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Destination Haven Bay episode number 51 to be played at twenty five thousand five hundred dollars a. The part I probably want to harm point like a point where the radio that they hate the whole. Word of the Elvis comeback concert to be held in Haven Bay has been spreading as a result things are hopping over its mother's grocery store now also the headquarters of Tuck's airlines Haven bays only air service. Jux airlines Your stairway to heaven are speaking two tickets to heaven by. I assume you want to get there before the August comeback concert tomorrow night.
Right. I have two seats on Flight 1 leaves Juneau at 5am stops at the Springs and Seattle into Haven Bay at 5pm. Very good. Thanks for choosing jux airline. Early highs just for the fun of the. ILO just don't hurt us. Bible. To get to heaven by tomorrow night. But the Elvis concert. I have two seats on Flight five leaves for Dover at noon stops I place your baby valdés Rangle arrives Haven day at 5 p.m.. Very good and thank you for choosing Chuck's airline are you out of Cannes to majors have summit tomorrow. Young man I bought this broom last week at this store I think and I bought this year than last week. Jax airlines what about the broom bristles of falling out tomorrow night's concert leaving from British Columbia. Did you hear me. I said the bristles of falling out.
I'll take care of the brew ma'am one moment I have two seats on Flight 44 leaves Vancouver at midnight stops at Prince Rupert Stuart Queen Charlotte Island and white horse arrives Haven Bay at 5 pm. Today's exchange rate is a dollar 16 Canadian. And thanks for choosing jux are alive now what about these bristles. Right so. The bristles fell out of the broom all over my kitchen floor. Take a seat. Yes ma'am. Here's $10. Sorry for the inconvenience. Excuse me. It died you know. Yes ma'am excuse me. I'm kind of busy lady what can I do for you. I want a one way ticket to Oklahoma City. You want to leave Haven Bay. The sooner the better. Well if you can wait until 5:00 o'clock tomorrow. Thirty seven planes sitting empty. Name please Christine toto. Christine toto. Aren't you the new owner of Haven Bay radio. Not anymore I'm getting out of here before I lose my Sure. What about the radio station. You want it. I'll give it to you
for a plane ticket out of here. Well OK. Flight 6:00 tomorrow 5:00 PM stops at Sitka Petersburg Skagway and Seattle transfers to Oklahoma City. That's again a flight. Free dream. If you're serious about swapping the radio station I'll toss in a bottle of Everclear. Get that deal. You know if you leave tomorrow afternoon you'll miss the big Elvis comeback concert. I missed how it all missed having Arthur got through took all that for you. Flight six. Hello Jack to our lines. Tickets are still available for the Elvis concert. Watch. The whole plane. By charter. Shore leave Dillingham at 1 am stopped at Kodiak so will be a yak a dead ride Haven Bay at 5 pm. Hold one moment. Jack Karolides. Bruno Bay. We have a nonstop arrives at 5 pm.
What about my cat. Yeah what about the cat. Is this one of those new Sterns that never gets tied up. The two this is just an even Bay episode number 52 to be played at twenty six thousand dollars a day. Or more.
We have apart from one hard point like my white man Roger Ray the radio that behavior may hold her. Still in mining is hard dirty work as Merle Travis once put it. 16 grams and what do you get another day my dear and deeper in debt. We join Tommy and Charlie in the mine. You think Mr. backstrap is still mad at me Charlie I didn't mean to knock him into the slime mold that it was an accident. Accidents happen to everybody. I mean look when backstrap finally got out of bed he had to shave all the hair of his head then he had a big bads an athlete's foot medicine for a week. If you still mad at you I don't blame him. As a matter of fact way or not there are many I would eat or do care to someone that hears doc ride you're going to be heading up our new research if they can
dock me here I mean Charley pleased to meet you. Hi you're doing voyage research division. Yeah time is come when prob and gotta look to the future. They burst if I I. Figure we ought to find out what help we've gotten it's mine that people have paid good money for it. That's why I brought doc in. He's the number one sack man in a business as good as they come inside. We had him go back a long way don't we doc. Oh Sherry remember that we know we spin up on rabbit creek. Those Were The Days. Yeah I got things to do. I'm going to leave doc here with you boy. He's been looking at the survey map and he got a few places he want to investigate further. You do what he tell you and dig where intelligent. I see a need where we are now. So this was all a trailer park want. Yeah yeah all these mobile homes get buried during the great tsunami here a while back and looking at the
survey map I'd say this must be one of the richest mold strikes anywhere in the world. Looks to me like it's not just one level of trainers but layers of trainer parks. I imagine folks must have been living in trainers on this site for a long long time as I'm sure your boys know. There's nothing like a mobile home for mold with its uncanny ability to constantly shift camp Acheron for humidity regardless of outside conditions. Even the trailer on living in now is covered with mildew. When I tell you now boys what I'm looking for is a kitchen in which somebody might have bake their own bread. Very rare in trailers seen anything right there. Seems like most of the kitchens we've had a fair share a wonder bread wrappers nor that would do. Why wait a minute what about 17. Remember Charlie we found all those artifacts and we had to stop digging until the state archaeologist could come examine them. They turned out to be a pasta machine in a sprouting jar.
That's exactly the kind of lonely barren dirt we're looking for boys which we read over here. So why is it important to find a kitchen where someone bake their own bread. Because it probably gets used in your kitchen. It's been percolating here since the great tsunami in fungi. Here we are. Yeah right. That looks like a blender. I got a sixth sense for this kind of thing. Yes I knew it. Here's the top of a bread box. Here boy this is all you depended on it. Little Charlie. Yes. Surely look it is nice. What's wrong. And nothing's wrong my man. Don't be just a downer. Can't you smell their
reach man out. There it's pure Should we get used to you for using this grand box. Must've been making rye bread. Dough. Smells terrible do Charlie. Charlie do you force the respirators to get me out of here I gotta get outta here. Gotta gotta get going to get out of your I gotta get out of this place. Really. You know he's got to get out of this police. Here's here's the last thing we hear over do we got here. It's really nice. Faithful listeners will recognize if we preserve the famous Seven Brides for Seven Brothers industrial accident scene from the original tales of Haven Hey tin cans
I'm thinking thing you can recycle. This is destination Haven Bay episode number 53 to be played at twenty six thousand five hundred dollars. Oh a week apart from one. Why don't you like
the radio. They hate the whole herd. The big comeback concert with Elvis than good that is is rapidly drawing near. We join Ben Elvis on the old war still trying to get together. Man I wish I could remember the words of the song. And so when they said I was in the burn of days. About the mo. And the mayhem I can't be right now. And I gotta get these lyrics down the big concert coming up this week.
Heart. Trouble Let's go pretty lady. Wait let me tie up the boat first. If those pirates we thought were their ships anchored and almost got Kate I'm on my way. Let me use that boat you're going it's government property the government will understand sugar. I've been a test pilot for the Navy Frogman and an army QDOS record. Just tell me one thing. Well Kate Kate sharp you told. Oh well it doesn't matter the ladies in this dress stand clear I'm coming on to you is the latter. View. Who took the boat. I did not call you move it just as I did not did too did not did not did not oh yeah well this is you with a little bit oh yeah well this is you I'm nothing but a fat dog crying all the time oh yeah
well you know because you like me and I you stick tests bad speedboats for the millionaire five of them see collets Go ahead who thought I was arrogant until out saying her a few songs and she learned them from your great reason. You drive the boat then just get going. OK yes yes you're right. Just one more thing. Yeah what to do. Get out of the driver's seat you halfwit. Baby if you really listen you always wear those glasses. You know you let your hair down a little you'd be a real cute little chicken dip wadd. So far as we know Elvis never made a pirate movie. This may be his big chance.
If I had my life to live or. Know just what I'd like to me. Just a nation Haven Bay episode number 54 to be played at twenty seven thousand dollars. Oh my. Way apart from one hard point like a
life where the radio that behavior they hold for. The last time we saw her couldn't vote. He was hightailing it back to Haven Bay leaving Kate sharp in the hands of the pirates. Bound to provoke a feeling of guilt one would think and rightly too as we find it at Fonda's house wellness for some timely. I just don't know Dr swelling i call me Fonda. I just don't know. Fonda I'm so used to being in control of everything I'm successful in my career. What is it you do. Did it. Go you know. No one remembers years of public service and no wait.
I do remember. You used to be head of the commission for spending. That was beautiful. I still have my mink sports car. How kind of you. I loved public service. Of course now I've got my own consulting firm in Juneau and I'm in DeLand development. But you drives me into self abusive relationships. You can be turned into positive energy. What is it about land development that makes you land development. I feel great about land development. It's Kate. I left left to do those pirates that knows what may have happened to it to get back to help and I feel great about business. I mean I've done lots of things I pursue well while other people suffer I screw my business partners unashamedly and I don't feel any guilt.
About the abuse. Sure I've lied it cut corners cheated a little covered up the fact that there is oil at Haven a lot of the waterfront with fraudulent bonds but I feel your point. But. How could I meet with those men. I doubt that any of them make over 19000 a year. It's frightening. In captivity what will she wear where will she be able to play racquetball can be turned into positive energy. Look at me. I know there are children starving in Africa. But why shouldn't I enjoy a well prepared meal. Does Syria look at me on this crystal. Look deep into the energy of focus your energy is now with me.
Give. US energies that the Earth want. They want you to go out and make as much money as possible and energies that want you to forget about Kate. He was draining your precious urge to make money. And the energies of the earth to have a partner in this venture. Proper house of wellness. Of. Energies of the earth really want you to make the swelling of the heart.
And if you should get questioned by trusted authority not remember the name of your partner. Understand. I will give you your montra. Way and free of guilt. Hi Bye bye. It's a. Good. Way. For. Dr Swamy what happened. He called me Pandey will be thinking a lot of each other. I feel great. Shall we do lunch. I feel like buying you a big meal and running out on the tip of her big mouth you only plan to use it not it suggesting you to stay thin for the next chapter your destination. Even Bay.
City. Destination Haven Bay episode number 55 to be played out. Twenty seven thousand five hundred dollars. Way more.
Martial law has enlisted the help of Ben hood to phreak a chart from the clutches of Spike Marlin and his pirates in their skiff and a very powerful Bob ship would report. With us. Pirates are right upon us and remember thank God Kate. Do I know this Kate Fox a little chick with a wiggle and a walk. She's a foxy little chick with a woody foreigner pants and a library under her hat. Listen you brain scrambled halfwit. You may not be much but you're all I've got. We're
going to go up there clobber these pirates and save Kate is that clear. Sure baby just let me know when you want me to start my scene. Man I wish I could remember all the work and I'm getting old. Remember YOU were the king right. You're not being good. I've always been good. Listen them a lot. Take this cutlass and follow me. Cutlass. And there you go. When somewhere for the holiday you know. Reverse that order wallowing around town. I'm a lot yaps coming from her. Methinks that Paulson snuck on of us on our records on her the torn table. I'll go get on the flat side of me so hard for a suckers. Well look what we have here my scabrous side
kicks Haven day one of its heroes to save the day. Grab our lads get your hands off me you filthy knows where Elvis do something hey man stand right where you are. I'd hate to have to slash you into thousands of Julian fastened to seconds and I'd hardly call this a lounge act. That's cut out is a liver and serve it to him with God in the first place. A lounge act you don't have 12 backup singers. Let's see only three women with an anvil in it and then there's this during sex and barbed wire and his underwear is too good for him. An awfully noxious peckerwoods spittle I mean number four cutlass. Love the flying point to him yet be time for a little cos methinks. Or archery. Now hold on. I'm on a diet. I'll carve a little flab off. Yeah puke a little lounge act and I'll do it my way my way that's all.
Right. Now not only am I right but it can be ground. Don't you think it will get really good. But this guy of mine is yours to whether someone is going to be up to the ministers. Yeah. It's. Like some. People define the captain. You've got a moment that with the Borg with the world. Will Tell. Now tell me who's good here you know and made here like a songwriter.
Okay that's a wrap. Printed. I warned you this might turn into an Elvis movie but what happened to Kate. This is destination Haven Bay episode number fifty six to be played at twenty eight thousand dollars. No way. But what a horrible way to have like my
life where I had water radio that behavior. Oh. Jolly day in Chuck's mockery to have Barney Watts closest friends that's why we find him talking quietly in a secluded corner of the bear. It just don't feel real good about this you know how sensitive Barney is we're not doing this to hurt him Johnny. It's all for his own good. Besides he might be dangerous. What's dangerous about talking to animals. Haven't you seen it. What's the. Latest issue of a national sensationalist. We sell a lot of these in the checkout lane. Look there's this article in here that sounds just like Barney. Let me see. Here it is. Talking to animals sign a brain damage doctor says Come along. Lots of
people talk to animals not as they don't. And here's another one weird mold causes man to hear voices from bears. Scientists confirm that Barney never agree. It's supposed to be a minor operation Johnny here. Listen to these personal testimonials. I've never felt so normal since I got my new brain. And this one I've never felt so regular like now when I got a new brain. And there's an I don't see how you can say a brain transplant is a minor operation in Bonnie's case I can say it. Besides if it weren't they would never tied all these do it yourself kits in the classified. But what if it's a whole other problem drinking maybe or drugs. He could be on drugs you know not whiny thinks dope is who's going to win in the fourth the Belmont. And it says in this ad that a new brain cures everything from stars to sterility.
Besides we need to find a donor. You think back you know I never. There it goes again. And what's fueling this is that is you dog please. Oh it just breaks my heart. Oh yeah well your mother and father probably did very well on Johnny we got to do something. He's off is not OK but let's try to be diplomatic about it. I wasn't as mellow you're not gentle band and I'm not. If you think that you can keep you and me and having a Barney and we talk to you. She's scuse me. Yeah what can I do for you. Where Oh that's right. Now what do you want. We go back a long way to get time to reminisce with each other how are you going to get to the point if you can find one doggone it. Just trying to be nice about your problem.
That's right. We're just trying to. I don't need anyone talks to a bear and says the bear talks back. She does talk back and a lot saucier than I'd like a time. Come on Barney you know bears can't talk well. I didn't used to the world's changed a lot since I was a sprout. Excuse me get out. You got a rare brain. Either that or maybe you get so depressed with all this rain we get in a day in and day out that maybe that's why you think bears going there. But either way there is a cure. I don't want to get hooked. This is much simpler. We'll just get you a brain transplant. Out with the bad with the good. A brain transplant. Maybe that's not such a bad idea
after tween your ears to pad size brain. No you Sanity. She's she talking but bears can't talk Carse like me. Alright that's fair so you weren't imagining it. You are not jumping to conclusions. Oh no she talks right. She's just never seen fit to do it when anyone else has been around before. Sometimes I think she wanted to see her. But I don't understand it. Yeah what's the explanation. Buying. Well I was thinking it was just because she was smarter than your average bear. But when I went to the house of wellness and told fined about it she said she thought that it was Mirelle who was being used as a conduit for spirits or something.
I don't know if it's true or not but if it is I figure I can use it as morality or to attract a whole new clientele to the place. Maybe rename it. What would you call it. Why the channeling club. What else. Well I got to get back to work. See you later. Channeling club. I don't get it. It's what you might call a shaggy bear story Johnny. I'll try to explain it to you. You see this local humor. It gives one pause to reflect. Things seem to be going from bad to vs.. Can you bear to wait til the next episode. Destination Haven Bay episode number 57.
TO BE PLAYED IT twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars. Never no way apart from one more point that you like I'm on my way home or water or even radio that day would be over. Then Elvis has risked life and limb to save the chart from the clutches of the pirates who kidnapped her. But what if the damsel in distress doesn't want to be saved. Michelle Michelle hello. Everyone to these guys on
headphones they're terrific. Yes ma'am you look very nice in them headphones too. But we better get out of here ma'am I think the ship might be about to blow later later on. I'm listening to this last cut. Hey you want to hand me that plate of nachos. I get up but I've got this parrot on my lap. I really think we better be going. We're going to help yourself. These pirates do OK with Mexican food but don't try to cage and bird everything bird. What is the result of you know it lowered. What's the. The transmitter. I can't hear you I have to talk louder. Hey if you like I can put those over the speakers. If I got you some get rid of that music my nose is bleeding. Turn off your transmitter. I. Hate it when that happens. Lordy mama found it. What the heart of the pirate radio transmitter more than that. The legendary star was the giant Kristoffer which everyone has been looking at
and that loosely tied this groovy plot line together. That and more this crystal it's the perfect centerpiece for my costume. I'm going to wear it in the show tonight are you kidding it's as big as like a sob I'm Ellen of course I'll have to dress everything else down just a little maybe a few pearls in the suburbs but that's it. You hear you or you don't one sit down maybe have a nacho they make the cheese out of crude oil it's not too bad. I've got to go wait a minute aren't you supposed to rescue me. I like to man but I've got to get dressed for the concert and do it sounds awfully quiet where the pirates or the people to save me. Where is my nachos. Right here we're not just a. This is destination Haven Bay episode number 58
to be played at $29000. No way. Why don't you like my radio today. Ever since Tommy and Charlie were exposed to a rare psychoactive fungus while working in the penicillin line they haven't been quite sane. Tommy tried to tie dye his German shepherd Charlie filled his Weber grill with incense and both of them have discovered an interest in mysticism and interest which Fonda swelling has been only too happy
to explore. So you mean I was actually Dwight D Eisenhower in a former life. That's what your regression would seem to indicate Tommy. Cool that musta been my daddy was a Republican. Does that mean I was JFK Charlie to me about your past lives that you spent several of them as a yak herder into bad. But things get misfiled even in the spirit world don't look so depressed then I'm depressed about it this way because I'm looking out the window and I see backstrap headed this way. You think he's mad because we haven't been at work all week. You probably want to get was a medal for boys. Maybe it would be better if you weren't here when back strap on. I spend a lot of times decorating this trailer with goodbye and I don't want them ruined. Why don't you go out the back way. But we were going to fix your condition here today for today's session.
We could still do that. I saw the unit in the back deck. Well we'll see you later Miss Wiley and thanks again. Peace and Love. In the spirit of the new age my children NAMI your whole reggae I think that's where I read music from Charlie. Well come in backstrap. I usually don't see people without an appointment. Yeah you're like me and I'm here because you stole my bash two workers mony to work or if it comes to that they win or go a week and I've got reason to believe if you're here what makes you think that we want their truck going toward the mission or and you would surely have gone with Jimi Hendrix live painted on a tailgate. Tommy and Charlie have begun their journey on the path to enlightenment. They are seekers thirsting for spiritual fulfillment. They've gone numb. Do you want to ask me. I looked into the cavalier direction the
dreaded Beastie Boys tapes for Taco Bells kid indeed in music reform. Why they even got your prayer chain from Goodrick What do you want. Ganesh a tannic guru messing with people's minds in the first place. The spiritual change they're going through wasn't initiated by me Mr Silverstein. It happened when they were exposed to that arrogant fungus in your mind. Yeah I cleaned all of them reporters in the second place the boys left your employment because they wanted to find a place where they could embrace the beauty. Love and self-actualisation and where they can learn to feel better about themselves. The real estate. See you boy get my children here. Say I see you got a lot of crystals in here like Crystal They are one of our best tools for finding our true selves. Here you two one go. Darren the star meant
that you know about that I've been dreaming of it day and night for 40 years or more. It should have been mine I had to match you know black good or not rich but Martin cheated me out of it than you know that the pirates have it. Well yeah that in limine problem. I figured I can get away from SPIKE You know he don't she is my problem is figuring out what to do with it once the gaudy. I could help you there backstrap that Crystal represents infinite knowledge infinite power if you managed to get it. I could use it to give you back your youth for instance. We could get rid of my rheumy does it get it now. Right now you know sheepish place to David Gergen. And for me it would unlock the secrets of the universe. Well what do you say back strap. Can we form a partnership. You to get the crystal. Me to teach you how to use it. You have a good dream is to well
listen we can talk more about you later I gotta go. I'm free to go. The foolish old to Giza. This is perfect. Now I don't have to find a way to get the crystal away from the pirates. The old man will do it for me. And Ben Crystal will be mine. And that power that goes with it. Once he hands it to me he'll never get it back. What with the. Coming toward me. In the shape of the man. But. It's Chris Dodd. I see a little far coming. You must be the guardian of the star of Memphis.
Give me the law. I want it. Sorry to bother you again Miss Wellington. But we had a little lots of it with cooling in the air conditioner. Charlie you're not covered with ice. Why do you have a space heater. I suppose it's only natural that given the new Ben the boys with the covered cubism at any rate relations between fondant backstabber thawing those two could prove formidable ally. Just a nation Haven Bay episode number 15 knowing to be
played at twenty nine thousand five hundred dollars. No way. I've been waiting for has finally arrived. Life is filled with overflowing with hundreds of thousands of faithful fans all of whom have come to haven they. Exist on. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen. Evan Bayh thank you for being with us. You left your baby. Here to take care of that. And one doesn't have enough water. All right gentleman back. Here and Here. And here. You. Have. It's been a burial for.
You. I mean I thought they were too long even Chris. Might have been better when we get. One. No no no. No that's wrong because you. Know 20 year old man with. Here. And dancing around all around his. Home.
I think. The thing. With thinking. And love. And theft and and. Do
you. Do. Destination New Haven Bay episode number 60 to be played at thirty thousand dollars. Do. Away with the mark. Go ahead. It's all over but the shouting has pulled off his comeback
concert without a hitch. But there's a nasty surprise waiting in his dressing room. Two nasty surprises in fact in the persons of backstrap and Fonda. We agreed to to get their group. If you're going to back out here I just don't want to hurt him. Isn't there some more subtle way to get it than bashing him over the head and stop mixing your metaphors. Now he knew he was about love and all over the. Course. Room. Background. I guess you're What might call the self actualized
individual. OK let's get this over with. You make your point. I got a point and it ate it up behind a door you turn it on if you screw it back to you. I hear him coming. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Elvis while I'm in the dressing room. Enjoy the show. What an intense performance. I haven't had a musical encounter that dynamic since I saw the Paul Winter all animal glee club. Your singing reminded me of the Balinese tree frogs that you just gave me the shivers. I just let myself go and the. Music poured out a man. Didn't go too far you know the part where I ask you this what it tells you all those great and win and the towels were a nice touch. Sometimes we have to let go to really connect. You
had all the moves. It was. Primitive. So elemental. I didn't know you were such a sensitive savage. I thank you man. Here. Have a tell say. So much perfume you're wearing you know. And. To develop your potential. Only you can access your animal side and. Set it free. Yes miss. Swelling. I think I can release the animal in you. We could have an impactful encounter on. Show me how very incorrect. You took your time. When I get any money your money you wouldn't oh just shut up and help me get it. And it's you we do your
you need. But wait. Who's that creeping out of the closet. People seem to be peeling backstrap and Fonda.
Destination Haven Bay
Contributing Organization
KCAW (Sitka, Alaska)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/190-88cfxz9b).
Series Description
Tales of Haven Bay and its successors are radio theater series that parodies small town Alaska.
Episodes 51-60. The Haven Bay series parodies small-town living in Southeast Alaska. [reel label says "guard with Jake's life!"]
Radio Theater
Local Communities
Sitka; Alaska
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: Raven Radio Foundation Inc
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KCAW-FM (Raven Radio Foundation, Inc.)
Identifier: HB-006 (KCAW-FM)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Destination Haven Bay,” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “Destination Haven Bay.” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Destination Haven Bay. Boston, MA: KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from