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And the typo in class 3 of the newest class submarine that don't have or are operating aboard has been launched. Each carries 16 SS and 23 mezzos each mezzo has 10 nuclear warheads with greater accuracy and pro-white than its predecessors. The typhoon at 25000 times displacement is the largest submarine in the world. It is one and one half times the length of a football field which I presume carries 20 cents and 20 solid propellant number of missiles each mezzo contains six to nine nuclear warheads three type moons are operational of what is now getting out and a bit has been launched. Of the entire Soviets BTG missile submarine force more than two thirds carry longer range missiles allowing them to remain close to the Soviet Union while still being able to strike targets throughout the United States. The modernization of the USSR is pretty cheap submarine force progress is at a brisk pace. Each innovation brings with it new and more accurate submarine launched nuclear warheads.
The Soviets have been increasing the capabilities of their strategic bomber force. The bank fired one of their most modern supersonic bombers can perform nuclear strike conventional attack and he ships and reconnaissance missions. The Nuclear Age marks a major upgrade of the Soviets BTG bomber of course there's long range to it will prompt bomber with an unrevealed combat radius of eight thousand three hundred kilometers is the first new production of a strike version of the bare airframe and over of seniors it has had an intercontinental mission carrying the nuclear armed a as a 15 long range cruise missile. Since its deployment in 1984 their aged bombers have been observed in training flights simulating attacks against the North American Continental approximately 50 Berets aircraft are now with operational forces. The USSR is pressing ahead with a new generation of manned strategic bombers. The supersonic blackjack bomber is capable of carrying cruise missiles and bombs. It is now being flight tested and could be operational as early
as 1988. The Blackjack is also expected to carry the day as if being in the same long range cruise missile carried by their age the 15 is an airline's subsonic low altitude cruise missile. Its range is about 3000 kilometers. Development continues on sea and ground launched versions of the ASV of being in a sea launched cruise missile. The SS annex 21 is small enough to be fired from standard Soviet era Pito to. The ground launched cruise missile will soon become operational. It is being developed as a mobile system and will be used to support better operations in Eurasia. Test lodgings for a larger sea based cruise missile the SS and x 24 are conducted by the reconfigured Yankee class nuclear submarine. The Soviets have also persisted in modernizing and upgrading their longer range intermediate range nuclear forces as well as their shorter range ballistic missiles. There are approximately 112
SNC or longer range intermediate range nuclear force launchers in the Western Soviet Union while the SS forces do not have mobility. The intermediate range SS 20s do one hundred forty one SS twenty launchers are deployed. Each missile fitted with three generally accurate and independently targetable warheads each warhead has a 5000 kilometer range. These mobile launchers can operate both on and off the road survivability is therefore greatly enhanced. Additionally a more accurate and sense 20 pounds of one missile is being developed a rigorous activity intense Bahrain's indicate this missile could be operational soon shorter range ballistic missiles are being modernized with new SS 21 and as has 23 launchers. The SS 21 is replacing the frog in the SS 20 brave the Scud. The scaled board has been deployed from the Soviet Union into Eastern Europe getting the missile an
even greater strike down into western Europe. The increased range accuracy and coverage potential of a short range ballistic missiles adds still another dimension to the growing spectrum of Soviet offensive strategic nuclear forces. Against the background of these sweeping offensive nuclear force developments. The Soviet Union makes an equal commitment to its strategic defense forces. Benefiting from extensive R&D the soon to be a defense effort overshadows that of the United States. Consider for example their laser program over 10000 scientists and engineers at major test ranges in percent of days are involved in laser research includes potential applications to their demands for satellite impairment and ballistic missile defense. The Soviets maintain the world's most extensive early warning system for both ballistic missile and defends. Ballistic missile early warning systems include a launch detection satellite network over the horizon radar and a series of large phased array radars
primarily on the periphery of the Soviet Union. The launch detection satellite network and they over the horizon radars both provide 90 minutes of tactical warning for any U.S. ICBM launch. This Istomin nine large phased array radars forms an arc of coverage that extends from the COLA Peninsula in the northwest around Siberia to the caucuses in the southwest. This entire radar network should be operational soon. Capabilities also include 11 large henhouse detection and tracking radars these radars are able to distinguish size of attack confirmed satellite and over the horizon radar warnings and provide a target tracking data to Soviet strategic defense forces. The Soviets maintained the world's only operational ballistic missile defense system. The USSR is new to let your system employ a silo based missiles capable of attacking incoming missiles both inside and outside the Earth's atmosphere. The systems are guided by
radars dedicated to ballistic missile defense. As committed by the ABM Treaty. It will be 100 ABM launchers and this system. Soviet strategic defense interests and efforts and other military programs extend far into space currently have a Soviet space separate center on anti-satellite warfare targeting command control communications and intelligence meteorological and navigational support and strategic depends. The Soviets can use ground launch weapons to attack satellites in low altitude orbit. Currently they could launch several of these satellite interceptors daylight this opiate Union continues to make impressive strides in space station technology with me or they can read out the worlds first space station crew rotation and with its six docking boards man provides the core of a modular station expansion. Space stations going up or of the riot have
advantages and capabilities to military commanders with observers on board up big systems can be operated to provide two way real time intelligence allowing for monitoring of airfields. Port facilities and other major transportation assets. With eight launch systems in their inventory the Soviets are developing two more. One is a Titan class launcher capable of lifting 15 times. It will probably become the main booster for a space plane now in development. The Soviets have test orbited and unmanned scale model of the space plane several times with recoveries and saying possible Nations that a space plane include reconnaissance crew transport satellite with their anti satellite operations and overall as a manned space station defender they are also testing a heavy lift Saturn plant vehicle able to lift more than 100 times. It will carry a Soviet space shuttle and other large space station payloads from the shuttle and the booster are currently undergoing aerodynamic testing.
So be it Edwards in space research and development leave little doubt that they intend to be able to extend their exploitation both in near and deep space for military purposes. Along with their emphasis on severe teaching capabilities the USSR continues to modernize its conventional forces the soviet union traditionally views ground forces as a fundamental primary component of military power. Not surprisingly the Soviet army is the largest branch. The Soviet army includes two million men over 200 motorized rifle tank and airborne divisions and over fifty three thousand main battle tanks. More than one third of the tanks are the latest t 64 T-72 and TNT as they feature the largest tank main gun in existence. Increased survivability including reactive armor and fire control systems incorporating laser
range finders. Both the TI 80 and the 64 can buy an anti-tank guided missile with a main gun. The Soviets have about forty seven thousand artillery pieces mortars and multiple rocket launchers with their operational forces. Front commanders also have available nuclear capable artillery including 152 millimeters self-propelled howitzers and towed guns 203 millimeters self-propelled guns and 220 millimeters self-propelled mortars. Innovations and Soviet operational concepts include increased emphasis on deep operations behind Main Battle Lines. They are upgrading and expanding their helicopter forces to support such operations. No attack helicopters include the hip and behind. Armed with anti-tank missiles and rockets. The hind also carries a multi barrel twelve point seven millimeter generated nose gun. Maximizing the potential of their helicopters the Soviets use them as airborne command
posts or electronic jamming as well as for attack and transport missions. One heavily armed new attack helicopter the 28 Haddock is expected to be deployed in the near future. Another the hokum helicopter may add a significant new attack dimension against opposing helicopters. Efficient mobility transportation and sustainability. I keep my actors in an army success. New additions to the US s rs military air transportation forces such as the AA and 124 Condor or help them achieve their goals. The condor will carry up to 150 metric tons and will accommodate outsized weapons such as the SS 20 transporter erector launcher tanks missiles and other critical equipment and supplies coupled with his increased mobility is sustainability. The Soviets have developed an extensive support structure and storage depots stocked 27000 meters of bridging equipment 13 million tons of arms and ammunition. Sixty million metric
tons of gasoline oil and lubricants. Sixty eight hundred tanks and armored personnel carriers. 17000 artillery and anti aircraft weapons and nuclear warhead stockpile concentrations of material sufficient to support intense offensive operations for up to 90 days. Soviet Air Force is playing a critical role in warfare planning. Over 700 long range and medium range bombers over 50 200 fighters and fighter bombers some twenty two hundred fifty interceptors and nearly 600 transport aircraft are employed in the air forces continue to improve their tactical aircraft. New generations of fighter bombers and fighter interceptors are being added. Them up to SU 27 flanker in the May 29 program with the crew look down shoot down radar carry long range and shoot a range air to air missile. Introduction. Earlier this decade of the MiG 31 foxhound homeland defense
interceptor has been yet another indicator of the Soviet Air Force's transition to increasingly more capable combat aircraft. Investing heavily in increase. Only more capable air defense weapons the Soviets now have nine thousands with TJX surface to air missile launchers nearly 5000 tactical surface to air missile launchers and 10000 air defense radars. They also employ highly mobile Sams for air defense. The mobile and say 12 day is intended to intercept aircraft at altitude. They can say 12 systems. Second missile he has a x 12 the giant currently under development will be able to intercept aircraft cruise missiles tactical ballistic missiles and possibly some strategic ballistic missiles or other long range systems include the as a five and the fixed and mobile and say 10 Soviet strategic surface to air missiles are designed to provide a layered barrier defense under all weather conditions.
These missiles can intercept cruise missiles tactical ballistic missiles aircraft at all altitude and some types of strategic ballistic missiles. Perhaps nowhere is the modernization of the Soviet military as evident as in their navy where mobility and insurance now provide the Soviets with world wide power projection. A major contributor to Soviet naval expansion is their submarine force the world's largest with 373 submarines now operational nine different classes of submarines are being produced or tested. The newest cruise missile attack submarine is the outer class. This 16000 ton submarine carries 24 nuclear capable cruise missiles with 500 Bibby kilometers range for Oscar class submarines have been launched. The Soviet Navy also has about 700 surface combat ships including nearly 300 principle's surface combattants helicopter cruisers 200.
Patrol combat more than 80 mph ships one hundred twenty five mine warfare ships and 14 class aircraft carriers the thirty seven thousand ton class carrier is their largest operational ship able to operate Voyager vertical takeoff and landing interceptors as well as anti-submarine warfare helicopters. The point unit of the class carriers is currently on sea trials. With 65000 ton Leonid Brezhnev and evolutionary step in the Soviet aircraft carrier program is being fitted out it has a larger angled flight back then the camp class carrier's deck engine aircraft elevators fore and aft of the starboard Island superstructure and has a broad upturned bound similar in configuration to a ski jump ramp possibly the launch of the new generations of carrier aircraft combat ship out. But during 1986 was particularly impressive. A new submarine was produced about every 40 days including the second to cool and sea ice
submarines they completed their fourth Delta class and fifth type class submarine. One guided missile destroyer and one nuclear powered cruiser were also launching other new major surface combatants are also being built to support the USSR as naval strategy. The pros say a nuclear. Powered guided missile cruiser is a striking example. It has a twenty eight thousand ton displacement and is 248 meters long the Ponce carries anti-submarine rocket 96 vertically launched Sams 20 vertically launched nuclear capable 550 kilometer range surface to surface missiles point defense Gatling guns a twin barreled 130 millimeter gun and landing platform and handling facilities for a s w helicopters. To appreciate the commitment that the USSR makes to its armed forces. It is relevant to compare their weapons systems to the systems that the United States is producing. Looking at the
activity of the last 10 years the USSR built 3000 ICBMs and SLBM the US eight hundred a day in surface to air missiles the US says are 140 pounds and the U.S. sixteen thousand two hundred in tanks the US says are twenty four thousand four hundred. The US seven thousand one hundred in submarines of the USSR 90 the US 40 great in artillery the USSR twenty eight thousand two hundred. The US two thousand seven hundred fifty eight. Clearly the Soviets foster the growth and preeminence of military power by investing in the development and deployment of quality weapons systems. All without public debate and scrutiny so important in free societies. Knowing the magnitude of Soviet military force modernization and capabilities is essential if any one citizens everywhere are to make the decisions required to provide for the defense and security necessary to cede guard to freedom.
What we've just seen is the objective evidence of the continuing increase in Soviet strategic often see defensive and conventional military capabilities. Year after year no matter who is the general secretary of the Soviet Union and to meet this challenge the United States Goard nation with our allies and our friends and share common security interests is taking a dual approach. First we've established the strategies and policies of the programs and appropriated the resources that are necessary to improve our forces and to help those of our friends and our allies deter as Soviet aggression in all of its one. And secondly we're seeking to secure a more stable military balance through the goshi ation of significant that there are viable arms reduction agreement by better understanding Soviet military power and the threats that it imposes on us all. We think informed citizens everywhere will be better able to know how to secure our transcendent goals
which are peace and freedom and security.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
Zero Hour
Episode Number
Soviet Military Power, 1987 (Part 2 of 2)
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Continuation of Department of Defense film featuring Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger discussing the Soviet Union's current state of it's military. Features footage of Soviet aircraft, and 1986 military presentation as well as charts and graphs.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
United States. Dept. of Defense; Soviet Union; United States
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NAFB,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:In perpetuity,Rights Holder:NAFB
Media type
Moving Image
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Speaker2: Weinberger, Caspar W.
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Identifier: 13bb94084486449f97a2087c507c20c44ea2b2a7 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Zero Hour; 110; Soviet Military Power, 1987 (Part 2 of 2),” 1987-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Zero Hour; 110; Soviet Military Power, 1987 (Part 2 of 2).” 1987-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Zero Hour; 110; Soviet Military Power, 1987 (Part 2 of 2). Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from