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Opening Music Opening Music (Narrator) He was born in 1920 and grew up in a close knit 19th Ward. Admittedly not very good at sports. He would go on to make a name in the field. He began by selling a story about stamp collecting to the Democrat and Chronicle for 14 cents an inch. This led to a career spanning over 30 years reporting on nearly every conceivable sport. Today, Bill Pierce talks to George Beahon about the Rochester he knows. Hi I'm Bill Pierce Welcome to "the Rochester I Know" George Beahon is my guest today and George come. You've done an awful lot since that first story that you've made what $8
for. [Guest] I think it was 7, I'm not sure. [Host] Seven or $8 [Laughs] [Guest] It won't get you very far today. [Host] How did the story come about? [Guest] I just had a feeling that I wanted to write something and I looked at somebody's postage stamp collection and I said this maybe somebody at the paper will use it. this and I hammered it out. [Host] Did you know anything about postage stamps? [Guest] Not really, I don't know anything now. [Laughs] [Host] But you got 7 or 8 bucks for it. [Guest] I faked my way through one [Host] That's marvelous. George Beahon we've got to start at the beginning. Tell us, you know, where you were born; who your parents were; a little bit about you. Now we've been we've been reading your column I think we read your column in the local Gannett papers for 16 years, before that we know you covered the I guess the Red Wings and the and the oh, Rochester Royals [Guest] and hockey. [Host] more recently you were on Channel 13 doing sports commentary and then on Channel 8 doing sports commentary so. [Guest] I closed both of those [Laughs] [Host] So if anyone has has missed you they had to be out of town somewhere. So ah
you came to this town and in in a '66 for the first time and I watched you regularly from '66 to the present I think so. [Guest] I I still walk around Bill --that television is a powerful thing. I hear people holler at me at supermarkets, and on the street, "That's as far as I go," which used to be a closing line I used. [Host] Yeah, yeah, yeah,sure. [Guest] I still use it. [Host] Super. [Guest] Well, you were asking about where I came from. I was born here, my father taught [Host] Born here where? [Guest] The 19th Ward well, I think it was St. Mary's Hospital, actually. [Host] Uh uh, uh uh. Hm mm. [Guest] My father taught high school for 40 years at West High School in the Old West high school and taught at RBI he taught accounting and business and I none of that rubbed off on me because I still can't balance a checkbook. [Host] You never you've never had any desire to become a teacher like your dad? [Guest] No not really. [Host] Was your Dad born here and in the States? [Guest] No he emigrated from Ireland. [Coughs] I couldn't give you a date [Host] Nice. Ah was it O'Baehon then in Ireland? [Guest] Yes, I understand of the original Obaehon which we always bring up on March 17. How about your mom is she from Ireland? [Guest] She's a local, but her family was from
German Germany, so I had a good Irish German background. [Host] Well, you were in the right neighborhood for it. [Guest] Yeah that's classic [Host] the 19th Ward, [Guest] 3rd Ward. One side of the street was the 19th and the 3rd Hubble Park. [Host] Now what was it like growing up in the 19th ward in the when thirties? [Guest] Yeah thirties. I remember the Depression, particularly. I know things got tough I know my father, Got bless him supported some people. And I remember shopping. [Host] So your Dad kept a job during the Depression. Yeah he was teaching then and um I remember I don't know now, but I know I didn't know it then, but I know now that was 1929 I came home from school one day I think and my mother looked strange and all kind of beat up and ah my father was sitting in a chair in the living room. He used to smoke a cigar and he was down. It was obvious and ah I found out later that was the day of the crash I think it hurt him a lot. I think financially it was a big jolt, but I remember that scene in his sitting in that living room chair and being, you know, terribly depressed looking.
But he kept his job yeah, yeah, [Guest] And kept his job and I think he did a great job. He raised 4 kids and we're all still around. [Host] Hm mm, ok. Now what was it like growing up in the 19th Ward in the '30's early '30's the Depression is on you, you make your own fun. [Guest] I had 3 paper routes at 1 time 1 of the first had a paper here once and I had a route for both Times Union Journal and the morning Democrat and Chronicle, so I was a rich kid. You know I got money to spend. [Host] Probably made five bucks a week, or so. [Guest] I think on a good week I made $15. [Host] Really. Well [Host] that was alot of money [Guest] that was a lot of money for a kid like me. You know I learned how to play pinball machines and go double feature movies on the Madison on Plymouth Avenue [Host] How much did it cost? [Guest] 15 cents to get in and I saved 20 cents for 4 White Tower hamburgers. Another nickel for chocolate milk. That was Saturday was a great day [Host] Yeah, wonderful days as a kid. [Guest] I was vain bad, bad news. [Host] Well, having 3 paper newspaper routes I presume that was what the D&C and the T
U [Guest] And a the a Hearst paper in the afternoon it was the Journal, I think, the Journal American, I think they [Indistinct] you. Three we had 3 newspapers in town at that time. [Host] Did that create some interest on your part in going to work for the newspaper some day? [Guest] It may have, but I never really got exposed to any of the editorial area until a [coughs] Until I started hanging around the sports desk. And ah Man who turned out to be a great friend, Elliot Cushing, asked me if I go cover a sectional soccer game [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] which I did and he liked it and he put me on the desk. [Host] Well what was a sectional soccer game in those days? [Guest] High school [Host] high school [Guest] and it was. I happened to catch a couple good ones, I guess, but anyway[Host] Uh uh. [Guest] I got I got away with it and he put me on a desk and I would sit for hours answering telephones and taking down semi-pro baseball box scores, bowling scores, a golf scores. Basketball box scores into the night late. [Host] For someone who didn't like your business or accounting you obviously developed quite a technique for
for remembering sports statistics, [Guest] Yeah, but I still can't balance a checkbook. I got a daughter to [Host] Back up a minute where'd you go to elementary school? [Guest] I went to Immaculate Conception. [Host] Yeah, which is still there. [Guest] Neighborhood there and still there, but the school is not there. The Church is there. [Host] Ah the Church is there, but the school is what since closed?[Guest] Closed [Host] Is that part of the diocesan yeah shrinking down of the. [Guest] And then I went to St. Andrew's Seminary, I would have made a great priest a lot of people think. [Host] Ah ha. Really? [Guest] I finished at Aquinas where was St. Andrew's? St. Andrew's [Guest] It was down on Plymouth Avenue not far from here Bill. back down on Andrew's Street er [Host] And how long to you last at St. Andrew's? [Guest] Three years I left left by mutual agreement. [Host] All right and then and then what? [Guest] Then I thought about being a Cardinals I got into the baseball area and I liked that. [Host] And then you went to the what'd you mean? the baseball area? [Guest] Well, the only kind of Cardinal I was going to be would be on the baseball area at church.[Laughter] [Host] Oh. All right if some of us are a little slow, today, George. You're still swift. Now,
you're you're hanging around the ah sports desk at the Gannett Papers hoping to get a job I presume. [Guest] Doing all his drudge work on the telephone [Host] Uh uh. [Guest] and actually a friend, a great friend of mine, Don Hassett was in med school and covering the Red Wings and also for the Paper, but a lot of day games and [Host] He did it full time?[Guest] He did that and I sort of inherited that job from him, so I've broken in writing Red Wing baseball. I took over the job from Don who was now a very veteran ah Gyn-Ob a man and great friend--best man at my wedding. [Host] Now what now what year is this, George? [Guest] That would have been 1940 or '39. That's 50 some odd years ago. [Host] 39 or 40 You start covering the Red Wings. Now, they're at the Silver Stadium where they are now [Guest] Right. [Host] I presume and [Guest] which was sold in 1929. [Host] Now do you go with them on the road? [Guest] I traveled with them and with the Royals for many years [Host] Yeah. Were the Royals playing at the same time? [Guest] No, later on the '40's [Host] late '40's alright.
But there was a it was a great social league we had Montreal, we had Buffalo which is a nice City. It was called the International League right and we had Montreal eventually we had Ottawa. for awhile also. [Host]Newark? [Guest] We had Savannah and Miami and Jersey City and Newark were in it and we stayed in New York City while we played there and it was a great travel league. [Host] What was it like traveling with the baseball players? What did you do? I mean things you can tell about on television. [Guest] Well a lot of things you can't tell [laughs] about television or anywhere else, but ah it was fun. [Host] Yeah. [Guest] and really it was it was not a bad life, you know, you you they used Pullman cars. We didn't use the airplanes we were in trains and, of course, the writers always got the upper berth and [Host] Now why's that? [Guest] Because you were low on the rank.[laughs] I remember Dixie Walker being manager here once in a he didn't He didn't want the whole team to fly on one airplane, so he's had it split into 2 DC 3 segments and he put the regular players and the starting pitcher on one plane and he put the newspaper writers and a radio broadcaster
and the utility players on the other team. [Host] The other plane and that would explain was the plane that wasn't quite as good as the first one; [Guest] That's the 1 he decided if we have to crash it'd be that one I don't know how he knew that, but a Dixie was a piece of work. [Host] Dixie Walker was the manager for awhile [Guest] Harry Walker's brother, Dixie was a people's choice in Brooklyn-- great hitter.[Host] Uh uh, uh uh. Who are some of the players in '39 and '40? [Guest] Ooo tough one, I I think of Duke Markell I think he pitches a no hitter on opening day and Sheg Shaunessey, the internationally present and fell asleep in a box seat and didn't know he pitched a no hitter.[laughs] And now there were some Harry Walker had some great teams. He had 8 players that hit over 300 in the same line up. [Host] So what was Red Wing stadium or what did they what did they call it in those days? [Guest] Red Wing Stadium [Host] Red Wing Stadium. It wasn't Silver Stadium until much later. What was Red Wing Stadium like then? Late '30's early '40's was it? Was it filled? [Guest] They had a year in ah '48, I think it was, where they drew 450,000--
nobody's done that since in this area. [Host] Uh uh. 450,000. [Guest] 450,000. 449,000 [Host] In one season. So [Indistnct] Deviner was General Manager then.[Host] Uh uh. [Guest] And of course it had to be a good team to draw like that, but you know. [Host] Now we're going to get around to to the local station flap here, or the local stadium flap here in in a few minutes maybe we will put that off to the end.[Laughs] [Guest] I'm not holding my breath. [Host] Stick your neck out, but let's see where we're taping this. Here it is a March 29th I think, I hope, and I'm not sure when this will air, but by then maybe to the the Rochester Baseball Stadium issue will be concluded, maybe not. [Guest] I hope, I get it I got my fingers crossed I'm not as confident as I was a year early. [Host] But there's a baseball strike also going on as we as we speak. [Guest] Maybe end tonight. I hope it'll end tonight. March 29th [Host] March 29th. [Guest] That may end tonight. [Host] May end tonight. Gut feeling. [Host] All right [Guest] They're at a point where somebody's going to crack. [Host] Well, that that's a
[Guest] That's a big scoop. [Host] That's a big scoop. We [Laughs] may go right down if we had a news department, George, we'd rush right down there [Guest] Yeah and pull it, [Indistinct] [Host] You know. But as long as we're on the topic let's ah talk about the a stadium what is what's your feeling about not at the location whether or not it's going to come about; maybe who's going to pay for it. [Guest] A month ago I thought it was an absolute cinch, Bill, and I had people tell me that I thought were pretty good sources not to worry, you know. [Coughs]. Now after the change in the governor's office and all the hassle about the money, I'm getting very leery and I think if it falls through we we lose it all --we'll wind up with a Class A Baseball somewhere. If we lose a stadium, [Host] You you made a very firm decision about the baseball strike, you want to make a firm prognostication about the Stadium? [Guest] No, [Host] No [Laughs] [Guest] I just I'm just hoping I've got my fingers crossed, but I'm holding my breath on it [Host] Not going to make going to make a novena, or anything? [Guest] No. Mine don't work too good. [Host Laughs]
[Host] Mine neither. Let's see, were in the late '30's early '40's you're covering the Red Wings regularly now. Where do you go from there? The War breaks out did it affect the ball club? [Guest] I went to the Navy I had a lot of fun in the Navy. I was in what we laughingly called, the Intelligence Division. [Host] Yeah. How intelligent was it? [Guest] Wasn't very intelligent. I was in the Office of Naval Intelligence. [Host] Now, where were you stationed? I was in a New York: Brooklyn Navy Yard. And I was in Panama for 2 years [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] and I was in New York that's where I met your old friend Walter Winchell. [Host] Well, I'm not sure he was my old. [Guest] He doesn't didn't remember me, [laughs] but I remember him. [Host] I think we all those of us who were around, remember a when Winchell's [Guest] Winchell's [Host] Yeah. [Guest] [Indistinct] [Guest] Radio [Indistinct] I don't [Host] Now how did you run into Walter Winchell? [Guest] I was working at night in the ah Naval Intelligence very private office on Church Street in New York [Host] Ah ha. [Guest] and Winchell came in as a lieutenant commander with another Navy officer, I think it was a captain, [Host] I never knew he was a commissioned officer. [Guest] He went into the Navy as a lieutenant commander [Host] ah ha. [Guest] and he was associated with
intelligence and public relations [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] and he didn't have the proper credentials. [Throat clearing] And when he got off the elevator I was at a desk [Host] He had a uniform on [Guest] and he had the full uniform with all the [indistinct] right. [Host] Uh uh. [Guest] He didn't have the proper credentials for me to get him through let him through. [Throat clearing] And he didn't like that. [Host] So you're on guard, I presume. [Guest] Well I was sort of the receptionist at this point. [Host] uh uh. [Guest] And ah we got into a mild argument about why he couldn't go in and at one point the Captain who was with him tried to throw his rank pretty high and I had to call in a Marine guard to ask him to get out of the building. [Host] Right. [Guest] I haven't forgotten that. I threw Winchell out of 90 Church Street. [Host laughs] [Host] Very few of us can say that. Yeah. [Guest] He probably burned it down. [Host] Little known fact. Did now, War's over did What did you come back to the newspaper? [Guest] I went back to when I left I was at the Times Union and I came back and took a full time job with the Democrat and Chronicle. It was my first full time job.
[Host] Ah ha. But has the City changed any? Part of this program is about "the Rochester you know". What was [Guest] Downtown Downtown. What was the City like? [Guest] Oh Downtown after a ball we played a lot of day baseball and I look forward to day ball games after I'd read a column and a game story and have the rest of the night to myself. Our old friend our mutual friend Henry Clune and I would go to Earl's Grill [Host] Uhuh.[Guest] and have a little libations, good food and then there were places to go Downtown and I would meet at the Rascal or some other place, ah and places up in the suburbs too, but there was a whole night ahead of us that we used to like it. I don't see that anymore; maybe I'm out of it. I'm not sure. [Host] Well, you make a good point. You have all these games at night and you know baseball games you play. [Guest] Yeah. [Host] in the evening now. [Guest] and the hockey is all at night. [Host] They weren't then after the War, were there games in the Red Wing Stadium at night? [Guest] Every Saturday and Sunday was always a day game and occasionally ah on a weekday; sometimes double headers.
Thank you. [Guest] But the Royals played at night too. [Host] Now when did the Royals come into into the picture because that was a major [Guest] The Royals graduated from St. Stanislaus Hall a semi-pro area into the National Basketball League. [Host] Where was St. Stanislaus Hall? [Guest] Ah way down Joseph Avenue in a small church hall. A low ceiling. [Host] Ah ha. [Host] They were actually playing professional? [Guest] Gave white pints of liquor for half time door prizes Seagram's with they were the Rochester Seagrams. [Host] That was the name of the club?[Guest] directly to Seegrams. But Les ah moved them up higher and higher until they got into an organized league a good League the National League and eventually the NBA. [Host] Now, Les mention Les Harrison. [Guest] Played at Edgerton Park Sports Arena most of the time. [Host] Now, how did Les come about forming a team? What was his background? [Guest] Les was a basketball bug and a promoter and he was promoting semi-pro games and he'd bring in teams from Baltimore, Newark and he'd travel all over them too just just for, you know, they played at Knights of Columbus or St. Stanislaus. [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] He just promoted basketball. [Coughs]
Eventually got good enough to join the League the next thing you know he was on the NBA. [Host] He pulled together. [Guest] He was a coach and the owner and he had played himself. [Host] Ah ha. [Guest] He put it all together. [Host] So out of this Saint Stanislaus Hall and and ah Seagram's Seagram's they came to where did they go from there? [Guest] Knights of Columbus, the Armory, sports arena [Host] Now the Armory. [Guest] Edgerton Sports Arena became our main home. [Host] Is that the Armory on Main Street across from the Auditorium. [Guest] Later not much. [Host] When when did they get to the ah War Memorial? If they did. I guess they did. [Guest] Well, they were established when I got to the War Memorial, they were they'd already won an NBA championship in 1950. [Host] How did they do that playing out of places like ah, [Guest] Well, [Host] the War Memorial [Guest] If you saw the if you saw the buildings in Fort Wayne or a Sheboygan or Three Rivers or ah [Host] the War Memorial [Guest] Tri-Cities [Host] the Armory was a palace. [Guest] Yeah, well the Sports Arena was a palace compared to some of them. [Host] Uh uh. [Guest] But Les got it going and
Les blames blames television, he blames hockey now and then for having gotten 'em more [Host] How long [coughs] did how long did the Royal's reign here? [Guest] I think they left in '56, Bill. [Host] So they were here. [Guest] Attendance was down and they couldn't afford to compete with the other cities for recruiting and development. [Host] Ah ha but they had a championship team [Guest] But he blamed hockey for being- for taking over and boosting him up, but- [Host] Why the Amercs- [Guest] But I think think television moved him more than hockey did. That was when suddenly there was something to do at night: stay at home and watch TV. Right? [Host] Yeah. Yeah. And were- are any of the players still around from the old Rochester [Indistinct] [Guest] though. Oh yeah, Al Servey is still around. Bobby Wansor[?] you know is coaching or was a was coaching at John Fisher ah Arnie Reison's in Cleveland. Arnie Johnson's moved away from here to Florida. Al Servey's around. [Host] But the gate simply wasn't big enough at the War Memorial to sustain that kind of [Guest] Attendance is strapped.
In fact they were too good. They won too many home games. It was hard to pick a team you wanted to go see. it wasn't a Minneapolis or a New York Knicks. They were going to beat up these other teams so badly it was similiar to the Aquinas problem. Now they beat these teams so badly it was not an attractive contest. [Host] Now George Beahon you're you're covering the Red Wings and the Royals at the same time [Guest] Same years, yeah. [Host] The same years. It's got to be- you got to be stretched pretty thin. I mean what happened [Guest] I was traveling a lot. In fact, I was never home for 3 of my 4 children's births. [Host] On the road and hearing about it on the road. [Guest] Yeah. [Host] Yeah, right. Now the Royals drop out. And you continue to cover the Red Wings [Guest] Right. [Host] Yeah, when do the Red Wings finally emerge with a championship team after the War? [Guest] Well, I know that in 19- 49 there were big winners. They had big winners under Harry Walker and Johnny Keane in the early '50's. [Coughs] They were in a lot of little World Series. And some people say, yeah, you
know, if you win your league championship, that's it. They don't consider the little World Series as the apex of the minor league system. [Host] But do you think Rochester is big enough, or the metropolitan area's getting big enough to support any you know professional team? [Guest] Well they sure did a great job with lacrosse. Well that seems [Guest] On a limited basis, you know. [Host] and that seems to be - is that a comeback or is that all together new? [Guest] It's just brand new- brand new for as far as [Host] talking about the Night- Night Hawks here? [Guest] Yeah. You know there's- even the outdoor lacrosse here's coll-colleagate and you gotta you're away from home you're not they're not playing any big league Lacrosse here except at Hobart. So box Lacross here which is a lot more violent than a [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] field Lacrosse caught on like that. [Host] Now of all the other sports that- you've covered every sport, George, did you ever know, high school sports, girls basketball and ah and the head of- we had a great women's basketball team here at one time. [Guest] The Philarettes. [Host] The Philarettes.
What was that what were they all about? [Guest] They were organized by a Major League umpire, Roy Van Grafflin, and they were without question the best there was. [Host] Now what do you mean? Locally or nationally? [Guest] Nationally. [Host] Now again why is that? How come we developed- [Guest] They were all I call them pros and they were all tough rough kids women [Host] Women. [Guest] I say kids some of them were in their 30's. There were just too good. [Host] Now how come they [Guest] They had a [Host] had created here in Rochester?[Guest] How come what Bill? [Host] How come How come they were all here here in Rochester at the same time? [Coughing] [Guest] Oh Van Grafflin organized them [Host] hm here. [Guest] and brought them here. Thank you. [Host] Yeah. [Guest] Beefeater. [Host] So he brought them in- [laughs] It's the best and the smoothest. [Guest] He brought in from all over the East. [Host] So they weren't necessarily Rochester born and bred. [Guest] No, very few I think there was only one local girl on the team. [Host] So an example of another basketball promoter who put together a winning team. [Guest] Yeah
and they were unbeatable. [Host] And who'd they played? Just the women's teams from some other- [Guest] Yeah he brought them in from all over the east and south and northeast [Host] They were so they were professional. Charged admission. [Guest] And they played at ah St. Stanislaus sometimes and part of double headers and played with Les' teams. [Host] Did anyone ever beat them? [Guest] I think I saw them get beat once. [Host] Really? [Guest] Once in maybe a couple hundred games. [Host] Who are some of the other sports figures that you enjoyed or that you remember best or you wouldn't mind working with again? [Guest] A lot of baseball people, hockey people, Joe Crozier. Aquinas football, [Host] What did Joe Crozier do? [Guest] Joe was the coach and part owner at one time of the Rochester Americans.[Host] Ah ha. [Guest] and he was an inspirational guy. He was a, you know, a Frank Leahy type psychology [Host] Yeah. [Guest] coach. He had ways for getting his teams up, like when they got into the playoffs one time [Host] But but Leahy being a former coach of Notre Dame [Guest] Notre Dame. [Host] Yeah we're inclined
to let these names go back and forth [Guest] Yeah. [Host] Realizing there might be some people never heard of Frank Leahy because [Guest] Crozier had all kinds of ploys. One time he threw a couple thousand dollars in cash on to the couch in the in the Royals' dressing room and this is your money. If you don't want it, just go out there and show me you don't want it. Another time he took 'em to Batavia Down's for 4 straight nights, he said, I want to get 'em good and broke. He says, they'll be hungry enough to play harder. [Laughs] And they got broke and they played and they won the Stanley- Calder Cup. [Host] Yeah, yeah. [Guest] in Ottawa. [Host] It's Joe Crozier some of the other local sports stars that I think we read about from time to time are Johnny Antonelli. [Guest] Johnny's true blue Johnny's. Johnny's a great person, not just - wasn't just a great ballplayer, pitcher; he was a great person- is a great person. [Host] Uh uh. [Guest] And I I was partial of some executives like Bing Devine and George Sisler in baseball. [Host] Now Devine would --you know tell us a little bit about Divine and Sisler. Sisler played professional ball for who? [Guest] George didn't play a lot. He
played at Colgate and then he played some low minor league ball. His father was an all time Hall of Famer. [Host] Ah ok. That's the Sisler that you referred [Guest] All everything yeah. Sisler and Devine as general managers were great for the City. They both had great you know periods here. [Host] Yeah. Tell me a little bit about Johnny Antonelli. When- Did he get start locally here? [Guest] Johnny Antonelli was in Jefferson High School [Host] Uh uh. [Guest] and his father organized a semi-pro team to play- him to play with the semi-pro team against another one. [Host] Hm mm. [Guest] And invited all the baseball scouts in America to be here at Red Wing Stadium. And ah the Braves signed him for $55,000 bonus which at that time was like ah today it was like handing a kid a $4,000,000 signing bonus. I mean it was unheard of. [Host] This was right out of high school.[Guest] Then he went off and joined Spann and Sane and people like tha. And Johnny eventually, you know, had that great year with ah The World Series with Cleveland.
[Host] George just these half hours go so quickly and I want to make sure that ah we know what you're doing now. You're still freelancing for the Gannette papers [Guest] Times-Union. [Host] Times Union [Guest] Right. [Host] and we can catch your piece in from time to time. [Guest] Yep. [Host] We've got to look for it. What is it? [Guest] Just once a week sports column. [Host] And it's column and it's commentary on what's going on. We're going to look forward to your commentary on the stadium. [Guest] Good. [Host] And today you predicted the baseball strike here it is [Guest] Will end. [Host] March 29th will end. [Guest] Right. Yeah. [Host] And George Baehon it has been great having you here. I know, and I think I speak for a lot of people are watching, have enjoyed reading your material. You were a columnist for so many years and listening to you on Channel 13 [indistinct] and [Guest] You're too kind. You're too kind. [Host] No I'm not and and and you've got to sign off with your famous close. [Guest] 'That's as far as I go' I guess that's it. [Laughs] [Host] And that's as far as we go. George Beahon's been our guest today in "The Rochester I Know."
Thank you for tuning in. George, thank you for being here. [Guest] Thank you for having me. The time did fly. [Host] Boy, you have a good- when you start telling stories, telling stories are great. [Music] [Music]. If you would like a copy of those programs send $19.95, plus $3.50-- shipping and handling
to "The Rochester I Know" Tape Offer, Post Office Box 21, Rochester, New York 1 4 6 0 1. Include the name of our guest and the program number shown at the bottom of the screen.
The Rochester I Know
Episode Number
George Beahon
Producing Organization
WXXI (Television station : Rochester, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
WXXI Public Broadcasting (Rochester, New York)
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Episode Description
This episode contains an interview with George Beahon, local sports reporter in Rochester. Beahon discusses growing up during the Great Depression, his time in Navy Intelligence, and how he became involved in sports reporting in 1940.
Series Description
"The Rochester I Know is a talk show featuring in-depth conversations with local Rochester figures, who share their recollections of the Rochester community. "
Created Date
Asset type
Talk Show
Local Communities
Copyright 1995 All Rights Reserved
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Moving Image
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Director: Olcott, Paul J., Jr.
Guest: Beahon, George
Host: Pearce, William J.
Producer: Olcott, Paul J., Jr.
Producing Organization: WXXI (Television station : Rochester, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
WXXI Public Broadcasting (WXXI-TV)
Identifier: LAC-1068 (WXXI)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Master
Duration: 1658.0
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Chicago: “The Rochester I Know; 505; George Beahon,” 1995-03-29, WXXI Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “The Rochester I Know; 505; George Beahon.” 1995-03-29. WXXI Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The Rochester I Know; 505; George Beahon. Boston, MA: WXXI Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from