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     Airplane---Vanport; 1. wire-recorder inverter; 2. Truman in Eugene Late May
    1948; 3. Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication--Music Insert
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As I said, the kaiser ship yards this water 10 to 12 feet up the to the buildings up to the second windows, the second floor, practically to the floor, to the second floor of the kaiser buildings. The water is near the cross of the interstate bridge. There's Jensen Beach below us. Tons and tons of water and the logs are pressed against me. There, there is the the laws to my left, was once the great city of Manport, Oregon's second block is found nothing but shambles and building houses. There's no traffic on the road, everything is closed. The great Google, the Jensen Beach, is submerged in water. And it looks as if there is water around the Jensen Beach fence floor. It's up over the steps
evidently that must be on the floor. What was once the great city of Manport is now nothing great. I understand that this is the state of the University of Oregon that more than half the students are GIs. That's a wonderful thing. Those GIs found out that they needed an education. And they found out that they could get it. They found out that those of us who've been in the Congress were thinking about them and trying to make arrangements so they could get an education. You know an education is one thing that can't be taken away from you. Nobody can rob the education because that's in your head. If you have a head and a table of holding it.
Most of us are capable of holding an education if we try to get it. I sent my daughter, Jones Wednesday University, took her four long years to get a degree. And I got one of the same knife for nothing. I've never been to the University of California either but I'm going down there tomorrow to get another degree. I didn't do anything for it only. I'm going to make the graduation speech there. Tell them all about the foreign affairs and the foreign policy of the United States of America. Hope you all listen to that because it's only a repeat of what I've said at least one hundred times. It's the foreign policy of the United States. I've been discussed tomorrow at the University of California and you're all interested in it because we carry out that foreign policy without peace in the world and that's what everybody wants. I won't face the world as a bad
lay as anybody in the world. I went to Potsdam in 1945 without endures. I went there for the kindiest building in the world toward Russia. We've made certain agreements, specifically agreements. I got very well acquainted with Joe Stalin. I like old Joe. He's a decent fella but Joe is a prisoner of the public bureau. He can't do what he wants to. He makes agreements that have equity keep them but the people who run the government are very specific in saying that he can't keep. Now, sometime or other, that great country and this great country, I'm going to understand that the mutual interest means the welfare and peace of the world as a whole.
I want to tell you about that tomorrow at the University of California. I have said before and I repeat now that the student center of which we are laying the groundwork today will make a valuable contribution to the educational services and the social and cultural life of the university. It will in a very real sense be the student's laboratory and democratic living. I have said before and I repeat now that the student center for which we are laying the groundwork today will make a valuable contribution to the educational services and the social and cultural life of the university. It will in a very real sense be the student's laboratory and democratic living. There has been a tendency in the past to look
upon the classroom as the only tool necessary for a university to achieve its difficult tasks of education. Today educators generally realize that the fine line between life and learning must be erased and that we must go beyond the classroom, the laboratory and the seminar. It is in this area in which the student center fits. It will provide a place where the student can find recreation and friendship, a sense of comradeship to substitute for the family circle which temporarily he has left behind. Here will center the social and recreation activities of the student body. Here the student may listen to good music, read fine books, enjoy outstanding art exhibits and participate in lectures, rallies and informal discussion what is calling. Here he may meet his friends and relatives between classes at the end of the day and around the dinner table. But 25 graduating classes at the university have recognized
his needs, why not need not have more.
Airplane---Vanport; 1. wire-recorder inverter; 2. Truman in Eugene Late May 1948; 3. Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication--Music Insert
Producing Organization
KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
Contributing Organization
Oregon Public Broadcasting (Portland, Oregon)
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Program Description
Raw audio of an airplane taking off, a speech by President Truman, and the Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication
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Producing Organization: KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
Speaker: Truman, Harry S.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1531c3d8ba3 (Filename)
Format: Grooved analog disc
Duration: 00:06:38
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Airplane---Vanport; 1. wire-recorder inverter; 2. Truman in Eugene Late May 1948; 3. Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication--Music Insert ,” Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “ Airplane---Vanport; 1. wire-recorder inverter; 2. Truman in Eugene Late May 1948; 3. Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication--Music Insert .” Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Airplane---Vanport; 1. wire-recorder inverter; 2. Truman in Eugene Late May 1948; 3. Newburn--Erb Memorial Dedication--Music Insert . Boston, MA: Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from