thumbnail of Africans in America; 104; Judgment Day; Interview with Cornelia Bailey, Folklorist and Slave Descendant
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ms barrett has been pressing for instance patience patience know that my grandmother has faded forever say they always knew it when they die they will go back to having a better place so that when there's a strength to strength that they believe it was a better place to go back to him so they endure was anything quote it promise of a better place on this faster growth in the lights is saying that the south said donilon had no immunity succumb to charities he say when he gave me the album the art of this now has some place better and so that was the whole they know most people was that there is a better place to be going to a better place they would have to work in more than one half the toll in des moines and the sounds of an idea to him alone put on my rule in that's what they're looking forward to so they could forget all of that so it took a lot of true grit and determination
and they put everything aside and it was a side no matter how we hurt him and heartfelt to put aside and some he had also has a fool to believe that when things got tough for them to actually pissing himself lion back to africa says a sensational was flying back home and that would make them is sort of like a ski prison they'll use it to speak anything else that was being done to him that was wrong events having to fly very very they're important to them because it was what a commune with the spirits of the dead to talk to they always talked to did because they believe that they are one that can help them so they talked to the death no one was president were more than acts to talk to god
and it's up to the spirit of so and so and grandma and grandpa and always repeating what they said that they must do always and sell the spirits of the dead were very important so disparate as import become the frigid night most of the debate groceries their fuel have warranted to be either do dishes in at night he kidnapped or outside the bell first opening the door saying excuse me family speak of despair is over no one was coming to visit you at night and so you have to tell them is cues first they get the water outside and it's ok you can sleep outside after dark either because any sweeping fannon and love one faces and that was for him to do you can do that that was a sign of bad manners it also had to say scuse me and so they can draw side then you step outside and it was ok for them
to give them strength to get approval they can feel you can feel approval through the strength of the ones that to talking to the spires of one you can feel it the next is it ok for me to do this where to be safe will you be sure that i'm safe sea exit talking acts of what a blessing in everything and that will carry over this we have to commute ended need a lesson before you do something like you wanna get married and run away here you can have a baby no matter what you always thought the ones who went before you always and losses and losers beating means that i think there was an incentive to get that comes from another woman will smith so they respected that no one who's a female of people speaking treated in a bond i don't own when the things and know is a peaceful help says not a fiscal help is not help
with that they wanted no one to help them and the lottery for is that no it's not that it's a peaceful type of malls the time although a lot of people smell that if my dream tonight about a grandmother and grandma was ninety two when she died in the spirit of a spiritual when i played in the movie not to win because i dream a grandma that helps so you have some of that also what most of us are peaceful state solution that comes to them i just talking today not one not a physical thing that you can touch or anything so it's just there in the newest there so it makes a few good even makes me feel good so as to continue with the debt service that was that in the past has a witness it was thought that that was it peter talk to despair so tell what we do is we we would
spare is everywhere they're saying the names of the trees here it's in the fact that you can find in classes because some spirited family member of the spirit moved him everything people to do and say reflects the spirit my father would note exactly he'll set them all my family's bears came to visit me last night so i'm melissa when the famine the song die he can be sitting on his porch they sing on a porch and as a treat it tremendous fell from the reason supporters they know is blowing air that a spiritual man something that happened so long and so they will feel the spirit says that isn't everything they want a place of trick rings meaningful meshes is always said well you know i put my glasses down and i know i have my glasses right here on the dresser and some butter spirit movement and she said i know mom you play a trick me now put my glasses back on the dress and she collects his film is that she sees right there on the dresser says mom opened back so ms sperry they're
bringing you mrs is playing tricks on you everything is always a spirit never goes people come and they said dr believe in ghosts know we don't believe in ghosts human spirit soul of the spirit is what's important to the people here and that ghost at all and then they look they looking for strength and then i think of them in some cases literally look always a revenge but davis beer was the one that told him howard died them on a daily basis that was because parents always lose because parents over the pot and one and that will help them bear with so there was to bear so this was always important person they cannot see it baum but they always here in little ways in which grow and they believed in the spirits
in new independent inspired to believe in all things as well who disapprove of the focal point is within the spirit so they would talk to local insults at a very important time family was important in the sense that you know you have some ideas in a year how coal used to belong to to the piano student and each other and that was family so family was important band as it is now but family was the winning one cents more important more important to try to keep the family together they freeze was tried to keep the family together all costs and they pass what their drive for best with a grateful jeep into family together to do anything to keep the family together practically anything to do arm a local horse in
ag as the overlying anything else but they were trying to keep the family together and that was important to them for them that they always and if they didn't and they can't keep them together we could see him every day he kept them together in boston where there's renee when they kneel down to save a prayer they also frankly one as the can't see anymore they call them by name and so forth the show that children his name after that was you can see yourself the family members always very good lookin for facial resemblance and other things that that little child his door was named after all the mural and that's our look sent back and said yeah that one is just like his uncle because the accident he wasn't the top once all the sudden day that one is missing is implanted into another one so that one becomes the one at the dire has been sold what so so that becomes the oval and so is important so even a name they kept the family of days ago of course that there's
all that that was a day we didn't but we did the felon of the fellow for the same reason to do it now and it was heartbreaking to follow it so and then that then have them so a separate from human emotions of people haven't seen from denton that says is the same and it was so it happen you a lot more frequently now we have a choice of walking out of we want to go not seen that person a movement they inhabit show is because back then events have taken away and soul and swap and so forth away from each other know that the same anymore so they're from but they fell in love yes you think though would be different than it is now from here now mourdock is littered with the same people for a lot of you who was for a little while it was there the weekend henry to avenge our cells and couldn't live in jail cell the way he would do that at how so from within and being sold and other things
so we had our own way of doing it and so when it was time for us to do what we need to do to avenge our self we did it and one the things we did was our like my great grandmother was saying they were actually a story that she told the mysterious it all was how all i am the master with complaining of stomach hurts hurts the cook was also very good at verbal medicine says she will get medicine bring it back to him master take this phrase from a distant was the curtain for a few days in the meantime all she was doing was crying applying glass you'd grown up the glass over time and put it in his food and you couldn't use food and then is that eating a line of his stomach away when her it should give medicine is so the four day or two and susan browning up that flying glass and put in his food and eventually despite his holster way to children that was revenge she couldn't do it no other way ninety new members
saw one he did something her saw the love one with her or with one of them and she couldn't stand it so that was the way of revenge and she did it so there was much prevent such as that and so and you know growing up we've learned stories from grandparents and others and so forth of things that happen in and one of the ones that grandma so a hub mother her mother was called ma'am an endive direct descendant of allowing the slave and says sets out on the court was the marker was a great great cousin of hers and said mark those in charge of fixing the debt some opera fixed thanksgiving dinner and turkey and she cooked it and says that the market last thanksgiving you did a great job on a turkey but with the law that for some taste of that this year so the show's season just right say yes mom so when thanksgiving dinner was served with the plant was set on the table that was lifted up by the master house and all was meant for the caucus there was no meat on the bone mark yes
mom what happened to target market among new committees that mom so it is that so that is the volcano which so that was sold or lighter moments let me talk about what you can manage a proud that we have definitely help widows and lighter moment of some of the things that happened today we back and say actually happens the first to think about i think about what the white drivers and rebut the white rose and they would rather than how mean you were how hard do was then reading history of other relatively minor acts it was a drive of an overseer and then i can help them think and was he mean was he just with the heart to his own people so so
he himself would be punished for slack work none of crop coming in a soulful so did he act was he acts in harstad in the exit victim like the waiter was you would do to arm make them come up to par to what they think women up a parcel in heaven of bales of cotton of bushels of race and i can't help wondering at some time and it's not written down but from his true self you have to wonder what the method that he used to keep people in line i mean show that refusal to old and how the song time and all of that so people know from slacking off event had a passport to do so what you do to keep each person than a task of the day they call no man he was religious right leaders who is of islam he was of the islamic faith
so the prayers for the set three times a day but we really was actually five time of day three times x is seen visibly seen back others seen him praying exit three times a day but he prayed many first given morning cinema next a seemingly very late at night which nobody sees objects to pray five times a day because he was brought up on that source of the mouse of was our mom and he was a family man natural because he bought it he had been a good daughter busy bar for thomas won the purchase not only him but his wife and children as well and they will prune children because i'm he persuaded them the whole family come together and so they didn't sell suppose or he brought his seven sons in her daughters with his wife also for the body so maybe it was thomas fuller saw something in them it was a great day in america by the furloughs entire from the room for a minute every hour he possibly
can but there've been out ahead the type of template that they hear that and he was religious is the album said that he was then the overflow is going to help the party is officially the other that we're clear power and more harshly and yet the same effects of maybe this think that bailout was not that harsh he didn't buy it means yes so maybe he was the he was intelligent enough which i knew was killed enough to know exactly how politically the direction the condo history is that that the
british owners on the mainland what hotz people that will mean and so it and butler was the law this was another tent israel is on that side so they said people about the plant is you would naturally will it also this orchestra that got passed out an ad people here as a whole slavery was bad no doubt about it so there's no if ands and buts about at nowhere around that law but priscilla's a little bit better but thomas won't have attended classes to be a system where you work a sentence intended didn't and the blacks is really the way summer mina regarded bob thomas bonus pandering his slaves and that effect even though i've got to call it made in heaven because of that town and i'll add as a natural remedies until his dad never had to say in an unburned said i don't think we have anything that will over your lips you said even today charlie with david people on the mainland think we have more than them in the world less than they are so then she got me thinking mr dafoe i was always looking to see if there was an intruder
was just saying comparing our self than people on the mainland all the time did they consider us and thereafter to consider is having more money and more freedom than they have on them in stuff like that can only make do it what they had this isn't like make do society you may do it to have invaded always haworth to find that action the time to tell stories to the children i have fun and have to return to to something that you think will care more money in the future so you may do it was late out my father's mouth is that you work eight hours a day walk seven miles a word came back home nothing the house seat took his overcast day they had to strip it down and rebuild it put it back together went fishing at three
o'clock cut some fish came back home mama clinical bit and he got dressed in heavily from home five o'clock in one of the work the next day so not that was in this time that i remember but i can imagine people back then or so did something very similar so what's so they had to do they did it they did meet with the sake of the children and the families and it was only to be done so that playwright in slavery the playwright's after slavery the cannery for themselves and it was a hard thing to do with their system that they had of baking soda always with digging led out of the water in that were out and rivet how was in tangerine a lot that was mr warner oland placing his modest threat of madison and arthritis always a lot of the old people have arthritis rubric because our mom and rose seven that was doing race didn't have books to wear so it was cool it was damp all the time and so you got apparatus to get a new joints we call a rheumatism savior of the river doesn't throw from
being in the red all the time in so that happened a lot so people suffered a lot recently traveled to raise money in the world at it the younger ones are wrote a ticket and so there was never a need of when mtv ship off well then there's someone always took him to stop but mormons have to be sure they had something comeback in the afternoon of the show that had food was so so is taking care of that in the woodson family is always knew they had no children somebody's us took him here and over the rice in the back in the old days they would literally rice and wild rice and promising oversight that goes like tom teves please please rewrite them that please please he's an arrest them and then you go home to
talk to just a little bit back toward this way which was it was help tide in such a way we haven't the pocket so in my pocket with a space in the party's base and so they were tilted and some of greer is with axa drop in that because even though they are working they couldn't be with the lobby and racing ended fair the moderator we went over it was no it was harvest but never over and dress all at the same time because then drove of the mice and everything so you had a big season you put it in the storehouse but and that were from band to even though ford is here in alice lee lewis latest of that same way what happened was that with slavery new and it was either for the masses house or to be sold on the market you have to dredge all of that race and you had to put in the more you have to win
over it reaches into large baskets in it do it like this and you do that you were still not allowed to eat any of it so you could know you've planted and how was to and do all the backbreaking work you could not enjoy it so that limit the rise and we're tying it around them and when the tide appetite in such a way where there's like a pocket here so when they got the basket and they have to price of mortar and pestle put it into a vast of withering and it was shaken up on the go please please even their eyes to how he speaks he's in their eyes and then they go that there are hundreds still europe's open some of about allman's dropped inside a deeper pockets of winning at home at night when work was over they had in the first to feed their families and without being caught they have a lot of ingenious to feed a family so those leaders ranging this of course so we could do a mac
and a work for something in and work and that the stuff men was lucky you know i could see my son remembers aircraft to feel and you know the green but that's nothing but sound but rice has enjoyed and so they had to happen john rice which is our specialty here is to take the rice into a preview you say put it aside but the p's will cook first he's in hotel ham hock and delicate just right then the race was put in it and stir slowly of them and then from the bottom the top and set aside on the back of the stove clock strikes twelve it a new year's eve night singing the new year's and a writer joyce had repeaters for she prayed for the five or ten minutes giving god bank's review of the whole church and that and you've actually secure the paris peace to church but now if we keep at home and has something green sort of snap beans a collard greens or something soulful money and prosperity but the other was for good health and good luck son repeats
rice is in port every house along the island every piece of race a new year's event it's our very awful because we would actually you think about it that this mindset and people being sold in my family and taken away from me and for some i think i shouldn't or even as she can cry because i'm so good and so human so i don't suppose that have those emotions and but people cried the pride than that we then recruited from the ones in children and mother and father do know that would never see or hear from again and we still end up tears from the eighteen and seventeen times in eighteen constituted mothers are still shooting so the mother's back then and fathers and sisters and brothers
knew that it felt like as the continuing pains of movie crying ever for the rest of our lives in this new land because we will always be losing something and he's dozing something our and to say that you should be grateful to be taken from africa to have a better life in this country that nonsense and to be given a dollar when he was sold after the soul is a gratitude thing that was nonsense and i don't think there were receptive dollar i don't think it was small and look it in binders shaking right hand in a farewell and mike gottlieb into murderous for having residuals that would've been my thought eliminating even have before i could not attend to cry and then be happy a bee happened to tend to cry so if i cry because i was beaten for someone that i know was never was it in a sort of a genuine old we need some biases or refute besides myself own discipline via
connection this a loveless be supportive of them be eternally grateful because the day took care of us in there with this family that i was no family structure will a family act the hair was also so yeah just for something else our master loveless the same as the children they were gonna take a rough ever so we don't have to worry about anything cause they would never gonna saw snow on a separate us and so as time itself and he said he was going to lose his five acres of better because of taxes and hard time first thing he did he was go sell supposedly pheromone which was you your skin was black so you are going to be sold to make a difference you a software as she perused two hundred bucks to his ties to a thousand dollars when you was sold city was so he does say he was asleep so self his mother and father his sister brother was so you and i so i was the one that sold an absolute with the family structure i was in the senate have my people said no way was i could that it had the right to sell my own people but
you know if you're writing but they did it so there was no family structure black and white tides from the structures so there was only wade's family structure blacks in the family structure those days in his pride the only thing we have left we'll address ourselves sickly in the story were dressing also review about to be sold so we put on our last this is a what we have our river now be trial hearing and something brightly colored a piece right the handkerchief was so we had it was pride using only thing we have left with price of wheat was to let these people say that they're we can still be treated harshly what
you're doing is thousand right and so it's a moving ahead in me i would've been sad appear to make it up in his auction block with you have to be intelligent enough to see that pride in the termination and powell commitment from my face mr isaac and not to a piece of cloth but that's all they had was that and so let's with the use of some who would look at and say well the dressing up so they can be sold to maybe a better master of that a high price for a master who russo didn't know who's selling them by making themselves look good and the handsome and pretty insightful and i cannot see but we know we can still do this you know it
would be because can imagine a meaningful for days in and cloudy overcast everything is to reconcile being miserable you miserable no was gonna happen to you in her seven this is unusual that will do so again in the small about you get a tavern rooftop where your body the arm but that that had i feel that had a lot to do it they want to do something great outdoors <unk> the ancestors was defeated best reason why did two because four days of training for has been depressed for days of being and an a one hundred feet by twenty feet row for over four hundred people that was that in itself was cause enough for them to come forward and pregnant themself to lift their spirits even i wouldn't give it that way what we're a people have to
continue to go back we can that profile with at all with the west though are going back so we have to go back to its bases but back when alice sets to that was important to them what do it through in order to reach ago fowler i'm always telling young people that they have to reconnect ago following a group of people and they often read know who we are we are people that we need to know we are we know they need no forensic teams and often weeks know that we have to go back in an antidote to go fall what we cannot continue to disc profile with lasagna with easily really easy to get lost inside track seven and a half to test basin that our elders the thing that uncollected things and written that we have to go back in order to go forward always because in that we get to strengthen on the way the other foresight as rose hindsight we know where to go and how to do it and so once again going back is a going
back to re ancestors was we have to remember always they're remembering is the key to the strength for us tomorrow and you can do it without remembering you have to go back some continued telling young people go back and go fatah always and things and oliver singing his country where we find that we are going back a notable follows was again we have to stop fighting again to go forward and because dont tell were we were followed we forgot to look back so we need to go back to this bill well in an enlightened people is erin first of all it would let people understand we still have people understanding the history in this year before the people in his air into people come to zero is important this first of all there's insight the people here are very secretive at one and one way because then people to get these various what they see is what they read
about in everything else there's more and even the people himself who is that person that is that his dream has a tail is reluctantly keep it all inside syria not in pardon the specific outsider so to keep at it and so imagine someone will come follow and sat talking about things that no one has ever heard of never knew existed is good for children is good for evil people himself to relive these things in the thoughts and his ideas and how things were done and said and by doing it is never ever but now it the people of them are young people as healthy ones from here they exist in the day because then they were no more but the viewer to pass on to the young generation as all the sudden we realized that somebody is not the same of anything that happened to them the days of slavery days though indyk the twenties and thirties and forties when things will draw from when you had to eat thing that was substandard or live in substandard housing the same moment you
know by doing that it made them stronger of what they had now going down and once people realize it's nothing to be ashamed of you have nothing to be ashamed of why we wouldn't have we did not endure it we would not be here now the various ways we felt that we could have given up and look at history and look at the disease dave dewitt bends toward the only other things we could do and we have given up with it lesson that we would not tell me i'm always gonna give up such as a fuel did it evolve and then they said it was because that was stripped of different kinds but we didn't give up so we can't read it so here we are we have multiplied and growing stronger and we have to continue to grow stronger so our someone wants it does
the label leno's week they said it would when they make good slate because of weak they prefer to drawn themself over fact of become slaves that with a suspect that was not weakness to be able to john hancock stepped off the ship go down and never come back up with strength and so often have especially want to see what the future holds for so you choose to live well today they arrived they say that in the book the muslim in the mothership motors lays claim that he won the slaves they write that the votes they would not want to be working for the people taking orders from the same thing to see when the sun was not renewed now they don't want to do it so they laid hands together and it drowned themselves so the promos and captain jumbled would try to save a ring of back issues even they drowned but everybody did not jump aboard all
the bozo know those who was on a supernatural or was so the story goes that everyone will know is it clear we even a quarter or his to some of those slaves came to sell was well and they reluctantly did not want to become slaves and i'm invading was served the whales but so they stayed hidden in a pot of settle for longtime refusing to come out refusing to work for them to obey orders and that sound how come our ear of this of the founders call behavior so i was told all the slaves said it on the mast of the them alone until they behave themselves soulful many have behavior continued community and senator familiar from the very act of the reasons that so that we had to go after the civil war a lot of us left from him when up to middle georgia
but we want to come back oh so we want back we came back in a receipt before macbeth this was a piece of africa so we're rather come here then stay any other place so the connection was it was hours for years that you know we stayed on his own gun white's of the region for these nine months earlier so we were able to do what we want to sing we want to sing equally why deet so it was more freedom here for one thing as well as reminders of home rather was repressed memory of being told by your grandfathers and great grandmother's what it was like in africa or because the comparison was so great including the way you smoke much either radiate the ocean look in the martian air and everything was very similar but it was something i call people back here and i stayed here no matter how hot it was this was tall and the like even today for some reason it is they didn't sell his reporters for some reason that those able to acquire land on our own all the former slave communities were
abandoned full of errors of dollars of the purchase a whole record raphael come up and none of those were slave areas you work them as label even live in those people in this is a slave so we form new communities him even after slavery so we bought a step ata nobody want to build any structure of tevye for instance you know taboo structures after slavery none was built by the black people and also we as much as possible wiped out everything that remind us of the time when that change quite a bit of stuff that only restructure at their houses of someone touching event that we're talking with that they were so i stayed two ago goats and teaches it as being here it's a lot of beaches in so the ford tried to go into the next generation a lot faster than others so they abandoned a lot of stuff more so than others my family we get things a lot longer so who then what's eminem which mccollum and other
things they've rid us a lot longer than some of the other families and we were so steadfast about the cheating our dignity what was ours were actually divided ourselves in the community where that people over there to try to be a pretty nice people here with old fashioned so we kept all fashion has the captain will vote in the camp they cast nets longer we kept everything else most of those are things in the team there's the others who did not have their wages it was a mom have a family to putting indoor plumbing without even the use of of running water but they had a way of doing it so that everything morton as morton as icann as quick as possible and their services hang on to what we had we liked it and was nino current couple was an over an open ear was a north korean so we kept the same things and it basically the same food and mama still sitting there was no damage to either is that you do at what it
actually get ewart this number that i wasn't but malley is the most abusive long they had been out of the man who was my great great great grandfather on my mother's side of the family there's a gopher mama my mother's name is katie and there's really in this character that was sally and sally was a grand daughter of parents of lumber lally in and force here i am like about mrs go forth and multiply the lone one of the multiplication of the law allie and so everybody here basically related to that one man is really to every one of us here know so was more directly than others and so i am week he looks like a few pickup drums and seventies the aforesaid rec hall assemble he's the grandson of the valley and that about really look like as if he said that he looked like the old man so that will give yeah do we look like of small features a small bill was that it looked like a percent
live to be on eleven years or what way and so the and that was my
nose my great great grandfather he was a strict muslim thing on his prayer rodin is supposedly very his visit has its current russo he's theory that god bless his soul the sound they said yeah funny ways saying about who was a christian and non christian the scrappers them and refineries this was his lab is a minute teaching and when he died his children and grandchildren of one reformer first african baptist church and from that nobody knew exactly why we can you know we we do a wide admits on the left than the sun right why was applied of them is doing that we're sleepless close in church and they hit ms always be covered that it's a septic them but those were the first by the ruling and teachings of the church and how to dress and leave the senate and if i have a question lee came from a weapon could've been linked with and when iran lsu of the rundown malcolm x a lot of it came into place into being and i went to churches on the
mayor first african baptist church and to do the same thing so the teaching we're christians so i took very old born muslim and a force christian and it is a lot but there's a lot of my ancestor how religion and they have belonged to one a very well known one and i said no we won't meet with christianity was actually forced upon us so that was not xl a choice in other cases within nevada was seventeen is now making that was the perceptual space in these areas so if you want a richardson praise god and you became a christian in the sense of the congress to what we still crept in islamic teaching rules in and at the same time subtly for the senate us of videos of the church decide to decide your faith and marriage and the siding our when you suppose apologize if i must apologize her own doing and also things that the rich so you had to go to endure to become a meme of the church was not i could not walk up an elder in church and give
my hand because i know america put me on that and the only register as a member he didn't work that way i give my hand at age twelve when i knew i was supposed be all have to atone for my sins according to price and i give my hand and fellas it been to an elder take no nails it could be that a lady and i went to them and be talking to resolve the church everything from do you know the laws are saying about reversed everyday have it explained to you telling you not to tell your friends you couldn't play the good house write them in you know things like the school we were the sons go to a church your baby perez and the elbows and when is that going to start dreaming your dreams were then brought back to yale every day and we say to them to decipher it and as you get better you have to grow the parliament three times a week to them or you went you always carried dreams and he had more than one thing at three and four drinks three
tugboats newsweek you to decipher those chains and one day and on the whole they said i think your ad then they notified of elders that they have a candidate for baptism and you were instructed to tell their favorite dream that they picked up for you detailed data dreamer took the oval of backing up a bit in between that when you're dreaming you also had to pray three times a day visit bully three times a day always to the east never to the west because the dale resides in the rest goes to synagogue and he's still in judgment day comes and you're of those is on you're facing east always become addition the church is always facing this way in every church know facing that way and down the always already in marina de baptism comes around looking for baptism you also had to go seeking and one thing you don't see can you pick your special place in the world's richest private no one knew it was except you that was your place appears to be okay that point was
if i knew super spy and hugo yes we were going to be in that and when the time you go out to some of three years ago at the big night terrors a week you are sinewy out two weeks you come back an hour later and you go back to be it so you had to do that guess of faith and everything else then team that baptism day and the parents how to give the church arm you have been deceptive by the elders of his baptism day down to interview went and reveal those marching behind singing shall we gather at the river and you know it doesn't really work that doesn't mean that the father the son and the holy ghost now then they said in the name of the father in the deep once back a very quick entering the next one come in the name of the father the son been used to that once very quickly back up getting better call it goes to heal you doubtful of that testing of the face and then it's just a fake
because of the syrian the staying on a bike like this you're watching every move you make the cia ricardo war and if you were fighting the minister and add a deacon at old are you fighting a newcomer or c yeah you know he's been below deal for the rest of his life teaching a waterless of fighting a chair like some obama drawing him that i was gonna drown him and no heat the cello have no faith but i know if i was invited at that as first to give me the last one is a war what's the reaction and how they came up with mother in and when the water of the face and everything and so i set myself girl you knew what was in that war and the use of a q u psych you're not playing that it's not knowing anything whatsoever and so they'll lose that had built and ambitions speech for me so it worked with
him a lot of a lot of them and quite a bit of the committee's it was so it was a thing that was formed a method actor saving and the churchmen lot of a church in this year was made before he was actually haven't detected services long time before that the ford actor hit the building and so it meant it was going on for a long time and slavery was going on dan because my great grandmother the news together in the woods and they were goal and three and do their own thing their way so a lot of recordings of the trip was organized by pastrami the second eighty six six but how long has a few been trained by themselves in the woods without a physical structure without being written now on paper and said this is where we actually got together the newest city with those practices a very narrow minded in that in eighteen six six no
and a lot of it came from africa as a test of faiths you have to it to you to have his own so that's it was dark you can add value and that was you have a true grit and faith that you'll come back tears to go to the window and then the time it and what the folk artist was was a bit of a club before we come back in a putin had was to call you because i know you you live in the woods to be by yourself wow where did it go to that fork so they call you back to the time i mean he lorenzo turn in his book he talked about directing gallantly to dallek who's grown up we'll hear my grandmother great grandmother we did a thing called double talking and don't talk and was a top in afrikaners the rumors that the forms as they get to keep you know was a talk about silly used to a book or a lot between different a white man who was once a
master of butler amassed a sprawl in this event was about women coming and the nearby newton is timely the work of be quiet or whatever you're doing and that was the word for him so many of the words they use word if you were pregnant and you want them after the note you were expecting it and said the end nasa to the world with the va kept secret rather to file give them a time that the sirens you want to keep the baby get rid of at some of the ladies i said do you know i am amir is foot is broken again a mere foot is broken so that mean there is pregnant but then the white person there's no one noticed talking about or so they decided she wanted to make a promise that there was never a bit because if they said yours is expecting a baby in the family did you enjoy the act of looking for baby so larry flynt was broke so we have ways of keeping people often off the track and still do what we had to do so or there was all kinds of violent tricks that are used until an
why would you as a white man you can get we would revoke were so it was so close so pretty awesome up in this cookbook are sober and that was a lesson in something like that you bet though melee are in there don't feel that cain doesn't have me in their home field and see what that means is they were working in the fields and you work in a few minutes august is hot one hundred degrees and so when your friends no one of them dies and it's hot and that you're not allowed to stop at that critical time to bury a loved one the heat the bodies there was a start smelling very very quickly that first thing that god created to clean apparent that the bus it's about obama stopped coming over and so by the time you finish and you you have to very young when you know when the buses have already been there before
you able to come back and so its arm this is kind of a heart will sign what is basically some truth because it acts it will happen a lot of time back then and because you were allowed to vary moment to my time at you finish a lot of time on this was in the guinea when we were going the slack crop time and i'm so bad took over so we have with cocaine was a senate passed out about reaching gaza and jane russell hughes be the first one that is run as such as a pioneer and has a red hat on his head says consider gene buzz about the buzz that comes in person it circles around and then it goes in and tests out and see road that they know what's row is did and before the rest of incomes and so the dancers center on that for that one comes in first another arrest of people is in a circle you're in a circle around a circle very delicately leaving you wings like that it has like this its leader on a circle and one comes out of that circle which is ticking but it comes out of a serpent he
slowly walks up today body of emma what's true and when he does that and then and he jumps back and forth a couple time at it in advance and that means is a dead animal then before congress comes in and so this data that's alyssa is the destin to mean something is not a fund that if you know what it means to imitate what it does it does
Africans in America
Episode Number
Judgment Day
Raw Footage
Interview with Cornelia Bailey, Folklorist and Slave Descendant
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-tb0xp6w59c).
Cornelia Bailey is interviewed about ancestral memories of coping and perseverance, going to a better place, spiritual communication, the importance of family, revenge stories, life as an overseer, making do with what you have, Butler Island and slave life, hardships of working in rice and feeding your family, preserving pride, going back to go forward, resistance, forming new communities after slavery, joining the church and baptism, religious practice before there was a church, double talking, song for loved ones dying in the field "King Buzzard."
Race and Ethnicity
American history, African Americans, civil rights, slavery, abolition, Civil War
(c) 1998-2017 WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: Bailey_Cornelia_04_merged_SALES_ASP_h264.mp4 (unknown)
Duration: 0:54:52
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Africans in America; 104; Judgment Day; Interview with Cornelia Bailey, Folklorist and Slave Descendant,” 1998-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Africans in America; 104; Judgment Day; Interview with Cornelia Bailey, Folklorist and Slave Descendant.” 1998-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Africans in America; 104; Judgment Day; Interview with Cornelia Bailey, Folklorist and Slave Descendant. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from