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I'm Kelly Crossley and this is the Cali Crossley Show. A private party at a Boston nightclub sponsored by black graduate students may prompt an investigation for racial discrimination. The group of African American students from Harvard and Yale said they were kicked out of the local language because the staff feared the Ivy League African-Americans. Would attract criminals to the club. What does this say about race and class in the Commonwealth in 2010. This hour we'll talk with Boston city councillor Ayanna Pressley one of the students involved and a club representative. Later it's pop culture ask dog lady is here and she's taking your calls. Up next from crossing the color line to all things canine. First the news. From NPR News in Washington I'm Lakshmi Singh. Ranking Senate Republican
John McCain of Arizona is questioning the findings of a Pentagon study that suggests a reversal of Don't Ask Don't Tell would not create long lasting disruptions. The policy which bans gays from serving openly in the military is a subject of a hearing on Capitol Hill where McCain firmly rejected the study as flawed. I remain concerned as I have in the past and as demonstrated in this study that the closer we get to service members in combat the more we encounter concerns about whether Don't Ask Don't Tell should be repealed. And what impact that would have on the ability of these units to perform their mission. But the military's top uniform officer Admiral Mike Mullen favors an end to the policy. He testified today the number of American workers filing new applications for unemployment insurance rose over Thanksgiving week to four hundred thirty six thousand. As Daniel Carson tells us the numbers are still too high to signal a pickup in hiring.
Twenty six thousand more Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week. But analysts say jobless claims can be volatile around Thanksgiving. Wells Fargo economist Mark Vitner is actually encouraged by the slower pace of new applications because that suggests the job market is getting stronger. If there e slowly when you look at the broader labor picture we're still in a world of hurt jobless claims just over 400000 which is the level that and to be associated with recession and not recoveries. But the direction is finally right. And jobless claims are heading in the right direction. Last year they shot up above 600000. Analysts say they need to drop below 400000 for job growth. But analysts say businesses won't budge on hiring until they see the economy is gaining steam. For NPR News I'm Daniel Karson in Washington. Investors remain encouraged by the latest retail figures retailers confirm stronger than expected sales for November. As more people took advantage of post Thanksgiving Day discounts. Voting is over in two countries have been chosen to host the Soccer World Cups in 2018 and 2022.
Larry Miller reports from London that neither the U.S. touring delegations came away happy at a tense ceremony in Zurich Sepp Blatter the head of the world soccer organization FIFA announced the host of the 2018 World Cup. Ladies and gentlemen the veil be organized. By. Russia made the case that a country without an existing stadium infrastructure should win the bid because it would leave a lasting legacy. Then came the announcement for the 2022 games the U.S. was a contender but the nod went to an outsider. Ditto tended to Fifi vote cop is cut by. Qatar or cutter promises to build a network of new stadiums then after the games dismantle them to send to other countries around the world. For NPR News I'm Larry Miller in London this is NPR. President Obama appears to be making headway in his push to get Senate ratification of a nuclear treaty with Russia. Leading Republican Lamar Alexander said today he is wide open to supporting the treaty if the administration addresses his concerns about
modernizing the remaining U.S. nuclear arsenal. Officials are trying to clear a stretch of the New York State Thruway near Buffalo after heavy snow off Lake Erie stranded hundreds of drivers. From member station reports police and fire crews use a TVs and other vehicles to check on the motorists. The heavy lake effect snow began falling late Wednesday just south of Buffalo's downtown business district causing a 25 mile backup on the New York State Thruway vehicles waiting for officials to move a jackknifed tractor trailer got stranded in the snow. State Police Trooper Daniel Golinski says rescue crews are checking on people. We've got a few four wheel drive vehicles have been riding the shoulders all night long checking out folks with some food and water some bringing in gas to try to keep their cars from running out and occasionally making a run for it. Medicine and what not to give it out to the patrons that need it the narrow lake effect band was dropping snow at a rate of one to two inches per hour at times and some areas saw more than two feet of snow. For NPR News I'm Jim Ranney in Buffalo.
A day after major gains on Wall Street today we're seeing moderate gains at last check on Wall Street the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 96 points at eleven thousand three hundred fifty two that's in trading of just over two billion shares. The Nasdaq composite index is up 22 a 25 72 S&P 500 gaining 12 visit 12 18. I'm Lakshmi saying NPR News. Support for NPR comes from NPR member stations and from the David Geffen foundation supporting the vital role of quality journalism in this nation's civic life. Good afternoon I'm Cally Crossley and this is the Calla Crossley Show Boston city councillor Ayanna Pressley is calling for an investigation after a planned party of Harvard and Yale black students and alumni were shut down at the Cura lounge in downtown Boston. Joining me to talk about this incident is city councilor at large Ayana Pressley and Tricia
De Rossi a a third year law student at Harvard who was at the Cure lounge that night. We're also joined by WGBH senior investigative reporter Philip Martin. And later we will be joined by a representative of the club. Welcome to you all. Going to have to go now before we dive into the conversation we want to hear from you. Do you see racial divisions in nightclubs in Boston. Have you heard about the incident at Cura lounge. What do you think. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. That's 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Let me begin this way I first learned about this incident actually not from local newspapers but from a national. Online magazine called The Root and the headline of the article was what do you call a black man with a JD that's of course Latin for Juris Doctorate and means a law student. And the young man who wrote this piece went on to discuss this incident and how angry he was as a result of it
and hurt. I'm just on a quote from him and then Trish I'm going to turn to you he said we were kicked out because apparently the promoters did not tell the owner that the Harvard and Yale graduates and alum the in attendance that night would be black. Quite simply on Saturday November 20th 2010 a group of over privileged blacks were kicked out of a private venue because of the color of our skin. Trish you were there. Tell us what happened. Yes I was there. We we were told to arrive at the venue early so we got there about 10:15. They were letting people in rather slowly. And once we were in there I stepped in and there were about 30 people inside. You know the party hadn't really gotten started yet it was kind of calm inside. And then around a half hour later the lights suddenly came on the music was shut off and the bartender stop serving drinks. And then I noticed that staff members at the club were walking around to people who had purchased drinks and telling
them to hurry up finish their drinks and get out of the club. So I you know I went up to one of the staff members and I axed her you know why we were being told to leave. And she just stated I'm just following orders you guys have to go. I don't know what's going on you just have to leave. And you know I was text messaging with my roommate who was outside of the club who wasn't able to get in. And she told me that they had started asking people to show their Harvard IDs outside. And you know I hadn't been X to show my Harvard idea at all. I don't understand why they were asking. There was a guest list that was put together ahead of time so my roommate was outside just waiting this whole time and then she said that a staff member came out and told her that there were technical difficulties and said that the fire marshal had been called. So there was. It was unclear what the real reason was as to why we were being kicked out.
There's a couple points I want to raise here. Just so people understand this was a private party paid for in advance by your group. There was a guest list at the door you could not get in unless you were on the guest list. And of course you had an ID to say that you were on the guest list. It seemed to change in the middle of this and they now said You must have an ID that says you're from Harvard or Yale. Yes exactly and when I when I was outside in line I even noticed that ahead of me one of my friends from Harvard Medical School he showed up and he wasn't on the guest list. And they told him he could not get in and he stepped out of line and he left and you know there was no scene there was no incident. So people were really adhering to the guest list policy at the door and people were showing their government IDs. And you know so I didn't understand why halfway through the night it became not even halfway. Yeah you know pretty close to the beginning of the ending of the evenness. It became a situation where Harvard ideas were now required. All right now what do you say to somebody who says this why does this rise to the
level of racial discrimination Maybe it's just some misunderstanding inside the club. Well we also I heard that someone you know overheard one of the staff at the club say Oh there are too many black women in line and that attracts black men and that looks bad for us. So I've heard that quote several times. And so you know the fact that race was mentioned that night kind of stands out to me. And then in an e-mail that was sent to us by the party planners the following day they stated that the club management was concerned that we might attract gang bangers and you know I just. I have a hard time thinking of you know what about this specific line that night makes us more likely to attract gang bangers than any other line and any other club any other night. And you know there was a party. At the same club the Friday
night. I'm told that was hosted by Harvard Business schools like the student body at large that was a black car not the black restrooms just the regular you know everybody. And the night went off without a hitch people. There was no guest list in advance people could roll to the door pay $10 and get in. So you know this incident just it just stands out to me as you know something. There was something else at work here. OK City Councilor Yana Presley the students some of the students in that line have decided they are law students after all to pursue this further and youre looking into it. It has risen to the level of an investigation youve called for one. Absolutely. In my role as the chair of the Committee on arts film humanities interest. Once I learned of the incident I wanted to. To intervene as soon as possible to get to the bottom of this because any venue that is
licensed and operating in the city of Boston needs to be a venue that is inviting and welcoming. And although I am sensitive to any threats of the safety and security of people there need to be the need to be a consistency and protocols and procedure first and foremost if there was a real threat the threat existed for the people waiting on line in the venue as well. And so I would trust that the venue would have staff that are properly trained and would expel those people and remove them and if they cannot do that then they should call the police. But that the reality of the matter is that there were no indicators of a threat. There were no incidents no on ruly or disruptive behavior. Just people waiting patiently on line to enter the venue. All right now Philip a lot of people might not know it maybe even Trisha doesn't know
because she's been at Harvard for a short period of time that Boston has a history of tension in the Boston nightclub scene. You wrote a piece in nineteen ninety eight and one of the things that you said was Boston's nightlife remains undeniably divided. And in that piece you cited documented cases and which African-Americans were turned away from clubs were charging admission fee when they noticed any significant increase in blacks or demanded membership cards of this. What does in that context. Does this incident take fresh meaning. Well it it takes fresh meaning only in the sense that a lot of folks were convinced that Boston and entered a new era perhaps it has perhaps it hasn't had the jury's not in yet but one thing it's clear every one of the old. If you will statements that was made back in 1998 and what was made in regard to a number of
club incidents dating back to the 900 seventies when busing spilled over into nightlife is that George Regan for example has been brought in to talk about what the problem is and he's described as a security issue. Sadly we're going to speak to directories I think for myself later and I don't want you to write but on the issue of security has always been one that has all too often taken a form of blacks and Hispanics. Of those it's it becomes cold terms and I'm not sure if this is the case in the in this with this particular incident. But for but for many years starting with the Windies incident in the 1970s this was a nightclub in Boston where a lawsuit was launched against the club for discriminating against African-Americans and in some cases Latinos. Using the term security using the term citing the necessity for you for membership cards in some cases it was said that IDs were not properly they were not properly. Though they were not proper They did have proper identification so on and so
forth. So in other words that a number of systemic problems in Boston that had manifested in our nightlife we still are a nation. I mean a city of tribes if you will in the context of what happens after 9 PM in many of our clubs in Boston. So no it's nothing new. And what happened this time around again it's we're still trying to ascertain the facts. But it does have a sordid history. Just to put this on the table Philip Martin you're an African-American man and wrote the piece in excuse me in 1908. I want to point out that Doug Most who is the editor of The Boston Globe Magazine wrote a piece in 2002 in some ways updating that story that you had done and recognized a lot of the same division that you had articulated in your 1998 piece. And in fact Tricia brought it around to this that a lot of young persons of color who are talented leave Boston
because of this kind of incident. What is that what left you feeling that you know I got to get out of here. This is not where I want to be. Absolutely and I think a lot of the students here you know we think OK we're going to be here for three years. Well at least at the law school will be here for three years in Boston and then will go elsewhere because you know the climate that exists in this city it's not even just when it comes to clubs it's black people have a terrible time catching cabs at night or you know just admission to anywhere. There's there's an extra obstacle here that that you don't experience in some other cities in the country. But you know and let me Tricia and we're talking with Tricia. They Rosia who's a third year law student at Harvard was at the Cure lounge that night. I wonder if you'd articulate personally how you were left feeling in that moment of being asked to leave and thinking to yourself wait a minute this has another
kind of overlay on it. It was it was very very painful. It was. I was left feeling less than human you know and I am not I never have thought that I deserve any special treatment because of my affiliation with any university or any of that. I was just I was I was hurting because I feel I deserve equal treatment just because I'm a human being. And you know I was really feeling for the people in Boston for the black Boston residents who are going to be here you know who have committed to live here for their whole lives who pay taxes and who are law abiding citizens and they probably face this all the time. You know I this was one incident for me and I know you know I'll graduate now you know probably move on from here. But it's just it's really painful it. You know it's something that when I woke up Sunday morning the pain was just still there.
So city counselor Aiyana Presley. What does this do to the reputation of Boston won. Lots of folks have worked very hard to try to get rid of this. This is a this is a racist city. Well it just perpetuates those very negative perceptions of sort of this stigma the stain the residual effects that we're still carrying from our storied history. And you know I would I would hope that anyone hearing. The personal account that she just shared and how that affected her is outraged by that. You know her because Boston I know Boston to be better than that. But if they can't be morally outraged at the idea that people would be discriminated against in this way then they should be appreciating the economic impact of this because this is to news to affect them as the chair of the tourism Committee.
You know I'm concerned about that as well because that affects our brand. And that in turn consequently affects our revenue. The people who are waiting on line could potentially have been repeat visitors investors people doing business with the city and selling it they leave feeling devalued in degraded and with an awful taste in their mouth about this city and how they were treated. But they left with their money too. And in this fiscal climate we need every single dollar. So just to be frank I'm not you know I don't want any venue to fail. We need them to be thriving and to be successful because the city needs every dollar. So this is why I've asked for formal investigation. And as I said the investigation is not an accusation but it is simply to get to to get to the bottom of the matter. Philip before you weigh in Philip Martin senior investigative reporter here at WGBH let me remind our listeners that we're talking about an incident that happened on November 20th at the Cura lounge and
which a group of Harvard Yale alum a lot of law students were turned away from a private party that they had already paid for. Ask for extra I.D. when there was a guest list at the door naming all the people who were to be let in. And in addition to that we're told by some that the black women in the line might cause a security problem because they would attract gang bangers. Now Philip go ahead. Kelly I just want to see if I can put this in a larger perspective. I mean it's been a long time since O.J. Anthony Lucas's book Common Ground came out in the 1070 about the Boston crisis not about the busing crisis here in Boston and what that crisis created in terms of Boston's image Boston for years has tried to rebranded itself as the council has just said and has tried to attain a status of cosmopolitanism it hasn't it isn't quite there yet in the reason is because of this kind of incident. You have exceptions and Boston places like the beehive in the South in which has in fact has a reputation as a multi racial
integrated venue. Boston in fact has evolved in the sense that it is cosmopolitan in the sense of its population. Asians African Americans Irish Italians majority minority white much exactly. But what it hasn't seemed to to to gotten past again is that reputation among people of color around the country and among some white Americans for that matter the reputation as an intolerant city. Now you can never get past that intolerance. If this type of incident is elevated nationally which it has been you read this online on the route and it's and it's and it's everywhere. And I just think that Boston has the has to face some stark choices. It doesn't want to be a cosmopolitan city or doesn't want to be a parochial city. The parochialism of the past a cosmopolitan city of the future. And I think those are some things. OK. We have a caller C.J. from Boston Go ahead please.
I'd like to say you know I'm a Boston resident I was born and raised here. One of the things that I have noticed about microbes in Boston especially those that are maybe probably more you know black or the reverse of the white clouds is when you when you go to a you know a more mainstream in the city you could probably have on a pair of sneakers jeans a T-shirt and get in you know without any problem. But if you go to maybe a predominantly black club in the city all of a sudden there's very strictly enforced dress code. And the sense of that are well you know if a person of color is not wearing a jacket and a color shirt and a pair of shoes then they're automatically must be you know a gangbanger or something like that and I mean it was it may not seem like a big deal at first but I mean even in the winter time if you're coming from work and you got on a pair of winter boots. You can't get into the club if you want to go for an after work drink. You have to go all out on a pair of shoes wait in a line in the snow. We do it in with their shoes on.
So C.J. what does that say to you about Boston and then does that make you inclined to believe what happened at the Cure lounge. I'm sure that what happened there is exactly is as what speed stated. I grew up here. I know that's how there's a lot of that and unfortunately I don't really see you know how an investigation will necessarily get rid of it you know because we're talking about cultural people feel culturally and that's hard to regulate my portion of the times it just takes time. But I know that to be a fact that if I'm going to go to a club you know in Cambridge I could probably walk in with a pair of jeans sneakers I could probably go have a cigar there with cargo shorts on in the summer and a T-shirt. I cannot do that at any of the establishments in the city. Oh you know that maybe you more cater towards a black crowd because I know they don't want to call a curate in a pair of shoes. CJI really appreciate your call Thank you so much for weighing in. I'm Kelly Crossley and we've been discussing charges of racial discrimination in Boston I've been speaking with Ayanna
Pressley city councilor at large Fischer day roast. I'll get that right a third year law student at Harvard and WGBH senior investigative reporter Philip Martin. Listeners we want to hear from you. Does the incident at Cure nightclub seem like racism to you Do you feel limited about where you can go for nightlife in Boston based on your race. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Hope to hear from a representative of the Cure lounge soon we'll be back after this break. Stay with us. Support for WGBH comes from you and from Newberry court. A full service
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student Trisha Davis Debbie Rowe CA and WGBH senior investigative reporter Philip Martin. And listeners we're taking your calls. Are you surprised about what happened at Cura lounge What's your response word 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Now before we jump back into our conversation we have George Regan on the line. He's the spokesperson for Carolyn's George thanks for joining us. Well thank you very much for having me. How are you doing. I'm fine. George you said in an article to a Boston Globe reporter that there were a lot of people in line known to police and police and security circles as bad people OK. They probably couldn't spell the word Harvard. Did the police tell you that. And I hope that people who are upset about softball you know it's coming up. But I'm told by people who would know both police and security people that these individuals were known and Tory circles as not people that when it's on the quiet.
OK. Well I think I know you know the set up was that there was a guest list at the door so let's just go with that for a moment and say that were the case those people could not have gotten into the party because their names would not have been on the list. So I guess I could go back in for a second. Sure it was a visit to Israel but I think they put in Cali and the previous ownership of this club. I've been close for almost two years because to us they are suited and individual and have branched into handgun studies student in this family. And luckily no one was killed it was the police. Some undercover detectives and a gang squad and definiteness and there's I think facing a jury I'm going to ask you about that where it was this a predominantly black group is that the connection here. I would you know that. I mean where were the people in the club that night the night of the shooting you just mentioned were printed. Was it a predominantly black group.
As I understand is a pretty mixed crowd was Hispanic. What book. So how would that shooting in the club connect with what happened in this instance. Well I think it's in context OK. So the club you know I had I make the problems all of the front pages of all the papers OK. And and that's the city took action and I basically it is the launch of today in clubs of close to yes. Right but the night before there was a party there. But I'll call you get up and help us in the car. The context is that you know a lot of hope like that is the top priority. Pelley If you and I go as it is to protect it literally. OK so I venting the security that's not also the first night it's opening at a private party for the grand opening so that it will be very very cautious to make sure there are no problems all of them right so let me just ask you though. I'm with you on that. The night before there was a party but sponsored that what inspired that was probably how many hours I understand you know the night before.
According to Tricia that was a Harvard Business School party and I think the school but you know students were also invited. KELLY OK well here's my point. We're at that at that event the night before this happened at the Cure lounge. Were Was there a guest list where they asked for their Harvard in my ID. I'll tell you Miss You have a big fact is get the facts. The sampler Moda that I did above. Friday night was the way to tonight extravaganza at it was nice double up 11:30 and it was very clear to people I'm told that you need proof of identification idiot went to have a DEA business schools you know some of our affiliates and applauded it fine Friday goes absolutely no problem whatsoever. Cali in fact you know it's not going to let anybody to show their ID. Is that what you're saying on Friday night. Now there still is some proof. What is an ID or whatever to do it 10 days a hot meal. Pretty simple point you're missing one point point to
stand on sunny periods owns a clock ran across it called next comedy and it was a primarily on black woman that I believe called Call me but so have a fun race as a whole. So so much for the attack of the racist and those are probably good to go back out but I'm not understanding it. George I'm confused by that. Why did you mention that you tell me how this think that's going to I think you got confused in all I am confused. That's why I said it. So I want you to know I mean I you know I think you're being kind of cute with the words yeah but I think the charges it was really just that the charge you know what was raises let me just make sure our listeners are following who charge races I just want to I'm going to have to talk about the question that I think people if I say it was racially motivated because he's a black man and a black people I know. Well let me just let me ask this.
And well I'll count that as a point point. OK supply but I'm such a funny case you know I'll bet if the race is gone and that is the very important I don't know who that is TELL ME WHO that is again whilst I think you grow up a lot but you also are my cup of broth. So study on a place called Comedy Club right across the street and they had an event that called Colney primarily black woman OK. And but it did good that quit the job. There are no absolutes are prob OK went back to our Quick Vote question. Uprising have been a problem here everyone for granted and I would have problems with Sean B the HAVA you know I guess because when you are caught with Chad that was the problem but I was 11:30 a storm that went through people in a line that I want to go and police security circles like but I guess George I'm what's confusing is if the people I'm about to ask you if you let me just a minute.
If what's confusing is if the police if they were known to the police why didn't they remove them from the line because everybody in the line had to have both their eye and be on the guest list. Tell you where I'm. So I thought we would we have to tell yourself no I know I have a student here who was brought in the students running because people were critical don't like the promoted and said it's people I'm not on any kind of a risk. OK. You never regret and you have. George I think one of the indisputable fact is that there was a guest list and that the people at the door were going off the guest list I think everybody agrees to that. Yes everybody everybody agrees to that so that's clear. So so my question to you was to remove the bad people if you saw them there on a couch and go on at the foot. Can I get a tax break for it still wrong. All right well George let me ask you this. Who will you be representing the club during the investigation because there is now going to be one that I think there was a lot of that because I
don't care I don't think about this record. I assume when the people came in they may have been there with Iraq and it was a probably the most honest that I get. Didn't you they call me or write the quote protect people that were there. I know but that's not what happened and I'm going to carry it. What you going to call me. I think you know what you have to thank George George. Thanks I think it's really hard for people I have to tell you this is a group of Harvard and Yale law students and they shut it down 15 minutes after they start it. So that's what's hard for people to grasp. Tricia do you want to respond to that. Thanks George. If there if he knew that there were dangerous conditions existing outside of the club on the street and he was really concerned about US why would he throw the people who were in the club outside. Why wouldn't he contain us there and tell us you know there's some dangerous there's a
dangerous situation outside. So you guys who are in here who are saying if you should stay you know why were we thrown out. I don't want if there is something dangerous going out going on outside I want to be out on the street you know and people in line. They should they should have that knowledge of what's going on. Well and that listeners you're listening to Tricia Rosia who was a who is a third year law student at Harvard and was there at night. This is the reason why I trust you that you are pursuing this beyond just that night. Tell us what you're trying to do. So basically we've been trying you know we're we're happy that there's an investigation going on. We. A group of individual students who are not acting on behalf of any organization. You know we've just been contacting media outlets. We've tried to contact the state licensing board because you know we we really want to show businesses that there are economic consequences for discriminatory acts like this you know this is
not just about about cure lounge. This is really to send example for the other businesses throughout Boston and you know to set an example for any organization in Boston the things that they can just treat any group of people this way. You know it's not even just about African-Americans it's about any any group. You know if you contract with a group to provide services you shouldn't be able to just break that contract in the middle of it for whatever reason that is just based on you know any. Assumptions you may have or prejudicial views that you may hold. So last year when Professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested on his own porch and that became a national incident one of the things that he said afterwards was if this could happen to me someone quite privileged. What is going on with other people I wonder if Trish if you wanted to respond to you feel that.
Oh definitely. You know I definitely know that that Boston residents are facing a lot of issues and one thing that we're interested in doing is students at Harvard Law School is you know working on building our connections to black Boston residents. So this this incident can serve as a platform you know by which to unite us with them like we really do want to know their problems and we want to be able to help more you know. So City Councilor Aiyana Presley when with this investigation get started or I don't know the process it takes several months or weeks before this My Well we've submitted the letter. I believe it has been the receipt of that has been confirmed and we're just waiting to hear as to sort of what will be the next steps in the process. OK and Philip I understand you've been asked to update your 1998 piece and take a look at what's going on now. Yeah I'm looking at exactly what I'm looking at incidents looking also at the larger picture in Boston of the question of comfort levels the question of
whether or not people are venturing out more than they do than they did in the past and whether or not people are coming together in an integrated group or are we still self segregated and are there still policies that are indeed discriminatory. And by the way I don't want to get into the social logy of race but you can invent fact have black women at a club and and discriminate at another club it has nothing to do with whether or not some my best friends are black or white or Asian or whatever you can discriminate based on any number of factors. Sometimes it's just circumstances. But quite often it's a matter of racial profiling. And this seems to have been the case and we have yet to of course to see what the result of the investigation is. But I I'm sure the ratio. That that issue will in fact surface. It's difficult for some of us to realize that we're talking about something that happened in 2010. This seems to be you know. Retro or interminable or Presley I mean it's weird.
Yes and and and deeply troubling. You know if you consider the fact again the work that we've been doing to challenge people's perceptions about Boston now that we have a black governor and I've had a number of other successes. We we were able to secure a contract with the National Urban League will be having their conference here in 2011 in July of 2011. And you know when you see an incident like this happen you wonder you know at this time what is the city's capacity really to play host to some 18 20000 prominent African-Americans from throughout the country. Again it's it's deeply troubling this is why I've called in my role as chair of the tourism committee have called for an investigation. I did make it clear to the club that the investigation is not an accusation or simply looking to get to the bottom of the matter. And and also to send a message to venues throughout the city their license and operating in the city of Boston that there will be zero
tolerance for any sort of discriminatory acts. All right. Well I think all of you for coming in to talk about this we've been talking about allegations of racism at a Boston nightclub with city councilor Ayanna Presley a Harvard law student Tricia their OCA and WGBH senior investigative reporter Philip Martin. Thanks again. Up next we talk pop culture with Ask Dog Lady Monica Collins she's taking your calls if you need advice about you know what to do with your pooch during the holiday travels or how to handle a guest who's bringing a dog into the house for any dog related advice in between. We're at 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 7 7 3 0 9. 9 7. We'll be back at the break. Support for WGBH comes from you. And from Boston Private Bank and
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seven WGBH. Hi this is Cathy Fuller from ninety nine point five bathrooms all classical station. And I hope you'll join me next spring for our Spanish melodies getaway with the WGBH learning tours will take in opera art and visit the island of Majorca Chopin's famous winter ski. Learn more at WGBH dot org slash learning tours. Emily Rooney on the Emily Rooney show we've got a whole bunch of stuff some serious some not so serious weekdays it moved here on eighty nine point seven. WGBH Boston station for news and culture. I guess I shall across late this is the Calla Crossley Show. It's time for another edition of pop culture. Joining me to talk about all the unexpected things that pop up
around the holidays when it comes to dogs is Monica Commons Queen K9 and she writes the syndicated column Ask dog lady and she's taking your calls Monica Collins. Welcome. Thank you Kelly. Listeners this is your chance to get advice if you have questions about your dog. Give us a call at 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70 8 7 7 3 0 1 89 70. Now Monica we have some breaking dog news I have to ask you about the before we get to the Christmas question. Brookline is about to levy a tax on dog. You know I read the story and I was not apocalyptic about it at all. OK well let me just tell residents and our listeners what's going on. OK. Brookline officials are proposing to charge a fee for the right to let dogs run off leash and designated dog parks. Residents will have to pay $50 a year to let a dog loose in the parks. Non residents would have to pay $100 and the fees for park usage by professional dog walkers would be five hundred for people who live in Brookline and 750 for those who don't. OK so now.
Well I think I think obviously there will be concessions made but I think the idea of a fee based park usage in a city like Brookline is a it's a conversation starting point. It's a way to say hey look you're stressing the parks and the land you want to use them with your dog and dogs to stress the area. And so we want to revitalize the area we need and we need to charge you extra. I mean it's everybody is charging these days. But I would pay even around the country this is not new. No no no. I say I'm thinking about baggage on the airplane. Oh I see. OK. No I mean everything is becoming fee based. And I think that using the parks when you're a dog owner it in force is responsibility. It also enforces your commitment to the park to the land and it's nothing that comes free as many people think but we'd be the first the nation to
do this or we might be although I can say that it definitely becoming an idea that Berkeley would be very very interested in. OK our number is 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 9 7 8 we've dispensed with the breaking dogmas and now I'm going to read a letter that was sent to dog lady that's right at the heart of it. Christmas or the holiday giving. I read an item. Dear dog lady in a gossip magazine about a celebrity I forget which one would. Who gave a dog to an ex-girlfriend as a gift apparently the dog was the magic to revive the relationship enough gossip Here's a question should I get my ex-girlfriend a puppy for Christmas. Her dog died a year ago she went into deep mourning and our relationship turned sour soon after. We remain distantly friendly. I'd like to rekindle the romance with the gift of a dog reignite the sparks. What say you. I say no. Oh OK I say now Kallie imagine an ex giving you a puppy. OK especially when your dog had died I mean people whose dogs have died
it's a very personal private thing that you go through and I can understand why this relationship probably went belly up after if the woman was not that committed and now your dog dies and it's hard then to go on. But giving anyone a dog for Christmas is not a good idea please people do not do that at all because maybe. What I did for Christmas no don't don't. If your little kid is going Mom Mom please please give me and give me a dog. OK you can give a dog but if you are totally committed to that that you're going to be the one walking that dog. Ok gotcha we have a question from our Facebook page. How do I stop my three dogs from barking whenever they hear the slightest noise. I don't mind alert barking when someone is outside but they bark when a family member comes down the stairs in our home. The dogs are not allowed up stairs please help. I wish I were you know the great almighty and I could go dog stop barking. But there's obviously a pack mentality loose in this house
so that when one barks the other barks the other barks having three dogs it's very challenging very challenging. So there needs to be some training involved here. Some sitting and staying. And some may be reading them out so that you go to that room you go to that room you go to that room so they're not all together because when dogs are in a pack like that hey what's good for the goose is good for the band gander and I'm going to bark I'm going to go to this caller in just a second but I think people feel like I should be able to fix this that you know formal training seems something somehow like a failure. Oh no no no I think a formal training and I will give a website it's a p t d dot org is where you can go and enter your zip code and it gives a list of certified trainers in your area. I think ultimately the relationship is between you and your dog. A trainer can help that a trainer
can't enforce that. But a trainer can give you tips on dealing with the situation. Three dogs in a house is a lot of dogs. OK. All right we have a caller and for those who want to talk to ask dog lady 8 7 7 3 0 1 8 0 9 7 Eva right now we're going to Dave in Chartley Go ahead please. You know I. Kind of follow up to your last question. I have a 33 month old. And shepherd who goes up a search every time there's a Christmas dad I'm a jingle bell or any kind of bell noise she thinks or someone door this marvelous stentorian voice that we all get. I was wondering if there was a way. We've done the training we've done professional training but that doesn't take care of this type of thing. And I'll take any answer you have saw off the air all day long. Thank you Dave and I love your use of the word stentorian It's great to hear big words on the
radio. Here's here's what I think I think that you need to keep X. It's a jingle bell sound that sets your German Shepherd off. So why don't you just acculturate your dog to that sound. That you know maybe a sudden burst of gin causes the shepherd to bark. But I would just constantly have a jingle bell in my living room or wherever the dog is hanging out and kind of bring it c of it and keep doing it so that the dog is gradually getting used to the sound and not barking all the time. Excellent. All right well here is a question sent to you that I think a lot of people will face. Your dog lady. I have a 3 year old male Westie West Highland terrier. My sister has a 5 year old male Westie she is coming for Christmas with the dog to stay. The dogs met only once before and hated each other. Any tips to prevent bloodshed over the holiday. I'm sorry to laugh but you know people think about
getting their dogs together is like getting family together is that right. It's like a family together. I would always when you're introducing dogs when you're when your friend is bringing over or your family member is bringing over a dog for Christmas dinner before you get to the figgy pudding. I would have everybody take a walk. I would always introduce the dogs outdoors where they can walk maybe take them to his place where they can be off the leash where they can sniff each other indiscriminately introducing dogs on one or the other's turf is not a great idea especially a closed house where there's not a lot of stuff that you should always do it outside. So if I was going to visit someone with my dog I would ask the person I'm visiting to meet me outside Selby they're about to be outside with your dog and we can go for a walk and maybe go somewhere we can let the dogs off the leash.
That sounds like that makes sense. I mean I know what it's like to just have all your various family members in one place trying to feel comfortable. So it makes sense that dogs would have to come. Yeah. Acclimated to each other. I am always curious about this is just a question for me Doug. So for those of us without dogs and we visit people with dogs and everybody wants to bring out their little dog run over and you know jump up on my lovely velvet pants. I have to tell you I'm not a happy camper. I know what I mean. Please say something to those people that I'm not interested in your dog jumping up on my velvet pants. I would say if you have a jumper and you're having a party and you're having Cali over and her beautiful velvet pants you before the guests arrive you either put your dog in another room so you can't come right out and greet the guests by jumping on them. If your dog is a jumper or you can certainly integrate your dog into the festivities. If your dog is on a leash and you're holding that leash. Yeah it's a little more trouble for you
but I would say it's much preferable than having your dog maul the dinner guests. OK here's another question strategies for traveling with dogs during the holidays. Well first of all flying has become so hard that I would say don't fly with your dog. Really I really want it now. It is really tough and airlines very driving. Oh driving I would check with my vet. If you're going on a trip longer than five hours and I would always put the dog in a crate in the car so the dog is contained in the car. I would always check with my that before I left about do you know I want my dog to sleep during this trip. Is there something that I can give my dog. They did they do have sedatives for dogs. Oh that's good. But flying so many airlines now are charging extra for the bag under the seat. Also in the winter the temperatures in cargo are just totally unpredictable.
So in terms of flying with your dog for a. Christmas vacation somewhere short. I would not do it I would board my I have to agree with you non don't dog owner that I am I feel sorry for those people I see what they have to go through it's pretty intense. It is very intense. OK here's a fun question you've got your dog lady there are so many holiday cards with dogs on them what's the best one you've seen have only the funniest one I have ever seeing is a cartoon Christmas card and a cartoon man is carrying in a cartoon tree from the outdoors obviously into this living room and the tree is you know he's carrying the Christmas tree and. And the dog is sitting in the living room and a bubble comes up from the dog's head and the Bible says last indoor plumbing. That's a pretty good one. That's really good. I went shopping the other day for christmas cards every Christmas
card has a dud got it. But that was the funniest one I had ever seen. At last indoor plumbing. I think what else is the guy supposed to think when you have the tree in the middle of the living room. I think that's a good way. And you're right those cards are everywhere and they're awfully cute I must say Archy. All right then well we've come to the end of another edition of pop culture. Monica Collins writes Ask dog lady the pet lifestyle advice column syndicated to over 400 newspapers. You can like the ass dog Lady Fan Page on Facebook or you can ask a question or post a picture of your dog. Thank you Dog Lady. Thank you Kelly. You can keep on top of the Kelly Crossley Show at WGBH dot org slash Calla Crossley. You can follow us on Twitter. Or become a fan of the Kelly Crossley Show on Facebook. You can like us to today's show was engineered by Jane pic and produced by Chelsea murders and a white knuckle beat and Abby Ruzicka with help from our interns Rose Scott and Courtney's to fund.
The Calla Crossley Show is a production of WGBH radio Boston NPR station for news and culture.
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The Callie Crossley Show
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Callie Crossley Show, 12/06/2010
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