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I'm Kelly Crossley and this is the Calla Crossley Show. Today we're hitting the rewind button on this week's news from the great lady's front pages to the stories on the small screen and the reporting that never reached our radar. We're going to look at the news that was and wasn't from the local stories that were scarcely heard to the national beast that barely made a whimper. We'll be dropping in on community newspapers and logging on to the online NEWSROOM. From the blog buzz and Twitter talk will top of the hour mentoring from the serious to the sublimely ridiculous with ragtag. A tour of the tabloids and a round up of this week's pop culture. Up next on the callee Crossley Show from gumshoe reporting to gossip rags. First the news. From NPR News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying President Obama is in Las Vegas announcing a 1 and a half
billion dollar housing aid for Nevada and four other states that were hit hardest in the housing crisis. Tiger Woods is apologizing to his wife family friends and fans for a string of infidelities that he called selfish and a failure of character. From Miami NPR's Greg Allen reports Woods appeared before reporters today breaking months of silence. It was Tiger Woods first public comments since November 27 when he crashed his SUV outside his Florida home. And revelations after word that he'd had a string of affairs despite his marriage. I was unfaithful. I had affairs I cheated. What I did is not acceptable and I am the only person to blame. Woods said he just completed 45 days inpatient therapy in his words taking the first steps in the right direction. He said he and his wife Elin had started the process of discussing the damage caused by his behavior. Woods mother in a few dozen supporters were on hand for the statement at the home of the PGA Tour near Jacksonville.
As for golf I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don't know when that day will be Wood said he wouldn't rule out returning by the end of the year. Greg Allen NPR News Miami. The nation's largest tobacco companies asking the Supreme Court to overturn court rulings that found the industry hid the dangers of smoking. Philip Morris USA which manufactures more than a dozen brands of cigarettes said in its filing today that the high court should review findings the industry engaged in racketeering and fraud the government to seeking billions of dollars from the tobacco industry. The Labor Department says a key measure of consumer prices fell in January for the first time in 28 years. NPR's Jim Zarroli has more details. The government said that the Consumer Price Index rose by two tenths of a percentage point last month less than economists had expected. Prices rose in part because of a spike in energy costs. But when energy and food were stripped out consumer prices actually fell by a tenth of a percentage point. It was the first such drop
since the recession of one thousand eighty two. New car prices were down by five tenths of a percentage point and apparel costs were also down slightly. The report comes one day after the Federal Reserve's decision to raise the discount rate. That announcement sparked some concern in the financial markets that the Fed was about to begin raising interest rates. But the low inflation means the Fed can keep rates low for the foreseeable future. Jim Zarroli NPR News. A mixed report on mortgages is out today and it finds that more than 15 percent of borrowers have missed at least one payment or were in foreclosure in the final months of last year. And that's a record but the Mortgage Bankers Association says the rate of delinquencies dropped in the fourth quarter. Dow is up 35 points. This is NPR. The British government is denying reports that it had prior knowledge that fake U.K. passports were being used by suspects in a Hamas commander's assassination in Dubai. Larry Miller has more on this from London.
A Foreign Office spokesman said it's not correct. Britain had advance knowledge of a plan to use false passports in the assassination of the Hamas commander. It also dismissed as nonsense a report claiming Israel's secret service Mossad informed Britain of possible complications over the use of passports in an unspecified overseas operation. It was reacting to a report in The Daily Mail newspaper that a U.K. intelligence and the government were told of the operation hours before the killing. The tip off reportedly did not identify the target or the timing of the operation. Meanwhile Hamas says two Palestinians arrested in Dubai in connection with the killing are former members of the rival Fatah security forces. Fatah denies any link to the murder. For NPR News I'm Larry Miller in London. Rush is losing patience with the Iran Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that Moscow is very alarmed that Iran has not made its nuclear program more transparent to the UN's atomic watchdog which suspects he's monic Republic of
pursuing weapons. Russia has become increasingly critical of Iran in recent weeks following years of trying to tamp down U.N. suspicions about Iran's nuclear activities and the U.S. federal investigators are sifting through the wreckage of a plane crash in Austin Texas yesterday. Joseph Stack was the pilot who authorities say intentionally flew his plane into an IRS building killing himself and also taking another life on Lakshmi Singh NPR News Washington. Support for NPR comes from Kaufman. The foundation of entrepreneurship supporting the entrepreneurs movement learn more and build a stronger America. Dot com. Good afternoon I'm Kelly Crossley and this is the Calla Crossley Show to lend your voice to the conversation give us a call. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. That's 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. You can also e-mail us at
Kelly Crossley Show at WGBH dot org. Today we're hitting the rewind button on the week's news as we do every Friday with a look at the stories that barely reached our radar. Joining us to talk through some of the local stories that might have escaped our attention are Howard Manley and Marcella Garcia. Howard Manley is the executive editor of the Bay State Banner. Marcella Garcia is the managing editor of Elle planeta. If something happened in your community a story that you wish had made it to the front page. Give us a call at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. That's 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. You can also e-mail us at Cal across the show at WGBH dot org. Howard Manley Marcella Garcia welcome to you both. Thank you. Good seeing you again. Now we do what's off the front pages in this segment. But before we go off the front pages with the two of you I have to ask for just a quick hit about your response to the tiger thing this morning. What do you think. Anything. I haven't even listen to it. Sorry. That's very bizarre you know OK. He's all right.
You know the whole story was overblown though also I mean I don't even know why it's a story now I just don't get it. Honestly one of the good things about working on the on the community level is that those things don't really trickle down except for just idle conversation I guess folks are out there trudging along trying to figure out you know these really bigger issues but I mean it's not Tiger just doesn't come up. Yeah doesn't figure into there were NO NO NO NO NO faggot I just just want to check with right now. We went to both of your blog sites blow up for people talking about it and what it will come back to rather have Tiger Woods or a book playing there you go. OK yeah all right Marcella let me start with you what's been big for you guys this past week. Well obviously the Lente wood story keeps giving. You know thanks to talk about but now that the story has quieted down in the sense that he did resign last week it's still an issue for us because now we're looking into the future who's going to represent
Lawrence in this in the state legislators So that's that's what we've been covering this week that was a cover story. Who are the candidates are gearing to you know compete for the seat which has been occupied by a Latino seems to fous And so it's important for the community to have a voice there and to not lose that seat for the NATO community. So that's what we reported on this week who are the people that have already pulled papers even though we still don't know whether it's going to be a special election or a regular election to fill that seat. So that's what's that's what's on the front page for us as well. When you were here last week we talked about the story really getting very big for your newspaper and lots of folks expressing their great unhappiness that he was keeping both of the jobs. You know there was great pressure from everybody but I wonder from your community specifically did he feel that heat. Honestly it was very it was a very mixed reaction in Lawrence in particular. When you go out of Lawrence everyone really was feeling that he was not representing Latinos in a good way. So I ran outside of Lawrence everyone wanted him to resign obviously.
Or you came out. Yeah right I needed to you know call for his resignation. But in Lawrence because he has a lot of followers there. Their reaction was very mixed there were people that wanted him to keep both jobs but you know it happened it had to happen he just wanted to do it on his own terms like as and whenever he wanted to so he resigned and now the talk of the town is who is going to feel the heat. Before I go to Howard will it be somebody you think who supports him or well somebody only already endorse someone. So I said Yeah OK. How do you say I'm just a wife for his cause right now that he's actually wanting peace frenemies for his friend. Yeah he used to be you know like his nemesis locally and now he's supporting him because that verse who actually has a council or city council for 10 years he's someone who's very respected in the community and then another. Another fellow another Latino a local no political experience whatsoever but he'll support papers
too to become a candidate. Those are the two candidates now you know what I'm about. But I think Marco's the Evers has his support Lente with support whether it's good or not you have his support. But apparently he's the one that's the strongest candidate. OK what's what's number one over there and on your pages Howard. Well number one is a good question. Last week was an interesting panel in Cambridge evolve and some of the leftover effect of the Skip Gates arrest by Cali over the last summer so there is a lot of discussion as only Cambridge and Cantor bridges have always talked about. OK we got it right. And just what is the sort of working definition of police discretion and that generated a little buzz in table story we also had that in a way just because of sort of the tension between the Latino community that we try to cover as well but
but the good news is what we sort of pride ourselves on is these little stories in the community where in this particular case this little kid Antonio Strout had never been out of Roxbury and he hooks up with a guy that teaches him how to become a photographer. And so now you know you have lens will travel this boy went to MIT and all through Cambridge and got outside to Roxbury and now wants to go to college and is just the power of this moment of discovery that a child can have with the right sort of guidance and he had an exhibit of his work and it was down at the Harriet Tubman house and we like those little stories. You know it is because in the midst of all those Tagamet Yeah yeah list talk about the real people trying to get it done. And I did you get a lot of response to that from your readers I really love that. Well they love that and bunch of little things too you know but those are the kinds of stories we try to highlight.
Now you were also reporting about President Obama's aunt and her trials and tribulations in court that has a smaller impact because it does involve an immigration issue that's not been held here in Boston although she lives and South as a matter of fact in a public housing project but yeah that is interesting in the larger context of what immigration reform means and in this particular case I mean I think the Kenyans when you look at the numbers of who actually gets to America you were just shocked. Yeah. That there will be any sort of discrepancy about political pressure to go back to Kenya. There's no question that she would be harassed a number of things just based on who are. Famous nephew. So we try to stay on top of that one as well. We're talking with Howard Manley of the Bay State Banner and Marcella Garcia of plan that's now speaking of immigration reform there was a gathering at the State House. I don't know if you guys covered it just talking about the way media portrays
immigrants and really trying to that was in your paper and I was interested in you know you know if that well it's a very sensitive issue and in the end it's a national movement actually promoted by a lot of our organizations advocating for immigration reform and the use they really want to remove the use of the word illegal out of the public discourse because it does mean much more than just the word illegal means it's not you know it illegally demeans it goes to what a human being is. So they really there really is a push to to humanize immigrants a little bit more there is a quote I wrote down. Actions can be illegal but not people not people you know actually and that's that's I mean that's why language is so important to you. It is really what to call them and so there is this big push locally to to to involve everyone not just the community papers but. A lot of people in the media to remove that word and as a comedian newspaper as a paper that covers Latino issues I already do it and I mean I edit my own stories and I always
remove the word illegal but it's almost automatic like I don't even think about it I use undocumented and they really are trying for everyone to commit to do that formally. Howard you're a bat on your head. Oh no yeah. I mean that story we generated a number of different and I got to tell you there's a lot of lunacy when it comes to just the mere mention of the rights of an immigrant. Yeah. The e-mails the e-mails that we get on the website are frightening to say and it really shows how far we have to go in this is where there's gobbledygook out of Washington comes and when it plays out in the communities people's lives right. This is my mother. This is my cousin. And when you get these terms that I just blanket characterizations of folks who It's a very tricky issue and then you say to Obama like when are we going to deal with immigration reform you ran on that as well. And that is so far down on the spectrum right now. But it's very real here. So that
story mentioned immigration reform and it lights up well. And I want to just seems to be that what happens often is that immigrants as a group are sort of put in a category of right all being undocumented you know. When you get into the specifics of what a Latino I mean they have sold so many nationalities and to put I mean not even immigrants Latino immigrants it's a whole new world and it's like Howard says there's a whole huge expectorant of issues at the end of the day it's an immigrant it's a story someone that comes here because of economic reasons social reasons I'm an immigrant myself. So it's they're really trying to go back to your original point they're really trying to dehumanize that immigration reform aspect and the need for some some some systematic legal changes in what the law is. I mean no one understands. I mean people do I'm not going to be you know yeah but I'm just saying lawyers right.
And you need that. Last week when Marcella was here how would I ask her if you know why some of these stories don't appear in mainstream media and I have different take on that question this week and that is if the stories that you just reported in your newspapers were reported by mainstream media what the headlines have been it would be a different angle a completely different angle and needs. But it's understandable they have a different audience they have to present to their audience and in a different way. And sometimes you know you won't even make it. That's their right and you know and I mean right now I could barely speak. Yeah maybe a brief or something but the one basic premise that has to be rejiggered a little bit is that this whole idea of Boston just been a two newspaper town. There are a lot of folks who read it and there's a lot of folks that read the base and that's where they get their news from so the Globe and The Herald. Yes they have a huge circulation and they do a decent job of providing news. But it is a
comfort upon us to really sort of factor that in when it comes to the community's interest. It just shows that the idea of mainstream really needs to disappear because there's no there's not a right. I mean that is the consequence. Not even fair like what is mainstream anymore because we're all equal when it comes to the Internet you know people type in immigration reform you're liable to see any story from any place and that's where the sort of standards come in we all have to sort of report the truth but I mean there is a way to do that and be a bit more sensitive to the needs of the communities and constituencies that we serve. Well certainly when it comes to stories like Maryland and immigration reform there are so many different pardon the pun colors of that story can be expressed across the spectrum. Yes. Yeah yeah. Okay well thank you both for being here with me Marcella Darcy and I met our man like the Bay State Banner. Thank you. We
didn't even talk about black. It's over with. We'll be back after this break. If you could get. Support for WGBH comes from you. And from Huntington Theatre Company presenting two new comedies. Stick Fly by Lydia diamond starting Friday. And the off-Broadway hit Becky shot by Gina G and fredo starting March 5th. Huntington theater dot org. And from Skinner auctioneers and appraisers of antiques and fine art. You might consider auction when downsizing a home or disposing of an estate. Sixty auctions annually 20 collecting categories Boston in Marlborough online at Skinner Inc dot com and from the members of the WGBH leadership circle who support the news with a gift of a dollar a day. To learn more about the benefits of joining the leadership circle visit WGBH dot org support news and entertainment on
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world. The Emily Rooney show and from places like Lake Wobegon one of a kind programs made possible through individual support. Thank you. Today we're hitting the rewind button and looking at the news that made a bang and barely a whimper from mainstream media to new media we're checking in with Mark Jericho it's for a breakdown of what top this week's headlines Mark is the associate director of the pew Reacher Research Center's Project for X Excellence in Journalism. Mark it's great to have you here. Thank you Kelly. You can join the conversation listeners at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Is health care getting short shrift. Are Iraq and Afghanistan again the forgotten wars. If it were up to you what would the headlines of the week have been. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 that's 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. So Mark tell us what the Pew found when it coated the news the past week.
Well if we look at the week that ended on Valentine's Day we had a first year in the three years that we've been coding new. And that is for the first time in our history winter weather was actually the number one story of the week. The East Coast snowstorm accounted for 11 percent of all of the coverage that we monitor that. And like many stories one of the reasons that it got so much coverage is because who was primarily affected Washington D.C.. And the you know we had landed in New York or Philadelphia or Boston with the same kind of intensity and we set a record down here in D.C. for winter snowfall. It probably would've generated quite as much attention but here there are a lot of angles including frankly some of the failures to clean up the storm they're not used to this kind of weather down here. The cost to taxpayers of shutting down the federal government for day after day after day after day. And then one other interesting angle to it as well which was you know the sort of the readmission of the debate over climate change whether it went people on sort of both
sides of the issue tried to seize on this to make their points about whether it's climate change legitimate or not so we actually had a weather winter storm as the number one story after that were to more sort of classic Washington story. Let me pause you right here because. I think it's interesting for people to understand that there was another angle to the global warming came out of this snowstorm and I want people to hear a little bit of commentator conservative commentator Glenn Beck's response. Well. The snow is hammering Washington D.C. again. I believe God is just saying I gotcha global warming Yeah. You want a piece of global warming. I don't think it takes a genius to see through the more snow is proof of global warming claim that so very much in Virginia and looks like it's going to the worst snowfall in the state in about 20 years. I promise you now that I am going to idle my SUV 24 hours a day seven days a week to make sure that it doesn't snow again in May in Virginia.
MARK Yeah did a lot of people pick up on Glenn Beck's angle on this I'm going oh yes that was an angle that was very much. Picked up by conservative Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh trying to make the case that well if you have a winter storm this intense and this bad how can there be such a thing as global warming. And you know obviously those who are not skeptics but believers of global warming explain that these kind of climatological events first of all there's a difference between weather and climate they say. And you know they actually point out their point of the global warming actually creates more extreme weather events on both sides to the point that the New York Times actually devoted a page one story to you know watching both sides sort of seize on this and the argument that was renewed by the fact that there was this big snowstorm. So you never know with Mother Nature. There's always a political angle in Washington. No kidding. All right you were about to tell us some other stuff that the other two the next two top stories of the week were classic Washington stories and in many ways they were sort of stories about nothing getting
done in Washington. The the second biggest story was the economic crisis 10 percent of the news hole and frankly that much of that coverage was about the floundering efforts to get a jobs bill passed and the number three story was the health care debate at 7 percent. And interestingly enough a lot of that coverage was sort of the political maneuvering about whether or not there would be a televised bipartisan health care summit that President Obama had invited everyone to in February 2015 with a lot of wariness on the part of Republicans seemingly concerned that this might be some kind of a political trap that they might fall into. So really one two and three all Washington stories one of those about snow to about basically things maybe not getting done. What part of all that Washington stories those three that you mentioned together was about bipartisanship or the lack there of. Well that was I think you know a big element of. Both the economic story and the health care debate I mean you know the health care debate story
very much an issue of you know part of it is Have things gotten so bad in Washington that that you know that that the two sides can't even agree to sit down and talk about this thing or that they're so suspicious of each other that you know even a televised summit you know which came on the heels obviously of the televised give and take that Obama had with the public a couple weeks earlier could take place. The other one on the economy story was sort of you know the Harry Reid's decision after there was some bipartisan support for a jobs bill to then tear the bill down in a way that a lot of Republicans didn't like and a lot of people were wondering that and understand the strategy and tactics of that so the underlying themes of both of those stories frankly were the lack of any kind of real partisan cooperation going on in D.C.. Absolutely. Before we go to the social media networks what went off the front pages a couple of things one off the front pages that particular week. For the first time really since the event occurred Haiti was not among the top five
stories. Now it's still generated. Decent amount of coverage but you can get a feeling now that you know the American media have sort of departed from Haiti and the stories is fading not as fast as many stories do but it's still starting to fade significantly in Fairfax. The last couple weeks much of the coverage about Haiti has been this one sort of very US centric piece of it which is of course the state of these 10 missionaries who are arrested and charged with illegally essentially kidnapping Haitian children. And you know that's a very narrow slice of the big tragedy story. So by when you see the media glom on to that kind of aspect you already know that they're sort of losing interest in the general story. Another story that didn't get much attention last week that got significant attention the week before was gays in the military deal the two top military brass both Bolland and Gates come out and state publicly that they're for the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell in the wake of President Obama's statement during the State of the Union. It creates a pretty significant week of coverage of that. And yet and
last week goodbye off the pages the debate seems to have been stilled for a while so whether there's some squeamishness about the issue or whether there just wasn't enough sort of political follow up to give the story legs. That's one story that clearly disappeared. I think that that. It is because when the top brass come out in support of it that it goes to a different space and I predict we're going to see it again but. But will it only start it will resurface and I you know and there was opposition at the time and you know Senator McCain's opposition was noted some of the back and forth of the hearings were noted but then it wasn't like either side seemed to have an interest in prolonging at least in the immediate you know past give and take over that issue so it's probably going to take some while the simmer and when that kind of thing happens and the story sort of gets subterranean then the media kind of go away for a while. OK. Top story and social media. Well social media was what was a lot different this week this week than the in the mainstream media and they followed two issues that are kind of very interesting and
very relevant to users of social media and bloggers on Twitter in the blogosphere the top subject was the news that Warner Music was no longer going to support free online music's stream. Service is what again and focus instead more unpaid music services. So there became a pretty interesting debate in the blog about. Frankly it's a debate that mirrors the same kind of debate we have with the with the news media. You know pay walls already right. You know it is the Web yearning to be free. Right and there are other business models that you can use other than subscriber fees to make it work and obviously for many of the blogosphere that this move by Warner was not was greeted with a lot of skepticism. I lot of people said this is the wrong way to go on the web it's the wrong business model which again is an argument we have seen very much in the mainstream press and in the news media and on Twitter. The top story last week was actually about Google Google which I detest.
What's that Google Buzz which I detest Google pas the first half of the week actually a lot of the sort of the follow up on Twitter involve the Google commercial of the Super Bowl which I know of you being a huge sports fan it's fan Cali you know you watch with great interest. It was actually very cute it was a very good commercial Yeah but you have any kind of like that. And then came Google Buzz and then came you know. It is sort of an angry backlash to the privacy issues that were being raised by Google Buzz and that drove the conversation in the social media last week so as well it should by the way that as well it should as well it should and you know we frequently see. Obviously we see a lot of technology issues get discussed in the social media and particularly when they pertain to social media users this is a very interesting week when you really had social media users you know debating between sort of the corporate priorities and decisions and what Web users want and like. And that seems to me to be a very legitimate and interesting use of the social media. Now they could pick up on other aspects of the mainstream
you know press but those are the two top stories that well Mark thank you so much for joining us. You're welcome Kelly always a pleasure. Alrighty. Mark Jurkowitz is the associate director of the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. Joining us now to talk between the headlines is Paul NIWA is the assistant professor of journalism at Emerson. Hi Paul. Hi Kelly how are you. Fine. So your top off the front pages. One of them is Exxon oil. What's up with that. Yeah Exxon oil came out with their reserves how much how much new oil they found over the past year and it cannot be pretty close to to how much they actually pulled out of the ground. And this was a recession here so they probably pulled out less than they normally do. But but the issue is they keep finding more oil they found 92 percent. They found 90 percent to replace what what they pulled out. And this is concerning people in global warming circles because if you keep finding
carbon you're going to keep consuming carbon. And it seems that the the date for when we run out of carbon continues to be pushed back and pushed back and at the same time. The cost of carbon has been increasing and so we're paying more for gasoline or paying more for our natural gas and heating oil. Well Paul I would suggest there's another story that could be attached to that which is somebody is lying which is you know I got to say for those of us who are consuming this oil this is what a lot of us believe anyway about how much really is out there and how much is available to us. There really is and we're not really sure and there's a theory out there that oil is continuously being produced and it kind of floats from different pools or find oil in places where we thought we'd already taken all the oil out of. Yeah. And it's been replenished so I guess it like I said
about how long has this carbon economy going to last. Well I'm always fascinated. Thank you for that story but I'm always fascinated with your students are responding to. And we have a little piece of tape for our listeners I just want to set them up for it. Bob Costas is interviewing Steven Kull bear the comedian and what looks like a ski lodge slash hotel lobby for this was big roomy chairs and a fireplace. They are in Vancouver talking about the Olympics which is going on now and Caldera gets up from his chair to get closer to the fireplace. And he actually gets in the fireplace which of course is fake which is his point. What's. The local in here. Oh all. Right. Yeah but that's. OK you know it's the authenticity. Yeah that's what I really appreciate about NBC completely I think it's real. I mean that's a real slam at NBC is coverage. When you say I was a student seem to get not only did Stephen Colbert get it but your students are you know right on this.
Oh absolutely and they loved also on Colbert show how he made Bob Costas climb on to the Moose had a kind of rodeo a moose in the background. Well you know the Olympic story is actually a real you know the students are laughing about it as it's called there but you know this is an ongoing issue with with NBC which has exclusive rights to broadcast this stuff and they package it in certain ways even though the information is out there everywhere else but they pretend as though they're bringing it to you fresh live and they're the only people that you can get it through. So I you know this this to me makes a point. This is getting harder and harder for the Olympic Committee that to kind of manufacture I suppose or to try to create these false embargoes around information information is free now and now people are going to these Olympic events with their phones or twittering. Who why and and and so that you really can't keep information down in this globalized mobile
virtual world that we live in today. And I think the fact that your students have you know been you know right on this clip particularly says that they are very cynical about what some we some of us in the mainstream media put out there as you know news and that in a moment in time there's some believe it absolutely and they look to the Tiger Woods today. The whole college stops really to watch Tiger Woods and now we're pretty connected college in Emerson College is a communications school we have cable TV all over the place and Internet every place and. We had workers the staff at the chatters in the hallway just glued all these TV sets. What was your sense from the students did they believe them or not. No. And his line about blaming the media just like everybody just turn to each other like what trying to distract us from your apology by by trying to say that you know the media fabricated
things. Come on let's see the apology. The other thing was I looked at it I thought it was a Truman Show gone bad. I mean he is such a scripted life. And suddenly you know the Truman Show is falling apart and they've got to find a way to likes it all together again. And it just seems so stiff and at the end of it where he's hugging his mother his mother in law and as different people in the staff the students were looking at each other like and that's scripted too. Yes. Yes I think that's true and then I think I have to say though in favor of the you know for your cynical students who watched this and came away thinking he was not telling the truth. I want to give a little shout out support for the Golf Writers Association not always the strongest people in the room who boycott it covering it because they said aloof it was a scripted situation and we're not. This is this should be for reporters and we should be allowed to do what we do as reporters which is ask questions. I don't think that's going AP and Reuters should have walked out as well. Nobody should have covered it.
It was it could have been like a Michael Jackson when he when he spoke from the Neverland ranch ranch years ago to talk about his trial. No nose no press it really wasn't a process of that. It was just press in the background trying to give legitimacy to really a one way street. Well Paul always insightful. We've been talking news with Paul NIWA. He's the assistant professor of journalism at Emerson. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Coming up we're taking a turn from the serious to the sublimely ridiculous with a tour of this week's tabloids. For all you pop culture vultures what's your read on this week's rags. Give us a call 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. We'll be back after this break. Stay tuned to the 9.7. With.
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tabloids and a look at pop culture. It's a low brow examination of the salacious to the ridiculous and everything in between. But this being public radio we'll conduct our review with the help of some highbrow analysts. Our pointy head of pop culture Thomas Connelly a professor in the Department of English at Suffolk University and Rachel Reuben a professor in the department of American studies at UMass Boston. Listen we have a lot on our plate today but we have to stop or start with the news of the hour which is the tiger press conference as you know. I want to say in anticipation of his press conference this morning the three New York newspapers had these headlines daily news lock up your bimbos a.m. New York Tiger sorry in quotes return New York Post lock up your waitresses so you get the drift of you know where they were going and by the way there are the odds makers were giving six to four that he would say I'm sorry five to one he would thank my family and five to one that he would regret the hurt
he caused. Here's a clip from this morning. You want to have shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Healing deserves praise not blame. The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I had affairs I cheated. Rachel I want to know what does it mean that we are just you know so fascinated with this and and for many of us that instant response is not happy with his response. Well you know today is Copernicus's birthday and so I'm thinking that we may need to revise you know his his great innovation and say that actually the Earth revolves around Tiger Woods that of the sun. But you know it it really is fascinating I think that for most people watching this and you know
no matter what they feel about the content of what he said that we really are trying to sort out the difference between public and private which has been shifting and continues to shift particularly with the immediate availability of information and social networking and all of that and trying to figure out how much of this private. The the category of the private in particular people's sexual lives should be made public and what it means if it is now on the cover of People magazine Ilands painful journey or something. So the cover says and the fact that of course he brought her up but she did not show up. We take anything from that what. What should we who are voyeuristic at this point. Let's just face it you know how do we read that. I think it could mean nothing more than that she doesn't choose to be part of this spectacle. You know it is perhaps they discussed together whether she would appear or not or perhaps but perhaps she just doesn't have the stomach for it anymore.
We actually have a caller Tom before you say anything let's take the caller Elma. Go ahead please. Hi Kelly it's fun to be on your show. Thank you. And thank you I love your different perspective that you bring to these programs. Thank you. I saw on the National Enquirer I might have been yesterday or the day before that headline and I didn't know if anyone had seen it or could verify it that even during his so-called rehab Tiger Woods was actually cheating on his wife. What would that mean to you if that were true. I you know I don't really. Care about athletes personal lives until they start trying to tell us about it and sort of make that part of their brand. So I just would say to me that he's a very sick man. It's a case that sort of thing to me because you know he's got trouble in the middle of trying to fix it he's making more trouble. Yeah. Thanks so much Elma. I'm going to get Tom to respond. Well the most important thing is Nike has forgiven him that they came out after the the he made the statement. My take on
this is we are so desperate that sports heroes somehow be the real in angels in the outfield. Wow. In spite of the you know drugging doping juicing It's it's there's got to be one clean aspect of public life left. Please please let it be sports figures please. And that I think that's part of what this is about. And it goes way back to 1913 you know say it ain't so. Tiger which is kind of ironic given the connotations of the nickname Tiger. I think his mother in law was there. Didn't his mother in law go as well either way although I don't know I can't and I don't know if his mother and I think his mother in law was there so I think maybe his wife. I'm very cynical about this I think she was willing to gamble on putting on the right game face because it's clear to me she's decided she's the story is going to they're going to get back together. That's what I believe that the narrative OK is and so she was afraid of what might happen that she might crack the show.
I think you make an important point about the sports here on this Evan I think he tried to address it though I don't know successfully. But Rachel I want to change the subject now and get to American Idol. I was surprised that the statistics are more people watched American Idol than the Olympics. That's right and it was just completely completely stunning to me because you know I'm used to the idea that watching the Olympics is more or less compulsory. And now it seems that I'm watching American Idol is more or less compulsory. And you know it's interesting to me because I feel like I'm American Idol with all its you know flag iconography and its discussion of you know what what it me who is going to be the best representative of what we call America through music. That's what the Libby Olympics used to be for a lot right used to be this place for expressing patriotism in you know supposedly a non strictly politicized way or a way that's not war. Now it's not the Olympics now it's American Idol why do you think that's not resonating.
Why is it just not resonating with people in the same way that it used to because I have to say I watch the skating when the American one the goal the American guy Lysacek and I get a little teary eyed thinking always mother is well I mean this is so great. So it did have the sort of American impact and the women's hockey team. Yeah you know but it's I mean I think you're so right if people are not even watching it it has less to do with his being a bad show right. Well there's the Winter Olympics have had trouble getting ratings for the past few times but also I think this is the commercialization of the Olympics coming home to roost. OK. I mean people are just turned off by that. Yeah. Yeah and I think American Idol is admittedly a package deal. We were out front. You know we know we're commercial as you know there's no there's no charade there. There's the Olympics and the previous guest was talking about how NBC is trying to manage this and it's just ridiculous now to think that you can contain the Olympics under the NBC brand it's just it's crazy. Do you think it might be also that the American Idol is 100 percent American and
the Winter Olympics embraces the world and they're saying you know that Simon's gone. Yeah. Yes I think that's true I think we get to have a conversation about what it means to be American without anybody else there. You know it was our definition our definition. Well that brings me to Tom something that you firmly believe that Ellen the new judge on American Idol is the new Oprah. Absolutely. Absolutely and you say because because Ellen represents the new American family. Ellen is a happily married woman living in domestic bliss with her partner Portia. Ellen is devoted to animals. I talked about this before we know about her meltdown over the puppy. She is out there but in a very genteel way asking questions about Ellen really doesn't take you farther than what are you having for Sunday dinner whereas Oprah you peel back the veneer of Oprah's private life and you
want to slam the box because Stedman is just he's got don't go there written all over him. Maybe she just don't want to marry him after all these years you don't think that's it. I think she's intelligent. I think it's clear this guy is all right and needs Dr. Phil's laying on of hands. We're talking with Tom Kahn hopefully. From Suffolk University and Rachel Ruben of UMass Boston and this is Reg time. We've got to talk about the release speaking of the Olympics of the new updated version of We have the world which was put together again under the under the guidance of Quincy Jones and you know I'm blanking on the other guy's name right now but it's coming to me. Lionel Richie thank you very much I know it she and Quincy Jones and they did it on behalf of raising donations for Haiti so let's just take a little listen because this update is really different from 25 years ago. Get. On.
Top of. Them. Come. Out of. The Greeks are OK listeners Rachael and I are in your groove and Tom's not so much right you know. So how do you feel about that reverb and the rapping in the new version. Well like most things in popular culture I think it's completely a mixed bag. I like the rapping in the new version I like that is an update. I like the way you know it speaks to where American culture has moved and particularly because of the role it wasn't in the clip that you just played unfortunately but why Cliff John a contribution to this version of this song was so completely stunning and wonderful especially at the end when he's singing he manages with just a few words to Creil eyes the whole performance that's interesting and Michael if John we should tell people remind people that he is from 80 and a wonderful
singer and he's wonderful on this the you know the really the one stunning moment on this so that I think is also quite quite fascinating and reflects some changes in American culture. But the clip that you did play is my other favorite part because you could hear T-Pain on the clip singing through his vocoder and it is I when I watched the video for this I had to actually hit pause so that I could laugh in. You know they confused you a kind of joy and wonder would anybody know what he sounds like if you didn't use that thing you know maybe we needed that in there to know who was it what you make it makes you wonder if some of these people can sing. Well we know some of these people can say you know not to not to be you know too hard on young people but Miley Cyrus's proportions and this makes Taylor Swift at the Grammys sound like an opera star already than Tom. Rachel you know I was with you until that last remark. I cannot sit here and have Miley and Taylor and Kelly I want to thank you
for ensuring there were no sharp objects in the room while I had to listen to that. The thing I have about the world is where we are saving our own lives yes. That lyric that lyric only obtains if you have if you also think first what would Jesus do. Not necessarily Christian but the pomposity of this the self importance and resurrecting God rest his soul Michael Jackson resurrecting him to do this. They did vote for people who don't know they took the portion of their original piece and where where he was filmed singing and he was alive then and put it inserted into this video. Yeah I really I have to disagree with you Rachel about how America has changed. Music has changed yes. But there's the same sort of coming down from on high Actually it's reflective of. And I take it back you're right Rachael it shows America in the world. Let's let Ben down from the top of the Statue of Liberty and throw
some gold. And this is what we do and look at all they have to say is Barbra Streisand's in it. So and we don't give a hoot. Sure she sounds ok at it. You know I actually agree with your comment about the it's a it's a terrible song and a lot of ways and it is very different to how the phrase We Are The World plays within the United States and outside where there are many people in many countries who think that is how we consider ourselves to be you know the entire world. So it is I definitely I think a complicated expression of some good intentions some bad politics some music mediocre songwriting and then there are you know all of the variety of performances. Now I wanted to just follow up with you because you pointed out something that I actually hadn't focused on really which is that in the video you see Haitian singing the song. That's right yes yes they are. There are some Haitians who are singing the song with their you have ruined architecture in the background. And this is you know
it again it's a very complicated moment because on the one hand it seems possible to interpret this as allowing Haitian voices to be in this thing you know somehow using that to contain the desire to have Americans speak for the whole world. But on the other hand you know as my extremely sharp 12 year old daughter said watching this for the first time oh my goodness mama they are making them sing for their clean water. And so you know it's I think it's a real mixed bag. What did you see how did you respond. Well I thought what a beautiful video. But that's not appropriate. I mean maybe I'm a stick in the mud and going you know a door no no poetry after I was fit. But I really found myself. It's been there it's been pretty fied and this is really in bad taste because now admitted you know I'm not a rock video guy but I had a lot of trouble with this because the boy alone at the beginning in profile I just thought wow that this is cinematic. And I said am I thinking about Haiti now
no I'm thinking about the musicians I'm thinking about the cinematography. Well we don't know. I maybe you all have heard how well it's selling because that's the whole point of it and I have to say that some big names in in the entertainment business dare to say they didn't think it was a good idea to update it. One of them being Jay-Z and that sort of sent shock waves because he you know a lot of his friends were in the video and he said listen there are a lot of talented singers. I think the point is that I think we all should you know do what we can he said but what was wrong with the songs that came out of the big. Charity telethon that happened a month ago or so he said what was wrong with that we could use those songs. He says some things should just be classic and he said I actually think that the We Are The World 25 years ago should have been left alone. You know I'm always one to appreciate them at the same time in this particular case. It's hard for me to see the original version of We Are The World as something that needs to stand.
OK. You Jay-Z is good enough for Miley Cyrus so he's good enough for me. I wanted to bring to our listeners attention and get your very quick take that Beyonce this week was named by the recording industry as the number one selling US person for the entire decade. That's everybody. That's everybody I just couldn't believe it. And in case anybody can't remember why she has a little bit of power here it is. What do you think ringtones it's all about the ring tone. You think so. What do you think. I think it's about the way that beyond say has been able to sort of walk the line between rhythm and blues and Hip Hop o' rhythm and blues has been the top selling American music in one form or another since the 1950s so this is not surprising. And her her working of both of those two genres has really you know catapulted her into the top.
Although my Beyond say is not that beyond say of all the single ladies but rather of irreplaceable. Oh I love that too. Hey it doesn't hurt to be beautiful either. She's a diva. And now we should color beyond. That. Thanks very much to the lake of Suffolk University and Professor Rachel Reuben of UMass Boston. It's a great read time. Thank you for joining us this hour. You can keep on top of the Calla Crossley Show by visiting our website WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley. This is the Kelly Crossley Show. Today's program was engineered by Alan Mathis and produced by Chelsea murders. Our production assistant is Anna white knuckle be we our production of WGBH radio. Boston's NPR station for news and culture.
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