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This is Haven Bay the early years episode number 37 to be played at eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. Ok ok you got it. You're very sorry. Thank you. It seems like every year the local citizens responsible for promoting tourism in Haven feel the need to institute a new promotional campaign. It's as regular responding. You can set your biological clock to it. This year it's Project tourism have a strong cup of coffee handy whereabouts to attend their first. Well hello there beneath all fired up about Project tourist. Just between you and me Johnny I'm pretty fired up about Bucks mocker.
Oh hello Robert call me Bob she relives one's a smoker shmuck going to pitch a spiel. Can you believe him Augusta. I mean look at the shoes I know aren't they. Too much. You're Gucci's. I don't understand why is bar wear Gucci shoes. Can he afford it. May I have your attention please. It's time to activate project tourist. I've assembled a first strike package I'd like to run past you. But first I want to interject a personal note. Spare us from my care. I'll be sure to come to the grand opening of smokers one stop super shop the superior shopping experience all new customer friendly consumer environment and drawing for valuable prizes. What are the prizes. Well you'll have to stop by and see for yourself friend. And now that personal note I promised you. What do you think. I say can and now and cut our losses. I think Whew. I know many of you have been wondering why for the measly sum you folks are forking over a high energy go getter like Buck Smucker who would
consent to return to a stagnant economic backwater like Haven. Well I'm going to tell you why off spare us. It's because deep down I'm a simple man. He's a simpleton and in my heart of hearts I still love this one horse town and every one of you that lives there now. And I have a dream o vision of what undermines speired guidance Haven Bay can become. Would you cut the crap and spill the beans. Yeah but what planet did you come up with. We want to see something wrong with consultant money we fancy. Yeah very well. First the appetizers a couple projects I just thought I'd float past you and see if any one way is that some sort of a tidal wave joke. First this rather novel treatment looks like a pot machine to me was a pop machine but slightly modified to dispense. Fish guts. Yeah I already ground block.
What's wrong with this guy. Any fisherman knows birds love guts. This is not a fish guts dispenser. It's a bird food dispenser. We put it all over the old wharf in the tourist a love it feed the birds a dollar a bag we can get the guts for free. No a hundred percent no on that seems a band to me you know oh ok ok scratch the fish guts. How about this an annual event. It will take advantage of the media coverage that's already accompanying the herring Roe fishery. Well call it the harrowing road and we can have pseudo cowboy competitions like porpoise busting and rope tricks with baited along year end. No Fraid not. But hey I don't know what's going on right now. OK scratch that Herring rodeo. You guys sure make a consultant work for his feet. Here's a sure winner. What does Haven Bay
lack culture. Yeah and what's the best way to get culture. That's right. Steal it. We need to identify Even Bayh with a famous cultural censor. What better way than to build a system of can now see through Haven ballet. It will not only solve our soon to be expected mass transit problems but it will give us the right to call ourselves the Venice of the Pacific. We could hire Thomas Monza right death in Haven. He's yet already. We could build a palace so the subaltern into the library committee not that. No no no. OK scratch that kind of stuff. I don't know about this one but since we're all here. Good. OK. Yes well I thought What town is complete without a gothic cathedral. Of course it won't be a real cathedral it will be a
hotel of these hotel cathedrals don't take in that much loot but block there's no limestone here no marble no granite. It cost a fortune to barge in. I thought of that already. We'll use what we have available to us. Oh we got a rounders bunch must get all the money to go on a baby. We'll build the thing out of Muscat. Edison wanted says it can be done with his new static generator invention. We'll call it Musk a man of real Yeah what a wonderful idea. YEAH BOYS I'M THE borrow we should thought of that a gothic cathedral built from Musk a cue like that one ha ha ha ha. Well OK no next up for this year's jellyfish fest you will think you want to hear what I thought as to what would be culture enough. Oh wow. In a town the size of Haven Bay you can't ever have too many hotels.
Haven Bay the early years. This is episode number thirty eight to be played at $19000. OK here we go again here that are very very big. Thank you. Smucker's grocery store has been a town's social center ever since talks granddaddy started it
and it still might be important even though it looks like some changes have been made. That'll be $10 Mrs. drizzle. Thanks for coming in for our grand opening. Don't forget to register for the door prize. Oh hello Madison. What can I get for you. Just drop by to wish you salutations on your celebration Giles. What's this I hear about a prize. If your name is chosen by the computer you could win the tsunami getaway weekend package. What's that something to the next evacuation A Night To Remember when the siren goes off. The winner gets a personal phone call from us before the phone lines go dead. We pick them up at their door and weste them to the evacuation site. There we present them with our tidal wave tidal wave treat it as a fancy picnic dinner. Complete with its own wicker basket. Hole duck. Pot Katie followed by. It's a little voice. A multipack of cheese curls the works plus a cribbage board. And a fairly recent copy
of People magazine and an inflatable pillow no blanket would fit in the basket. Sounds interesting tiles but I think I'll pass. Say while I'm here will you sell me a pack of super chill w. I'm exploring the tensile properties of chewing gum. Sure thing. That'll be 50 cents. I've been meaning to ask why a grand opening. Has been a smoker's corner grocery store in Haven Bay for as long as anybody can remember. All it's all this foolishness of bucks. He thinks if we modernize the store will attract more business. So he's installed all those electronic gear controlled by a central computer. I keep telling him we're the only grocery store in town. But he just won't listen to me. And then the dang things I hate. Why are you using that old piece of junk again. We spent ten thousand on a new checkout machine. It's not working right again box. So add a little blood and turn it off before you want to do the deliveries.
It can't be broken already we just installed it. The charge sheriff lost thirty seven hundred dollars for a bag of groceries this morning but. The ticket said she had bought 3000 pounds of a hamburger. Why she was so mad she threatened to shut the store down then and there. If I didn't get the old cash register out again. Must be the electronic scale in the meat department. Go have a look at it will you. What am I supposed to do about it. I don't knowis Don try turning it on and off again. How do I know. Let me accompany you. Charles perhaps I can be of service to our Edison come along. Women and men to figure out all these gadgets. She had it SURE YOU. Know what. That's a little routine. Just stand on the mat in front of the door. All right hang onto your sure. You resist doors you know we're better than you know you start on me to care.
My brother's been hard enough to convince if we're going to move into the modern age of commodity retailing we've got to modernize. You ever seen a big store down south without an electric door opener. I've never been so well take my word for it. Every major super shop has one. What's this. First up a new name a new image moving with the times. The corner grocery store belongs in the museum along with the Model T. One stop super shop now not some modern. Didn't you like the new neon out front I don't know. They're having trouble getting it to work when I came in by the way here's the mail wasn't working. Oh great I'll have to get Chuck to look at that one. Hey where is my brother anyway. Shark. Jerked. My gun and. Let's see. Bill. Bill. Bill. Boom Here's one from my stockbroker.
Sorry to take so long but it didn't get the scale to work. Now there's something wrong with that closed circuit TV set up Yad installed. It's picking up soap operas it isn't and I was just watching a Dallas I don't know. Well hey I wasn't that bad was the one with JR Not that you any of this. I just lost $50000 on the stock market. My broker got an order for my personal computer to buy up worthless commodities but I never sent that order. Little blue jean when you get that kind of office moniker first she says it's getting colder in here. For you when. You God's hold on all right I am a book the lights just went out. I know the lights just went out. Maybe even your diffuse gardens don't have a box and I mean the words are controlled by the same computer that regulates the dumbest you know it is getting colder in here I believe I can see my breath. Like it see anything at all wrong I don't
comment. Poor Bach. How many of you have had a day like that when nothing seems to go right. I see you're all raising your hands. In that case this episode is dedicated to you. Just be thankful your problems aren't somebodies plot mechanism. Haven Bay the early years episode number thirty nine to be played at
nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. OK OK if you get it you're very pretty. Thank you. People are saying that my knob has been spending too much time on his impending presidential campaign and not enough on his girlfriend Augusta looks like Bob is dropping in at the purple lube to try to rectify the situation. I just need a yes. Yeah c'mon man I'm glad you're early. I'm going to get out of here. I just need to put a few things away before we go. What are you working on a space ship. This is a DeLorean ball. It's bought
Smucker's and in the shop already has books marker breakers new toys a traffic accident I hope. Bob it's not that bad. Take it back. Make me know I'm not going to play I think he's nice. If you like rats and slime and plague. When was Buck so nice. Well last night for instance last night. So that's why you couldn't meet me. We were working under the car or in it. Don't you dare get your hackles up it was business. Now let's go I'm hungry. Change the subject just like you all would. Let me help i love coveralls Bob. You have your clothes and of course I have clothes on. What were you thinking. I've just always wondered what you wore. Underneath coveralls I changed earlier so I'd be ready to go out. How disappointing. Your car or mine. At least my car looks like a car. Look at my car. Solid dependable easy handling. It's a normal color.
Blue is in red white and blue. What more does one need in Haven Bay. I say American cars for American people. Hey that's good. I'll remember that for my next speech. Aren't you forgetting an important point what your car is Osvaldo so volatiles are made in Sweden. That's beside the point. So many hard working hard driving Americans have them. They're made America just by being. You better pull over. It's probably Marshall wanting to give me her campaign check. Hello constable. Oh for a drive. Not right this minute knob. Right this minute I'm giving you a ticket. What for. You were doing 85 at 70 miles an hour over the speed limit. Let's see your license. I was not driving that fast the radar doesn't lie pal. Now hand it over slow. I'll be right back. Both of you will remain in the vehicle. Bob you were going that fast. I know I couldn't have been. I
had the cruise control set on 15. Maybe it wasn't working right. OK you two out of that car and hands up. Oh come on Marcia. Don't fool around with. I said out of the car. You too Miss Marsh. It's may be August being you know me talk on you OK pal spread on there's been a mistake there's no mistake. Are you one Robert K is a knob knob. Yes but born an east wall of a Utah. No I was born in your first rater between 1980 in 1909 for robbery the first national federal I and or sperm bank. No according to the NCIC computer you violated your parole. I am placing you under arrest. You have the right to remain silent martial law. I've been in Haven Bay all my life. As long as you have. I'm Robert knob. How do I know you could be wearing a mask. They do crappy things with latex these days. You kind of learn that in stir. Pull my face. It. Is not a mask. It feels rubbery. Keep your hands in the air. Look I can prove I'm Robert knob.
Only I would know certain things like what. Is that. Well I guess you are the genuine article. But I'm still ticketing you for speeding. Marcia your radar is way off. If we'd been going that fast we have been in the bay before we could have stopped. I think there's something wrong with your radar and your computer. You may have a point but till I get my equipment checked here's this. Eight hundred dollars. Marsha you lost your marbles. One more crack knob and all that resisting arrest. OK OK maybe go now. Yes May we. Well OK. We don't leave town you hear. Something funny is going on here and I don't mean the gag writing none of the electronic equipment in Haven Bay seems to be working. If I were you I'd have a couple of spare radios handy just to make sure you hear the next episode.
This Haven made the early years episode number 40 to be played at $20000. OK we've got a few that are very big. Thank you. Way back near the beginning we heard that the federal government was sending a pop scientist
to Haven Bay to investigate the mysterious tidal wave that nearly destroyed the town. But you know how slow the government is. Martial law town sheriff has spent nearly every afternoon on the old wharf since then waiting in the mean time with nothing better to do. She Harris's the fisherman. Let me see your permit skipper this morning. You want a court appearance for obstructing justice. Don't get excited. Here's my permit. Let me see your crew's licenses. Have you tried to tell me you led this 200 pound link out by yourself. Sounds like perjury skipper. The next guest. Is one of the questions around here. Let me see your flight plan or is it a way that they are not good you just tell me if this is driver's license driver's license. Sure we're looking for Haven. Hey this place Where is your house for All right.
What phone hold out I asked the questions around here lady. Let me see some I.D. was. Touch and let them but I am fine. I G H T T. I asked the question Are you all real soldiers or do you just have a master's degree. JS I never talk to a scientist before. You don't talk to. Scientists. That. You know. That. If I ask a question you. Understand what you. Know is that the courts would have sworn it was to where you doubt the sky crane and Dr. Sharp you are not so fast that you got an exit permit anyone tell me how to get to 10 AK Springs. Best way to get the delegates brings. I mean really good to have. A bomb in the world. What. Or tell me what the Forest Service. Who are you. Smart guy bucks marker
ma'am at your beck and call. Sort of a Wimpy attitude. I like it. You didn't happen to bring a new engine for my dole Oriana Laurie I'm a sucker for a man with a DeLorean smoker and I'm a sucker for any woman who arrives in a sky crane cloaked in the unmistakable mantle of authority. Need a place to stay. Don't try to put any moves on me sucker but that Schumacher buck smoker I don't care if you're a Sonny Jim. I'm not shacking up with you I was speaking for the finest commercial rooming facility in Haven Bay mosque a man or a four star hotel in the form of a gothic cathedral or anything but the bingo motel is OK with me. Let's go and it should be completed very soon Watts. Watch your step with this lady. She's no tourist she's a scientist. I am to the right huckster. Paid one each. Yes. Yes. Ph D commanding officer Pacific theater.
You ask science or I'm a sucker for scientists. Sure baby. Maybe we could you know develop a theory. You better not violate any zoning ordinances we'd have to perform some experiments. You need a permit for public performances. Might be fun to help you call a TZ and then afterwards we buy. That. Better watch your step. I don't care if she is a scientist. I've got a town to run. So what do you do with that giant wing God skipper. Haven't seen one of those around in a long time I don't know. Beats the boards. Probably sot up for cordwood But Bernie was the head says it reminds him of his ex-wife. Well well well. So Kate Sharpe has returned behaving they too. Has she. And I'm making friends with the book awfully quickly too. I'm not sure she left a lot of friends here after first visit. Or did she.
Say. This is Haven Bay the early years episode number 41 to be played at twenty thousand five hundred dollars. It will be a big hit. You're very pretty. Thank you. Painting based project tourist brought her back from L.A. as a
consultant but the only plan he's come up with so far that they liked has been his idea for a new hotel. Let's wander out to the construction site. Why hello little blue and hello Percy I'm glad you could make it. For the world. Yes really and this is just the second story a little bit by tonight when it's done it'll be a perfect 10 story high replica of a Gothic cathedral. Like that. With my new invention very complicated. Let's see how well you know. You know your socks stick together when they come out of the dryer. You know I don't believe in washing the time on TV. Oh yeah. Well static cling is basically what holds a musket together
a static generator builds a sort of force field around each block which keeps it in the shape you want and makes it stick to the other blocks whereas the static generator in that cabinet there by the entrance to the lobby. You know. Oh. I see what you mean. It does resemble a phone booth. I have to put a sign on that. We don't want someone wandering into it by mistake. Can I see a generator. I'm afraid not little the Dean. Until I get it patented I'm keeping it top secret. Understand little boys have a habit of looking at things with their fingers and touching the wrong button would be extremely dangerous. But I can show you inside the hotel if you'd like to go inside. Does it say. What I invite you in if it wants him to come along. It's even bigger inside that looks outside.
Perspective a little perspective something it's always wise to respect. How it looks like a church. Is it supposed to be a hotel. It's what's called a theme hotel a little blue or so Mr. Smucker tells me. Apparently a theme hotel draws more customers. Though I wouldn't know. And even though it looks like a cathedral you see it had all the modern conveniences pretty fancy with glass elevators you know you can walk around the lobby and look at things if you like but don't touch anything. Walls are still a little damp. Do you think some politicization. Oh yes. It's amazing just like you said of course. Imagine a 10 story building made out of Musk who want to fuck. This is going to make us rich is the name. I don't want to be rich. I told you that when I signed the contract I just
wanted to perfect my static generator and explore the more unusual properties of musk. Yeah right baby right. Are we on schedule still planning to have it done by tonight. It should be finished before supper time. Cause we got our first paying guest coming over in a few minutes. Federal scientists. Name of shop and a shop looker she is to here to investigate the big wave I take it says she'll need a couple of big rooms to set up some sort of portable electronics lab. I think I'll put her in the Thomas a Becket suite. Oh and by the way I talk to your brother. He's got a brand new band playing down at the bare paddock and he's going to let us have them for opening night festivities in the ballroom. Do they play ballroom dance music. No Surf music sea shanties something like that. Who cares they're free you know. I think this lobby looks too empty. Need something. Maybe a statue.
How about Edison. Can you whip up a statue with a generator. Of course but a statue of what. I don't know. Was someone famous. How about me or you. Yeah that's it. It was your invention that made this possible. BLOCK I'm flattered but I don't want to be a statue until after I'm dead. Yeah I guess you're right. How about the Venus de Milo. Some hot babe like that wrong period. Michelangelo's David Plouffe. Still no problem well we'll figure something out. One of the medieval popes maybe they got a wrong. Want to freshen up before the shop chick arrives. See you later. Ready. The things I do for science boom that war does look awfully wet. I wonder. No no I guess everything is OK. Still I'd better go check the static generator and make sure everything is working just right.
Little Blue didn't know you were ready to go. First he doesn't like you here anyway. No why not. I don't know. He won't tell me. He just says we'll find out soon. Maybe it's the Samoa and that should dissipate and he also told me to tell you to be careful careful. Why of course all be careful. Not that I need you. This place is solid as a rock. Gah fake indeed. Let's hope my skeg manners life isn't nasty short and brutish. Sounds like back now that I think of it. And by the way isn't the psyche just the ticket for foreshadowing future development. Haven Bay the early years episode number 42 to be played at twenty
one thousand dollars. But you know you talk a few that are very very big. Thank you. In our last episode of Little Blue Barney watch you expressed a desire to start a government scientist who's returned to investigate Title 8 looks as if he's founder and her lab can. Drop a bomb. Are you little blue Dean. Strange name. Why you standing there so quiet. This is no place for little boys. Are you building a big television. No
not that it's any of your concern. Uncle Barney says a Tuesday. I told you this isn't a TV except that 0 0 0 Your eyes are two different colors brown and blue and you're Barney's nephew Not really. I was love. Tragically on his doorstep many long years ago none of my concern. That's none of my concern. I have no thought that it may be any concern to me where you came from. Do you read weight loss men to me. The comic you've read. First he says you have Percy. My psychic get users you get Frederick's of Hollywood packages and brown wrapping paper and your cat says that I never lie unless I can get away with it. Do you. I believe in Good luck you know. Why not go away. I have to work. I have a job to do. You think you can demand my time was in that the way with you men demand
demand demand how only 8 years oh it's already starting. Women are expected to put up with careers and motherhood and husbands. Well I won't see you here I won't. Do you have children. Oh no not even one not even a little one. I must work. I have to set up this equipment out of the way. I love a glop of my gags. This tone is more idiotic than I remember it. Building a gothic cathedral hotel out of musket blocks. It's starting to feel like awful. This is says that's normal. He says it's natural decay like a snake shedding its skin. Are you still here. You must get falling into my equipment is normal. You don't believe in Bernanke you. I told you. No we're not going away. Uncle Bernie says if I lie my nose will grow.
On another circuit just fused. Something's terribly wrong here my electronics aren't responding. Leave me alone. How did you know my name. Should I just say no to drugs. No I mean yes of course. Why are you asking me this as a pre-adolescent I'm the target of peer pressure. Does it concern you that boys my age may already be experimenting with their parents credit. Are you. Get away get away. Want. Is it true that when you grow old your heart dies. Listen here you little turn up. I never had a heart. See you don't get out of this mushy swamp of a lab in one second. I'm going to requisition that cat of yours for an experiment I have been considering. You wouldn't try me you little musky it out we're going but we'll be back. Proof she says our fates are intertwined as long as you stay in Haven.
What's that hiding behind the door. He's gone. Shoulder run. What a waste of the world's energy raising children. But if I had my way they'd all be set afloat on a leaky raft in the Arctic and only the ones who survive would be allowed into prep school. How will I solve the mystery of Haven Bay when flight instruments won't work. Get ahold of yourself Kate. You are a career woman. No career first. That's it. I'll call your person. You've overcome. What do you know. Q Did you hear that Percy. She thinks I'm cute. What she was talking about you. Oh well come on let's go see Barney. So now Kate has two problems. Electronic equipment that won't work and an
inquisitive little boy. Let's hope the former isn't as persistent as the latter can be. Say even today the early years episode number forty three to be played at twenty one thousand five hundred dollars. OK we've got a few minutes. Here's a very big story. Thank you.
The bottom line for it is the local economy and Haven Bay is right there. The new tourism campaign designed by consultant Smucker hasn't quite lived up to its promise and but needs to come up with something popular at tonight's project tourist meeting. Or he's in trouble with. Project tourist is now in session. You're looking good tonight Augusta love coming back for some of us work for a living. Love that thought I'll grow up. We could use that buffer you chewing gum. Yeah well it's a $50 fine for chewing gum in a city building. But after the meeting no come on. If you want me to take you in. Spit it out.
Paul writes how I make money for this if you just. Yeah yeah and it will probably wind up right back. Yeah he's right every blamed target just made money for you. And he said that everything from heart to just being on support of any idea that wasn't yours could be a problem Barney acceptance of your ideas one sounded good and yours were water coolers. I dropped the target and I actually went for the mass transit canal we found out the only place where it was between the hotel and the grocery store. But you won't it's not my fault the contractors misread the plans. Anyone can make a mistake. Especially when you're related to a stuffed clam head like you. Thank you Bonnie but let's see if the complements for later. I have something big on the burners this time and I do mean big. What do you all say to Haven Bay hosting an event for the Olympic Games.
OK you get the Olympic committee to choose haven t o me want to bail the committee out of some deep stuff when they were looking over Vegas. I'm pretty sure they'll play ball with me so Next we need to decide what if we want to host. Here's my idea yes. How about speed boat racing. Lots of money mess up the harbor. Why do I think that during the fishing season you crazy. I know everyone a hair cutting competition. I know I could win. That's silly. You're right Johnny it is silly but just has a point. We want something reasonable something Haven Bay could compete in. OK how about tree climbing that's reach you know there's a lot of people that do that around here. Yeah I haven they wouldn't stand a chance. You know go what. Yeah I have it I have it. The perfect answer forensics. We could be host of the world's greatest orators and
debaters and I as one of them as you are a Libyan could outshine them all one by one. Word by word. Think of the TV coverage you think of the exposure. I know with your support I could bring home the gold. No way you might get public television to carry on but not the big networks. They want action blood and guts sex appeal. Here are some ideas on my list with a regional appeal. Number one fish sliming pro. We have the fastest Limas in the world in. Come on we wouldn't get the smell out for you must can't stilt walking number two. It's really funny to watch. Come on you probably attract circus people and then they'll never leave. OK number three. Saturn racing pro Haven base on may be the fastest in the
day I'm sure no one everyone here can can't one come on the main competitors will come from Norway. They'll stay with their relatives and the hotels won't make a sound. OK pick the one you like the best and write it down on the paper in front of you. I got stalling when you collect the votes. OK could you repeat that. All right let's not French slime ang mohs cakes stilt walking and salmon rice saying oh I don't get everything you say Uncle barley get out from under there. I know it. Then I was bursting to get to salmon rice and when you're not with my vote I'm going for a fish slime and oh I wouldn't that be great. OK I hope you're right. We've counted the votes and it's out of us. The event haven that will host really Olympic Games will be put that so you're out no smoking is allowed no.
Well what is going to well what it is I mean when I go friends so I am all right saying I don't know that do you know why I told you Barney. You might say you know ballots we demand to read Yeah. I smell some Oaks farmer again what was he going to run away. Yes I heard the ballads are on fire. Oh in this rush then it was wax figure right. Moore Sure told me to put it on. Silly me I wasn't thinking well you'll just have to take box Smucker's word borracho Olympic fever strikes. Imagine Haven Bay hosting an Olympic event. We're talking national television coverage focused on Haven Bay. Will it stand scrutiny. This is Haven Bay. The early years episode number 44 to be
played at twenty two thousand dollars. Ok ok you got it. You're very big. Thank you. It's been a while since we checked in on Rob who has been working hard to make his dream of running for president a reality. But since he's announced a press conference and public reception today in the lobby of the manor we may find out soon. Going to bring. This thing on. I'm so glad so many of you could come today. Free food medicine and barley water bucket shops motor jockey
Marcia distinguished friends and neighbors I see there even some of our tourist friends up from the gift shops all here for the announcement of my candidacy all keep the speeches short as I can't wait for that night I would like to start with a little story. There are two nuns in a bar the bartender says what would you ladies like. And I looked at him and said We'd like Robert in all this our next president. All right well ladies and gentleman I'm here to tell you that I hope to fulfill that wish. You are looking upon the next leader of this great land the man who will strap on the wings of interest and fly to the sun. The man who will take America. Go to the World Series of politics and we're in the bottom of the night with two outs. Robert all is well now. Right here I have a National Enquirer poll of 8000 inquiring minds. It says that of those polled 10 percent find a slate of candidates now running to be out of touch. Well you're looking at a man with a man who is more like it.
I knew Robert in all of the novel justice the man with a grip on the throbbing pulse of America. And as I kick off his campaign officially I want to make this special announcement from now on. I'm not Robert. That's the old stuffy conservative me. Now I'm a man of the people of the soil. I am wrong it's wrong it's wrong it's wrong. No. Are there any questions. I got a question about the wimp. Factor. Let's talk. Less all or wrestle any man in this room. Oh about me sharp. Come on Rob. Barney and I won't. It wouldn't be the gentlemanly thing to do. Besides my wrist is sore from patting yourself on the back for writing my speech which I'd like to finish now if I may let him get it over with.
Sun will be down soon. Here is my platform on the broad issues I believe in being good and not under any circumstances being bad unless it comes to dealing with an enemy of the United States or involves large sums of money on education. I'm for it but believe that every child should have time for funding itself. That means a period each day of unstructured twiddling on defense. I'm for it but believe that every soldier should have time for finding itself. That means a period each war of unstructured twiddling and finally the deficit. Again I'm for it. It's worked for us this far. We've managed to enjoy enormous prosperity in our bankruptcy. Who's to say we wouldn't ruin everything if we had a real economy to worry about. That's the nob platform I want your support even me and not only your support. But your money. I was just leaving little looting. Yes Uncle Bernie what do you think of nobs chances. Firstly they can't says Mr Nobbs the best of all the candidates. Probably the said Turly hate buck. Nice place you got here. If you like my skate.
It brings the tourists in Watts and that's what counts. Besides they're the only ones still listening to Kannada and so friends I leave you with these words I don't love in every pot and a chicken over the White House. You are that Mr. candidate for president. Smells like distant Saturn. Sun rise. We have more and bills please. Boy what a speech. Bob can really tell it like it might be. And isn't that all it takes to run for president. But it's an expensive proposition. Where is he gonna get that kind. Nice place you got here if you like my skate.
It brings the tourists in Watts and that's what counts. Besides they're the only ones still listening to Kannada and so friends I leave you with these words. I don't love in every pot and a chicken over the White House. You are that Mr candidate for president. Smells like distant Saturn. Sun rise. We have more and build please. Boy what a speech. Bob can really tell it like it might be. And isn't that all it takes to run for president. But it's an expensive proposition. Where is he gonna get that kind of cash.
Haven Bay: The Early Years
Contributing Organization
KCAW (Sitka, Alaska)
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Series Description
Tales of Haven Bay and its successors are radio theater series that parodies small town Alaska.
Episodes 37-44. The Haven Bay series parodies small-town living in Southeast Alaska.
Radio Theater
Local Communities
Sitka; Alaska
Media type
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: Raven Radio Foundation Inc
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KCAW-FM (Raven Radio Foundation, Inc.)
Identifier: HB-019 (KCAW-FM)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Haven Bay: The Early Years,” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “Haven Bay: The Early Years.” KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Haven Bay: The Early Years. Boston, MA: KCAW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from