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Oh Chairman Mao said Let those internal and external reactionary clique's face us in trepidation when they say that this cannot be done and that cannot be done. We not ignore them. With indomitable an indefatigable efforts the Chinese people will steadily attain their objectives are or. Are. The sun rises from the east every morning with the rosy rays in myriad shapes. Ah great socialist fatherland as in a bright and splendid morning. Ah great teacher great leader great commander and Great Helmsman Chairman Mao is the Red Son in our heart. Under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party under the guidance
of the general line for socialist construction of the party to strive hard and strive to advance and to get greater faster better and more economical results. None of the three great movements of class struggling productions struggle and scientific testing. Chinese people have achieved great success like all nations people of communes are further developing and consolidating in the wide countryside there is a revolutionary outlook everywhere and there is left everywhere because of a bumper crop like thing. Learn how to do things on a large scale and have the courage to do things on a large scale. Gather the red flowers which are blooming everywhere on a large scale. The broad masses of workers on the industrial war front are fiercely engaged in a revolution ization and fiercely breaking loose from foreign ization to
choose their own industrial development that they are applying maximum efforts they dare to apply maximum efforts. This spirit of applying maximum efforts is prevalent throughout the whole nation throughout our great Fatherland. The heat of revolution is generating everywhere and a new all around Leap Forward situation is emerging. Our national defense industry under the correct leadership of the party's central committee the great leadership of Chairman Mao comrade limbo the clothes were a body of Chairman Mao and comrade Joe and ally is progressing at a thousand li a day. You're. Preparations for our nation's first nuclear test are intensely underway. Mouths are doing Xbox to guide us in all our work in response to Vice-Chairman Limbo's call the comrades raise high the
great red flag of Mao the doings idiology creatively study and apply Chairman Mao's works. And apply themselves vigorously. Serviceman in the engineering corps braving bitter winds and sandstorms. Are struggling day and night overcoming difficulties to erect various buildings and installations for the explosion. You're. Her. Purse or.
Her. Purse. Work or. The scientific and technical personnel. Even with crude instruments because of the lack of sophisticated instruments or carrying on preparatory work in chemical analysis. Or. You're our nation's broad masses of workers engineers technical personnel scientists and offices and Man of the People's Liberation Army. Oh energetically put their efforts together to make a large quantity of instruments and equipment. Here the various instruments are undergoing a final check before the tests. Were. You're earning as
instruments laid out on the site will accurately record the various results of the tests. Were. Chairman Mao has taught us that when the enemy sharpens his sword we must sharpen our story. We not only must have our own atomic bomb but we must under the threat of the enemy's atomic bomb acquire the capability which we should have to destroy the enemy and the knowledge to preserve ourselves like comrades ready for the test are intensely engaged in training activities. In their fighters armed with Mao Tse-Tung but are not deterred by any difficulty. Reigning. They picked the hottest time of the day to march in boiling sand.
Her. And. Her. Mate. Go. In each training session. How much sweat do they perspire. During my intense struggle they always maintain the glorious traditions of our army resolutely struggling in spite of hardships and displaying the cheerful revolutionary spirit. Or comrades of the cultural and arts troupe going to trade deeply into the area to conduct propaganda and stimulating activities.
The comrades using discarded lumber to make POWs and brass rings to weave a net to engage in massive physical exercise in the whole test area. The atmosphere is enveloping with a spirit of unity tension solemnity and animation. You think. You are going to look like comrades of the Quartermaster Corps for delivering supplies straight to the door with a single purpose of servicing the whole heartedly. Streamlined trains reach the site and sewing machines are moved to the barracks. For testing day is approaching and or types of equipment and arms for testing
are transported to the site. You're you're in the testing. Not only will all kinds of testing equipment and installations be used to measure the magnitude of the atomic bomb but four categories of equipment and installations for national defense engineering animals and civil defense will be subjected to testing. Through early. You're right.
Yes 15 hundred hours on October 16 1964 the event which shocked the whole world finally take place. 8 6. 3. Or were. The success. Of the atomic bomb designed and made by them is a complete success.
You're. Sure his first nuclear test surpasses the levels of the first nuclear tests of the United States Britain and France. This is the result of the efforts of our nation's workers engineers technical personnel scientists offices I'm out of the People's Liberation Army and or those concerned through willingly raised high the great red flag of Mao Tse drones Fox gave prominence to politics creatively studied and used German Mao's works and concentrated their efforts to wage a battle of annihilation rather united in vigorous
cooperation. This is a gigantic success of mousy doings. Thought this is a gigantic success of the general line. Not only of the Chinese Communist Party. Long live Germany. The way the. Personnel and cars entering the contaminated area of the explosion for recovery work. Are given strict examination. These women comrades are glad to join the ranks of combat. We're. Entering the
contaminated area. There's an intense battle of racing against minutes and seconds to complete the thing. Chairman Mao says you know work we must be enthusiastic but calm and intense but orderly. See how intensely and earnestly they attend to their work. You think. I'm a woman. You're. A third.
Rate successfully returned. The people who greet them intimately and warmly. In the afternoon of October 16th 1964 premier Joe announces the news about our nation a successful experiment in testing its first atomic bomb. The nuclear monopoly or nuclear tyranny of the US imperialist and the revisionists have been thoroughly bankrupted by their criminal attempts to block and prevent our nation's people from grasping nuclear weapons have been thoroughly smashed. Right before the second nuclear test was begun. The comrades not fearing hard labor and materials and continual fighting are eagerly engaged in the new battle.
The combat teams are given pretty combat political indoctrination to prepare for an intense struggle maneuvering. At present. The U.S. imperialists are shifting their warlike strategy to Asia they are maniacally expanding the war of aggression in Vietnam and they are preparing to impose war on the heads of the Chinese people. Chairman Mao says the imperialist Soviet mainly aided us so severely that we must seriously take them to account. We must be prepared to fight early to fight on a large scale to fight great nuclear war to fight or kinds of war. And on several fronts. You're another stimulating
and jubilant day arrives on May 14th 1965. Or no nation successfully explodes it's like a nuclear bomb in the sky over the western part of our country. You're. Extremely accurate and extremely successful explosion. This demonstrates the great results of who operational leaders are specialists on the masses and of the cooperation of education with research. This is another victory song by Mao Tse doings thought. Yes you're right.
Or. To gain military experience under atomic conditions the various tactical and maneuvering units enter the area of the explosion to conduct tactical maneuvers. Following Chairman Mao's teachings. They go forward without fear of sacrifices to overwhelm difficulties and grasp of victory. Going out and always thought of the weapons are an important factor in war but they are not the decisive factor. The decisive factor is not material but man Vice Chairman Lynn Bauer points out that under nuclear conditions the greater the power it is the more intense the close fighting a
night fighting would be regardless of on fences or defensives for final decisive battle will be won of close combat at 100 or 200 metres. About time it will depend on who is tougher who can take a position who can hold it who dares to see red on his van. At that time it will depend on one's proletarian consciousness and one's courage. We have the spiritual atomic bomb which is impossible for the enemy to require.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
Carter's New World
Episode Number
The Great Victory of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought [Part 1 of 2]
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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This Chinese production, with English narration, illustrates the sucesses that China achieved under Mao Tse Tung's leadership: bumper crops, vibrant communes, an industrial revolution, and a strong national defense that was preparing for its first nuclear tests.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
Nuclear weapons -- Testing; China; nuclear weapons
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NARA,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:In perpetuity,Rights Holder:NARA
Media type
Moving Image
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Identifier: bfd09335d42cac19e2b546fd0ac3bcdc316337db (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Carter's New World; 109; The Great Victory of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought [Part 1 of 2],” 1966-01-01, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Carter's New World; 109; The Great Victory of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought [Part 1 of 2].” 1966-01-01. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Carter's New World; 109; The Great Victory of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought [Part 1 of 2]. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from