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Good evening my name is Rachel Cass and on behalf of Harvard bookstore I'm delighted to welcome you to this evening's conversation with denude a heart translator of the New English edition of Witold number of which is novel pornographic. Before we get started this evening I'd like to remind you of the exciting weekend we have coming up. On Saturday afternoon we're thrilled to welcome former Vice President Al Gore for a discussion of global warming. He'll be speaking at 1:00 p.m. at First Parish Church and $30 tickets which include a copy of his new book are on sale at the registers if you're interested. And Sunday is our annual frequent buyer sale when all members of our frequent buyer program are entitled to 20 percent off all of their in-store purchases all day. So we open an hour early that day and please be sure to sign up for the program before Sunday if you haven't already. In order to be eligible for more information about any of our other upcoming events please pick up a Nov. events flyer on your way out this evening or visit us online at Harbor dot com where our December events are starting to pop up as well. And now it's my pleasure to welcome to the store denude a Borchert who's Burkhardt spent many years in
practice is a clinical psychiatrist before turning her discerning eye to translation. Prior to pornographic his trip translated to other works by Cosmos and Verity dark the latter of which won her the 2001 national translation award and her own short stories have been published in Exquisite Corpse. This new work the first translation of pornographic into English directly from the original Polish is perhaps her most ambitious yet Witold wrote this his last novel after fleeing Poland for Argentina and then watching the German invasion destroy his country. John Updike called a master of verbal Burlesque a connoisseur of psychological blackmail. He is one of the profoundest late moderns with one of the lightest touches of her translation Kircus review says Burkhardt spins out a web of words that vibrate with unholy energy. After this evening's talk we will have time for questions followed by a signing here at this table. As always I'd like to thank anyone who purchases a copy of the book here this evening by doing so you're helping to
support both a local independent bookstore and this author series. And now please join me in welcoming to new job or hard. Thank you very much for hosting me. Pleasure and welcome to you all for coming here. I was going to I was preparing the actual reading of the translation. But then I discovered on the announcement that I'm supposed to talk about the translation as such so I'm combining the two as best I can. First surgeon general issues of translation that have come up for me. As I was as I was reading the pope Polish text versus the English. Of course I realized that the
English is a wonderfully logical language one of word is totally related to the previous word and that's how you get the meaning of what who is what's happening and who does what. In Polish this is achieved through grammar. So you know I'll just give you the hackneyed example of what happens in English if you don't follow the. Fixed order in English and English is a fixed order language polish is not quite so fixed an order language. She threw her son out of the train. A case well that doesn't make sense to well in English but in polish it wouldn't matter because the grammar tells you. What did she throw. Who did she throw out of the train. The other issue that came up. And particularly in which he was the only one I've translated so many
long sentences that have no verb in them. In polish you couldn't get by without without a verb in a sentence but in English unless it's a literal device it doesn't really work very well. Another thing that was for example in Polish You can say skin skin pushed through some skin fstab. Some are in English. Were you in the. Who were you with or were you with in the theatre. Myself it doesn't quite ring as well. You would have to say I was by myself or I was there alone have to put in a verb now. When I began translating people were asking me well since you have been a psychiatrist you must have a great insight into
his psyche and I said no absolutely not opposed to diagnosing people without talking to us. To him the only way that my psychiatry experience has helped me was in the language actually because I worked with schizo FENECH patient and that loosened up my language which was required then for translating from brokerage. When we come first of all to the to the title pornography of each called it in Polish pornography but it doesn't ring too well in present day nowadays so I'll read you what thoughts he had. But thoughts of Ravi had actually on on the title.
Don't worry about all these tabs This is from some another project. You should talk about. So he wrote pornography in Tina and this is what he said. The year was 1955 as usual I began scribbling something on paper with uncertainty in ignorance in terrible poverty that had visited all my beginnings. I slowly became It slowly became rich intense and thus a new form emerged a new work a novel which I called pornography. At that time it wasn't such a bad title. Today in a few of the excess of pornography it sounds a bit now and in a few languages it was changed into seduction. When I'm translating pornography it will other his other novels too.
I have the feeling that I have to sort of true myself into the into the text. In Polish It's a free shift and if the text really know what's what's going on and. Some confusion can easily easily arise. IF IF IF YOU DOn't REALLY REALLY REALLY GET get into it. Now in Polish there's a sentence in pornography. Read it in Polish just just a little bit easy although both score show Ben don't ship push to push what you call young. It will be on some post because we had a nazi old post but cautious question truly. Now here let me do this in English. He he he refers to he
come I lasted Yes. Bitter and. Yes OK he only elbows course to bend them to push question in English and he exuded godliness wonderfully and chanting and agree and engaging as he was. So the translation as I understand it is they the godliness refers to him whereas in the previous translation the godliness is not understood that way. It's it's described not as he is the one who's being godliness so there can be confusion quite easily.
Also the following word is in Polish is LASKER which in the previous translation is a charm. Translated as charm whereas I've translated into grace because what is happening is really setting in a church in a religious or religious setting and there are no next word. In fact is has in it the word miracle. So we are dealing with grace like godly benefit beneficence rather than charm. So these are the kind of confusions one can get into. Also. You know although I'm comparing those two to the previous translation you know I have a ration for people who have attempted to translate this text and just because I happen to
know Polish and the other people per person translated it through another language. You know the mistakes and omissions are are inevitable. So I'm not downing the previous translations by comparing the two. But for example in the last paragraph of the book by a stranger an omission the word catastrophe is missing. So it's it's a bit upsetting. Now one has to be daring. You know when you translate it you have to be daring. And I had an interesting discussion with my editor at Grove who said in connection with the description of nightfall that was the word fluid which called it sauce. And so I wanted to call it sauce. Well after a little while he kind of he he agreed.
Then I read the I read the actual introduction of forward by by Sam Lipsyte who river first by coincidence to that very point and he says. And the old hatreds the sudden the sudden expansion of the holes and corners that fills the thick flux of night. That's the previous translation. Fine says Lipsyte. It is a little vague but it's not a match for the intensification of nooks and crannies of that night's source was filling the night source is almost more than we deserve. So that was some sight. As far as far as the book itself is concerned. In pornographic you'll find anything that you'd want in an exciting novel
intrigue murder crime of sorts. But it has also a lot of very deep meaning about disintegrating values about all the people want to live. There are artists isms through younger people and so on and I'd like to read. What of each actually said about her. I'm fascinated always to hear to read what he has said about his own book. So in this novel this is come broach at this print fight. There is a desperate fight for the I don't wish fulfillment fulfillment with an easing of burden quality of youth that is light reckless irresponsible. I wish that is stronger the more it hits something that does not offer resistance in the finale. The
17 year old lightness deprives the criminals the sins of their importance in the novel and in fulfillment. No the cumber of each begun the book by inserting something that he called information. And I'll just read you a little bit of that pornographic takes place in the Poland of the warriors. Why. Partly because the atmosphere of war is most simple appropriate to it. Partly because it is very polish and perhaps it was initially conceived in the model of a cheap novel. I do not know the wartime Poland. I did not witness it after 1939. I never visited Poland. I wrote this as I imagined it. So it is an imaginary Poland and don't worry that what I have written and is sometimes crazy sometimes perhaps
fantastic. That is not the point and is of no significance at all that matters happening here. The book In the beginning pages starts off in a what some people have called a pivotal scene in a little village church. The two the two main characters Witold and Derek have arrived in a country manor and a visiting couple there and they all do go to church. And here is the scene however I notice that they have not mentioned what to come Broadbeach says about about this. One of his main characters and that is Frederick because he keeps. He is the man
the main manipulator of things that happen and if he told the other characters sort of drawn into these things. But to give you. I think I think it's a pretty nice description of what he says. Well I think I've given you enough I'll just go on with the see. But anyway we'll hear about through Derek. The church ceased to be a church a space had intruded but a space that was cosmic black. And this wasn't even happening on Earth but rather the earth had transformed itself into a planet suspended in the universe. Cosmos was here. This was happening somewhere in the on its territory to such a degree that the light of the candles and even the light of the day penetrating the stained glass windows became as dark as night. Thus we were no longer in
church. In this village not even on Earth. But instead and in keeping with the reality yes in keeping with the truth we were somewhere in the course most suspended with our candles and our glitter. And somewhere in that vastness we were performing these strange things with ourselves and among ourselves like a monkey making faces in a vacuum. The bells rang for elevation for their commute. This time his new link had a crushing effect like killing a hen and the mass rolled on the struck mortally and babbling like a madman. And awe what triumph. What a victory over the mass. What pride. As if its abolition was for me a longed for ending of sorts. Finally I was alone by myself without anyone or anything but me alone in absolute darkness. So I have reached my limit and attain darkness. What then. The holy service
was coming to an end. I looked around sleepily. I was tired. We'll have to leave right home to Provo to. When the sandy road but all of a sudden my gaze my eyes my eyes panicky My eyes heavy. Captivating Glee temptingly. Yes but what what was attracting and luring me and Marvel as in a dream shrouded places that we desire yet are unable to discern. And we see a circle around them with a mute cry with an all consuming longing that is heartbreaking exultant like enchanted. I circled around like this still flustered hesitant yet already deliciously permeated by little subjugation and life subjugation that was captivating me and chanting charming tempting and conquering me. It sparkled and the contrast between that night's cosmic chill and the gushing gushing spring of bliss was so
immeasurable that I thought dimly. It's God. And a miracle. God what a miracle. What was it. It was part of the cheek and the nape of a dick. It belonged to someone standing in front of us in the crowd. If you steps away. I almost choked. It was a boy a boy and realizing that it was just the boy. I began to rapidly retreat from my ecstasy because in fact I barely saw him. Just a little ordinary skin on the back of the neck on the cheek. Then he moved abruptly and this movement imperceptible pierced me through and through like an extraordinary attraction. And it did. How embarrassing. An ordinary 16 year old nape of a neck with cropped hair and the ordinary skin of a boy somewhat chapped. And do you know position of the head. Most ordinary. So what was the origin of my in a trembling.
What I saw contour of the nose the mouth and he turned his face slightly to the left. There was nothing special I saw in the slant the slanting face of a boy an ordinary face. He was not a peasant a student an apprentice. An ordinary young face untroubled somewhat wilful friendly meant for chewing pencils with his teeth before playing football playing billiards and the color of the jacket was over his short shirt collar. His name was suntanned. It my heart was beating fast and he exuded godliness wonderfully chanting and engaging as he was in the boundless emptiness of this night. He was a source of breathing warmth and light grace and fathomable miracle. Frederick did three Derek know about it or seed it is his I catch it too. But all at once people began moving that mass came to an end a
slow crowding toward the door ensued and I with the others. When you walked ahead of me her back and her little nape still a schoolgirl's. And this was what it came to mind and when it did it took hold of me so strongly it linked up with Nick the other nick so efficiently that I suddenly understood easily in without effort this Nick and the other nick. These two next the two next were. How was it. What's this. It was as if the nape of her nick the girlz was taking a run for and uniting itself with the boys Nick this nick as if taken by the scruff was taken the other neck by the scruff of the neck. Please forgive me the awkwardness of these metaphors says Rich. Her movement as they walked ahead of me in the crowd in the heated crush of people was also somehow relating to him and it was an ardent and
handsome and whisper added to his movement so close by so close in this crowd. Oh as they were walking together they looked they looked totally uninterested in each other. Oh such it is interesting falling in love and desire and heeding blind and moving on so company with the others. So that's why I now knew the secret within him that from this moment carried me away. He was for her she for him. Even as they stood thus at a distance not at all interested in each other. And this was so strong that in his mouth his mouth matched not only her mouth but her whole body and her body was subject to his legs. I know a lot has happened with the two men you know sort of colluding to entice the young couple Carol and into into
their life. By the way as I'm reading this you mention I will talk I was talking in the beginning about the translation if you see if anybody notices anything pertaining to the central translation as such will have a chance to discuss it later. Questions. Now we go on. I have chosen actually two episodes where there is plenty plenty of other things that are happening. Intrigue tragedy and so on but I've chosen two episodes that particularly linked to this theme of Witold and through Derek trying to entice the young couple into their life. So here's one of those episodes. Have I already mentioned that for smaller island separated by canals green with dark we'd made up the Father and of the pond small bridges
had been thrown over the canals. Elena at the very end of the garden winding through a thicket of hay of his own and bushes just means an arbor of it or allowed one to cross this archipelago soggy with standing water. I was walking there. I imagined that one of the islands was not the same as the others. Why. A fleeting impression. But the garden had already been pulled into play too much to ignore this impression. However nothing. That they had been hot and it was tea time the canal was almost dry and listened with a crust of slime with its green ice of water. Brush was over growing the banks given our situation and the strangeness had to undergo immediate inspection. So I wondered what worked my way to the other shore the little island breeze was heat. The grass was rampant to green at high abundant with ants and high about for the crowns of trees with their own closed
off existence. I crept through the thicket and wait a minute wait a surprise. There was a bench on the bench. When you was sitting with her incredible legs one of her legs was short and in a stocking while the other wasn't there all the way above her knee. And this wouldn't have been so incredible Were it not for the fact that cutter like down in front of her on the grass also had one leg bare and his pant legs pulled up about his knee. He sure was nearby. A sock inside it. Her face was turned sideways. He was not looking at her his arm around his head on the grass. No no. All this would not have been so shocking perhaps if it had not been so incompatible with the natural rhythm. It was frozen strange or immobile as if it belonged did not
belong to them. And those legs so strangely bared only one from each pair shining with their corporate ality in the humid hot dampness interrupted by the splashing of frogs. He withered their leg and she with her bare leg. Perhaps they had been wading in the water. No no. There was more to it. This was beyond explanation. He was the bare leg and she with her bare leg her leg moved slightly and stretched. She rested her foot on his foot nothing more. I watched. Certainly my top until stupidity became apparent. Oh oh how could I have been so naive. And for Derek too to think that there was nothing between them to be seduced by appearances. Here I had a flat refutation in front of me like a blow in the head. So it was here that they had been meeting on the island a gigantic scream liberating and satisfying resigned it scientifically from this place. As
that contact with maintained without motion without sound without even a gaze because they weren't looking at each other. He whether their leg she with her bare leg well and good but this could not be. There was an artificial ality about it something disturbing something perverse. What was the origin of this torpor as if a spell had been cast. Where did the chill of the passion come from. For a fraction of a second second I had a totally crazy thought that this is how it should be that this is how it should be between them. That it was a real knot. And right away another thought came to me namely that was a funny game hiding here a comedy perhaps they had somehow found out that I'd be passing through here and they were doing this on purpose for my benefit because indeed this seemed to be for my benefit. Exactly cut to the measure of my shame of my day dreaming about them. For me. For me. For me
spurred on by this thought. That is for me. I tore through the bushes disregarding everything and then the picture became complete. Through that Rick was sitting under a pine tree on a pile of needles. This was for him. I stopped he on seeing me said to them. You'll have to repeat it once more. And then even though I had not yet understood anything the chill of young lasciviousness broke from them depravity. They didn't move their young freshness was terribly cold. For they were caught up to me all gallantry. Oh how are you my dear Mr. vetoed the greeting was unnecessary. We had just parted an hour ago. What do you say about that pan. The spend to my end with a sweeping gesture he pointed in that direction. Not a bad performance what. The laughter was also unnecessary and unnecessary. Whereas there's no fish a
crawfish is as good as fish. I don't know if you are familiar with my weakness for directing. I was also an actor for a while. I don't know if you are familiar with this detail of my biography. Hey man gets bored in this godforsaken country serrate one has to occupy oneself with something for the sake of health of nothing if nothing else Mr V thought for health. And he was thus talking loudly so I would resign it would resign where I walking beside him and looking at the ground the burning conundrum of this discovery in my head how oddly listened the slight Boots's the schemer the folks he was turning out such marvels had contrived such fun and games and everything was hurling down into sis's cynicism and perversity. Well the fire of this depravity was now consuming me and plainly
I was writhing in the throes of an iffy and the glowing lights of my red hot imagination lit up the chilly. I say should play sensuousness innocently. DEVENISH. Then Frederick goes on to entice ville. If you told him two more schemes to invade the couple he leaves letters to him sort of Tisha city between breaks so that people would read them and follow on his instruction instructions however all this is interrupted by the arrival of the polish Polish underground leader. To the countryside to this manor and it turns out that he's having a nervous breakdown and there is a verdict given out by the by the underground authorities to liquidate
him. First At first the underground army they're going to execute this but then they decide to leave it to the men on the estate to deal with it. Only a predatorial it's an order has been given and so they have to do it. So there is for their ink and if you told the owner of this state and another man. So gradually as they discussed how to do it shouldn't do it maybe we should. We shouldn't but it's patriotic to do it. The order has been given and gradually through Derek moves the group to decide it well of course who's going to do it. Karl and Hannah so. So then they go to the young couple and somehow the young couple agree because they are also interested in doing favors for the older man. They want to be united with them as well.
So this they it's decided that one year the leader's name is shame and he is staying in a bedroom upstairs in the manor more or less quarantined. And so they decide that Genya and Carol will go up and do what they have to do. But I will knock on the door and suspecting anything will open the door. Whatever has to happen will happen. So here's a here's the how the story of how the episode goes. There's not much to tell him or more to tell. Actually everything went smoothly moralists smoothly to an ending that well surpassed our expectations. And it was easy. I felt like laughing that such a crushing difficulty was ending with such a wink at ease. My role was to watch shamans. I lay on my bed supine
heads under my head straining my ears. We entered into night. The house was astir and seriously I was waiting for the creaking of the steps under the feet of the killing little couple. But it was too early by five minutes silence he Pollitt was standing guard in the courtyard. Frederick was downstairs by the entrance. Finally at 12:30 sharp the stairs creaked somewhere downstairs under their feet. Shoes off most likely there or in socks. Unforgettable Moments a gentle creaking of the stairs became audible again. Why were they sneaking up like that. It would have been more natural. If Kenya simply ran upstairs only. Carol needed to hide. But it's no surprise that the conspiracy had spread to them and their nerves must have been strained. I almost saw them walking up from one step to the next step. She first he
behind her feeling with their feet to keep the creaking to a minimum. I felt better wasn't this taking together a poor surrogate for another sneaking a hundredfold more desirable when she would have been the girl of his sneaking steps. And yet there girl at this moment not so much a man as the killing of him was no less carnal sinful and hot with love and the sneaking was known as strange. Oh it creaked again. Youth was approaching. It was inexpressibly delightful under their feet. A horrible deed was transforming itself into a blossoming deed and it was like a breath of fresh air. However. This taking youth was was it like was it was it. What was it like. Pure. Was it fresh and simple and natural or innocent. No. It was for the older ones. If those two had forced their way into this half ere it was for us obligingly to endear themselves
to us to flirt with us a bit and my maturity for you was to meet on shaman's body with their youth for much your 80. There you have it. What on divil. Yet there was happiness in it and pride and what pride and something more something like a fourth guy. The fact that in agreement with us without whispering into the ear and actually from their need to serve us they were taking a risk and they were thus stealthy leaks leaking. They were setting about a crime. It was heavenly. It was amazing. In it lay hidden the most fascinating of the world's beauties lying on my bed. I was utterly beside myself at the thought that both of us for their dick and I were where the inspiration to those feet creaking again now much closer now silent silence ensued. I thought they had perhaps broken down. Who knows. Perhaps seduced by their sneaking together they had turned away from their goal and turned towards
each other and now in an embrace They forgot everything because they were after their for breath forbidden bodies in the dark on the stairs breathless. Yes no new creaking announces that my hopes were in vain. Nothing change. They continue walking up the stairs. It turned out that my hope was utterly but utterly in vain. Totally out of the question out of their style. They were too young too young too young for this so they had to reach shaman and kill him. Then I wondered whether their courage had failed them. Perhaps she had caught his hand and pulled it down. What if the tremendous burden of their task had suddenly appeared to them its crushing weight. This to kill. What if they saw it and became scared. No. Never. This was out of the question. And for the same reason this precipice attracted them because they could jump over it. Their lightness strove toward them it was a
bloody undertaking because they were changing this into something else and their approach to crime was actually and he lation of cry by carrying it out. They were on the Hill eating it. Creaking there are marvelous illegality there like likely sneaking sin boyish girlish I almost saw their feet in a secret UNICEF's on their parted lips. I heard the illicit illicit breathing. I thought about for Derek who was catching the same sounds from downstairs. Knock knock knock knock knock knock knocking that was she looking. Look. Knocking on shaman's door. It is here that my account actually ends. The ending was too smooth to lightning fast too nimble and easy for me to be able to tell it in a sufficiently livable manner. I will limit myself to stating the facts. I heard her voice gives me
the correct key turned and Shaman's a lock the door opened. A blow followed and there was a fall of a body that must have been tumbled flat on to the floor. I think the boy used the knife twice more to leave nothing to chance. I ran into the corridor. Carol shone a flashlight Shamiana lay on the floor. There was a blood when we turned him over. It's done. Carol said. Now in this page and a half. Much more happens for tragedies that you can suspect. But the final words are these. I looked at how little couple they were smiling as a young do when faced with the difficulty of extricating themselves from it but predicament and for a second they ended we you know catastrophe looked into one another's eyes.
Thank you. Thank you for any questions right. Don't you have your translators here perhaps you know. Yes. With the brakes and not full time about three years for to do look at took me seven years. Well there is no next course most of us three Also and this three but for the dork it was the hardest because the language was the strangest. Really tore my hair out and I had the great help of studies for it but I inject who is as you know wonderful translator Polish into
English so I would call him and say I can do it. He said well it has to be done. So I just went yes. Why what. Why translate them. Why again. Well because the other translations were done through other languages to do. It was done through through Spanish French German. Of course most of that was done from from the French and so was no graphene So they were not directly from the voters that's what I get from. Oh well as it happened I was writing some short stories myself myself. And they
were rather crazy and it just idiosyncratic and just very odd. And then I started to read Cosmos and I thought Oh how beautifully this would be in English. So I started to translate the number of each just because I happen to read him at that time and I sent a few pages to thank you for going to work and the next thing I heard was from Timothy Garton Ash from Oxford in England. Would you try your hand at $30. Because Professor but I took it suggested that so well when somebody asks you like that you don't refuse myself I would never have attempted it. So that's how it started from my own writing and it turned out that the fact that I had written myself was a great help to me because my own thinking was surreal in these stories and
I was sort of felt very sympathetic with what the rabbit was doing. That's what I wrote. Oh I like your work. Yes as a matter of fact he was influenced by pretty yes but also he influenced the Argentinian Latino writers and he had many followers many younger people would want to try and write with him and in fact the translation of her to do was done by him although he knew very little of Spanish but other Spanish writers strange
writers and he translated. However it was the reverse of what you were asking. He influenced he influenced the editing. And here is a very amusing actually. I don't know if you've read it. By Lance Stephens who's professor of Latin American and Latino culture at Amherst College and he says Come barrage which is the antithesis of bar has and the godfather of soul I knew who would have thought that a Polish immigrant could become such a superb Latin American writer. So you know whenever I meet people who are from Argentina I have been to Argentina. They all seem to have either known Cambrai to have heard of him or so he was a tremendous influence. Not really I can't think offhand the
certainly worrying for the record that was incredible. It was really and I was so jealous of the French and the Spanish people because they had a wonderful translation for the expression put shitty jets can put shitty phone Similarly in Spanish. Something like that imposed in English there isn't anything underpinned under. So under something with with my child like a child you know it is a really incredible expression. He used the Polish idiom but converted it to his own but not in pornography. No I can't think of anything really. If you are we have a minute. If you're talking about words if I can be referred back to pull for the duck again.
That was the word everybody was asking me how on earth did you transfer translate papa. Well Popeye is bad but talks back site whatever. But he also used the word pupa as a verb which doesn't exist in Polish now it exists. You know a lot of a language has been accepted into the vernacular but you may do so again you know they would treat somebody to a pulp something too. Well which finally finally I came upon the word Tush and I thought you were wonderful wonderful and you couldn't. Going to somebody you know. Unfortunately they talked about this to Susan Sontag who was going to write. She did write the forward for the door because she she was she really loved to come broaches work. And she said no that's not it can't be. You know it's a bad
word it's a Yiddish word. It wouldn't fly in the American readership. So unfortunately I gave in and the editors suggested why don't we use the Polish word. It's spelled P U P A Polish but in English it's pronounced like P or papa. So that's what was decided. That's strange word. You're right. Yes. I don't know as far as I know no no you hardly knew the language he wrote. You may have written in French because he knew French very well but. And or did you did you did you. Oh I didn't know that. Not only knew you knew Gambro huge
investment you know. 0. 0 0 so he knew enough to write letters I didn't know that. Oh well love to see that. Well that was done already and a lot of a lot of it did not receive a very good review because it's written in a somewhat antiquated polish but the two translators who worked on it for 16 years used old English much English that's much more removed from the present English and use their own their own constructions to enhance the translation.
Well recently I read Moby Dick and I was absolutely fascinated by the Dick and I thought that's the language that would sound very well because it's a little older. It's a little funny. It's it's it's lends itself to parody which a lot of translate and take is funny and parody although it's also very serious. But that's the line so I'm tempted to relearn Melville's English to translate again. And so I think thank you very much. Thank you for coming we have copies of the book. Have a wonderful evening. Thank you. Thank you.
Harvard Book Store
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Translator Danuta Borchardt discusses her translation of Witold Gombrowicz's novel Pornografia.Witold Gombrowicz wrote Pornografia after leaving his native Poland for Argentina in 1939 and then watching from afar as the German invasion destroyed his country. Translated for the first time into English from the original Polish by award-winning translator Danuta Borchardt, Pornografia is one of Gombrowicz's highest regarded works--a richly imagined tale of violence and carnality set in wartime Poland. In the midst of the German occupation, two aging intellectuals travel to a farm in the countryside, looking for a respite from the hellish scene in Warsaw. They quickly grow bored of their bucolic surroundings--that is, until they are hypnotized by a pair of country youths who have grown up alongside each other at the farm.The older men are determined to orchestrate a tryst between the two teenagers, but they are soon distracted by a string of violent developments, including an order from the underground movement for the men to assassinate a rogue resistance captain who has sought refuge with them. The erotic games are put on hold--until the two dissolute intellectuals find a way to involve their pawns in the murderous plot.
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Distributor: WGBH
Speaker2: Borchardt, Danuta
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Identifier: 8bcd7cf7990dceaf2d941d379e40c29d80339bba (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
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Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Pornografia,” 2009-11-02, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Pornografia.” 2009-11-02. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Harvard Book Store; WGBH Forum Network; Pornografia. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from