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I'm Cally Crossley This is the Cali Crossan show. W.H. Auden said death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic. Words that so aptly describe the weather this summer and our prospects of doing any eating Alfresco be a dining by daylight or night time watching under the stars. Though some saw Bazan sultry summer nights have been in short supply this hour we're going to give Mother Nature the benefit of the doubt and talk Clambake same cookouts picnics and patios potato salad n percent cocoa BBQ and Bordeaux wine in a box and grilled gravel lots. All the vino and vittles that are the glory of this long awaited season from outdoor cuisine. It's the canine queen ask Dog Lady Monica Collins is here for another edition of pop culture with some tips on how to cool off your hot dog. Up next summer time from the picnic grounds to all things hound. First the news. From NPR News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying world stocks push
higher on news that Greece is a lot closer to getting an international bailout. Today the Greek parliament approved the second of two highly unpopular austerity bills. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports a package pulls debt burden Greece from the brink of bankruptcy. Approval of the two bills was a condition set by Greece's international lenders before it could receive the next installment of a large bailout agreed last year with the European Union and IMF. The implementation bill contains many of the details of another round of wage and pension cutbacks and tax hikes as well as an ambitious program to privatized 70 billion dollars worth of state owned assets. The Greek public which is already feeling the pain of austerity measures introduced last year is overwhelmingly opposed to yet more belt tightening. But Athens was calm today after two days of violent clashes. TV footage had shown scenes of police reacting forcefully against demonstrators with the tongs and large quantities of very strong tear gas. Sylvia Poggioli NPR News Athens. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is inviting President Obama to the Capitol to hear from
Republicans firsthand why they believe Mr. Obama's push for tax increases is part of the broader effort on deficit reduction will not pass. The two sides have been at odds for months over how to close a 5 billion dollar budget gap. Come on up to the Capitol and meet with Senate Republicans. That way he can hear directly from Senate Republicans directly from Senate Republicans for what he's proposing. Well out of power. But President Obama dismisses the GOP claims saying spending cuts should come with tax hikes. The Obama administration is touting the successes the U.S. has made against al Qaeda as it unveils a new counterterrorism strategy. NPR's Joe Sneider reports the retooled plan acknowledges the growing threat of terrorism at home. In a speech in Washington White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan said the U.S. has specific goals.
We are protecting our homeland by constantly reducing our vulnerabilities and adapting and updating our defenses. We are taking the fight to wherever the cancer of al Qaeda manifests itself degrading its capabilities and disrupting its operations. Brennan told his audience that more resources will be spent on spotting potential militants and that the U.S. will resist attempts to draw the country into conflicts overseas. He said the best often Stas and always involve deploying large armies but rather to deliver what he called surgical pressure to threats. The new strategy follows the successful special operations raid that killed al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. Joel Snyder NPR News Washington. At last check on Wall Street the Dow is up 137 points at twelve thousand three hundred ninety eight. That's up more than 1 percent NASDAQ up also more than 1 percent. Twenty seven seventy three This is NPR News. The government shutdown clock is ticking in Minnesota where the Democratic governor and Republican lawmakers are in a standoff over the budget. Matt Sepic of Minnesota Public Radio reports they have until midnight to reach a deal
the two sides have been at odds for months over how to close a 5 billion dollar budget gap now with a new fiscal year starting most state agencies and services will go dark unless there's a compromise. 22000 state workers deemed non-essential will be laid off including Ellis who works for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and his updating a missing paycheck or two Kalis says she's been cutting way back on spending. I had my fraught with the mortgage and. I have a bill to pay that I think already also deemed non essential. Our subsidized day care state parks and road construction. But prisons courts and Medicaid payments will continue. So will tax collection For NPR News I'm Matt Sepic in Minneapolis. The German parliament has approved a plan to shut down the country's 17 nuclear power plants by the end of 2022. This puts Germany Europe's biggest economy on path toward renewable energy in the aftermath of Japan's quake related nuclear disaster. Germany's latest decision is a significant shift from last
year when the government decided to extend operations at all of the country's nuclear reactors. French authorities are investigating what's described as an aggressive action against President Nicolas Sarkozy today. Local media are broadcasting images of an unidentified man in a crowd in southern France grabbing Sarkozy by the shoulder nearly knocking him down. Security officers quickly moved in and tackled the man to the ground. I'm Lakshmi Singh NPR News Washington. Support for NPR comes from Carnegie Corp. of New York a foundation created to do what Andrew Carnegie called real and permanent good celebrating 100 years of Philanthropies. That afternoon I'm Kalee Crossley and this is the Kelly Crossley Show with summer finally here. We're talking about eating Alfresco from picnics to cookouts and everything in between. Joining me are the wine and food
experts Jonathan also up and Sheryl Julian. Cheryl Julian is the food editor of The Boston Globe and author of the way we cook. Jonathan also is the founder of the Boston Wine School. He also writes about wine food and travel. Sheryl and Jonathan welcome back. Hello how are you. Good to see you again. I just want to tell everybody that what some of the stuff that we'll be talking about your wine recommendations Jonathan Cheryl your blueberry cake and my wine Rep your recommendations will be on our web website at WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley and I'll remind everybody later as we continue our conversation Cheryl I've got to start with you because you just have a really interesting take on one of the most favorite foods which is potato salad. And as others know follow this show I am confessing again I am a black woman who can't make potato salad and I'm from the south and I'm you know that's what I don't really get it. Really bad. I have relatives who own a restaurant I cannot speak about it but anyway. You're
your potato salad. Julian is delicious but you have a really interesting take about why there are such interesting variations about potato salad recipes. Well a salad is the colonists were making potato salad. They were making beans. And I like to divide the country into two categories. I think that there are a lot of people in the east coast whose mothers grew up on Fannie Farmer beans Cod chowder and there are a lot of people on in the Midwest out to the west coast who grew up on The Joy of Cooking which was essentially German cooking and there were lots of potatoes and lots of potato salads and then eventually they the potato salads came east so I mean you don't go to a picnic without a potato salad. And potato I mean the variety is fantastic. What I think is really amazing is that you can take a few pounds of potatoes cook them cover them with a dressing either
like a vinegar it dressing a bacon dressing a mayonnaise dressing and have a dry potato. I don't understand it. So when we give you your potato salad listen we'll make sure that we don't give potatoes. Yeah I think so I think you need to do a potato salad intervention. Yeah I would get my kinds of dried believe the worst and the secret is the French do it the French discovered it. They the well the potatoes are hot. You cook them in their skins and while the potatoes are hot you cut them up and you sprinkle them with a little vinegar in the vinegar penetrates the skin and that's how you get a really good taste now. I brought this little steamer in. It's about eight inches wide. It's made out of silicone. It has three little legs at the bottom in two years so it's very very flexible. So you sort of imagine a pipe plate with two little tiny handles and you know as a man.
Yes what the potatoes and they are in it that goes in any pan in the world because it can it'll sit flat. It's fully inches or a little scrunched up a little bit to six inches. They're like $10. Every person I give this to this is one of my favorite house gifts. Every person I give this to goes crazy because that metal steamer doesn't work and food gets stuck in it it's a horrible thing to clean. So you should steam the potatoes because when they go into water they get water law and this and that's one of the reasons why the dressing isn't going in. Because if you overcook them at all then then you've got you know watery potatoes and it's going to happen in a flash. Yes trust me I know. Yeah. Well you know potatoes represent represents though I think just our idea of fabulous favorite summer food I mean whether you learned it from the Fannie Farmer or from the joy of cooking it's a staple of country right.
You know and it's one of those dishes that you make the way you make the one you were raised on and you like the the style of the one you were raised on because there are all kinds of fancy potato salads now I mean you get them in restaurant the restaurants are a little fingerling potatoes which are golden potatoes that are thicker than a finger and you stay in them and slice them up and put a lot of herbes on them and a little vinegar and oil. You know it's just beautiful potatoes now. We have wonderful potatoes and Maine Maine. They used to be called boiling potatoes and now they call them all purpose potatoes and you know the kids are off from school. The kids get off from school to pick potatoes in Rostock. So you were also here in New England. Yes I have to say that as I was I we don't have to import. Well that's one of my one of my favorite foods. I have lots of favorite wines Jonathan but what are you saying as are your favorite wines this summer.
Well my favorite wines this summer are you know classic summertime wines I mean anything that you can drink icy icy cold and be absolutely happy with it. If someone could figure out how to make a raspberry lime Rickey was that so that to me would be the perfect summertime why. Right. Chris cold great great fruit interesting kind of fruit flavors that I always thought a final was too cold because I really like it cold that you couldn't really taste the flavor. Yes yes if you know the colder. I mean and that goes for that goes for that goes for anything. You know that's that's why that's one of the reasons why we drink a light beer icy icy cold so that we can't taste it. But but also when you get wine nice and cold you can also bring out you know citrus flavors the acidity. And I mean like you know battery acid acidity I mean like citric acid green apple you
know that kind of thing when you're really really chill it down. And one of the things about a picnic. Is that you know in general you don't have great temperature control. I mean you've either got it completely on ice or completely room temperature it's kind of tough to really control those things in the wild. So we're looking for. Geez you know what's your favorite I guess the real question is What's your favorite white wine. Because whatever is your favorite white wine is really your best wine of summer you know Pino Grigio so. I've brought I don't know I don't know ladies I mean you usually were on a little later in the show. So we rolled into the Y and we're about to go on air now. Now we're going to be we want to get anywhere. OK let me break out. Let me go back to you about whatever your favorite white wine is it's good in the summer because I think there are some that are just perfect for the summer and they're not necessarily ones I would drink and what are my
favorite favorite white wine you know I hate Chardonnay slow not upright but I think you can drink it in the summer that's fine but why not have the you know there in the center. I think that's cheap and it's delicious and it's bright and it's really yeah. And it seems to me to be perfect it's so lightweight it's perfect and you know what else is great about that is that it is typically a low you know very days typically a low alcohol eight to nine percent you know versus 12 13 14 percent. It's a lot less alcohol in terms of getting you know dehydrated or you know. You know whenever I see Pete whenever I see people drinking and then playing softball You know I just you can just smell the knee surgery or you know you can so that it's a little low alcohol is great in terms of in terms of helping you not get so dehydrated I mean alcohol can be a little bit of a high greater for us.
So that's really good during the summer and just also for being you know at a picnic and being able to sort of sort of keep your keep your wits about you and you know varied for those who don't know is a Portuguese Portugese someone called the Green wind though it's white right and it's when we say cheap We're talking $5 people $6 not you know it's really good. And it's readily available right. It's often a little bit Brits. Yes you know it's not you know it's not sparkling like a champagne or sparkling wine but it's almost always got a little bit of CO2 so it's nice and fresh and. That makes you a perfect Yeah and again you'll you'll be able to see Jonathan's wine recommendations in my summer wine recommendations and Cheryl's blueberry cake recipe which we're about to talk about now on our website which is WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley. Now the thing that the two of you have mentioned over and over again is really portability. So Sheryl you're saying this blueberry cake recipe is. Well I did you know this milk crate that I should describe it's the color of the construction cones around town and I actually went out and
looked for it. It's a real bonafide milk crate it's from the container store. And because it's it's so sturdy. If you're having an urban picnic you put everything in it and you don't feel like a fool with a basket. If you were going to do you assess it that way. Yes yes you know the basket does have sort of a high E.T. you know yeah the inner grandfather you know I like it here. But anyway but this blueberry cake thing is that you can carry it easily and it can be saleable and just carry it in the pan that you baked it in. Yeah it's not going to get and it's good at room temperature. Yes or having a little warm. Yes just now. Oh good yeah I just came out of the oven a minutes ago. So this blueberry cake was sent into the Boston Globe. As part of a project that we call the recipe box project and the recipe box project is is set up so that people can send us recipes and ultimately we want the people to talk to each other and compare notes and all of that.
But in the meantime we're just collecting recipes and testing them. So the woman Debra Samuels who runs the recipe box project for me called me up and she said well you know I just made a blueberry cake from the recipe box project and it's the best blueberry cake I've ever had and I said Well essentially I commit you will brigade for blueberry cake. I just came back from an inn in Maine where there was a wild mean blue gray cake. So we decided we'd ask half a dozen people for their blueberry cakes and we do a tasting. The interesting thing about this cake it's so it's baked in an eight inch square. It's not that buttery but it has whole milk in it so it's not dry at the bottom and then it has a lots of blueberries and a deep straw as a layer. So strong. Butter sugar and a little bit of flour that you crumble up and put on the top and it melts into the cake. You know I just I just like to comment I'm just I'm about five feet away from this thing and I can smell it from here it's just it's just I think they can smell it outside it's a it's a
radio is not more of a factory. Yeah so. So the cake so the cake wins. And and we're all you know totally delighted that our reader we pitted our breeder up against all these other cooks. And it's 7:00 a.m. the next morning the morning it comes out. I get a note it comes from this reader who got it from my mother who got it from her sister in law as this is these are community cakes. They go from one person to another. They're always in the community their community recipes. And so a 7am I get an email. It doesn't belong to that woman it was actually published in The Boston Globe 30 years ago and I want to read and chat. Oh and I saw it. I had had a I had a suspicion we were getting such Retro Recipes from grandchildren that I actually thought that some of these recipes might have come from confidential
chat which ran in The Globe for over 100 years and so that was a system in which people sent recipes in and they were printed as is and we just trusted the people that they worked some. Some worked and some didn't but you got to know the people whose things you liked so there was a woman named cakes and cookies or cookies and cakes and everybody knew that her recipes worked. So whatever she published everybody everybody and this was one of hers. Yes. Then 15 minutes later I get another e-mail and it says that recipe belongs to Betty Crocker and it was published in 1969 Betty Crocker book. We have to confirm that. But it was a from a home economist who is also a teacher so I believe her. But you know. This supports your first point which is that these foods that we eat in summer and particularly take on picnics are really about you know our families and our friends and the sharing of your hymns and those rightly so that I say I don't have a problem
with that. Yeah still it's portable it's great. Jonathan you have a different take on portability with regard to why. Well yes I mean that is one of the that is one of the real issues when it comes to a picnic you know the transportability of everything. So I brought a couple of things transportability and and a casual relaxed vibe no fancy wines no expensive wines no wines that require to be breathed or require some sort of some sort of special temperature so I brought a couple wines and outlets to start I'll start you out with the white wine and sort of sort of get yourself emotionally. Settled around this yeah this is what they are so now so this is a whine from Austria. The name of the grape is greener Oh yes. Cleaner Yes and greener in German means green and felt felt means field so felt lean means like a little field. So the name of this
grape is the little green meadow. And if you could see this bottle it's it's a little bit bigger than a normal wine bottle so instead I have and you know 750 milliliters it is a full leader and it is sealed with an old school crimped Coke cap crown. Yeah let me look like an old fart like the old bear but you got Twist off right. So so so no cork no screw cap I mean we've even gone talk about retro. You know we've even gone more retro then we'll bring that right. We should tell people that that Gruner Ventnor is often known as groovy. Yeah I mean that in the lingo you know rune or you know don't feel obliged to be able to pronounce it and I burst into song but it does come from that sort of you know the hills are on very high. That's what the kid that's what his kids were drinking and the whole the whole movie.
Let me crack this open if you're thinking and I hear why you're cracking it open that you're also into wine in a box. Wine snob that you are you know what I thought I thought I would try to ease you in with the wine with the Coke cap for I broke out the box and I was trying out a tune the other night called my wine in a box when I could do a few bars of that later no that's OK. But the bottom line is that even though you kind of sewer of fine wine and saying wine in a box for the summer is great you know what it's shocking to people and people are having a terrible terrible time getting their their minds around it. But wine in a box is the next big thing. I mean when you think about how we used to feel about screw caps. Yes. Even five years ago. That's the way we are about wine in a box and the wine producers are not doing us any favors because they are you
know they're aware of this image issue with the box wine. So they're a little bit hesitant to put their really good stuff into into a box and that's kind of reinforcing the whole image of the box wine is sort of a sort of a kind of a kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not so a winery called Big House and this is the big house. Cardinal Zinn owns it for Zinfandel this is a red Zinfandel and so it's cardinals in and underneath it you know the one of the things these days is old Vanya ancient vines. We don't care about the need to want to know what this is called This is called beastly old so beastly alone. Yeah that's what I want well you know what it's for bottles. How do you know what I want in a box. And technically this technology is called Bag in box
because you know right inside the box is a mylar bags like a Playtex baby bottle. So that so that while you are drinking it while you are tapping it from this little spigot here at the at the bottom the bag is collapsing and no air is getting back into it. How much does that bottle. OK so four bottles of this big house cardinals in twenty dollars. OK now we're told it was essentially only $5 a bottle and the thing is you don't have to drink it all at once because. You know I was I was in Bordeaux back in 2006 and I tasted a box of wine in March that had been opened in November and was still good and it was fine. OK well that may not mean the poor may not have tasted exactly like you tasted in November but it was fine I would not have said what a woman would roll in with us when we were kids and I actually I think they still do it in cafeteria lines and you ask for
milk and if they dont have it in an individual container they would have that plunger in the back in the big stainless. Yes yes stainless Yeah exactly for you a glass of milk Yeah it was said I think you know like yeah that's a big chunk in a bag of milk. Yeah that's feeding. Yeah yeah all cargos and his infidel and that's one of the ones of summer that you and I agree are our fabulous summer because it's a big barbecue barbecue wine and and and all and it's kind of an all American wine. I mean now for an infidel you know is a grape that you know it originally came from southern Italy where they called it primitive Oh yeah they grow it they grow a little bit of it still but is mainly primitive it was Primitivo slash Zinfandel is mainly a California grape these days so it's and it had one of my favorite favorite wines favorite. And super with barbecue you know absolutely one of the I mean one of the challenges with spicy barbecue is that strong red wine will will make
hot spicy food taste hotter typically taste hotter and spicy here. Now if you like your hot spicy food even hotter and even spicier then then red wine is great for that. If it's already a little too hot and spicy you may want to back off a little bit with a lighter red wine or rosé or some some such. Jonathan and Kelly My nephew was at a jewelry buying a wedding ring my very very shy sweet nephew buying and engagement ring for his girlfriend and after the transaction the jeweler said Well do you can I can I give you a little advice about how to ask her to marry you when the boy said Yes I need all the advice I can get. He said picnic. Why Yeah yeah and you're a real you know glass. Yeah well you know laughs Yeah oh yeah yeah real glasses real glasses. OK I have some really you know and you know what ironically not ironically but maybe counter-intuitively the cheaper the wine the better the nice
the nicer the glasses. OK so how do you hack them to go to a picnic. Well that's me. You're not like an Afghan or a thing an idea. Yeah because then you can use the napkins while you're there you know if you've got an empty case an empty cardboard wine box depending on how late they are a lot of them will fit right in there and then that'll kind of kind of insulate him from each other so that they won't. Well this cardinal rule is delicious as was the Gruner veldt leaner and so you know the bull. Yeah and they go excellently with this salad that Cheryl has brought and also the blueberry and any other summer foods you may have as a Southerner I can say that I am now in the Emirate of New England summer foods like pesto and fried clams and you know tuna and of course ice cream embrace good ice cream here but from my roots in the south there can only be you know the place of real barbecue and I don't mean grilled meat. I mean serious
serious barbecue and corn and potatoes tell us all this you know all the stuff you can carry with you and as you say Cheryl there are these are the recipes that have been with us since we observed our family folks making them for us with love. Yes. Yeah and I think you know it's just a perfect time to enjoy this food finally we have well look a little well right about that right now but anyway it's going to be good for the next few days. Yeah it's just not you know I was thinking the earlier is this not the perfect weather and the perfect temperature I think we should make this your top blueberry cake in the macaroni salad and take it outside and yeah. What I want and that's you can find it you can be way out here. OK well I want to go to. Let's not tell anybody that I'm going with you. All right so favorite thing that you might be taking to a picnic. I'm taking this macaroni salad. OK. Macaroni a little onion and celery and. Sliced all
lips and a little mayo. OK very retro. Sounds delicious. Anything anything. Wrapped in wax paper. OK if they were wrapped in wax paper is it a picnic. No I just talk go back to your family roots. It's got to be wrapped in Wear OK. A really strong wax paper too. Ok really think I have anything wrapped in wax paper. Ever want to know you brought us several you like. Which means if you know what I'm going to I'm going to go you know I don't know. Should I go with should I go with the you know you've got volume. Oh yeah yeah I know what I'm going to go let him go yeah yeah you know what I'm going to I'm going with Sheryl I'm going with the Gruner and I don't know how we're going to get this thing resealed now that we've got this Coke cans to drink I think we have to. Honor is very friendly to pretty well while it's friendly and $15 for a whole leaders Yeah but you can go cheaper with with my recommendation. You know Vera Six bucks. I write below that.
Thanks so much for a great conversation Sheryl Julian and Jonathan Elsom. Can't wait to hit the picnic table and the picnic blanket. Cheryl Julian is the food editor of The Boston Globe and author of the way we cook. Jonathan also is the founder of the Boston Wine School and the author of wine lovers devotional 365 days of knowledge advice and lore for the ardent aficionados. Check out their recommendations on our website. Up next Monica Collins aka ask dog lady is here for another edition of pop culture. And she's taking your calls. 8 7 7 3 0 1. Eighty nine seventy eight 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. We'll be back after this break. Stay with us. Support for WGBH comes from you and from Skinner auctioneers and appraisers presenting their auction of European furniture and decorative arts featuring fine ceramics on
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consider donating it to WGBH. It's completely tax deductible and all the proceeds from the sale go towards the programs that you and your car depend on. There's a WGBH dot org to find out more. Brian O'Donovan Come join me every Saturday at 3:00 for a good old fashioned session on a Celtic So you're not on any 9.7 WGBH to welcome not. Just. Us. Good afternoon I'm Cally Crossley and this is the Kelly Crossley Show. It's time for another edition of pop culture. Joining me in the studio is Monica Collins aka ask dog lady or as we like to call her fish Fido Queen canine mutt maven princess of pooches and her royal hound Highness. She's here today
to take your calls if you need advice about your four legged friend and how to keep your dog cool in the summer heat. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 and we have limited time with Monica so call in now don't wait until the last five minutes. That number again 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 and you can send us a tweet or write to our Facebook page. Hey Monica. Hey Kelly. Well you got some great letters finally that are appropriate for our weather now. Yeah because if I get caught yes. So let's just jump right in before they all are starting today says Dear dog lady. Why are these lazy hazy crazy days of summer called Dog Days. Why are they. Well the answer the answer dear readers in the stars is it's the alignment of the stars and it's when the stars form a certain alignment the Sirius Star which is the dog star is the brightest in the sky.
So the stars it's not that we all want to flop around and be like a dog now it's the alignment of the stars. Wow I did not know that. Yeah that's a great question. Yeah I liked it too. It forced me to look at up and figure it out and and now I can look up. Actually the dog days don't really happen until the first week of August. OK. That is the details of the serious dog. Yeah. Good pun Carol. We are in the serious serious days of summer and the first week of August. But you will see that the dog star is bright in the sky. Wow. OK. Oh here's another deer dog lady this summer I shared a weekend lake house with my friend and her dog. And initially I was peeved when she asked to bring Joe because I didn't want to dog underfoot but you know some sort of terrier is very well behaved and doesn't mess around at all. I grew to like him and enjoy his company. What I don't understand is my friend's total adoration of this dog. She's newly divorced and childless so I guess she's a little needy. She babies the creature to an
extraordinary degree. When we went swimming she brought along a chair for Joe to sit under. He had his own towel. She also put ice packs on him to keep him cool and had bottles of water and bags of treats for whenever Joe was thirsty or hungry. I wanted to shriek at her. Come on he's a dog. But I bit my tongue. Does this sort of cobbling behavior seem strange to you. And I and I answer that question by saying no not at all. It's for she was very lucky to have this cup of joe in her life because she was divorced child list childless. And let's face it we're all looking for some warmth to keep us warm. All right. And being good to your dog in the summer is about making sure that there's proper shade at the beach. Never letting your dog sit in the car by itself while you go just happens a lot still. I just shot at it. I'm always shocked by this one time a summer you will hear a report out of one of the malls that a dog was
left in the car with the windows up and the dog died. And people should know that the car gets very hot very fast and you just can't do this to a child or an animal. So we're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 you can call with your questions about keeping your dog cool in the summer. We're about to be a little bit more detail about that with Ask Dog Lady Monica Collins. You're listening to eighty nine point seven WGBH an online at WGBH dot org. I'm Kelly Crossley and we're talking all things dog with Ask Dog Lady Monica Collins. Join the conversation 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Lot of people heading out of town Friday tomorrow taking the dogs to places that's going to be hot. Yes so I actually have to say you know I'm not a dog owner as I try to tell people every time we have this conversation.
I do know that I'm not going to play one on the radio but I didn't know that you had to cool off the dog in extra ways or pay attention to that because I figured an animal knows how to take care of himself so I didn't think well when they lived in the wild yes they knew how to but now that dogs are domesticated we have to sometimes step in to do certain things for them anticipate their needs and their needs in the summer are cool and water and hydration. Just like our needs are. Now is it more important for a dog to have these things and have the hydration in the water or less because again I'm thinking they have some balance that we don't have just connection to nature that we don't have. OK let me just be line my name here. They're dogs so they can get behind. OK. Right. OK. This woman who went to extraordinary measures for her dog Joe at the beach. That was that was a nurturing thing that was very touching. But yeah maybe she was going overboard the way some people would go overboard. But here's what I would do if I walk with my
dog. Let's say for instance around Fresh Pond I'm going to do the whole thing. I would prefer to bring a water bottle for my dog than let my dog drink out of whatever puddle Yeah yeah a little tributary there. I would I would prefer. Always prefer to let my dog drink the water that I bring then the dog and then the water in potholes and in streams or whatever because tender tummies there are you. You never know what's in that water. So that's what I would do I'd always bring water on a walk. Let me ask a question though before you go on. You know in the wintertime if I'm walking my dog around Fresh Pond do I have to bring water. Is it more in the summertime is it more important I'm I must have water in the summer it's more important ok. Not in the winter. All right I mean in the winter if you're going on an extra long 10 mile hike. Yeah. Have some water but in the summer it really helps to have water because you can just splash in on the dog as well.
Now I understand that the belly part of the dog is particularly vulnerable. Why is that. Well because it has the need for the most cool. And when dogs lying grass when they lie on the ground you know the belly is right there. And so it's really the groomer who does my dog always does a belly strip on the belly which is she shaves off the hair on the belly in the summertime in the summer. Really. So that my dog can get the nice little air conditioning a little bit of air conditioning. I don't actually really know I never heard of that. No I have neither but she does do a belly strip and he does lie on the grass and enjoy it. Now your dog has hair a lot of you know a lot of hair but you know what I mean. But he's quite hairy. Yeah. And so in the summer I always do a summer grooming which is his he's he's always cropped very close because let's face it they do get hot. I have so I saw my dog the other day came back from a walk during the day and he was like.
He was still doing that. Like an hour after he returned. So I figure he had gotten really a good workout. Yeah but they do get very hot so you really have to keep them hydrated and keep them cool. Now as I understand it again our number is 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 if you have a question for an ask Dog Lady Monica Collins we're talking about keeping dogs cool. Just the parenting is normal for a dog but I understand excessive panting can can be a sign of heat stroke. So that was one of the things that I read that I thought was very interesting I didn't really oh yeah I'm going to check to man you know I think a lot but I don't know. But see now you're talking about your dog panting. Yeah you got to sort of know your dog to know what excessive and I you know she was just pan I mean when he lay down and he lacks the panting stopped. But if your dog is going on and on and on and on I have to look at what your dog has done to you and many dogs don't want to run a 50 yard dash is in the stream he
don't need to you know they move slowly they let you know hey I don't have a lot of it today because Dog Lady Monica Collins and I are neither one of us are vets. Here are some other signs of heat stroke if you are concerned about that that's the excessive panting and again you really do have to know your dog to know what's excessive. Rapid breathing excessive drooling. And a dark or bright red tongue or gums staggering now you know what I've seen that in people what you just then yeah yeah yeah just gets to you. I don't know how you would measure this but a body temperature of 140 110 degrees and bloody diarrhea or vomiting I would hope at that point you would know this. Yes certainly. Yeah but you would know something was wrong want to definitely definitely definitely I have never seen in all my years of dog. I have never seen a dog with heat stroke so I think that people do take dogs and dogs also take care of themselves in that. Again let's get back to Fresh Pond if you've ever walked Fresh Pond. There is a special area
there where dogs can swim. You have never seen so many dogs go in there on hot days. There all the dog knows to. I need some cool in here I need some water here. OK we are smack dab in the middle of another edition of pop culture and we're going to continue this conversation on the other side of the break to offer you some ideas about other ideas about how you keep your dog cool. If you missed the last time Monica was on check it out she talked about dogs in the workplace etiquette. You can catch it online at WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 8 7 7 3 0 1 9 7. Call us with any questions that you may have about your dog. If your pooch cool is ice cream. OK what about grooming. 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 0 9 7. Keep your dial on eighty nine point seven. So for WGBH it comes from you and from Bank of America every
day helping set opportunity in motion across Massachusetts by lending and investing in our local community and economy. You can learn more at Bank of America dot com slash opportunity. And from the castle group celebrating its 15th year delivering public relations social media and events management results that drive business locally nationally and internationally. More information at the castle G or P dot com. I'm Lisa Mullins. Singer and author Alina Simone lives in Brooklyn New York. But she hails from Ukraine and she has a special place in the heart for female Russian singers from times past. In her new book and in our studio she shares her admiration for tuba favorites. That's coming up next time on the world. Coming up at three o'clock here at eighty nine point seven WGBH. In addition to great programs WGBH also hosts one of a kind of vets in fact in just the past six months WGBH has welcomed world renowned singer Angelica he
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Go ahead please Heidi or I don't presently have a dog. But I grew up with a dog and some of my best friends have dogs. Yeah I wanted to make a comment about what you were saying about going around press pun. Yes there are several different places around the pond where dogs can get drinks and you know there are bowls that they are and it is the same good Fresh Pond water that all of the humans drink how many people can come to Fresh Pond and they don't have to bring a bottle or a bowl. Oh OK. Oh wow I didn't know that they you know I mean walking around Fresh Pond for 12 years and more. And I know that the water there was the good old Fresh Pond water. Yes it is. You could get it. You know you can take a tour of the French punk water building. Oh that's true there's the waterworks there. They're so right. You know it should be the cleanest water on Earth right there any fisherman right.
Great Water. Oh thank you so much Frank thank you for the call Peggy. Thank you so much. James from all borrow you're on eighty nine point seven the Calla Crossley Show Go ahead please. Oh I'm recently divorced I always travel with a partner and two dogs. Now what do I do with at a rest stop. Do I leave the dogs in the car with the air running. Do I leave the windows down. I walk them. I do I walk. Me. James What a poignant question. First of all you are thinking about this so I would say when you go to a rest stop do what you have to do leave the windows though ajar and you're not going to be forever in the rest area. So you just kind of deal with it as best you can. Thank you so much I'm afraid somebody is going to call you know call it then. Oh I know I know you mean it. Absolutely I totally agree with you there that there are these vigilante people. I once left my own dog in my car with the
window open while I ran in for a rest stop and someone when I came out someone standing next to my car calling me out for leaving my dog in the car but you do what you have to do. I would also if you're real if you're traveling on a very hot day you know just have some cool water in your car and just leave maybe a little bottle of water for you while you wait for your dogs while you go in. Do you have to leave a note on your on the door. Now I am just run in for a second I know my dogs in the car. I would say that's going overboard. All right OK I'm just asking but it seems that you think about this that's all the battles. OK all right thanks for the call James Joyce. Enjoy the program. Thank you thank you so much. 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 I'm on with Ask Dog Lady Monica Collins Monica let's talk about some of the ways that people cool off their dogs. OK let's discuss this cool
bit or a bit. Oh yeah just one of those. Yeah you can buy these beds. They are recommended for older dogs. And these beds you fill with water and you put on a on the floor and your dog there like a doggie waterbed so that it stays cool. All right and when you say cool it's room temperature. No it's cooler than room chair. That's good. You fill it with warm water but somehow it turns cool after you filled it with water. You can then put it on your dog's regular bed. So it's a cool layer on the regular bed or you can put it on the floor and the dog will. I made it the other day. I dragged it into my study. I put it out and I keep going Shorty. Let's try a new bid and Mike has not lied on lain on it yet but he probably why hasn't he well done. Yeah but here's the interesting thing about why I loved this dog bed because it
had the greatest directions where it said Just put it out and your dog will eventually find it which is the truth of dogs that you cannot force them to do anything they don't want to do. So in just checking around the internet I see all of these commercially made dog beds that have all kinds of different you know amenities to them. Does it matter I think I do. Should you have any special amenity is it just I just because then who bid for summer is a great idea. OK they have temper PD they have your right they have beds with everything in them and all a dog wants is a warm place to a more cool place than this cool place a soft place is the word I want it soft to lie down. They don't care what they're lying on they just want something soft. Ok so my film critic Karen Daly does all things film on this show. Yes it does something with his dog that I want to run by you he says. I get
bones from the butcher and then I freeze them and ginger my dog loves them. Love that idea. I used to do that myself. OK. It's so funny when you're a new dog owner because you do all this stuff for your dog and then it's kind of like being in an old married. Over the years you know you don't do that really anymore but I used to buy marrow bones and stuff and with peanut butter. Oh my goodness. And freeze them in the freezer for a lovely summer treat for my darling dog. And you know as they come to room temperature then you can really get a good it's still no you know no no no no no you just get into I'm frozen. No I made my own frozen. They love it and it's a wonderful cool treat for summer. Now what's the peanut butter for just. Oh that's just a special treat. OK. Right I mean you can just do a marathon and throw in the freezer and just give it to the fries and that's fine too. I added the peanut butter in there for a little special treat. All right well what about ice cream ice cream. Well I do remember the
incredibly searing summer day when I bought vanilla soft serve ice cream. I walked my dog. And as I'm finishing the vanilla soft serve cone I thought here Shorty Why don't you try a little of this and he eagerly lapped it up. And please understand I did not give a lick to him in a like to me. I was like almost done I just gave him the rest of it and he did not agree with him. Oh really. I did not agree with him. So he's like I was intolerant. Well I get you know human ice cream and it's not for them. Now there is something called Frosty Paws. And this is a Dixie cup for dogs that it's a it's a dog food it's protein it's something in there but it looks like ice cream but it's not ice cream. It's dog ice cream to get at the pet store you can get it at a conventional grocery stores now in the freezer section. They do some of the bigger ones to
carry. I have never seen because I'm not looking for it so it's called Frosty Paws WSP A.W. asked says it actually could BPA you too because it's a little pause in its process. Yes I don't buy that. OK righty pas P. AWOS. There's also something called you conned y o g h u and D that kind of your more high end yogurt ice cream for dogs. And what's the difference between that return Frosty Paws and the price. Oh OK. Then I look at it I have right and see what this would cost so give it give us a guy wants a Frosty Paws is about three or four dollars OK. And you get four for cops and you know con and it's probably about five or six dollars and you know I want to know not one but you get you know more but it's a little more high end product. All right now I did know that some people make something they call a pup's ical which just guess you just take a plastic mold and
you know put it in you know put some liquid or something. Yes. Yeah in the freezer. Somebody here is suggesting a low sodium beef or chicken broth in ice cube trays. Does that sound good to the. I mean yeah that'd be great but are you really I mean here's what you could do. Here I'm making up this recipe right here right now. OK an exclusive. Yes. So exclusive you can get your ice cube tray fill it with water and then put a little freeze dried liver chunk into every cup of the ice cube tray. Then that's already covered with water so that you have these wonderful ice cubes with a liver chunk in the middle and the freeze dried liver chunk will become all kind of nice and Crystal and not crystal it well when it's frozen but in that and freezes it will become kind of less freeze dried and more juicy for the dog. And that could be a wonderful treat. So that's essentially a truffle for a dog. A truffle over there yeah that's I mean that's what it is I mean you know you got to
give your diet traffic right liver truffle. OK. And again neither one of us are vets and so I should note that some veterinarians say that you know really be careful with ice cubes and cracking dog's teeth. So make sure that you know your dog before you start you know they're one of these very Also it is funny it is funny. It is so funny I mean dogs are comic relief in life they really are they really are. I met a little dog scooter on the street. A couple of days ago and I just looked at Scooter and I wanted to laugh just a little dog with the most comic face. Anyway dogs are comic relief and here's one comic relief thing that I've discovered with ice cubes and dogs. I thought you know when I when the water would be out in the summer I thought oh this will be nice I'll put a couple ice cubes in sureties Bowl. Well they do recommend this but the ice keeps kind of
scared him from the ice cubes. Breaking a little down when you're moving around the boat he put his nose in the bowl of the ice cubes kind of moved it was a whole new experience and. He didn't like it. Like I could tell he was a little freaked out by those ice cubes in the bowl so I haven't done that much ever sureties you know dog lady's spirit. Listen we have a call Sergio from Scituate with seconds to go. Go ahead please. I can tell you how I love your show. Thank you. I have a question. Yeah we have a standard and you know it's a very fussy. Yeah. Don't you know. Right. We bought this wonderful black dog. Like how about $200. Yeah. And the job of not getting a bank to call on you you know. OK at me.
All right here's where you can try to get a towel or something with your smell on it and lead on the bed. And so that the bed is more appealing because you're part of it now because your smell is on it. And also get the true favorite treat that your poodle loves and doesn't see through. OK and sprinkle a little bit you know chop it up or either a biscuit or a liver chunk or some jerky or whatever your poodle adores and put it on the bed. Well that's a good that's a good suggestion as I'm sure you will find that you are excellent to doing that. Asked Lady Michael Collins. I'm Kelly Crossley and you've been listening to another edition of pop culture with Monica Collins. She writes Ask dog lady the syndicated lifestyle advice column you can go to ask dog lady dot com to ask a question or make a comment or visit the ask dog lady Facebook fan page. You can also keep on top of the can we cross the show at WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley
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The Callie Crossley Show
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