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It's very easy for a Mars mission. Twenty so many calls out of the top three six we have a 9 20 take on the initial approach fix time with 30 50 local in a lengthy time of 15 50 local duration of the six point five hour mission crew duty expiration time will be 20 to 50 transition and duty expiration time will be 1850 local. Our mission profile will be take off to the Guthrie departure fly and low level route Atlanta our 177 will be doing one race track in coming out of a low level call into the air refueling track refueling who will be taking on £40000 on loan and then will be going to the air work area for 30 minutes of air work in the Roby area and coming back for two hours in the traffic pattern team everyone is here. It's the final mission of the five men on board the airplane. The flight clothing
requirements will be the summer gear in the best time of the 650 tomorrow morning will star in his approx way an hour before takeoff time and the taxi an hour right now to Runway 1 6 for takeoff tomorrow we'll be here fighting for gross weight of three hundred thirty five thousand pound airplane. We have one hundred fifty five thousand pounds of fuel load a plane on a temperature of 80 degree and pressure altitude of 1800 feet. You will be using a rotation speed of one hundred fifty six knots and then lifting off at 171. It's OK for our departure. Will be flying to get 3 3 departure taking off to the south we have a hole down to 4000 feet that time will be making a right turn. Continue our climb to 10000 feet until established on the Abilene 315 radial out it will be making the Guthrie transition
after it gets free will go to Amarillo. OK for The Root. OK after regime roll. Proceed on course on the Guinness of player characteristics and I'm going to our PC to be the same way arming our off missiles and our weapon checklist and going up to the HECS plan on our 2014 on time you can shoot for that and will enter. To lolo's away 50 40. 170 So this talk about low level of the. Casing down from 2 3 0 will be sitting down for our primary entry point and watch the start of the first plane 25 banded to 17 and was an issue. If we use a clear point of 400 feet just en route navigation point up until right prior to d 18 and we go hey change of
Route 10 or so hard to navigate a Raid 2 are simply watching a train would have en route target complex at this point to an 18 as general target I'm a go ahead to do this is a manual release So just who has center it up you know and I'll count it down if you put it all on use radios and Radio 2 and use frequencies radio to google hits the live tone there. Are a few. They are going through a. Third lane change that nineteen thousand five hundred feet. Good changes there just brought us there. We want to hear the target complex of the largest site we'll call a out the movie destination 21. OK for our first. First one we're going to have the S.S. strike against targets one twenty three and five. OK out to the first Harvey having a 1 7 9 2 plus
38 to target 22 for Destination 20 to be 1 7 2 minutes 14 seconds and SRAM come out on target 23 now to then be heading 1 8 2 1 2 plus 52 DMA. Ok going around the race track for re-entry. If you go to the TI 25 we're going to run this as a manual manual. OK so just counting down for Lane legislation you can also try to get some visual references as we go to the starkest here there is a race track you are for two years it is all you guys. Are awesome. OK forever I was going to be hitting the three five eight seven thousand feet for six seconds between releases and out a target would turn 18 three fourths of a 7000 feet in one place be sure to do just nation toys around the racetrack. Keep coming back around on the second
initial point. Was who he said down to here is it time. For cyclists. To be hitting targets 17 23 and you have to nation point attorney heading the last seventy two minutes and 17 seconds to the first release. Secondly he won seven for a minute 30 seconds and SRAM a come out. And the alterna Heading 1 8 2 1 2 plus 52 DNA to the end of the earth. That out of your last release and we'll go ahead a climatic room. Straight ahead. You seem to be going toward your refueling point. Here refueling. Here we go the refueling with Buckstone 1 2 0 0 6 23
track will be in front of else 2 2 0 0 0 feet is going to be 16 57 and 17 control time excellent 1740 again point parallel will be going in at 460 true airspeed. We just have one tanker and 4000 pounds will going to be getting from there ya go ahead go ahead turn toward this and then each time you see any kind of overrun conditions just you know holler over radios Fasi one for me. I'll go ahead and call it over the radios and come back and talk to you. Now take you to the half mile and they'll turn over you visually and I'll go stand on the right or you'll be cutting everything down check no systems that carry exit points we go back to your work area. Roby. We have. Control town Monette point of 1810 I will be staying there to 1844 your maneuvers
and then coming back to IFAD 18 2011 spent two hours in pattern for touch and go landings. OK I think we already talked about some of the considerations for all for missions that we had Mercier feels we are farz Well we have. ELSWORTH we can also use these people feeling their you know those triggers of an entertainer in the church you know under the tariff Why do should do you should worry about your questions only only in revulsion a little. You don't get to come here to hurt the show enough to have that as a get out of your mind I'm going to launch and launch message of temptation check. Since code will be as normal. You checked after shutdown. Otherwise the normal checklist operation running there.
That would take off every minute departure of course as soon as we can allow it to get to. The weather radio to know where the update. And then go back to. Channel traffic as we approach got to be there as planned last contest. There's no use for satellite radio to get an option on the start and I quickly check there about modern guard because we do want the transmission and if we get up near the PC PNH HCO will be there on the chart to call on the end of the. Procedures as brief as we come up near Llano we try to call it high and I get that all runs called in. As far as my low level tactics. Of the timing will be as. As CEO of the losses and all the money that also the birth and Dio be threats as we've come a long way
and it will be nothing more than after his late freefall from in the first day threats along the way operate as what to expect in the target air will be expecting the same three two with Triple A and all the let me know what their status is or come through the target area and their tactics will be a simulation you will. Probably call in the IP call and also in a maze of whoever's in the copilot seat backing up the rivers not flying here. Make sure I do that. That's the deal on the next run through abuse same type threats expected and I'll be here will be using the same type of tactics as a client at a lower level or transition from a withdrawal type. I know we have to turn pretty quick. Let's see how you run your checklist and order if you will get the
set life for you to set up a weather satellite. OK let's see stores coming down the road we all put in the position and positions in all manner of that sort between those who watch or are caught up in the approach as we come back in the local area. Give me any. Grocery. Stores recall and skip town all the briefs are required to get the words. You see here. Will be. As required. To. The next day after. Undergoing Robie. Wants to go and. Start doing their work. If you will help with their cell phone. Your. Life profile 23. We're doing our work for maneuvers and then head on back to Paris.
We plan for recovery. Right now there is no alternate required. So what plan are coming back in. Let's go ahead and plan for the high. Our last run we won 6 0 on the border. Good grief real quick. Once we get married we'll start on the feed there are above 4000 by 12 DME intercept the localizer and glide slope plates look at 3500 feet and then will you. OK you will probably do a touch and go on the first one after the touch and go climb back to the radar pattern and then for the rest of transition time with his radar work and then go into the visual traffic pattern ended up. As we get close to our time. If you just give us a reminder. How much time you got left. Just.
Work on our. Part. Proceed. OK crew coordination if any time that we're going to sweep the wings or come on Iraq's autopilot let the rest of the crew know so you can back us up if we have to manually transfer fuel for some reason. I will let you know if you're doing that or going into manual configuration. So if we get sidetracked on something else you can remind us how you view. Question fuel transfer so we don't transfer stuff out of the center of gravity limits. I will be watching that pretty close in the event that we have a emergency situation will go ahead in that it will handle fly the airplane will handle the emergency situation as it dictates will accomplish the bold print. I will start running the emergency checklist and you guys can back us up on that. Get out the checklist and help us make sure we didn't forget anything covered all the political steps if the situation warrants. If it's a serious enough
emergency Why would just come on back and land it and you have a radio communications with the command post and advice on what to do. Any time that upfront and we transfer aircraft control between us. We will make a verbal Sayed over the interphone. I have their plane you have their plane that were there be no confusion on who's flying airplane if for some reason you have to go off oxygen or in a fallen during a flight. A lot of snow we know the status of our crew members if anybody's off oxygen or in a phone so we know where you are at all times. If you leave or have to return to your objection see when you take out or put in your army pins let us know that also so we can keep up with where you are in your Jackson status. OK the interphone just a plan. If we have an emergency going on
let's just keep the interphone talk just to those essential to safely recover their plane. Anybody got any questions. About it. Bus time a 650 to one. No everything is tomorrow if I should write a letter from a close eye. If emergency arises. It's not going to end the mission or continue right why should. But if this emergency arising where the mission is going to have to be just continue we're going to come back to base. I'll do it and you like me to do. Read from the flight manuals or whatever other lefties I wish to. Play with Purdy the story will be great. I read his check right. There. Good. That's good and yeah.
OK. A major Dorell Dr. E.. My part of the mission the Mavi flying is evaluate or for the defensive system operator major clue sack I'll be giving him the 60 days for those that a in-flight evaluation of how he does his job I'll be evaluating as procedures techniques highly operation equipment and what does. The cost of the things he does. Yes you know a poem is the engine. Yes it is this is it. Annual check it comes along every 17 knots right now I want to re 17 months and he's up for his jacket. If you were not to pass this Jackie would be on qualified in the airplane and you'd have to fly with an instructor of his specially But in this case given Jack tomorrow he's already qualified this is his qualification for his annual check.
A major audience for. A major are you going to struck your offensive systems operator and most of the time I fly an instructor sea to Mars mission I get to fly in the offensive systems operators see to sell so I actually get operate the equipment instead of telling somebody else how to do it for a change which is a lot of fun for us since we don't get a whole lot of time and see what I do is I navigate the airplane Tell power where it's going where should go are also controlled towns cities points that same town we hand all the navigation computers and weapons computers and we simulate them arming on them. And programming them so we can release more targets. They were sent to. To. Attack and of course the. Success would come back and. Again we're navigation is a joke. There are coordinate with the entire crew. The D.S.O. sits next to me
and we we do a lot of work together as far as navigation and weapon systems. The focus of the guns goes with them. There's just no training flight which we go out and practices procedures and you get real Rusty if you don't practice and quite a bit so on and just the crew coordination especially working together. It has to. The whole submission has to flow. To vse smoothly or or we cannot. We may not get weapons on target. Basically this is what you do go under the buildings more we wrote the book. Oh yeah many times this is one of we use primarily for training here and become better training school. You know this is a harder route. Yet is simple enough to take a student. And to show him what he used to go as far as his procedures and techniques on how to talk radio systems. Does it feel good about yourself and why you see more than you.
Oh OK you're going to read all of this is with Miley at the end of a close second on the defensive systems officer on board to more slides and my primary job is defend the airplane electronically using the electronic countermeasures suite on the airplane FARs to Mars mission goes it's a my they call it and you call cation check which comes around just over every year to every flyer in the air force has to get and this is just part of our. Qualification you might call it to keep current in the airplane and all and as far as importance goes it's a passing my checkride. I don't think they'll be any problem with that but we hope it's going to be a good mission it's a standard side that we've been to and I'm. Looking forward to it. My name's minister or my name is Major campaigner said
and out of all this crew members here I'm the only unqualified one will be on the airplane tomorrow. I'm in a training program here and this is my fourth mission. The normal syllabus is about 14 missions to get a person a pilot qualified. So I'll be sitting in the pilot's seat and hopefully my instructor will keep me from instruct me in the right ways and techniques how to fly this airplane. I've already had three sorties off already in this will be my fourth one. So while this is familiar ground to the other crew members it's kind of new territory for me. The relief invention will look at it well it does a little bit because you're in a new environment I have close to 3000 hours of a heavy bomber time already in the B-52. So as far as that regime it's familiar ground but it controls a little bit differently and it's a little bit faster airplane than what I'm used to so it takes me a little bit to try to keep up with their plane
so I mean that training phase right now. How you doing. Oh it's great. Fantastic airplane and it flies great it's fantastic airplane. That's the whole purpose of me go along to Mars I mean the training program. That actually the valor that I'm providing. To this but if you go to the heart of what you are doing. Sure my name is Lieutenant Colonel or modest s only instructor pilot onboard the airplane for tomorrow which means in tomorrow's case I'm the only qualified pilot in the airplane. As Ken mentioned I'm there for his for his training. He is on his sortie for tomorrow which means that he's had three under his belt. So my purpose in being there is to teach him techniques and procedures required in all phases of flight in order to get him qualified in the B-1 be here and
I'm supposed to monitor the airplane to make sure it doesn't exceed safety parameters and at the same time allow him the opportunity to get the feel for the airplane in turn to be able to get checked out in the airplane qualified in your plea in 14 right as he mentioned. That I didn't do a job just being an instructor pilot of the combat crew training school is a very demanding job. It's the first time I've had a role as a CC TSA instructor. It is a very rewarding job and yes I'm enjoying my job tremendously. There is a certain high and I'm sure every teacher period could probably relate to that in that any time you train somebody to fruition and you see the end product. There's a certain amount of self fulfillment to evolve there which percents itself as a certain high
in the yes. I enjoy it tremendously. Well. Yeah. Sure I have 73. Said I get in here this bad 73 success will be decent. Very very pleased with. That. Which is. Why you. Want to know. Yeah like. There's And there's.
Also stars turning. Right. Yes yes. OK three Thanks. To the same. Result.
She. Just. Wanted. To. Be. True. To. Their. Leader. For six seconds. We. Were. Were 30 times a. Day. To. Live it. Not me. And. This was the. Only reason. I was there must be one plus two. Can you say you're going to climb. Into the cage and then they have to start finally you know. This would. Seem Right. To you to generalize for 500 to have a story. We want to cross 5 and 6 200 feet to 5 so there. Are a
strong. Case coming up on our destination and the journey right in his 0 3 5 7. 1. 6 8 to 28. Hands point twenty eight was 36 six thousand two hundred feet journey up to 2.7. You. Wrote. We. Are. All you. And your. Family. If you love me. You. Are all. You know. OK. You're right. By Thursday I don't really know. OK all right all right. OK. OK you. Know what we're. Doing
Here. Do you want. One of them. Pretty. Quickly. When we come back. We're. Going to. Do you guys. Think. To do more. Do you. Hear me Richard thank you very. Much. Will.
You. Yes.
Right. The other way.
Around. Ail. Me a Each element. P p p p p p p
p p p a. Oh OK. Right. OK.
Eat eat eat eat eat eat shit. Eat eat eat
eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. Eat eat eat eat eat eat. I. Am
now. A noun. This is tape saying Take 6 EF. 3 0 6 days a
527 to do or die as a first Prince was. Once a. Thought for. The. Day. Thanks. OK.
And from that. Night was just. The base operations place. Right. Oh yeah. Oh. That's nice and healthy. But. Then. You're saying that. In the first. Morning there. Corner. Number one I'm going to rebalance any Rosendale morning here just parachute your all. Stars lightning hit me. And the thing is the referee didn't call foul. There should all be Costello somebody else like danger zone. And. Then no technical no foul or anything. Didn't throw him out of the game or anything.
But. It was a good guess the No. No no. They went down to the end of the game and. Detroit had a one point lead with five seconds ago. Drugstore newborn males. Didn't just walk in and for whatever stall in their own hands played off Jason Johnson shot a late. Night if you like. A. Person like Troy six course. Here again a minute later go along. With. The rest of your Sunday. The seven brothers were saying. He was let. Go bad last night. They had intentionality in play or something like most of the fourth quarter at all. He would have. Walked. Back again so much. Sally. Turners I know.
That there. Was. A lot easier the women got beat last night. $43 had a three to one. Philadelphia came back and caught him in the second period. And then to the last I heard will hold off 143. Sit down I think that's 3 games too so they go back to the old off switch. Yeah there's going to be a. Pretty good series. Why. Not. Start.
Your. Very. Real. 36 The Great. Barrier thunderstorms up to the northwest. Now 52000. Boy is moving east northeast about 15 knots. The. Expectation of conditions. Why 500 scattered variable broken 25000 broken and restrict visibility south southeast winds at 17 knots gusting at 26. But my temps are 20 corrections 76. Here's 1843 expecting rain showers in the city. Top now 20000 how to the west as well as the southeast moving at. 15 knots as well.
Expect light to reserves 5000 or 623 12000 tops 25000. Frontal boundary is. Just east of. 6.3. Building. Right is moving slightly. A. Little bit. Lighter. Some. Light. Stuff. Range. Every. Exit to 9 or 8 0. When the track 2 1 0 1 7. 2 1 0 0 2 3 5 2 2 0 20. Was developed. Variations throughout the last 40 plus 10 of plus 90. Far as hazards can be the area of thunderstorms forecast. Expect. Isolated a few
thunderstorms to often out 35000 just north of. South central Nebraska as well as isolated. Throughout most of the US the US. Return Dyess expects 3000 broken 25000 Brophy don't restrict visibility. South southwest winds at 12 guys who had 24. Thunderstorms rain showers vicinity. To have 900 runway to ensure they. Made has is going to be a thunderstorm is forecast around the frontal boundary. And that is continuing to move east northeast. At 15 to 25 knots. As you see it is currently up to. Be a voyeur it is going to continue to move. As well as this area of buildings south so wise and once it gets up toward Shefford it will build back and will probably get him within 25 to 50. Actually affecting the base. Expect light rain showers possibly topping out at 17000. Over the base but no significant weather still. Whether that
alters cars will blind or both good scatter conditions live we'll see 2000 foot ceiling for cars well Southlands at 10 just by thunderstorms ratios. There are no significant has a sudden question. Of. Party. Like. A. Rock. But. Then. I don't want. To. Join. Yes.
Yes. Right. OK. OK. Making the final preparations for a mission which I can fly when I. See.
Actually the one. File. Point so I'm going to that we mission played yesterday. Are actually the ones that the computer has and actually the ones that traffic control center has for us. Also check in what are called no tans. Notice the airman to make sure that there are no hazards in the facilities facilities that we're going to be using are in fact operational. And if they're not we'll know that. Just wanted to say I know that having your little friend there I would say yes except for the fact. You no matter where you. Go. There. May have to. Good looks good. All. Right tries to go right for you rather go to the west and get behind some of his injuries and then. Later we will.
Get you there. Yes let. Me. Talk.
There Oyo. 30 seconds. Where you. Can check. For free. Online. All right. It. Was really bad. Oh.
Man. You want to fly the flag want to go to the west. That's here. OK OK. You do it the West went straight west. But. One. Was on. More. Water. Then wholesales it right up there it was right. To go. Green just go to the west. Down. Here don't know where. They. Can work out something in the. Aircraft. Or. Later. It's tiles up to 50. Miles. They're. Ready to go back. To West here. Then they. Can. Never leave.
My. Room. They just. Want to. Talk. About the Right. One where are you allowed to. Last thing real. Right. Now. OK I'm going to. Be right here you know. You know not. Everything you. Want to get.
Out. But we're doing now is we're considering the options that we have for our possible ready. We just had a weather briefing where the briefing told us that we got weather thunderstorms to our north which are in direct line of my life. And the my mission. So what mining are alternatives to get around whether or not. The damage. Will. Or. Propose. Missions. That's just the northwest. For our low level run. That we're proposing to get around that stuff which is in direct. Line. By going to the west and then hitting the north. Going around it. The line. On. The jumbo. Was. Good. But. Not always. OK see where I'm going to go work out.
Oh oh oh oh. Oh. You want one. Yeah the way they let me ask you I think. Yeah. We're going to do that where we would not. Hear me all. Right. Now all they. Were going to Barbara Lee. Monday was right here. On this. Thread. Like. I don't care I don't have any other than. The One. He was in the wrong. Group. But that. Was never a dull moment and the next. Round we're. Going to win. That match. The. Way. You can. Make. Them sound. Good. There's not. Really much. Hope. That. Love. Brings last year. Yes sure yes. When I was a young. Guy calling the men on. My.
Day. In Sunday. Morning. What we're doing is they're. Going. To. Find your. Balls. And stuff. But oh. No. They're going to fly. Here. We're. Going to. Walk. Sign. On. An Army. We're. Going to. Hear. You know. I've. Got this thing. We're going to hear my call. How they. Run. Home when they want to go. Home and come up with. The lingo. They have a hearing. Going on right. Here right here right. Yeah ok they got me. For no reason whatever you're right. I don't know. Give me a phone number and everything call when I make reservations for you right now. You send them the channel.
Cause. They CAN TAKE EVERYTHING story. So that's. That's what we did. Worked out pretty well. So now which is why you called my daughter's been excited about it. Like last night and today schools. School let. Me. Just. Go to. My room and. Can. Hear. The sound. Yeah I would like for you to get over. It. Hannah. Has her hearing might be just there. I mean. You were there with your fly is that there for the software. Without a hole in the hallway with a software that the fish was specifically. Well first specific.
Error like. How what I did. But if we want to go there for it was loaded with software and you know I was with my general there's been a very gratifying body. OK. Friday. You. Know. This is. All civil you gather your family and all the way talking to when you're going to get you flying is likely I wouldn't want to switch it off but it would be like he could have those they could have a whole lot of people. OK it wasn't your other son but when actually you did you get. The last holiday actually it was. OK. Because the yes. Thirdly some with. The other day. Yeah that you're right Doctor. Go ahead of where I was because I was five the AIC deals. With. The American Way and I was up since I've got to have a slice of life as opposed to your dad. I have figured it was you when you are not here. Yeah
OK. With. You. Yes. I was walking. Over my right. To dress a little bit. Yeah I'm so glad the way from the back seat looks like my brother will be. Really good. Luck to All right there you know we got a look at the news. But never say I don't love you want to give him is Richard Morgan the much are you going to miss Richard next week. Yeah down the hall. For example you know if. You're. OK. I've been.
I don't know. Why I don't either because I had to save my money my day like you know like you want to go why don't you I would come back. They might. Not go. There's not a guy you guys let me you know like you back when you guys are going to be fun. Just long as I come by. Yeah. Mara. Anything. Today. Morning. Morning on my. Way. I was never like oh. Yeah. That. Was like the sort of. When there. Were a lot of them one. Guy had done something to get going on a song or something this fuel load was like. Man. Talk the NSA building how many earning at the approach by the operating room when I was on the whole this was a long time ago I guess I was on the airplane always a story. But what did I say. Say your just referred to her did you. Oh yes I did I heard you say I didn't think we needed to jump
the gun but go to the wording of that I like when money was a person. Guys we. Want to. Hear. About all the. Other. One of the things. We. Like. And you're going to get. This. Was my statement but I didn't like a lot. I cannot figure out all the kids are going OK yes I'll be there. Well.
That. It. Right. I. Do. O
e. Why was the whole thing. I. Thought. Oh OK. Maybe an exam. An old man's game a softball. Anyway the tension level is probably a little bit higher now than it would be normally simply because we know thunderstorms to contend with and any time you contending with thunderstorms haven't changed. The mission from what you've already planned. It creates a little bit more pages of probably tension of the game I guess. But. The one thing that we've done this for about 13 years some 15 years and the same thing over and over again.
The line. Might drown in a car you know so you have a plan. If. He goes out there and you're on your check that course he's going to check press 832. And. You go back just. Yet. SEE Kelly. I checked that was like then they then they all just. Oh don't worry I didn't know they were not a God I had my duty and there was a there was no harm it may take a discovery work on Mark. That's right. Why are you looking for a. Four week. Paid by credit card for work for every three games. Do you know that the president has this. Do you know. That the. Norms get these too busy to take it down. That's right. The one or. Two
that I don't. Know. Why don't we wait and see about my. Progress. Robert. Was next. You're mad. About. That one. There's one of. The stories.
Oh. That's OK. Yeah you. Know I'm right there. The first one I did. Get. Right back up with my. One word Jack. No I mean. Thank you. Thank. Thank God.
No. OK. Thanks. No no no. Thank you thank you. Mistake number nine. OK so.
Now an. Ak. Ready to start a fuse is. The better switch. I was. Very sick for a check. Good life no life. There. But. Here's what very few words but if you just start released but what. Zealot let's.
Go right where you started three years get us up here. The place. Is full. Of. During the. Whole. Ho. Oh OK. Are you OK. Oh
OK. I quit when I. Woke I
was going. I know. I coaxed. I. I. I. I
thanked AK. Folks across. A IX. Oh
ye. Know. The key. Honored. So.
Far. Was she had found
was. Right. Thank
you. We've. Fail has.
Failed. On.
On. On. Thousands. O. O.
O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Rā. In honor. You. Now
now. Hello inner. City. Where. You know. If you. Know. Where. You. Work you. Know. We've got. A.
When we ate. The EU. A download. Feel
a feel for f f f f f f. Few.
If. Oh.
Off. On. Off. Off.
Off. Five. I feel. Fine.
Thank. You. Off. Off off.
fuel full fuel. If
you've fulfilling. It. Whoa whoa whoa. Oh.
He. Thanked fo. Ain't. Ain't. No. Oh
yeah. It. I've.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
Raw Footage
Pre-Flight Mission Briefing
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-ng4gm81x3b).
Episode Description
Flight crew going over the pre-flight preparations for a B-1B bomber mission. Includes interviews with the flight crew as they talk about the aircraft and shots of the airfield.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
airplanes; Rockwell B-1 (Bomber); United States. Air Force
Rights Note:,Rights:,Rights Credit:WGBH Educational Foundation,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
Media type
Moving Image
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 01c4f077c371fefb3ce52bca03e8b2824c34c2cb (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Pre-Flight Mission Briefing,” 1987-05-26, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Pre-Flight Mission Briefing.” 1987-05-26. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Pre-Flight Mission Briefing. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from