me signs on holiday buns. Let's stop this John and tongs. You're listening to OK. R R R. Player radio for haven by broadcast and for not bad ship water I was doing it right.
Well me thing mateys I'm a chance. Welcome to Larry splain Marlon Shaw. Watch me star and dastardly Oh me yeah. Favorite see you go on Cisco and roll tells. Like now are you a bear or what how far up. Man. But seriously folks let's be the new OK are the new super powerful K r r where we put certain hurt and make our hurts so clappers on this yeah. Lilly lovers. We're awfully hairy 1/2 feet high or or sit there yeah get up our aid not the translator all like I told you it's completely off the meter I'm not here to your full lust for power. Well the transmitter smoked enough for long and I needn't worry about that.
Me darlin have enough although not that slow. I'm not you know who'll write enough Spike Mylan. Oh yeah. Background of a dog for a shark. I mean many things but I be not a fool and ever since she found that Crystal he been a man pose if you're right there yes. Suckin sand worm that's their crystal right on off that their crest orgasm and they all the majority of our era respond me like oh right US power ever a waste of our own. If you don't stop than me you are a dead man and gone where better than gone before shiftless ship worm or sorry at the times I think that their crystal me hands get all sweaty and it feel like that there Crystal as I've gone to make haven but I may have an eye on top of the age for them a liberal's will be shaken their arses off in the streets day and night when they won't even know why. Oh I'm going to
be here on us on the radio and on their toaster ovens when on earth tapi type the writers going on there. Laden or the air Jaff does a dog salmon in spawn at all. Damn Yes but all come ere half me. Oh it's a report on Operation cough worse everything for according to plan spike we've drained and for a couple the first of the thinkers and we're scurrying around like crazy on the second not hard enough. You're a box and tell that to the lads. Oh I think I'm a skipper. Why are you every bleeding things cooling me with the golf world to keep a set for a life raft power to be her clear own her world. Thanks the divil that their crystal come ter me. Well if that their crystal were to fall into the hands of some Whouley livered do gooder they'd go away because they're all like so me clean off the face of the earth.
But I've got a crystal you know use it for me own good and your way he you know to be me your little secret passion and what you think and long to Margate and yet you can't stand fish with your eyes why don't you want that great I want. This I bought running shoe and. Behold what are your damn food. Oh I've just been down to the galley where there's a radio play and your secret crystals no secret any longer here had got blasted microphone on and broadcast it. Yes. Oh yeah playstyle. So now anyone with so much as an electric can opener knows the location of the star of Memphis. That should set events in motion. We. Do
you. This is a destination Haven Bay episode number 40 to be played at $20000. Do. You know the way. It apart from one poor boy that would be like a ball boy where ever watched or read the radio down hey hey hey. Hold her hand. In our last episode Spike Marlin inadvertently let out over his pirate radio
airwaves that the star of Memphis the ever popular magical crystal was aboard his ship. Since everyone in Haven Bay is listening to his station that news is received by a number of interested listeners. I can't believe it man or this safely would. He steal the cotton pickin map from me but not a lousy game of cards. Let me find you the gun Crystal. Dang different Ohio and then. He's so sick. God He does anyone know what he got. You don't run a radio transmitter with something that you're valuable as a star map or even a noodle brain like him should know that. Well. At least that that it it might not be too hard to get it away from him. I totally would get that Crystal and I meant it to. Marlon. I'll bite him. Right he met me. Maybe that's it. Like it's like it's drink gay man I know. It
it. Doesn't that it do any permanent damage. Just put him up long enough for me to get the crystal and get her to do. It would be something in the mold menu to do to create. Some kind of fungus that would Dad making him who. Maybe I could be one kind of more to make him sick. And in giving him another candidate. Killing would make him feel better. And we just gotta figure out a way to get ourselves invited guests. To the dignity of being single main point Martin. I can't believe it. In his wildest dreams I ventured a high priest but I never thought that stardom if it was being used in a radio transmitter. Beast. We come from people who have no respect for sacred to should be made slaves for such sacrilege.
I'm afraid slavery is no longer an option honey but such a problem ain't what to do with this guy. Our problem is how to get ahold of the crystal and get back to Egypt with us specially for that airhead. Find a smelly get stunned us Welling darling. Well only we weren't so smart in letting her know that Christa was around. She's a fine example of modern age conceit. Out to lunch. She do got some odd conceptions about herself and a lot of fluff between the ears but you gotta admit she's interesting I like to study your more fully as a specimen of the new age woman of course. Yeah I bet you would. But we're after the Christo remember. Yeah well what about this. We continue playing visiting dignitaries and get ourselves an invite to that part radio station. They must give tours. Well from an interview maybe Haven Bay boosters fell for it. I don't know why these park types wouldn't. OK so we get ourselves inside the station in a way. Then it's easy as pie. We put the
parts out of the Crystal Skull take it and work. Why. Does it work. First we got to find the whereabouts of this barge of yours. Looks like things are going our way honey. First we find out from those objections that the. Fabulous star of Memphis is right here near Haven Bay. Then those pirates let on that the crystals aboard their ship. Sure glad we used the cordless toothbrush this morning or we'd have never found out. I feel like we're being guided by some unseen hand to acquire the star of man. We must be destined to find it and use it to bring about the coming new age. And can you believe that they're using it to run the transmitter. It's an. Insult to those of us who know the true power and meaning of crystal. Now I've just got to figure out a way to get it.
What do you think handicapped. I could try astral projection. You have. That fit all go into astral trance travel to their ship and hypnotize them. Then they're all bringing the crystal to me and I'll never have to leave my trailer. Well this or that fighting. But Gary too. I've never tried this kind of advanced trance before. I'm going to have to study and practice. I'll need to start doing visualisation several times a day. Time is of the essence. Better start now don't you think. OK quiet now Katie. I'm going to go into. Trance. On. Looks like we're in for a hotly contested game of capture the flag. But
who will get there first. A.
Destination Haven Bay
Contributing Organization
KCAW (Sitka, Alaska)
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Series Description
Tales of Haven Bay and its successors are radio theater series that parodies small town Alaska.
Episodes 31-40. The Haven Bay series parodies small-town living in Southeast Alaska.
Radio Theater
Local Communities
Sitka; Alaska
Media type
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: Raven Radio Foundation Inc
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KCAW-FM (Raven Radio Foundation, Inc.)
Identifier: HB-004 (KCAW-FM)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Destination Haven Bay,” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “Destination Haven Bay.” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Destination Haven Bay. Boston, MA: KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from